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Amazon ECS 0.38.9Last updated in version 0.32.1

ECS Scripts

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This folder contains helper scripts for running an ECS Cluster, including:

  • configure-ecs-instance: This script configures an EC2 Instance so it registers in the specified ECS cluster and uses the specified credentials for private Docker registry access. Note that this script can only be run as root on an EC2 instance with the Amazon ECS-optimized AMI installed.

Installing the helpers

You can install the helpers using the Gruntwork Installer:

gruntwork-install --module-name "ecs-scripts" --repo "" --tag "0.0.1"

For an example, see the Packer template under /examples/example-ecs-instance-ami/build.json.

Using the configure-ecs-instance helper

The configure-ecs-instance script has the following prerequisites:

  1. It must be run on an EC2 instance.
  2. The EC2 instance must be running an Amazon ECS-optimized AMI.
  3. The EC2 instance must have the AWS CLI installed.

To run the script, you need to pass it the name of the ECS cluster you are using.

If you're using ECR auth, the ECS Agent will authenticate automatically using the IAM role of your EC2 instances. If you are NOT using ECR auth, you must specify the auth type and corresponding auth details to the configure-ecs-instance script so it can configure the ECS Agent accordingly:

  • docker-hub: You must set the environment variables DOCKER_REPO_AUTH (the auth token) and DOCKER_REPO_EMAIL (the email address used to login).
  • docker-gitlab: You must set the environment variables DOCKER_REPO_AUTH (the auth token).
  • docker-other: You must set the environment variables DOCKER_REPO_URL (the URL of your Docker registry), DOCKER_REPO_AUTH (the auth token), and, optionally, DOCKER_REPO_EMAIL (the email address used to login).

See Docker Authentication Formats to learn about how ECS handles Docker registry authentication.

For example, to use a private Docker Hub repo, you would run:

export DOCKER_REPO_AUTH="(your Docker Hub auth value)"
export DOCKER_REPO_EMAIL="(your Docker Hub email)"
configure-ecs-instance --ecs-cluster-name my-ecs-cluster --docker-auth-type docker-hub

To use a private Docker registry other than Docker Hub, you would run:

export DOCKER_REPO_URL="(your Docker repo URL)"
export DOCKER_REPO_AUTH="(your Docker repo auth value)"
export DOCKER_REPO_EMAIL="(your Docker repo email)"
configure-ecs-instance --ecs-cluster-name my-ecs-cluster --docker-auth-type docker-hub

Run configure-ecs-instance --help to see all available options.