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Data Storage Modules 0.40.5Last updated in version 0.36.0

Organization Backup Policies Module

View Source Release Notes

This Terraform Module creates the AWS Organizations Backup Policies. You associate your each plan on the backup policies with a Backup vault.

What are Backup Policies ?

Backup policies give you granular control over backing up your resources at whatever level your organization requires. It allows attaching a backup policy to any of the elements in your organization's structure, such as the root, organizational units (OUs), and individual accounts. Organization applies inheritance rules to combine the policies in the organization's root, any parent OUs, or attached to the account. This results in an effective backup policy for each account. This effective policy instructs AWS Backup how to automatically back up your AWS resources.

Sample Usage

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

module "org_backup_policy" {

source = ""

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# The name of the backup policy
name = <string>

# Backup policies definition. For more detailed information, see
plans = <map(object(
rules = map(object(
schedule_expression = object(
assign = string
target_backup_vault_name = object(
assign = string
start_backup_window_minutes = optional(object(
assign = string
complete_backup_window_minutes = optional(object(
assign = string
enable_continuous_backup = optional(bool)

lifecycle = optional(object(
move_to_cold_storage_after_days = object(
assign = string
delete_after_days = object(
assign = string

copy_actions = optional(map(object(
target_backup_vault_arn = optional(object(
assign = string
lifecycle = optional(object(
move_to_cold_storage_after_days = object(
assign = string
delete_after_days = object(
assign = string

recovery_point_tags = optional(map(object(
tag_key = object(
assign = string
tag_value = object(
assign = string
selections = object(
tags = map(object(
iam_role_arn = optional(object(
assign = string

tag_key = object(
assign = string
tag_value = object(
assign = optional(list(string))
append = optional(list(string))
remove = optional(list(string))
regions = object(
assign = optional(list(string))
append = optional(list(string))
remove = optional(list(string))
advanced_backup_settings = optional(map(any))
backup_plan_tags = optional(map(object(
tag_key = object(
assign = string
tag_value = object(
assign = string

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Default service role used in any selection tag if not specified
backup_service_role_name = null





The name of the backup policy

# The rules policy key maps to the Rules key in an AWS Backup plan.
# You can have one or more rules under the rules key.
# Each rule becomes a scheduled task to perform a backup of the selected resources.
rules = map(object({

# Specifies the start time of the backup defined with CRON expression.
# The general format of the CRON string is: "cron( )". Each is a number or wildcard.
# For example, cron(0 5 ? * 1,3,5 *)
# This policy key maps to the `ScheduleExpression` key in an AWS Backup plan.
schedule_expression = object({
assign = string

# Specifies the name of the backup vault in which to store the backup.
# You create the value by using AWS Backup.
# This policy key maps to the `TargetBackupVaultName` key in an AWS Backup plan.
target_backup_vault_name = object({
assign = string

# Specifies the number of minutes to wait before canceling a job that does not start successfully.
# This policy key maps to the `StartWindowMinutes` key in an AWS Backup plan.
start_backup_window_minutes = optional(object({
assign = string

# Specifies the number of minutes after a backup job successfully starts before it must complete or it is canceled by AWS Backup.
# This policy key maps to the `CompletionWindowMinutes` key in an AWS Backup plan.
complete_backup_window_minutes = optional(object({
assign = string

# Specifies whether AWS Backup creates continuous backups
# This policy key maps to the `EnableContinuousBackup` key in an AWS Backup plan.
enable_continuous_backup = optional(bool)

# Specifies when AWS Backup transitions this backup to cold storage and when it expires.
# This policy key maps to the `Lifecycle` key in an AWS Backup plan.
lifecycle = optional(object({

# Specifies the number of days after the backup occurs before AWS Backup moves the recovery point to cold storage.
# This policy key maps to the `MoveToColdStorageAfterDays` key in an AWS Backup plan
move_to_cold_storage_after_days = object({
assign = string

# Specifies the number of days after the backup occurs before AWS Backup deletes the recovery point.
# This policy key maps to the `DeleteAfterDays` key in an AWS Backup plan.
delete_after_days = object({
assign = string

# Specifies that AWS Backup should copy the backup to one or more additional locations.
# This policy key maps to the `CopyActions` key in an AWS Backup plan.
copy_actions = optional(map(object({

# Specifies the vault in which AWS Backup stores an additional copy of the backup.
# This policy key maps to the `DestinationBackupVaultArn` key in an AWS Backup plan.
target_backup_vault_arn = optional(object({
assign = string

# Specifies when AWS Backup transitions this copy of a backup to cold storage and when it expires.
# This policy key maps to the `Lifecycle` key under the `CopyAction` key in an AWS Backup plan.
lifecycle = optional(object({

# Specifies the number of days after the backup occurs before AWS Backup moves the recovery point to cold storage.
# This policy key maps to the `MoveToColdStorageAfterDays` key in an AWS Backup plan.
move_to_cold_storage_after_days = object({
assign = string

# Specifies the number of days after the backup occurs before AWS Backup deletes the recovery point.
# This policy key maps to the `DeleteAfterDays` key in an AWS Backup plan.
delete_after_days = object({
assign = string

# Specifies tags that AWS Backup attaches to each backup that it creates from this plan.
# This policy key maps to the `RecoveryPointTags` key in an AWS Backup plan.
recovery_point_tags = optional(map(object({

# Specifies the tag key name to attach to the backup plan
tag_key = object({
assign = string

# Specifies the value that is attached to the backup plan and associated with the tag_key
tag_value = object({
assign = string

# The selections policy key specifies the resources that are backed up by the plan rules in this policy.
# The resources are specified by a query for matching tag key names and values
selections = object({
tags = map(object({
# Specifies the IAM role that has permission to access the resources identified by the tag query in the AWS Regions specified by the regions key
# AWS Backup uses this role to query for and discover the resources and to perform the backup.
# If not specified, it will use the default one created inside this module.
iam_role_arn = optional(object({
assign = string

# Specifies the tag key name to search for
tag_key = object({
assign = string
# Specifies the value that must be associated with a key name that matches tag_key.
# AWS Backup includes the resource in the backup only if both the tag_key and tag_value match
tag_value = object({
assign = optional(list(string))
append = optional(list(string))
remove = optional(list(string))

# The regions policy key specifies which AWS Regions that AWS Backup looks in
# to find the resources that match the conditions in the selections key.
regions = object({
assign = optional(list(string))
append = optional(list(string))
remove = optional(list(string))

# Specifies settings for specific backup scenarios. This key contains one or more settings
# At this time, the only advanced backup setting that is supported enables Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) backups for Windows or SQL Server running on an Amazon EC2 instance.
# The key name must be the "ec2" resource type, and the value specifies that "windows_vss" support is either enabled or disabled for backups performed on those Amazon EC2 instances
advanced_backup_settings = optional(map(any))

# Specifies tags that are attached to the backup plan itself.
# This does not impact the tags specified in any rules or selections.
backup_plan_tags = optional(map(object({
# Specifies the tag key name to attach to the backup plan.
tag_key = object({
assign = string

# Specifies the value that is attached to the backup plan and associated with the tag_key.
tag_value = object({
assign = string

Specifies the start time of the backup defined with CRON expression.
The general format of the CRON string is: "cron( )". Each is a number or wildcard.
For example, cron(0 5 ? * 1,3,5 *)
This policy key maps to the `ScheduleExpression` key in an AWS Backup plan.


Specifies the name of the backup vault in which to store the backup.
You create the value by using AWS Backup.
This policy key maps to the `TargetBackupVaultName` key in an AWS Backup plan.


Specifies the number of minutes to wait before canceling a job that does not start successfully.
This policy key maps to the `StartWindowMinutes` key in an AWS Backup plan.


Specifies the number of minutes after a backup job successfully starts before it must complete or it is canceled by AWS Backup.
This policy key maps to the `CompletionWindowMinutes` key in an AWS Backup plan.


Specifies whether AWS Backup creates continuous backups
This policy key maps to the `EnableContinuousBackup` key in an AWS Backup plan.


Specifies when AWS Backup transitions this backup to cold storage and when it expires.
This policy key maps to the `Lifecycle` key in an AWS Backup plan.


Specifies the number of days after the backup occurs before AWS Backup moves the recovery point to cold storage.
This policy key maps to the `MoveToColdStorageAfterDays` key in an AWS Backup plan


Specifies the number of days after the backup occurs before AWS Backup deletes the recovery point.
This policy key maps to the `DeleteAfterDays` key in an AWS Backup plan.


Specifies that AWS Backup should copy the backup to one or more additional locations.
This policy key maps to the `CopyActions` key in an AWS Backup plan.


Specifies the vault in which AWS Backup stores an additional copy of the backup.
This policy key maps to the `DestinationBackupVaultArn` key in an AWS Backup plan.


Specifies when AWS Backup transitions this copy of a backup to cold storage and when it expires.
This policy key maps to the `Lifecycle` key under the `CopyAction` key in an AWS Backup plan.


Specifies the number of days after the backup occurs before AWS Backup moves the recovery point to cold storage.
This policy key maps to the `MoveToColdStorageAfterDays` key in an AWS Backup plan.


Specifies the number of days after the backup occurs before AWS Backup deletes the recovery point.
This policy key maps to the `DeleteAfterDays` key in an AWS Backup plan.


Specifies tags that AWS Backup attaches to each backup that it creates from this plan.
This policy key maps to the `RecoveryPointTags` key in an AWS Backup plan.


Specifies the tag key name to attach to the backup plan


Specifies the value that is attached to the backup plan and associated with the tag_key


The selections policy key specifies the resources that are backed up by the plan rules in this policy.
The resources are specified by a query for matching tag key names and values


Specifies the tag key name to search for


The regions policy key specifies which AWS Regions that AWS Backup looks in
to find the resources that match the conditions in the selections key.


Specifies settings for specific backup scenarios. This key contains one or more settings
At this time, the only advanced backup setting that is supported enables Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) backups for Windows or SQL Server running on an Amazon EC2 instance.
The key name must be the "ec2" resource type, and the value specifies that "windows_vss" support is either enabled or disabled for backups performed on those Amazon EC2 instances


Specifies tags that are attached to the backup plan itself.
This does not impact the tags specified in any rules or selections.


Specifies the value that is attached to the backup plan and associated with the tag_key.


Default service role used in any selection tag if not specified
