Setting up DevOps Foundations & Components
The Gruntwork Developer Portal provides access to all resources included in your Gruntwork subscription. Activating your account will grant access to the Gruntwork IaC Library and our DevOps training courses. Admins can also manage their team and invite additional members.
Now that your GitHub Organization and Accounts are linked you can start working with DevOps Foundations.
Step 1: Activate Your Gruntwork Account
Setup your Gruntwork account and invite your team mates to gain access to Gruntwork resources.
Step 2: Set Up a Landing Zone
Gruntwork's AWS Landing Zone walkthrough provides a best practice multi-account setup ready to use with DevOps Foundations.
Step 3: Configure Pipelines Authentication
Step 4: Create New Pipelines Repositories
Or alternatively Add Pipelines To An Existing Repository
Step 5: Configure Account Factory
As part of your Pipelines installation, you will now have Gruntwork Account Factory
Step 6: Start Using DevOps Foundations
Thats it! You're ready to build with Gruntwork Library automatically plan and apply IaC changes with Pipelines, vend new AWS Accounts with Account Factory, and keep your infrastructure up to date with Patcher.