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Gruntwork release 2019-03

Guides / Update Guides / Releases / 2019-03

This page is lists all the updates to the Gruntwork Infrastructure as Code Library that were released in 2019-03. For instructions on how to use these updates in your code, check out the updating documentation.

Here are the repos that were updated:



Published: 3/27/2019 | Modules affected: ec2-backup | Release notes

  • ec2-backup
  • This module has been updated to use node 8.10, as node 6.10 was deprecated in AWS Lambda.


Published: 3/15/2019 | Modules affected: jenkins-server | Release notes

  • jenkins-server
  • Update the version of server-group module for Jenkins to v0.6.25



Published: 3/18/2019 | Modules affected: ecs-service, ecs-service-with-alb | Release notes

  • ecs-service [BREAKING]
  • ecs-service-with-alb [BREAKING]

This release introduces support for AWS provider version 2.X:

  • Fix deprecated usage of placement_strategy and replace with ordered_placement_strategy.

This change is backwards incompatible on certain versions of the AWS provider. Specifically:

  • ecs-service and ecs-service-with-alb is no longer compatible with AWS provider version <1.17.0.
  • ecs-service and ecs-service-with-alb will recreate the ecs_service resource (delete + create) on AWS provider version <2.1.0.

Special thanks to @fieldawarepiotr for contributions to help implement the changes in this release.



Published: 3/29/2019 | Modules affected: eks-cluster-workers, eks-scripts, eks-k8s-role-mapping | Release notes

This release introduces eks-scripts, a new module that contains helper scripts for working with EKS. The release ships with the script map-ec2-tags-to-node-labels, a python script that can run on the EC2 instance acting as an EKS worker to pull in the tags associated with the EC2 instance and map it to kubernetes node labels. You can then take the output to pass to the bootstrap script to set the labels in kubernetes.

Take a look at the eks-cluster-with-supporting-services example for example usage.

Additionally, this release introduces a few bug fixes for working with multiple ASG worker pools:

  • eks-cluster-workers now takes in a name_prefix variable that can be used to name the resources it creates with a prefix. Previously all the resources were named by the EKS cluster name, which leads to resource conflicts when there are multiple instances of the module.
  • eks-k8s-role-mapping previously assumed there was only one worker IAM role, but when there are multiple worker pools, you can have multiple worker IAM roles. This release fixes that by expecting a list now for the worker IAM role name input.


Published: 3/5/2019 | Modules affected: eks-k8s-role-mapping, eks-cluster-workers, eks-cluster-control-plane | Release notes

This release does not introduce any changes to the underlying module features. Instead, this release focuses on documentation, examples, and test stability:

  • Includes various documentation fixes around updating links since post split.
  • Includes test stability improvements.
  • Updated examples to split out a minimal EKS cluster from one that demonstrates the IAM roles.
  • Includes python code formatting for eks-k8s-role-mapping.



Published: 3/6/2019 | Modules affected: kinesis | Release notes

  • kinesis

The kinesis module now supports server-side encryption.

  • #16



Published: 3/8/2019 | Modules affected: s3-cloudfront | Release notes

  • s3-cloudfront
  • Fix compatibility issues with AWS provider 2.0.0
  • #19



Published: 3/19/2019 | Modules affected: vpc-app, vpc-peering | Release notes

  • vpc-app
  • vpc-peering
  • You can now customize the CIDR block calculations for each "tier" of subnet in the vpc-app module using the public_subnet_bits, private_subnet_bits, and persistence_subnet_bits input variables, each of which specifies the number of bits to add to the CIDR prefix when calculating subnet ranges.
  • You can now enable public IPs to be enabled by default on public subnets in the vpc-app module by setting the map_public_ip_on_launch input variable to true.
  • You can now configure the VPC peering connection using the new allow_remote_vpc_dns_resolution, allow_classic_link_to_remote_vpc, and allow_vpc_to_remote_classic_link input variables in the vpc-peering module.