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patcher Commands

Global Options

Option NameDescription
--loglevel valueThe log level to output information at. Available values: Default: info.
--container-image valueUse the specified container image for applying patches. Ignored if --skip-container-runtime is used.
--skip-container-runtimeSkip using a container runtime for applying patches and perform all operations directly on the host. Default: false.
--dry-runRun in dry run mode. Will not bump any versions or apply any patches. Default: false
--help, -hShow help text for the given command.


Apply a local or remote patch to the target module.


$ patcher apply [options] <MODULE_ADDRESS> <PATCH_PATH>


MODULE_ADDRESS: The address of the module to which the patch will be applied. For Terragrunt modules, use "terragrunt".

PATCH_PATH: Either a local path to the patch folder, or a remote URL pointing to the patch to apply, in the following format: GITHUB_ORG/GITHUB_REPO/PATCH_NAME.


  $ patcher apply module.vpc ~/my-patches/some-patch/


Generate a patch in .patcher/patches/<PATCH_NAME_SLUG>/patch.yaml in the root of the git repo (or the current folder).


$ patcher generate [options] <PATCH_NAME>


PATCH_NAME: Can be any arbitrary string. This value will be set directly as the value of the 'name' field in the patch.yaml file. The slugified version of this value will be used as a folder name for the patch. PATCH_NAME_SLUG is generated from this value.


$ patcher generate "Terraform Upgrade 1.1"


Discover which dependencies in a directory need to be updated.


$ patcher report [options] <WORKING_DIR> [WORKING_DIR_2]...


WORKING_DIR: The directory to scan. The resultant report will only contain dependency update information based on this working directory. Multiple space-separated directories may be provided.


# Generate a report based off the root directory
$ patcher report ./

Additional Options:

Option NameDescription
--output-plan valueWrite an upgrade plan to the given file.
--output-spec valueWrite an upgrade spec to the given file.
--include-dirs valueInclude only directories matching the given glob pattern.
--exclude-dirs valueExclude any directories matching the given glob pattern.


Update your dependency versions. In interactive mode (default), discover your dependencies and update them to the latest versions. In non-interactive mode, update all discovered dependencies to the next safe or next-breaking versions.


$ patcher update [options] <WORKING_DIR> [WORKING_DIR_2]...


WORKING_DIR: The directory to scan. The resultant report and potential updates will only contain dependency update information based on this working directory. Multiple space-separated directories may be provided.


# Generate a report, and possibly perform updates, based off the root directory
$ patcher update ./

Additional Options:

Option NameDescription
--non-interactiveRun in non-interactive mode. Won't prompt the user for input. Useful for scripts, automation, CI/CD. Default: false.
--no-colorDisable terminal colors. Only works with the non-interactive flag. Default: false
--update-strategy valueThe update strategy to use in non-interactive mode. Must be one of: [next-safe, next-breaking]. Default: next-safe.
--plan-file valuePath to the JSON file containing the resolved upgrade plan.
--spec-file valuePath to the JSON file containing the upgrade spec.
--spec-target value [--spec-target value]...Limit the update to the given dependency in the upgrade spec. Can be used multiple times. e.g: --spec-target gruntwork-io/terraform-aws-service-catalog/services/ecs-module. Only works with the spec-file flag.
--target value [--target value]...Limit the update to the given dependency and optionally specify the target version. Can be used multiple times. e.g: --target gruntwork-io/terraform-aws-service-catalog/services/ecs-module@v0.1.0. Only works with the non-interactive flag.
--publishPublish the changes to the remote Git repository and open a pull request. Only works with the non-interactive flag. Default: false.
--pr-branch valueThe branch to create a pull request against. Only works with the publish flag.
--pr-title valueThe title of the pull request to create. Only works with the publish flag.