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Deploying your apps

In this guide, we'll walk you through deploying a Dockerized app to the App Orchestration cluster (ECS or EKS) running in your Reference Architecture.

What's already deployed

When Gruntwork initially deploys the Reference Architecture, we deploy the aws-sample-app into it, configured both as a frontend (i.e., user-facing app that returns HTML) and as a backend (i.e., an app that's only accessible internally and returns JSON). We recommend checking out the aws-sample-app as it is designed to deploy seamlessly into the Reference Architecture and demonstrates many important patterns you may wish to follow in your own apps, such as how to package your app using Docker or Packer, do service discovery for microservices and data stores in a way that works in dev and prod, securely manage secrets such as database credentials and self-signed TLS certificates, automatically apply schema migrations to a database, and so on.

However, for the purposes of this guide, we will create a much simpler app from scratch so you can see how all the pieces fit together. Start with this simple app, and then, when you're ready, start adopting the more advanced practices from aws-sample-app.

Deploying another app

For this guide, we'll use a simple Node.js app as an example, but the same principles can be applied to any app. Below is a classic, "Hello World" starter app that listens for requests on port 8080. For this example walkthrough, save this file as server.js.

const express = require("express")

// Constants
const PORT = 8080
const HOST = ""

// App
const app = express()
app.get("/simple-web-app", (req, res) => {
res.send("Hello world\n")

app.listen(PORT, HOST)
console.log(`Running on http://${HOST}:${PORT}`)

Since we need to pull in the dependencies (like ExpressJS) to run this app, we will also need a corresponding package.json. Please save this file along side server.js.

"name": "docker_web_app",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "server.js",
"scripts": {
"start": "node server.js"
"dependencies": {
"express": "^4.17.2"


In order to deploy the app, we need to Dockerize the app. If you are not familiar with the basics of Docker, we recommend you check out our "Crash Course on Docker and Packer" from the Gruntwork Training Library.

For this guide, we will use the following Dockerfile to package our app into a container (see Docker samples for how to Dockerize many popular app formats):

FROM node:14

# Create app directory
WORKDIR /usr/app

COPY package*.json ./

RUN npm install
COPY . .

# Ensure that our Docker image is configured to `EXPOSE`
# the port that our app is going to need for external communication.
CMD [ "npm", "start" ]

The folder structure of our sample app looks like this:

├── server.js
├── Dockerfile
└── package.json

To build this Docker image from the Dockerfile, run:

docker build -t simple-web-app:latest .

Now you can test the container to see if it is working:

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 simple-web-app:latest

This starts the newly built container and links port 8080 on your machine to the container's port 8080. You should see output like below when you run this command:

> docker_web_app@1.0.0 start /usr/app
> node server.js

Running on

You should now be able to hit the app by opening localhost:8080/simple-web-app in your browser. Try it out to verify you get the "Hello world" message from the server.

Publishing your Docker image

Next, let's publish those images to an ECR repo. All ECR repos are managed in the shared-services AWS account in your Reference Architecture.

First, you'll need to create the new ECR repository.

Create a new branch on your infrastructure-live repository:

git checkout -b simple-web-app-repo

Open repos.yml in shared/us-west-2/_regional/ecr-repos and add the desired repository name of your app. For the purposes of our example, let's call ours simple-web-app:

# NOTE: we have to comment out the directives so that the python based data merger (see the `merge-data` hook under
# blueprints in this repository) can parse this yaml file. This still works when feeding through templatefile, as it
# will interleave blank comments with the list items, which yaml handles gracefully.
# %{ for account_id in account_ids }
- "${account_id}"
# %{ endfor }
external_account_ids_with_write_access: []
tags: {}
enable_automatic_image_scanning: true

Commit and push the change:

git add shared/us-west-2/shared/data-stores/ecr-repos/terragrunt.hcl && git commit -m 'Added simple-web-app repo' && git push

Now open a pull request on the simple-web-app-repo branch.

This will cause the ECS deploy runner pipeline to run a terragrunt plan and append the plan output to the body of the PR you opened. If the plan output looks correct with no errors, somebody can review and approve the PR. Once approved, you can merge, which will kick off a terragrunt apply on the deploy runner, creating the repo. Follow the progress through your CI server. For example, you can go to GitHub actions workflows page and tail the logs from the ECS deploy runner there.

Once the repository exists, you can use it with the Docker image. Each repo in ECR has a URL of the format <ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.<REGION><REPO_NAME>. For example, an ECR repo in us-west-2, and an app called simple-web-app, the registry URL would be:


You can create a Docker image for this repo, with a v1 label, as follows:

docker tag simple-web-app:latest <YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID>

Next, authenticate your Docker client with ECR in the shared-services account:

aws ecr get-login-password --region "us-west-2"  | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID>

And finally, push your newly tagged image to publish it:

docker push <YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID>

Deploying your app

Now that you have the Docker image of your app published, the next step is to deploy it to your ECS Cluster that was set up as part of your reference architecture deployment.

Setting up the Application Load Balancer

The first step is to create an Application Load Balancer (ALB) for the app. The ALB will be exposed to the Internet and will route incoming traffic to the app. It's possible to use a single ALB with multiple applications, but for this example, we'll create a new ALB in addition to the ALB used by the aws-sample-app.

To set up a new ALB, you'll need to create a terragrunt.hcl in each app environment (that is, in dev, stage, and prod). For example, for the stage environment, create an alb-simple-web-app folder in stage/us-west-2/networking/. Next, you can copy over the contents of the alb terragrunt.hcl so you have something to start with.

With the terragrunt.hcl file open, update the following parameters:

  • Set alb_name to your desired name: e.g., alb-simple-web-app-stage
  • Set domain_names to a desired DNS name: e.g., domain_names = [""]
  • Note that your domain is available in an account-level local variable, You can thus use a string interpolation to avoid hardcoding the domain name: domain_names = ["simple-web-app-stage.${}"]

That's it!

Setting up the ECS service

The next step is to create a terragrunt.hcl file to deploy your app in each app environment (i.e. in dev, stage, prod). To do this, we will first need to define the common inputs for deploying the simple-web-app service.

Copy the file _envcommon/services/ecs-sample-app-frontend.hcl into a new file _envcommon/services/ecs-simple-web-app.hcl.

Next, update the following in the new ecs-simple-web-app.hcl configuration file:

  • Locate the dependency "alb" block and modify it to point to the new ALB configuration you just defined. That is, change the config_path to the relative path to your new ALB. e.g., config_path = "../../networking/alb-simple-web-app"
  • Set the service_name local to your desired name: e.g., simple-web-app-stage.
  • Update ecs_node_port_mappings to only have a map value for port 8080
  • In the container_definitions object, set image to the repo url of the just published Docker image: e.g., <YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID>
  • Set cpu and memory to a low value like 256 and 512
  • Remove all the environment variables, leaving only an empty list, e.g. environment = []
  • Remove port 8443 from the portMappings
  • Remove the unnecessary linuxParameters parameter
  • Remove the iam_role_name and iam_policy parameters since this simple web app doesn't need any IAM permissions

Once the envcommon file is created, you can create the terragrunt.hcl file to deploy it in a specific environment. For the purpose of this example, we will assume we want to deploy the simple web app into the dev account first.

  1. Create a simple-web-app folder in dev/us-west-2/dev/services.
  2. Copy over the contents of the sample-app-frontend terragrunt.hcl.
  3. Update the include path for envcommon to reference the new ecs-simple-web-app.hcl envcommon file you created above.
  4. Remove the unneeded service_environment_variables, tls_secrets_manager_arn, and db_secrets_manager_arn local variables, as well as all usage of it in the file.
  5. Update the tag local variable to reference the Docker image tag we created earlier.

Deploying your configuration

The above are the minimum set of configurations that you need to deploy the app. You can take a look at of ecs-service for all the options.

Once you've verified that everything looks fine, change to the new ALB directory you created, and run:

terragrunt apply

This will show you the plan for adding the new ALB. Verify the plan looks correct, and then approve it to apply your ALB configuration to create a new ALB.

Now change to the new services/simple-web-app folder, and run

terragrunt apply

Similar to applying the ALB configuration, this will show you the plan for adding the new service. Verify and approve the plan to apply your application configuration, which will create a new ECS service along with a target group that connects the ALB to the service.

Monitoring your deployment progress

Due to the asynchronous nature of ECS deployments, a successful terragrunt apply does not always mean your app was deployed successfully. The following commands will help you examine the ECS cluster from the CLI.

First, you can find the available ECS clusters:

aws --region us-west-2 ecs list-clusters

Armed with the available clusters, you can list the available ECS services on a cluster by running:

aws --region us-west-2 ecs list-services --cluster <cluster-name>

The list of services should include the new simple-web-app service you created. You can get more information about the service by describing it:

aws --region us-west-2 ecs describe-services --cluster <cluster-name> --services <service-name>

A healthy service should show "status": "ACTIVE" in the output. You can also review the list of events to see what has happened with the service recently. If the status shows something else, it's time to start debugging.

Debugging errors

Sometimes, things don't go as planned. And when that happens, it's always beneficial to know how to locate the source of the problem.

By default, all the container logs from a service (stdout and stderr) are sent to CloudWatch Logs. This is ideal for debugging situations where the container starts successfully but the service doesn't work as expected. Let's assume our simple-web-app containers started successfully (which they did!) but for some reason our requests to those containers are timing out or returning wrong content.

  1. Go to the "Logs" section of the Cloudwatch Management Console, click on Log groups, and look for the service in the list. For example: /stage/ecs/simple-web-app-stage.

  2. Click on the entry. You should be presented with a real-time log stream of the container. If your app logs to stdout, its logs will show up here. You can export the logs and analyze it in your preferred tool or use CloudWatch Log Insights to query the logs directly in the AWS web console.