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Core Concepts

Terragrunt v0.32.0 introduced the feature of multiple include blocks, which allowed you to have different tiers of common configuration. Before this change, you were limited to only a single set of included configuration, which was typically used for project level configuration that affected all modules in your project (e.g., the remote state configuration). This was limiting because oftentimes you had additional tiers of common configuration, such as at the component level. For example, the configuration for a database typically does not differ much between environments, with the only differences being to the storage and instance size. Yet each environment ends up having the same configuration copied with only these minor differences between them.

This limitation led to a lot of duplication in component configuration across the Reference Architecture. Over time, the difference between environments typically widen, especially at the application level, but for common infrastructure such as VPCs and Databases, the environment level deviation is rarely significant. This makes it difficult to manage the individual components across updates, as you need to reflect the same changes in every environment, rather than making the change in one place.

Multiple include blocks allow you to extract common configuration across the different environments for a particular component. This common configuration is then imported to be combined with the project level configuration to manage that component.

Using these features, we can dramatically reduce duplication in the Terragrunt code in the Gruntwork Reference Architecture, cutting down the footprint by 48.5%.

The best part about these features is that you can take advantage of them with changes that will be isolated to Terragrunt configuration files (syntactic changes vs semantic changes). This means that you won’t be making changes to the underlying behavior of the Terraform code or how Terraform is called. As such, there will be no need for rolling out the changes with apply, or performing any state migrations to avoid backward incompatibilities, making it a relatively low risk change.

To learn more about the multiple include feature, including a use case walkthrough, refer to the official Terragrunt documentation.