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Gruntwork Pipelines employs a defense-in-depth approach to secure workflows across both GitHub and GitLab platforms. This document outlines the controls Pipelines uses to ensure that only infrastructure written in code and approved by a reviewer can be deployed to your AWS accounts.

Least privilege principle

Pipelines adheres to the principle of least privilege, granting only the necessary permissions for infrastructure actions.

By default, the only repository/group required to interact with infrastructure using Pipelines in DevOps Foundations is the infrastructure-live-root repository/group. This contains infrastructure code for management, logs, security, and shared accounts. Access should be limited to a small, trusted group responsible for defining critical infrastructure, similar to the role of the root user in Unix systems.

Platform-Specific Access Controls

  • The AWS IAM role assumed via OIDC when pull requests are opened or updated has a trust policy that restricts access to the repository itself and provides read-only permissions
  • The AWS IAM role assumed via OIDC when pull requests are merged into the main branch has a trust policy limiting access to the repository's main branch and granting write permissions
  • Branch protection rules can be configured to require reviews and status checks
  • GitHub App or machine user authentication options available

Infrastructure access control

An optional infrastructure-live-access-control repository/group can manage access control for infrastructure provisioned in AWS accounts. Using this is a best practice for centralized and auditable access management.

  • Access to the main branch should be restricted to a small, trusted group managing infrastructure access
  • The same least privilege principles apply: roles assumed for pull/merge requests have read-only permissions, while roles for merged changes have write permissions

Unlike the infrastructure-live-root repository, this repository focuses on managing access control rather than defining infrastructure. You might grant write access to a broader group for managing access while maintaining tight control over the main branch. Encourage collaboration between platform teams and application engineers to review and refine access control continuously.

Token Strategy

No tokens are required when using the GitHub App.

Machine Users Installation Strategy

Requires the following tokens be created:

  • PIPELINES_READ_TOKEN: Classic PAT with read access to required repositories
  • INFRA_ROOT_WRITE_TOKEN: Fine-grained PAT with read/write access to infrastructure repositories
  • ORG_REPO_ADMIN_TOKEN: Fine-grained PAT with admin access for repository management

See Setup via Machine Users for more details.

AWS credentials

Pipelines requires IAM roles configured with trust policies to use OpenID Connect (OIDC) with your CI/CD platform. This eliminates the need for long-lived AWS credentials stored as secrets.

OpenID Connect Configuration

Pipelines provisions an OpenID Connect identity provider in AWS IAM for each account, setting GitHub/GitLab as the provider and restricting the audience to AWS STS and your GitHub/GitLab organization. The Pipelines IAM role's trust policy ensures:

  • Only a single repository in your GitHub/GitLab organization can assume the role for plans.
  • Only a single branch can assume the role for applies/destroys.

For more details, see the official AWS documentation. Below is an example of a trust policy used by Pipelines.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Federated": "arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:oidc-provider/"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"": "repo:acme/infrastructure-live-root:ref:*"

Refer to Configuring OpenId Connect in Amazon Web Services for additional details.

Roles provisioned by DevOps Foundations

Pipelines automatically provisions specific roles in AWS accounts to support required infrastructure operations. These roles follow the naming pattern <repository-allowed-to-use-the-role>-pipelines-<permissions>.

For example:

  • The root-pipelines-plan role is used by Pipelines to plan changes in the infrastructure-live-root repository.

These roles are designed to operate in a single repository and include a trust policy that only permits GitHub Actions workflows triggered by that repository to assume the role. Each role is provisioned in pairs:

  • plan roles, with read-only permissions, are used to execute Terragrunt plans for open pull requests.
  • apply roles, with read/write permissions, are used to apply or destroy infrastructure changes for merged pull requests or direct pushes to the deploy branch (commonly main).

This separation ensures that controls like branch protection and CODEOWNERS files can effectively govern infrastructure changes.


A read-only plan role for the infrastructure-live-root repository.

  • This role is one of the first created when setting up DevOps Foundations. It is provisioned manually by the customer during the platform setup process.
  • It exists in all accounts and handles tasks necessary for setting up AWS accounts.
  • These roles are highly permissive among read-only roles as they manage foundational AWS account setups.


A read/write apply role for the infrastructure-live-root repository.

  • Like the plan role, this is one of the initial roles created during setup.
  • It is broadly permissive to support foundational account setups and bootstrapping.


A read-only plan role for the infrastructure-live-access-control repository.

  • These roles are provisioned for new accounts but are not included in core accounts such as management, logs, security, or shared.
  • They manage IAM roles and policies for vended accounts, facilitating infrastructure access control.


A read/write apply role for the infrastructure-live-access-control repository.

  • Similar to the plan role, these roles are provisioned for vended accounts but excluded from core accounts.
  • They have permissions to manage IAM roles and policies for the accounts where they are provisioned.


A read-only plan role for delegated repositories, used by Pipelines Enterprise customers.

  • These roles are pre-configured to have minimal permissions, primarily for managing OpenTofu/Terraform state.
  • A pull request will be opened in infrastructure-live-access-control during provisioning include documentation for adding additional permissions if necessary.
  • Users should ensure that only the necessary read-only permissions are granted for the specific delegated repository.

These roles have almost no permissions by default. They are pre-configured by default to only have access to OpenTofu/Terraform state, and the pull requests that are opened to provision them include documentation on how to add additional permissions as appropriate.

It is up to the user provisioning these roles to ensure that this role has only the necessary read-only permissions required to manage infrastructure changes relevant to the delegated repository.


A read/write apply role for delegated repositories.

  • Similar to the plan role, these roles are pre-configured with minimal permissions and are intended for managing OpenTofu/Terraform state.
  • A pull request will be opened in infrastructure-live-access-control during provisioning include documentation for adding additional permissions if necessary.
  • Users must ensure that the role has only the necessary read/write permissions required for the delegated repository.

The delegated-pipelines-plan and delegated-pipelines-apply roles are automatically provisioned for new delegated accounts. Enterprise customers will see pull requests created in the infrastructure-live-access-control repository to vend these roles with proper configurations.