OpenVPN Server Module
This module makes it easy to deploy an OpenVPN server in an auto-scaling group (size 1) for fault tolerance --along with the all the resources it typically needs:
- The Auto-Scaling Group.
- An EC2 Instance
- An Elastic IP (EIP) address.
- IAM Role and IAM instance profile.
- Simple Queuing Services (SQS) Queues
- An S3 Bucket for certificate backups
- Security groups.
How do I access the server?
This module include several Terraform outputs, including:
: The public IP address of the server (via its EIP)
How do I add custom security group rules?
One of the other important outputs of this module is the security_group_id
, which is the id of the server's Security
Group. You can add custom rules to this Security Group using the aws_security_group_rule
module "openvpn" {
source = ""
# (... options omitted...)
# Custom rule to allow inbound HTTPS traffic from anywhere
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "allow_inbound_https_all" {
type = "ingress"
from_port = 443
to_port = 443
protocol = "tcp"
cidr_blocks = [""]
security_group_id = "${module.openvpn.security_group_id}"
How do I add a custom IAM policy?
This module creates an IAM role for your EC2 instance and exports the id of that role as the output iam_role_id
. You
can attach custom policies to this IAM role using the aws_iam_policy_attachment
module "openvpn" {
source = ""
# (... options omitted...)
resource "aws_iam_policy" "my_custom_policy" {
name = "my-custom-policy"
policy = " (... omitted ...) "
resource "aws_iam_policy_attachment" "attachment" {
name = "example-attachment"
roles = ["${module.openvpn.iam_role_id}"]
policy_arn = "${aws_iam_policy.my_custom_policy.arn}"
What if I want to enable MFA?
The scripts init-openvpn and install-openvpn support setting up the duo_openvpn plugin for 2FA authentication. To enable the duo plugin, you need to:
Build an AMI that has the
plugin installed. You can useinstall-openvpn
to install the plugin alongside openvpn by passing in the argument--duo-version
. For example:sudo /usr/local/bin/install-openvpn --duo-version 2.2
In the
script for the server, pass in the duo keys toinit-openvpn
using the arguments--duo-ikey
, and--duo-host
to configure the integration key, secret key, and API hostname respectively. You can obtain these by following the Duo setup instructions for OpenVPN.
See the packer-duo and openvpn-host-duo examples for an example configuration to deploy the OpenVPN server with Duo enabled.
Once the plugin is setup, all authentication for the client will result in a password prompt. To authenticate, you pass
in the MFA token in the password prompt, or push
if you have push authentication enabled in duo. Note that in order
for 2FA to work, the certificate username (the value for --username
when running openvpn-admin request
) should
exactly match the duo username.
Sample Usage
- Terraform
- Terragrunt
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
module "openvpn_server" {
source = ""
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The ID of the AMI to run for this server.
ami = <string>
# The AWS account ID where the OpenVPN Server will be created. Note that all
# IAM Users who receive OpenVPN access must also reside in this AWS account.
aws_account_id = <string>
# The AWS region in which the resources will be created.
aws_region = <string>
# The name of the s3 bucket that will be used to backup PKI secrets
backup_bucket_name = <string>
# The type of EC2 instance to run (e.g. t2.micro)
instance_type = <string>
# The name of a Key Pair that can be used to SSH to this instance. Leave blank
# if you don't want to enable Key Pair auth.
keypair_name = <string>
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS Key that will be used to
# encrypt/decrypt backup files.
kms_key_arn = <string>
# The name of the sqs queue that will be used to receive certification list
# requests. Note that the queue name will be automatically prefixed with
# 'openvpn-lists-'.
list_queue_name = <string>
# The name of the server. This will be used to namespace all resources created
# by this module.
name = <string>
# The name of the sqs queue that will be used to receive new certificate
# requests. Note that the queue name will be automatically prefixed with
# 'openvpn-requests-'.
request_queue_name = <string>
# The name of the sqs queue that will be used to receive certification
# revocation requests. Note that the queue name will be automatically prefixed
# with 'openvpn-revocations-'.
revocation_queue_name = <string>
# The ids of the subnets where this server should be deployed.
subnet_ids = <list(string)>
# The id of the VPC where this server should be deployed.
vpc_id = <string>
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# A boolean that specifies if this server will allow SSH connections from the
# list of CIDR blocks specified in var.allow_ssh_from_cidr_list.
allow_ssh_from_cidr = false
# A list of IP address ranges in CIDR format from which SSH access will be
# permitted. Attempts to access the VPN server from all other IP addresses
# will be blocked. This is only used if var.allow_ssh_from_cidr is true.
allow_ssh_from_cidr_list = []
# A boolean that specifies if this server will allow SSH connections from the
# security group specified in var.allow_ssh_from_security_group_id.
allow_ssh_from_security_group = false
# The ID of a security group from which SSH connections will be allowed. Only
# used if var.allow_ssh_from_security_group is true.
allow_ssh_from_security_group_id = null
# A list of IP address ranges in CIDR format from which VPN access will be
# permitted. Attempts to access the VPN server from all other IP addresses
# will be blocked.
allow_vpn_from_cidr_list = [""]
# When a terraform destroy is run, should the backup s3 bucket be destroyed
# even if it contains files. Should only be set to true for
# testing/development
backup_bucket_force_destroy = false
# Number of days that non current versions of file should be kept. Only used
# if var.enable_backup_bucket_noncurrent_version_expiration is true
backup_bucket_noncurrent_version_expiration_days = 30
# When set, stream S3 server access logs to the bucket denoted by this name.
# When null, but var.enable_backup_bucket_server_access_logging is set to
# true, create a new access log bucket for the backup bucket. Only used when
# var.enable_backup_bucket_server_access_logging is true.
backup_bucket_server_access_logging_bucket_name = null
# When set, stream S3 server access logs to the prefix in an S3 bucket denoted
# by this name. when defined
# var.backup_bucket_server_access_logging_bucket_name is used to determine
# which bucket is used. Only applicable when
# var.enable_backup_bucket_server_access_logging is true.
backup_bucket_server_access_logging_prefix = null
# The name of the root device to mount.
block_device_name = "/dev/sda1"
# When true, create default IAM Groups that you can use to manage permissions
# for accessing the SQS queue for requesting and revoking OpenVPN
# certificates.
create_iam_groups = true
# If true, the launched EC2 instance will be EBS-optimized. Note that for most
# instance types, EBS optimization does not incur additional cost, and that
# many newer EC2 instance types have EBS optimization enabled by default.
# However, if you are running previous generation instances, there may be an
# additional cost per hour to run your instances with EBS optimization
# enabled. Please see:
ebs_optimized = true
# Should lifecycle policy to expire noncurrent versions be enabled.
enable_backup_bucket_noncurrent_version_expiration = false
# When true, enable S3 server access logging on the backup bucket. The bucket
# where the access logs are streamed to is determined by the
# var.backup_bucket_server_access_logging_bucket_name input variable.
enable_backup_bucket_server_access_logging = false
# When set to true AWS will create an eip for the OpenVPN server and output it
# so it can be attached during boot with the user data script when set to
# false no eip will be created
enable_eip = true
# Set this variable to true to enable the Instance Metadata Service (IMDS)
# endpoint, which is used to fetch information such as user-data scripts,
# instance IP address and region, etc. Set this variable to false if you do
# not want the IMDS endpoint enabled for instances launched into the Auto
# Scaling Group.
enable_imds = true
# The ARNs of external AWS accounts where your IAM users are defined. If not
# empty, this module will create IAM roles that users in those accounts will
# be able to assume to get access to the request/revocation/list SQS queues.
external_account_arns = []
# The length of time, in seconds, for which Amazon SQS can reuse a data key to
# encrypt or decrypt messages before calling AWS KMS again. An integer
# representing seconds, between 60 seconds (1 minute) and 86,400 seconds (24
# hours)
kms_data_key_reuse_period_seconds = 300
# The ID of an AWS-managed customer master key (such as 'alias/aws/sqs') for
# Amazon SQS or a custom CMK
kms_master_key_id = null
# The required duration in minutes. This value must be a multiple of 60.
market_block_duration_minutes = null
# The behavior when a Spot Instance is interrupted. Can be hibernate, stop, or
# terminate. (Default: terminate).
market_instance_interruption_behavior = "terminate"
# The Spot Instance request type. Can be one-time, or persistent.
market_spot_instance_type = null
# The end date of the request.
market_valid_until = null
# Set to true to request spot instances. Set cluster_instance_spot_price
# variable to set a maximum spot price limit.
request_spot_instances = false
# If set to true, the root volume will be deleted when the Instance is
# terminated.
root_volume_delete_on_termination = true
# Set to true to encrypt the root block device.
root_volume_encrypted = false
# The amount of provisioned IOPS. This is only valid for volume_type of io1,
# and must be specified if using that type.
root_volume_iops = 0
# The size of the root volume, in gigabytes.
root_volume_size = 8
# The root volume type. Must be one of: standard, gp2, io1.
root_volume_type = "gp2"
# This parameter controls the maximum price to use for reserving spot
# instances. This can save you a lot of money on the VPN server, but it also
# risks that the server will be down if your requested spot instance price
# cannot be met.
spot_price = null
# Tags to apply to every resource created by this module.
tags = {}
# The tenancy of this server. Must be one of: default, dedicated, or host.
tenancy = "default"
# Set this variable to true to enable the use of Instance Metadata Service
# Version 1 in this module's aws_launch_template. Note that while IMDsv2 is
# preferred due to its special security hardening, we allow this in order to
# support the use case of AMIs built outside of these modules that depend on
# IMDSv1.
use_imdsv1 = true
# When true, all IAM policies will be managed as dedicated policies rather
# than inline policies attached to the IAM roles. Dedicated managed policies
# are friendlier to automated policy checkers, which may scan a single
# resource for findings. As such, it is important to avoid inline policies
# when targeting compliance with various security standards.
use_managed_iam_policies = true
# The User Data script to run on this instance when it is booting. If you need
# to pass gzipped, base64-encoded data (e.g., for a cloud-init script), use
# var.user_data_base64 instead. Either user_data or user_data_base64 are
# required.
user_data = null
# The base64-encoded User Data script to run on the server when it is booting.
# This can be used to pass binary User Data, such as a gzipped cloud-init
# script. If you wish to pass in plain text (e.g., typical Bash script) for
# User Data, use var.user_data instead. Either user_data or user_data_base64
# are required.
user_data_base64 = null
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
terraform {
source = ""
inputs = {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The ID of the AMI to run for this server.
ami = <string>
# The AWS account ID where the OpenVPN Server will be created. Note that all
# IAM Users who receive OpenVPN access must also reside in this AWS account.
aws_account_id = <string>
# The AWS region in which the resources will be created.
aws_region = <string>
# The name of the s3 bucket that will be used to backup PKI secrets
backup_bucket_name = <string>
# The type of EC2 instance to run (e.g. t2.micro)
instance_type = <string>
# The name of a Key Pair that can be used to SSH to this instance. Leave blank
# if you don't want to enable Key Pair auth.
keypair_name = <string>
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS Key that will be used to
# encrypt/decrypt backup files.
kms_key_arn = <string>
# The name of the sqs queue that will be used to receive certification list
# requests. Note that the queue name will be automatically prefixed with
# 'openvpn-lists-'.
list_queue_name = <string>
# The name of the server. This will be used to namespace all resources created
# by this module.
name = <string>
# The name of the sqs queue that will be used to receive new certificate
# requests. Note that the queue name will be automatically prefixed with
# 'openvpn-requests-'.
request_queue_name = <string>
# The name of the sqs queue that will be used to receive certification
# revocation requests. Note that the queue name will be automatically prefixed
# with 'openvpn-revocations-'.
revocation_queue_name = <string>
# The ids of the subnets where this server should be deployed.
subnet_ids = <list(string)>
# The id of the VPC where this server should be deployed.
vpc_id = <string>
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# A boolean that specifies if this server will allow SSH connections from the
# list of CIDR blocks specified in var.allow_ssh_from_cidr_list.
allow_ssh_from_cidr = false
# A list of IP address ranges in CIDR format from which SSH access will be
# permitted. Attempts to access the VPN server from all other IP addresses
# will be blocked. This is only used if var.allow_ssh_from_cidr is true.
allow_ssh_from_cidr_list = []
# A boolean that specifies if this server will allow SSH connections from the
# security group specified in var.allow_ssh_from_security_group_id.
allow_ssh_from_security_group = false
# The ID of a security group from which SSH connections will be allowed. Only
# used if var.allow_ssh_from_security_group is true.
allow_ssh_from_security_group_id = null
# A list of IP address ranges in CIDR format from which VPN access will be
# permitted. Attempts to access the VPN server from all other IP addresses
# will be blocked.
allow_vpn_from_cidr_list = [""]
# When a terraform destroy is run, should the backup s3 bucket be destroyed
# even if it contains files. Should only be set to true for
# testing/development
backup_bucket_force_destroy = false
# Number of days that non current versions of file should be kept. Only used
# if var.enable_backup_bucket_noncurrent_version_expiration is true
backup_bucket_noncurrent_version_expiration_days = 30
# When set, stream S3 server access logs to the bucket denoted by this name.
# When null, but var.enable_backup_bucket_server_access_logging is set to
# true, create a new access log bucket for the backup bucket. Only used when
# var.enable_backup_bucket_server_access_logging is true.
backup_bucket_server_access_logging_bucket_name = null
# When set, stream S3 server access logs to the prefix in an S3 bucket denoted
# by this name. when defined
# var.backup_bucket_server_access_logging_bucket_name is used to determine
# which bucket is used. Only applicable when
# var.enable_backup_bucket_server_access_logging is true.
backup_bucket_server_access_logging_prefix = null
# The name of the root device to mount.
block_device_name = "/dev/sda1"
# When true, create default IAM Groups that you can use to manage permissions
# for accessing the SQS queue for requesting and revoking OpenVPN
# certificates.
create_iam_groups = true
# If true, the launched EC2 instance will be EBS-optimized. Note that for most
# instance types, EBS optimization does not incur additional cost, and that
# many newer EC2 instance types have EBS optimization enabled by default.
# However, if you are running previous generation instances, there may be an
# additional cost per hour to run your instances with EBS optimization
# enabled. Please see:
ebs_optimized = true
# Should lifecycle policy to expire noncurrent versions be enabled.
enable_backup_bucket_noncurrent_version_expiration = false
# When true, enable S3 server access logging on the backup bucket. The bucket
# where the access logs are streamed to is determined by the
# var.backup_bucket_server_access_logging_bucket_name input variable.
enable_backup_bucket_server_access_logging = false
# When set to true AWS will create an eip for the OpenVPN server and output it
# so it can be attached during boot with the user data script when set to
# false no eip will be created
enable_eip = true
# Set this variable to true to enable the Instance Metadata Service (IMDS)
# endpoint, which is used to fetch information such as user-data scripts,
# instance IP address and region, etc. Set this variable to false if you do
# not want the IMDS endpoint enabled for instances launched into the Auto
# Scaling Group.
enable_imds = true
# The ARNs of external AWS accounts where your IAM users are defined. If not
# empty, this module will create IAM roles that users in those accounts will
# be able to assume to get access to the request/revocation/list SQS queues.
external_account_arns = []
# The length of time, in seconds, for which Amazon SQS can reuse a data key to
# encrypt or decrypt messages before calling AWS KMS again. An integer
# representing seconds, between 60 seconds (1 minute) and 86,400 seconds (24
# hours)
kms_data_key_reuse_period_seconds = 300
# The ID of an AWS-managed customer master key (such as 'alias/aws/sqs') for
# Amazon SQS or a custom CMK
kms_master_key_id = null
# The required duration in minutes. This value must be a multiple of 60.
market_block_duration_minutes = null
# The behavior when a Spot Instance is interrupted. Can be hibernate, stop, or
# terminate. (Default: terminate).
market_instance_interruption_behavior = "terminate"
# The Spot Instance request type. Can be one-time, or persistent.
market_spot_instance_type = null
# The end date of the request.
market_valid_until = null
# Set to true to request spot instances. Set cluster_instance_spot_price
# variable to set a maximum spot price limit.
request_spot_instances = false
# If set to true, the root volume will be deleted when the Instance is
# terminated.
root_volume_delete_on_termination = true
# Set to true to encrypt the root block device.
root_volume_encrypted = false
# The amount of provisioned IOPS. This is only valid for volume_type of io1,
# and must be specified if using that type.
root_volume_iops = 0
# The size of the root volume, in gigabytes.
root_volume_size = 8
# The root volume type. Must be one of: standard, gp2, io1.
root_volume_type = "gp2"
# This parameter controls the maximum price to use for reserving spot
# instances. This can save you a lot of money on the VPN server, but it also
# risks that the server will be down if your requested spot instance price
# cannot be met.
spot_price = null
# Tags to apply to every resource created by this module.
tags = {}
# The tenancy of this server. Must be one of: default, dedicated, or host.
tenancy = "default"
# Set this variable to true to enable the use of Instance Metadata Service
# Version 1 in this module's aws_launch_template. Note that while IMDsv2 is
# preferred due to its special security hardening, we allow this in order to
# support the use case of AMIs built outside of these modules that depend on
# IMDSv1.
use_imdsv1 = true
# When true, all IAM policies will be managed as dedicated policies rather
# than inline policies attached to the IAM roles. Dedicated managed policies
# are friendlier to automated policy checkers, which may scan a single
# resource for findings. As such, it is important to avoid inline policies
# when targeting compliance with various security standards.
use_managed_iam_policies = true
# The User Data script to run on this instance when it is booting. If you need
# to pass gzipped, base64-encoded data (e.g., for a cloud-init script), use
# var.user_data_base64 instead. Either user_data or user_data_base64 are
# required.
user_data = null
# The base64-encoded User Data script to run on the server when it is booting.
# This can be used to pass binary User Data, such as a gzipped cloud-init
# script. If you wish to pass in plain text (e.g., typical Bash script) for
# User Data, use var.user_data instead. Either user_data or user_data_base64
# are required.
user_data_base64 = null
- Inputs
- Outputs
stringThe ID of the AMI to run for this server.
stringThe AWS account ID where the OpenVPN Server will be created. Note that all IAM Users who receive OpenVPN access must also reside in this AWS account.
stringThe AWS region in which the resources will be created.
stringThe name of the s3 bucket that will be used to backup PKI secrets
stringThe type of EC2 instance to run (e.g. t2.micro)
stringThe name of a Key Pair that can be used to SSH to this instance. Leave blank if you don't want to enable Key Pair auth.
stringThe Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS Key that will be used to encrypt/decrypt backup files.
stringThe name of the sqs queue that will be used to receive certification list requests. Note that the queue name will be automatically prefixed with 'openvpn-lists-'.
stringThe name of the server. This will be used to namespace all resources created by this module.
stringThe name of the sqs queue that will be used to receive new certificate requests. Note that the queue name will be automatically prefixed with 'openvpn-requests-'.
stringThe name of the sqs queue that will be used to receive certification revocation requests. Note that the queue name will be automatically prefixed with 'openvpn-revocations-'.
list(string)The ids of the subnets where this server should be deployed.
stringThe id of the VPC where this server should be deployed.
A boolean that specifies if this server will allow SSH connections from the list of CIDR blocks specified in allow_ssh_from_cidr_list
list(string)A list of IP address ranges in CIDR format from which SSH access will be permitted. Attempts to access the VPN server from all other IP addresses will be blocked. This is only used if allow_ssh_from_cidr
is true.
A boolean that specifies if this server will allow SSH connections from the security group specified in allow_ssh_from_security_group_id
The ID of a security group from which SSH connections will be allowed. Only used if allow_ssh_from_security_group
is true.
list(string)A list of IP address ranges in CIDR format from which VPN access will be permitted. Attempts to access the VPN server from all other IP addresses will be blocked.
When a terraform destroy is run, should the backup s3 bucket be destroyed even if it contains files. Should only be set to true for testing/development
Number of days that non current versions of file should be kept. Only used if enable_backup_bucket_noncurrent_version_expiration
is true
When set, stream S3 server access logs to the bucket denoted by this name. When null, but enable_backup_bucket_server_access_logging
is set to true, create a new access log bucket for the backup bucket. Only used when enable_backup_bucket_server_access_logging
is true.
When set, stream S3 server access logs to the prefix in an S3 bucket denoted by this name. when defined backup_bucket_server_access_logging_bucket_name
is used to determine which bucket is used. Only applicable when enable_backup_bucket_server_access_logging
is true.
stringThe name of the root device to mount.
When true, create default IAM Groups that you can use to manage permissions for accessing the SQS queue for requesting and revoking OpenVPN certificates.
boolIf true, the launched EC2 instance will be EBS-optimized. Note that for most instance types, EBS optimization does not incur additional cost, and that many newer EC2 instance types have EBS optimization enabled by default. However, if you are running previous generation instances, there may be an additional cost per hour to run your instances with EBS optimization enabled. Please see:
Should lifecycle policy to expire noncurrent versions be enabled.
When true, enable S3 server access logging on the backup bucket. The bucket where the access logs are streamed to is determined by the backup_bucket_server_access_logging_bucket_name
input variable.
boolWhen set to true AWS will create an eip for the OpenVPN server and output it so it can be attached during boot with the user data script when set to false no eip will be created
boolSet this variable to true to enable the Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) endpoint, which is used to fetch information such as user-data scripts, instance IP address and region, etc. Set this variable to false if you do not want the IMDS endpoint enabled for instances launched into the Auto Scaling Group.
list(string)The ARNs of external AWS accounts where your IAM users are defined. If not empty, this module will create IAM roles that users in those accounts will be able to assume to get access to the request/revocation/list SQS queues.
The length of time, in seconds, for which Amazon SQS can reuse a data key to encrypt or decrypt messages before calling AWS KMS again. An integer representing seconds, between 60 seconds (1 minute) and 86,400 seconds (24 hours)
stringThe ID of an AWS-managed customer master key (such as 'alias/aws/sqs') for Amazon SQS or a custom CMK
The required duration in minutes. This value must be a multiple of 60.
The behavior when a Spot Instance is interrupted. Can be hibernate, stop, or terminate. (Default: terminate).
The Spot Instance request type. Can be one-time, or persistent.
stringThe end date of the request.
Set to true to request spot instances. Set cluster_instance_spot_price variable to set a maximum spot price limit.
If set to true, the root volume will be deleted when the Instance is terminated.
Set to true to encrypt the root block device.
numberThe amount of provisioned IOPS. This is only valid for volume_type of io1, and must be specified if using that type.
numberThe size of the root volume, in gigabytes.
stringThe root volume type. Must be one of: standard, gp2, io1.
numberThis parameter controls the maximum price to use for reserving spot instances. This can save you a lot of money on the VPN server, but it also risks that the server will be down if your requested spot instance price cannot be met.
map(string)Tags to apply to every resource created by this module.
stringThe tenancy of this server. Must be one of: default, dedicated, or host.
boolSet this variable to true to enable the use of Instance Metadata Service Version 1 in this module's aws_launch_template. Note that while IMDsv2 is preferred due to its special security hardening, we allow this in order to support the use case of AMIs built outside of these modules that depend on IMDSv1.
When true, all IAM policies will be managed as dedicated policies rather than inline policies attached to the IAM roles. Dedicated managed policies are friendlier to automated policy checkers, which may scan a single resource for findings. As such, it is important to avoid inline policies when targeting compliance with various security standards.
stringThe User Data script to run on this instance when it is booting. If you need to pass gzipped, base64-encoded data (e.g., for a cloud-init script), use user_data_base64
instead. Either user_data or user_data_base64 are required.
stringThe base64-encoded User Data script to run on the server when it is booting. This can be used to pass binary User Data, such as a gzipped cloud-init script. If you wish to pass in plain text (e.g., typical Bash script) for User Data, use user_data
instead. Either user_data or user_data_base64 are required.