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CI Modules 0.59.4Last updated in version 0.57.0

Binary signing Helpers

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This module contains helper script called sign-binary used to sign executable files for Windows and MacOS.

Installing the helpers

You can install the helpers using the Gruntwork Installer:

gruntwork-install --module-name "sign-binary-helpers" --repo "" --tag "0.0.1"

Using sign-binary helper

Script can be used to sign binaries for different operating systems (MacOS, Windows).

Windows signing

  • Signing can be done in Linux (containers) or Windows environments
  • osslsigncode tool is used to sign and should be installed in the environment
  • Signed binary is not sent to any third party

The script requires mandatory environment variables to be set with sensitive data to avoid possible logging.

Required environment variables for signing Windows binaries:

  • WINDOWS_CERT - Signing certificate encoded in Base64 format
  • WINDOWS_KEY - Certificate key, encoded in Base64 format
  • WINDOWS_CERT_NAME - Name used during signing of binaries
  • WINDOWS_CERT_URL - Url saved in binary file signature

Note: values for WINDOWS_CERT and WINDOWS_KEY are provided by signing authority.

Required script options:

  • --os: Operating system for which binaries should be signed. Allowed values: mac, windows.

Windows signing example:

export WINDOWS_CERT=$(cat codesign.crt | base64 -w0)
export WINDOWS_KEY=$(cat codesign.key | base64 -w0)
export WINDOWS_CERT_NAME=Terragrunt

sign-binary --os windows terragrunt_windows_amd64.exe


  • file terragrunt_windows_amd64.exe will be signed with provided certificate

MacOS signing

⚠️ 14th February 2023: The gon project does not work in the Apple Silicon M1 machines. See on how use a fork of the project with the fix. To run this project locally, it's recommended to use gon directly.

  • MacOS environment is required with XCode
  • Valid Apple developer account credentials
  • gon utility is used to sign and notarize binary
  • During notarization - binary will be sent to Apple, the process is synchronous - script will wait for the entire process to finish

The script requires mandatory environment variables to be set with sensitive data to avoid possible logging.

Required environment variables for signing MacOS binaries:

  • MACOS_CERTIFICATE - Apple developer certificate exported in P12 format and encoded in Base64, certificate can be obtained in, exporting steps are documented on gon page
    • For Grunts: The .cer file, the .p12 file, and it's password are in 1Password.
  • MACOS_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD - Developer certificate password, set during exporting of certificate

Required environment variables for notarizing the MacOS binaries:

  • MACOS_AC_LOGIN - The Apple account's email. The account should be enrolled to the Apple Developer Program.
  • MACOS_AC_PASSWORD - You have to create an app-specific password at the Apple ID portal. Under the Security area -> Generate Password... and that will give you the password you can use for the notarization. This is necessary because Apple needs a different password for third-party apps.

Required script options:

  • --os: Operating system for which binaries should be signed. Allowed values: mac, windows.

MacOS signing example (MacOS environment with XCode installed):

# sign.hcl
source = ["./app_darwin_arm64"]
# application identifier
bundle_id = ""
sign {
# The name of the certificate.
application_identity = "Developer ID Application: Gruntwork, Inc."
apple_id {
username = "@env:MACOS_AC_LOGIN"
password = "@env:MACOS_AC_PASSWORD"
zip {
output_path = ""
# Send binary to Apple for notarization
notarize {
path = "./"
# The same `bundle_id` as above
bundle_id = ""

Binary signing and notarization:

export MACOS_CERTIFICATE=$(cat developer-cert.p12 | base64)

export MACOS_AC_LOGIN=""
export MACOS_AC_PASSWORD="Password to Apple developer portal, can be service account password too"

sign-binary --os mac sign.hcl


  • - signed and notarized executable file
  • An email from Apple saying that notarization was accepted (or failed)
