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Infrastructure templates

Your Service Catalog will need to include off-the-shelf solutions for infrastructure: e.g., servers, data stores, networking, etc. Here's a starting list of the type of infrastructure you'll need to build out:

Account baselines ("Landing Zone")

Enforce a secure baseline for each of your cloud accounts, including:

  1. Authentication: e.g., IAM users, SSO, MFA.
  2. Authorization: e.g., IAM groups, IAM roles.
  3. Audit logging: e.g., CloudTrail, AWS Config.
  4. Guard rails: e.g., SCPs.
  5. Security scanning: e.g., GuardDuty, Macie, Shield, ECR scanning of images.
  6. Account-wide defaults: e.g., encryption by default.

We'll discuss Landing Zones more in a dedicated section later on.


Configure networking within your cloud, including:

  1. Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs): manage IP, subnets, routing, NAT.
  2. Firewalls: control which ports and protocols are allowed in and out.
  3. Client VPN: connect to your cloud account from workstations.
  4. Site-to-site VPN: connect to your cloud account from offices and data centers.
  5. SSH and RDP: connect to servers remotely; bastion hosts.
  6. DNS: register domain names and configure DNS entries.
  7. Load balancing and service mesh: route traffic to your apps.


Give your team visibility into what's happening within your cloud, including:

  1. Metrics: gather metrics from your apps (e.g., Prometheus, DataDog, CloudWatch).
  2. Logs: aggregate logs from your apps (e.g., Elastic, Sumo Logic, Loggly).
  3. Dashboards: display and slice and dice metrics and logs in a web UI (e.g., Grafana).
  4. Alerts: set up automated alerts and an on-call rotation (e.g., PagerDuty).
  5. Observability: store and slice and dice event data (e.g., Honeycomb).
  6. Tracing: track requests across all your apps, microservices, etc (e.g., X-Ray).


Think through security at every layer of the stack. Aim for defense in depth, where you have multiple layers of security, a bit like a castle: e.g., moat, walls, gate, keep, guards, etc. This way, you're never just one mistake away from disaster. This includes:

  1. Secrets management: secret stores (e.g., Vault), password management (e.g., 1Password), key management (e.g., KMS).
  2. Encryption: encrypt all data in transit (e.g., TLS, self-signed certs, private CA, service mesh) and at rest (e.g., disk encryption, KMS).
  3. Server hardening: intrusion detection (e.g., TripWire, fail2ban), antivirus, file integrity monitoring, sandboxing (e.g., SELinux, AppArmor), limited OS users and permissions, etc.
  4. Network hardening: server firewalls, network firewalls, web application firewalls (WAF).
  5. Policy as code: define and enforce company and legal policies as code using tools such as Open Policy Agent (OPA).

Application orchestration

Deploy and manage your application workloads, including:

  1. Virtual servers: EC2 instances, Google Compute instances, Azure Virtual Machines.
  2. Docker containers: Kubernetes (including EKS, GKE, AKS), ECS, Fargate.
  3. Serverless: Lambda, API Gateway, Cloud Functions, Azure Functions.

Data storage

Set up data stores, including:

  1. Relational databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server.
  2. Caches: Redis, Memcached.
  3. Search indices: Elasticsearch.
  4. Document stores: MongoDB, DynamoDB.
  5. Streams and queues: Kafka, SQS, SNS.
  6. File stores: S3, GCS, Azure Storage.
  7. Docker registries: ECR, GCP Container Registry, Azure Container Registry.


Configure CI / CD tools, including:

  1. CI / CD platform: Jenkins, GitLab, GitHub Actions, CircleCi, Argo CD.
  2. CI / CD pipeline: for builds, tests, app deploys, and infrastructure deploys.

We'll discuss CI / CD more in a dedicated section later on.