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Installing Drift Detection


Pipelines Drift Detection is only available to Devops Foundations Enterprise customers.

If you're creating new pipelines repositories using the latest version of Pipelines, then Drift Detection will be installed automatically without any action on your part.

If you want to upgrade an older repository to add Drift Detection perform the following steps:

Step 1 - Ensure the GitHub App is Installed

Ensure you are using the GitHub App in this repository. Drift Detection requires permissions from the GitHub App and is not available via machine user tokens.

Step 2 - Setup the Workflow file

Create a new workflow file in your repository at .github/workflows/pipelines-drift-detection.yml

This is the same directory where your other Pipelines workflows are located.

Add the following content to the workflow

name: Pipelines Drift Detection
run-name: "[GWP]: Pipelines Drift Detection"
# Uncomment to enable scheduled Drift Detection
# schedule:
# - cron: '15 12 * * 1'
description: (Optional) Path to filter units e.g. "./management/*"
type: string
description: (Optional) branch name to open Drift Detection PRs with
default: drift-detection
type: string
id-token: write

uses: gruntwork-io/pipelines-workflows/.github/workflows/pipelines-drift-detection.yml@v3
path: ${{ inputs.path }}
branch-name: ${{ inputs.branch-name }}

Commit the changes to the repository. If you are using branch protection (highly recommended) you will need to create a new pull request to add the workflow.

Step 3 - Run your first drift detection job

Follow the instructions at Running Drift Detection to start using the new workflow.