Request AWS Quota Increase
This module can be used to request a quota increase for AWS Resources. The module is generated using AWS Service Quotas API, and inputs for each adjustable quota for different services are added to the module.
NOTE: The service quotas for certain services have duplicate items. Those duplicate quotas have been named differently in the input variables by appending the service quota code at the end of the variable name, e.g. networkmonitor_number_of_probes_per_monitor
and networkmonitor_number_of_probes_per_monitor_l_f192a8d6
- Request a quota increase for any AWS resource.
Core Concepts
Example code
See the request-quota-increase example for working sample code.
Use the module in your Terraform code, replacing <VERSION>
with the latest version from the releases
module "quota_increase" {
source = "<VERSION>"
vpc_rules_per_network_acl = 30
vpc_nat_gateways_per_availability_zone = 30
The input variables for the module have been automatically generated using the AWS Service Quotas Generator. All adjustable Service Quotas are as separate input variables.
When you run apply
, the new_quotas
output variable will confirm to you that a quota request has been made!
new_quotas = {
"vpc_nat_gateways_per_availability_zone" = {
"adjustable" = true
"arn" = "arn:aws:servicequotas:us-east-1:<account-id>:vpc/L-FE5A380F"
"default_value" = 5
"id" = "vpc/L-FE5A380F"
"quota_code" = "L-FE5A380F"
"quota_name" = "NAT gateways per Availability Zone"
"request_id" = "<request_id>"
"request_status" = "PENDING"
"service_code" = "vpc"
"service_name" = "Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC)"
"value" = 30
You can see a full history of quota request changes using the AWS Console or the AWS CLI:
aws service-quotas list-requested-service-quota-change-history --region <REGION>
Finding out the Service Code and Quota Code
You can check adjustable quotas in the input variables.
Alternatively, you can check the available services with
aws service-quotas list-services --region <REGION> --output table
And use the ServiceCode
from the output to get the code for the resources
aws service-quotas list-service-quotas --service-code <SERVICE_CODE>
Request a new quota smaller than the current one
If the new value that you request is smaller than the current one, nothing will happen. The
terraform apply
output will contain the current quota. For example, if the NAT Gateway current
quota is 30 and you ask for a new quota of 25, this is the output:
new_quotas = {
"vpc_nat_gateways_per_availability_zone" = {
"adjustable" = true
"arn" = "arn:aws:servicequotas:us-east-1:<account-id>:vpc/L-FE5A380F"
"default_value" = 5
"id" = "vpc/L-FE5A380F"
"quota_code" = "L-FE5A380F"
"quota_name" = "NAT gateways per Availability Zone"
"service_code" = "vpc"
"service_name" = "Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC)"
"value" = 30 <------ Returned the current quota, not the requested one.
What happens when you run destroy
When you run terraform destroy
on this module, it does not affect your current quotas or your
existing quota requests. In other words, you don't have to worry about quotas being reset to old
values; once they have been increased, they stay that way!
Sample Usage
- Terraform
- Terragrunt
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
module "request_quota_increase" {
source = ""
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Quota for [access-analyzer]: Access previews per analyzer per hour
# (L-8750DAE0)
access_analyzer_access_previews_per_analyzer_per_hour = null
# Quota for [access-analyzer]: Archive rules per analyzer (L-1E51937C)
access_analyzer_archive_rules_per_analyzer = null
# Quota for [access-analyzer]: Organization level analyzer (L-6F85FE0C)
access_analyzer_organization_level_analyzer = null
# Quota for [acm]: ACM certificates (L-F141DD1D)
acm_acm_certificates = null
# Quota for [acm]: ACM certificates created in last 365 days (L-DA1D8B98)
acm_acm_certificates_created_in_last_365_days = null
# Quota for [acm]: Domain names per ACM certificate (L-FB94F0B0)
acm_domain_names_per_acm_certificate = null
# Quota for [acm]: Imported certificates (L-D2CB7DE9)
acm_imported_certificates = null
# Quota for [acm]: Imported certificates in last 365 days (L-3808DC70)
acm_imported_certificates_in_last_365_days = null
# Quota for [acm-pca]: Number of private certificate authorities (CAs)
# (L-799883CD)
acm_pca_number_of_private_certificate_authorities_cas_ = null
# Quota for [acm-pca]: Number of private certificates per CA (L-F99AB81B)
acm_pca_number_of_private_certificates_per_ca = null
# Quota for [acm-pca]: Rate of GetCertificate requests (L-1725E639)
acm_pca_rate_of_getcertificate_requests = null
# Quota for [acm-pca]: Rate of IssueCertificate requests (L-CAFB4993)
acm_pca_rate_of_issuecertificate_requests = null
# Quota for [airflow]: Environments per account per Region (L-67D41C6B)
airflow_environments_per_account_per_region = null
# Quota for [airflow]: Workers per environment (L-78AC1883)
airflow_workers_per_environment = null
# Quota for [amplify]: Apps (L-1BED97F3)
amplify_apps = null
# Quota for [amplify]: Concurrent jobs (L-2A8ABB91)
amplify_concurrent_jobs = null
# Quota for [amplify]: Domains per app (L-AD277529)
amplify_domains_per_app = null
# Quota for [amplify]: Webhooks per app (L-4113FC04)
amplify_webhooks_per_app = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: API Stage throttles in a usage plan (L-A9DBC573)
apigateway_api_stage_throttles_in_a_usage_plan = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: Client certificates (L-824C9E42)
apigateway_client_certificates = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: Custom Domain Names (L-A93447B8)
apigateway_custom_domain_names = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: Maximum resource policy size in bytes (L-8B81B02C)
apigateway_maximum_resource_policy_size_in_bytes = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: Resources/Routes per REST/WebSocket API (L-01C8A9E0)
apigateway_resources_routes_per_rest_websocket_api = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: Routes per HTTP API (L-65B5C802)
apigateway_routes_per_http_api = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: Stages per API (L-379E48B0)
apigateway_stages_per_api = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: Subnets per VPC link(V2) (L-668C9B28)
apigateway_subnets_per_vpc_link_v2_ = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: Throttle rate (L-8A5B8E43)
apigateway_throttle_rate = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: Usage plans (L-E8693075)
apigateway_usage_plans = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: Usage plans per API key (L-985EB478)
apigateway_usage_plans_per_api_key = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: VPC links (L-A4C7274F)
apigateway_vpc_links = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: VPC links(V2) (L-608BDCD4)
apigateway_vpc_links_v2_ = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: WebSocket new connections rate (L-9ED1E49A)
apigateway_websocket_new_connections_rate = null
# Quota for [app-integrations]: Data integration associations per data
# integration (L-3DEFA101)
app_integrations_data_integration_associations_per_data_integration = null
# Quota for [app-integrations]: Data integrations per Region (L-013E1287)
app_integrations_data_integrations_per_region = null
# Quota for [app-integrations]: Event integration associations per event
# integration (L-C1BC25C8)
app_integrations_event_integration_associations_per_event_integration = null
# Quota for [app-integrations]: Event integrations per Region (L-152D3E9E)
app_integrations_event_integrations_per_region = null
# Quota for [appconfig]: Configuration size limit in AWS AppConfig hosted
# configuration store (L-48F9B951)
appconfig_configuration_size_limit_in_aws_appconfig_hosted_configuration_store = null
# Quota for [appconfig]: Deployment size limit (L-A5FC0339)
appconfig_deployment_size_limit = null
# Quota for [appconfig]: Maximum number of applications (L-EEB0151E)
appconfig_maximum_number_of_applications = null
# Quota for [appconfig]: Maximum number of configuration profiles per
# application (L-FA210A1F)
appconfig_maximum_number_of_configuration_profiles_per_application = null
# Quota for [appconfig]: Maximum number of deployment strategies (L-F59D302B)
appconfig_maximum_number_of_deployment_strategies = null
# Quota for [appconfig]: Maximum number of environments per application
# (L-A52E46BE)
appconfig_maximum_number_of_environments_per_application = null
# Quota for [appflow]: Concurrent flow runs (L-B2798F93)
appflow_concurrent_flow_runs = null
# Quota for [appflow]: Connector profiles (L-0F8AA170)
appflow_connector_profiles = null
# Quota for [appflow]: Monthly flow runs (L-B96D9407)
appflow_monthly_flow_runs = null
# Quota for [appflow]: Total flows (L-A847D5B6)
appflow_total_flows = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for Amazon ElastiCache
# (L-60E4E5E2)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_amazon_elasticache = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for Amazon Keyspaces
# (L-799ACCDF)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_amazon_keyspaces = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for Amazon MSK
# (L-1A11EB4B)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_amazon_msk = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for AppStream
# (L-8998F403)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_appstream = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for Comprehend
# (L-17D5F681)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_comprehend = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for custom resources
# (L-4A11ECEB)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_custom_resources = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for DynamoDB
# (L-A1D42901)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_dynamodb = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for EC2 (L-297D9EC9)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_ec2 = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for ECS (L-782A3EE2)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_ecs = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for EMR (L-D75CA9D2)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_emr = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for Lambda
# (L-A2AD6458)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_lambda = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for RDS (L-800F6F7B)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_rds = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for SageMaker
# (L-1AAF0700)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_sagemaker = null
# Quota for [appmesh]: Connected Envoy processes per virtual gateway
# (L-33E8F9C9)
appmesh_connected_envoy_processes_per_virtual_gateway = null
# Quota for [appmesh]: Connected Envoy processes per virtual node (L-606A910B)
appmesh_connected_envoy_processes_per_virtual_node = null
# Quota for [appmesh]: Gateway routes per virtual gateway (L-F6F26D09)
appmesh_gateway_routes_per_virtual_gateway = null
# Quota for [appmesh]: Meshes per account (L-AC861A39)
appmesh_meshes_per_account = null
# Quota for [appmesh]: Routes per virtual router (L-BB90B7FF)
appmesh_routes_per_virtual_router = null
# Quota for [appmesh]: Virtual gateways per mesh (L-87E74146)
appmesh_virtual_gateways_per_mesh = null
# Quota for [appmesh]: Virtual nodes per mesh (L-E043DFB4)
appmesh_virtual_nodes_per_mesh = null
# Quota for [appmesh]: Virtual routers per mesh (L-50F6C35A)
appmesh_virtual_routers_per_mesh = null
# Quota for [appmesh]: Virtual services per mesh (L-DA7495A7)
appmesh_virtual_services_per_mesh = null
# Quota for [apprunner]: Auto scaling configurations (L-1D8C5BDD)
apprunner_auto_scaling_configurations = null
# Quota for [apprunner]: Connections (L-1BDBAAB6)
apprunner_connections = null
# Quota for [apprunner]: Observability configurations (L-A0B46A0C)
apprunner_observability_configurations = null
# Quota for [apprunner]: Services (L-69F96A0C)
apprunner_services = null
# Quota for [apprunner]: VPC connectors (L-F7ADEB8C)
apprunner_vpc_connectors = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Active fleets (L-3FEADC0C)
appstream2_active_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: App block builders (L-D949908C)
appstream2_app_block_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized 2xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-22B15436)
appstream2_compute_optimized_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized 2xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-400A7BA5)
appstream2_compute_optimized_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized 4xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-2A70DFAA)
appstream2_compute_optimized_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized 4xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-C862459E)
appstream2_compute_optimized_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized 8xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-F15148F0)
appstream2_compute_optimized_8xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized 8xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-88E58796)
appstream2_compute_optimized_8xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized large streaming instances for
# fleets (L-63D777D1)
appstream2_compute_optimized_large_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized large streaming instances for
# image builders (L-6203AEB6)
appstream2_compute_optimized_large_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-7F9576D3)
appstream2_compute_optimized_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-A3782476)
appstream2_compute_optimized_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Concurrent image copies per destination Region
# (L-60244546)
appstream2_concurrent_image_copies_per_destination_region = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Concurrent image updates (L-9B6418E0)
appstream2_concurrent_image_updates = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Fleets (L-8A6F32DC)
appstream2_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design 2xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-BA00F320)
appstream2_graphics_design_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design 2xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-30CF85CE)
appstream2_graphics_design_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design 4xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-BDBE16B7)
appstream2_graphics_design_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design 4xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-32513EC9)
appstream2_graphics_design_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design large streaming instances for fleets
# (L-A9DBC136)
appstream2_graphics_design_large_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design large streaming instances for image
# builders (L-85C46326)
appstream2_graphics_design_large_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-A3275215)
appstream2_graphics_design_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-7D331840)
appstream2_graphics_design_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics desktop 2xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-7549EFF1)
appstream2_graphics_desktop_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics desktop 2xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-B3B2E1D8)
appstream2_graphics_desktop_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 12xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-64A79F98)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_12xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 12xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-5E39616B)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_12xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 16xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-503FABB4)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_16xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 16xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-F3D0F9E2)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_16xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 2xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-98A64E5D)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 2xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-537E304B)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 4xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-92328C81)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 4xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-15883678)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 8xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-CAB64ED6)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_8xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 8xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-3E935099)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_8xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-3D9782E8)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-E0AF1F7E)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 12xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-4942E302)
appstream2_graphics_g5_12xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 12xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-D6D82AD0)
appstream2_graphics_g5_12xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 16xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-AAB87D99)
appstream2_graphics_g5_16xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 16xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-A23829AD)
appstream2_graphics_g5_16xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 24xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-4ED95C84)
appstream2_graphics_g5_24xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 24xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-2F62DC97)
appstream2_graphics_g5_24xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 2xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-880853F1)
appstream2_graphics_g5_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 2xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-DDA4AD40)
appstream2_graphics_g5_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 4xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-22A636D1)
appstream2_graphics_g5_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 4xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-ABD9CD0F)
appstream2_graphics_g5_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 8xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-756CAD5B)
appstream2_graphics_g5_8xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 8xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-5D6E72E6)
appstream2_graphics_g5_8xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-5FE41F5B)
appstream2_graphics_g5_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-5B2F0776)
appstream2_graphics_g5_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics pro 16xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-C5E17995)
appstream2_graphics_pro_16xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics pro 16xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-B4068835)
appstream2_graphics_pro_16xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics pro 4xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-70318001)
appstream2_graphics_pro_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics pro 4xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-B489BF44)
appstream2_graphics_pro_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics pro 8xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-6F6573C4)
appstream2_graphics_pro_8xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics pro 8xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-F53024C1)
appstream2_graphics_pro_8xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Image builders (L-DE32F884)
appstream2_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Image sharing limit (L-99A44980)
appstream2_image_sharing_limit = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max app block builders with Windows Server 2019
# platform and stream.standard.2xlarge instance type (L-FE087B3F)
appstream2_max_app_block_builders_with_windows_server_2019_platform_and_stream_standard_2xlarge_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max app block builders with Windows Server 2019
# platform and stream.standard.large instance type (L-234D5738)
appstream2_max_app_block_builders_with_windows_server_2019_platform_and_stream_standard_large_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max app block builders with Windows Server 2019
# platform and stream.standard.medium instance type (L-E98A2430)
appstream2_max_app_block_builders_with_windows_server_2019_platform_and_stream_standard_medium_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max app block builders with Windows Server 2019
# platform and stream.standard.small instance type (L-4015AFBC)
appstream2_max_app_block_builders_with_windows_server_2019_platform_and_stream_standard_small_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max app block builders with Windows Server 2019
# platform and stream.standard.xlarge instance type (L-E0AFD4FF)
appstream2_max_app_block_builders_with_windows_server_2019_platform_and_stream_standard_xlarge_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with
# Amazon Linux 2 platform and stream.standard.2xlarge instance type
# (L-9528F248)
appstream2_max_concurrent_sessions_for_elastic_fleets_with_amazon_linux_2_platform_and_stream_standard_2xlarge_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with
# Amazon Linux 2 platform and stream.standard.large instance type (L-27527629)
appstream2_max_concurrent_sessions_for_elastic_fleets_with_amazon_linux_2_platform_and_stream_standard_large_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with
# Amazon Linux 2 platform and stream.standard.medium instance type
# (L-BF099F8F)
appstream2_max_concurrent_sessions_for_elastic_fleets_with_amazon_linux_2_platform_and_stream_standard_medium_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with
# Amazon Linux 2 platform and stream.standard.small instance type (L-B2A2DC75)
appstream2_max_concurrent_sessions_for_elastic_fleets_with_amazon_linux_2_platform_and_stream_standard_small_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with
# Amazon Linux 2 platform and stream.standard.xlarge instance type
# (L-76EF9A4A)
appstream2_max_concurrent_sessions_for_elastic_fleets_with_amazon_linux_2_platform_and_stream_standard_xlarge_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with
# Windows Server 2019 platform and stream.standard.2xlarge instance type
# (L-AAFE9A06)
appstream2_max_concurrent_sessions_for_elastic_fleets_with_windows_server_2019_platform_and_stream_standard_2xlarge_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with
# Windows Server 2019 platform and stream.standard.large instance type
# (L-FC27F387)
appstream2_max_concurrent_sessions_for_elastic_fleets_with_windows_server_2019_platform_and_stream_standard_large_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with
# Windows Server 2019 platform and stream.standard.medium instance type
# (L-80C2425D)
appstream2_max_concurrent_sessions_for_elastic_fleets_with_windows_server_2019_platform_and_stream_standard_medium_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with
# Windows Server 2019 platform and stream.standard.small instance type
# (L-36A62DB5)
appstream2_max_concurrent_sessions_for_elastic_fleets_with_windows_server_2019_platform_and_stream_standard_small_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with
# Windows Server 2019 platform and stream.standard.xlarge instance type
# (L-BCE5E288)
appstream2_max_concurrent_sessions_for_elastic_fleets_with_windows_server_2019_platform_and_stream_standard_xlarge_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized 2xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-B901F589)
appstream2_memory_optimized_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized 2xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-53789675)
appstream2_memory_optimized_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized 4xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-9BBA5ECA)
appstream2_memory_optimized_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized 4xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-D56E1EB1)
appstream2_memory_optimized_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized 8xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-1C87C4A5)
appstream2_memory_optimized_8xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized 8xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-0A26B79A)
appstream2_memory_optimized_8xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized large streaming instances for
# fleets (L-E200E807)
appstream2_memory_optimized_large_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized large streaming instances for image
# builders (L-7FFD9C23)
appstream2_memory_optimized_large_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-BAEB3705)
appstream2_memory_optimized_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-DE1021FB)
appstream2_memory_optimized_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 12xlarge streaming instances
# for fleets (L-C1822B2A)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_12xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 12xlarge streaming instances
# for image builders (L-5A477D03)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_12xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 2xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-93661678)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 2xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-C6026CF3)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 3xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-1883A661)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_3xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 3xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-5F444726)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_3xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 6xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-1DDAE257)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_6xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 6xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-0EF32B70)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_6xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d large streaming instances for
# fleets (L-19CE5BF0)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_large_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d large streaming instances for
# image builders (L-0E4BC645)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_large_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-5A310F0A)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-99B57C8C)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Private images (L-E1182CCA)
appstream2_private_images = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Stacks (L-A8B8B901)
appstream2_stacks = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Standard 2xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-AD23D7D9)
appstream2_standard_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Standard 2xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-7FBFD97B)
appstream2_standard_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Standard large streaming instances for fleets
# (L-94844324)
appstream2_standard_large_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Standard large streaming instances for image
# builders (L-76C589E8)
appstream2_standard_large_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Standard medium streaming instances for fleets
# (L-59CF7EF6)
appstream2_standard_medium_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Standard medium streaming instances for image
# builders (L-B16A2AA7)
appstream2_standard_medium_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Standard small streaming instances for fleets
# (L-F302715A)
appstream2_standard_small_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Standard small streaming instances for image
# builders (L-94EC4C6F)
appstream2_standard_small_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Standard xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-8BCFD092)
appstream2_standard_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Standard xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-F8E20476)
appstream2_standard_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Users in the user pool (L-6A8C9986)
appstream2_users_in_the_user_pool = null
# Quota for [appsync]: APIs per region (L-4DFA3D2F)
appsync_apis_per_region = null
# Quota for [appsync]: Number of custom domain names (L-51A37BC6)
appsync_number_of_custom_domain_names = null
# Quota for [appsync]: Rate of request tokens (L-FC5E46D0)
appsync_rate_of_request_tokens = null
# Quota for [appsync]: Subscriptions per connection (L-AA33EB36)
appsync_subscriptions_per_connection = null
# Quota for [aps]: Active series per workspace (L-5A151448)
aps_active_series_per_workspace = null
# Quota for [aps]: Alert aggregation group size in alert manager definition
# file (L-BDF9895D)
aps_alert_aggregation_group_size_in_alert_manager_definition_file = null
# Quota for [aps]: Alerts in Alert Manager (L-E9CD1A4F)
aps_alerts_in_alert_manager = null
# Quota for [aps]: Ingestion burst size per workspace (L-0CBB39EF)
aps_ingestion_burst_size_per_workspace = null
# Quota for [aps]: Ingestion rate per workspace (L-F4BCE0BA)
aps_ingestion_rate_per_workspace = null
# Quota for [aps]: Inhibition rules in alert manager definition file
# (L-46D5E194)
aps_inhibition_rules_in_alert_manager_definition_file = null
# Quota for [aps]: Labels per metric series (L-CDA4AB0F)
aps_labels_per_metric_series = null
# Quota for [aps]: Nodes in alert manager routing tree (L-E3E60B3E)
aps_nodes_in_alert_manager_routing_tree = null
# Quota for [aps]: Number of API operations in transactions per second
# (L-8491EB93)
aps_number_of_api_operations_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [aps]: Retention time for ingested data in days (L-06C12D7C)
aps_retention_time_for_ingested_data_in_days = null
# Quota for [aps]: Rule evaluation interval (L-8DEDEE8E)
aps_rule_evaluation_interval = null
# Quota for [aps]: Rules per workspace (L-3D15CDB4)
aps_rules_per_workspace = null
# Quota for [aps]: Templates in alert manager definition file (L-0F151AA2)
aps_templates_in_alert_manager_definition_file = null
# Quota for [aps]: Workspaces per region per account (L-8873DB23)
aps_workspaces_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [athena]: Active DDL queries (L-3CE0BBA0)
athena_active_ddl_queries = null
# Quota for [athena]: Active DML queries (L-FC5F6546)
athena_active_dml_queries = null
# Quota for [athena]: DML query timeout (L-E80DC288)
athena_dml_query_timeout = null
# Quota for [auditmanager]: Custom controls (L-0255B75F)
auditmanager_custom_controls = null
# Quota for [auditmanager]: Custom frameworks (L-8935A6F1)
auditmanager_custom_frameworks = null
# Quota for [auditmanager]: Running assessments (L-92B50F18)
auditmanager_running_assessments = null
# Quota for [autoscaling]: Auto Scaling groups per region (L-CDE20ADC)
autoscaling_auto_scaling_groups_per_region = null
# Quota for [autoscaling]: Launch configurations per region (L-6B80B8FA)
autoscaling_launch_configurations_per_region = null
# Quota for [autoscaling-plans]: Scaling plans (L-BD401546)
autoscaling_plans_scaling_plans = null
# Quota for [AWSCloudMap]: DiscoverInstances operation per account burst rate
# (L-76CF203B)
awscloudmap_discoverinstances_operation_per_account_burst_rate = null
# Quota for [AWSCloudMap]: DiscoverInstances operation per account steady rate
# (L-514A639A)
awscloudmap_discoverinstances_operation_per_account_steady_rate = null
# Quota for [AWSCloudMap]: DiscoverInstancesRevision operation per account
# rate (L-0BA10AAE)
awscloudmap_discoverinstancesrevision_operation_per_account_rate = null
# Quota for [AWSCloudMap]: Instances per namespace (L-D95E8A57)
awscloudmap_instances_per_namespace = null
# Quota for [AWSCloudMap]: Namespaces per Region (L-0FE3F50E)
awscloudmap_namespaces_per_region = null
# Quota for [backup]: Backup plans per Region per account (L-BD69F607)
backup_backup_plans_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [backup]: Backup vaults per Region per account (L-7705D2CB)
backup_backup_vaults_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [backup]: Framework controls per Region per account (L-B4021FB0)
backup_framework_controls_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [backup]: Frameworks per Region per account (L-E43E0ED6)
backup_frameworks_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [backup]: Maximum backup nest level (L-C0A8C14B)
backup_maximum_backup_nest_level = null
# Quota for [backup]: Recovery points per backup vault (L-514878B6)
backup_recovery_points_per_backup_vault = null
# Quota for [backup]: Report plans per Region per account (L-C296F1F5)
backup_report_plans_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [backup]: Versions per backup plan (L-9122A82F)
backup_versions_per_backup_plan = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Custom models per account (L-CB5B847D)
bedrock_custom_models_per_account = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Anthropic Claude
# Instant V1 100K (L-4A6D2F15)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_anthropic_claude_instant_v1_100k = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Anthropic Claude
# V2.1 18K (L-7478F443)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_anthropic_claude_v2_1_18k = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Anthropic Claude
# V2.1 200K (L-A63633C5)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_anthropic_claude_v2_1_200k = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Anthropic Claude
# V2 100K (L-C4522D0D)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_anthropic_claude_v2_100k = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Anthropic Claude
# V2 18K (L-73573F44)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_anthropic_claude_v2_18k = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Cohere Command
# (L-5E29F315)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_cohere_command = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Cohere Command
# Light (L-01F37E14)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_cohere_command_light = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Meta Llama 2 13B
# (L-268D592E)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_meta_llama_2_13b = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Meta Llama 2 70B
# (L-2EBEF050)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_meta_llama_2_70b = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Meta Llama 2 Chat
# 13B (L-AC6F8476)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_meta_llama_2_chat_13b = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Meta Llama 2 Chat
# 70B (L-E953E4AB)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_meta_llama_2_chat_70b = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Stable Diffusion
# XL 1.0 (L-9149A536)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_stable_diffusion_xl_1_0 = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Titan Embeddings
# G1 - Text (L-F879F645)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_titan_embeddings_g1_text = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Titan Image
# Generator G1 (L-F424A1E3)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_titan_image_generator_g1 = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Titan Multimodal
# Embeddings G1 (L-32F732DE)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_titan_multimodal_embeddings_g1 = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Titan Text G1 -
# Express 8K (L-8129BF10)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_titan_text_g1_express_8k = null
# Quota for [billingconductor]: Accounts per billing group (L-4008823B)
billingconductor_accounts_per_billing_group = null
# Quota for [billingconductor]: Associations per flat custom line item
# (L-3384ACF5)
billingconductor_associations_per_flat_custom_line_item = null
# Quota for [billingconductor]: Billing groups (L-10E5FE79)
billingconductor_billing_groups = null
# Quota for [billingconductor]: Custom line items (L-6A7F198B)
billingconductor_custom_line_items = null
# Quota for [billingconductor]: Custom line items with line item filters
# (L-E4FB5498)
billingconductor_custom_line_items_with_line_item_filters = null
# Quota for [billingconductor]: Pricing plans (L-F16D2B15)
billingconductor_pricing_plans = null
# Quota for [billingconductor]: Pricing plans per pricing rule (L-2DD50B87)
billingconductor_pricing_plans_per_pricing_rule = null
# Quota for [billingconductor]: Pricing rules (L-AA2FA005)
billingconductor_pricing_rules = null
# Quota for [billingconductor]: Pricing rules per pricing plan (L-65F90CBC)
billingconductor_pricing_rules_per_pricing_plan = null
# Quota for [billingconductor]: Resource values per percentage custom line
# item (L-B185E19E)
billingconductor_resource_values_per_percentage_custom_line_item = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum allowed compute instances for a job (L-5D1FC264)
braket_maximum_allowed_compute_instances_for_a_job = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c4.2xlarge for jobs
# (L-BDA9BB2A)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c4_2xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c4.4xlarge for jobs
# (L-96E0F810)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c4_4xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c4.8xlarge for jobs
# (L-196E4F38)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c4_8xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c4.xlarge for jobs
# (L-899E4166)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c4_xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5.18xlarge for jobs
# (L-D76EFBC9)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c5_18xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5.2xlarge for jobs
# (L-1DE68820)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c5_2xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5.4xlarge for jobs
# (L-0454F2B6)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c5_4xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5.9xlarge for jobs
# (L-6717BDE3)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c5_9xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5.xlarge for jobs
# (L-6976A449)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c5_xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5n.18xlarge for jobs
# (L-9E03561A)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c5n_18xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5n.2xlarge for jobs
# (L-8B0E23AD)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c5n_2xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5n.4xlarge for jobs
# (L-C32F31F5)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c5n_4xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5n.9xlarge for jobs
# (L-F39A58EA)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c5n_9xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5n.xlarge for jobs
# (L-5A303583)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c5n_xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.g4dn.12xlarge for jobs
# (L-3A92FCE1)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.g4dn.16xlarge for jobs
# (L-D0B25526)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.g4dn.2xlarge for jobs
# (L-05622A08)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.g4dn.4xlarge for jobs
# (L-348592A9)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.g4dn.8xlarge for jobs
# (L-C3A58F27)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.g4dn.xlarge for jobs
# (L-A95AE26D)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_g4dn_xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m4.10xlarge for jobs
# (L-20DF4C21)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m4_10xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m4.16xlarge for jobs
# (L-15DC2286)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m4_16xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m4.2xlarge for jobs
# (L-35C855B5)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m4_2xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m4.4xlarge for jobs
# (L-E4856358)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m4_4xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m4.xlarge for jobs
# (L-A7DE49A7)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m4_xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m5.12xlarge for jobs
# (L-8EBDBB73)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m5_12xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m5.24xlarge for jobs
# (L-8F2E9AB0)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m5_24xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m5.2xlarge for jobs
# (L-B4BD4D05)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m5_2xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m5.4xlarge for jobs
# (L-935DC112)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m5_4xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m5.large for jobs
# (L-D01386EB)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m5_large_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m5.xlarge for jobs
# (L-CEDB9365)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m5_xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.p2.16xlarge for jobs
# (L-8FFA00B6)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_p2_16xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.p2.8xlarge for jobs
# (L-135B0588)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_p2_8xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.p2.xlarge for jobs
# (L-2145059B)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_p2_xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.p3.16xlarge for jobs
# (L-949DCF20)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_p3_16xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.p3.2xlarge for jobs
# (L-BC259EA2)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_p3_2xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.p3.8xlarge for jobs
# (L-9716E5CC)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_p3_8xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Number of concurrent jobs (L-65BEB721)
braket_number_of_concurrent_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Number of concurrent TN1 tasks (L-A41DADC7)
braket_number_of_concurrent_tn1_tasks = null
# Quota for [braket]: One-qubit gate limit for Aria (L-160EEC2D)
braket_one_qubit_gate_limit_for_aria = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of API requests (L-C9622EC0)
braket_rate_of_api_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of CancelJob requests (L-9F76E1C6)
braket_rate_of_canceljob_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of CancelQuantumTask requests (L-4ADC64FC)
braket_rate_of_cancelquantumtask_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of CreateJob requests (L-1E4A0B71)
braket_rate_of_createjob_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of CreateQuantumTask requests (L-7DF279A8)
braket_rate_of_createquantumtask_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of GetDevice requests (L-08E356CB)
braket_rate_of_getdevice_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of GetJob requests (L-C4A587F5)
braket_rate_of_getjob_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of GetQuantumTask requests (L-69571C39)
braket_rate_of_getquantumtask_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of SearchDevices requests (L-13BD7EBA)
braket_rate_of_searchdevices_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of SearchJobs requests (L-622972C3)
braket_rate_of_searchjobs_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of SearchQuantumTasks requests (L-D6597555)
braket_rate_of_searchquantumtasks_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Two-qubit gate limit for Aria (L-39357A2D)
braket_two_qubit_gate_limit_for_aria = null
# Quota for [cases]: BatchGetField burst quota (L-D3F1EBFD)
cases_batchgetfield_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: BatchGetField rate quota (L-2A8092BB)
cases_batchgetfield_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: BatchPutFieldOptions burst quota (L-A298B896)
cases_batchputfieldoptions_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: BatchPutFieldOptions rate quota (L-F5011010)
cases_batchputfieldoptions_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: Case fields per layout (L-5B5E62BD)
cases_case_fields_per_layout = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateCase burst quota (L-085C6605)
cases_createcase_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateCase rate quota (L-8FEA710A)
cases_createcase_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateDomain burst quota (L-B4BF7E31)
cases_createdomain_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateDomain rate quota (L-9BEF063B)
cases_createdomain_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateField burst quota (L-F4DAA62B)
cases_createfield_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateField rate quota (L-497703F2)
cases_createfield_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateLayout burst quota (L-FF9E638C)
cases_createlayout_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateLayout rate quota (L-7736E0FB)
cases_createlayout_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateRelatedItem burst quota (L-5A125C02)
cases_createrelateditem_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateRelatedItem rate quota (L-1F185B9F)
cases_createrelateditem_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateTemplate burst quota (L-E77680D7)
cases_createtemplate_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateTemplate rate quota (L-26EE2CFC)
cases_createtemplate_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: Domains (L-C2B81BC3)
cases_domains = null
# Quota for [cases]: Field options per field (L-E52A0E46)
cases_field_options_per_field = null
# Quota for [cases]: Fields per domain (L-C5B69356)
cases_fields_per_domain = null
# Quota for [cases]: GetCase burst quota (L-7D6B0EAF)
cases_getcase_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: GetCase rate quota (L-8B6DA341)
cases_getcase_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: GetCaseEventConfiguration burst quota (L-74EA148C)
cases_getcaseeventconfiguration_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: GetCaseEventConfiguration rate quota (L-D69B27B2)
cases_getcaseeventconfiguration_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: GetDomain burst quota (L-9B7552E3)
cases_getdomain_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: GetDomain rate quota (L-FD0EC666)
cases_getdomain_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: GetLayout burst quota (L-B3860F14)
cases_getlayout_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: GetLayout rate quota (L-E5EE4EDA)
cases_getlayout_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: GetTemplate burst quota (L-1320C83D)
cases_gettemplate_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: GetTemplate rate quota (L-8AA97C3E)
cases_gettemplate_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: Layouts per domain (L-D0ED993F)
cases_layouts_per_domain = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListCasesForContact burst quota (L-FF304B65)
cases_listcasesforcontact_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListCasesForContact rate quota (L-A246B577)
cases_listcasesforcontact_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListDomains burst quota (L-3255B73C)
cases_listdomains_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListDomains rate quota (L-97677C0C)
cases_listdomains_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListFieldOptions burst quota (L-85809F5E)
cases_listfieldoptions_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListFieldOptions rate quota (L-B7E2C410)
cases_listfieldoptions_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListFields burst quota (L-7CF7A4F0)
cases_listfields_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListFields rate quota (L-D750A577)
cases_listfields_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListLayouts burst quota (L-960AA7D7)
cases_listlayouts_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListLayouts rate quota (L-4B3D8F5F)
cases_listlayouts_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListTagsForResource burst quota (L-4CE16517)
cases_listtagsforresource_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListTagsForResource rate quota (L-F62E3726)
cases_listtagsforresource_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListTemplates burst quota (L-B3BCA676)
cases_listtemplates_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListTemplates rate quota (L-1F4F11B7)
cases_listtemplates_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: PutCaseEventConfiguration burst quota (L-D4F270D6)
cases_putcaseeventconfiguration_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: PutCaseEventConfiguration rate quota (L-5462CD7A)
cases_putcaseeventconfiguration_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: Related items per case (L-C1AF8D37)
cases_related_items_per_case = null
# Quota for [cases]: SearchCases burst quota (L-533535BF)
cases_searchcases_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: SearchCases rate quota (L-AA3996A0)
cases_searchcases_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: SearchRelatedItems burst quota (L-5E8805C5)
cases_searchrelateditems_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: SearchRelatedItems rate quota (L-3B58A5D3)
cases_searchrelateditems_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: TagResource burst quota (L-1ECD16ED)
cases_tagresource_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: TagResource rate quota (L-C0E6C678)
cases_tagresource_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: Templates per domain (L-0482161A)
cases_templates_per_domain = null
# Quota for [cases]: UntagResource burst quota (L-AE0F3125)
cases_untagresource_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: UntagResource rate quota (L-515ED5E2)
cases_untagresource_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: UpdateCase burst quota (L-1D2B06EC)
cases_updatecase_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: UpdateCase rate quota (L-6FE92BD9)
cases_updatecase_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: UpdateField burst quota (L-A96CA735)
cases_updatefield_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: UpdateField rate quota (L-CC009CC4)
cases_updatefield_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: UpdateLayout burst quota (L-6743683C)
cases_updatelayout_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: UpdateLayout rate quota (L-D69D3749)
cases_updatelayout_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: UpdateTemplate burst quota (L-2AD9F9AD)
cases_updatetemplate_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: UpdateTemplate rate quota (L-B5BE889D)
cases_updatetemplate_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cassandra]: Account-level read throughput quota (Provisioned
# mode) (L-E7DB0CFF)
cassandra_account_level_read_throughput_quota_provisioned_mode_ = null
# Quota for [cassandra]: Account-level write throughput quota (Provisioned
# mode) (L-2C5B14BD)
cassandra_account_level_write_throughput_quota_provisioned_mode_ = null
# Quota for [cassandra]: Keyspaces per region (L-677FFD22)
cassandra_keyspaces_per_region = null
# Quota for [cassandra]: Max amount of data restored using Point-in-time
# Recovery (PITR) (L-4C49F3DB)
cassandra_max_amount_of_data_restored_using_point_in_time_recovery_pitr_ = null
# Quota for [cassandra]: Max concurrent table restores using Point-in-time
# Recovery (PITR) (L-F41E662B)
cassandra_max_concurrent_table_restores_using_point_in_time_recovery_pitr_ = null
# Quota for [cassandra]: Max subqueries per IN SELECT statement (L-2FC1B9A1)
cassandra_max_subqueries_per_in_select_statement = null
# Quota for [cassandra]: Table-level read throughput quota (L-17766544)
cassandra_table_level_read_throughput_quota = null
# Quota for [cassandra]: Table-level write throughput quota (L-3D8ED127)
cassandra_table_level_write_throughput_quota = null
# Quota for [cassandra]: Tables per region (L-BF48748A)
cassandra_tables_per_region = null
# Quota for [ce]: Number of active cost allocation tag keys (L-FE0E51D7)
ce_number_of_active_cost_allocation_tag_keys = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - API rate (L-CF24303F)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_call_analytics_api_rate = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Maximum configurations
# (L-668D1758)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_call_analytics_maximum_configurations = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Maximum pipelines
# (L-DA073F3A)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_call_analytics_maximum_pipelines = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Maximum voice analytics
# tasks (L-6B185CAC)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_call_analytics_maximum_voice_analytics_tasks = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Maximum voice profile
# domains (L-A60BCA6C)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_call_analytics_maximum_voice_profile_domains = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Speaker search API rate
# (L-BD254D8F)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_call_analytics_speaker_search_api_rate = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Voice profile API rate
# (L-6EAE6AA6)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_call_analytics_voice_profile_api_rate = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Voice profile domain
# API rate (L-C7906AAF)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_call_analytics_voice_profile_domain_api_rate = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Voice profiles per
# voice profile domain (L-1F05D3D7)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_call_analytics_voice_profiles_per_voice_profile_domain = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Voice tone analysis API
# rate (L-310C21A9)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_call_analytics_voice_tone_analysis_api_rate = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - AppInstance API requests per
# second (L-0A68E24C)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_appinstance_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - AppInstanceUser API requests
# per second (L-D99DAB65)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_appinstanceuser_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - Chime SDK Identity API
# requests per second (L-58DEE317)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_chime_sdk_identity_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - DescribeAppInstance API
# requests per second (L-3C5ED081)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_describeappinstance_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - DescribeAppInstanceUser API
# requests per second (L-13B02A3D)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_describeappinstanceuser_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - ListAppInstances API requests
# per second (L-1DB18BA9)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_listappinstances_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - ListAppInstanceUsers API
# requests per second (L-EA3B8D9B)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_listappinstanceusers_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - Maximum AppInstances per AWS
# Account (L-0222B40A)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_maximum_appinstances_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - Maximum AppInstanceUserAdmins
# per AppInstance (L-9A7ECB60)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_maximum_appinstanceuseradmins_per_appinstance = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - Maximum
# AppInstanceUserEndpoints per AppInstanceUser (L-39BCA56C)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_maximum_appinstanceuserendpoints_per_appinstanceuser = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - Maximum AppInstanceUsers per
# AppInstance (L-D54E9933)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_maximum_appinstanceusers_per_appinstance = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK media pipeline - Amazon Kinesis Video
# Stream pool API rate (L-F4340C7E)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_media_pipeline_amazon_kinesis_video_stream_pool_api_rate = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK media pipeline - API rate (L-804108DA)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_media_pipeline_api_rate = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK media pipeline - Maximum Amazon Kinesis
# Video Stream pools (L-83E6B280)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_media_pipeline_maximum_amazon_kinesis_video_stream_pools = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK media pipeline - Maximum pipelines
# (L-7F583998)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_media_pipeline_maximum_pipelines = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK meetings - Concurrent meeting quota
# (L-9F286451)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_meetings_concurrent_meeting_quota = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK meetings - Concurrent video streams
# published per meeting (L-AC1D2091)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_meetings_concurrent_video_streams_published_per_meeting = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK meetings (legacy endpoint) - Concurrent
# meeting quota (L-A5C73716)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_meetings_legacy_endpoint_concurrent_meeting_quota = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK meetings (legacy endpoint) - Concurrent
# video streams published per meeting (L-4ED6EC7D)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_meetings_legacy_endpoint_concurrent_video_streams_published_per_meeting = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK meetings - Replica meetings per primary
# meeting (L-154D84D0)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_meetings_replica_meetings_per_primary_meeting = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - AppInstanceUser API requests
# per second (L-A92E8EF9)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_appinstanceuser_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Channel API requests per
# second (L-53F2D722)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_channel_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - ChannelMessage API requests
# per second (L-FE35185B)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_channelmessage_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - DescribeChannel API requests
# per second (L-06A9F29A)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_describechannel_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - GetChannelMessage API
# requests per second (L-BB2EEB39)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_getchannelmessage_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging -
# ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUser API requests per second
# (L-06F4BAB8)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_listchannelmembershipsforappinstanceuser_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - ListChannelMessages API
# requests per second (L-37E67822)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_listchannelmessages_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - ListChannels API requests
# per second (L-B17C47C8)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_listchannels_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging -
# ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUser API requests per second (L-E8D9FB57)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_listchannelsmoderatedbyappinstanceuser_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Listing channel memberships
# API requests per second (L-B5609908)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_listing_channel_memberships_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - ListSubChannels API requests
# per second (L-303077AC)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_listsubchannels_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum CHANNEL_DETAILS
# events for prefetch (L-E95601F2)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_channel_details_events_for_prefetch = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum ChannelFlows per
# AppInstance (L-D1550AB5)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_channelflows_per_appinstance = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum ChannelMemberships
# in CHANNEL_DETAILS events for prefetch (L-7CE8F2DD)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_channelmemberships_in_channel_details_events_for_prefetch = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum ChannelMemberships
# per Channel (L-9A2511FF)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_channelmemberships_per_channel = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum ChannelMemberships
# per SubChannel (L-FBA49761)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_channelmemberships_per_subchannel = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum ChannelMessages in
# CHANNEL_DETAILS events for prefetch (L-B2BA1F32)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_channelmessages_in_channel_details_events_for_prefetch = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum ChannelModerators
# per Channel (L-3E511C5B)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_channelmoderators_per_channel = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum ChannelProcessors
# per ChannelFlow (L-CA0C986A)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_channelprocessors_per_channelflow = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum Channels per
# AppInstance (L-0AC3ED57)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_channels_per_appinstance = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum concurrent active
# connections per AppInstanceUser (L-0EB74667)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_concurrent_active_connections_per_appinstanceuser = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum Elastic Channels per
# AppInstance (L-710A5D85)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_elastic_channels_per_appinstance = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum SubChannels per
# Elastic Channel (L-81922B66)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_subchannels_per_elastic_channel = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Requests per second of
# create or delete channel memberships, bans, and moderators for a specific
# channel (L-9B0D42EC)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_requests_per_second_of_create_or_delete_channel_memberships_bans_and_moderators_for_a_specific_channel = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - calls per
# second (CPS) (L-B6F2C623)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_sip_trunking_and_voice_calls_per_second_cps_ = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice -
# CreateSipMediaApplicationCall API rate limit (L-C115F428)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_sip_trunking_and_voice_createsipmediaapplicationcall_api_rate_limit = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - provisioned
# phone numbers (L-32405DBA)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_sip_trunking_and_voice_provisioned_phone_numbers = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - SIP media
# applications (L-9DD490AB)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_sip_trunking_and_voice_sip_media_applications = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - SIP media
# applications per SIP rule (L-8BA4EAA6)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_sip_trunking_and_voice_sip_media_applications_per_sip_rule = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice -
# UpdateSipMediaApplicationCall API rate limit (L-21762DC9)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_sip_trunking_and_voice_updatesipmediaapplicationcall_api_rate_limit = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - Voice Connector
# groups (L-D3615084)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_sip_trunking_and_voice_voice_connector_groups = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - Voice
# Connectors (L-8EE806B4)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_sip_trunking_and_voice_voice_connectors_ = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - Voice
# Connectors per Voice Connector group (L-FA2B043C)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_sip_trunking_and_voice_voice_connectors_per_voice_connector_group = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Collaborations created per account (L-F60C2030)
cleanrooms_collaborations_created_per_account = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Members invited per collaboration (L-F7B26AF5)
cleanrooms_members_invited_per_collaboration = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Memberships per account (L-99A163CB)
cleanrooms_memberships_per_account = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of BatchGetSchema requests (L-FA0B0432)
cleanrooms_rate_of_batchgetschema_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of CreateCollaboration requests (L-71F0D659)
cleanrooms_rate_of_createcollaboration_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of CreateConfiguredTable requests (L-971686CB)
cleanrooms_rate_of_createconfiguredtable_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of CreateConfiguredTableAnalysisRule requests
# (L-AA1FCC92)
cleanrooms_rate_of_createconfiguredtableanalysisrule_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of CreateConfiguredTableAssociation requests
# (L-58076094)
cleanrooms_rate_of_createconfiguredtableassociation_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of CreateMembership requests (L-AA83E042)
cleanrooms_rate_of_createmembership_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of DeleteCollaboration requests (L-F0A87380)
cleanrooms_rate_of_deletecollaboration_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of DeleteConfiguredTable requests (L-C0D69AA0)
cleanrooms_rate_of_deleteconfiguredtable_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of DeleteConfiguredTableAnalysisRule requests
# (L-6FF866CD)
cleanrooms_rate_of_deleteconfiguredtableanalysisrule_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of DeleteConfiguredTableAssociation requests
# (L-88914C24)
cleanrooms_rate_of_deleteconfiguredtableassociation_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of DeleteMember requests (L-46ADBA29)
cleanrooms_rate_of_deletemember_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of DeleteMembership requests (L-80DB73D7)
cleanrooms_rate_of_deletemembership_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetCollaboration requests (L-EA789CE8)
cleanrooms_rate_of_getcollaboration_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetConfiguredTable requests (L-9FC85564)
cleanrooms_rate_of_getconfiguredtable_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetConfiguredTableAnalysisRule requests
# (L-0FB3F147)
cleanrooms_rate_of_getconfiguredtableanalysisrule_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetConfiguredTableAssociation requests
# (L-1BCDF035)
cleanrooms_rate_of_getconfiguredtableassociation_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetMembership requests (L-6EE33BE8)
cleanrooms_rate_of_getmembership_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetProtectedQuery requests (L-5B356E2B)
cleanrooms_rate_of_getprotectedquery_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetSchema requests (L-0A3E7551)
cleanrooms_rate_of_getschema_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetSchemaAnalysisRule requests (L-23D4B294)
cleanrooms_rate_of_getschemaanalysisrule_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of ListCollaborations requests (L-60C9F5C8)
cleanrooms_rate_of_listcollaborations_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of ListConfiguredTableAssociations requests
# (L-D90468BB)
cleanrooms_rate_of_listconfiguredtableassociations_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of ListConfiguredTables requests (L-4FA6F2CA)
cleanrooms_rate_of_listconfiguredtables_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of ListMembers requests (L-659B47CC)
cleanrooms_rate_of_listmembers_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of ListMemberships requests (L-8CF613B7)
cleanrooms_rate_of_listmemberships_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of ListProtectedQueries requests (L-2BCA0376)
cleanrooms_rate_of_listprotectedqueries_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of ListSchemas requests (L-8C954508)
cleanrooms_rate_of_listschemas_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of StartProtectedQuery requests (L-59F4710C)
cleanrooms_rate_of_startprotectedquery_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of UpdateCollaboration requests (L-DDC82272)
cleanrooms_rate_of_updatecollaboration_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of UpdateConfiguredTable requests (L-DF3C63EF)
cleanrooms_rate_of_updateconfiguredtable_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of UpdateConfiguredTableAnalysisRule requests
# (L-39FE5CA0)
cleanrooms_rate_of_updateconfiguredtableanalysisrule_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of UpdateConfiguredTableAssociation requests
# (L-BC5338D1)
cleanrooms_rate_of_updateconfiguredtableassociation_requests = null
# Quota for [cloud9]: EC2 development environments for this account
# (L-8ECD6BDB)
cloud9_ec2_development_environments_for_this_account = null
# Quota for [cloud9]: EC2 development environments for this user (L-C1302C17)
cloud9_ec2_development_environments_for_this_user = null
# Quota for [cloud9]: SSH development environments for this account
# (L-A29EDECE)
cloud9_ssh_development_environments_for_this_account = null
# Quota for [cloud9]: SSH development environments for this user (L-5D26553C)
cloud9_ssh_development_environments_for_this_user = null
# Quota for [cloudformation]: Module limit per account (L-DCC58E6D)
cloudformation_module_limit_per_account = null
# Quota for [cloudformation]: Resource limit per account (L-9DE8E4FB)
cloudformation_resource_limit_per_account = null
# Quota for [cloudformation]: Stack count (L-0485CB21)
cloudformation_stack_count = null
# Quota for [cloudformation]: Stack instance operations per administrator
# account (L-6A4B2F69)
cloudformation_stack_instance_operations_per_administrator_account = null
# Quota for [cloudformation]: Stack instances per stack set (L-C8225BA5)
cloudformation_stack_instances_per_stack_set = null
# Quota for [cloudformation]: Stack sets per administrator account
# (L-EC62D81A)
cloudformation_stack_sets_per_administrator_account = null
# Quota for [cloudformation]: Version limit per module (L-7E146E2E)
cloudformation_version_limit_per_module = null
# Quota for [cloudformation]: Version limit per resource (L-EA1018E8)
cloudformation_version_limit_per_resource = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Alternate domain names (CNAMEs) per distribution
# (L-AAD4943E)
cloudfront_alternate_domain_names_cnames_per_distribution = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Cache behaviors per distribution (L-F432D044)
cloudfront_cache_behaviors_per_distribution = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: CloudFront Functions: Maximum number of
# distributions associated with a single function (L-435C8433)
cloudfront_cloudfront_functions_maximum_number_of_distributions_associated_with_a_single_function = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Concurrent executions (L-67B0F006)
cloudfront_concurrent_executions = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Cookies per cache policy (L-BEBABC60)
cloudfront_cookies_per_cache_policy = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Cookies per origin request policy (L-68CBA03E)
cloudfront_cookies_per_origin_request_policy = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Custom headers: maximum number of custom headers
# that you can configure CloudFront to add to origin requests (L-BE7788E4)
cloudfront_custom_headers_maximum_number_of_custom_headers_that_you_can_configure_cloudfront_to_add_to_origin_requests = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Data transfer rate per distribution (L-0F1E9017)
cloudfront_data_transfer_rate_per_distribution = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Distributions associated with a single key group
# (L-C19110C4)
cloudfront_distributions_associated_with_a_single_key_group = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Distributions per AWS account that you can create
# triggers for (L-D0C8D03A)
cloudfront_distributions_per_aws_account_that_you_can_create_triggers_for = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Headers per cache policy (L-4C99C1B4)
cloudfront_headers_per_cache_policy = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Headers per origin request policy (L-C646B44B)
cloudfront_headers_per_origin_request_policy = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Key groups associated with a single distribution
# (L-E7E9ACEB)
cloudfront_key_groups_associated_with_a_single_distribution = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Key groups per AWS account (L-D64DA6E2)
cloudfront_key_groups_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Origin access identities per account (L-08884E5C)
cloudfront_origin_access_identities_per_account = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Origin groups per distribution (L-1B2BD627)
cloudfront_origin_groups_per_distribution = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Origins per distribution (L-B4048FB4)
cloudfront_origins_per_distribution = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Public keys in a single key group (L-9EBD26CA)
cloudfront_public_keys_in_a_single_key_group = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Query strings per cache policy (L-50C9D326)
cloudfront_query_strings_per_cache_policy = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Query strings per origin request policy (L-E47A582D)
cloudfront_query_strings_per_origin_request_policy = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Request timeout (L-C65EE6F0)
cloudfront_request_timeout = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Requests per second (L-A3F2DA32)
cloudfront_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Requests per second per distribution (L-A2C80159)
cloudfront_requests_per_second_per_distribution = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Response timeout per origin (L-AECE9FA7)
cloudfront_response_timeout_per_origin = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: RTMP distributions per AWS account (L-7F663A86)
cloudfront_rtmp_distributions_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: SSL certificates per AWS account when serving HTTPS
# requests using dedicated IP addresses (L-DA9DCC93)
cloudfront_ssl_certificates_per_aws_account_when_serving_https_requests_using_dedicated_ip_addresses = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Triggers per distribution (L-C57D59CB)
cloudfront_triggers_per_distribution = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Web distributions per AWS account (L-24B04930)
cloudfront_web_distributions_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Whitelisted cookies per cache behavior (L-9D26CF6B)
cloudfront_whitelisted_cookies_per_cache_behavior = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Whitelisted headers per cache behavior (L-1685304C)
cloudfront_whitelisted_headers_per_cache_behavior = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Whitelisted query strings per cache behavior
# (L-779C7A0B)
cloudfront_whitelisted_query_strings_per_cache_behavior = null
# Quota for [cloudhsm]: Clusters per AWS Region and AWS account (L-4B16B391)
cloudhsm_clusters_per_aws_region_and_aws_account = null
# Quota for [cloudhsm]: HSMs per AWS Region and AWS account (L-95BA35D1)
cloudhsm_hsms_per_aws_region_and_aws_account = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: Asset file size (L-AA0DC56D)
codeartifact_asset_file_size = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: CopyPackageVersions requests per second
# (L-308A4050)
codeartifact_copypackageversions_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: Domains per AWS account (L-DD7208D3)
codeartifact_domains_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: GetAuthorizationToken requests per second
# (L-0B362111)
codeartifact_getauthorizationtoken_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: GetPackageVersionAsset requests per second
# (L-6C12FB34)
codeartifact_getpackageversionasset_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: ListPackages requests per second (L-6010CAF9)
codeartifact_listpackages_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: ListPackageVersionAssets requests per second
# (L-3072382D)
codeartifact_listpackageversionassets_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: ListPackageVersions requests per second
codeartifact_listpackageversions_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: PublishPackageVersion requests per second
# (L-3E27C79F)
codeartifact_publishpackageversion_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: Read requests per second from a single AWS account
# (L-F39CF68A)
codeartifact_read_requests_per_second_from_a_single_aws_account = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: Repositories per domain (L-86608C96)
codeartifact_repositories_per_domain = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: Write requests per second from a single AWS
# account (L-A649E766)
codeartifact_write_requests_per_second_from_a_single_aws_account = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Build projects (L-ACCF6C0D)
codebuild_build_projects = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for ARM Lambda/10GB
# environment (L-36AF3CA5)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_arm_lambda_10gb_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for ARM Lambda/1GB
# environment (L-FD92223D)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_arm_lambda_1gb_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for ARM Lambda/2GB
# environment (L-DE99852F)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_arm_lambda_2gb_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for ARM Lambda/4GB
# environment (L-72045165)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_arm_lambda_4gb_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for ARM Lambda/8GB
# environment (L-546A802A)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_arm_lambda_8gb_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for ARM/Large environment
# (L-596BEAB4)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_arm_large_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for ARM/Small environment
# (L-5ED1D25B)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_arm_small_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux/2XLarge
# environment (L-0397D009)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_2xlarge_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux GPU Large
# environment (L-D906BEE7)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_gpu_large_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux GPU Small
# environment (L-F1FE1B52)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_gpu_small_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux Lambda/10GB
# environment (L-E692F494)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_lambda_10gb_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux Lambda/1GB
# environment (L-03FBB1ED)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_lambda_1gb_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux Lambda/2GB
# environment (L-1DFDD5F9)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_lambda_2gb_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux Lambda/4GB
# environment (L-39DB2B0B)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_lambda_4gb_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux Lambda/8GB
# environment (L-049948E0)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_lambda_8gb_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux/Large
# environment (L-4DDC4A99)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_large_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux/Medium
# environment (L-2DC20C30)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_medium_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux/Small
# environment (L-9D07B6EF)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_small_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux/XLarge
# environment (L-04E5CA62)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_xlarge_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Windows/Large
# environment (L-4135EDF8)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_windows_large_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Windows/Medium
# environment (L-B4157408)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_windows_medium_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Windows Server
# 2019/Large environment (L-2C3490D7)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_windows_server_2019_large_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Windows Server
# 2019/Medium environment (L-ECF1B2A0)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_windows_server_2019_medium_environment = null
# Quota for [codecommit]: Allowed repositories (L-81790602)
codecommit_allowed_repositories = null
# Quota for [codedeploy]: Applications associated per account per region
# (L-3F19B6A5)
codedeploy_applications_associated_per_account_per_region = null
# Quota for [codedeploy]: Associated alarms per deployment group (L-9F835576)
codedeploy_associated_alarms_per_deployment_group = null
# Quota for [codedeploy]: Auto Scaling groups in a deployment group
# (L-6DACB4EE)
codedeploy_auto_scaling_groups_in_a_deployment_group = null
# Quota for [codedeploy]: Concurrent deployments per account (L-AB125F0B)
codedeploy_concurrent_deployments_per_account = null
# Quota for [codedeploy]: Deployment groups associated with a single
# application (L-D9088B77)
codedeploy_deployment_groups_associated_with_a_single_application = null
# Quota for [codedeploy]: Event notification triggers in a deployment group
# (L-877B748B)
codedeploy_event_notification_triggers_in_a_deployment_group = null
# Quota for [codedeploy]: Instances count per deployment (L-6BCCFC85)
codedeploy_instances_count_per_deployment = null
# Quota for [codedeploy]: Number of instances used by concurrent deployments
# that are in progress per account (L-464411D9)
codedeploy_number_of_instances_used_by_concurrent_deployments_that_are_in_progress_per_account = null
# Quota for [codeguru-profiler]: Number of profiling groups per account and
# region. (L-DA8D4E8D)
codeguru_profiler_number_of_profiling_groups_per_account_and_region_ = null
# Quota for [codeguru-reviewer]: Allowed Code Reviews (L-F5129FC6)
codeguru_reviewer_allowed_code_reviews = null
# Quota for [codepipeline]: Action timeout (L-5AA45A27)
codepipeline_action_timeout = null
# Quota for [codepipeline]: Amazon S3 deployment action timeout (L-ABB870A7)
codepipeline_amazon_s3_deployment_action_timeout = null
# Quota for [codepipeline]: AWS CloudFormation action timeout (L-447DD651)
codepipeline_aws_cloudformation_action_timeout = null
# Quota for [codepipeline]: AWS CodeDeploy action timeout (L-CE1F2EE9)
codepipeline_aws_codedeploy_action_timeout = null
# Quota for [codepipeline]: AWS CodeDeploy ECS (Blue/Green) action timeout
# (L-87C878A5)
codepipeline_aws_codedeploy_ecs_blue_green_action_timeout = null
# Quota for [codepipeline]: AWS Lambda action timeout (L-912817AD)
codepipeline_aws_lambda_action_timeout = null
# Quota for [codepipeline]: Total custom actions (L-519D5A90)
codepipeline_total_custom_actions = null
# Quota for [codepipeline]: Total pipelines (L-78D200AD)
codepipeline_total_pipelines = null
# Quota for [codepipeline]: Total webhooks (L-FE939BB2)
codepipeline_total_webhooks = null
# Quota for [cognito-identity]: Identity pools per account (L-8692CE1C)
cognito_identity_identity_pools_per_account = null
# Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of GetCredentialsForIdentity requests
# (L-5AE9F13D)
cognito_identity_rate_of_getcredentialsforidentity_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of GetId requests (L-A38ADA84)
cognito_identity_rate_of_getid_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of GetOpenIdToken requests (L-E97D135E)
cognito_identity_rate_of_getopenidtoken_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity
# requests (L-0BF99E8D)
cognito_identity_rate_of_getopenidtokenfordeveloperidentity_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of ListIdentities requests (L-DBF99350)
cognito_identity_rate_of_listidentities_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of ListTagsForResource requests
# (L-50C9AAB8)
cognito_identity_rate_of_listtagsforresource_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of TagResource requests (L-DAF3EAFF)
cognito_identity_rate_of_tagresource_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of UntagResource requests (L-0D31D6D2)
cognito_identity_rate_of_untagresource_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-identity]: User pool providers per identity pool
# (L-14403AD5)
cognito_identity_user_pool_providers_per_identity_pool = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: Apps per user pool (L-5EAB0605)
cognito_idp_apps_per_user_pool = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: Identity providers per user pool (L-1B44D826)
cognito_idp_identity_providers_per_user_pool = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: Rate of UserAuthentication requests (L-026ADBA3)
cognito_idp_rate_of_userauthentication_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: Rate of UserCreation requests (L-5987B8A0)
cognito_idp_rate_of_usercreation_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: Rate of UserFederation requests (L-BB3E7CCF)
cognito_idp_rate_of_userfederation_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: Rate of UserRead requests (L-D6BD5178)
cognito_idp_rate_of_userread_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: Rate of UserResourceRead requests (L-55545DC8)
cognito_idp_rate_of_userresourceread_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: Rate of UserToken requests (L-F21F8BB4)
cognito_idp_rate_of_usertoken_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: Resource servers per user pool (L-7CDAF993)
cognito_idp_resource_servers_per_user_pool = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: User import jobs per user pool (L-681BB884)
cognito_idp_user_import_jobs_per_user_pool = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: User pools per account (L-66E6DF30)
cognito_idp_user_pools_per_account = null
# Quota for [cognito-sync]: Dataset size (L-C5EE478A)
cognito_sync_dataset_size = null
# Quota for [cognito-sync]: Datasets per identity (L-2625A4A0)
cognito_sync_datasets_per_identity = null
# Quota for [cognito-sync]: Records per dataset (L-97A9518B)
cognito_sync_records_per_dataset = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: CreateFlywheel max active flywheels (L-AE5B911F)
comprehend_createflywheel_max_active_flywheels = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: CreateFlywheel max concurrent (L-8F55B05C)
comprehend_createflywheel_max_concurrent = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: Datasets max concurrent creates (L-0C094DCD)
comprehend_datasets_max_concurrent_creates = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: DetectDominantLanguage max active jobs (L-7AC96081)
comprehend_detectdominantlanguage_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: DetectEntities max active jobs (L-2B8ECCAB)
comprehend_detectentities_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: DetectEvents max active jobs (L-471B41D6)
comprehend_detectevents_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: DetectKeyPhrases max active jobs (L-BFFD1421)
comprehend_detectkeyphrases_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: DetectPiiEntities max active jobs (L-D88E2B98)
comprehend_detectpiientities_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: DetectSentiment max active jobs (L-32ABBB12)
comprehend_detectsentiment_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: DetectTargetedSentiment max active jobs (L-358FBC4F)
comprehend_detecttargetedsentiment_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: DocumentClassification max active jobs (L-E65FE76A)
comprehend_documentclassification_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: DocumentClassifier max active jobs (L-94042C4D)
comprehend_documentclassifier_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: Endpoints max active endpoints (L-55642075)
comprehend_endpoints_max_active_endpoints = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: Endpoints max inference units per account
# (L-2A73DEBC)
comprehend_endpoints_max_inference_units_per_account = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: Endpoints max inference units per endpoint
# (L-70EC2949)
comprehend_endpoints_max_inference_units_per_endpoint = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: EntityRecognizer max active jobs (L-4BDB4A9D)
comprehend_entityrecognizer_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: MaxTestDatasets per flywheel (L-1666A7DF)
comprehend_maxtestdatasets_per_flywheel = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: MaxTrainDatasets per flywheel (L-7CC66BB8)
comprehend_maxtraindatasets_per_flywheel = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: StartFlywheelIteration max concurrent flywheel
# iterations (L-C5F124CF)
comprehend_startflywheeliteration_max_concurrent_flywheel_iterations = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: TopicsDetection max active jobs (L-F2BED405)
comprehend_topicsdetection_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Characters per second (CPS) for the
# DetectEntities operation (L-0F270C16)
comprehendmedical_characters_per_second_cps_for_the_detectentities_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Characters per second (CPS) for the
# DetectEntities-v2 operation (L-DA25DEBE)
comprehendmedical_characters_per_second_cps_for_the_detectentities_v2_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Characters per second (CPS) for the DetectPHI
# operation (L-898A29B5)
comprehendmedical_characters_per_second_cps_for_the_detectphi_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Characters per second (CPS) for the
# InferICD10CM operation (L-2D8DD360)
comprehendmedical_characters_per_second_cps_for_the_infericd10cm_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Characters per second (CPS) for the
# InferRxNorm operation (L-EBC89551)
comprehendmedical_characters_per_second_cps_for_the_inferrxnorm_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Characters per second (CPS) for the
# InferSNOMEDCT operation (L-94FD3525)
comprehendmedical_characters_per_second_cps_for_the_infersnomedct_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# DescribeEntitiesDetectionV2Job operation (L-2E4FECDB)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_describeentitiesdetectionv2job_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# DescribeICD10CMInferenceJob operation (L-D3E9A826)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_describeicd10cminferencejob_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# DescribePHIDetectionJob operation (L-6D2451A2)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_describephidetectionjob_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# DescribeRxNormInferenceJob operation (L-9160F74C)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_describerxnorminferencejob_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# ListEntitiesDetectionV2Jobs operation (L-D2B25B86)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_listentitiesdetectionv2jobs_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# ListICD10CMInferenceJobs operation (L-697FACA2)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_listicd10cminferencejobs_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# ListPHIDetectionJobs operation (L-ECD06837)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_listphidetectionjobs_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# ListRxNormInferenceJobs operation (L-BC0855C2)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_listrxnorminferencejobs_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# StartEntitiesDetectionV2Job operation (L-CA412BC4)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_startentitiesdetectionv2job_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# StartICD10CMInferenceJob operation (L-A7A39B63)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_starticd10cminferencejob_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# StartPHIDetectionJob operation (L-63264B74)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_startphidetectionjob_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# StartRxNormInferenceJob operation (L-65E555CE)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_startrxnorminferencejob_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# StopEntitiesDetectionV2Job operation (L-5C7158CA)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_stopentitiesdetectionv2job_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# StopICD10CMInferenceJob operation (L-2FF7DD8B)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_stopicd10cminferencejob_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# StopPHIDetectionJob operation (L-A599138D)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_stopphidetectionjob_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# StopRxNormInferenceJob operation (L-6E23E26F)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_stoprxnorminferencejob_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# StopSNOMEDCTInferenceJob operation (L-3645AB89)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_stopsnomedctinferencejob_operation = null
# Quota for [config]: AWS Config Rules per region (L-0BE82991)
config_aws_config_rules_per_region = null
# Quota for [connect]: Amazon Connect instance count (L-AA17A6B9)
connect_amazon_connect_instance_count = null
# Quota for [connect]: Amazon Lex bots per instance (L-B93A6612)
connect_amazon_lex_bots_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Amazon Lex V2 bot aliases per instance (L-CCEA7427)
connect_amazon_lex_v2_bot_aliases_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: AWS Lambda functions per instance (L-E3D2F503)
connect_aws_lambda_functions_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect-campaigns]: Campaigns (L-7F7B4C39)
connect_campaigns_campaigns = null
# Quota for [connect]: Concurrent active calls per instance (L-12AB7C57)
connect_concurrent_active_calls_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Concurrent active chats per instance (L-D4BA6F6E)
connect_concurrent_active_chats_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Concurrent active tasks per instance (L-60553137)
connect_concurrent_active_tasks_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Concurrent campaign active calls per instance
# (L-E908C3A1)
connect_concurrent_campaign_active_calls_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Contact flows per instance (L-22922690)
connect_contact_flows_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Flow modules per instance (L-19755C7E)
connect_flow_modules_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Hours of operation per instance (L-20CD02F7)
connect_hours_of_operation_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Phone numbers per instance (L-8F812903)
connect_phone_numbers_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Predefined Attributes (L-3828FBF0)
connect_predefined_attributes = null
# Quota for [connect]: Proficiencies per agent (L-50375162)
connect_proficiencies_per_agent = null
# Quota for [connect]: Prompts per instance (L-0865B754)
connect_prompts_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Queues per instance (L-19A87C94)
connect_queues_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Queues per routing profile per instance (L-516BC0EB)
connect_queues_per_routing_profile_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Quick connects per instance (L-68BBE2E8)
connect_quick_connects_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateApprovedOrigin API requests
# (L-8787723E)
connect_rate_of_associateapprovedorigin_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateBot API requests (L-8C43A191)
connect_rate_of_associatebot_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateDefaultVocabulary API requests
# (L-731F613E)
connect_rate_of_associatedefaultvocabulary_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateInstanceStorageConfig API requests
# (L-B1987D6A)
connect_rate_of_associateinstancestorageconfig_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateLambdaFunction API requests
# (L-4AE2F6BF)
connect_rate_of_associatelambdafunction_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateLexBot API requests (L-45BAE507)
connect_rate_of_associatelexbot_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociatePhoneNumberContactFlow API requests
# (L-D2ECB451)
connect_rate_of_associatephonenumbercontactflow_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateQueueQuickConnects API requests
# (L-AFE616A6)
connect_rate_of_associatequeuequickconnects_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateRoutingProfileQueues API requests
# (L-01980B0F)
connect_rate_of_associateroutingprofilequeues_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateSecurityKey API requests (L-5B601B18)
connect_rate_of_associatesecuritykey_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateUserProficiencies API requests
# (L-2CCBA953)
connect_rate_of_associateuserproficiencies_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of BatchPutContact API requests (L-76F318C5)
connect_rate_of_batchputcontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ClaimPhoneNumber API requests (L-21385E28)
connect_rate_of_claimphonenumber_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateAgentStatus API requests (L-3118109A)
connect_rate_of_createagentstatus_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateContactFlow API requests (L-A218697D)
connect_rate_of_createcontactflow_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateContactFlowModule API requests
# (L-DA469EE8)
connect_rate_of_createcontactflowmodule_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateHoursOfOperation API requests
# (L-C32AFAAE)
connect_rate_of_createhoursofoperation_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateInstance API requests (L-2AADC77E)
connect_rate_of_createinstance_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateIntegrationAssociation API requests
# (L-1A44121A)
connect_rate_of_createintegrationassociation_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateParticipant API requests (L-8FE21897)
connect_rate_of_createparticipant_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreatePredefinedAttribute API requests
# (L-75490F5A)
connect_rate_of_createpredefinedattribute_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateQueue API requests (L-DF4FC88B)
connect_rate_of_createqueue_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateQuickConnect API requests (L-272F1E62)
connect_rate_of_createquickconnect_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateRoutingProfile API requests (L-8CE99751)
connect_rate_of_createroutingprofile_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateRule API requests (L-75EE66CE)
connect_rate_of_createrule_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateSecurityProfile API requests (L-159E202B)
connect_rate_of_createsecurityprofile_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateTaskTemplate API requests (L-185BE3DB)
connect_rate_of_createtasktemplate_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateTrafficDistributionGroup API requests
# (L-781E5E85)
connect_rate_of_createtrafficdistributiongroup_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateUseCase API requests (L-5755F8EC)
connect_rate_of_createusecase_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateUser API requests (L-CBDEE3E4)
connect_rate_of_createuser_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateUserHierarchyGroup API requests
# (L-E621D747)
connect_rate_of_createuserhierarchygroup_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateVocabulary API requests (L-1AB8E9D9)
connect_rate_of_createvocabulary_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteContactFlow API requests (L-BBBDDEDC)
connect_rate_of_deletecontactflow_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteContactFlowModule API requests
# (L-19D865C6)
connect_rate_of_deletecontactflowmodule_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteHoursOfOperation API requests
# (L-57EBCF95)
connect_rate_of_deletehoursofoperation_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteInstance API requests (L-B9220F3B)
connect_rate_of_deleteinstance_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteIntegrationAssociation API requests
# (L-9CF39F22)
connect_rate_of_deleteintegrationassociation_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeletePredefinedAttribute API requests
# (L-84CCC70A)
connect_rate_of_deletepredefinedattribute_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteQuickConnect API requests (L-EC633E57)
connect_rate_of_deletequickconnect_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteRule API requests (L-7AA5113F)
connect_rate_of_deleterule_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteSecurityProfile API requests (L-BD0B57EC)
connect_rate_of_deletesecurityprofile_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteTaskTemplate API requests (L-D7F21423)
connect_rate_of_deletetasktemplate_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteTrafficDistributionGroup API requests
# (L-4409B44A)
connect_rate_of_deletetrafficdistributiongroup_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteUseCase API requests (L-CDC861C1)
connect_rate_of_deleteusecase_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteUser API requests (L-30488271)
connect_rate_of_deleteuser_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteUserHierarchyGroup API requests
# (L-6751163B)
connect_rate_of_deleteuserhierarchygroup_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteVocabulary API requests (L-78A553AE)
connect_rate_of_deletevocabulary_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeAgentStatus API requests (L-08DF489D)
connect_rate_of_describeagentstatus_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeContact API requests (L-371095B8)
connect_rate_of_describecontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeContactFlow API requests (L-41C7214A)
connect_rate_of_describecontactflow_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeContactFlowModule API requests
# (L-56B34560)
connect_rate_of_describecontactflowmodule_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeHoursOfOperation API requests
# (L-F6EB2DE1)
connect_rate_of_describehoursofoperation_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeInstance API requests (L-D14CF86E)
connect_rate_of_describeinstance_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeInstanceAttribute API requests
# (L-2F996DE6)
connect_rate_of_describeinstanceattribute_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeInstanceStorageConfig API requests
# (L-57DF9146)
connect_rate_of_describeinstancestorageconfig_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribePhoneNumber API requests (L-34F440B5)
connect_rate_of_describephonenumber_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribePredefinedAttribute API requests
# (L-753B94AB)
connect_rate_of_describepredefinedattribute_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribePrompt API requests (L-3F6301E8)
connect_rate_of_describeprompt_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeQueue API requests (L-FAC57D08)
connect_rate_of_describequeue_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeQuickConnect API requests (L-2DE43297)
connect_rate_of_describequickconnect_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeRoutingProfile API requests
# (L-839A2EDC)
connect_rate_of_describeroutingprofile_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeRule API requests (L-40BDE29F)
connect_rate_of_describerule_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeSecurityProfile API requests
# (L-2AF5EEF5)
connect_rate_of_describesecurityprofile_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeTrafficDistributionGroup API requests
# (L-DD5F6903)
connect_rate_of_describetrafficdistributiongroup_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeUser API requests (L-EE6F0D82)
connect_rate_of_describeuser_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeUserHierarchyGroup API requests
# (L-50D07AB9)
connect_rate_of_describeuserhierarchygroup_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeUserHierarchyStructure API requests
# (L-5F32FD78)
connect_rate_of_describeuserhierarchystructure_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeVocabulary API requests (L-22F9A3D8)
connect_rate_of_describevocabulary_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateApprovedOrigin API requests
# (L-C595FFE9)
connect_rate_of_disassociateapprovedorigin_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateBot API requests (L-C06273D6)
connect_rate_of_disassociatebot_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateInstanceStorageConfig API requests
# (L-76EF4B62)
connect_rate_of_disassociateinstancestorageconfig_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateLambdaFunction API requests
# (L-C5C511CD)
connect_rate_of_disassociatelambdafunction_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateLexBot API requests (L-25E54F7C)
connect_rate_of_disassociatelexbot_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociatePhoneNumberContactFlow API requests
# (L-F7E8A253)
connect_rate_of_disassociatephonenumbercontactflow_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateQueueQuickConnects API requests
# (L-BC61DC58)
connect_rate_of_disassociatequeuequickconnects_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateRoutingProfileQueues API requests
# (L-83963769)
connect_rate_of_disassociateroutingprofilequeues_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateSecurityKey API requests
# (L-1F455046)
connect_rate_of_disassociatesecuritykey_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateUserProficiencies API requests
# (L-53E03705)
connect_rate_of_disassociateuserproficiencies_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DismissUserContact API requests (L-2BDBF248)
connect_rate_of_dismissusercontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetContactAttributes API requests (L-5AF7EB96)
connect_rate_of_getcontactattributes_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetCurrentMetricData API requests (L-ED2B0490)
connect_rate_of_getcurrentmetricdata_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetCurrentUserData API requests (L-9E54B88B)
connect_rate_of_getcurrentuserdata_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetFederationToken API requests (L-9AA558F3)
connect_rate_of_getfederationtoken_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetMetricData API requests (L-52794498)
connect_rate_of_getmetricdata_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetMetricDataV2 API requests (L-2E719449)
connect_rate_of_getmetricdatav2_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetTaskTemplate API requests (L-87C02971)
connect_rate_of_gettasktemplate_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetTrafficDistribution API requests
# (L-379E909D)
connect_rate_of_gettrafficdistribution_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListAgentStatuses API requests (L-D6D4A2DA)
connect_rate_of_listagentstatuses_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListApprovedOrigins API requests (L-80A82D5F)
connect_rate_of_listapprovedorigins_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListBots API requests (L-6DF53542)
connect_rate_of_listbots_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListContactFlowModules API requests
# (L-89B2A386)
connect_rate_of_listcontactflowmodules_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListContactFlows API requests (L-4641705A)
connect_rate_of_listcontactflows_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListContactReferences API requests (L-6840C932)
connect_rate_of_listcontactreferences_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListDefaultVocabularies API requests
# (L-78937F3A)
connect_rate_of_listdefaultvocabularies_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListHoursOfOperations API requests (L-09AAE068)
connect_rate_of_listhoursofoperations_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListInstanceAttributes API requests
# (L-5CB19903)
connect_rate_of_listinstanceattributes_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListInstances API requests (L-98C95556)
connect_rate_of_listinstances_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListInstanceStorageConfigs API requests
# (L-8BFD043A)
connect_rate_of_listinstancestorageconfigs_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListIntegrationAssociations API requests
# (L-A6BE227D)
connect_rate_of_listintegrationassociations_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListLambdaFunctions API requests (L-D9BB0F83)
connect_rate_of_listlambdafunctions_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListLexBots API requests (L-467CADD3)
connect_rate_of_listlexbots_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListPhoneNumbers API requests (L-9959E55D)
connect_rate_of_listphonenumbers_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListPhoneNumbersV2 API requests (L-B07B2C56)
connect_rate_of_listphonenumbersv2_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListPredefinedAttributes API requests
# (L-BE2447CC)
connect_rate_of_listpredefinedattributes_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListPrompts API requests (L-A9886A7C)
connect_rate_of_listprompts_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListQueueQuickConnects API requests
# (L-6271E27A)
connect_rate_of_listqueuequickconnects_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListQueues API requests (L-C56E3A3C)
connect_rate_of_listqueues_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListQuickConnects API requests (L-44B5DA37)
connect_rate_of_listquickconnects_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListRoutingProfileQueues API requests
# (L-16BF00C7)
connect_rate_of_listroutingprofilequeues_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListRoutingProfiles API requests (L-30929A21)
connect_rate_of_listroutingprofiles_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListRules API requests (L-0711FF1F)
connect_rate_of_listrules_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListSecurityKeys API requests (L-DB5A7716)
connect_rate_of_listsecuritykeys_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListSecurityProfilePermissions API requests
# (L-12900DCA)
connect_rate_of_listsecurityprofilepermissions_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListSecurityProfiles API requests (L-A408782D)
connect_rate_of_listsecurityprofiles_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListTagsForResource API requests (L-601C68F6)
connect_rate_of_listtagsforresource_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListTaskTemplates API requests (L-0D791E12)
connect_rate_of_listtasktemplates_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListTrafficDistributionGroups API requests
# (L-FF4585DE)
connect_rate_of_listtrafficdistributiongroups_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListUseCases API requests (L-D04B6FBE)
connect_rate_of_listusecases_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListUserHierarchyGroups API requests
# (L-E6DB6D6D)
connect_rate_of_listuserhierarchygroups_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListUserProficiencies API requests (L-A59C54EE)
connect_rate_of_listuserproficiencies_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListUsers API requests (L-CCC38177)
connect_rate_of_listusers_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of MonitorContact API requests (L-230B11C5)
connect_rate_of_monitorcontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of PauseContact API requests (L-759067FC)
connect_rate_of_pausecontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of PutUserStatus API requests (L-50B4DE11)
connect_rate_of_putuserstatus_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ReleasePhoneNumber API requests (L-91A40F24)
connect_rate_of_releasephonenumber_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ReplicateInstance API requests (L-5AD48B1A)
connect_rate_of_replicateinstance_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ResumeContact API requests (L-1210FC76)
connect_rate_of_resumecontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ResumeContactRecording API requests
# (L-7FA26DC8)
connect_rate_of_resumecontactrecording_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers API requests
# (L-AF3C38D5)
connect_rate_of_searchavailablephonenumbers_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchHoursOfOperations API requests
# (L-44BB2CC5)
connect_rate_of_searchhoursofoperations_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchPredefinedAttributes API requests
# (L-DB5F63B4)
connect_rate_of_searchpredefinedattributes_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchPrompts API requests (L-E2244126)
connect_rate_of_searchprompts_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchQueues API requests (L-8157C163)
connect_rate_of_searchqueues_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchQuickConnects API requests (L-6FB811CE)
connect_rate_of_searchquickconnects_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchResourceTags API requests (L-3F3E67D1)
connect_rate_of_searchresourcetags_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchRoutingProfiles API requests (L-9DAC7B1B)
connect_rate_of_searchroutingprofiles_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchSecurityProfiles API requests
# (L-3481440F)
connect_rate_of_searchsecurityprofiles_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchUsers API requests (L-E2C35CCE)
connect_rate_of_searchusers_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchVocabularies API requests (L-6C658B70)
connect_rate_of_searchvocabularies_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of StartChatContact API requests (L-AA48CD49)
connect_rate_of_startchatcontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of StartContactRecording API requests (L-3EEA2922)
connect_rate_of_startcontactrecording_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of StartContactStreaming API requests (L-93412F17)
connect_rate_of_startcontactstreaming_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of StartOutboundVoiceContact API requests
# (L-4E9BCC96)
connect_rate_of_startoutboundvoicecontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of StartTaskContact API requests (L-E704D621)
connect_rate_of_starttaskcontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of StartWebRTCContact API requests (L-5CFC10A5)
connect_rate_of_startwebrtccontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of StopContact API requests (L-650BD10F)
connect_rate_of_stopcontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of StopContactRecording API requests (L-C1DA0AD4)
connect_rate_of_stopcontactrecording_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of StopContactStreaming API requests (L-2FC23A76)
connect_rate_of_stopcontactstreaming_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SuspendContactRecording API requests
# (L-22C4CED1)
connect_rate_of_suspendcontactrecording_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of TagContact API requests (L-AAE06E27)
connect_rate_of_tagcontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of TagResource API requests (L-EA358306)
connect_rate_of_tagresource_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of TransferContact API requests (L-43B4F8CE)
connect_rate_of_transfercontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UntagContact API requests (L-50C3EE60)
connect_rate_of_untagcontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UntagResource API requests (L-26D9F60B)
connect_rate_of_untagresource_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateAgentStatus API requests (L-2DB48531)
connect_rate_of_updateagentstatus_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContact API requests (L-40C15531)
connect_rate_of_updatecontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContactAttributes API requests
# (L-F001E5ED)
connect_rate_of_updatecontactattributes_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContactFlowContent API requests
# (L-4C062DDC)
connect_rate_of_updatecontactflowcontent_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContactFlowMetadata API requests
# (L-96329A5A)
connect_rate_of_updatecontactflowmetadata_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContactFlowModuleContent API requests
# (L-C260F37F)
connect_rate_of_updatecontactflowmodulecontent_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadata API requests
# (L-80204DDC)
connect_rate_of_updatecontactflowmodulemetadata_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContactFlowName API requests (L-3741AF59)
connect_rate_of_updatecontactflowname_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContactSchedule API requests (L-18108401)
connect_rate_of_updatecontactschedule_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateHoursOfOperation API requests
# (L-6E6B18DB)
connect_rate_of_updatehoursofoperation_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateInstanceAttribute API requests
# (L-40F4B10D)
connect_rate_of_updateinstanceattribute_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateInstanceStorageConfig API requests
# (L-AEE2C982)
connect_rate_of_updateinstancestorageconfig_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateParticipantRoleConfig API requests
# (L-37E92540)
connect_rate_of_updateparticipantroleconfig_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdatePhoneNumber API requests (L-B7E1268D)
connect_rate_of_updatephonenumber_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdatePredefinedAttribute API requests
# (L-FBA0478F)
connect_rate_of_updatepredefinedattribute_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateQueueHoursOfOperation API requests
# (L-1317E3B0)
connect_rate_of_updatequeuehoursofoperation_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateQueueMaxContacts API requests
# (L-4EA7C312)
connect_rate_of_updatequeuemaxcontacts_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateQueueName API requests (L-A250B0F6)
connect_rate_of_updatequeuename_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfig API requests
# (L-B1EC95D9)
connect_rate_of_updatequeueoutboundcallerconfig_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateQueueStatus API requests (L-5AB302E1)
connect_rate_of_updatequeuestatus_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateQuickConnectConfig API requests
# (L-B29D0CD1)
connect_rate_of_updatequickconnectconfig_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateQuickConnectName API requests
# (L-A84FDAD7)
connect_rate_of_updatequickconnectname_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrency API requests
# (L-E0E93115)
connect_rate_of_updateroutingprofileconcurrency_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueue API
# requests (L-C8237495)
connect_rate_of_updateroutingprofiledefaultoutboundqueue_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateRoutingProfileName API requests
# (L-4AAC8E79)
connect_rate_of_updateroutingprofilename_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateRoutingProfileQueues API requests
# (L-5E9E65F2)
connect_rate_of_updateroutingprofilequeues_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateRule API requests (L-AEFB3FB7)
connect_rate_of_updaterule_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateSecurityProfile API requests (L-17DC1373)
connect_rate_of_updatesecurityprofile_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateTaskTemplate API requests (L-000B6A1A)
connect_rate_of_updatetasktemplate_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateTrafficDistribution API requests
# (L-E230854C)
connect_rate_of_updatetrafficdistribution_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserHierarchy API requests (L-AEAF5C4B)
connect_rate_of_updateuserhierarchy_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserHierarchyGroupName API requests
# (L-020883A7)
connect_rate_of_updateuserhierarchygroupname_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserHierarchyStructure API requests
# (L-1775C3F8)
connect_rate_of_updateuserhierarchystructure_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserIdentityInfo API requests
# (L-66B5F86E)
connect_rate_of_updateuseridentityinfo_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserPhoneConfig API requests (L-5D8210C3)
connect_rate_of_updateuserphoneconfig_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserProficiencies API requests
# (L-5A3065E6)
connect_rate_of_updateuserproficiencies_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserRoutingProfile API requests
# (L-418ABD80)
connect_rate_of_updateuserroutingprofile_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserSecurityProfiles API requests
# (L-64B27051)
connect_rate_of_updateusersecurityprofiles_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Reports per instance (L-79564E52)
connect_reports_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Routing profiles per instance (L-D3E7BE26)
connect_routing_profiles_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Scheduled reports per instance (L-986AE5E3)
connect_scheduled_reports_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Security profiles per instance (L-F325A715)
connect_security_profiles_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: User hierarchy groups per instance (L-D68AAAE4)
connect_user_hierarchy_groups_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Users per instance (L-9A46857E)
connect_users_per_instance = null
# Quota for [crowdscale-usagelimitservice]: Monthly Usage (L-EC45676A)
crowdscale_usagelimitservice_monthly_usage = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Concurrent jobs per AWS account (L-935D4120)
databrew_concurrent_jobs_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Datasets per AWS account (L-940C8930)
databrew_datasets_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Jobs per AWS account (L-0D2C4DFC)
databrew_jobs_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Node capacity per AWS account (L-B06AE58E)
databrew_node_capacity_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Open projects per AWS account (L-5748848E)
databrew_open_projects_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Projects per AWS account (L-CE9E9D8D)
databrew_projects_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Recipes per AWS account (L-EE2782A4)
databrew_recipes_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Rules per ruleset (L-640ABD4F)
databrew_rules_per_ruleset = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Rulesets per AWS account (L-955A1FA6)
databrew_rulesets_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Rulesets per dataset (L-131D2768)
databrew_rulesets_per_dataset = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Schedules per AWS account (L-BF3E0A94)
databrew_schedules_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Versions per recipe (L-A386FCB8)
databrew_versions_per_recipe = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Amazon API Gateway API assets per revision
# (L-4F329808)
dataexchange_amazon_api_gateway_api_assets_per_revision = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Amazon Redshift datashare assets per revision
# (L-9961D71E)
dataexchange_amazon_redshift_datashare_assets_per_revision = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Amazon S3 data access assets per revision
# (L-60973A49)
dataexchange_amazon_s3_data_access_assets_per_revision = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Assets per revision (L-92FCD39C)
dataexchange_assets_per_revision = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Auto export event actions per data set
# (L-7053BE85)
dataexchange_auto_export_event_actions_per_data_set = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: AWS Lake Formation data permission assets per
# revision (L-D470FF0C)
dataexchange_aws_lake_formation_data_permission_assets_per_revision = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Bring-Your-Own-Subscription offers per account
# (L-40666FB8)
dataexchange_bring_your_own_subscription_offers_per_account = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Data dictionaries per product (L-74F9E0C2)
dataexchange_data_dictionaries_per_product = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Data dictionary file size in MB (L-6CFAE129)
dataexchange_data_dictionary_file_size_in_mb = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Data sets per account (L-52E2E63A)
dataexchange_data_sets_per_account = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Data sets per product (L-DE2ACC41)
dataexchange_data_sets_per_product = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Event actions per account (L-8EB7960E)
dataexchange_event_actions_per_account = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Pending data grants per consumer (L-1FA7039C)
dataexchange_pending_data_grants_per_consumer = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Private offers per account (L-CB9E1125)
dataexchange_private_offers_per_account = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Products per account (L-DFF93383)
dataexchange_products_per_account = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Products per data set (L-D05CF9CD)
dataexchange_products_per_data_set = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Revisions per Amazon API Gateway API data set
# (L-237CFF3D)
dataexchange_revisions_per_amazon_api_gateway_api_data_set = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Revisions per Amazon Redshift datashare data set
# (L-A8722A7A)
dataexchange_revisions_per_amazon_redshift_datashare_data_set = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Revisions per Amazon S3 data access data set
# (L-70B0F91E)
dataexchange_revisions_per_amazon_s3_data_access_data_set = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Revisions per AWS Lake Formation data permission
# data set (L-A15CB065)
dataexchange_revisions_per_aws_lake_formation_data_permission_data_set = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Revisions per data set (L-375806A0)
dataexchange_revisions_per_data_set = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Sample file size in MB (L-4621BEF4)
dataexchange_sample_file_size_in_mb = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Samples per product (L-D8673932)
dataexchange_samples_per_product = null
# Quota for [datapipeline]: Number of active instances per object (L-38666D85)
datapipeline_number_of_active_instances_per_object = null
# Quota for [datapipeline]: Number of objects per pipeline (L-68BE1CDF)
datapipeline_number_of_objects_per_pipeline = null
# Quota for [datapipeline]: Number of pipelines you can create (L-F826FAFA)
datapipeline_number_of_pipelines_you_can_create = null
# Quota for [datasync]: Files per task (L-DF42D66D)
datasync_files_per_task = null
# Quota for [datasync]: Tasks (L-74E04279)
datasync_tasks = null
# Quota for [datasync]: Throughput per task (L-1FEC79AD)
datasync_throughput_per_task = null
# Quota for [datazone]: Asset Types (L-9EF33583)
datazone_asset_types = null
# Quota for [datazone]: Assets (L-06335BC6)
datazone_assets = null
# Quota for [datazone]: Business Glossary Terms (L-DBBF7161)
datazone_business_glossary_terms = null
# Quota for [datazone]: Environments in a domain (L-EDF6298B)
datazone_environments_in_a_domain = null
# Quota for [datazone]: Glossaries (L-2C2845D2)
datazone_glossaries = null
# Quota for [dax]: Total number of nodes (L-AB139030)
dax_total_number_of_nodes = null
# Quota for [deepracer]: Cars (L-47A52EC0)
deepracer_cars = null
# Quota for [deepracer]: Evaluation jobs (L-E84DEF70)
deepracer_evaluation_jobs = null
# Quota for [deepracer]: Training jobs (L-B8B892E1)
deepracer_training_jobs = null
# Quota for [discovery]: Imported servers per account (L-E92F1B88)
discovery_imported_servers_per_account = null
# Quota for [dlm]: Policies per Region (L-5407D8DA)
dlm_policies_per_region = null
# Quota for [dlm]: Target accounts per sharing rule (L-DCA05F2F)
dlm_target_accounts_per_sharing_rule = null
# Quota for [dms]: Certificate count (L-FE918D88)
dms_certificate_count = null
# Quota for [dms]: Endpoint count (L-E17328E9)
dms_endpoint_count = null
# Quota for [dms]: Endpoints per instance (L-2146F1FD)
dms_endpoints_per_instance = null
# Quota for [dms]: Event subscriptions (L-D97343A2)
dms_event_subscriptions = null
# Quota for [dms]: Replication instances (L-C2341CDC)
dms_replication_instances = null
# Quota for [dms]: Serverless replications (L-E569F59D)
dms_serverless_replications = null
# Quota for [dms]: Subnet groups (L-27B24FAD)
dms_subnet_groups = null
# Quota for [dms]: Subnets per subnet group (L-4182EDE9)
dms_subnets_per_subnet_group = null
# Quota for [dms]: Task count (L-7FD3593B)
dms_task_count = null
# Quota for [dms]: Total storage (L-BBDCBDC8)
dms_total_storage = null
# Quota for [docdb]: Clusters (L-13F31459)
docdb_clusters = null
# Quota for [docdb-elastic]: Elastic clusters (L-B3699347)
docdb_elastic_elastic_clusters = null
# Quota for [docdb-elastic]: Elastic clusters vCPU limit (L-BA054AA8)
docdb_elastic_elastic_clusters_vcpu_limit = null
# Quota for [docdb-elastic]: Manual cluster snapshots (L-00CE4D32)
docdb_elastic_manual_cluster_snapshots = null
# Quota for [docdb]: Event subscriptions (L-F7FABF71)
docdb_event_subscriptions = null
# Quota for [docdb]: Instances (L-739A3A85)
docdb_instances = null
# Quota for [docdb]: Manual cluster snapshots (L-B2551F83)
docdb_manual_cluster_snapshots = null
# Quota for [docdb]: Read replicas per cluster (L-5BA57179)
docdb_read_replicas_per_cluster = null
# Quota for [docdb]: Subnet groups (L-02DEA053)
docdb_subnet_groups = null
# Quota for [drs]: Max number of source networks per AWS account (L-4B0323BD)
drs_max_number_of_source_networks_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [drs]: Max Total source servers Per AWS Account (L-E28BE5E0)
drs_max_total_source_servers_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [ds]: AD Connector directories (L-092080C3)
ds_ad_connector_directories = null
# Quota for [ds]: AWS Managed Microsoft AD directories (L-EF86B739)
ds_aws_managed_microsoft_ad_directories = null
# Quota for [ds]: AWS Managed Microsoft AD domain controllers (L-25146888)
ds_aws_managed_microsoft_ad_domain_controllers = null
# Quota for [ds]: Simple AD directories (L-5B5620DE)
ds_simple_ad_directories = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Account-level read throughput limit (Provisioned mode)
# (L-34F6A552)
dynamodb_account_level_read_throughput_limit_provisioned_mode_ = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Account-level write throughput limit (Provisioned
# mode) (L-34F8CCC8)
dynamodb_account_level_write_throughput_limit_provisioned_mode_ = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Concurrent control plane operations (L-1BB77E89)
dynamodb_concurrent_control_plane_operations = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Global Secondary Indexes per table (L-F7858A77)
dynamodb_global_secondary_indexes_per_table = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Maximum Incremental Export concurrent data size
# (L-2A593B99)
dynamodb_maximum_incremental_export_concurrent_data_size = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Maximum Incremental Export concurrent requests
# (L-D98E8184)
dynamodb_maximum_incremental_export_concurrent_requests = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Maximum number of tables (L-F98FE922)
dynamodb_maximum_number_of_tables = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Provisioned capacity decreases per day (L-F3CA5463)
dynamodb_provisioned_capacity_decreases_per_day = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Table-level read throughput limit (L-CF0CBE56)
dynamodb_table_level_read_throughput_limit = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Table-level write throughput limit (L-AB614373)
dynamodb_table_level_write_throughput_limit = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Write throughput limit for DynamoDB Streams
# (Provisioned mode) (L-923BEB7A)
dynamodb_write_throughput_limit_for_dynamodb_streams_provisioned_mode_ = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Archived snapshots per volume (L-E20676C1)
ebs_archived_snapshots_per_volume = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Fast snapshot restore (L-631ECBD3)
ebs_fast_snapshot_restore = null
# Quota for [ebs]: GetSnapshotBlock requests per account (L-C125AE42)
ebs_getsnapshotblock_requests_per_account = null
# Quota for [ebs]: In-progress snapshot archives per account (L-3A0E616D)
ebs_in_progress_snapshot_archives_per_account = null
# Quota for [ebs]: In-progress snapshot restores from archive per account
# (L-07399329)
ebs_in_progress_snapshot_restores_from_archive_per_account = null
# Quota for [ebs]: IOPS for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes (L-B3A130E6)
ebs_iops_for_provisioned_iops_ssd_io1_volumes = null
# Quota for [ebs]: IOPS for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io2) volumes (L-8D977E7E)
ebs_iops_for_provisioned_iops_ssd_io2_volumes = null
# Quota for [ebs]: IOPS modifications for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes
# (L-98A0B26D)
ebs_iops_modifications_for_provisioned_iops_ssd_io1_volumes = null
# Quota for [ebs]: IOPS modifications for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io2) volumes
# (L-35B31D98)
ebs_iops_modifications_for_provisioned_iops_ssd_io2_volumes = null
# Quota for [ebs]: PutSnapshotBlock requests per account (L-AFAE1BE8)
ebs_putsnapshotblock_requests_per_account = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Snapshots per Region (L-309BACF6)
ebs_snapshots_per_region = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage for Cold HDD (sc1) volumes, in TiB (L-17AF77E8)
ebs_storage_for_cold_hdd_sc1_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage for General Purpose SSD (gp2) volumes, in TiB
# (L-D18FCD1D)
ebs_storage_for_general_purpose_ssd_gp2_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage for General Purpose SSD (gp3) volumes, in TiB
# (L-7A658B76)
ebs_storage_for_general_purpose_ssd_gp3_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage for Magnetic (standard) volumes, in TiB
# (L-9CF3C2EB)
ebs_storage_for_magnetic_standard_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes, in TiB
# (L-FD252861)
ebs_storage_for_provisioned_iops_ssd_io1_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io2) volumes, in TiB
# (L-09BD8365)
ebs_storage_for_provisioned_iops_ssd_io2_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage for Throughput Optimized HDD (st1) volumes, in TiB
# (L-82ACEF56)
ebs_storage_for_throughput_optimized_hdd_st1_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage modifications for Cold HDD (sc1) volumes, in TiB
# (L-651D1834)
ebs_storage_modifications_for_cold_hdd_sc1_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage modifications for General Purpose SSD (gp2)
# volumes, in TiB (L-F06E64A8)
ebs_storage_modifications_for_general_purpose_ssd_gp2_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage modifications for General Purpose SSD (gp3)
# volumes, in TiB (L-59C8FC87)
ebs_storage_modifications_for_general_purpose_ssd_gp3_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage modifications for Magnetic (standard) volumes, in
# TiB (L-B9F7C487)
ebs_storage_modifications_for_magnetic_standard_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage modifications for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1)
# volumes, in TiB (L-5F80CA91)
ebs_storage_modifications_for_provisioned_iops_ssd_io1_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage modifications for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io2)
# volumes, in TiB (L-9A0E0F82)
ebs_storage_modifications_for_provisioned_iops_ssd_io2_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage modifications for Throughput Optimized HDD (st1)
# volumes, in TiB (L-87C9DEA6)
ebs_storage_modifications_for_throughput_optimized_hdd_st1_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ec2]: All DL Spot Instance Requests (L-85EED4F7)
ec2_all_dl_spot_instance_requests = null
# Quota for [ec2]: All F Spot Instance Requests (L-88CF9481)
ec2_all_f_spot_instance_requests = null
# Quota for [ec2]: All G and VT Spot Instance Requests (L-3819A6DF)
ec2_all_g_and_vt_spot_instance_requests = null
# Quota for [ec2]: All Inf Spot Instance Requests (L-B5D1601B)
ec2_all_inf_spot_instance_requests = null
# Quota for [ec2]: All P4, P3 and P2 Spot Instance Requests (L-7212CCBC)
ec2_all_p4_p3_and_p2_spot_instance_requests = null
# Quota for [ec2]: All P5 Spot Instance Requests (L-C4BD4855)
ec2_all_p5_spot_instance_requests = null
# Quota for [ec2]: All Standard (A, C, D, H, I, M, R, T, Z) Spot Instance
# Requests (L-34B43A08)
ec2_all_standard_a_c_d_h_i_m_r_t_z_spot_instance_requests = null
# Quota for [ec2]: All Trn Spot Instance Requests (L-6B0D517C)
ec2_all_trn_spot_instance_requests = null
# Quota for [ec2]: All X Spot Instance Requests (L-E3A00192)
ec2_all_x_spot_instance_requests = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Amazon FPGA images (AFIs) (L-8FBBDF0C)
ec2_amazon_fpga_images_afis_ = null
# Quota for [ec2]: AMI sharing (L-70015FFA)
ec2_ami_sharing = null
# Quota for [ec2]: AMIs (L-B665C33B)
ec2_amis = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Attachments per transit gateway (L-E0233F82)
ec2_attachments_per_transit_gateway = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Authorization rules per Client VPN endpoint (L-9A1BC94B)
ec2_authorization_rules_per_client_vpn_endpoint = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Client VPN endpoints per Region (L-8EA77D34)
ec2_client_vpn_endpoints_per_region = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Concurrent client connections per Client VPN endpoint
# (L-C4B238BF)
ec2_concurrent_client_connections_per_client_vpn_endpoint = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Customer gateways per region (L-4FB7FF5D)
ec2_customer_gateways_per_region = null
# Quota for [ec2]: EC2-Classic Elastic IPs (L-CEED54BB)
ec2_ec2_classic_elastic_ips = null
# Quota for [ec2]: EC2-VPC Elastic IPs (L-0263D0A3)
ec2_ec2_vpc_elastic_ips = null
# Quota for [ec2-ipam]: CIDRs per IPAM pool (L-0BC051D6)
ec2_ipam_cidrs_per_ipam_pool = null
# Quota for [ec2-ipam]: IPAM pool depth (L-047C0565)
ec2_ipam_ipam_pool_depth = null
# Quota for [ec2-ipam]: Pools per IPAM scope (L-7319AFC3)
ec2_ipam_pools_per_ipam_scope = null
# Quota for [ec2-ipam]: Resource discovery associations per IPAM (L-037D1B6C)
ec2_ipam_resource_discovery_associations_per_ipam = null
# Quota for [ec2-ipam]: Scopes per IPAM (L-F493CFD2)
ec2_ipam_scopes_per_ipam = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Members per transit gateway multicast group (L-C768F2D6)
ec2_members_per_transit_gateway_multicast_group = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Multicast domain associations per VPC (L-9F8FA74B)
ec2_multicast_domain_associations_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Multicast domains per transit gateway (L-31775423)
ec2_multicast_domains_per_transit_gateway = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Multicast Network Interfaces per transit gateway
# (L-C673935A)
ec2_multicast_network_interfaces_per_transit_gateway = null
# Quota for [ec2]: New Reserved Instances per month (L-D0B7243C)
ec2_new_reserved_instances_per_month = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Number of Elastic Graphics accelerators (L-862D9275)
ec2_number_of_elastic_graphics_accelerators = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Peering attachments per transit gateway (L-A1B5A36F)
ec2_peering_attachments_per_transit_gateway = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Pending peering attachments per transit gateway
# (L-62499967)
ec2_pending_peering_attachments_per_transit_gateway = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Public AMIs (L-0E3CBAB9)
ec2_public_amis = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Route Tables per transit gateway (L-43872EB7)
ec2_route_tables_per_transit_gateway = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Routes per Client VPN endpoint (L-401D78F7)
ec2_routes_per_client_vpn_endpoint = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Routes per transit gateway (L-BCC1FB47)
ec2_routes_per_transit_gateway = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated a1 Hosts (L-949445B0)
ec2_running_dedicated_a1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c3 Hosts (L-8D142A2E)
ec2_running_dedicated_c3_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c4 Hosts (L-E4BF28E0)
ec2_running_dedicated_c4_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c5 Hosts (L-81657574)
ec2_running_dedicated_c5_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c5a Hosts (L-03F01FD8)
ec2_running_dedicated_c5a_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c5d Hosts (L-C93F66A2)
ec2_running_dedicated_c5d_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c5n Hosts (L-20F13EBD)
ec2_running_dedicated_c5n_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c6a Hosts (L-D75D2E84)
ec2_running_dedicated_c6a_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c6g Hosts (L-A749B537)
ec2_running_dedicated_c6g_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c6gd Hosts (L-545AED39)
ec2_running_dedicated_c6gd_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c6gn Hosts (L-5E3A299D)
ec2_running_dedicated_c6gn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c6i Hosts (L-5FA3355A)
ec2_running_dedicated_c6i_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c6id Hosts (L-1BBC5241)
ec2_running_dedicated_c6id_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c6in Hosts (L-6C2C40CC)
ec2_running_dedicated_c6in_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c7a Hosts (L-698B67E5)
ec2_running_dedicated_c7a_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c7g Hosts (L-13B8FCE8)
ec2_running_dedicated_c7g_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c7gd Hosts (L-EF58B059)
ec2_running_dedicated_c7gd_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c7gn Hosts (L-97677CE3)
ec2_running_dedicated_c7gn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c7i Hosts (L-587AA6E3)
ec2_running_dedicated_c7i_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated d2 Hosts (L-8B27377A)
ec2_running_dedicated_d2_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated dl1 Hosts (L-AD667A3D)
ec2_running_dedicated_dl1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated f1 Hosts (L-5C4CD236)
ec2_running_dedicated_f1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated g3 Hosts (L-DE82EABA)
ec2_running_dedicated_g3_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated g3s Hosts (L-9675FDCD)
ec2_running_dedicated_g3s_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated g4ad Hosts (L-FD8E9B9A)
ec2_running_dedicated_g4ad_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated g4dn Hosts (L-CAE24619)
ec2_running_dedicated_g4dn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated g5 Hosts (L-A6E7FE5E)
ec2_running_dedicated_g5_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated g5g Hosts (L-4714FFEA)
ec2_running_dedicated_g5g_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated h1 Hosts (L-84391ECC)
ec2_running_dedicated_h1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated i2 Hosts (L-6222C1B6)
ec2_running_dedicated_i2_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated i3 Hosts (L-8E60B0B1)
ec2_running_dedicated_i3_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated i3en Hosts (L-77EE2B11)
ec2_running_dedicated_i3en_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated i4g Hosts (L-F62CBADB)
ec2_running_dedicated_i4g_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated i4i Hosts (L-0300530D)
ec2_running_dedicated_i4i_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated im4gn Hosts (L-93155D6F)
ec2_running_dedicated_im4gn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated inf Hosts (L-5480EFD2)
ec2_running_dedicated_inf_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated inf2 Hosts (L-E5BCF7B5)
ec2_running_dedicated_inf2_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated is4gen Hosts (L-CB4F5825)
ec2_running_dedicated_is4gen_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m3 Hosts (L-3C82F907)
ec2_running_dedicated_m3_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m4 Hosts (L-EF30B25E)
ec2_running_dedicated_m4_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m5 Hosts (L-8B7BF662)
ec2_running_dedicated_m5_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m5a Hosts (L-B10F70D6)
ec2_running_dedicated_m5a_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m5ad Hosts (L-74F41837)
ec2_running_dedicated_m5ad_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m5d Hosts (L-8CCBD91B)
ec2_running_dedicated_m5d_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m5dn Hosts (L-DA07429F)
ec2_running_dedicated_m5dn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m5n Hosts (L-24D7D4AD)
ec2_running_dedicated_m5n_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m5zn Hosts (L-BD9BD803)
ec2_running_dedicated_m5zn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m6a Hosts (L-80F2B67F)
ec2_running_dedicated_m6a_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m6g Hosts (L-D50A37FA)
ec2_running_dedicated_m6g_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m6gd Hosts (L-84FB37AA)
ec2_running_dedicated_m6gd_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m6i Hosts (L-D269BEFD)
ec2_running_dedicated_m6i_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m6id Hosts (L-FDB0A352)
ec2_running_dedicated_m6id_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m6idn Hosts (L-9721EDD9)
ec2_running_dedicated_m6idn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m6in Hosts (L-D037CF10)
ec2_running_dedicated_m6in_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m7a Hosts (L-4740F819)
ec2_running_dedicated_m7a_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m7g Hosts (L-9126620E)
ec2_running_dedicated_m7g_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m7gd Hosts (L-F8516154)
ec2_running_dedicated_m7gd_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m7i Hosts (L-30E31217)
ec2_running_dedicated_m7i_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated mac1 Hosts (L-A8448DC5)
ec2_running_dedicated_mac1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated mac2 Hosts (L-5D8DADF5)
ec2_running_dedicated_mac2_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated mac2-m2 Hosts (L-B90B5B66)
ec2_running_dedicated_mac2_m2_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated mac2-m2pro Hosts (L-14F120D1)
ec2_running_dedicated_mac2_m2pro_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated p2 Hosts (L-2753CF59)
ec2_running_dedicated_p2_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated p3 Hosts (L-A0A19F79)
ec2_running_dedicated_p3_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated p3dn Hosts (L-B601B3B6)
ec2_running_dedicated_p3dn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated p4d Hosts (L-86A789C3)
ec2_running_dedicated_p4d_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated p5 Hosts (L-5136197D)
ec2_running_dedicated_p5_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r3 Hosts (L-B7208018)
ec2_running_dedicated_r3_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r4 Hosts (L-313524BA)
ec2_running_dedicated_r4_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r5 Hosts (L-EA4FD6CF)
ec2_running_dedicated_r5_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r5a Hosts (L-8FE30D52)
ec2_running_dedicated_r5a_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r5ad Hosts (L-EC7178B6)
ec2_running_dedicated_r5ad_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r5b Hosts (L-A2D59C67)
ec2_running_dedicated_r5b_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r5d Hosts (L-8814B54F)
ec2_running_dedicated_r5d_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r5dn Hosts (L-4AB14223)
ec2_running_dedicated_r5dn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r5n Hosts (L-52EF324A)
ec2_running_dedicated_r5n_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r6a Hosts (L-BC1589C5)
ec2_running_dedicated_r6a_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r6g Hosts (L-B6D6065D)
ec2_running_dedicated_r6g_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r6gd Hosts (L-EF284EFB)
ec2_running_dedicated_r6gd_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r6i Hosts (L-F13A970A)
ec2_running_dedicated_r6i_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r6id Hosts (L-B89271A9)
ec2_running_dedicated_r6id_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r6idn Hosts (L-C4EABC2C)
ec2_running_dedicated_r6idn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r6in Hosts (L-EA99608B)
ec2_running_dedicated_r6in_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r7a Hosts (L-4D15192B)
ec2_running_dedicated_r7a_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r7g Hosts (L-67B8B4C7)
ec2_running_dedicated_r7g_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r7gd Hosts (L-01137DCE)
ec2_running_dedicated_r7gd_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r7i Hosts (L-55E05032)
ec2_running_dedicated_r7i_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r7iz Hosts (L-BC9FCC71)
ec2_running_dedicated_r7iz_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated t3 Hosts (L-1586174D)
ec2_running_dedicated_t3_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated trn1 Hosts (L-5E4FB836)
ec2_running_dedicated_trn1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated trn1n Hosts (L-39926A58)
ec2_running_dedicated_trn1n_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated u-12tb1 Hosts (L-D6994875)
ec2_running_dedicated_u_12tb1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated u-18tb1 Hosts (L-5F7FD336)
ec2_running_dedicated_u_18tb1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated u-24tb1 Hosts (L-FACBE655)
ec2_running_dedicated_u_24tb1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated u-3tb1 Hosts (L-7F5506AB)
ec2_running_dedicated_u_3tb1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated u-6tb1 Hosts (L-89870E8E)
ec2_running_dedicated_u_6tb1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated u-9tb1 Hosts (L-98E1FFAC)
ec2_running_dedicated_u_9tb1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated vt1 Hosts (L-A68CFBF7)
ec2_running_dedicated_vt1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated x1 Hosts (L-DE3D9563)
ec2_running_dedicated_x1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated x1e Hosts (L-DEF8E115)
ec2_running_dedicated_x1e_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated x2gd Hosts (L-5CC9EA82)
ec2_running_dedicated_x2gd_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated x2idn Hosts (L-A84ABF80)
ec2_running_dedicated_x2idn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated x2iedn Hosts (L-D0AA08B1)
ec2_running_dedicated_x2iedn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated x2iezn Hosts (L-888B4496)
ec2_running_dedicated_x2iezn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated z1d Hosts (L-F035E935)
ec2_running_dedicated_z1d_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand DL instances (L-6E869C2A)
ec2_running_on_demand_dl_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand F instances (L-74FC7D96)
ec2_running_on_demand_f_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand G and VT instances (L-DB2E81BA)
ec2_running_on_demand_g_and_vt_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand High Memory instances (L-43DA4232)
ec2_running_on_demand_high_memory_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand HPC instances (L-F7808C92)
ec2_running_on_demand_hpc_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand Inf instances (L-1945791B)
ec2_running_on_demand_inf_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand P instances (L-417A185B)
ec2_running_on_demand_p_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand Standard (A, C, D, H, I, M, R, T, Z)
# instances (L-1216C47A)
ec2_running_on_demand_standard_a_c_d_h_i_m_r_t_z_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand Trn instances (L-2C3B7624)
ec2_running_on_demand_trn_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand X instances (L-7295265B)
ec2_running_on_demand_x_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Sources per transit gateway multicast group (L-4F2F99E3)
ec2_sources_per_transit_gateway_multicast_group = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Transit gateways per account (L-A2478D36)
ec2_transit_gateways_per_account = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Verified Access Endpoints (L-5D439CF7)
ec2_verified_access_endpoints = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Verified Access Groups (L-3829BC77)
ec2_verified_access_groups = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Verified Access Instances (L-17A8BD20)
ec2_verified_access_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Verified Access Trust Providers (L-AF309E5E)
ec2_verified_access_trust_providers = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Virtual private gateways per region (L-7029FAB6)
ec2_virtual_private_gateways_per_region = null
# Quota for [ec2]: VPN connections per region (L-3E6EC3A3)
ec2_vpn_connections_per_region = null
# Quota for [ec2]: VPN connections per VGW (L-B91E5754)
ec2_vpn_connections_per_vgw = null
# Quota for [ec2fastlaunch]: Parallel instance launches (L-DC79B53E)
ec2fastlaunch_parallel_instance_launches = null
# Quota for [ecr]: Images per repository (L-03A36CE1)
ecr_images_per_repository = null
# Quota for [ecr-public]: Images per repository (L-F0CAD50B)
ecr_public_images_per_repository = null
# Quota for [ecr-public]: Rate of authenticated image pulls (L-33392ECC)
ecr_public_rate_of_authenticated_image_pulls = null
# Quota for [ecr-public]: Rate of BatchCheckLayerAvailability requests
# (L-A1FEAB1E)
ecr_public_rate_of_batchchecklayeravailability_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr-public]: Rate of CompleteLayerUpload requests (L-8FA37FDE)
ecr_public_rate_of_completelayerupload_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr-public]: Rate of GetAuthorizationToken requests (L-B5773E0E)
ecr_public_rate_of_getauthorizationtoken_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr-public]: Rate of InitiateLayerUpload requests (L-1EDF7132)
ecr_public_rate_of_initiatelayerupload_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr-public]: Rate of PutImage requests (L-EF0362CE)
ecr_public_rate_of_putimage_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr-public]: Rate of UploadLayerPart requests (L-B6387A7C)
ecr_public_rate_of_uploadlayerpart_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr-public]: Registered repositories (L-502CB705)
ecr_public_registered_repositories = null
# Quota for [ecr]: Rate of BatchCheckLayerAvailability requests (L-B9173138)
ecr_rate_of_batchchecklayeravailability_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr]: Rate of BatchGetImage requests (L-16E70933)
ecr_rate_of_batchgetimage_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr]: Rate of CompleteLayerUpload requests (L-44194860)
ecr_rate_of_completelayerupload_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr]: Rate of GetAuthorizationToken requests (L-55A41110)
ecr_rate_of_getauthorizationtoken_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr]: Rate of GetDownloadUrlForLayer requests (L-A60A366D)
ecr_rate_of_getdownloadurlforlayer_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr]: Rate of InitiateLayerUpload requests (L-95B28F8D)
ecr_rate_of_initiatelayerupload_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr]: Rate of PutImage requests (L-AD52DFB2)
ecr_rate_of_putimage_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr]: Rate of UploadLayerPart requests (L-A1670B10)
ecr_rate_of_uploadlayerpart_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr]: Registered repositories (L-CFEB8E8D)
ecr_registered_repositories = null
# Quota for [ecs]: Clusters per account (L-21C621EB)
ecs_clusters_per_account = null
# Quota for [ecs]: Services per cluster (L-9EF96962)
ecs_services_per_cluster = null
# Quota for [ecs]: Services per namespace (L-2D029656)
ecs_services_per_namespace = null
# Quota for [eks]: Clusters (L-1194D53C)
eks_clusters = null
# Quota for [eks]: EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscriptions (L-EA277FDC)
eks_eks_anywhere_enterprise_subscriptions = null
# Quota for [eks]: Fargate profiles per cluster (L-33415657)
eks_fargate_profiles_per_cluster = null
# Quota for [eks]: Label pairs per Fargate profile selector (L-23414FF3)
eks_label_pairs_per_fargate_profile_selector = null
# Quota for [eks]: Managed node groups per cluster (L-6D54EA21)
eks_managed_node_groups_per_cluster = null
# Quota for [eks]: Nodes per managed node group (L-BD136A63)
eks_nodes_per_managed_node_group = null
# Quota for [eks]: Registered clusters (L-FDFA5F81)
eks_registered_clusters = null
# Quota for [eks]: Selectors per Fargate profile (L-D78D8AF8)
eks_selectors_per_fargate_profile = null
# Quota for [elastic-inference]: Number of Elastic Inference accelerators
# (L-495D9A1B)
elastic_inference_number_of_elastic_inference_accelerators = null
# Quota for [elasticache]: Nodes per cluster (Memcached) (L-8C334AD1)
elasticache_nodes_per_cluster_memcached_ = null
# Quota for [elasticache]: Nodes per cluster per instance type (Redis cluster
# mode enabled) (L-AF354865)
elasticache_nodes_per_cluster_per_instance_type_redis_cluster_mode_enabled_ = null
# Quota for [elasticache]: Nodes per Region (L-DFE45DF3)
elasticache_nodes_per_region = null
# Quota for [elasticache]: Parameter groups per Region (L-3F15A733)
elasticache_parameter_groups_per_region = null
# Quota for [elasticache]: Security groups per Region (L-D2FEF667)
elasticache_security_groups_per_region = null
# Quota for [elasticache]: Subnet groups per Region (L-3E7F7726)
elasticache_subnet_groups_per_region = null
# Quota for [elasticache]: Subnets per subnet group (L-A87EE522)
elasticache_subnets_per_subnet_group = null
# Quota for [elasticbeanstalk]: Application versions (L-D64F1F14)
elasticbeanstalk_application_versions = null
# Quota for [elasticbeanstalk]: Applications (L-1CEABD17)
elasticbeanstalk_applications = null
# Quota for [elasticbeanstalk]: Configuration templates (L-9838E43F)
elasticbeanstalk_configuration_templates = null
# Quota for [elasticbeanstalk]: Custom platform versions (L-E593A077)
elasticbeanstalk_custom_platform_versions = null
# Quota for [elasticbeanstalk]: Environments (L-8EFC1C51)
elasticbeanstalk_environments = null
# Quota for [elasticfilesystem]: File systems per account (L-848C634D)
elasticfilesystem_file_systems_per_account = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Application Load Balancers per Region
# (L-53DA6B97)
elasticloadbalancing_application_load_balancers_per_region = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Certificates per Application Load Balancer
# (L-9365A611)
elasticloadbalancing_certificates_per_application_load_balancer = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Certificates per Network Load Balancer
# (L-52964454)
elasticloadbalancing_certificates_per_network_load_balancer = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Classic Load Balancers per Region
# (L-E9E9831D)
elasticloadbalancing_classic_load_balancers_per_region = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Listeners per Application Load Balancer
# (L-B6DF7632)
elasticloadbalancing_listeners_per_application_load_balancer = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Listeners per Classic Load Balancer
# (L-1A491844)
elasticloadbalancing_listeners_per_classic_load_balancer = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Network Load Balancer ENIs per VPC
# (L-23568085)
elasticloadbalancing_network_load_balancer_enis_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Network Load Balancers per Region
# (L-69A177A2)
elasticloadbalancing_network_load_balancers_per_region = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Registered Instances per Classic Load
# Balancer (L-CE3125E5)
elasticloadbalancing_registered_instances_per_classic_load_balancer = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Rules per Application Load Balancer
# (L-7EED9B64)
elasticloadbalancing_rules_per_application_load_balancer = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Target Groups per Region (L-B22855CB)
elasticloadbalancing_target_groups_per_region = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Targets per Application Load Balancer
# (L-7E6692B2)
elasticloadbalancing_targets_per_application_load_balancer = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Targets per Availability Zone per Network
# Load Balancer (L-B211E961)
elasticloadbalancing_targets_per_availability_zone_per_network_load_balancer = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Targets per Network Load Balancer
# (L-EEF1AD04)
elasticloadbalancing_targets_per_network_load_balancer = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Targets per Target Group per Region
# (L-A0D0B863)
elasticloadbalancing_targets_per_target_group_per_region = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of AddInstanceFleet calls
# (L-3AD9CD3B)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_addinstancefleet_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of AddInstanceGroups calls
# (L-0224B14B)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_addinstancegroups_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of AddJobFlowSteps calls
# (L-40A3F1BE)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_addjobflowsteps_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of AddTags calls
# (L-9CCE25C7)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_addtags_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of CancelSteps calls
# (L-A90C264E)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_cancelsteps_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of
# CreateSecurityConfiguration calls (L-16E4E927)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_createsecurityconfiguration_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of
# DeleteSecurityConfiguration calls (L-EB8F427D)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_deletesecurityconfiguration_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of DescribeCluster calls
# (L-D74118B4)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_describecluster_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of DescribeJobFlows calls
# (L-68268EEB)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_describejobflows_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of
# DescribeSecurityConfiguration calls (L-8029315A)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_describesecurityconfiguration_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of DescribeStep calls
# (L-72BCD5B1)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_describestep_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ListBootstrapActions
# calls (L-CCF40647)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_listbootstrapactions_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ListClusters calls
# (L-ECF78C67)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_listclusters_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ListInstanceFleets calls
# (L-C0B235E1)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_listinstancefleets_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ListInstanceGroups calls
# (L-84D58688)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_listinstancegroups_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ListInstances calls
# (L-76CEF085)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_listinstances_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of
# ListSecurityConfigurations calls (L-D145AF1C)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_listsecurityconfigurations_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ListSteps calls
# (L-8AF88BF0)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_liststeps_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ModifyCluster calls
# (L-73E44B2E)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_modifycluster_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ModifyInstanceFleet
# calls (L-9EFF5880)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_modifyinstancefleet_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ModifyInstanceGroups
# calls (L-87EDCC64)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_modifyinstancegroups_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of PutAutoScalingPolicy
# calls (L-985D82D4)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_putautoscalingpolicy_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of RemoveAutoScalingPolicy
# calls (L-F902E21E)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_removeautoscalingpolicy_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of RemoveTags calls
# (L-67E5FE4A)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_removetags_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of RunJobFlow calls
# (L-62231AC0)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_runjobflow_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of SetTerminationProtection
# calls (L-8027FD2D)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_setterminationprotection_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of SetVisibleToAllUsers
# calls (L-41EE964A)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_setvisibletoallusers_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of TerminateJobFlows calls
# (L-4D731391)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_terminatejobflows_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of active clusters can be
# run at the same time (L-1EE7982C)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_active_clusters_can_be_run_at_the_same_time = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of active instances per
# instance group (L-77B909B1)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_active_instances_per_instance_group = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of AddInstanceFleet API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-0E64D90C)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_addinstancefleet_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of AddInstanceGroups API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-E5202B33)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_addinstancegroups_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of AddJobFlowSteps API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-7E42A979)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_addjobflowsteps_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of AddTags API requests
# that you can make per second. (L-9547F71F)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_addtags_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of API requests that you
# can make per second. (L-283CCA2A)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of CancelSteps API requests
# that you can make per second. (L-815103CB)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_cancelsteps_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of
# CreateSecurityConfiguration API requests that you can make per second.
# (L-49AA2AC0)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_createsecurityconfiguration_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of
# DeleteSecurityConfiguration API requests that you can make per second.
# (L-F0B1A0AC)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_deletesecurityconfiguration_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of DescribeCluster API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-81AF5123)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_describecluster_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of DescribeJobFlows API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-9F63B487)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_describejobflows_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of
# DescribeSecurityConfiguration API requests that you can make per second.
# (L-27AD4F43)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_describesecurityconfiguration_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of DescribeStep API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-B810434D)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_describestep_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ListBootstrapActions API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-BF4AD168)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_listbootstrapactions_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ListClusters API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-2C4B0A7F)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_listclusters_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ListInstanceFleets API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-85BA8360)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_listinstancefleets_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ListInstanceGroups API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-2266B3CF)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_listinstancegroups_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ListInstances API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-41AA02AE)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_listinstances_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of
# ListSecurityConfigurations API requests that you can make per second.
# (L-160E516B)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_listsecurityconfigurations_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ListSteps API requests
# that you can make per second. (L-7D1BF903)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_liststeps_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ModifyCluster API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-A552C9A0)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_modifycluster_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ModifyInstanceFleet API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-5E87FF33)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_modifyinstancefleet_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ModifyInstanceGroups API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-A3F85680)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_modifyinstancegroups_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of PutAutoScalingPolicy API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-888B48A6)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_putautoscalingpolicy_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of RemoveAutoScalingPolicy
# API requests that you can make per second. (L-361D364D)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_removeautoscalingpolicy_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of RemoveTags API requests
# that you can make per second. (L-C00B9F83)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_removetags_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of RunJobFlow API requests
# that you can make per second. (L-A21DE5E2)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_runjobflow_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of SetTerminationProtection
# API requests that you can make per second. (L-F06A869F)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_setterminationprotection_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of SetVisibileToAllUsers
# API requests that you can make per second. (L-2268EC50)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_setvisibiletoallusers_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of TerminateJobFlows API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-2625B75B)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_terminatejobflows_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum rate at which your bucket
# replenishes for all EMR operations. (L-432FAB44)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_rate_at_which_your_bucket_replenishes_for_all_emr_operations_ = null
# Quota for [elastictranscoder]: Burst size of Create Job requests
# (L-25A79362)
elastictranscoder_burst_size_of_create_job_requests = null
# Quota for [elastictranscoder]: Burst size of Read Job requests (L-73E60F57)
elastictranscoder_burst_size_of_read_job_requests = null
# Quota for [elastictranscoder]: Concurrent jobs per pipeline (L-EAE6F7FC)
elastictranscoder_concurrent_jobs_per_pipeline = null
# Quota for [elastictranscoder]: Pipelines (L-B6FAEE7E)
elastictranscoder_pipelines = null
# Quota for [elastictranscoder]: Rate of Create Job requests (L-0BDCC49D)
elastictranscoder_rate_of_create_job_requests = null
# Quota for [elastictranscoder]: Rate of Read Job requests (L-301A2D88)
elastictranscoder_rate_of_read_job_requests = null
# Quota for [elastictranscoder]: User-defined presets (L-EAB82560)
elastictranscoder_user_defined_presets = null
# Quota for [emr-serverless]: Max concurrent vCPUs per account (L-D05C8A75)
emr_serverless_max_concurrent_vcpus_per_account = null
# Quota for [entityresolution]: ID Mapping Workflows (L-C5A3094C)
entityresolution_id_mapping_workflows = null
# Quota for [entityresolution]: Matching Workflows (L-60DAF647)
entityresolution_matching_workflows = null
# Quota for [entityresolution]: Rate of GetMatchId API Requests (L-1E6F8596)
entityresolution_rate_of_getmatchid_api_requests = null
# Quota for [entityresolution]: Schema Mappings (L-00E43259)
entityresolution_schema_mappings = null
# Quota for [es]: Domains per Region (L-076D529E)
es_domains_per_region = null
# Quota for [es]: Instances per domain (L-6408ABDE)
es_instances_per_domain = null
# Quota for [events]: Api destinations (L-FB1C3A6D)
events_api_destinations = null
# Quota for [events]: Connections (L-595D6D42)
events_connections = null
# Quota for [events]: Endpoints (L-EAC9A2AC)
events_endpoints = null
# Quota for [events]: Event bus policy size (L-FC354966)
events_event_bus_policy_size = null
# Quota for [events]: Event buses (L-658A4FD9)
events_event_buses = null
# Quota for [events]: Event pattern size (L-664C5505)
events_event_pattern_size = null
# Quota for [events]: Invocations throttle limit in transactions per second
# (L-5540C5E3)
events_invocations_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [events]: Number of rules (L-244521F2)
events_number_of_rules = null
# Quota for [events]: PutEvents throttle limit in transactions per second
# (L-9B653E91)
events_putevents_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [events]: Rate of invocations per API destination (L-755FD01C)
events_rate_of_invocations_per_api_destination = null
# Quota for [events]: Throttle limit in transactions per second (L-3C47459F)
events_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [evidently]: Features per project (L-E6200B63)
evidently_features_per_project = null
# Quota for [evidently]: Projects per AWS account (L-B63A538F)
evidently_projects_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [evidently]: Rate of BatchEvaluateFeature requests (L-ECD3E408)
evidently_rate_of_batchevaluatefeature_requests = null
# Quota for [evidently]: Rate of EvaluateFeature requests (L-4F58F1DC)
evidently_rate_of_evaluatefeature_requests = null
# Quota for [evidently]: Rate of PostProjectEvents requests (L-2992F357)
evidently_rate_of_postprojectevents_requests = null
# Quota for [evidently]: Running experiments per project (L-738C873C)
evidently_running_experiments_per_project = null
# Quota for [evidently]: Running launches per project (L-DA4D659A)
evidently_running_launches_per_project = null
# Quota for [evidently]: Total experiments per project (L-E477E349)
evidently_total_experiments_per_project = null
# Quota for [evidently]: Total launches per project (L-63083ACB)
evidently_total_launches_per_project = null
# Quota for [fargate]: Fargate On-Demand vCPU resource count (L-3032A538)
fargate_fargate_on_demand_vcpu_resource_count = null
# Quota for [fargate]: Fargate Spot vCPU resource count (L-36FBB829)
fargate_fargate_spot_vcpu_resource_count = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Attribute sets (L-ABE17502)
finspace_attribute_sets = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Concurrent changesets processing (L-9FC1D048)
finspace_concurrent_changesets_processing = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Concurrent data views processing (L-077DA164)
finspace_concurrent_data_views_processing = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Concurrent dataview version processing (L-8798EB61)
finspace_concurrent_dataview_version_processing = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Controlled vocabularies and categories (L-669A142A)
finspace_controlled_vocabularies_and_categories = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Data views per dataset (L-7682C473)
finspace_data_views_per_dataset = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Datasets (L-4BDBD2F7)
finspace_datasets = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Datasets per permission group (L-33511B45)
finspace_datasets_per_permission_group = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Environments (L-687E8054)
finspace_environments = null
# Quota for [finspace]: kx.s.16xlarge nodes (L-8995E194)
finspace_kx_s_16xlarge_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: kx.s.2xlarge nodes (L-3B1B408E)
finspace_kx_s_2xlarge_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: kx.s.32xlarge nodes (L-BA1748AE)
finspace_kx_s_32xlarge_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: kx.s.4xlarge nodes (L-6271C28F)
finspace_kx_s_4xlarge_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: kx.s.8xlarge nodes (L-79C359E7)
finspace_kx_s_8xlarge_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: kx.s.large nodes (L-816D4CEA)
finspace_kx_s_large_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: kx.s.xlarge nodes (L-8D2987C0)
finspace_kx_s_xlarge_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: scaling group nodes (L-B75F5AE2)
finspace_kx_sg_16xlarge_scaling_group_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: scaling group nodes (L-F9DDF688)
finspace_kx_sg_32xlarge_scaling_group_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: scaling group nodes (L-9EFEF0D8)
finspace_kx_sg_4xlarge_scaling_group_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: scaling group nodes (L-8116797B)
finspace_kx_sg_8xlarge_scaling_group_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: kx.sg1.16xlarge scaling group nodes (L-EE85DFB8)
finspace_kx_sg1_16xlarge_scaling_group_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: kx.sg1.24xlarge scaling group nodes (L-8C2FDE0C)
finspace_kx_sg1_24xlarge_scaling_group_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb cluster users (L-A18C5C9A)
finspace_managed_kdb_cluster_users = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb clusters (L-403A8F92)
finspace_managed_kdb_clusters = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb concurrent changeset ingestions
# (L-05F8CB95)
finspace_managed_kdb_concurrent_changeset_ingestions = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb database cluster cache size (L-C8CECF7C)
finspace_managed_kdb_database_cluster_cache_size = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb databases (L-EB49E8B0)
finspace_managed_kdb_databases = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb dataviews (L-4F92BAA2)
finspace_managed_kdb_dataviews = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb multi-AZ clusters (L-7CF802FB)
finspace_managed_kdb_multi_az_clusters = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb savedown storage (L-9EDD8654)
finspace_managed_kdb_savedown_storage = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb scaling groups (L-8F9600BF)
finspace_managed_kdb_scaling_groups = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb single-AZ clusters (L-7E609E02)
finspace_managed_kdb_single_az_clusters = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb volume read mounts (L-CD999E75)
finspace_managed_kdb_volume_read_mounts = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb volume storage (L-2B5C0922)
finspace_managed_kdb_volume_storage = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb volume write mounts (L-0FC2034E)
finspace_managed_kdb_volume_write_mounts = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb volumes (L-9DDBB72F)
finspace_managed_kdb_volumes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Permission groups (L-6B8BCEA6)
finspace_permission_groups = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Users (L-2AA8A0CC)
finspace_users = null
# Quota for [firehose]: Delivery streams (L-14BB0BE7)
firehose_delivery_streams = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target account configurations per experiment template
# (L-47D4AE5B)
fis_target_account_configurations_per_experiment_template = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Auto Scaling groups for
# aws:ec2:asg-insufficient-instance-capacity-error (L-97338E0D)
fis_target_auto_scaling_groups_for_aws_ec2_asg_insufficient_instance_capacity_error = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Buckets for aws:s3:bucket-pause-replication
# (L-4B06CB4E)
fis_target_buckets_for_aws_s3_bucket_pause_replication = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Clusters for aws:ecs:drain-container-instances
# (L-B2CDA938)
fis_target_clusters_for_aws_ecs_drain_container_instances = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Clusters for aws:rds:failover-db-cluster
# (L-7D222253)
fis_target_clusters_for_aws_rds_failover_db_cluster = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target DBInstances for aws:rds:reboot-db-instances
# (L-6CBFC7D2)
fis_target_dbinstances_for_aws_rds_reboot_db_instances = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Instances for aws:ec2:reboot-instances (L-9C6F1F94)
fis_target_instances_for_aws_ec2_reboot_instances = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Instances for aws:ec2:stop-instances (L-3F98B425)
fis_target_instances_for_aws_ec2_stop_instances = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Instances for aws:ec2:terminate-instances
# (L-EE64095D)
fis_target_instances_for_aws_ec2_terminate_instances = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Instances for aws:ssm:send-command (L-D0A62255)
fis_target_instances_for_aws_ssm_send_command = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Nodegroups for aws:eks:terminate-nodegroup-instances
# (L-CCA14F79)
fis_target_nodegroups_for_aws_eks_terminate_nodegroup_instances = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Pods for aws:eks:pod-cpu-stress (L-5A59540D)
fis_target_pods_for_aws_eks_pod_cpu_stress = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Pods for aws:eks:pod-delete (L-08B3DB00)
fis_target_pods_for_aws_eks_pod_delete = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Pods for aws:eks:pod-io-stress (L-397A8E65)
fis_target_pods_for_aws_eks_pod_io_stress = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Pods for aws:eks:pod-memory-stress (L-B8FF73F5)
fis_target_pods_for_aws_eks_pod_memory_stress = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Pods for aws:eks:pod-network-blackhole-port
# (L-52F95FBE)
fis_target_pods_for_aws_eks_pod_network_blackhole_port = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Pods for aws:eks:pod-network-latency (L-5AC5092A)
fis_target_pods_for_aws_eks_pod_network_latency = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Pods for aws:eks:pod-network-packet-loss
# (L-CFF34A14)
fis_target_pods_for_aws_eks_pod_network_packet_loss = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target ReplicationGroups for
# aws:elasticache:interrupt-cluster-az-power (L-B0012750)
fis_target_replicationgroups_for_aws_elasticache_interrupt_cluster_az_power = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target SpotInstances for
# aws:ec2:send-spot-instance-interruptions (L-F3F4B54A)
fis_target_spotinstances_for_aws_ec2_send_spot_instance_interruptions = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Subnets for aws:network:disrupt-connectivity
# (L-1F59732D)
fis_target_subnets_for_aws_network_disrupt_connectivity = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Subnets for
# aws:network:route-table-disrupt-cross-region-connectivity (L-100E963F)
fis_target_subnets_for_aws_network_route_table_disrupt_cross_region_connectivity = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Tasks for aws:ecs:stop-task (L-48D12416)
fis_target_tasks_for_aws_ecs_stop_task = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Tasks for aws:ecs:task-cpu-stress (L-C901BF0F)
fis_target_tasks_for_aws_ecs_task_cpu_stress = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Tasks for aws:ecs:task-io-stress (L-4939706C)
fis_target_tasks_for_aws_ecs_task_io_stress = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Tasks for aws:ecs:task-kill-process (L-0A7016E5)
fis_target_tasks_for_aws_ecs_task_kill_process = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Tasks for aws:ecs:task-network-blackhole-port
# (L-5035601B)
fis_target_tasks_for_aws_ecs_task_network_blackhole_port = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Tasks for aws:ecs:task-network-latency (L-B34128D0)
fis_target_tasks_for_aws_ecs_task_network_latency = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Tasks for aws:ecs:task-network-packet-loss
# (L-52F5389C)
fis_target_tasks_for_aws_ecs_task_network_packet_loss = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target TransitGateways for
# aws:network:transit-gateway-disrupt-cross-region-connectivity (L-2CF2B517)
fis_target_transitgateways_for_aws_network_transit_gateway_disrupt_cross_region_connectivity = null
# Quota for [fms]: Amazon VPC instances in scope of a common security group
# policy (L-F0708C36)
fms_amazon_vpc_instances_in_scope_of_a_common_security_group_policy = null
# Quota for [fms]: Applications per application list (L-A423D1D9)
fms_applications_per_application_list = null
# Quota for [fms]: Audit security groups per security group content audit
# policy (L-5EE030D6)
fms_audit_security_groups_per_security_group_content_audit_policy = null
# Quota for [fms]: Custom managed application lists in any content audit
# security group policy setting (L-A2E8868B)
fms_custom_managed_application_lists_in_any_content_audit_security_group_policy_setting = null
# Quota for [fms]: Custom managed application lists per account (L-0E131699)
fms_custom_managed_application_lists_per_account = null
# Quota for [fms]: Custom managed protocol lists in any content audit security
# group policy setting (L-4F5BB25D)
fms_custom_managed_protocol_lists_in_any_content_audit_security_group_policy_setting = null
# Quota for [fms]: Custom managed protocol lists per account (L-C6CF2DBB)
fms_custom_managed_protocol_lists_per_account = null
# Quota for [fms]: Explicitly included or excluded accounts per policy per
# Region (L-0C779DC8)
fms_explicitly_included_or_excluded_accounts_per_policy_per_region = null
# Quota for [fms]: Firewall Manager policies per organization per Region
# (L-0B28E140)
fms_firewall_manager_policies_per_organization_per_region = null
# Quota for [fms]: Organizational units in scope per policy per Region
# (L-7D53B479)
fms_organizational_units_in_scope_per_policy_per_region = null
# Quota for [fms]: Primary security groups per common security group policy
# (L-2898441F)
fms_primary_security_groups_per_common_security_group_policy = null
# Quota for [fms]: Protocols per protocol list (L-1513E67B)
fms_protocols_per_protocol_list = null
# Quota for [fms]: Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall rule groups per DNS Firewall
# policy (L-5A240155)
fms_route_53_resolver_dns_firewall_rule_groups_per_dns_firewall_policy = null
# Quota for [fms]: Rule groups per AWS WAF policy (L-F8EEB3E5)
fms_rule_groups_per_aws_waf_policy = null
# Quota for [fms]: Tags to include or exclude resources per policy
# (L-CDB85E02)
fms_tags_to_include_or_exclude_resources_per_policy = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum cumulative size of all files in your Amazon S3
# bucket (L-690B4DB2)
forecast_maximum_cumulative_size_of_all_files_in_your_amazon_s3_bucket = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of dataset groups (L-5054D782)
forecast_maximum_number_of_dataset_groups = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of dataset import jobs (L-1306EC42)
forecast_maximum_number_of_dataset_import_jobs = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of datasets (L-D613D53B)
forecast_maximum_number_of_datasets = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of forecast export jobs (L-561FC25E)
forecast_maximum_number_of_forecast_export_jobs = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of forecasts (L-884F7F75)
forecast_maximum_number_of_forecasts = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of predictor backtest export jobs
# (L-E1AC300F)
forecast_maximum_number_of_predictor_backtest_export_jobs = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of predictors (L-9C589A93)
forecast_maximum_number_of_predictors = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of rows in a dataset (L-618F5043)
forecast_maximum_number_of_rows_in_a_dataset = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of time series per predictor
# (L-4A218FD9)
forecast_maximum_number_of_time_series_per_predictor = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreateDatasetImportJob tasks
# (L-407BD890)
forecast_maximum_parallel_running_createdatasetimportjob_tasks = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreateForecast tasks
# (L-10DDC31D)
forecast_maximum_parallel_running_createforecast_tasks = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreateForecastExportJob tasks
# (L-02D995E1)
forecast_maximum_parallel_running_createforecastexportjob_tasks = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreatePredictor tasks
# (L-3154C698)
forecast_maximum_parallel_running_createpredictor_tasks = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreatePredictor tasks using
# AutoML (L-BDD6E332)
forecast_maximum_parallel_running_createpredictor_tasks_using_automl = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running
# CreatePredictorBacktestExportJob tasks (L-C4147F5F)
forecast_maximum_parallel_running_createpredictorbacktestexportjob_tasks = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreateWhatIfAnalysis tasks
# (L-3DED4AA6)
forecast_maximum_parallel_running_createwhatifanalysis_tasks = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreateWhatIfForecast tasks
# (L-5EC8963B)
forecast_maximum_parallel_running_createwhatifforecast_tasks = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreateWhatIfForecastExport
# tasks (L-B50F9B6C)
forecast_maximum_parallel_running_createwhatifforecastexport_tasks = null
# Quota for [forecast]: The maximum number of What-if Analyses (L-235B11D6)
forecast_the_maximum_number_of_what_if_analyses = null
# Quota for [forecast]: The maximum number of What-if Forecast Exports
# (L-6AD28BD9)
forecast_the_maximum_number_of_what_if_forecast_exports = null
# Quota for [forecast]: The maximum number of What-if Forecasts (L-762142D9)
forecast_the_maximum_number_of_what_if_forecasts = null
# Quota for [frauddetector]: Rate of GetPrediction requests (L-7D855745)
frauddetector_rate_of_getprediction_requests = null
# Quota for [frauddetector]: Total concurrent Event Type statistics update
# operations (L-71AAD453)
frauddetector_total_concurrent_event_type_statistics_update_operations = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Lustre backups (L-CD5E0524)
fsx_lustre_backups = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Cache_1 caches (L-60836D3E)
fsx_lustre_cache_1_caches = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Cache_1 storage capacity (L-15D9FE87)
fsx_lustre_cache_1_storage_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Persistent_1 file systems (L-9AFA1F09)
fsx_lustre_persistent_1_file_systems = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Persistent_1 storage capacity (L-C8640C82)
fsx_lustre_persistent_1_storage_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Persistent_2 file systems (L-FD6F2F22)
fsx_lustre_persistent_2_file_systems = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Persistent_2 storage capacity (L-8F1B9C74)
fsx_lustre_persistent_2_storage_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Persistent HDD storage capacity (per file system)
# (L-736F3D6F)
fsx_lustre_persistent_hdd_storage_capacity_per_file_system_ = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Scratch file systems (L-C48231E5)
fsx_lustre_scratch_file_systems = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Scratch storage capacity (L-AD2FC696)
fsx_lustre_scratch_storage_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: ONTAP backups (L-C431DBA3)
fsx_ontap_backups = null
# Quota for [fsx]: ONTAP file systems (L-C28C1403)
fsx_ontap_file_systems = null
# Quota for [fsx]: ONTAP SSD IOPS (L-57578687)
fsx_ontap_ssd_iops = null
# Quota for [fsx]: ONTAP SSD storage capacity (L-E2C89679)
fsx_ontap_ssd_storage_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: ONTAP throughput capacity (L-C5F860DD)
fsx_ontap_throughput_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: OpenZFS backups (L-DD0F7417)
fsx_openzfs_backups = null
# Quota for [fsx]: OpenZFS disk IOPS (L-E24B4DE4)
fsx_openzfs_disk_iops = null
# Quota for [fsx]: OpenZFS file systems (L-59D0763F)
fsx_openzfs_file_systems = null
# Quota for [fsx]: OpenZFS SSD storage capacity (L-88479C21)
fsx_openzfs_ssd_storage_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: OpenZFS SSD storage capacity (per file system) (L-7D5FDD38)
fsx_openzfs_ssd_storage_capacity_per_file_system_ = null
# Quota for [fsx]: OpenZFS throughput capacity (L-4EDE4065)
fsx_openzfs_throughput_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Windows backups (L-E94C1C19)
fsx_windows_backups = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Windows file systems (L-5B89F9CE)
fsx_windows_file_systems = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Windows HDD storage capacity (L-84EAF187)
fsx_windows_hdd_storage_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Windows SSD storage capacity (L-E43BDB2E)
fsx_windows_ssd_storage_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Windows throughput capacity (L-FD89CA8A)
fsx_windows_throughput_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Windows total SSD IOPS (L-901C77F5)
fsx_windows_total_ssd_iops = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Aliases per region (L-AED4A06A)
gamelift_aliases_per_region = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Anywhere fleets per region (L-593688D9)
gamelift_anywhere_fleets_per_region = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Builds per region (L-90D24F1B)
gamelift_builds_per_region = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Compute per Anywhere fleet (L-0536A98D)
gamelift_compute_per_anywhere_fleet = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Custom locations per region (L-C6F4238C)
gamelift_custom_locations_per_region = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Game server groups per region (L-8D885299)
gamelift_game_server_groups_per_region = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Game servers per game server group (L-51AF299A)
gamelift_game_servers_per_game_server_group = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Game session queues per region (L-22451070)
gamelift_game_session_queues_per_region = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Locations in a fleet per region (L-55650DB7)
gamelift_locations_in_a_fleet_per_region = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Managed EC2 fleet EBS volume (L-BFEEB817)
gamelift_managed_ec2_fleet_ebs_volume = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Managed EC2 fleets per region (L-FDDD1260)
gamelift_managed_ec2_fleets_per_region = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Matchmaking configurations per region (L-73F6E300)
gamelift_matchmaking_configurations_per_region = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Matchmaking rule sets per region (L-8AE49BBD)
gamelift_matchmaking_rule_sets_per_region = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Maximum NewGameSessionsPerCreator per fleet
# configuration (L-3A43EF3C)
gamelift_maximum_newgamesessionspercreator_per_fleet_configuration = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Maximum PolicyPeriodInMinutes per fleet configuration
# (L-9F9DE0B2)
gamelift_maximum_policyperiodinminutes_per_fleet_configuration = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Player session timeout (L-24BE0A39)
gamelift_player_session_timeout = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Queue destinations per game session queue (L-BB62CF1D)
gamelift_queue_destinations_per_game_session_queue = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Scripts per region (L-293B0017)
gamelift_scripts_per_region = null
# Quota for [geo]: Geofence Collection resources per account (L-93FB3073)
geo_geofence_collection_resources_per_account = null
# Quota for [geo]: Map resources per account (L-A94FDED2)
geo_map_resources_per_account = null
# Quota for [geo]: Place Index resources per account (L-AF0CC293)
geo_place_index_resources_per_account = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of AssociateTrackerConsumer API requests (L-664067C5)
geo_rate_of_associatetrackerconsumer_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistory API requests
# (L-CA16DE37)
geo_rate_of_batchdeletedevicepositionhistory_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of BatchDeleteGeofence API requests (L-93F5D44A)
geo_rate_of_batchdeletegeofence_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of BatchEvaluateGeofences API requests (L-9A0A3162)
geo_rate_of_batchevaluategeofences_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of BatchGetDevicePosition API requests (L-1D4EB556)
geo_rate_of_batchgetdeviceposition_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of BatchPutGeofence API requests (L-4D8FB6E2)
geo_rate_of_batchputgeofence_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of BatchUpdateDevicePosition API requests (L-16C77FC0)
geo_rate_of_batchupdatedeviceposition_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of CalculateRoute API requests (L-44B9F1A6)
geo_rate_of_calculateroute_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of CalculateRouteMatrix API requests (L-0E174A76)
geo_rate_of_calculateroutematrix_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of CreateGeofenceCollection API requests (L-DFE2C362)
geo_rate_of_creategeofencecollection_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of CreateKey API requests (L-0C20A2F2)
geo_rate_of_createkey_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of CreateMap API requests (L-8A769EC2)
geo_rate_of_createmap_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of CreatePlaceIndex API requests (L-0A4EAAD0)
geo_rate_of_createplaceindex_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of CreateRouteCalculator API requests (L-AF53BB1C)
geo_rate_of_createroutecalculator_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of CreateTracker API requests (L-0316544D)
geo_rate_of_createtracker_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DeleteGeofenceCollection API requests (L-779B9CA5)
geo_rate_of_deletegeofencecollection_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DeleteKey API requests (L-FF8C0CDC)
geo_rate_of_deletekey_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DeleteMap API requests (L-66B4C7B5)
geo_rate_of_deletemap_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DeletePlaceIndex API requests (L-D012773A)
geo_rate_of_deleteplaceindex_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DeleteRouteCalculator API requests (L-EF11EFBE)
geo_rate_of_deleteroutecalculator_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DeleteTracker API requests (L-24CBFF24)
geo_rate_of_deletetracker_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DescribeGeofenceCollection API requests
# (L-68C0FF09)
geo_rate_of_describegeofencecollection_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DescribeKey API requests (L-4B4C2391)
geo_rate_of_describekey_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DescribeMap API requests (L-3B6F7C26)
geo_rate_of_describemap_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DescribePlaceIndex API requests (L-772C0B77)
geo_rate_of_describeplaceindex_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DescribeRouteCalculator API requests (L-EA3098B7)
geo_rate_of_describeroutecalculator_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DescribeTracker API requests (L-4BA89359)
geo_rate_of_describetracker_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DisassociateTrackerConsumer API requests
# (L-32299313)
geo_rate_of_disassociatetrackerconsumer_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetDevicePosition API requests (L-55FCDA52)
geo_rate_of_getdeviceposition_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetDevicePositionHistory API requests (L-9A60EA62)
geo_rate_of_getdevicepositionhistory_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetGeofence API requests (L-E2B35742)
geo_rate_of_getgeofence_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetMapGlyphs API requests (L-25528367)
geo_rate_of_getmapglyphs_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetMapSprites API requests (L-C2D15753)
geo_rate_of_getmapsprites_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetMapStyleDescriptor API requests (L-05EFD12D)
geo_rate_of_getmapstyledescriptor_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetMapTile API requests (L-7FB5719A)
geo_rate_of_getmaptile_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetPlace API requests (L-CF1B7B95)
geo_rate_of_getplace_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListDevicePositions API requests (L-B26E5E95)
geo_rate_of_listdevicepositions_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListGeofenceCollections API requests (L-42524A80)
geo_rate_of_listgeofencecollections_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListGeofences API requests (L-2A3A5399)
geo_rate_of_listgeofences_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListKeys API requests (L-BE8C4A7E)
geo_rate_of_listkeys_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListMaps API requests (L-004FBC04)
geo_rate_of_listmaps_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListPlaceIndexes API requests (L-E3E8B4BC)
geo_rate_of_listplaceindexes_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListRouteCalculators API requests (L-D3A51B68)
geo_rate_of_listroutecalculators_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListTagsForResource API requests (L-E976E608)
geo_rate_of_listtagsforresource_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListTrackerConsumers API requests (L-3B5E6DAC)
geo_rate_of_listtrackerconsumers_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListTrackers API requests (L-F0E58BD7)
geo_rate_of_listtrackers_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of PutGeofence API requests (L-8C4D918C)
geo_rate_of_putgeofence_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of SearchPlaceIndexForPosition API requests
# (L-201B3D58)
geo_rate_of_searchplaceindexforposition_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of SearchPlaceIndexForSuggestions API requests
# (L-EC3CCC13)
geo_rate_of_searchplaceindexforsuggestions_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of SearchPlaceIndexForText API requests (L-20F1367A)
geo_rate_of_searchplaceindexfortext_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of TagResource API requests (L-2CA6C84D)
geo_rate_of_tagresource_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of UntagResource API requests (L-C236DAD6)
geo_rate_of_untagresource_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of UpdateGeofenceCollection API requests (L-4D54A4EF)
geo_rate_of_updategeofencecollection_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of UpdateKey API requests (L-E31E6201)
geo_rate_of_updatekey_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of UpdateMap API requests (L-123EEE95)
geo_rate_of_updatemap_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of UpdatePlaceIndex API requests (L-AE2D8C2E)
geo_rate_of_updateplaceindex_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of UpdateRouteCalculator API requests (L-85DB3370)
geo_rate_of_updateroutecalculator_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of UpdateTracker API requests (L-5C766737)
geo_rate_of_updatetracker_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Route Calculator resources per account (L-D4E15F64)
geo_route_calculator_resources_per_account = null
# Quota for [geo]: Tracker resources per account (L-8CDBA5E9)
geo_tracker_resources_per_account = null
# Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Cross-account attachments per AWS account
# (L-E201D224)
globalaccelerator_cross_account_attachments_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Custom routing accelerators per AWS account
# (L-BB449727)
globalaccelerator_custom_routing_accelerators_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Endpoints per endpoint group - EC2 instances
# (L-2151CAA1)
globalaccelerator_endpoints_per_endpoint_group_ec2_instances = null
# Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Endpoints per endpoint group - Elastic IP
# addresses (L-B7B05447)
globalaccelerator_endpoints_per_endpoint_group_elastic_ip_addresses = null
# Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Endpoints per endpoint group - Network Load
# Balancers (L-6975C1FD)
globalaccelerator_endpoints_per_endpoint_group_network_load_balancers = null
# Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Endpoints per endpoint group - VPC subnets
# (L-83098BD3)
globalaccelerator_endpoints_per_endpoint_group_vpc_subnets = null
# Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Listeners per accelerator (L-C6F903E5)
globalaccelerator_listeners_per_accelerator = null
# Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Port overrides per endpoint group
# (L-7B7A9DD5)
globalaccelerator_port_overrides_per_endpoint_group = null
# Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Principals per cross-account attachment
# (L-3D1423D2)
globalaccelerator_principals_per_cross_account_attachment = null
# Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Standard accelerators per AWS account
# (L-BE074EF3)
globalaccelerator_standard_accelerators_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Concurrent machine learning task runs per transform
# (L-E15CE20A)
glue_concurrent_machine_learning_task_runs_per_transform = null
# Quota for [glue]: Label file size (L-B78896B9)
glue_label_file_size = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max concurrent data quality ruleset evaluation runs per
# account (L-C3952F6C)
glue_max_concurrent_data_quality_ruleset_evaluation_runs_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max concurrent data quality ruleset recommendation runs
# per account (L-ACAC12B6)
glue_max_concurrent_data_quality_ruleset_recommendation_runs_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max concurrent job runs per account (L-5E4153CA)
glue_max_concurrent_job_runs_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max concurrent job runs per job (L-F574AED9)
glue_max_concurrent_job_runs_per_job = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max connection per account (L-4256D6D2)
glue_max_connection_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max data quality rulesets per account (L-87F5991C)
glue_max_data_quality_rulesets_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max databases per account (L-F953935E)
glue_max_databases_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max databases per catalog (L-A57B5BCE)
glue_max_databases_per_catalog = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max development endpoint per account (L-DBA56E2F)
glue_max_development_endpoint_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max DPUs per dev endpoint (L-76EC689B)
glue_max_dpus_per_dev_endpoint = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max functions per account (L-D987EC31)
glue_max_functions_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max functions per database (L-1DD415D5)
glue_max_functions_per_database = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max jobs per account (L-611FDDE4)
glue_max_jobs_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max jobs per trigger (L-EEC98450)
glue_max_jobs_per_trigger = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max partitions per account (L-FEBBFA7A)
glue_max_partitions_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max partitions per table (L-2C3F5401)
glue_max_partitions_per_table = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max security configurations per account (L-83192DBF)
glue_max_security_configurations_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max spare compute capacity consumed in data processing
# units (DPUs) per account. (L-096DBB95)
glue_max_spare_compute_capacity_consumed_in_data_processing_units_dpus_per_account_ = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max table versions per account (L-337244C9)
glue_max_table_versions_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max table versions per table (L-071ABE08)
glue_max_table_versions_per_table = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max tables per account (L-94D025B7)
glue_max_tables_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max tables per database (L-B8497671)
glue_max_tables_per_database = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max task DPUs per account (L-08F3B322)
glue_max_task_dpus_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max triggers per account (L-F1653A6D)
glue_max_triggers_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Maximum number of in-flight completion requests allowed
# per account (L-958728D1)
glue_maximum_number_of_in_flight_completion_requests_allowed_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Number of column statistics tasks running concurrently per
# account (L-3890A802)
glue_number_of_column_statistics_tasks_running_concurrently_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Number of crawlers per account (L-11FA2C1A)
glue_number_of_crawlers_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Number of crawlers running concurrently per account
# (L-4071B0E3)
glue_number_of_crawlers_running_concurrently_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Number of machine learning transforms (L-04CEE988)
glue_number_of_machine_learning_transforms = null
# Quota for [glue]: Number of Schema Registries. (L-64A88F0A)
glue_number_of_schema_registries_ = null
# Quota for [glue]: Number of Schema Versions. (L-AD871090)
glue_number_of_schema_versions_ = null
# Quota for [glue]: Number of workflows (L-7DD7C33A)
glue_number_of_workflows = null
# Quota for [glue]: Total concurrent machine learning task runs for transforms
# per account (L-83A59AA6)
glue_total_concurrent_machine_learning_task_runs_for_transforms_per_account = null
# Quota for [grafana]: Number of workspaces (L-2C2D5119)
grafana_number_of_workspaces = null
# Quota for [greengrass]: Components (L-4676BC3D)
greengrass_components = null
# Quota for [greengrass]: Versions per component (L-FC3754BD)
greengrass_versions_per_component = null
# Quota for [groundstation]: Config limit (L-5CCF0BC2)
groundstation_config_limit = null
# Quota for [groundstation]: Contact Lead Time Maximum (L-09DEC198)
groundstation_contact_lead_time_maximum = null
# Quota for [groundstation]: Dataflow endpoint group limit (L-D6A1915B)
groundstation_dataflow_endpoint_group_limit = null
# Quota for [groundstation]: Dataflow endpoints per group limit (L-98A63A85)
groundstation_dataflow_endpoints_per_group_limit = null
# Quota for [groundstation]: Enabled Ephemerides limit (L-BD84767C)
groundstation_enabled_ephemerides_limit = null
# Quota for [groundstation]: Ephemeris Validation limit (L-DE376FC5)
groundstation_ephemeris_validation_limit = null
# Quota for [groundstation]: Maximum Contact Duration (L-CCFDE387)
groundstation_maximum_contact_duration = null
# Quota for [groundstation]: Mission profile limit (L-5342B9BF)
groundstation_mission_profile_limit = null
# Quota for [groundstation]: Scheduled Contacts Limit (L-DF7B6DEC)
groundstation_scheduled_contacts_limit = null
# Quota for [groundstation]: Scheduled Minutes Limit (L-FED20749)
groundstation_scheduled_minutes_limit = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Number of data stores per account (L-3EA1D6C3)
healthlake_number_of_data_stores_per_account = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of Bundle requests per account (L-D0D9461D)
healthlake_rate_of_bundle_requests_per_account = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of Bundle requests per data store (L-51420D3D)
healthlake_rate_of_bundle_requests_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of DELETE requests per account (L-B24305BE)
healthlake_rate_of_delete_requests_per_account = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of DELETE requests per data store (L-C208C0FF)
healthlake_rate_of_delete_requests_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of GET requests per account (L-F39A95A1)
healthlake_rate_of_get_requests_per_account = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of GET requests per data store (L-863A7B88)
healthlake_rate_of_get_requests_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of POST requests per account (L-B94D535B)
healthlake_rate_of_post_requests_per_account = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of POST requests per data store (L-9EB60712)
healthlake_rate_of_post_requests_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of PUT requests per account (L-0BAE502B)
healthlake_rate_of_put_requests_per_account = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of PUT requests per data store (L-9375C7A1)
healthlake_rate_of_put_requests_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of search requests using GET per account
# (L-98AD4FBA)
healthlake_rate_of_search_requests_using_get_per_account = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of search requests using GET per data store
# (L-611058A1)
healthlake_rate_of_search_requests_using_get_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of search requests using POST per account
# (L-6FDC6068)
healthlake_rate_of_search_requests_using_post_per_account = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of search requests using POST per data store
# (L-7366BBDE)
healthlake_rate_of_search_requests_using_post_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [iam]: Customer managed policies per account (L-E95E4862)
iam_customer_managed_policies_per_account = null
# Quota for [iam]: Groups per account (L-F4A5425F)
iam_groups_per_account = null
# Quota for [iam]: Instance profiles per account (L-6E65F664)
iam_instance_profiles_per_account = null
# Quota for [iam]: Managed policies per role (L-0DA4ABF3)
iam_managed_policies_per_role = null
# Quota for [iam]: Managed policies per user (L-4019AD8B)
iam_managed_policies_per_user = null
# Quota for [iam]: Role trust policy length (L-C07B4B0D)
iam_role_trust_policy_length = null
# Quota for [iam]: Roles per account (L-FE177D64)
iam_roles_per_account = null
# Quota for [iam]: Server certificates per account (L-BF35879D)
iam_server_certificates_per_account = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Component parameter length (L-10D22E0D)
imagebuilder_component_parameter_length = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Component size (L-D5DC1FB3)
imagebuilder_component_size = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Components (L-9B183655)
imagebuilder_components = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Concurrent AMI copies per distribution
# configuration (L-69312229)
imagebuilder_concurrent_ami_copies_per_distribution_configuration = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Concurrent builds (L-BA4D191B)
imagebuilder_concurrent_builds = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Concurrent resource state update (L-5E848392)
imagebuilder_concurrent_resource_state_update = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Container recipes (L-28A502FD)
imagebuilder_container_recipes = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Distribution configurations (L-2BAA05D8)
imagebuilder_distribution_configurations = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Docker template size (L-84F5AB81)
imagebuilder_docker_template_size = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Image pipelines (L-7A0E01E3)
imagebuilder_image_pipelines = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Image recipes (L-1DF98342)
imagebuilder_image_recipes = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Image workflow parameter (L-A26B27A7)
imagebuilder_image_workflow_parameter = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Image workflow size (L-22EAF8F8)
imagebuilder_image_workflow_size = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Image workflows (L-0DF2752F)
imagebuilder_image_workflows = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Image workflows per image (L-31E5726E)
imagebuilder_image_workflows_per_image = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Infrastructure configurations (L-D9EF98D9)
imagebuilder_infrastructure_configurations = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Launch templates modified per distribution
# configuration (L-D5665818)
imagebuilder_launch_templates_modified_per_distribution_configuration = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Lifecycle policies (L-6105A4EE)
imagebuilder_lifecycle_policies = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Parameters per component (L-A58CFBED)
imagebuilder_parameters_per_component = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Parameters per image workflow (L-E49825CC)
imagebuilder_parameters_per_image_workflow = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Steps per image workflow (L-D9E1BB3C)
imagebuilder_steps_per_image_workflow = null
# Quota for [inspector]: Assessment runs (L-12943E2F)
inspector_assessment_runs = null
# Quota for [inspector]: Assessment Targets (L-E1AFB5F4)
inspector_assessment_targets = null
# Quota for [inspector]: Assessment Templates (L-7A3AEC10)
inspector_assessment_templates = null
# Quota for [inspector]: Instances in running assessments (L-6750F872)
inspector_instances_in_running_assessments = null
# Quota for [iot]: Active continuous jobs (L-4E068A30)
iot_active_continuous_jobs = null
# Quota for [iot]: Active snapshot jobs (L-D80B05DB)
iot_active_snapshot_jobs = null
# Quota for [iot]: AssociateTargetsWithJob throttle limit (L-D7A534B0)
iot_associatetargetswithjob_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: CancelJob throttle limit (L-DEC656C5)
iot_canceljob_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: CancelJobExecution throttle limit (L-5D01DB62)
iot_canceljobexecution_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: CloseTunnel API throttle limit (L-4C86F053)
iot_closetunnel_api_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: Concurrent jobs (L-FBF5CD89)
iot_concurrent_jobs = null
# Quota for [iot]: CreateJobTemplate throttle limit (L-224318E9)
iot_createjobtemplate_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: CreateOTAUpdate API TPS (L-EFEC7F9B)
iot_createotaupdate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iot]: CreateStream API TPS (L-86E241A6)
iot_createstream_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iot]: Custom metrics (L-53A90E98)
iot_custom_metrics = null
# Quota for [iot]: DeleteJob throttle limit (L-46C255C8)
iot_deletejob_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: DeleteJobExecution throttle limit (L-4AB367B4)
iot_deletejobexecution_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: DeleteJobTemplate throttle limit (L-99780C4B)
iot_deletejobtemplate_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: DeleteOTAUpdate API TPS (L-FCC8A955)
iot_deleteotaupdate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iot]: DeleteStream API TPS (L-4BB13F2B)
iot_deletestream_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iot]: DescribeIndex rate (L-23B1CFB2)
iot_describeindex_rate = null
# Quota for [iot]: DescribeJob throttle limit (L-609D00CE)
iot_describejob_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: DescribeJobExecution throttle limit (L-B731A266)
iot_describejobexecution_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: DescribeJobTemplate throttle limit (L-D3020048)
iot_describejobtemplate_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: DescribeStream API TPS (L-F288A443)
iot_describestream_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iot]: DescribeTunnel API throttle limit (L-382CCFC0)
iot_describetunnel_api_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: Device metric minimum delay (L-7BF41710)
iot_device_metric_minimum_delay = null
# Quota for [iot]: Device metric peak reporting rate for an account
# (L-9AE67DFC)
iot_device_metric_peak_reporting_rate_for_an_account = null
# Quota for [iot]: GetCardinality rate (L-B359270D)
iot_getcardinality_rate = null
# Quota for [iot]: GetIndexingConfiguration rate (L-4F362163)
iot_getindexingconfiguration_rate = null
# Quota for [iot]: GetJobDocument throttle limit (L-86FC5D66)
iot_getjobdocument_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: GetOTAUpdate API TPS (L-74CF42C0)
iot_getotaupdate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iot]: GetPercentiles rate (L-4627F3A5)
iot_getpercentiles_rate = null
# Quota for [iot]: GetStatistics rate (L-090EA78D)
iot_getstatistics_rate = null
# Quota for [iot]: Job execution roll out rate (L-026DF298)
iot_job_execution_roll_out_rate = null
# Quota for [iot]: ListIndices rate (L-C0894219)
iot_listindices_rate = null
# Quota for [iot]: ListJobExecutionsForJob throttle limit (L-9CCB5F90)
iot_listjobexecutionsforjob_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: ListJobExecutionsForThing throttle limit (L-10F35433)
iot_listjobexecutionsforthing_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: ListJobs throttle limit (L-145FD0E6)
iot_listjobs_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: ListJobTemplates throttle limit (L-59178860)
iot_listjobtemplates_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: ListMetricValues API TPS (L-DC1637B1)
iot_listmetricvalues_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iot]: ListOTAUpdates API TPS (L-6A50FCE7)
iot_listotaupdates_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iot]: ListStreams API TPS (L-4026757A)
iot_liststreams_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iot]: ListTagsForResource API throttle limit (L-60A7ED34)
iot_listtagsforresource_api_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: ListTunnels API throttle limit (L-B7CAF86D)
iot_listtunnels_api_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum connection rate (L-00511A32)
iot_maximum_connection_rate = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum length of a custom field name (L-4832A12B)
iot_maximum_length_of_a_custom_field_name = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum length of a query (L-C3993A6F)
iot_maximum_length_of_a_query = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of custom fields in AWS thing groups index
# (L-8B2A08E6)
iot_maximum_number_of_custom_fields_in_aws_thing_groups_index = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of custom fields in AWS things index
# (L-AE68DCD9)
iot_maximum_number_of_custom_fields_in_aws_things_index = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of fleet metrics (L-A5B47E14)
iot_maximum_number_of_fleet_metrics = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of job templates (L-B2C87795)
iot_maximum_number_of_job_templates = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of names in the named shadow names filter
# (L-57F7D467)
iot_maximum_number_of_names_in_the_named_shadow_names_filter = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of query terms per dynamic group
# (L-90F8C878)
iot_maximum_number_of_query_terms_per_dynamic_group = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of query terms per fleet metric (L-F7BC9359)
iot_maximum_number_of_query_terms_per_fleet_metric = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of query terms per query (L-00E8EC16)
iot_maximum_number_of_query_terms_per_query = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of targets in the geo locations filter
# (L-7068DC7F)
iot_maximum_number_of_targets_in_the_geo_locations_filter = null
# Quota for [iot]: OpenTunnel API throttle limit (L-E72C1C85)
iot_opentunnel_api_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: S3 job document length (L-7C5B0274)
iot_s3_job_document_length = null
# Quota for [iot]: SearchIndex rate (L-908D0FBE)
iot_searchindex_rate = null
# Quota for [iot]: TagResource API throttle limit (L-5755407D)
iot_tagresource_api_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: UntagResource API trottle limit (L-BF877B05)
iot_untagresource_api_trottle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: UpdateIndexingConfiguration rate (L-632CA122)
iot_updateindexingconfiguration_rate = null
# Quota for [iot]: UpdateJob throttle limit (L-7365ADF8)
iot_updatejob_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: UpdateStream API TPS (L-59F27FE9)
iot_updatestream_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Channels per account (L-321F3834)
iotanalytics_channels_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Data sets per account (L-4BFEAE82)
iotanalytics_data_sets_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Data stores per account (L-86CFEC61)
iotanalytics_data_stores_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Depth of Parquet SchemaDefinition column
# (L-B7F65767)
iotanalytics_depth_of_parquet_schemadefinition_column = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Minimum data set refresh interval (L-5CD4F96D)
iotanalytics_minimum_data_set_refresh_interval = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Number of Parquet SchemaDefinition columns
# (L-41F5CE82)
iotanalytics_number_of_parquet_schemadefinition_columns = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Number of partitions in a data store (L-BA86816F)
iotanalytics_number_of_partitions_in_a_data_store = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Number of StartPipelineReprocessing requests
# (L-EFB6780D)
iotanalytics_number_of_startpipelinereprocessing_requests = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Pipelines per account (L-0AED1111)
iotanalytics_pipelines_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Rate of BatchPutMessage messages (L-CFCA90F1)
iotanalytics_rate_of_batchputmessage_messages = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Rate of CreateDatasetContent requests (L-546EC585)
iotanalytics_rate_of_createdatasetcontent_requests = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Rate of RunPipelineActivity requests (L-C770541D)
iotanalytics_rate_of_runpipelineactivity_requests = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Rate of SampleChannelData requests (L-C24E823A)
iotanalytics_rate_of_samplechanneldata_requests = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: AcceptCertificateTransfer API TPS (L-136C6B71)
iotcore_acceptcertificatetransfer_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: AddThingToBillingGroup API TPS (L-1F4BE39E)
iotcore_addthingtobillinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: AddThingToThingGroup API TPS (L-2904683A)
iotcore_addthingtothinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: AssumeRoleWithCertificate API TPS (L-DA868E55)
iotcore_assumerolewithcertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: AttachPolicy API TPS (L-CA7D4E3E)
iotcore_attachpolicy_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: AttachPrincipalPolicy API TPS (L-81689EEF)
iotcore_attachprincipalpolicy_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: AttachThingPrincipal API TPS (L-F64D1AA6)
iotcore_attachthingprincipal_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CancelCertificateTransfer API TPS (L-14E3C32E)
iotcore_cancelcertificatetransfer_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ClearDefaultAuthorizer API TPS (L-5BDDC7FE)
iotcore_cleardefaultauthorizer_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Configurable endpoints: maximum number of domain
# configurations per account (L-89635276)
iotcore_configurable_endpoints_maximum_number_of_domain_configurations_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Connect requests per second per account (L-AEA1E176)
iotcore_connect_requests_per_second_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CreateBillingGroup API TPS (L-F2D09BC8)
iotcore_createbillinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CreateCertificateFromCsr API TPS (L-01BCDDCA)
iotcore_createcertificatefromcsr_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CreateDynamicThingGroup API TPS (L-7E0F5745)
iotcore_createdynamicthinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CreateKeysAndCertificate API TPS (L-40B55430)
iotcore_createkeysandcertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CreatePolicy API TPS (L-1B2EEF52)
iotcore_createpolicy_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CreatePolicyVersion API TPS (L-BD4A365E)
iotcore_createpolicyversion_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CreateProvisioningClaim API TPS (L-33A2AE15)
iotcore_createprovisioningclaim_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CreateThing API TPS (L-64CBACAC)
iotcore_creatething_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CreateThingGroup API TPS (L-512F449C)
iotcore_createthinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CreateThingType API TPS (L-8650816F)
iotcore_createthingtype_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteBillingGroup API TPS (L-6C20C764)
iotcore_deletebillinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteCACertificate API TPS (L-944099F0)
iotcore_deletecacertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteCertificate API TPS (L-EEB8F0B1)
iotcore_deletecertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteDynamicThingGroup API TPS (L-9DF61146)
iotcore_deletedynamicthinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeletePolicy API TPS (L-58129C66)
iotcore_deletepolicy_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeletePolicyVersion API TPS (L-2990EF9F)
iotcore_deletepolicyversion_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteProvisioningTemplate API TPS (L-066C37B5)
iotcore_deleteprovisioningtemplate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteRegistrationCode API TPS (L-D5D09DC2)
iotcore_deleteregistrationcode_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteThing API TPS (L-889800F7)
iotcore_deletething_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteThingGroup API TPS (L-FCAB1AF4)
iotcore_deletethinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteThingType API TPS (L-CFBDB489)
iotcore_deletethingtype_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeprecateThingType API TPS (L-7F1DBFAE)
iotcore_deprecatethingtype_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeAuthorizer API TPS (L-19FEFCAA)
iotcore_describeauthorizer_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeBillingGroup API TPS (L-23DF46E7)
iotcore_describebillinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeCACertificate API TPS (L-E72BB356)
iotcore_describecacertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeCertificate API TPS (L-FC864907)
iotcore_describecertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeCertificateTag API TPS (L-7E496DB6)
iotcore_describecertificatetag_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeDefaultAuthorizer API TPS (L-A34ABBD3)
iotcore_describedefaultauthorizer_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeDomainConfiguration API TPS (L-7027E8DD)
iotcore_describedomainconfiguration_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeEventConfigurations API TPS (L-AC832B8A)
iotcore_describeeventconfigurations_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeProvisioningTemplate API TPS (L-261C415C)
iotcore_describeprovisioningtemplate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeProvisioningTemplateVersion API TPS
# (L-35130141)
iotcore_describeprovisioningtemplateversion_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeRoleAlias API TPS (L-82706932)
iotcore_describerolealias_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeThing API TPS (L-0EF0F5EE)
iotcore_describething_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeThingGroup API TPS (L-52E1E197)
iotcore_describethinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeThingRegistrationTask API TPS (L-4673EACA)
iotcore_describethingregistrationtask_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeThingType API TPS (L-DDCF8E97)
iotcore_describethingtype_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DetachPolicy API TPS (L-EC88D510)
iotcore_detachpolicy_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DetachPrincipalPolicy API TPS (L-A20A8794)
iotcore_detachprincipalpolicy_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DetachThingPrincipal API TPS (L-B5EE4A16)
iotcore_detachthingprincipal_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Device Shadow API requests/second per account
# (L-6CC6395A)
iotcore_device_shadow_api_requests_second_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Fleet Provisioning CreateCertificateFromCsr MQTT API
# TPS (L-83161BB8)
iotcore_fleet_provisioning_createcertificatefromcsr_mqtt_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Fleet Provisioning CreateKeysAndCertificate MQTT API
iotcore_fleet_provisioning_createkeysandcertificate_mqtt_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Fleet Provisioning RegisterThing MQTT API TPS
# (L-B2BBBD8C)
iotcore_fleet_provisioning_registerthing_mqtt_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: GetPolicy API TPS (L-5CE9072D)
iotcore_getpolicy_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: GetPolicyVersion API TPS (L-1FE17093)
iotcore_getpolicyversion_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: GetRegistrationCode API TPS (L-83705EE2)
iotcore_getregistrationcode_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: GetRetainedMessage API TPS (L-1243AB32)
iotcore_getretainedmessage_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Inbound publish requests per second per account
# (L-4B33E451)
iotcore_inbound_publish_requests_per_second_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListAttachedPolicies API TPS (L-B2DA2A45)
iotcore_listattachedpolicies_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListAuthorizers API TPS (L-9BF00264)
iotcore_listauthorizers_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListBillingGroups API TPS (L-BB923BC2)
iotcore_listbillinggroups_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListCACertificates API TPS (L-15185D92)
iotcore_listcacertificates_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListCertificates API TPS (L-97DA2C60)
iotcore_listcertificates_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListCertificatesByCA API TPS (L-5A0AFD83)
iotcore_listcertificatesbyca_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListDomainConfigurations API TPS (L-4BDBE56D)
iotcore_listdomainconfigurations_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListOutgoingCertificates API TPS (L-56AB20B6)
iotcore_listoutgoingcertificates_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListPolicies API TPS (L-2B86A5A0)
iotcore_listpolicies_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListPolicyPrincipals API TPS (L-073010AA)
iotcore_listpolicyprincipals_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListPolicyVersions API TPS (L-E67DF416)
iotcore_listpolicyversions_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListPrincipalPolicies API TPS (L-129466FE)
iotcore_listprincipalpolicies_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListPrincipalThings API TPS (L-C481616A)
iotcore_listprincipalthings_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListProvisioningTemplates API TPS (L-53E8A280)
iotcore_listprovisioningtemplates_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListProvisioningTemplateVersions API TPS (L-80CBA176)
iotcore_listprovisioningtemplateversions_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListRetainedMessages API TPS (L-0AA974E3)
iotcore_listretainedmessages_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListRoleAliases API TPS (L-F22E433B)
iotcore_listrolealiases_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListTagsForResource API TPS (L-D127B7BE)
iotcore_listtagsforresource_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListTargetsForPolicy API TPS (L-D7C50543)
iotcore_listtargetsforpolicy_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingGroups API TPS (L-1E5260D6)
iotcore_listthinggroups_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingGroupsForThing API TPS (L-75F129AD)
iotcore_listthinggroupsforthing_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingPrincipals API TPS (L-FC3EF4D9)
iotcore_listthingprincipals_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingRegistrationTask API TPS (L-B2CCE1DE)
iotcore_listthingregistrationtask_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingRegistrationTaskReports API TPS (L-51D1E673)
iotcore_listthingregistrationtaskreports_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListThings API TPS (L-57AAC135)
iotcore_listthings_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingsInBillingGroup API TPS (L-E8797DCC)
iotcore_listthingsinbillinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingsInThingGroup API TPS (L-D33FD5F9)
iotcore_listthingsinthinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingTypes API TPS (L-F9EBF527)
iotcore_listthingtypes_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum concurrent client connections per account
# (L-75CAB723)
iotcore_maximum_concurrent_client_connections_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum MQTT5 Topic Alias value (L-C0EA6C17)
iotcore_maximum_mqtt5_topic_alias_value = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum number of device certificates that can be
# registered per second (L-3E927DFC)
iotcore_maximum_number_of_device_certificates_that_can_be_registered_per_second = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum number of domain configurations per account per
# region (L-B0F131C8)
iotcore_maximum_number_of_domain_configurations_per_account_per_region = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum number of retained messages per account
# (L-57BADEF0)
iotcore_maximum_number_of_retained_messages_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum number of rules per AWS account (L-954FA751)
iotcore_maximum_number_of_rules_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum number of thing attributes for a thing with a
# thing type (L-3964F400)
iotcore_maximum_number_of_thing_attributes_for_a_thing_with_a_thing_type = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum size of a JSON state document (L-A295A064)
iotcore_maximum_size_of_a_json_state_document = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Outbound publish requests per second per account
# (L-FE4EDCF9)
iotcore_outbound_publish_requests_per_second_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Persistent session expiry period (L-3BB6AFBC)
iotcore_persistent_session_expiry_period = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Queued messages per second per account (L-35DA9240)
iotcore_queued_messages_per_second_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: RegisterCACertificate API TPS (L-B3AC62F0)
iotcore_registercacertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: RegisterCertificate API TPS (L-8C0011A3)
iotcore_registercertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: RegisterCertificateWithoutCA API TPS (L-4671C7C8)
iotcore_registercertificatewithoutca_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: RegisterThing API TPS (L-C0B2EF8B)
iotcore_registerthing_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: RejectCertificateTransfer API TPS (L-E82C8FBF)
iotcore_rejectcertificatetransfer_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: RemoveThingFromBillingGroup API TPS (L-FAF5733F)
iotcore_removethingfrombillinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: RemoveThingFromThingGroup API TPS (L-2A81A394)
iotcore_removethingfromthinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Requests per second per thing (L-EFF4BE08)
iotcore_requests_per_second_per_thing = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Retained message inbound publish requests per second
# per account (L-BAFC6221)
iotcore_retained_message_inbound_publish_requests_per_second_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Rule evaluations per second per AWS account
# (L-5E9B88DA)
iotcore_rule_evaluations_per_second_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: SetDefaultAuthorizer API TPS (L-51C95546)
iotcore_setdefaultauthorizer_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: SetDefaultPolicyVersion API TPS (L-4F16A45D)
iotcore_setdefaultpolicyversion_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Size of thing attributes per thing (L-5104A2FD)
iotcore_size_of_thing_attributes_per_thing = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: StartThingRegistrationTask API TPS (L-7278F198)
iotcore_startthingregistrationtask_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: StopThingRegistrationTask API TPS (L-DADCC3DA)
iotcore_stopthingregistrationtask_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Subscriptions per account (L-52CBB99B)
iotcore_subscriptions_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Subscriptions per second per account (L-589D5E1D)
iotcore_subscriptions_per_second_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: TagResource API TPS (L-06E76376)
iotcore_tagresource_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: TransferCertificate API TPS (L-9A4156D0)
iotcore_transfercertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UntagResource API TPS (L-8996ACA8)
iotcore_untagresource_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateAuthorizer API TPS (L-6355B513)
iotcore_updateauthorizer_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateBillingGroup API TPS (L-88CA286A)
iotcore_updatebillinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateCACertificate API TPS (L-A755E860)
iotcore_updatecacertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateCertificate API TPS (L-77B523DC)
iotcore_updatecertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateCertificateMode API TPS (L-06D0B96B)
iotcore_updatecertificatemode_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateCertificateTag API TPS (L-B9586B46)
iotcore_updatecertificatetag_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateDomainConfiguration API TPS (L-D624FA43)
iotcore_updatedomainconfiguration_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateDynamicThingGroup API TPS (L-E06BBD5F)
iotcore_updatedynamicthinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateEventConfigurations API TPS (L-9C512C33)
iotcore_updateeventconfigurations_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateProvisioningTemplate API TPS (L-1FD03A8A)
iotcore_updateprovisioningtemplate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateRoleAlias API TPS (L-447FFBFB)
iotcore_updaterolealias_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateThing API TPS (L-211F680E)
iotcore_updatething_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateThingGroup API TPS (L-5D84F9FE)
iotcore_updatethinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Detector model versions (L-1B3BA3EE)
iotevents_detector_model_versions = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Detector models (L-279A67DA)
iotevents_detector_models = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Detectors per detector model (L-3ED590C1)
iotevents_detectors_per_detector_model = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Inputs (L-C031B6B8)
iotevents_inputs = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum actions per alarm model (L-EB687A61)
iotevents_maximum_actions_per_alarm_model = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum actions per event (L-4E41133E)
iotevents_maximum_actions_per_event = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum alarm model versions per alarm model
# (L-2FA8EFB5)
iotevents_maximum_alarm_model_versions_per_alarm_model = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum alarm models per account (L-134442DD)
iotevents_maximum_alarm_models_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum alarms per alarm model (L-52F0DBB4)
iotevents_maximum_alarms_per_alarm_model = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum events per state (L-C0F716CA)
iotevents_maximum_events_per_state = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum number of alarm models per property in an AWS
# IoT SiteWise asset model (L-EBDD79FD)
iotevents_maximum_number_of_alarm_models_per_property_in_an_aws_iot_sitewise_asset_model = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum number of recipients per notification action
# in an alarm model (L-DE2C2CBE)
iotevents_maximum_number_of_recipients_per_notification_action_in_an_alarm_model = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum total messages evaluated per second
# (L-41C77D73)
iotevents_maximum_total_messages_evaluated_per_second = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum transition events per state (L-FCDB3431)
iotevents_maximum_transition_events_per_state = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Message size (L-1EE1AE32)
iotevents_message_size = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Minimum timer duration (L-D86BAB00)
iotevents_minimum_timer_duration = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Number of detector model analyses in RUNNING status
# (L-18935129)
iotevents_number_of_detector_model_analyses_in_running_status = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: State variables per detector model definition
# (L-46EA5101)
iotevents_state_variables_per_detector_model_definition = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: States per detector model (L-0B548925)
iotevents_states_per_detector_model = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Timers scheduled per detector (L-89B1F2C1)
iotevents_timers_scheduled_per_detector = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Trigger expressions (L-BE1D061A)
iotevents_trigger_expressions = null
# Quota for [iotfleethub]: Number of applications per Region per AWS account
# (L-65C37C15)
iotfleethub_number_of_applications_per_region_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Number of campaigns for each account in an AWS
# Region (L-17D821A8)
iotfleetwise_number_of_campaigns_for_each_account_in_an_aws_region = null
# Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Number of decoder manifests for a model manifest
# for each account in an AWS Region. (L-9EE083E6)
iotfleetwise_number_of_decoder_manifests_for_a_model_manifest_for_each_account_in_an_aws_region_ = null
# Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Number of model manifests for each account in an
# AWS Region. (L-72103FA9)
iotfleetwise_number_of_model_manifests_for_each_account_in_an_aws_region_ = null
# Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Number of nodes in a signal catalog for each
# account in an AWS Region (L-FE285ED4)
iotfleetwise_number_of_nodes_in_a_signal_catalog_for_each_account_in_an_aws_region = null
# Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Number of signals in a campaign for each account
# in an AWS Region. (L-86E70888)
iotfleetwise_number_of_signals_in_a_campaign_for_each_account_in_an_aws_region_ = null
# Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Number of vehicles in a fleet for each account in
# an AWS Region. (L-85AC6579)
iotfleetwise_number_of_vehicles_in_a_fleet_for_each_account_in_an_aws_region_ = null
# Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Rate of API requests for each account in an AWS
# Region (L-6ED070A2)
iotfleetwise_rate_of_api_requests_for_each_account_in_an_aws_region = null
# Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Rate of ingesting messages for each account in an
# AWS Region. (L-B91464DC)
iotfleetwise_rate_of_ingesting_messages_for_each_account_in_an_aws_region_ = null
# Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Rate of ingesting messages for each vehicle in an
# AWS Region. (L-FDD53FA4)
iotfleetwise_rate_of_ingesting_messages_for_each_vehicle_in_an_aws_region_ = null
# Quota for [iotroborunner]: Destinations (L-E297453B)
iotroborunner_destinations = null
# Quota for [iotroborunner]: Sites (L-56B55996)
iotroborunner_sites = null
# Quota for [iotroborunner]: Worker fleets (L-B5779483)
iotroborunner_worker_fleets = null
# Quota for [iotroborunner]: Workers (L-9529A31E)
iotroborunner_workers = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Composite model depth (L-F8F8820C)
iotsitewise_composite_model_depth = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Depth of asset model hierarchy tree (L-4F226831)
iotsitewise_depth_of_asset_model_hierarchy_tree = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of asset models per hierarchy tree
# (L-61CA7915)
iotsitewise_number_of_asset_models_per_hierarchy_tree = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of asset models per Region per AWS account
# (L-21EF301F)
iotsitewise_number_of_asset_models_per_region_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of assets per asset model (L-A0C6AD02)
iotsitewise_number_of_assets_per_asset_model = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of child assets per parent asset
# (L-8603AA0E)
iotsitewise_number_of_child_assets_per_parent_asset = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of composite models per asset model
# (L-41A20986)
iotsitewise_number_of_composite_models_per_asset_model = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of dashboards per project (L-81C6A4F0)
iotsitewise_number_of_dashboards_per_project = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of days between the timestamp in the past
# and today (L-09CA1CF6)
iotsitewise_number_of_days_between_the_timestamp_in_the_past_and_today = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of gateways per Region per AWS account
# (L-179151C6)
iotsitewise_number_of_gateways_per_region_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of hierarchy definitions per asset model
# (L-558B5F90)
iotsitewise_number_of_hierarchy_definitions_per_asset_model = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of metrics per dashboard visualization
# (L-2C0E5B73)
iotsitewise_number_of_metrics_per_dashboard_visualization = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of parent asset models per child asset model
# (L-088AB397)
iotsitewise_number_of_parent_asset_models_per_child_asset_model = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of portals per Region per AWS account
# (L-A5652910)
iotsitewise_number_of_portals_per_region_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of projects per portal (L-116F669B)
iotsitewise_number_of_projects_per_portal = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of properties at root of each asset model of
# type ASSET_MODEL (L-6D30607C)
iotsitewise_number_of_properties_at_root_of_each_asset_model_of_type_asset_model = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of properties per asset model (L-22D944EE)
iotsitewise_number_of_properties_per_asset_model = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of properties per composite model
# (L-F22F6963)
iotsitewise_number_of_properties_per_composite_model = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of properties that directly depend on a
# single property (L-3D4720EF)
iotsitewise_number_of_properties_that_directly_depend_on_a_single_property = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of results per
# GetInterpolatedAssetPropertyValues request (L-DABC3942)
iotsitewise_number_of_results_per_getinterpolatedassetpropertyvalues_request = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of unique asset models that use the same
# component model (L-5436A081)
iotsitewise_number_of_unique_asset_models_that_use_the_same_component_model = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of unique measurements per parquet row group
# (L-77F9BBAB)
iotsitewise_number_of_unique_measurements_per_parquet_row_group = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of visualizations per dashboard (L-95E7BD97)
iotsitewise_number_of_visualizations_per_dashboard = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Rate of data points ingested (L-055D0253)
iotsitewise_rate_of_data_points_ingested = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Rate of datapoints retrieved from
# GetAssetPropertyValueHistory and BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistory
# (L-A6B45284)
iotsitewise_rate_of_datapoints_retrieved_from_getassetpropertyvaluehistory_and_batchgetassetpropertyvaluehistory = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Rate of GetInterpolatedAssetPropertyValues requests
# (L-27B1043C)
iotsitewise_rate_of_getinterpolatedassetpropertyvalues_requests = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for AssociateAssets (L-A6CC6143)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_associateassets = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for AssociateTimeSeriesToAssetProperty
# (L-FC916B9F)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_associatetimeseriestoassetproperty = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for BatchGetAssetPropertyAggregates
# (L-1F08A062)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_batchgetassetpropertyaggregates = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for BatchGetAssetPropertyValue
# (L-6A0446E9)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_batchgetassetpropertyvalue = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistory
# (L-6BA71B50)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_batchgetassetpropertyvaluehistory = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for BatchPutAssetPropertyValue
# (L-A52C4EC3)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_batchputassetpropertyvalue = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for CreateAsset (L-FAC80CD0)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_createasset = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for CreateAssetModel (L-76DAFFD4)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_createassetmodel = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for CreateAssetModelCompositeModel
# (L-6A07E983)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_createassetmodelcompositemodel = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DeleteAsset (L-1A4574EB)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_deleteasset = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DeleteAssetModel (L-E824E02D)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_deleteassetmodel = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DeleteAssetModelCompositeModel
# (L-C866EFAE)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_deleteassetmodelcompositemodel = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DeleteTimeSeries (L-0B4FE3AE)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_deletetimeseries = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeAction (L-8CACB17D)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_describeaction = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeAsset (L-EC3E9870)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_describeasset = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeAssetCompositeModel
# (L-C95674C2)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_describeassetcompositemodel = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeAssetModel (L-30ACF5DC)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_describeassetmodel = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeAssetModelCompositeModel
# (L-FF65FBE9)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_describeassetmodelcompositemodel = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeAssetProperty (L-FE40635A)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_describeassetproperty = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for
# DescribeDefaultEncryptionConfiguration (L-9AB54A74)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_describedefaultencryptionconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeLoggingOptions
# (L-71344A05)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_describeloggingoptions = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeStorageConfiguration
# (L-DFA2B5CE)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_describestorageconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeTimeSeries (L-99ECDFE8)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_describetimeseries = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DisassociateAssets (L-8833D569)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_disassociateassets = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for
# DisassociateTimeSeriesFromAssetProperty (L-AD488EF9)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_disassociatetimeseriesfromassetproperty = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ExecuteAction (L-74A3AF8B)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_executeaction = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for GetAssetPropertyAggregates
# (L-36098D32)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_getassetpropertyaggregates = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for GetAssetPropertyValue (L-CDF30604)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_getassetpropertyvalue = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for GetAssetPropertyValueHistory
# (L-D7745D01)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_getassetpropertyvaluehistory = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListActions (L-4F4858F1)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_listactions = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListAssetModelCompositeModels
# (L-1AC5759B)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_listassetmodelcompositemodels = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListAssetModels (L-2E6A6BE6)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_listassetmodels = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListAssetRelationships
# (L-D1C7039E)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_listassetrelationships = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListAssets (L-FD327B60)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_listassets = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListAssociatedAssets (L-DF999358)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_listassociatedassets = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListCompositionRelationships
# (L-0E1DA1E4)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_listcompositionrelationships = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListTagsForResource (L-C65D47B0)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_listtagsforresource = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListTimeSeries (L-EFD4443A)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_listtimeseries = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for PutDefaultEncryptionConfiguration
# (L-4C7927F2)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_putdefaultencryptionconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for PutLoggingOptions (L-A9C0553C)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_putloggingoptions = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for PutStorageConfiguration
# (L-1DAFF3FA)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_putstorageconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for TagResource (L-97DCC2B9)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_tagresource = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for UntagResource (L-11052945)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_untagresource = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for UpdateAsset (L-5ABA0B04)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_updateasset = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for UpdateAssetModel (L-A2DC172E)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_updateassetmodel = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for UpdateAssetModelCompositeModel
# (L-EF35D760)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_updateassetmodelcompositemodel = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for UpdateAssetProperty (L-0ED7CAC0)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_updateassetproperty = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: Flow definition size (L-3B8999A1)
iotthingsgraph_flow_definition_size = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: Maximum number of flows triggered (L-B12EB258)
iotthingsgraph_maximum_number_of_flows_triggered = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: Maximum number of steps executed per deployment
# (L-D957C70D)
iotthingsgraph_maximum_number_of_steps_executed_per_deployment = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: Total deployment configurations in a namespace
# (L-4E1874BC)
iotthingsgraph_total_deployment_configurations_in_a_namespace = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: Total entities in a namespace (L-1241A2A2)
iotthingsgraph_total_entities_in_a_namespace = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: Total flow definitions in a namespace
# (L-F4F0FE93)
iotthingsgraph_total_flow_definitions_in_a_namespace = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for AssociateEntityToThing
# (L-B8ACA268)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_associateentitytothing = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for CreateDeploymentConfiguration
# (L-EB25BD02)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_createdeploymentconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for CreateFlowTemplate (L-563B2C2B)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_createflowtemplate = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for CreateSystemInstance (L-33DDBCD0)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_createsysteminstance = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for CreateSystemTemplate (L-1568A699)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_createsystemtemplate = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeleteDeploymentConfiguration
# (L-3197C8C1)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_deletedeploymentconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeleteFlowTemplate (L-C10D50DA)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_deleteflowtemplate = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeleteNamespace (L-6C64452B)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_deletenamespace = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeleteSystemInstance (L-2AA3EB03)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_deletesysteminstance = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeleteSystemTemplate (L-39620E3B)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_deletesystemtemplate = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeployConfigurationToTarget
# (L-833ED17B)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_deployconfigurationtotarget = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeploySystemInstance (L-A93CEC05)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_deploysysteminstance = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeprecateDeploymentConfiguration
# (L-D3A10EC3)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_deprecatedeploymentconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeprecateFlowTemplate (L-9150B976)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_deprecateflowtemplate = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeprecateSystemTemplate
# (L-7E34BF4F)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_deprecatesystemtemplate = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DescribeNamespace (L-E59F5B29)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_describenamespace = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DissociateEntityFromThing
# (L-F90E5D50)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_dissociateentityfromthing = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetDeploymentConfiguration
# (L-23793080)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_getdeploymentconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetEntities (L-FA04A690)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_getentities = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetFlowTemplate (L-2418C55F)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_getflowtemplate = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetFlowTemplateRevisions
# (L-14349E56)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_getflowtemplaterevisions = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetNamespaceDeletionStatus
# (L-74BF2A1A)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_getnamespacedeletionstatus = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetRecentUploads (L-93B499C4)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_getrecentuploads = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetSystemInstance (L-E286E5D0)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_getsysteminstance = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetSystemTemplate (L-AC9ABC2C)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_getsystemtemplate = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetSystemTemplateRevisions
# (L-183A0E79)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_getsystemtemplaterevisions = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetUploadStatus (L-5403F04A)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_getuploadstatus = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for ListFlowExecutionMessages
# (L-A026818C)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_listflowexecutionmessages = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for ListMappingPaths (L-9FF7971D)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_listmappingpaths = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for SearchDeploymentConfigurations
# (L-BDB80152)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_searchdeploymentconfigurations = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for SearchEntities (L-3AEFB560)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_searchentities = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for SearchFlowExecutions (L-19877104)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_searchflowexecutions = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for SearchFlowTemplates (L-E935AE5C)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_searchflowtemplates = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for SearchSystemInstance (L-A7E96D49)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_searchsysteminstance = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for SearchSystemTemplates (L-0B5ED49C)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_searchsystemtemplates = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for SearchThings (L-90007F3D)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_searchthings = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for UndeploySystemInstance
# (L-A6120C65)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_undeploysysteminstance = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for UpdateFlowTemplate (L-918B3687)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_updateflowtemplate = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for UpdateSystemTemplate (L-972FA3D1)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_updatesystemtemplate = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for UploadEntityDefinitions
# (L-A7AA5340)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_uploadentitydefinitions = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for ValidateEntityDefinitions
# (L-7CD26E32)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_validateentitydefinitions = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Component type composition tree depth (L-6B0BA854)
iottwinmaker_component_type_composition_tree_depth = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Component type composition tree size (L-62EFDD1A)
iottwinmaker_component_type_composition_tree_size = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Component types per workspace (L-E97A4C92)
iottwinmaker_component_types_per_workspace = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Components per entity (L-FE672086)
iottwinmaker_components_per_entity = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Depth of component type hierarchy (L-C511254B)
iottwinmaker_depth_of_component_type_hierarchy = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Depth of entity hierarchy (L-019A0AE4)
iottwinmaker_depth_of_entity_hierarchy = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Entities per workspace (L-ADB4D9B9)
iottwinmaker_entities_per_workspace = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Number of metadata transfer jobs in queue
# (L-F123ACD6)
iottwinmaker_number_of_metadata_transfer_jobs_in_queue = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Properties per component type or component
# (L-D8DF6F6C)
iottwinmaker_properties_per_component_type_or_component = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Scenes per workspace (L-8E0F7923)
iottwinmaker_scenes_per_workspace = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Size of the metadata transfer job import file
# (L-09F67DF4)
iottwinmaker_size_of_the_metadata_transfer_job_import_file = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Workspaces in this account in the current Region
# (L-3BCB51AD)
iottwinmaker_workspaces_in_this_account_in_the_current_region = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for AssociateAwsAccountWithPartnerAccount
# (L-13EE3A12)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_associateawsaccountwithpartneraccount = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for AssociateMulticastGroupWithFuotaTask
# (L-E91B60DF)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_associatemulticastgroupwithfuotatask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for AssociateWirelessDeviceWithFuotaTask
# (L-4AC6BBEA)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_associatewirelessdevicewithfuotatask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for
# AssociateWirelessDeviceWithMulticastGroup (L-92ECAB75)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_associatewirelessdevicewithmulticastgroup = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for AssociateWirelessDeviceWithThing
# (L-6407631C)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_associatewirelessdevicewiththing = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for AssociateWirelessGatewayWithThing
# (L-B29C7ECC)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_associatewirelessgatewaywiththing = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CancelMulticastGroupSession
# (L-72AB9EAE)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_cancelmulticastgroupsession = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateDestination (L-0641E5DC)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_createdestination = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateDeviceProfile (L-6829C2D4)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_createdeviceprofile = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateFuotaTask (L-E3C6A79E)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_createfuotatask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateMulticastGroup (L-D07E0E7A)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_createmulticastgroup = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateNetworkAnalyzerConfiguration
# (L-6796B05C)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_createnetworkanalyzerconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateServiceProfile (L-F8530DBD)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_createserviceprofile = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateWirelessDevice (L-3B5AF547)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_createwirelessdevice = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateWirelessGateway (L-C2F6FC68)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_createwirelessgateway = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteDestination (L-EB538AAC)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deletedestination = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteDeviceProfile (L-50B185BA)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deletedeviceprofile = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteFuotaTask (L-89C556FB)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deletefuotatask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteMulticastGroup (L-93C5A1DB)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deletemulticastgroup = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteNetworkAnalyzerConfiguration
# (L-4F7C7CD3)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deletenetworkanalyzerconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteQueuedMessages (L-B6937DF9)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deletequeuedmessages = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteServiceProfile (L-A25EC315)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deleteserviceprofile = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteWirelessDevice (L-A755236A)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deletewirelessdevice = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteWirelessDeviceImportTask
# (L-85E750DE)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deletewirelessdeviceimporttask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteWirelessGateway (L-6DEF44D2)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deletewirelessgateway = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeregisterWirelessDevice (L-D260A47D)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deregisterwirelessdevice = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for
# DisassociateAwsAccountFromPartnerAccount (L-A432E505)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_disassociateawsaccountfrompartneraccount = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for
# DisassociateMulticastGroupFromFuotaTask (L-61A27891)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_disassociatemulticastgroupfromfuotatask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for
# DisassociateWirelessDeviceFromFuotaTask (L-0C83FCE2)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_disassociatewirelessdevicefromfuotatask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for
# DisassociateWirelessDeviceFromMulticastGroup (L-1DF3438B)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_disassociatewirelessdevicefrommulticastgroup = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DisassociateWirelessDeviceFromThing
# (L-4951240E)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_disassociatewirelessdevicefromthing = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DisassociateWirelessGatewayFromThing
# (L-33206197)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_disassociatewirelessgatewayfromthing = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetDestination (L-8E7EAF51)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getdestination = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetDeviceProfile (L-4FCAEFF0)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getdeviceprofile = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetEventConfigurationByResourceTypes
# (L-FAE31118)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_geteventconfigurationbyresourcetypes = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetFuotaTask (L-D33E220F)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getfuotatask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetLogLevelsByResourceTypes
# (L-C2175B1E)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getloglevelsbyresourcetypes = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetMulticastGroup (L-72A5D5E0)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getmulticastgroup = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetMulticastGroupSession (L-9C8C92B3)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getmulticastgroupsession = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetNetworkAnalyzerConfiguration
# (L-6AF47E8B)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getnetworkanalyzerconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetPartnerAccount (L-DEFAE009)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getpartneraccount = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetPosition (L-B8A41F6F)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getposition = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetPositionConfiguration (L-5FCBB48D)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getpositionconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetPositionEstimate (L-D6B79324)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getpositionestimate = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetResourceEventConfiguration
# (L-E4F0512E)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getresourceeventconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetResourceLogLevel (L-6175FC12)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getresourceloglevel = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetResourcePosition (L-F654617D)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getresourceposition = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetServiceProfile (L-905ED905)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getserviceprofile = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetWirelessDevice (L-2639F0B0)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getwirelessdevice = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetWirelessDeviceImportTask
# (L-16EAB1D1)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getwirelessdeviceimporttask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetWirelessGateway (L-42B55186)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getwirelessgateway = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListDestinations (L-E54A2621)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listdestinations = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListDeviceProfiles (L-E6CBA335)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listdeviceprofiles = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for
# ListDevicesForWirelessDeviceImportTask (L-18A5F69F)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listdevicesforwirelessdeviceimporttask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListEventConfigurations (L-A2058506)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listeventconfigurations = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListFuotaTasks (L-0604C085)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listfuotatasks = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListMulticastGroups (L-4DEB3C3F)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listmulticastgroups = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListMulticastGroupsByFuotaTask
# (L-7CE08A6C)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listmulticastgroupsbyfuotatask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListNetworkAnalyzerConfigurations
# (L-0F5F17D1)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listnetworkanalyzerconfigurations = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListPartnerAccounts (L-FB636C37)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listpartneraccounts = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListPositionConfigurations
# (L-F4D43AC0)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listpositionconfigurations = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListQueuedMessages (L-D91B7067)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listqueuedmessages = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListServiceProfiles (L-647D6C46)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listserviceprofiles = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListTagsForResource (L-DEC8385B)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listtagsforresource = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListWirelessDeviceImportTasks
# (L-9704EC18)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listwirelessdeviceimporttasks = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListWirelessDevices (L-35D1818B)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listwirelessdevices = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListWirelessGateways (L-F881E3D9)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listwirelessgateways = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for PutPositionConfiguration (L-A4CD53FD)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_putpositionconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for PutResourceLogLevel (L-12D6182B)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_putresourceloglevel = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ResetAllResourceLogLevels
# (L-96FA888E)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_resetallresourceloglevels = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ResetResourceLogLevel (L-9CF47CC5)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_resetresourceloglevel = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for SendDataToMulticastGroup (L-1346D5EC)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_senddatatomulticastgroup = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for SendDataToWirelessDevice (L-0E4BA92F)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_senddatatowirelessdevice = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for
# StartBulkAssociateWirelessDeviceWithMulticastGroup (L-F930F6AD)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_startbulkassociatewirelessdevicewithmulticastgroup = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for
# StartBulkDisassociateWirelessDeviceFromMulticastGroup (L-8DBB3861)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_startbulkdisassociatewirelessdevicefrommulticastgroup = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for StartFuotaTask (L-DB770805)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_startfuotatask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for StartMulticastGroupSession
# (L-6FC5E39D)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_startmulticastgroupsession = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for StartNetworkAnalyzerStream
# (L-9E25CA04)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_startnetworkanalyzerstream = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for StartSingleWirelessDeviceImportTask
# (L-7B8D0453)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_startsinglewirelessdeviceimporttask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for StartWirelessDeviceImportTask
# (L-9C8BB3C8)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_startwirelessdeviceimporttask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for TagResource (L-9D5A90BD)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_tagresource = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for TestWirelessDevice (L-FC84B266)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_testwirelessdevice = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UntagResource (L-DF869DBB)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_untagresource = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateDestination (L-AA413BB8)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updatedestination = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for
# UpdateEventConfigurationByResourceTypes (L-882084A6)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updateeventconfigurationbyresourcetypes = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateFuotaTask (L-5369BF7E)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updatefuotatask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateLogLevelsByResourceTypes
# (L-0D8E249D)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updateloglevelsbyresourcetypes = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateMulticastGroup (L-8E864D54)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updatemulticastgroup = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateNetworkAnalyzerConfiguration
# (L-8367137B)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updatenetworkanalyzerconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdatePartnerAccount (L-3AC27648)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updatepartneraccount = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdatePosition (L-C80BC655)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updateposition = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateResourceEventConfiguration
# (L-70D824D9)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updateresourceeventconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateResourcePosition (L-E01F1EA2)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updateresourceposition = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateWirelessDevice (L-B4636E40)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updatewirelessdevice = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateWirelessDeviceImportTask
# (L-E8B6C4D2)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updatewirelessdeviceimporttask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateWirelessGateway (L-A1F96616)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updatewirelessgateway = null
# Quota for [ivs]: Channels (L-C01DFF58)
ivs_channels = null
# Quota for [ivs]: Compositions (L-E945C199)
ivs_compositions = null
# Quota for [ivs]: Concurrent streams (L-FD1EB8A7)
ivs_concurrent_streams = null
# Quota for [ivs]: Concurrent views (L-77A18D5D)
ivs_concurrent_views = null
# Quota for [ivs]: Encoder configurations (L-F7C5B6C9)
ivs_encoder_configurations = null
# Quota for [ivs]: Recording configurations (L-90ABAB37)
ivs_recording_configurations = null
# Quota for [ivs]: Stages (L-47F0B706)
ivs_stages = null
# Quota for [ivs]: Storage configurations (L-BF843A02)
ivs_storage_configurations = null
# Quota for [ivschat]: Concurrent chat connections (L-2D7A45DA)
ivschat_concurrent_chat_connections = null
# Quota for [ivschat]: Logging Configurations (L-F87B0F22)
ivschat_logging_configurations = null
# Quota for [ivschat]: Rate of DeleteMessage requests (L-766F0845)
ivschat_rate_of_deletemessage_requests = null
# Quota for [ivschat]: Rate of DisconnectUser requests (L-0CF8D910)
ivschat_rate_of_disconnectuser_requests = null
# Quota for [ivschat]: Rate of SendMessage requests (L-B11841BF)
ivschat_rate_of_sendmessage_requests = null
# Quota for [ivschat]: Rooms (L-85B84D18)
ivschat_rooms = null
# Quota for [kafka]: Number of brokers per account (L-EDD31C36)
kafka_number_of_brokers_per_account = null
# Quota for [kafka]: Number of brokers per cluster (L-FAB9E493)
kafka_number_of_brokers_per_cluster = null
# Quota for [kafka]: Number of configurations per account (L-B2FDE22A)
kafka_number_of_configurations_per_account = null
# Quota for [kafka]: Number of replicators per account (L-8F940D28)
kafka_number_of_replicators_per_account = null
# Quota for [kafka]: Number of revisions per configuration (L-36D29E8C)
kafka_number_of_revisions_per_configuration = null
# Quota for [kafkaconnect]: Maximum connect workers (L-C78B0952)
kafkaconnect_maximum_connect_workers = null
# Quota for [kafkaconnect]: Maximum custom plugins (L-F71212B3)
kafkaconnect_maximum_custom_plugins = null
# Quota for [kafkaconnect]: Maximum worker configurations (L-5BED8C47)
kafkaconnect_maximum_worker_configurations = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Characters in query text (L-7107C1BC)
kendra_characters_in_query_text = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Collapsed results to expand (L-25C6FEE8)
kendra_collapsed_results_to_expand = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Data sources (enterprise edition) (L-91D7F3F0)
kendra_data_sources_enterprise_edition_ = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Developer edition indexes (L-51C776DF)
kendra_developer_edition_indexes = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Enterprise edition indexes (L-4704867A)
kendra_enterprise_edition_indexes = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Expanded results per collapsed result item (L-90A916B2)
kendra_expanded_results_per_collapsed_result_item = null
# Quota for [kendra]: FAQs (L-522F5A9C)
kendra_faqs = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Featured documents per featured results set (L-2BF8365C)
kendra_featured_documents_per_featured_results_set = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Featured results sets per index (L-22D37218)
kendra_featured_results_sets_per_index = null
# Quota for [kendra]: File size (L-C108EA1B)
kendra_file_size = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Ingestion attributes string list size (L-5D790B76)
kendra_ingestion_attributes_string_list_size = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Items in a query suggestions block list (L-DCB3B6C6)
kendra_items_in_a_query_suggestions_block_list = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Query attributes user group list size (L-78CBE960)
kendra_query_attributes_user_group_list_size = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Query capacity units (L-332A3A1A)
kendra_query_capacity_units = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Query suggestions block list file size (L-4FC16EE5)
kendra_query_suggestions_block_list_file_size = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Query suggestions max additional response attributes in
# API (L-31DA7514)
kendra_query_suggestions_max_additional_response_attributes_in_api = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Query suggestions max suggestable attributes in API
# (L-27DC8932)
kendra_query_suggestions_max_suggestable_attributes_in_api = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Query suggestions returned in API (L-4E1777B8)
kendra_query_suggestions_returned_in_api = null
# Quota for [kendra-ranking]: Rescore capacity units per account (L-B6E8F579)
kendra_ranking_rescore_capacity_units_per_account = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Sort configurations (L-543AB3EE)
kendra_sort_configurations = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Spell correction query suggestions (L-740FA277)
kendra_spell_correction_query_suggestions = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Storage capacity units (L-E8A56FA5)
kendra_storage_capacity_units = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Synonym rules per thesaurus (L-6BFC06E7)
kendra_synonym_rules_per_thesaurus = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Thesaurus file size (L-C0EA1398)
kendra_thesaurus_file_size = null
# Quota for [kinesis]: Shards per Region (L-0918CF54)
kinesis_shards_per_region = null
# Quota for [kinesisanalytics]: Apache Flink Kinesis Processing Units (KPUs)
# (L-3A88E041)
kinesisanalytics_apache_flink_kinesis_processing_units_kpus_ = null
# Quota for [kinesisanalytics]: Application count (L-3729A2EF)
kinesisanalytics_application_count = null
# Quota for [kinesisanalytics]: SQL Kinesis Processing Units (KPUs)
# (L-90BEDB9D)
kinesisanalytics_sql_kinesis_processing_units_kpus_ = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: ConnectAsViewer connections per signaling channel
# (L-8F974349)
kinesisvideo_connectasviewer_connections_per_signaling_channel = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: GetMedia bandwidth (L-BF0D282F)
kinesisvideo_getmedia_bandwidth = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: GetMedia concurrent connections per stream
# (L-B71B4FEE)
kinesisvideo_getmedia_concurrent_connections_per_stream = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: GetMediaForFragmentList bandwidth (L-2FC7D6B2)
kinesisvideo_getmediaforfragmentlist_bandwidth = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: Number of Media Storage Channels (L-B71421B8)
kinesisvideo_number_of_media_storage_channels = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: Number of signaling channels (L-B7F419CA)
kinesisvideo_number_of_signaling_channels = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: Number of video streams (L-F06528A6)
kinesisvideo_number_of_video_streams = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: PutMedia bandwidth (L-354AF9F0)
kinesisvideo_putmedia_bandwidth = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: PutMedia fragment duration (L-EDC0C00D)
kinesisvideo_putmedia_fragment_duration = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: Rate of CreateSignalingChannelAPI requests
# (L-32D5DC79)
kinesisvideo_rate_of_createsignalingchannelapi_requests = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: Rate of CreateStreamAPI requests (L-08F65F09)
kinesisvideo_rate_of_createstreamapi_requests = null
# Quota for [kms]: Aliases per CMK (L-340F62FB)
kms_aliases_per_cmk = null
# Quota for [kms]: CancelKeyDeletion request rate (L-635264CC)
kms_cancelkeydeletion_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: ConnectCustomKeyStore request rate (L-705B9E79)
kms_connectcustomkeystore_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: CreateAlias request rate (L-F7504F73)
kms_createalias_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: CreateCustomKeyStore request rate (L-08932E37)
kms_createcustomkeystore_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: CreateGrant request rate (L-0428A42E)
kms_creategrant_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: CreateKey request rate (L-32B67F4A)
kms_createkey_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: Cryptographic operations (ECC) request rate (L-DC14942D)
kms_cryptographic_operations_ecc_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: Cryptographic operations (RSA) request rate (L-2AC98190)
kms_cryptographic_operations_rsa_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: Cryptographic operations (symmetric) request rate
# (L-6E3AF000)
kms_cryptographic_operations_symmetric_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: Custom Key Stores (L-F33DCFEB)
kms_custom_key_stores = null
# Quota for [kms]: Customer Master Keys (CMKs) (L-C2F1777E)
kms_customer_master_keys_cmks_ = null
# Quota for [kms]: DeleteAlias request rate (L-1F75ADD1)
kms_deletealias_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: DeleteCustomKeyStore request rate (L-E99520CB)
kms_deletecustomkeystore_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: DeleteImportedKeyMaterial request rate (L-1233BF9B)
kms_deleteimportedkeymaterial_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: DescribeCustomKeyStores request rate (L-E20AA94C)
kms_describecustomkeystores_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: DescribeKey request rate (L-FAE8F084)
kms_describekey_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: DisableKey request rate (L-6B8C93BD)
kms_disablekey_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: DisableKeyRotation request rate (L-CE1DB614)
kms_disablekeyrotation_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: DisconnectCustomKeyStore request rate (L-9F1FCF6D)
kms_disconnectcustomkeystore_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: EnableKey request rate (L-BD96F100)
kms_enablekey_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: EnableKeyRotation request rate (L-BE799B67)
kms_enablekeyrotation_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GenerateDataKeyPair (ECC_NIST_P256) request rate
# (L-D2EEB5E0)
kms_generatedatakeypair_ecc_nist_p256_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GenerateDataKeyPair (ECC_NIST_P384) request rate
# (L-16B46EF0)
kms_generatedatakeypair_ecc_nist_p384_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GenerateDataKeyPair (ECC_NIST_P521) request rate
# (L-1D966DA0)
kms_generatedatakeypair_ecc_nist_p521_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GenerateDataKeyPair (ECC_SECG_P256K1) request rate
# (L-3B372FA9)
kms_generatedatakeypair_ecc_secg_p256k1_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GenerateDataKeyPair (RSA_2048) request rate (L-77042783)
kms_generatedatakeypair_rsa_2048_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GenerateDataKeyPair (RSA_3072) request rate (L-AE57B391)
kms_generatedatakeypair_rsa_3072_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GenerateDataKeyPair (RSA_4096) request rate (L-FCE4492D)
kms_generatedatakeypair_rsa_4096_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GetKeyPolicy request rate (L-A2A30EC6)
kms_getkeypolicy_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GetKeyRotationStatus request rate (L-D7711EF4)
kms_getkeyrotationstatus_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GetParametersForImport request rate (L-515A0541)
kms_getparametersforimport_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GetPublicKey request rate (L-E4FBCA5E)
kms_getpublickey_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: Grants per CMK (L-D594A657)
kms_grants_per_cmk = null
# Quota for [kms]: ImportKeyMaterial request rate (L-99631835)
kms_importkeymaterial_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: ListAliases request rate (L-BF3F8F1D)
kms_listaliases_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: ListGrants request rate (L-D39AB822)
kms_listgrants_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: ListKeyPolicies request rate (L-79E0D0AB)
kms_listkeypolicies_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: ListKeys request rate (L-8A08DAEA)
kms_listkeys_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: ListResourceTags request rate (L-FB6513A2)
kms_listresourcetags_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: ListRetirableGrants request rate (L-161E93A6)
kms_listretirablegrants_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: PutKeyPolicy request rate (L-9DDDE6CA)
kms_putkeypolicy_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: ReplicateKey request rate (L-E1C93865)
kms_replicatekey_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: RetireGrant request rate (L-74021A59)
kms_retiregrant_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: RevokeGrant request rate (L-F20EBCB7)
kms_revokegrant_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: ScheduleKeyDeletion request rate (L-88313D4A)
kms_schedulekeydeletion_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: TagResource request rate (L-7D6DE447)
kms_tagresource_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: UntagResource request rate (L-6375F442)
kms_untagresource_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: UpdateAlias request rate (L-DB3BF542)
kms_updatealias_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: UpdateCustomKeyStore request rate (L-275D92F3)
kms_updatecustomkeystore_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: UpdateKeyDescription request rate (L-A3828E1F)
kms_updatekeydescription_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: UpdatePrimaryRegion request rate (L-F83AC7F7)
kms_updateprimaryregion_request_rate = null
# Quota for [lakeformation]: Length of a path that can be registered
# (L-3D55E97C)
lakeformation_length_of_a_path_that_can_be_registered = null
# Quota for [lakeformation]: Number of data lake administrators (L-3E3798DF)
lakeformation_number_of_data_lake_administrators = null
# Quota for [lakeformation]: Number of lf tag per account (L-F165AF61)
lakeformation_number_of_lf_tag_per_account = null
# Quota for [lakeformation]: Number of lf tag policy per principal per
# resource type (L-9F3EFFAB)
lakeformation_number_of_lf_tag_policy_per_principal_per_resource_type = null
# Quota for [lakeformation]: Number of registered paths (L-B0A837CA)
lakeformation_number_of_registered_paths = null
# Quota for [lakeformation]: Number of subfolders in an Amazon S3 path
# (L-1343AC0E)
lakeformation_number_of_subfolders_in_an_amazon_s3_path = null
# Quota for [lakeformation]: Number of tag values per lf tag (L-47097528)
lakeformation_number_of_tag_values_per_lf_tag = null
# Quota for [lambda]: Concurrent executions (L-B99A9384)
lambda_concurrent_executions = null
# Quota for [lambda]: Elastic network interfaces per VPC (L-9FEE3D26)
lambda_elastic_network_interfaces_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [lambda]: Function and layer storage (L-2ACBD22F)
lambda_function_and_layer_storage = null
# Quota for [launchwizard]: Active applications (L-3BF0F558)
launchwizard_active_applications = null
# Quota for [launchwizard]: Applications (L-A5A6CAB2)
launchwizard_applications = null
# Quota for [lex]: Bots per account (V2) (L-36FA8BD2)
lex_bots_per_account_v2_ = null
# Quota for [lex]: Sample utterances per intent (V2) (L-ED50DA7C)
lex_sample_utterances_per_intent_v2_ = null
# Quota for [lex]: Sample utterances per slot (V2) (L-77D6C60C)
lex_sample_utterances_per_slot_v2_ = null
# Quota for [license-manager]: License configuration associations per resource
# (L-0B08C8C5)
license_manager_license_configuration_associations_per_resource = null
# Quota for [license-manager]: License configurations (L-CDB75D7A)
license_manager_license_configurations = null
# Quota for [license-manager]: License conversion tasks per resource per day
# (L-6FD36464)
license_manager_license_conversion_tasks_per_resource_per_day = null
# Quota for [license-manager-user-subscriptions]: Instance associations per
# user (L-8BE7CFDB)
license_manager_user_subscriptions_instance_associations_per_user = null
# Quota for [license-manager-user-subscriptions]: User-based subscriptions for
# Office Professional Plus (L-792C9CCF)
license_manager_user_subscriptions_user_based_subscriptions_for_office_professional_plus = null
# Quota for [license-manager-user-subscriptions]: User-based subscriptions for
# Visual Studio Enterprise (L-79A245D6)
license_manager_user_subscriptions_user_based_subscriptions_for_visual_studio_enterprise = null
# Quota for [license-manager-user-subscriptions]: User-based subscriptions for
# Visual Studio Professional (L-FA5F53F9)
license_manager_user_subscriptions_user_based_subscriptions_for_visual_studio_professional = null
# Quota for [lightsail]: Instances (L-4259AF9B)
lightsail_instances = null
# Quota for [lightsail]: Static IP addresses (L-BBF0F260)
lightsail_static_ip_addresses = null
# Quota for [logs]: CreateLogGroup throttle limit in transactions per second
# (L-D2832119)
logs_createloggroup_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [logs]: CreateLogStream throttle limit in transactions per second
# (L-76507CEF)
logs_createlogstream_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [logs]: DeleteLogGroup throttle limit in transactions per second
# (L-07A912D5)
logs_deleteloggroup_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [logs]: DeleteLogStream throttle limit in transactions per second
# (L-C029A21C)
logs_deletelogstream_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [logs]: DescribeLogGroups throttle limit in transactions per
# second (L-4284EEDE)
logs_describeloggroups_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [logs]: DescribeLogStreams throttle limit in transactions per
# second (L-3F243AD0)
logs_describelogstreams_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [logs]: Log groups (L-C7B9AAAB)
logs_log_groups = null
# Quota for [logs]: PutLogEvents throttle limit in transactions per second
# (L-7E1FAE88)
logs_putlogevents_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Datasets (L-06FBA868)
lookoutequipment_datasets = null
# Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Label groups (L-1CCF155B)
lookoutequipment_label_groups = null
# Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Models (L-E03BD5FA)
lookoutequipment_models = null
# Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Number of import dataset jobs in progress
# (L-810626D7)
lookoutequipment_number_of_import_dataset_jobs_in_progress = null
# Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Number of import model jobs in progress
# (L-2B4BB827)
lookoutequipment_number_of_import_model_jobs_in_progress = null
# Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Number of labels per label group (L-1AF8D174)
lookoutequipment_number_of_labels_per_label_group = null
# Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Pending data ingestion jobs (L-B987A6C9)
lookoutequipment_pending_data_ingestion_jobs = null
# Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Pending models (L-B52F37B8)
lookoutequipment_pending_models = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Alerts (L-3AA7C566)
lookoutmetrics_alerts = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Detectors (L-5EB8352D)
lookoutmetrics_detectors = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Files per interval (10m) (L-0BC408F8)
lookoutmetrics_files_per_interval_10m_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Files per interval (1d) (L-46692FC3)
lookoutmetrics_files_per_interval_1d_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Files per interval (1h) (L-1FDF7B91)
lookoutmetrics_files_per_interval_1h_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Files per interval (5m) (L-7C0C1E87)
lookoutmetrics_files_per_interval_5m_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Records per interval (10m) (L-B7D162E6)
lookoutmetrics_records_per_interval_10m_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Records per interval (1d) (L-4CDD974B)
lookoutmetrics_records_per_interval_1d_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Records per interval (1h) (L-535C09C0)
lookoutmetrics_records_per_interval_1h_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Records per interval (5m) (L-943788CD)
lookoutmetrics_records_per_interval_5m_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (L-F75BB1C7)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ActivateAnomalyDetector)
# (L-7548F78A)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_activateanomalydetector_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (BackTestAnomalyDetector)
# (L-4B1617A5)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_backtestanomalydetector_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (CreateAlert) (L-F84BD970)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_createalert_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (CreateAnomalyDetector)
# (L-56F61C6F)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_createanomalydetector_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (CreateMetricSet) (L-42533647)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_createmetricset_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DeactivateAnomalyDetector)
# (L-5FD69032)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_deactivateanomalydetector_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DeleteAlert) (L-AA1B9C20)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_deletealert_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DeleteAnomalyDetector)
# (L-8C031EB7)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_deleteanomalydetector_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DescribeAlert) (L-F2FA38BF)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_describealert_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate
# (DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutions) (L-A384774A)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_describeanomalydetectionexecutions_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DescribeAnomalyDetector)
# (L-70CC6666)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_describeanomalydetector_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DescribeMetricSet) (L-020F22D6)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_describemetricset_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DetectMetricSetConfig)
# (L-3BA5225A)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_detectmetricsetconfig_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (GetAnomalyGroup) (L-D87ABA33)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_getanomalygroup_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (GetDataQualityMetrics)
# (L-1EFB34E0)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_getdataqualitymetrics_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (GetFeedback) (L-2AF7F498)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_getfeedback_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (GetSampleData) (L-0F70E4A0)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_getsampledata_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ListAlerts) (L-E7EB46AB)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_listalerts_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ListAnomalyDetectors)
# (L-5D0258C0)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_listanomalydetectors_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ListAnomalyGroupRelatedMetrics)
# (L-2CD2EB7E)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_listanomalygrouprelatedmetrics_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ListAnomalyGroupSummaries)
# (L-F256354A)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_listanomalygroupsummaries_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeries)
# (L-B10A1291)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_listanomalygrouptimeseries_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ListMetricSets) (L-E907B4C2)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_listmetricsets_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ListTagsForResource) (L-297200B6)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_listtagsforresource_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (PutFeedback) (L-17A5470E)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_putfeedback_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (TagResource) (L-E91D3491)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_tagresource_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (UntagResource) (L-C566AD88)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_untagresource_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (UpdateAnomalyDetector)
# (L-29051655)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_updateanomalydetector_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (UpdateMetricSet) (L-970F0018)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_updatemetricset_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Time series per interval (1d) (L-989594D2)
lookoutmetrics_time_series_per_interval_1d_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Time series per interval (1h) (L-61F79416)
lookoutmetrics_time_series_per_interval_1h_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Value length (L-5F537F31)
lookoutmetrics_value_length = null
# Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of API requests per second,
# excluding DetectAnomalies (L-6C6DBBAE)
lookoutvision_maximum_number_of_api_requests_per_second_excluding_detectanomalies = null
# Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of concurrent model packaging jobs
# (L-A2F581AB)
lookoutvision_maximum_number_of_concurrent_model_packaging_jobs = null
# Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of concurrent training jobs
# (L-2489F742)
lookoutvision_maximum_number_of_concurrent_training_jobs = null
# Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of concurrent trial detection
# tasks (L-5863F741)
lookoutvision_maximum_number_of_concurrent_trial_detection_tasks = null
# Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of DetectAnomalies API requests
# per second (L-9A58AC7A)
lookoutvision_maximum_number_of_detectanomalies_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of inference units per started
# model (L-84E8C9F8)
lookoutvision_maximum_number_of_inference_units_per_started_model = null
# Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of models per project (L-1B1011CA)
lookoutvision_maximum_number_of_models_per_project = null
# Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of projects (L-64685F61)
lookoutvision_maximum_number_of_projects = null
# Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of running models (L-82DA2ABD)
lookoutvision_maximum_number_of_running_models = null
# Quota for [m2]: Max Applications Per AWS Account (L-00464274)
m2_max_applications_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [m2]: Max Environments Per AWS Account (L-6851C542)
m2_max_environments_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [m2]: Max Instances Per High Availability Environment (L-24ACBEAE)
m2_max_instances_per_high_availability_environment = null
# Quota for [m2]: Max number of EFS filesystems per environment (L-5D943D0B)
m2_max_number_of_efs_filesystems_per_environment = null
# Quota for [m2]: Max number of FSX filesystems per environment (L-C1C41257)
m2_max_number_of_fsx_filesystems_per_environment = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Batch prediction input records (L-8914BECD)
machinelearning_batch_prediction_input_records = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Batch prediction input size (L-C02552ED)
machinelearning_batch_prediction_input_size = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Classes for multiclass ML models (L-281104EC)
machinelearning_classes_for_multiclass_ml_models = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Observation size (L-22D3562F)
machinelearning_observation_size = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Rate of real-time prediction requests per
# endpoint (L-F1FD3E15)
machinelearning_rate_of_real_time_prediction_requests_per_endpoint = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Recipe complexity (L-54CEDABA)
machinelearning_recipe_complexity = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Simultaneous jobs (L-40E5546B)
machinelearning_simultaneous_jobs = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Total RAM for all real-time prediction
# endpoints (L-A3DD8EAF)
machinelearning_total_ram_for_all_real_time_prediction_endpoints = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Total rate of all real-time prediction requests
# (L-A7752C6C)
machinelearning_total_rate_of_all_real_time_prediction_requests = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Training data size (L-C435D6DC)
machinelearning_training_data_size = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Variables per data file (L-B08E80D3)
machinelearning_variables_per_data_file = null
# Quota for [macie2]: Sensitive data discovery per month per account
# (L-FEB8D34D)
macie2_sensitive_data_discovery_per_month_per_account = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain]: Number of Ethereum nodes an AWS account can
# have (L-56698730)
managedblockchain_number_of_ethereum_nodes_an_aws_account_can_have = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain]: Number of Hyperledger Fabric channels per
# Standard Edition network (L-67914D6A)
managedblockchain_number_of_hyperledger_fabric_channels_per_standard_edition_network = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain]: Number of Hyperledger Fabric channels per
# Starter Edition network (L-7DCD24B7)
managedblockchain_number_of_hyperledger_fabric_channels_per_starter_edition_network = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain]: Number of Standard Edition networks in which
# an AWS account can have a member (L-C71C12D1)
managedblockchain_number_of_standard_edition_networks_in_which_an_aws_account_can_have_a_member = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain]: Number of Starter Edition networks in which
# an AWS account can have a member (L-D3936217)
managedblockchain_number_of_starter_edition_networks_in_which_an_aws_account_can_have_a_member = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of BatchGetTokenBalance requests
# per second (L-D4959700)
managedblockchain_query_number_of_batchgettokenbalance_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of GetAssetContract requests per
# second (L-0084BF26)
managedblockchain_query_number_of_getassetcontract_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of GetTokenBalance requests per
# second (L-7555598E)
managedblockchain_query_number_of_gettokenbalance_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of GetTransaction requests per
# second (L-716ED4D5)
managedblockchain_query_number_of_gettransaction_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of ListAssetContracts requests
# per second (L-D1DC054C)
managedblockchain_query_number_of_listassetcontracts_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of ListTokenBalances requests
# per second (L-920F1669)
managedblockchain_query_number_of_listtokenbalances_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of ListTransactionEvents
# requests per second (L-55D6B880)
managedblockchain_query_number_of_listtransactionevents_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of ListTransactions requests per
# second (L-506D2B91)
managedblockchain_query_number_of_listtransactions_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [mediaconnect]: Flows (L-A99016A8)
mediaconnect_flows = null
# Quota for [mediaconvert]: Concurrent jobs per on-demand queue, peak
# (L-032C4FB4)
mediaconvert_concurrent_jobs_per_on_demand_queue_peak = null
# Quota for [mediaconvert]: Custom job templates (L-FFA964F8)
mediaconvert_custom_job_templates = null
# Quota for [mediaconvert]: Custom output presets (L-8CFEB230)
mediaconvert_custom_output_presets = null
# Quota for [mediaconvert]: Queues (on-demand) per Region, per account
# (L-2D376814)
mediaconvert_queues_on_demand_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [mediaconvert]: Queues (reserved) per Region, per account
# (L-1FF6FD60)
mediaconvert_queues_reserved_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [mediaconvert]: Request rate for API calls, per operation
# (L-6D7C345F)
mediaconvert_request_rate_for_api_calls_per_operation = null
# Quota for [mediaconvert]: Request rate for API calls per operation, in a
# burst (L-62A25D68)
mediaconvert_request_rate_for_api_calls_per_operation_in_a_burst = null
# Quota for [medialive]: CDI Channels (L-3FDA265B)
medialive_cdi_channels = null
# Quota for [medialive]: Channels (L-D1AFAF75)
medialive_channels = null
# Quota for [medialive]: Device Inputs (L-BDF24E14)
medialive_device_inputs = null
# Quota for [medialive]: HEVC Channels (L-05A796F2)
medialive_hevc_channels = null
# Quota for [medialive]: Input Security Groups (L-6A0116BB)
medialive_input_security_groups = null
# Quota for [medialive]: MediaLive DescribeThumbnails TPS (L-63879FB4)
medialive_medialive_describethumbnails_tps = null
# Quota for [medialive]: Multiplexes (L-8B49C5C1)
medialive_multiplexes = null
# Quota for [medialive]: Pull Inputs (L-4D7207DE)
medialive_pull_inputs = null
# Quota for [medialive]: Push Inputs (L-9E233AF7)
medialive_push_inputs = null
# Quota for [medialive]: Reservations (L-1F6E2FAF)
medialive_reservations = null
# Quota for [medialive]: UHD Channels (L-DDE858F0)
medialive_uhd_channels = null
# Quota for [medialive]: VPC Inputs (L-68E02936)
medialive_vpc_inputs = null
# Quota for [mediapackage]: Assets per packaging group (L-563EE697)
mediapackage_assets_per_packaging_group = null
# Quota for [mediapackage]: Channels (L-352B8598)
mediapackage_channels = null
# Quota for [mediapackage]: Concurrent harvest jobs (L-B1B90B42)
mediapackage_concurrent_harvest_jobs = null
# Quota for [mediapackage]: Endpoints per channel (L-7F7EDDDF)
mediapackage_endpoints_per_channel = null
# Quota for [mediapackage]: Live manifest length (L-F7CB14AC)
mediapackage_live_manifest_length = null
# Quota for [mediapackage]: Packaging configurations per packaging group
# (L-1E1258F1)
mediapackage_packaging_configurations_per_packaging_group = null
# Quota for [mediapackage]: Packaging groups (L-66FFDBE4)
mediapackage_packaging_groups = null
# Quota for [mediapackagev2]: Channel Groups (L-A7040149)
mediapackagev2_channel_groups = null
# Quota for [mediapackagev2]: Channels per channel group (L-55777135)
mediapackagev2_channels_per_channel_group = null
# Quota for [mediapackagev2]: Live manifest length (L-B20140A1)
mediapackagev2_live_manifest_length = null
# Quota for [mediapackagev2]: Origin endpoints per channel (L-305BEE26)
mediapackagev2_origin_endpoints_per_channel = null
# Quota for [mediastore]: Rate of DeleteObject API requests (L-2FCDD326)
mediastore_rate_of_deleteobject_api_requests = null
# Quota for [mediastore]: Rate of DescribeObject API requests (L-8038710B)
mediastore_rate_of_describeobject_api_requests = null
# Quota for [mediastore]: Rate of GetObject API requests for standard upload
# availability (L-DB1D877F)
mediastore_rate_of_getobject_api_requests_for_standard_upload_availability = null
# Quota for [mediastore]: Rate of GetObject API requests for streaming upload
# availability (L-FA6DBE33)
mediastore_rate_of_getobject_api_requests_for_streaming_upload_availability = null
# Quota for [mediastore]: Rate of ListItems API requests (L-97AEAA6B)
mediastore_rate_of_listitems_api_requests = null
# Quota for [mediastore]: Rate of PutObject API requests for chunked transfer
# encoding (also known as streaming upload availability) (L-CAF2EF73)
mediastore_rate_of_putobject_api_requests_for_chunked_transfer_encoding_also_known_as_streaming_upload_availability_ = null
# Quota for [mediastore]: Rate of PutObject API requests for standard upload
# availability (L-CA39FABB)
mediastore_rate_of_putobject_api_requests_for_standard_upload_availability = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: Ad Insertion Requests (L-32FBC51C)
mediatailor_ad_insertion_requests = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: Channel Manifest Requests (L-C13EFDBD)
mediatailor_channel_manifest_requests = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: Channel outputs (L-3BCD6A29)
mediatailor_channel_outputs = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: Channels per account (L-29DF1B92)
mediatailor_channels_per_account = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: Live Sources (L-7A79D9CE)
mediatailor_live_sources = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: Manifest Requests (L-B9D43015)
mediatailor_manifest_requests = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: Package configurations (L-0F7265C4)
mediatailor_package_configurations = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: Programs Per Channel (L-7946CFE6)
mediatailor_programs_per_channel = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: Segment Delivery Configurations Per Source
# (L-680CE323)
mediatailor_segment_delivery_configurations_per_source = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: Source Locations (L-2290981E)
mediatailor_source_locations = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: VOD Sources (L-A32E8357)
mediatailor_vod_sources = null
# Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum concurrent CopyImageSet requests per
# data store (L-0D1B2633)
medical_imaging_maximum_concurrent_copyimageset_requests_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum concurrent DeleteImageSet requests per
# data store (L-2020885D)
medical_imaging_maximum_concurrent_deleteimageset_requests_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum concurrent import jobs per data store
# (L-23763099)
medical_imaging_maximum_concurrent_import_jobs_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum concurrent UpdateImageSetMetadata
# requests per data store (L-8588E9BF)
medical_imaging_maximum_concurrent_updateimagesetmetadata_requests_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum data stores (L-8829B870)
medical_imaging_maximum_data_stores = null
# Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum number of files in a DICOM import job
# (L-685AAB3A)
medical_imaging_maximum_number_of_files_in_a_dicom_import_job = null
# Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum number of ImageFrames allowed to be
# copied per CopyImageSet request (L-164416ED)
medical_imaging_maximum_number_of_imageframes_allowed_to_be_copied_per_copyimageset_request = null
# Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum payload size limit (in KB) accepted by
# UpdateImageSetMetadata (L-A880A4C2)
medical_imaging_maximum_payload_size_limit_in_kb_accepted_by_updateimagesetmetadata = null
# Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum size limit (in MB) on ImageSetMetadata
# per Import, Copy, and UpdateImageSet (L-AD2C6765)
medical_imaging_maximum_size_limit_in_mb_on_imagesetmetadata_per_import_copy_and_updateimageset = null
# Quota for [mgn]: Max Active Source Servers (L-9A599620)
mgn_max_active_source_servers = null
# Quota for [mgn]: Max Non-Archived Source Servers (L-50980698)
mgn_max_non_archived_source_servers = null
# Quota for [migrationhuborchestrator]: Maximum step groups per workflow
# (L-FD489B05)
migrationhuborchestrator_maximum_step_groups_per_workflow = null
# Quota for [migrationhuborchestrator]: Maximum steps per step group
# (L-71F71C2E)
migrationhuborchestrator_maximum_steps_per_step_group = null
# Quota for [migrationhuborchestrator]: Maximum workflows (L-9E55B371)
migrationhuborchestrator_maximum_workflows = null
# Quota for [migrationhubstrategy]: Active Assessment Maximum (L-A80C6746)
migrationhubstrategy_active_assessment_maximum = null
# Quota for [migrationhubstrategy]: Active Import Maximum (L-33C4B34A)
migrationhubstrategy_active_import_maximum = null
# Quota for [migrationhubstrategy]: Assessment Maximum (L-7571197D)
migrationhubstrategy_assessment_maximum = null
# Quota for [migrationhubstrategy]: Maximum Server per Assessment (L-649F667C)
migrationhubstrategy_maximum_server_per_assessment = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Canary limit (L-C1FE0F5C)
monitoring_canary_limit = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Number of Contributor Insights rules (L-DBD11BCC)
monitoring_number_of_contributor_insights_rules = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Number of SLOs per Region (L-E1914A5B)
monitoring_number_of_slos_per_region = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Number of SLOs per Service (L-BD55890A)
monitoring_number_of_slos_per_service = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of BatchGetServiceLevelIndicatorReport requests
# (L-811EA4AA)
monitoring_rate_of_batchgetservicelevelindicatorreport_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of BatchGetServiceLevelObjectiveBudgetReport
# requests (L-09F09515)
monitoring_rate_of_batchgetservicelevelobjectivebudgetreport_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of CreateServiceLevelObjective requests
# (L-06DDA3C7)
monitoring_rate_of_createservicelevelobjective_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of DeleteDashboards requests (L-E1508405)
monitoring_rate_of_deletedashboards_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of DeleteMetricStream requests (L-0F4E28CA)
monitoring_rate_of_deletemetricstream_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of DeleteServiceLevelObjective requests
# (L-BE391708)
monitoring_rate_of_deleteservicelevelobjective_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of DescribeAlarms requests (L-21CB40A4)
monitoring_rate_of_describealarms_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of EnableTopologyDiscovery requests
# (L-C344EF56)
monitoring_rate_of_enabletopologydiscovery_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetDashboard requests (L-E82C279D)
monitoring_rate_of_getdashboard_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetInsightRuleReport requests (L-1F0C4E0C)
monitoring_rate_of_getinsightrulereport_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetMetricData requests (L-5E141212)
monitoring_rate_of_getmetricdata_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetMetricStatistics requests (L-EE839489)
monitoring_rate_of_getmetricstatistics_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetMetricStream requests (L-59022E75)
monitoring_rate_of_getmetricstream_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetMetricWidgetImage requests (L-6FCAAA2E)
monitoring_rate_of_getmetricwidgetimage_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetService requests (L-C7E3E2C8)
monitoring_rate_of_getservice_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetServiceLevelObjective requests
# (L-2E33235C)
monitoring_rate_of_getservicelevelobjective_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetTopologyMap requests (L-EE74D0A5)
monitoring_rate_of_gettopologymap_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of ListDashboards requests (L-69C44FFD)
monitoring_rate_of_listdashboards_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of ListMetrics requests (L-05D334F0)
monitoring_rate_of_listmetrics_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of ListMetricStreams requests (L-A1710150)
monitoring_rate_of_listmetricstreams_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of ListServiceLevelObjectives requests
# (L-33D84392)
monitoring_rate_of_listservicelevelobjectives_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of ListServices requests (L-F2BBFC0F)
monitoring_rate_of_listservices_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of PutDashboard requests (L-6753900D)
monitoring_rate_of_putdashboard_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of PutMetricAlarm requests (L-0720E68F)
monitoring_rate_of_putmetricalarm_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of PutMetricData requests (L-8BC498D4)
monitoring_rate_of_putmetricdata_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of PutMetricStream requests (L-A6D89949)
monitoring_rate_of_putmetricstream_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of StartMetricStreams requests (L-787E531D)
monitoring_rate_of_startmetricstreams_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of StopMetricStreams requests (L-A64F5500)
monitoring_rate_of_stopmetricstreams_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of UpdateServiceLevelObjective requests
# (L-223DF753)
monitoring_rate_of_updateservicelevelobjective_requests = null
# Quota for [monitron]: Asset classes per project (L-7771F483)
monitron_asset_classes_per_project = null
# Quota for [monitron]: Assets per site (L-25B02F46)
monitron_assets_per_site = null
# Quota for [monitron]: Gateways per site (L-6B3EE8A2)
monitron_gateways_per_site = null
# Quota for [monitron]: Positions per asset (L-E7428CE9)
monitron_positions_per_asset = null
# Quota for [monitron]: Positions per custom class (L-D3D5A0EF)
monitron_positions_per_custom_class = null
# Quota for [monitron]: Projects per account (L-2C0BD955)
monitron_projects_per_account = null
# Quota for [monitron]: Sites per project (L-7FA56BB1)
monitron_sites_per_project = null
# Quota for [monitron]: Users per site (L-42582A4B)
monitron_users_per_site = null
# Quota for [mq]: Number of brokers, per region (L-4D525FD5)
mq_number_of_brokers_per_region = null
# Quota for [mq]: Wire-level connections per larger broker (L-42B434B7)
mq_wire_level_connections_per_larger_broker = null
# Quota for [neptune]: Cluster endpoints per DB cluster (L-A425F59F)
neptune_cluster_endpoints_per_db_cluster = null
# Quota for [neptune]: Cross-region snapshot copy requests (L-BF10548E)
neptune_cross_region_snapshot_copy_requests = null
# Quota for [neptune]: DB cluster manuals snapshots (L-D6543DBD)
neptune_db_cluster_manuals_snapshots = null
# Quota for [neptune]: DB cluster parameter groups (L-5BB9A916)
neptune_db_cluster_parameter_groups = null
# Quota for [neptune]: DB cluster Roles (L-9AEE2A70)
neptune_db_cluster_roles = null
# Quota for [neptune]: DB clusters (L-6D17A5A2)
neptune_db_clusters = null
# Quota for [neptune]: DB instance parameter groups (L-584DADE7)
neptune_db_instance_parameter_groups = null
# Quota for [neptune]: DB instances (L-368A3E00)
neptune_db_instances = null
# Quota for [neptune]: DB subnet groups (L-483F7912)
neptune_db_subnet_groups = null
# Quota for [neptune]: Event subscriptions (L-463F8A01)
neptune_event_subscriptions = null
# Quota for [neptune-graph]: Maximum Graph snapshots (L-6CECD12A)
neptune_graph_maximum_graph_snapshots = null
# Quota for [neptune-graph]: Maximum Graphs (L-D31591F1)
neptune_graph_maximum_graphs = null
# Quota for [neptune-graph]: Maximum provisioned memory for each graph
# (L-145975CA)
neptune_graph_maximum_provisioned_memory_for_each_graph = null
# Quota for [neptune]: Reserved DB instances (L-22818E49)
neptune_reserved_db_instances = null
# Quota for [neptune]: Tags per resource (L-B3AC6773)
neptune_tags_per_resource = null
# Quota for [network-firewall]: Firewall policies (L-0814492B)
network_firewall_firewall_policies = null
# Quota for [network-firewall]: Firewalls (L-DE163D32)
network_firewall_firewalls = null
# Quota for [network-firewall]: Stateful rulegroups (L-2D7A0EE2)
network_firewall_stateful_rulegroups = null
# Quota for [network-firewall]: Stateless rulegroups (L-EAE8E19E)
network_firewall_stateless_rulegroups = null
# Quota for [network-firewall]: TLS configurations (L-801F8132)
network_firewall_tls_configurations = null
# Quota for [networkinsights]: Network Access Analyzer Access Scope Analyses
# (L-06B98CB1)
networkinsights_network_access_analyzer_access_scope_analyses = null
# Quota for [networkinsights]: Network Access Analyzer Access Scopes
# (L-72DF2E0E)
networkinsights_network_access_analyzer_access_scopes = null
# Quota for [networkinsights]: Network Access Analyzer Concurrent Access Scope
# Analyses (L-2AC9F231)
networkinsights_network_access_analyzer_concurrent_access_scope_analyses = null
# Quota for [networkinsights]: Reachability Analyzer Analyses (L-44B7545B)
networkinsights_reachability_analyzer_analyses = null
# Quota for [networkinsights]: Reachability Analyzer concurrent Analyses
# (L-B393345A)
networkinsights_reachability_analyzer_concurrent_analyses = null
# Quota for [networkinsights]: Reachability Analyzer Paths (L-51CB2D5B)
networkinsights_reachability_analyzer_paths = null
# Quota for [networkmanager]: Attachments per core network (L-6028ECFC)
networkmanager_attachments_per_core_network = null
# Quota for [networkmanager]: Connections per global network (L-D30F0A50)
networkmanager_connections_per_global_network = null
# Quota for [networkmanager]: Devices per global network (L-C3B5632D)
networkmanager_devices_per_global_network = null
# Quota for [networkmanager]: Global networks per account (L-2418390E)
networkmanager_global_networks_per_account = null
# Quota for [networkmanager]: Links per global network (L-6BD16053)
networkmanager_links_per_global_network = null
# Quota for [networkmanager]: Peerings per core network (L-C19D8424)
networkmanager_peerings_per_core_network = null
# Quota for [networkmanager]: Policy versions per core network (L-3DE56F60)
networkmanager_policy_versions_per_core_network = null
# Quota for [networkmanager]: Sites per global network (L-DFE018A3)
networkmanager_sites_per_global_network = null
# Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of monitors per account per AWS region
# (L-A4298AB9)
networkmonitor_number_of_monitors_per_account_per_aws_region = null
# Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of monitors per account per AWS
# region_L-15A52C9B (L-15A52C9B)
networkmonitor_number_of_monitors_per_account_per_aws_region_l_15a52c9b = null
# Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of monitors per account per AWS
# region_L-24751C61 (L-24751C61)
networkmonitor_number_of_monitors_per_account_per_aws_region_l_24751c61 = null
# Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of probes per monitor (L-DE3355AE)
networkmonitor_number_of_probes_per_monitor = null
# Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of probes per monitor_L-4C539B84
# (L-4C539B84)
networkmonitor_number_of_probes_per_monitor_l_4c539b84 = null
# Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of probes per monitor_L-F192A8D6
# (L-F192A8D6)
networkmonitor_number_of_probes_per_monitor_l_f192a8d6 = null
# Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of probes per subnet for each monitor
# (L-A8FA6DFE)
networkmonitor_number_of_probes_per_subnet_for_each_monitor = null
# Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of probes per subnet for each
# monitor_L-417BD1FB (L-417BD1FB)
networkmonitor_number_of_probes_per_subnet_for_each_monitor_l_417bd1fb = null
# Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of probes per subnet for each
# monitor_L-6A0F5BB1 (L-6A0F5BB1)
networkmonitor_number_of_probes_per_subnet_for_each_monitor_l_6a0f5bb1 = null
# Quota for [nimble]: Custom streaming images per studio (L-D5A30A08)
nimble_custom_streaming_images_per_studio = null
# Quota for [nimble]: G5 streaming sessions per studio (L-83B00607)
nimble_g5_streaming_sessions_per_studio = null
# Quota for [nimble]: Launch profiles per studio (L-84ECA733)
nimble_launch_profiles_per_studio = null
# Quota for [nimble]: Shared file system studio components per studio
# (L-1D1DDB85)
nimble_shared_file_system_studio_components_per_studio = null
# Quota for [nimble]: Streaming session backups per studio (L-43D04A58)
nimble_streaming_session_backups_per_studio = null
# Quota for [nimble]: Streaming sessions per studio (L-0FA462CE)
nimble_streaming_sessions_per_studio = null
# Quota for [nimble]: Studio components per studio (L-35089300)
nimble_studio_components_per_studio = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Activation Job Read Sets (L-18B646D8)
omics_maximum_activation_job_read_sets = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Activation Jobs (L-911E26A1)
omics_maximum_activation_jobs = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Active CPUs (L-7F5E4C03)
omics_maximum_active_cpus = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Active GPUs (L-AFB19B96)
omics_maximum_active_gpus = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Active Runs (L-A30FD31B)
omics_maximum_active_runs = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Annotation Stores (L-01A419C5)
omics_maximum_annotation_stores = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Concurrent Import Jobs (L-876AD0A2)
omics_maximum_concurrent_import_jobs = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Duration (L-7B9E5416)
omics_maximum_duration = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Export Job Read Sets (L-5BDDEC28)
omics_maximum_export_job_read_sets = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Export Jobs (L-473E274D)
omics_maximum_export_jobs = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Files per Annotation Import Job (L-66AC9E9E)
omics_maximum_files_per_annotation_import_job = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Files per Variant Import Job (L-22E12079)
omics_maximum_files_per_variant_import_job = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Import Job Read Sets (L-89F31D1A)
omics_maximum_import_job_read_sets = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Import Jobs (L-F57A8D18)
omics_maximum_import_jobs = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum number of shares per annotation store
# (L-E787EB79)
omics_maximum_number_of_shares_per_annotation_store = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum number of shares per annotation version
# (L-F77D4708)
omics_maximum_number_of_shares_per_annotation_version = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum number of shares per variant store (L-242998FB)
omics_maximum_number_of_shares_per_variant_store = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum ReadSets (L-BE766427)
omics_maximum_readsets = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum References (L-F34A3FC2)
omics_maximum_references = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Run Groups (L-176A1BA9)
omics_maximum_run_groups = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Run Tasks (L-25504C8C)
omics_maximum_run_tasks = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Runs (L-C9679DBC)
omics_maximum_runs = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum SequenceStores (L-BFFBB2FD)
omics_maximum_sequencestores = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Size in GB of each File in a Variant Import Job
# (L-13B00733)
omics_maximum_size_in_gb_of_each_file_in_a_variant_import_job = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Size in GB of each File in an Annotation Import
# Job (L-B94B38A2)
omics_maximum_size_in_gb_of_each_file_in_an_annotation_import_job = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Variant Stores (L-899DA104)
omics_maximum_variant_stores = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum versions per Annotation Store (L-186D3DEB)
omics_maximum_versions_per_annotation_store = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Workflow Storage Capacity (L-35CE76C9)
omics_maximum_workflow_storage_capacity = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Workflows (L-7CAE62CF)
omics_maximum_workflows = null
# Quota for [opsworks]: Apps per stack (L-286E46E9)
opsworks_apps_per_stack = null
# Quota for [opsworks-cm]: Automated (scheduled) backup generations per server
# (L-51FB6CC0)
opsworks_cm_automated_scheduled_backup_generations_per_server = null
# Quota for [opsworks-cm]: Chef Automate or Puppet Enterprise servers
# (L-5F3A6D53)
opsworks_cm_chef_automate_or_puppet_enterprise_servers = null
# Quota for [opsworks-cm]: Manual backups per server (L-208BFD67)
opsworks_cm_manual_backups_per_server = null
# Quota for [opsworks]: Instances per stack (L-1C397901)
opsworks_instances_per_stack = null
# Quota for [opsworks]: Layers per stack (L-450F416F)
opsworks_layers_per_stack = null
# Quota for [opsworks]: Stacks (L-5DA32F30)
opsworks_stacks = null
# Quota for [organizations]: Default maximum number of accounts (L-29A0C5DF)
organizations_default_maximum_number_of_accounts = null
# Quota for [outposts]: Outpost sites (L-3D389D34)
outposts_outpost_sites = null
# Quota for [outposts]: Outposts per site (L-0B277C74)
outposts_outposts_per_site = null
# Quota for [payment-cryptography]: Aliases (L-10DEBB19)
payment_cryptography_aliases = null
# Quota for [payment-cryptography]: Combined rate of control plane requests
# (L-946BFBA8)
payment_cryptography_combined_rate_of_control_plane_requests = null
# Quota for [payment-cryptography]: Combined rate of data plane requests
# (asymmetric) (L-BBE04029)
payment_cryptography_combined_rate_of_data_plane_requests_asymmetric_ = null
# Quota for [payment-cryptography]: Combined rate of data plane requests
# (symmetric) (L-B90266F0)
payment_cryptography_combined_rate_of_data_plane_requests_symmetric_ = null
# Quota for [payment-cryptography]: Keys (L-23280857)
payment_cryptography_keys = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Number of connectors (L-351D0DCC)
pca_connector_ad_number_of_connectors = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Number of group access control entries per
# template (L-B2C010E5)
pca_connector_ad_number_of_group_access_control_entries_per_template = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Number of templates per connector (L-FB47817C)
pca_connector_ad_number_of_templates_per_connector = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of CreateConnector requests (L-7966F778)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_createconnector_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of CreateDirectoryRegistration requests
# (L-17569A85)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_createdirectoryregistration_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of CreateServicePrincipalName requests
# (L-6930FFF8)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_createserviceprincipalname_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of CreateTemplate requests (L-70E167AD)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_createtemplate_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of CreateTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry
# requests (L-21A25C3F)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_createtemplategroupaccesscontrolentry_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of DeleteConnector requests (L-01AB3861)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_deleteconnector_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of DeleteDirectoryRegistration requests
# (L-568BB718)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_deletedirectoryregistration_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of DeleteServicePrincipalName requests
# (L-8228CBB5)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_deleteserviceprincipalname_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of DeleteTemplate requests (L-1F0B4E70)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_deletetemplate_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of DeleteTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry
# requests (L-853BCABE)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_deletetemplategroupaccesscontrolentry_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of GetConnector requests (L-F6A7C5A2)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_getconnector_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of GetDirectoryRegistration requests
# (L-5CC72EAF)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_getdirectoryregistration_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of GetPolicies requests (L-0916B3E3)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_getpolicies_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of GetServicePrincipalName requests
# (L-F16E91B4)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_getserviceprincipalname_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of GetTemplate requests (L-046630BB)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_gettemplate_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of GetTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry
# requests (L-A40E38B0)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_gettemplategroupaccesscontrolentry_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of ListConnectors requests (L-49BEA97B)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_listconnectors_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of ListDirectoryRegistrations requests
# (L-71CF09F7)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_listdirectoryregistrations_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of ListServicePrincipalNames requests
# (L-8B0AFBB5)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_listserviceprincipalnames_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of ListTagsForResource requests
# (L-EE597D84)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_listtagsforresource_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of ListTemplateGroupAccessControlEntries
# requests (L-5512056E)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_listtemplategroupaccesscontrolentries_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of ListTemplates requests (L-7362C0AD)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_listtemplates_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of RequestSecurityToken requests
# (L-27D56743)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_requestsecuritytoken_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of TagResource requests (L-957664CC)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_tagresource_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of UntagResource requests (L-64E52FB9)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_untagresource_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of UpdateTemplate requests (L-431F19A0)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_updatetemplate_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of UpdateTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry
# requests (L-657D5FD0)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_updatetemplategroupaccesscontrolentry_requests = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Active campaigns per dataset group (L-052ECD67)
personalize_active_campaigns_per_dataset_group = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Active dataset groups (L-14011066)
personalize_active_dataset_groups = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Active filters per dataset group (L-B9CFBC8B)
personalize_active_filters_per_dataset_group = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Active solutions per dataset group (L-D9DD83B7)
personalize_active_solutions_per_dataset_group = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Amount of data per incremental import. (L-C5A4FD57)
personalize_amount_of_data_per_incremental_import_ = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Maximum number of action interactions per event
# type per user considered by a filter. (L-C71694DA)
personalize_maximum_number_of_action_interactions_per_event_type_per_user_considered_by_a_filter_ = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Maximum number of interactions per event type per
# user considered by a filter. (L-A8FE1453)
personalize_maximum_number_of_interactions_per_event_type_per_user_considered_by_a_filter_ = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Number of interactions for model training
# (L-A6A4AB70)
personalize_number_of_interactions_for_model_training = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Pending or In Progress batch inference jobs
# (L-69B72005)
personalize_pending_or_in_progress_batch_inference_jobs = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Pending or In Progress solution versions
# (L-9C16B368)
personalize_pending_or_in_progress_solution_versions = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Rate of PutActionInteractions requests per dataset
# group (L-F1119DA2)
personalize_rate_of_putactioninteractions_requests_per_dataset_group = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Rate of PutEvents requests per dataset group
# (L-8047B3A8)
personalize_rate_of_putevents_requests_per_dataset_group = null
# Quota for [pinpoint]: Active in-app campaigns per project (L-952D08C7)
pinpoint_active_in_app_campaigns_per_project = null
# Quota for [pinpoint]: Maximum number of push notifications that can be sent
# per second in a campaign (L-DE86E513)
pinpoint_maximum_number_of_push_notifications_that_can_be_sent_per_second_in_a_campaign = null
# Quota for [pinpoint]: Number of Amazon SNS topics for two-way SMS per
# account (L-6D703411)
pinpoint_number_of_amazon_sns_topics_for_two_way_sms_per_account = null
# Quota for [pinpoint]: Number of emails that can be sent each second (sending
# rate) (L-9AE43654)
pinpoint_number_of_emails_that_can_be_sent_each_second_sending_rate_ = null
# Quota for [pinpoint]: Number of emails that can be sent per 24-hour period
# (sending quota) (L-F179D122)
pinpoint_number_of_emails_that_can_be_sent_per_24_hour_period_sending_quota_ = null
# Quota for [pinpoint]: Number of SMS messages that can be sent each second
# (sending rate) (L-39643E10)
pinpoint_number_of_sms_messages_that_can_be_sent_each_second_sending_rate_ = null
# Quota for [pinpoint]: SMS spending threshold (L-A7D30E78)
pinpoint_sms_spending_threshold = null
# Quota for [polly]: Rate of GetSpeechSynthesisTask and
# ListSpeechSynthesisTasks requests (L-43330D37)
polly_rate_of_getspeechsynthesistask_and_listspeechsynthesistasks_requests = null
# Quota for [polly]: Rate of lexicon management requests (L-D93DD9F2)
polly_rate_of_lexicon_management_requests = null
# Quota for [polly]: Rate of StartSpeechSynthesisTask (long-form) requests
# (L-511CA548)
polly_rate_of_startspeechsynthesistask_long_form_requests = null
# Quota for [polly]: Rate of StartSpeechSynthesisTask (neural) requests
# (L-B9A743A4)
polly_rate_of_startspeechsynthesistask_neural_requests = null
# Quota for [polly]: Rate of StartSpeechSynthesisTask (standard) requests
# (L-18255867)
polly_rate_of_startspeechsynthesistask_standard_requests = null
# Quota for [polly]: Rate of SynthesizeSpeech (long-form) requests
# (L-C54DC08A)
polly_rate_of_synthesizespeech_long_form_requests = null
# Quota for [polly]: Rate of SynthesizeSpeech (neural) requests (L-A65CEC2D)
polly_rate_of_synthesizespeech_neural_requests = null
# Quota for [polly]: Rate of SynthesizeSpeech (standard) requests (L-9FB8AA30)
polly_rate_of_synthesizespeech_standard_requests = null
# Quota for [polly]: StartSpeechSynthesisTask billed characters count
# (L-79B4630F)
polly_startspeechsynthesistask_billed_characters_count = null
# Quota for [polly]: StartSpeechSynthesisTask total characters limit
# (L-77D5DB9E)
polly_startspeechsynthesistask_total_characters_limit = null
# Quota for [polly]: SynthesizeSpeech billed character count (L-17639580)
polly_synthesizespeech_billed_character_count = null
# Quota for [polly]: SynthesizeSpeech total character count (L-18474792)
polly_synthesizespeech_total_character_count = null
# Quota for [profile]: Amazon Connect Customer Profiles domain count
# (L-6603B252)
profile_amazon_connect_customer_profiles_domain_count = null
# Quota for [profile]: Keys per object type (L-A7ED412C)
profile_keys_per_object_type = null
# Quota for [profile]: Maximum expiration in days (L-3217D1F1)
profile_maximum_expiration_in_days = null
# Quota for [profile]: Maximum number of integrations (L-4A5ECB8E)
profile_maximum_number_of_integrations = null
# Quota for [profile]: Maximum size of all objects for a profile (L-63975AF3)
profile_maximum_size_of_all_objects_for_a_profile = null
# Quota for [profile]: Object types per domain (L-14092FF4)
profile_object_types_per_domain = null
# Quota for [profile]: Objects per profile (L-E17DC7C3)
profile_objects_per_profile = null
# Quota for [proton]: Components per account (L-8FBB60E3)
proton_components_per_account = null
# Quota for [proton]: Environment account connections per environment account
# (L-6CC8209C)
proton_environment_account_connections_per_environment_account = null
# Quota for [proton]: Environments per account (L-37A692EA)
proton_environments_per_account = null
# Quota for [proton]: Service instances per service (L-E8182F7E)
proton_service_instances_per_service = null
# Quota for [proton]: Services per account (L-1C8983C3)
proton_services_per_account = null
# Quota for [proton]: Template versions per template (L-A1B6A95A)
proton_template_versions_per_template = null
# Quota for [proton]: Templates per account (L-405DC02B)
proton_templates_per_account = null
# Quota for [qldb]: Ledgers (L-CD70CADB)
qldb_ledgers = null
# Quota for [qldb]: QLDB exports per ledger (L-22B6E165)
qldb_qldb_exports_per_ledger = null
# Quota for [qldb]: QLDB streams per ledger (L-91B08359)
qldb_qldb_streams_per_ledger = null
# Quota for [ram]: Number of custom permissions (L-9EBA15DD)
ram_number_of_custom_permissions = null
# Quota for [ram]: Number of custom permissions per resource type (L-2870BE9D)
ram_number_of_custom_permissions_per_resource_type = null
# Quota for [ram]: Number of pending invitations (L-238C96EE)
ram_number_of_pending_invitations = null
# Quota for [ram]: Number of principal associations (L-8491BF81)
ram_number_of_principal_associations = null
# Quota for [ram]: Number of principal associations per resource share
# (L-275DAC00)
ram_number_of_principal_associations_per_resource_share = null
# Quota for [ram]: Number of resource associations (L-4A6CEE66)
ram_number_of_resource_associations = null
# Quota for [ram]: Number of resource associations per resource share
# (L-1F7F8A25)
ram_number_of_resource_associations_per_resource_share = null
# Quota for [ram]: Number of resource shares (L-595828F9)
ram_number_of_resource_shares = null
# Quota for [rds]: Custom engine versions (L-A399AC0B)
rds_custom_engine_versions = null
# Quota for [rds]: DB clusters (L-952B80B8)
rds_db_clusters = null
# Quota for [rds]: DB instances (L-7B6409FD)
rds_db_instances = null
# Quota for [rds]: DB subnet groups (L-48C6BF61)
rds_db_subnet_groups = null
# Quota for [rds]: Event subscriptions (L-A59F4C87)
rds_event_subscriptions = null
# Quota for [rds]: IAM roles per DB cluster (L-E094F43D)
rds_iam_roles_per_db_cluster = null
# Quota for [rds]: IAM roles per DB instance (L-DD2301CA)
rds_iam_roles_per_db_instance = null
# Quota for [rds]: Manual DB cluster snapshots (L-9B510759)
rds_manual_db_cluster_snapshots = null
# Quota for [rds]: Manual DB instance snapshots (L-272F1212)
rds_manual_db_instance_snapshots = null
# Quota for [rds]: Option groups (L-9FA33840)
rds_option_groups = null
# Quota for [rds]: Parameter groups (L-DE55804A)
rds_parameter_groups = null
# Quota for [rds]: Proxies (L-D94C7EA3)
rds_proxies = null
# Quota for [rds]: Read replicas per primary (L-5BC124EF)
rds_read_replicas_per_primary = null
# Quota for [rds]: Reserved DB instances (L-78E853F4)
rds_reserved_db_instances = null
# Quota for [rds]: Security groups (L-732153D0)
rds_security_groups = null
# Quota for [rds]: Total storage for all DB instances (L-7ADDB58A)
rds_total_storage_for_all_db_instances = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Allowed row object size per ION or JSON file when
# using Amazon Athena (L-692E5BBE)
redshift_allowed_row_object_size_per_ion_or_json_file_when_using_amazon_athena = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Allowed string value size per ION or JSON file when
# using Amazon Athena (L-F9EB09F0)
redshift_allowed_string_value_size_per_ion_or_json_file_when_using_amazon_athena = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Allowed string value size per ION or JSON file when
# using AWS Glue Data Catalog (L-D236BDB3)
redshift_allowed_string_value_size_per_ion_or_json_file_when_using_aws_glue_data_catalog = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Column limit for external tables when using Amazon
# Athena or AWS Glue Data Catalog (L-14ABD327)
redshift_column_limit_for_external_tables_when_using_amazon_athena_or_aws_glue_data_catalog = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Column limit for external tables with pseudocolumns
# when using Amazon Athena (L-76971675)
redshift_column_limit_for_external_tables_with_pseudocolumns_when_using_amazon_athena = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Column limit for external tables with pseudocolumns
# when using AWS Glue Data Catalog (L-8AFA7F04)
redshift_column_limit_for_external_tables_with_pseudocolumns_when_using_aws_glue_data_catalog = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Databases in an account when using Amazon Athena
# (L-FACB0772)
redshift_databases_in_an_account_when_using_amazon_athena = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Databases in an account when using AWS Glue Data
# Catalog (L-8D8FD3F6)
redshift_databases_in_an_account_when_using_aws_glue_data_catalog = null
# Quota for [redshift]: DC2 nodes in a cluster (L-84537943)
redshift_dc2_nodes_in_a_cluster = null
# Quota for [redshift]: DS2 nodes in a cluster (L-C7372F73)
redshift_ds2_nodes_in_a_cluster = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Event subscriptions (L-2B30DCFE)
redshift_event_subscriptions = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Nodes (L-F9D462EE)
redshift_nodes = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Partitions in a table when using Amazon Athena
# (L-8150BB93)
redshift_partitions_in_a_table_when_using_amazon_athena = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Partitions in a table when using AWS Glue Data Catalog
# (L-CDB97050)
redshift_partitions_in_a_table_when_using_aws_glue_data_catalog = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Partitions in an account when using Amazon Athena
# (L-CAD8DD0E)
redshift_partitions_in_an_account_when_using_amazon_athena = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Partitions in an account when using AWS Glue Data
# Catalog (L-D4A471DC)
redshift_partitions_in_an_account_when_using_aws_glue_data_catalog = null
# Quota for [redshift]: RA3 nodes in a cluster (L-93AC8AE6)
redshift_ra3_nodes_in_a_cluster = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Reserved nodes (L-58C8C0E8)
redshift_reserved_nodes = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Security groups (L-890444C0)
redshift_security_groups = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Snapshots (L-2E428669)
redshift_snapshots = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Subnet groups (L-BE12F428)
redshift_subnet_groups = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Subnets in a subnet group (L-6C6B6042)
redshift_subnets_in_a_subnet_group = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Tables in a database when using Amazon Athena
# (L-CD9AE144)
redshift_tables_in_a_database_when_using_amazon_athena = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Tables in a database when using AWS Glue Data Catalog
# (L-A85DAB6E)
redshift_tables_in_a_database_when_using_aws_glue_data_catalog = null
# Quota for [refactor-spaces]: Applications (L-EACEDE8E)
refactor_spaces_applications = null
# Quota for [refactor-spaces]: Environments (L-DEF84811)
refactor_spaces_environments = null
# Quota for [refactor-spaces]: Routes (L-CE52EEA2)
refactor_spaces_routes = null
# Quota for [refactor-spaces]: Services (L-B19E8A2B)
refactor_spaces_services = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels models per project
# (L-9CF05323)
rekognition_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_models_per_project = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels projects per
# account (L-14D0BC19)
rekognition_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_projects_per_account = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Amazon Rekognition Streaming Video Events face
# search stream processors per account that can be processed concurrently
# (L-8D9029A2)
rekognition_amazon_rekognition_streaming_video_events_face_search_stream_processors_per_account_that_can_be_processed_concurrently = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Amazon Rekognition Streaming Video Events label
# detection stream processors per account that can be processed concurrently
# (L-0A2A7683)
rekognition_amazon_rekognition_streaming_video_events_label_detection_stream_processors_per_account_that_can_be_processed_concurrently = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Amazon Rekognition Streaming Video Events stream
# processors per account that can simultaneously exist (L-01C8D885)
rekognition_amazon_rekognition_streaming_video_events_stream_processors_per_account_that_can_simultaneously_exist = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Concurrent Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels model
# copy jobs per account (L-B3EE7891)
rekognition_concurrent_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_model_copy_jobs_per_account = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Concurrent Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels
# training jobs per account (L-F1558568)
rekognition_concurrent_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_training_jobs_per_account = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Concurrent Amazon Rekognition Face Liveness
# sessions per account (L-26415FBF)
rekognition_concurrent_amazon_rekognition_face_liveness_sessions_per_account = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Concurrent Amazon Rekognition Media Analysis jobs
# per account (L-22FA69BA)
rekognition_concurrent_amazon_rekognition_media_analysis_jobs_per_account = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Concurrent Amazon Rekognition Video stored video
# jobs per account (L-A6079699)
rekognition_concurrent_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_jobs_per_account = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Concurrently running Amazon Rekognition Custom
# Labels models per account (L-5E225387)
rekognition_concurrently_running_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_models_per_account = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Maximum inference units per running Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels model. (L-4FA65ECB)
rekognition_maximum_inference_units_per_running_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_model_ = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Maximum number of images per Amazon Rekognition
# Custom Labels classification test dataset (L-CCFEF1AD)
rekognition_maximum_number_of_images_per_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_classification_test_dataset = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Maximum number of images per Amazon Rekognition
# Custom Labels classification training dataset (L-96D6749B)
rekognition_maximum_number_of_images_per_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_classification_training_dataset = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Maximum number of ProjectPolicies per Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels Project (L-0B2CE4DD)
rekognition_maximum_number_of_projectpolicies_per_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_project = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for individual
# Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels data plane operation DetectCustomLabels
# (L-EA71C84A)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_individual_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_data_plane_operation_detectcustomlabels = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation CopyProjectVersion (L-C8E3347A)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_copyprojectversion = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation: CreateDataset (L-39854D9A)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_createdataset = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation CreateProject (L-AB95BCCD)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_createproject = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation CreateProjectVersion (L-03F18989)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_createprojectversion = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation: DeleteDataset (L-F72BEA0D)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_deletedataset = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation DeleteProject (L-BDE2ACBF)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_deleteproject = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation DeleteProjectPolicy (L-AA6AE486)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_deleteprojectpolicy = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation DeleteProjectVersion (L-D66335E5)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_deleteprojectversion = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation: DescribeDataset (L-EF2DFA3A)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_describedataset = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation DescribeProjects (L-06ACBDE8)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_describeprojects = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation DescribeProjectVersions (L-12019FB0)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_describeprojectversions = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation: DistributeDatasetEntries (L-AD2642BA)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_distributedatasetentries = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation: ListDatasetEntries (L-41805FEB)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_listdatasetentries = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation: ListDatasetLabels (L-108100B3)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_listdatasetlabels = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation ListProjectPolicies (L-5AA330BC)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_listprojectpolicies = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation PutProjectPolicy (L-A958BCFA)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_putprojectpolicy = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation StartProjectVersion (L-C46E6F2E)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_startprojectversion = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation StopProjectVersion (L-9802772B)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_stopprojectversion = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation: UpdateDatasetEntries (L-513570CC)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_updatedatasetentries = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Face Liveness operation CreateFaceLivenessSession (L-8E3BC2B4)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_face_liveness_operation_createfacelivenesssession = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Face Liveness operation GetFaceLivenessSessionResults
# (L-E574413B)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_face_liveness_operation_getfacelivenesssessionresults = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Face Liveness operation StartFaceLivenessSession (L-2FC24677)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_face_liveness_operation_startfacelivenesssession = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation CompareFaces (L-73A341CE)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_comparefaces = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation CreateCollection (L-CE977716)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_createcollection = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation DeleteCollection (L-5346A13A)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_deletecollection = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation DeleteFaces (L-220834FB)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_deletefaces = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation DescribeCollection (L-6FDFFAF5)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_describecollection = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation DetectFaces (L-A5121FD7)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_detectfaces = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation DetectLabels (L-E29B542B)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_detectlabels = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation DetectModerationLabels (L-7F4D1AC4)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_detectmoderationlabels = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation DetectText (L-87CF5BA6)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_detecttext = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation GetCelebrityInfo (L-973FFF99)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_getcelebrityinfo = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation IndexFaces (L-7C13EBAD)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_indexfaces = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation ListCollections (L-0366BB0F)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_listcollections = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation ListFaces (L-970B5808)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_listfaces = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation RecognizeCelebrities (L-5FF750C4)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_recognizecelebrities = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation SearchFaces (L-99829151)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_searchfaces = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation SearchFacesByImage (L-43CBEB68)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_searchfacesbyimage = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image personal protective equipment operation
# DetectProtectiveEquipment (L-6F294C5B)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_personal_protective_equipment_operation_detectprotectiveequipment = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: AssociateFaces (L-DBC0DD5B)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_associatefaces = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: CreateUser (L-9A87C986)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_createuser = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: DeleteUser (L-E112E6C6)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_deleteuser = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: DisassociateFaces (L-D56ABB32)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_disassociatefaces = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: GetMediaAnalysisJob (L-EEF61D56)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_getmediaanalysisjob = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: ListMediaAnalysisJobs (L-E0C6F70E)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_listmediaanalysisjobs = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: ListTagsForResource (L-711B1E8A)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_listtagsforresource = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: ListUsers (L-BF8F67AA)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_listusers = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: SearchUsers (L-532A3DAC)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_searchusers = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: SearchUsersByImage (L-D319BBAF)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_searchusersbyimage = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: StartMediaAnalysisJob (L-832B35BA)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_startmediaanalysisjob = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: TagResource (L-C141F2F9)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_tagresource = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: UntagResource (L-BC04C31B)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_untagresource = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Streaming Video Events operation CreateStreamProcessor
# (L-D6034D02)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_streaming_video_events_operation_createstreamprocessor = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Streaming Video Events operation DeleteStreamProcessor
# (L-66AB9558)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_streaming_video_events_operation_deletestreamprocessor = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Streaming Video Events operation DescribeStreamProcessor
# (L-82C6694D)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_streaming_video_events_operation_describestreamprocessor = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Streaming Video Events operation ListStreamProcessors
# (L-CF317234)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_streaming_video_events_operation_liststreamprocessors = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Streaming Video Events operation StartStreamProcessor
# (L-71793F35)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_streaming_video_events_operation_startstreamprocessor = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Streaming Video Events operation StopStreamProcessor
# (L-85890340)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_streaming_video_events_operation_stopstreamprocessor = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Streaming Video Events operation UpdateStreamProcessor
# (L-0FB781AE)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_streaming_video_events_operation_updatestreamprocessor = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetCelebrityRecognition
# (L-A144FAD3)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_get_operation_getcelebrityrecognition = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetContentModeration
# (L-A33540CC)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_get_operation_getcontentmoderation = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetFaceDetection (L-4E7ADAC1)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_get_operation_getfacedetection = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetFaceSearch (L-3B051C64)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_get_operation_getfacesearch = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetLabelDetection (L-5EAC8E57)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_get_operation_getlabeldetection = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetPersonTracking (L-71159A7C)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_get_operation_getpersontracking = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetSegmentDetection
# (L-F54C1CEA)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_get_operation_getsegmentdetection = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetTextDetection (L-5C10FBD9)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_get_operation_gettextdetection = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartCelebrityRecognition
# (L-08B7635A)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_start_operation_startcelebrityrecognition = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartContentModeration
# (L-E082B236)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_start_operation_startcontentmoderation = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartFaceDetection
# (L-AA48F869)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_start_operation_startfacedetection = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartFaceSearch (L-8CA99658)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_start_operation_startfacesearch = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartLabelDetection
# (L-FBD555BC)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_start_operation_startlabeldetection = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartPersonTracking
# (L-DFE4726A)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_start_operation_startpersontracking = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartSegmentDetection
# (L-55A22B20)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_start_operation_startsegmentdetection = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartTextDetection
# (L-90C845BC)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_start_operation_starttextdetection = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of Application Components per application
# (L-0076B5C6)
resiliencehub_number_of_application_components_per_application = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of Application Components per resource
# (L-3DCDC079)
resiliencehub_number_of_application_components_per_resource = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of applications (L-CBE304D4)
resiliencehub_number_of_applications = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of assessments per application per month
# (L-BF1D24DC)
resiliencehub_number_of_assessments_per_application_per_month = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of AWS CloudFormation stacks to import
# (L-3D296B58)
resiliencehub_number_of_aws_cloudformation_stacks_to_import = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of EKS clusters to import (L-013E1BB6)
resiliencehub_number_of_eks_clusters_to_import = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of namespaces to import for an EKS cluster
# (L-6BE17D5B)
resiliencehub_number_of_namespaces_to_import_for_an_eks_cluster = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of recommendation templates per
# application per month (L-37EF5CB4)
resiliencehub_number_of_recommendation_templates_per_application_per_month = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of Resiliency Policies (L-F9AC239A)
resiliencehub_number_of_resiliency_policies = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of resources per application (L-5EC6916A)
resiliencehub_number_of_resources_per_application = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of Terraform state files to import
# (L-CEF638A1)
resiliencehub_number_of_terraform_state_files_to_import = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Terraform state file maximum size (L-D41E7350)
resiliencehub_terraform_state_file_maximum_size = null
# Quota for [resource-explorer-2]: Aggregator Region search monthly quota
# (L-A28429E9)
resource_explorer_2_aggregator_region_search_monthly_quota = null
# Quota for [resource-explorer-2]: Non-aggregator Region search monthly quota
# (L-C5E31461)
resource_explorer_2_non_aggregator_region_search_monthly_quota = null
# Quota for [resource-explorer-2]: Search TPS quota (L-0C73063D)
resource_explorer_2_search_tps_quota = null
# Quota for [resource-groups]: Resource groups per account (L-2BAA18A0)
resource_groups_resource_groups_per_account = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Concurrent deployment jobs (L-15E423AD)
robomaker_concurrent_deployment_jobs = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Concurrent GPU simulation jobs (L-61591119)
robomaker_concurrent_gpu_simulation_jobs = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Concurrent simulation job batches (L-6CFB8C09)
robomaker_concurrent_simulation_job_batches = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Concurrent simulation jobs (L-FE0C173F)
robomaker_concurrent_simulation_jobs = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Concurrent World Export Jobs (L-B47404F4)
robomaker_concurrent_world_export_jobs = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Concurrent World Generation Jobs (L-7651BB34)
robomaker_concurrent_world_generation_jobs = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Fleets (L-19B1F5F2)
robomaker_fleets = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Robot applications (L-E5D0EA7D)
robomaker_robot_applications = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Robots (L-40FACCBF)
robomaker_robots = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Robots per fleet (L-275E9052)
robomaker_robots_per_fleet = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Simulation applications (L-D6554FB1)
robomaker_simulation_applications = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Simulation job requests per batch (L-949954FD)
robomaker_simulation_job_requests_per_batch = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Versions per robot application (L-AE5043DD)
robomaker_versions_per_robot_application = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Versions per simulation application (L-4D288B5C)
robomaker_versions_per_simulation_application = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: World Templates Per Account (L-C2C8236B)
robomaker_world_templates_per_account = null
# Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Combined rate of CRL requests (L-0017E049)
rolesanywhere_combined_rate_of_crl_requests = null
# Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Combined rate of profile requests (L-F8680437)
rolesanywhere_combined_rate_of_profile_requests = null
# Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Combined rate of subject requests (L-1A26F220)
rolesanywhere_combined_rate_of_subject_requests = null
# Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Combined rate of tagging requests (L-BCE17F1C)
rolesanywhere_combined_rate_of_tagging_requests = null
# Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Combined rate of trust anchor requests
# (L-E7B077D9)
rolesanywhere_combined_rate_of_trust_anchor_requests = null
# Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Profiles (L-950ED79F)
rolesanywhere_profiles = null
# Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Rate of CreateSession requests (L-A9D9612A)
rolesanywhere_rate_of_createsession_requests = null
# Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Trust anchors (L-AB49EEA7)
rolesanywhere_trust_anchors = null
# Quota for [route53]: Amazon VPCs that you can associate with a private
# hosted zone (L-84B40094)
route53_amazon_vpcs_that_you_can_associate_with_a_private_hosted_zone = null
# Quota for [route53]: CIDR blocks per collection (L-945D15E5)
route53_cidr_blocks_per_collection = null
# Quota for [route53]: CIDR collections (L-AD61772F)
route53_cidr_collections = null
# Quota for [route53]: Domain count limit (L-F767CB15)
route53_domain_count_limit = null
# Quota for [route53]: Health checks (L-ACB674F3)
route53_health_checks = null
# Quota for [route53]: Hosted zones (L-4EA4796A)
route53_hosted_zones = null
# Quota for [route53]: Hosted zones that can use the same reusable delegation
# set (L-FF06D527)
route53_hosted_zones_that_can_use_the_same_reusable_delegation_set = null
# Quota for [route53]: Records per hosted zone (L-E209CC9F)
route53_records_per_hosted_zone = null
# Quota for [route53]: Reusable delegation sets (L-A72C7724)
route53_reusable_delegation_sets = null
# Quota for [route53]: Traffic flow policies (L-FC688E7C)
route53_traffic_flow_policies = null
# Quota for [route53]: Traffic flow policy records (L-628D5A56)
route53_traffic_flow_policy_records = null
# Quota for [route53resolver]: Associations between resolver rules and VPCs
# per AWS Region (L-94E19253)
route53resolver_associations_between_resolver_rules_and_vpcs_per_aws_region = null
# Quota for [route53resolver]: DNS Firewall rules groups per Region
# (L-02CC8B74)
route53resolver_dns_firewall_rules_groups_per_region = null
# Quota for [route53resolver]: Domain lists per account (L-9FA3C0A4)
route53resolver_domain_lists_per_account = null
# Quota for [route53resolver]: Domains in a file imported from S3 (L-1B2BDF0A)
route53resolver_domains_in_a_file_imported_from_s3 = null
# Quota for [route53resolver]: Domains per account (L-740A4B31)
route53resolver_domains_per_account = null
# Quota for [route53resolver]: IP addresses per resolver endpoint (L-D2FE9758)
route53resolver_ip_addresses_per_resolver_endpoint = null
# Quota for [route53resolver]: Maximum number of resolver endpoints per AWS
# Region (L-4A669CC0)
route53resolver_maximum_number_of_resolver_endpoints_per_aws_region = null
# Quota for [route53resolver]: Resolver rules per AWS Region (L-51D8A1FB)
route53resolver_resolver_rules_per_aws_region = null
# Quota for [route53resolver]: Rules in a DNS Firewall rule group (L-F763F4D9)
route53resolver_rules_in_a_dns_firewall_rule_group = null
# Quota for [rum]: RUM AppMonitors (L-3FB7EA17)
rum_rum_appmonitors = null
# Quota for [rum]: RUM Events per second per AWS Account (L-35851224)
rum_rum_events_per_second_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [s3]: Access Points (L-FAABEEBA)
s3_access_points = null
# Quota for [s3]: Directory buckets (L-775A314D)
s3_directory_buckets = null
# Quota for [s3]: General purpose buckets (L-DC2B2D3D)
s3_general_purpose_buckets = null
# Quota for [s3]: Replication Destinations (L-1A9B467F)
s3_replication_destinations = null
# Quota for [s3]: Replication transfer rate (L-349AD9CA)
s3_replication_transfer_rate = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Canvas Apps running on ml.m5.4xlarge instances
# (L-23A89612)
sagemaker_canvas_apps_running_on_ml_m5_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Canvas Apps running on system instances (L-65D1CFE4)
sagemaker_canvas_apps_running_on_system_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Longest run time for a training job (L-33A961FD)
sagemaker_longest_run_time_for_a_training_job = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number instances allowed per SageMaker
# HyperPod cluster (L-2CE978FC)
sagemaker_maximum_number_instances_allowed_per_sagemaker_hyperpod_cluster = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of A2I flow definitions (L-73C1B556)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_a2i_flow_definitions = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of A2I human task UIs (L-3036C9CA)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_a2i_human_task_uis = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of concurrent AutoML Jobs (L-CFC2D5B6)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_concurrent_automl_jobs = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of concurrent pipeline executions
# allowed per account (L-F88776CD)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_concurrent_pipeline_executions_allowed_per_account = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of concurrently running model card
# export jobs allowed per account. (L-860ED60D)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_concurrently_running_model_card_export_jobs_allowed_per_account_ = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of deployment plans that can be
# simultaneously created (L-A9A47E0F)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_deployment_plans_that_can_be_simultaneously_created = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of device-fleets (L-384D4DB3)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_device_fleets = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of devices (L-987E0769)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_devices = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of Ground Truth labeling jobs
# (L-150039CA)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_ground_truth_labeling_jobs = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of Ground Truth Streaming labeling
# jobs (L-C3E706F6)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_ground_truth_streaming_labeling_jobs = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of instances per endpoint (L-ED8DEE9B)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_instances_per_endpoint = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of instances per spot training job
# (L-DB62C864)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_instances_per_spot_training_job = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of instances per training job
# (L-622CFD70)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_instances_per_training_job = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of model card versions allowed per
# account. (L-EF24FBDB)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_model_card_versions_allowed_per_account_ = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of parallel compilation jobs
# (L-F0067944)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_parallel_compilation_jobs = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of parallel edge-deployments
# (L-9D69F80D)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_parallel_edge_deployments = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of parallel edge-packaging jobs
# (L-4C681076)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_parallel_edge_packaging_jobs = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of pipelines allowed per account
# (L-E8EADE50)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_pipelines_allowed_per_account = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of running Studio apps allowed per
# account (L-4E39DDC4)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_running_studio_apps_allowed_per_account = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of SageMaker Model Package allowed per
# account (L-9A82FBCA)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_sagemaker_model_package_allowed_per_account = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of SageMaker Model Package Groups
# allowed per account (L-BC8DC54C)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_sagemaker_model_package_groups_allowed_per_account = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of SageMakerImage images allowed per
# account (L-DDDC1D15)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_sagemakerimage_images_allowed_per_account = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of serverless endpoints (L-99AD19BF)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_serverless_endpoints = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of Studio spaces allowed per account
# (L-8E5333B4)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_studio_spaces_allowed_per_account = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of Studio user profiles allowed per
# account (L-AC46C40F)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_studio_user_profiles_allowed_per_account = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum total concurrency that can be allocated
# across all serverless endpoints (L-96300102)
sagemaker_maximum_total_concurrency_that_can_be_allocated_across_all_serverless_endpoints = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-54106F23)
sagemaker_ml_c4_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-A028E7A2)
sagemaker_ml_c4_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-50AA109F)
sagemaker_ml_c4_2xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-978CD7EC)
sagemaker_ml_c4_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.2xlarge for training job usage (L-C5B4EE09)
sagemaker_ml_c4_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-72EF9D60)
sagemaker_ml_c4_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.2xlarge for transform job usage (L-589B0DBC)
sagemaker_ml_c4_2xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-605A110B)
sagemaker_ml_c4_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.4xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-27768634)
sagemaker_ml_c4_4xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.4xlarge for processing job usage (L-6F6C723E)
sagemaker_ml_c4_4xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.4xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-C087612A)
sagemaker_ml_c4_4xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.4xlarge for training job usage (L-505634D0)
sagemaker_ml_c4_4xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.4xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-FBB7E9CB)
sagemaker_ml_c4_4xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.4xlarge for transform job usage (L-90765203)
sagemaker_ml_c4_4xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DF052B7B)
sagemaker_ml_c4_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.8xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-D0B132AA)
sagemaker_ml_c4_8xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.8xlarge for processing job usage (L-58B96098)
sagemaker_ml_c4_8xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.8xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-C5B2C408)
sagemaker_ml_c4_8xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.8xlarge for training job usage (L-6BE85179)
sagemaker_ml_c4_8xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.8xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-8B308035)
sagemaker_ml_c4_8xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.8xlarge for transform job usage (L-334DC079)
sagemaker_ml_c4_8xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.large for endpoint usage (L-6DF60D19)
sagemaker_ml_c4_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-F8C60E1D)
sagemaker_ml_c4_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-786E9B47)
sagemaker_ml_c4_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.xlarge for processing job usage (L-2BAB231B)
sagemaker_ml_c4_xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-9BA5373F)
sagemaker_ml_c4_xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.xlarge for training job usage (L-85D4BAF3)
sagemaker_ml_c4_xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-1DA286AA)
sagemaker_ml_c4_xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.xlarge for transform job usage (L-E3C0D615)
sagemaker_ml_c4_xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.12xlarge for cluster usage (L-15BCD638)
sagemaker_ml_c5_12xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DD50A8E1)
sagemaker_ml_c5_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for cluster usage (L-819B4B27)
sagemaker_ml_c5_18xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for endpoint usage (L-409A03CD)
sagemaker_ml_c5_18xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-EF662387)
sagemaker_ml_c5_18xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for processing job usage (L-2D8CD70A)
sagemaker_ml_c5_18xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-239B242B)
sagemaker_ml_c5_18xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for training job usage (L-81482A8C)
sagemaker_ml_c5_18xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-C8044861)
sagemaker_ml_c5_18xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for transform job usage (L-B538D5DB)
sagemaker_ml_c5_18xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.24xlarge for cluster usage (L-40F00B06)
sagemaker_ml_c5_24xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B5714749)
sagemaker_ml_c5_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for cluster usage (L-539D704C)
sagemaker_ml_c5_2xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E091038E)
sagemaker_ml_c5_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-5F356922)
sagemaker_ml_c5_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-C1EBA9C5)
sagemaker_ml_c5_2xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-4581C083)
sagemaker_ml_c5_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for training job usage (L-49679826)
sagemaker_ml_c5_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-0D58D77C)
sagemaker_ml_c5_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for transform job usage (L-9215A13F)
sagemaker_ml_c5_2xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for cluster usage (L-3A6AD204)
sagemaker_ml_c5_4xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-FEF755D6)
sagemaker_ml_c5_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-96B75525)
sagemaker_ml_c5_4xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for processing job usage (L-EFB2F063)
sagemaker_ml_c5_4xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-36C5FA8E)
sagemaker_ml_c5_4xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for training job usage (L-E7898792)
sagemaker_ml_c5_4xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-7BDD9EA3)
sagemaker_ml_c5_4xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for transform job usage (L-98742DAD)
sagemaker_ml_c5_4xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for cluster usage (L-9AD1D725)
sagemaker_ml_c5_9xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C15ACFF4)
sagemaker_ml_c5_9xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-B5F303BE)
sagemaker_ml_c5_9xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for processing job usage (L-945D1F1D)
sagemaker_ml_c5_9xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-A2512F8F)
sagemaker_ml_c5_9xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for training job usage (L-2BE095E2)
sagemaker_ml_c5_9xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-ABFCF5A2)
sagemaker_ml_c5_9xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for transform job usage (L-2441079A)
sagemaker_ml_c5_9xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.large for cluster usage (L-B644CD97)
sagemaker_ml_c5_large_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.large for endpoint usage (L-4D27DFDD)
sagemaker_ml_c5_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for cluster usage (L-AD3B35FF)
sagemaker_ml_c5_xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E9EE5599)
sagemaker_ml_c5_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-39F5FD98)
sagemaker_ml_c5_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for processing job usage (L-486519E6)
sagemaker_ml_c5_xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-6FA0D387)
sagemaker_ml_c5_xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for training job usage (L-E2BB44FE)
sagemaker_ml_c5_xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-F978BE20)
sagemaker_ml_c5_xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for transform job usage (L-09C9B23C)
sagemaker_ml_c5_xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.18xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6A6E4B44)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_18xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.18xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-6C73443F)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_18xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-529E971B)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-FF78806F)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-A06D6E01)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.4xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-484388A9)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_4xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.9xlarge for endpoint usage (L-50755EC1)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_9xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.9xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-9944ECC4)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_9xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.large for endpoint usage (L-919688C1)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-F30D287E)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-4E9EE949)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.18xlarge for cluster usage (L-D8A40472)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_18xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.18xlarge for endpoint usage (L-14AB3D09)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_18xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.18xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-266C4F52)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_18xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.18xlarge for training job usage (L-A1E21094)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_18xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.18xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-566A905C)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_18xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.2xlarge for cluster usage (L-7064D1BA)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_2xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DDF361A9)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-C1E6B202)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.2xlarge for training job usage (L-D04B88E2)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-2952557B)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.4xlarge for cluster usage (L-DC93118C)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_4xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-2693C7B9)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.4xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-37059D02)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_4xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.4xlarge for training job usage (L-E215EF33)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_4xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.4xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-4A423436)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_4xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.9xlarge for cluster usage (L-1B687CD5)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_9xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.9xlarge for endpoint usage (L-124679C5)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_9xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.9xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-D144443B)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_9xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.9xlarge for training job usage (L-D0327E29)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_9xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.9xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-FDD19E2A)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_9xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.large for cluster usage (L-551F1065)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_large_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.large for endpoint usage (L-0F4F99A1)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B3A1B2F7)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-DD508305)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.xlarge for training job usage (L-04CD765C)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-8A72B806)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6g.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-35E5433E)
sagemaker_ml_c6g_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6g.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-60986E7E)
sagemaker_ml_c6g_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6g.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B87A968D)
sagemaker_ml_c6g_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6g.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-4C2FABCC)
sagemaker_ml_c6g_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6g.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6D865216)
sagemaker_ml_c6g_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6g.large for endpoint usage (L-4E81EEAC)
sagemaker_ml_c6g_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6g.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-525AAB0A)
sagemaker_ml_c6g_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gd.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-CCE6D1FE)
sagemaker_ml_c6gd_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gd.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-018036DB)
sagemaker_ml_c6gd_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gd.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-FD9E9507)
sagemaker_ml_c6gd_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gd.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C4B5BAD2)
sagemaker_ml_c6gd_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gd.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-4027057F)
sagemaker_ml_c6gd_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gd.large for endpoint usage (L-C10DAD58)
sagemaker_ml_c6gd_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gd.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-EDFF07E7)
sagemaker_ml_c6gd_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gn.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-78B3DA25)
sagemaker_ml_c6gn_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gn.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E9BB87E2)
sagemaker_ml_c6gn_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gn.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-5F238DF4)
sagemaker_ml_c6gn_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gn.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DA37C575)
sagemaker_ml_c6gn_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gn.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DB5B82A8)
sagemaker_ml_c6gn_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gn.large for endpoint usage (L-941884ED)
sagemaker_ml_c6gn_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gn.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-754870FD)
sagemaker_ml_c6gn_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-2AD0234B)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.12xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-DD42D93D)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_12xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.12xlarge for training job usage (L-81AF96F3)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_12xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.12xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-51467CBD)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_12xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-FE72E327)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.16xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-0C0D9F82)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_16xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.16xlarge for training job usage (L-090C5671)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_16xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.16xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-5D454ED8)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_16xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-9A32E51C)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.24xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-1B7024B2)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_24xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.24xlarge for training job usage (L-DE22CE7F)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_24xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.24xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-CF4F44AD)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_24xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-4FDB33AC)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-8BB74069)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.2xlarge for training job usage (L-536D2DD2)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-C1971434)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.32xlarge for endpoint usage (L-769D172E)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_32xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.32xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-B9D177E1)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_32xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.32xlarge for training job usage (L-D8FA228C)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_32xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.32xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-7B64C2AB)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_32xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B5612E02)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.4xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-017831D5)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_4xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.4xlarge for training job usage (L-4A20E33E)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_4xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.4xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-2B1E88AF)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_4xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-18904FF8)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.8xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-6DA79B36)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_8xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.8xlarge for training job usage (L-845DE61C)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_8xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.8xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-F361CE98)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_8xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.large for endpoint usage (L-3C2EBC55)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-28FF72CA)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-6074B0D4)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.xlarge for training job usage (L-D526E050)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-75B2C685)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7g.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-57850F1B)
sagemaker_ml_c7g_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7g.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-A7E8B111)
sagemaker_ml_c7g_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7g.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-85DBDADC)
sagemaker_ml_c7g_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7g.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-52FB7989)
sagemaker_ml_c7g_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7g.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-52008469)
sagemaker_ml_c7g_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7g.large for endpoint usage (L-3F48ACC6)
sagemaker_ml_c7g_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7g.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-4A5B28AA)
sagemaker_ml_c7g_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-D98C40FA)
sagemaker_ml_c7i_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-4B9D3092)
sagemaker_ml_c7i_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B78A48C6)
sagemaker_ml_c7i_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-41DD34AF)
sagemaker_ml_c7i_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.48xlarge for endpoint usage (L-176880B1)
sagemaker_ml_c7i_48xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-8C4E467D)
sagemaker_ml_c7i_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DD693DF2)
sagemaker_ml_c7i_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.large for endpoint usage (L-9FCA2A26)
sagemaker_ml_c7i_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-9A5FC4CF)
sagemaker_ml_c7i_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.eia1.large for endpoint usage (L-58672BCE)
sagemaker_ml_eia1_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.eia1.medium for endpoint usage (L-01E4E529)
sagemaker_ml_eia1_medium_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.eia1.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-8D013305)
sagemaker_ml_eia1_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.eia2.large for endpoint usage (L-9E017069)
sagemaker_ml_eia2_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.eia2.medium for endpoint usage (L-77C35A0F)
sagemaker_ml_eia2_medium_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.eia2.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-448C2416)
sagemaker_ml_eia2_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for cluster usage (L-ED8F1994)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-07BEB181)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-47461EBA)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for processing job usage
# (L-6C7C4F4E)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-199558F0)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for training job usage (L-7BD2C9FA)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-CB4A3655)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for transform job usage (L-BA5C7A54)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for cluster usage (L-B6A7569B)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-8679F6F3)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-64067773)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for processing job usage
# (L-47F095C9)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-AD4C1352)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for training job usage (L-57998C77)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-C960C80D)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for transform job usage (L-D79647DB)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for cluster usage (L-FDB7A21A)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-EA346344)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-1C2E1B03)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-41C11899)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-0496610F)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for training job usage (L-C2495BC4)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-C35F807B)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for transform job usage (L-180A6F2D)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for cluster usage (L-762E95F4)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-31522FA6)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-529379E4)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for processing job usage (L-B1C4D018)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-246C5638)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for training job usage (L-2908B1E9)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-3408A20D)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for transform job usage (L-EAB0CBAB)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for cluster usage (L-96866D65)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-7D28AD75)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-C2F8103D)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for processing job usage (L-9C72BEE2)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-15F329FB)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for training job usage (L-3118B7E1)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-769E114F)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for transform job usage (L-213CD3BC)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for cluster usage (L-31C211B7)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B67CFA0C)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-D8B97089)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for processing job usage (L-2F1EB012)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-944F78BB)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for training job usage (L-3F53BF0F)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-955074FD)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for transform job usage (L-4C5C5CA8)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.12xlarge for cluster usage (L-24E5A1B2)
sagemaker_ml_g5_12xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-65C4BD00)
sagemaker_ml_g5_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.12xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-EC374A06)
sagemaker_ml_g5_12xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.12xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-03E19172)
sagemaker_ml_g5_12xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.12xlarge for training job usage (L-C6383286)
sagemaker_ml_g5_12xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.12xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-29508C65)
sagemaker_ml_g5_12xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.16xlarge for cluster usage (L-86822EDB)
sagemaker_ml_g5_16xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-962705EA)
sagemaker_ml_g5_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.16xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-001EDCEF)
sagemaker_ml_g5_16xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.16xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-E3DCB664)
sagemaker_ml_g5_16xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.16xlarge for training job usage (L-9FAC65F7)
sagemaker_ml_g5_16xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.16xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-F6B8A3A3)
sagemaker_ml_g5_16xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.24xlarge for cluster usage (L-EED7F51C)
sagemaker_ml_g5_24xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6821867B)
sagemaker_ml_g5_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.24xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-4ACAC7A4)
sagemaker_ml_g5_24xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.24xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-8345B953)
sagemaker_ml_g5_24xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.24xlarge for training job usage (L-ED7BD217)
sagemaker_ml_g5_24xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.24xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-6F46EF71)
sagemaker_ml_g5_24xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.2xlarge for cluster usage (L-596C3331)
sagemaker_ml_g5_2xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-9614C779)
sagemaker_ml_g5_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-19973BE2)
sagemaker_ml_g5_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-CAEE7DB7)
sagemaker_ml_g5_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.2xlarge for training job usage (L-2D6DEB3C)
sagemaker_ml_g5_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-822C5A39)
sagemaker_ml_g5_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.48xlarge for cluster usage (L-D7D95295)
sagemaker_ml_g5_48xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.48xlarge for endpoint usage (L-0100B823)
sagemaker_ml_g5_48xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.48xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-D266139B)
sagemaker_ml_g5_48xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.48xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-C87FF004)
sagemaker_ml_g5_48xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.48xlarge for training job usage (L-6BC98A55)
sagemaker_ml_g5_48xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.48xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-7D217E5D)
sagemaker_ml_g5_48xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.4xlarge for cluster usage (L-8A6C3F0E)
sagemaker_ml_g5_4xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C1B9A48D)
sagemaker_ml_g5_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.4xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-127D4C65)
sagemaker_ml_g5_4xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.4xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-DB4D51CF)
sagemaker_ml_g5_4xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.4xlarge for training job usage (L-FE869B40)
sagemaker_ml_g5_4xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.4xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-88E48241)
sagemaker_ml_g5_4xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.8xlarge for cluster usage (L-1619F5B7)
sagemaker_ml_g5_8xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-065D610E)
sagemaker_ml_g5_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.8xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-5D8382CB)
sagemaker_ml_g5_8xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.8xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-DD18D5D6)
sagemaker_ml_g5_8xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.8xlarge for training job usage (L-43F5FC95)
sagemaker_ml_g5_8xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.8xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-40E8018C)
sagemaker_ml_g5_8xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.xlarge for cluster usage (L-4645950E)
sagemaker_ml_g5_xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-1928E07B)
sagemaker_ml_g5_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-E8917BB7)
sagemaker_ml_g5_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-DE07CBDF)
sagemaker_ml_g5_xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.xlarge for training job usage (L-B6D80D9C)
sagemaker_ml_g5_xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-8E6F4665)
sagemaker_ml_g5_xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-F971E784)
sagemaker_ml_inf1_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.24xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-2B2F8466)
sagemaker_ml_inf1_24xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-495AAEE0)
sagemaker_ml_inf1_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-23F5AC7E)
sagemaker_ml_inf1_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.6xlarge for endpoint usage (L-574C8A05)
sagemaker_ml_inf1_6xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.6xlarge for notebook instance usage
sagemaker_ml_inf1_6xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B2B3BA64)
sagemaker_ml_inf1_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-434233AD)
sagemaker_ml_inf1_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf2.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-9C39178F)
sagemaker_ml_inf2_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf2.48xlarge for endpoint usage (L-286C98BC)
sagemaker_ml_inf2_48xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf2.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-F761337C)
sagemaker_ml_inf2_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf2.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C8AB7CDA)
sagemaker_ml_inf2_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.10xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C4008A6B)
sagemaker_ml_m4_10xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.10xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-CEEF9A6E)
sagemaker_ml_m4_10xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.10xlarge for processing job usage (L-BB72E7FA)
sagemaker_ml_m4_10xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.10xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-C17B05C4)
sagemaker_ml_m4_10xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.10xlarge for training job usage (L-D35E48B2)
sagemaker_ml_m4_10xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.10xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-1BF9151C)
sagemaker_ml_m4_10xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.10xlarge for transform job usage (L-63443CBC)
sagemaker_ml_m4_10xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-BCA7D0DE)
sagemaker_ml_m4_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.16xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-85E60595)
sagemaker_ml_m4_16xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.16xlarge for processing job usage (L-ED93A43F)
sagemaker_ml_m4_16xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.16xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-A50827DD)
sagemaker_ml_m4_16xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.16xlarge for training job usage (L-D7CE983F)
sagemaker_ml_m4_16xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.16xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-F4F08D88)
sagemaker_ml_m4_16xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.16xlarge for transform job usage (L-7FEDBA4C)
sagemaker_ml_m4_16xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6198DF25)
sagemaker_ml_m4_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-CE6894AA)
sagemaker_ml_m4_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-0309C694)
sagemaker_ml_m4_2xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-FE159C34)
sagemaker_ml_m4_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.2xlarge for training job usage (L-D589112D)
sagemaker_ml_m4_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-E312D77E)
sagemaker_ml_m4_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.2xlarge for transform job usage (L-5B86ED31)
sagemaker_ml_m4_2xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-3727EAE2)
sagemaker_ml_m4_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.4xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-BE78F29C)
sagemaker_ml_m4_4xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.4xlarge for processing job usage (L-B3FC00CD)
sagemaker_ml_m4_4xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.4xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-D7D166A0)
sagemaker_ml_m4_4xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.4xlarge for training job usage (L-E60A61DF)
sagemaker_ml_m4_4xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.4xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-CF81ED81)
sagemaker_ml_m4_4xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.4xlarge for transform job usage (L-5F5255E9)
sagemaker_ml_m4_4xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-97CF11BE)
sagemaker_ml_m4_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-E1249695)
sagemaker_ml_m4_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.xlarge for processing job usage (L-F97C6864)
sagemaker_ml_m4_xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-2ECAA15F)
sagemaker_ml_m4_xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.xlarge for training job usage (L-A373146E)
sagemaker_ml_m4_xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.xlarge for training warm pool usage
sagemaker_ml_m4_xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.xlarge for transform job usage (L-DAB6AA41)
sagemaker_ml_m4_xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for cluster usage (L-E2A0AC0F)
sagemaker_ml_m5_12xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-A9F2A8B3)
sagemaker_ml_m5_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-9AD04286)
sagemaker_ml_m5_12xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for processing job usage (L-BC1C7D38)
sagemaker_ml_m5_12xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-29B03627)
sagemaker_ml_m5_12xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for training job usage (L-6F6C8949)
sagemaker_ml_m5_12xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-34594662)
sagemaker_ml_m5_12xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for transform job usage (L-76A7309C)
sagemaker_ml_m5_12xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.16xlarge for cluster usage (L-048C491E)
sagemaker_ml_m5_16xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-54462FCC)
sagemaker_ml_m5_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for cluster usage (L-B232DF69)
sagemaker_ml_m5_24xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-329751EB)
sagemaker_ml_m5_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-BD97DD7F)
sagemaker_ml_m5_24xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for processing job usage (L-E2E903C6)
sagemaker_ml_m5_24xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-D0EA3DC8)
sagemaker_ml_m5_24xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for training job usage (L-56C564CA)
sagemaker_ml_m5_24xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-B21D8B36)
sagemaker_ml_m5_24xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for transform job usage (L-5F2D4124)
sagemaker_ml_m5_24xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for cluster usage (L-60995545)
sagemaker_ml_m5_2xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C88C8F13)
sagemaker_ml_m5_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-95E39457)
sagemaker_ml_m5_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-1D84B9D2)
sagemaker_ml_m5_2xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-4A823FAB)
sagemaker_ml_m5_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for training job usage (L-AD0A282D)
sagemaker_ml_m5_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-1686EE8B)
sagemaker_ml_m5_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for transform job usage (L-F5689004)
sagemaker_ml_m5_2xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for cluster usage (L-24520F3F)
sagemaker_ml_m5_4xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E2649D46)
sagemaker_ml_m5_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-862C1E14)
sagemaker_ml_m5_4xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for processing job usage (L-379E85A3)
sagemaker_ml_m5_4xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-2A6ACFF7)
sagemaker_ml_m5_4xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for training job usage (L-AFB011B4)
sagemaker_ml_m5_4xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-03767DF9)
sagemaker_ml_m5_4xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for transform job usage (L-3E1C9273)
sagemaker_ml_m5_4xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.8xlarge for cluster usage (L-5C47EA70)
sagemaker_ml_m5_8xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-92566F3C)
sagemaker_ml_m5_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.large for cluster usage (L-E64F3C7F)
sagemaker_ml_m5_large_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.large for endpoint usage (L-614B09FD)
sagemaker_ml_m5_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.large for processing job usage (L-8541302D)
sagemaker_ml_m5_large_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.large for spot training job usage (L-29688C85)
sagemaker_ml_m5_large_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.large for training job usage (L-611FA074)
sagemaker_ml_m5_large_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.large for training warm pool usage (L-2DD73636)
sagemaker_ml_m5_large_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.large for transform job usage (L-236AE59F)
sagemaker_ml_m5_large_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for cluster usage (L-E9225B85)
sagemaker_ml_m5_xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-2F737F8D)
sagemaker_ml_m5_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-76AB2C05)
sagemaker_ml_m5_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for processing job usage (L-0307F515)
sagemaker_ml_m5_xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-4CEE6BA6)
sagemaker_ml_m5_xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for training job usage (L-CCE2AFA6)
sagemaker_ml_m5_xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-0BEF44E8)
sagemaker_ml_m5_xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for transform job usage (L-7939E4EC)
sagemaker_ml_m5_xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B7AC53F5)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.12xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-1DD0FB59)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_12xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-F6E740CB)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.16xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-26EB4EC7)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_16xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-24B12C23)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.24xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-956703D9)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_24xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-8F28AFFB)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-6829423A)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-2BF1C629)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.4xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-EDE09F63)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_4xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-A7702AF9)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.8xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-AEB45880)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_8xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.large for endpoint usage (L-98F45D48)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.large for notebook instance usage (L-195A207B)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_large_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-3E65B286)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-7AA0FEE8)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-5EF89E74)
sagemaker_ml_m5dn_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-D075BB65)
sagemaker_ml_m5dn_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-62190228)
sagemaker_ml_m5dn_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DCC57354)
sagemaker_ml_m5dn_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-EC92C7B3)
sagemaker_ml_m5dn_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-178948BA)
sagemaker_ml_m5dn_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.large for endpoint usage (L-7597F90B)
sagemaker_ml_m5dn_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-D16917AC)
sagemaker_ml_m5dn_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DEF2CD40)
sagemaker_ml_m5n_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-2B921E27)
sagemaker_ml_m5n_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-A2C9F8F4)
sagemaker_ml_m5n_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-F8B07B25)
sagemaker_ml_m5n_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-63D6BD37)
sagemaker_ml_m5n_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-1F61C5BC)
sagemaker_ml_m5n_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.large for endpoint usage (L-AD7FD6A6)
sagemaker_ml_m5n_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-943961F3)
sagemaker_ml_m5n_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6g.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-9D10CA98)
sagemaker_ml_m6g_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6g.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-AF1BC9E1)
sagemaker_ml_m6g_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6g.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-BCBC84AA)
sagemaker_ml_m6g_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6g.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-8EE25AE3)
sagemaker_ml_m6g_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6g.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DE9841A6)
sagemaker_ml_m6g_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6g.large for endpoint usage (L-C1E62DF0)
sagemaker_ml_m6g_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6g.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-2D2AAC6C)
sagemaker_ml_m6g_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6gd.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B25B9B93)
sagemaker_ml_m6gd_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6gd.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B46EE84C)
sagemaker_ml_m6gd_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6gd.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-AB53E0CA)
sagemaker_ml_m6gd_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6gd.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-CCA2CA42)
sagemaker_ml_m6gd_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6gd.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-95B12835)
sagemaker_ml_m6gd_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6gd.large for endpoint usage (L-1630284B)
sagemaker_ml_m6gd_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6gd.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-4F185009)
sagemaker_ml_m6gd_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.12xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-EF089D40)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_12xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.12xlarge for training job usage (L-8716E6AE)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_12xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.12xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-4FC79063)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_12xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.16xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-614CBE09)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_16xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.16xlarge for training job usage (L-7412F8CF)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_16xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.16xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-8C9D5748)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_16xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.24xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-24B0ADC0)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_24xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.24xlarge for training job usage (L-9778E614)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_24xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.24xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-2C080D31)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_24xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-39DC8B41)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.2xlarge for training job usage (L-AE3447AD)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-D1BB9472)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.32xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-843BE5AB)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_32xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.32xlarge for training job usage (L-6F01766F)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_32xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.32xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-699A2417)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_32xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.4xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-59C3957D)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_4xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.4xlarge for training job usage (L-AE93C70E)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_4xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.4xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-F1B1085A)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_4xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.8xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-7B628106)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_8xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.8xlarge for training job usage (L-964887D9)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_8xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.8xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-52A56414)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_8xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.large for spot training job usage (L-7E503C5F)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_large_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.large for training job usage (L-514B50A3)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_large_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.large for training warm pool usage
# (L-9D578B5E)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_large_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-3597CD5B)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.xlarge for training job usage (L-3A218EBD)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-CD3B6B80)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-0AFA3D20)
sagemaker_ml_m7i_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6F258322)
sagemaker_ml_m7i_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C473817C)
sagemaker_ml_m7i_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6C9165E8)
sagemaker_ml_m7i_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.48xlarge for endpoint usage (L-452C73A2)
sagemaker_ml_m7i_48xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-80F387A8)
sagemaker_ml_m7i_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-AE505887)
sagemaker_ml_m7i_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.large for endpoint usage (L-3E715088)
sagemaker_ml_m7i_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E793924B)
sagemaker_ml_m7i_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B638D452)
sagemaker_ml_p2_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.16xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-39F2D553)
sagemaker_ml_p2_16xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.16xlarge for processing job usage (L-756F8AFB)
sagemaker_ml_p2_16xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.16xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-2E99C6D1)
sagemaker_ml_p2_16xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.16xlarge for training job usage (L-7FC32A75)
sagemaker_ml_p2_16xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.16xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-2D3D338A)
sagemaker_ml_p2_16xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.16xlarge for transform job usage (L-1F6E213E)
sagemaker_ml_p2_16xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-BD0BDFDA)
sagemaker_ml_p2_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.8xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-AC3A6D59)
sagemaker_ml_p2_8xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.8xlarge for processing job usage (L-CA14F686)
sagemaker_ml_p2_8xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.8xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-ACF1D2B2)
sagemaker_ml_p2_8xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.8xlarge for training job usage (L-33BA8B57)
sagemaker_ml_p2_8xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.8xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-59DEBE1F)
sagemaker_ml_p2_8xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.8xlarge for transform job usage (L-0C630A26)
sagemaker_ml_p2_8xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-FD469689)
sagemaker_ml_p2_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-BBB3C62F)
sagemaker_ml_p2_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.xlarge for processing job usage (L-61E3D6FC)
sagemaker_ml_p2_xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-21545BA5)
sagemaker_ml_p2_xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.xlarge for training job usage (L-5585E645)
sagemaker_ml_p2_xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-6C5BAAA9)
sagemaker_ml_p2_xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.xlarge for transform job usage (L-89843D09)
sagemaker_ml_p2_xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6A85BC13)
sagemaker_ml_p3_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.16xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-4689E606)
sagemaker_ml_p3_16xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.16xlarge for processing job usage (L-C5621FC4)
sagemaker_ml_p3_16xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.16xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-D58A90BB)
sagemaker_ml_p3_16xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.16xlarge for training job usage (L-A99E0304)
sagemaker_ml_p3_16xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.16xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-763CF8E3)
sagemaker_ml_p3_16xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.16xlarge for transform job usage (L-A0B4500D)
sagemaker_ml_p3_16xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-1623D0BE)
sagemaker_ml_p3_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-1F4A5AAB)
sagemaker_ml_p3_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-0323EDB4)
sagemaker_ml_p3_2xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-2D4C6493)
sagemaker_ml_p3_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.2xlarge for training job usage (L-D438008E)
sagemaker_ml_p3_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-E3709F6E)
sagemaker_ml_p3_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.2xlarge for transform job usage (L-45F58E7E)
sagemaker_ml_p3_2xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-CB985DC5)
sagemaker_ml_p3_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.8xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-619D6E43)
sagemaker_ml_p3_8xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.8xlarge for processing job usage (L-23EDF20C)
sagemaker_ml_p3_8xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.8xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-0201B959)
sagemaker_ml_p3_8xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.8xlarge for training job usage (L-558F1246)
sagemaker_ml_p3_8xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.8xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-5CA5BEE6)
sagemaker_ml_p3_8xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.8xlarge for transform job usage (L-F93088C1)
sagemaker_ml_p3_8xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3dn.24xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-2E21A1FA)
sagemaker_ml_p3dn_24xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3dn.24xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-477D3300)
sagemaker_ml_p3dn_24xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3dn.24xlarge for training job usage (L-8DCA2E97)
sagemaker_ml_p3dn_24xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3dn.24xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-D27958C4)
sagemaker_ml_p3dn_24xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4d.24xlarge for cluster usage (L-47E0BC8F)
sagemaker_ml_p4d_24xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4d.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-09F79647)
sagemaker_ml_p4d_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4d.24xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-4089485C)
sagemaker_ml_p4d_24xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4d.24xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-09D56C4F)
sagemaker_ml_p4d_24xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4d.24xlarge for training job usage (L-09B4A649)
sagemaker_ml_p4d_24xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4d.24xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-A8827666)
sagemaker_ml_p4d_24xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4de.24xlarge for cluster usage (L-BEF3120E)
sagemaker_ml_p4de_24xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4de.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-456B4C5F)
sagemaker_ml_p4de_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4de.24xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-6B0B7E9C)
sagemaker_ml_p4de_24xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p5.48xlarge for cluster usage (L-8762A75F)
sagemaker_ml_p5_48xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p5.48xlarge for endpoint usage (L-16AF71F1)
sagemaker_ml_p5_48xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p5.48xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-82733FAD)
sagemaker_ml_p5_48xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p5.48xlarge for training job usage (L-82E1C851)
sagemaker_ml_p5_48xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p5.48xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-5D321F81)
sagemaker_ml_p5_48xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-23FF30BF)
sagemaker_ml_r5_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.12xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-5869E902)
sagemaker_ml_r5_12xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.12xlarge for processing job usage (L-20546400)
sagemaker_ml_r5_12xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DCB12F9E)
sagemaker_ml_r5_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.16xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-924D392D)
sagemaker_ml_r5_16xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.16xlarge for processing job usage (L-06A1E8BB)
sagemaker_ml_r5_16xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B03C553E)
sagemaker_ml_r5_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.24xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-D7FF3362)
sagemaker_ml_r5_24xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.24xlarge for processing job usage (L-A28AF48F)
sagemaker_ml_r5_24xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-AA5E2462)
sagemaker_ml_r5_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-8CB23490)
sagemaker_ml_r5_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-F0132B48)
sagemaker_ml_r5_2xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DD362E80)
sagemaker_ml_r5_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.4xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-B74ED3C1)
sagemaker_ml_r5_4xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.4xlarge for processing job usage (L-E4F6EF77)
sagemaker_ml_r5_4xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-7DD21282)
sagemaker_ml_r5_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.8xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-DAE78A2A)
sagemaker_ml_r5_8xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.8xlarge for processing job usage (L-154D0022)
sagemaker_ml_r5_8xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.large for endpoint usage (L-B156D5EC)
sagemaker_ml_r5_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.large for notebook instance usage (L-8BED04E5)
sagemaker_ml_r5_large_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.large for processing job usage (L-43562353)
sagemaker_ml_r5_large_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-BCA2C892)
sagemaker_ml_r5_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-85870296)
sagemaker_ml_r5_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.xlarge for processing job usage (L-B2D8E643)
sagemaker_ml_r5_xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-283CDA96)
sagemaker_ml_r5d_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-CC329F7E)
sagemaker_ml_r5d_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-D71E726A)
sagemaker_ml_r5d_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-A40ED4BA)
sagemaker_ml_r5d_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C4DFBAA1)
sagemaker_ml_r5d_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-17BBB387)
sagemaker_ml_r5d_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.large for endpoint usage (L-E0299BF7)
sagemaker_ml_r5d_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-37CA4776)
sagemaker_ml_r5d_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-599D6573)
sagemaker_ml_r5dn_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-1DA91421)
sagemaker_ml_r5dn_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-FF424265)
sagemaker_ml_r5dn_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DDD9E4D2)
sagemaker_ml_r5dn_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DDDCDBAA)
sagemaker_ml_r5dn_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E8AF0CC9)
sagemaker_ml_r5dn_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.large for endpoint usage (L-842D5E10)
sagemaker_ml_r5dn_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-48F0F627)
sagemaker_ml_r5dn_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-9F47FCE3)
sagemaker_ml_r5n_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C14C7B0C)
sagemaker_ml_r5n_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-944A1241)
sagemaker_ml_r5n_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-581DD22D)
sagemaker_ml_r5n_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-3070F0B4)
sagemaker_ml_r5n_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-54340DBD)
sagemaker_ml_r5n_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.large for endpoint usage (L-FE3BF22B)
sagemaker_ml_r5n_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-4DD84AF9)
sagemaker_ml_r5n_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6g.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DACE30FC)
sagemaker_ml_r6g_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6g.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-42EAE6FA)
sagemaker_ml_r6g_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6g.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-862299A2)
sagemaker_ml_r6g_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6g.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-713F6743)
sagemaker_ml_r6g_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6g.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-BB73F76A)
sagemaker_ml_r6g_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6g.large for endpoint usage (L-D7FE33BF)
sagemaker_ml_r6g_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6g.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B8A3B4CE)
sagemaker_ml_r6g_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6gd.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-177D4E91)
sagemaker_ml_r6gd_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6gd.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6995701D)
sagemaker_ml_r6gd_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6gd.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-93490D80)
sagemaker_ml_r6gd_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6gd.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-AE2F2D88)
sagemaker_ml_r6gd_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6gd.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-593EF138)
sagemaker_ml_r6gd_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6gd.large for endpoint usage (L-7432A529)
sagemaker_ml_r6gd_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6gd.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-660E0683)
sagemaker_ml_r6gd_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-F43F60C3)
sagemaker_ml_r7i_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E1AF5362)
sagemaker_ml_r7i_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-7E4516BC)
sagemaker_ml_r7i_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-FEEF2E8A)
sagemaker_ml_r7i_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.48xlarge for endpoint usage (L-BD94420E)
sagemaker_ml_r7i_48xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-7EB267B3)
sagemaker_ml_r7i_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-CC3E5CD9)
sagemaker_ml_r7i_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.large for endpoint usage (L-5B7CF402)
sagemaker_ml_r7i_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B7476528)
sagemaker_ml_r7i_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-20700136)
sagemaker_ml_t2_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-BE44390B)
sagemaker_ml_t2_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.large for endpoint usage (L-1410387A)
sagemaker_ml_t2_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.large for notebook instance usage (L-94C3A7A1)
sagemaker_ml_t2_large_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.medium for endpoint usage (L-29C181D7)
sagemaker_ml_t2_medium_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.medium for notebook instance usage (L-7B2FD69B)
sagemaker_ml_t2_medium_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B82FDF78)
sagemaker_ml_t2_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-9EFE4FAD)
sagemaker_ml_t2_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.2xlarge for cluster usage (L-EC104295)
sagemaker_ml_t3_2xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-FB715320)
sagemaker_ml_t3_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-1E2072C0)
sagemaker_ml_t3_2xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.large for cluster usage (L-7B131A59)
sagemaker_ml_t3_large_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.large for notebook instance usage (L-8E454C05)
sagemaker_ml_t3_large_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.large for processing job usage (L-C076FA77)
sagemaker_ml_t3_large_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.medium for cluster usage (L-FD4AD312)
sagemaker_ml_t3_medium_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.medium for notebook instance usage (L-E17566B7)
sagemaker_ml_t3_medium_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.medium for processing job usage (L-0CE343FE)
sagemaker_ml_t3_medium_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.xlarge for cluster usage (L-E5A7A988)
sagemaker_ml_t3_xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-E5884D25)
sagemaker_ml_t3_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.xlarge for processing job usage (L-DABA7ED5)
sagemaker_ml_t3_xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-5C911603)
sagemaker_ml_trn1_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-AA22B8B9)
sagemaker_ml_trn1_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.2xlarge for training job usage (L-74F2FC79)
sagemaker_ml_trn1_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-AA6A4B7A)
sagemaker_ml_trn1_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.32xlarge for cluster usage (L-6865522E)
sagemaker_ml_trn1_32xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.32xlarge for endpoint usage (L-EA9871A7)
sagemaker_ml_trn1_32xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.32xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-F594DE31)
sagemaker_ml_trn1_32xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.32xlarge for training job usage (L-79A1FE57)
sagemaker_ml_trn1_32xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.32xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-36F422F7)
sagemaker_ml_trn1_32xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1n.32xlarge for cluster usage (L-82D4B920)
sagemaker_ml_trn1n_32xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1n.32xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E3A0825E)
sagemaker_ml_trn1n_32xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1n.32xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-068DB6B3)
sagemaker_ml_trn1n_32xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1n.32xlarge for training job usage (L-BFB9CF17)
sagemaker_ml_trn1n_32xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1n.32xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-9037D736)
sagemaker_ml_trn1n_32xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Number of elastic inference accelerators across
# active endpoints (L-07D0651D)
sagemaker_number_of_elastic_inference_accelerators_across_active_endpoints = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Number of instances across active endpoints
# (L-7A3DF611)
sagemaker_number_of_instances_across_active_endpoints = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Number of instances across all processing jobs
# (L-F311B08F)
sagemaker_number_of_instances_across_all_processing_jobs = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Number of instances across all spot training jobs
# (L-93958082)
sagemaker_number_of_instances_across_all_spot_training_jobs = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Number of instances across all training jobs
# (L-00C91CB5)
sagemaker_number_of_instances_across_all_training_jobs = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Number of instances across all transform jobs
# (L-60D2A6F0)
sagemaker_number_of_instances_across_all_transform_jobs = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.12xlarge
# instance (L-21962CDA)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.18xlarge
# instance (L-21552510)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_18xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.24xlarge
# instance (L-1271DF32)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.2xlarge
# instance (L-8B9D0385)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.4xlarge
# instance (L-8733EEBD)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.9xlarge
# instance (L-D205D3F0)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_9xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.large instance
# (L-6958265E)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_large_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.xlarge instance
# (L-F3F4F82A)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.12xlarge
# instance (L-5392B59D)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.16xlarge
# instance (L-144A2794)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.2xlarge
# instance (L-7FD92B01)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.4xlarge
# instance (L-A7B1AACC)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.8xlarge
# instance (L-A9165189)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.xlarge
# instance (L-050981C0)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.12xlarge
# instance (L-4FC1E99C)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.16xlarge
# instance (L-7B7E548F)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.24xlarge
# instance (L-B7EB1FFD)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.2xlarge
# instance (L-09249843)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.4xlarge
# instance (L-30ABD943)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.8xlarge
# instance (L-2BEE7665)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.large instance
# (L-BDDC56AF)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_large_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.xlarge instance
# (L-8442D925)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.12xlarge
# instance (L-7F2FEE7C)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.16xlarge
# instance (L-8101A535)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.24xlarge
# instance (L-00DAC655)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.2xlarge
# instance (L-DCD9DBD1)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.4xlarge
# instance (L-53138E1F)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.8xlarge
# instance (L-2D4C4A2D)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.large instance
# (L-B6744048)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_large_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.xlarge
# instance (L-A3C7A675)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.p3.16xlarge
# instance (L-C5A57F3A)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_p3_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.p3.2xlarge
# instance (L-ADBE66E5)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_p3_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.p3.8xlarge
# instance (L-73887D5F)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_p3_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.p3dn.24xlarge
# instance (L-94B31A5D)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_p3dn_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.p4d.24xlarge
# instance (L-DCCEDB7D)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_p4d_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.12xlarge
# instance (L-1C84ABBF)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.16xlarge
# instance (L-2B2789AA)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.24xlarge
# instance (L-D2CAE1E9)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.2xlarge
# instance (L-751BCA3E)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.4xlarge
# instance (L-005C1A21)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.8xlarge
# instance (L-F49350C0)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.large instance
# (L-FEEC5811)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_large_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.xlarge instance
# (L-C720D775)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.t3.2xlarge
# instance (L-4755F613)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_t3_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.t3.large instance
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_t3_large_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.t3.medium instance
# (L-7A45086A)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_t3_medium_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.t3.micro instance
# (L-E127AD95)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_t3_micro_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.t3.small instance
# (L-E833CC8B)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_t3_small_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.t3.xlarge instance
# (L-D7932DDD)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_t3_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RStudioServerPro Apps running on ml.c5.4xlarge
# instances (L-FEC35D99)
sagemaker_rstudioserverpro_apps_running_on_ml_c5_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RStudioServerPro Apps running on ml.c5.9xlarge
# instances (L-D9E59670)
sagemaker_rstudioserverpro_apps_running_on_ml_c5_9xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RStudioServerPro Apps running on system instances
# (L-B89C4B79)
sagemaker_rstudioserverpro_apps_running_on_system_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: SageMaker Profiler Apps running on system instances
# (L-73BEF3A2)
sagemaker_sagemaker_profiler_apps_running_on_system_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Size of EBS volume for a training job instance
# (L-C5A266EB)
sagemaker_size_of_ebs_volume_for_a_training_job_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.12xlarge
# instances (L-0A241A0D)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_c5_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.18xlarge
# instances (L-52109CA8)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_c5_18xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.24xlarge
# instances (L-04F55E28)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_c5_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.2xlarge
# instances (L-D8CDAD21)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_c5_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.4xlarge
# instances (L-34757F79)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_c5_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.9xlarge
# instances (L-1B353A48)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_c5_9xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.large
# instances (L-C623FF97)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_c5_large_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.xlarge
# instances (L-20DF4E8E)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_c5_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g4dn.12xlarge
# instances (L-9694914A)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g4dn.16xlarge
# instances (L-0FEC7BB1)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g4dn.2xlarge
# instances (L-EE75DBCF)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g4dn.4xlarge
# instances (L-A63CA0EB)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g4dn.8xlarge
# instances (L-FE7F1F85)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g4dn.xlarge
# instances (L-98BFB21C)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.12xlarge
# instances (L-55671A7C)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g5_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.16xlarge
# instances (L-E3646D22)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g5_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.24xlarge
# instances (L-DA7C9B9C)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g5_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.2xlarge
# instances (L-DF589F40)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g5_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.48xlarge
# instances (L-AA7135D4)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g5_48xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.4xlarge
# instances (L-F8AE8304)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g5_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.8xlarge
# instances (L-12798BAE)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g5_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.xlarge
# instances (L-8C616CCB)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g5_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.12xlarge
# instances (L-72C89816)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.16xlarge
# instances (L-9FB41A1C)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.24xlarge
# instances (L-26A7D02E)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.2xlarge
# instances (L-3D2A1F33)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.4xlarge
# instances (L-FDB47EBF)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.8xlarge
# instances (L-18C64902)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.large
# instances (L-A0B632ED)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5_large_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.xlarge
# instances (L-EEA21C8A)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.12xlarge
# instances (L-D1E4F16E)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.16xlarge
# instances (L-87958880)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.24xlarge
# instances (L-D7ED8DED)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.2xlarge
# instances (L-86177F8A)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.4xlarge
# instances (L-A4529C29)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.8xlarge
# instances (L-02134873)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.large
# instances (L-BA8ED5F7)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_large_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.xlarge
# instances (L-A31DE840)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.p3.16xlarge
# instances (L-09A41608)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_p3_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.p3.2xlarge
# instances (L-1356CD75)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_p3_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.p3.8xlarge
# instances (L-C4557679)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_p3_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.p3dn.24xlarge
# instances (L-6B83CDAF)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_p3dn_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.p4d.24xlarge
# instances (L-2557FB75)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_p4d_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.p4de.24xlarge
# instances (L-B9622553)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_p4de_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.12xlarge
# instances (L-90D2ED40)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_r5_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.16xlarge
# instances (L-17CC37BB)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_r5_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.24xlarge
# instances (L-90ED9514)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_r5_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.2xlarge
# instances (L-11D02DB4)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_r5_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.4xlarge
# instances (L-1EC048AB)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_r5_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.8xlarge
# instances (L-58132C71)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_r5_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.large
# instances (L-E8EAF30E)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_r5_large_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.xlarge
# instances (L-33471349)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_r5_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.t3.2xlarge
# instances (L-E5FD58AB)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_t3_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.t3.large
# instances (L-656A17FA)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_t3_large_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.t3.medium
# instances (L-FCEDEAC6)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_t3_medium_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.t3.xlarge
# instances (L-69AC3D57)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_t3_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio Jupyter Apps running on system instances
# (L-8276C21E)
sagemaker_studio_jupyter_apps_running_on_system_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.12xlarge
# instances (L-BF6C9DF0)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_c5_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.18xlarge
# instances (L-ABAC207F)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_c5_18xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.24xlarge
# instances (L-98B8C60B)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_c5_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.2xlarge
# instances (L-C1AE5754)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_c5_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.4xlarge
# instances (L-C0592240)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_c5_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.9xlarge
# instances (L-8DE26E59)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_c5_9xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.large
# instances (L-A6419EF6)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_c5_large_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.xlarge
# instances (L-BD09952F)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_c5_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g4dn.12xlarge
# instances (L-E3DFC4E9)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g4dn.16xlarge
# instances (L-5DB40C3B)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g4dn.2xlarge
# instances (L-138F29A9)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g4dn.4xlarge
# instances (L-0DB30DD8)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g4dn.8xlarge
# instances (L-F59A72DA)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g4dn.xlarge
# instances (L-39F81BFB)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.12xlarge
# instances (L-8D2ED7BF)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g5_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.16xlarge
# instances (L-1B49FD35)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g5_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.24xlarge
# instances (L-F087CCFC)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g5_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.2xlarge
# instances (L-F73C7DB9)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g5_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.48xlarge
# instances (L-83AB5D73)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g5_48xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.4xlarge
# instances (L-81940D85)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g5_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.8xlarge
# instances (L-19B6BAFC)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g5_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.xlarge
# instances (L-988CE6C5)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g5_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.12xlarge
# instances (L-0E2A8BBF)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.16xlarge
# instances (L-53505EA6)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.24xlarge
# instances (L-823F5794)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.2xlarge
# instances (L-7C9662F1)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.4xlarge
# instances (L-2CA31BFA)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.8xlarge
# instances (L-D6EBD1A9)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.large
# instances (L-3BDCD216)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5_large_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.xlarge
# instances (L-77B8159A)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.12xlarge
# instances (L-EE718475)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.16xlarge
# instances (L-04421A63)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.24xlarge
# instances (L-EC686150)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.2xlarge
# instances (L-88244E2D)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.4xlarge
# instances (L-30B99A16)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.8xlarge
# instances (L-3EF45BE2)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.large
# instances (L-588F9D8D)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_large_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.xlarge
# instances (L-9CE6464D)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.p3.16xlarge
# instances (L-D531C9E1)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_p3_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.p3.2xlarge
# instances (L-199FCA12)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_p3_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.p3.8xlarge
# instances (L-D7D29FB6)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_p3_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.p3dn.24xlarge
# instances (L-CC49F990)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_p3dn_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.p4d.24xlarge
# instances (L-AD63F1D2)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_p4d_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.p4de.24xlarge
# instances (L-F6003AEB)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_p4de_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.12xlarge
# instances (L-7ACB52C8)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_r5_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.16xlarge
# instances (L-15ECE899)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_r5_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.24xlarge
# instances (L-E157C95B)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_r5_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.2xlarge
# instances (L-EF33F9B9)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_r5_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.4xlarge
# instances (L-391B02C7)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_r5_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.8xlarge
# instances (L-FF40225D)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_r5_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.large
# instances (L-FC2BE3FC)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_r5_large_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.xlarge
# instances (L-8A9BC23B)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_r5_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.t3.2xlarge
# instances (L-B039EA8F)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_t3_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.t3.large
# instances (L-2733D4D5)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_t3_large_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.t3.medium
# instances (L-71FAF417)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_t3_medium_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.t3.xlarge
# instances (L-61F9C762)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_t3_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.12xlarge
# instance (L-C47C8B74)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.18xlarge
# instance (L-A4519BF1)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_18xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.24xlarge
# instance (L-CBCD290E)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.2xlarge
# instance (L-A56EEC3D)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.4xlarge
# instance (L-6C5791AF)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.9xlarge
# instance (L-9F2E8F67)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_9xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.large
# instance (L-1476E09A)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_large_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.xlarge
# instance (L-F2F8BB60)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.12xlarge
# instance (L-09D3DD58)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.16xlarge
# instance (L-D9B45548)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.2xlarge
# instance (L-E5775070)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.4xlarge
# instance (L-0E846ECD)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.8xlarge
# instance (L-D267F635)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.xlarge
# instance (L-F3C955A3)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.12xlarge
# instance (L-037F309A)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g5_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.16xlarge
# instance (L-E66E2C21)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g5_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.24xlarge
# instance (L-9D9F9978)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g5_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.2xlarge
# instance (L-4918D123)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g5_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.48xlarge
# instance (L-94E271A3)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g5_48xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.4xlarge
# instance (L-DCE2AE7E)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g5_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.8xlarge
# instance (L-76D497CD)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g5_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.xlarge
# instance (L-60470224)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g5_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.12xlarge
# instance (L-9772863B)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.16xlarge
# instance (L-7E95878B)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.24xlarge
# instance (L-1DA9A185)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.2xlarge
# instance (L-D4D7435A)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.4xlarge
# instance (L-0132CA88)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.8xlarge
# instance (L-19734703)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.large
# instance (L-22BC3627)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_large_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.xlarge
# instance (L-CD017EBE)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.12xlarge
# instance (L-BCDEC7B7)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.16xlarge
# instance (L-4F2BEC71)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.24xlarge
# instance (L-F43A1825)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.2xlarge
# instance (L-4A8D754D)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.4xlarge
# instance (L-9F3B1F91)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.8xlarge
# instance (L-019DC79D)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.large
# instance (L-32F895F6)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_large_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.xlarge
# instance (L-669A1EF3)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.p3.16xlarge
# instance (L-0DADC663)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_p3_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.p3.2xlarge
# instance (L-9D41067A)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_p3_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.p3.8xlarge
# instance (L-D12B1AA4)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_p3_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.p3dn.24xlarge
# instance (L-1CF85412)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_p3dn_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.p4d.24xlarge
# instances (L-9760E62B)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_p4d_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.p4de.24xlarge
# instances (L-9C7D809E)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_p4de_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.12xlarge
# instance (L-EF2BF7DC)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.16xlarge
# instance (L-2524EF35)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.24xlarge
# instance (L-7FFAF4CB)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.2xlarge
# instance (L-1747114E)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.4xlarge
# instance (L-D5D3B1E5)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.8xlarge
# instance (L-8536F2DB)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.large
# instance (L-59F3BE31)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_large_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.xlarge
# instance (L-CC73B658)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.t3.2xlarge
# instance (L-5AF0D27D)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_t3_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.t3.large
# instance (L-8BD17C20)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_t3_large_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.t3.medium
# instance (L-EAC6F82B)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_t3_medium_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.t3.xlarge
# instance (L-3A44AF4B)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_t3_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.trn1.2xlarge
# instances (L-97623E1D)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_trn1_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.trn1.32xlarge
# instances (L-433C561A)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_trn1_32xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on
# ml.trn1n.32xlarge instances (L-35BBB2E3)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_trn1n_32xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: TensorBoard Apps running on system instances
# (L-6F947DE5)
sagemaker_tensorboard_apps_running_on_system_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Total domains (L-B683BCB0)
sagemaker_total_domains = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Total EBS volume size in GB across all Studio Spaces
# (L-A37B67B0)
sagemaker_total_ebs_volume_size_in_gb_across_all_studio_spaces = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Total number of instances allowed across SageMaker
# HyperPod clusters (L-3308CCC7)
sagemaker_total_number_of_instances_allowed_across_sagemaker_hyperpod_clusters = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Total number of notebook instances (L-04CE2E67)
sagemaker_total_number_of_notebook_instances = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: CreateSchedule request rate (L-6F4B17DE)
scheduler_createschedule_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: CreateScheduleGroup request rate (L-21ED5C4A)
scheduler_createschedulegroup_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: DeleteSchedule request rate (L-53944E21)
scheduler_deleteschedule_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: DeleteScheduleGroup request rate (L-4F80D7BE)
scheduler_deleteschedulegroup_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: GetSchedule request rate (L-FB03E819)
scheduler_getschedule_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: GetScheduleGroup request rate (L-754C8BBA)
scheduler_getschedulegroup_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: Invocations throttle limit in transactions per second
# (L-F6D2596E)
scheduler_invocations_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: ListScheduleGroups request rate (L-03C881B9)
scheduler_listschedulegroups_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: ListSchedules request rate (L-66629D52)
scheduler_listschedules_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: ListTagsForResource request rate (L-1DC60392)
scheduler_listtagsforresource_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: Number of schedule groups (L-A632CD40)
scheduler_number_of_schedule_groups = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: Number of schedules (L-EE5D6FF0)
scheduler_number_of_schedules = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: TagResource request rate (L-E7A3E659)
scheduler_tagresource_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: UntagResource request rate (L-44A0C1A0)
scheduler_untagresource_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: UpdateSchedule request rate (L-B7845AAE)
scheduler_updateschedule_request_rate = null
# Quota for [schemas]: DiscoveredSchemas (L-1738102F)
schemas_discoveredschemas = null
# Quota for [schemas]: Discoverers (L-037FC7C4)
schemas_discoverers = null
# Quota for [schemas]: Registries (L-85663EFB)
schemas_registries = null
# Quota for [schemas]: Schemas (L-EE9E5FA9)
schemas_schemas = null
# Quota for [schemas]: SchemaVersions (L-3C443A2A)
schemas_schemaversions = null
# Quota for [scn]: Active and pending invitations (L-1DE0B7F6)
scn_active_and_pending_invitations = null
# Quota for [scn]: Data requests (L-D6076B6C)
scn_data_requests = null
# Quota for [scn]: Insights watchlists per instance (L-24B8CC9C)
scn_insights_watchlists_per_instance = null
# Quota for [scn]: Insights watchlists per user (L-D7FA6849)
scn_insights_watchlists_per_user = null
# Quota for [sdb]: Attribute count per domain (L-E1EE132B)
sdb_attribute_count_per_domain = null
# Quota for [sdb]: Total Domains (L-7C4A3D89)
sdb_total_domains = null
# Quota for [serverlessrepo]: Public applications (L-38772E7B)
serverlessrepo_public_applications = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Applications per attribute group (L-223F4C54)
servicecatalog_applications_per_attribute_group = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Applications per region (L-7C3CEC2B)
servicecatalog_applications_per_region = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Attribute groups per application (L-C533FF9A)
servicecatalog_attribute_groups_per_application = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Attribute groups per region (L-1639038A)
servicecatalog_attribute_groups_per_region = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Portfolios per region (L-C6458716)
servicecatalog_portfolios_per_region = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Product versions per product (L-A5846085)
servicecatalog_product_versions_per_product = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Products per portfolio (L-AB79E48B)
servicecatalog_products_per_portfolio = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Products per region (L-764CF6A1)
servicecatalog_products_per_region = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Resources per application (L-360CDF2E)
servicecatalog_resources_per_application = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Users, groups, and roles per portfolio
# (L-E8959660)
servicecatalog_users_groups_and_roles_per_portfolio = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Users, groups, and roles per product
# (L-3BC91705)
servicecatalog_users_groups_and_roles_per_product = null
# Quota for [ses]: Sending quota (L-804C8AE8)
ses_sending_quota = null
# Quota for [ses]: Sending rate (L-CDEF9B6B)
ses_sending_rate = null
# Quota for [shield]: Amazon Route 53 hosted zone protections (L-DC974CBB)
shield_amazon_route_53_hosted_zone_protections = null
# Quota for [shield]: AWS Global Accelerator accelerator protections
# (L-E3D64430)
shield_aws_global_accelerator_accelerator_protections = null
# Quota for [shield]: CloudFront distribution protections (L-DA881E16)
shield_cloudfront_distribution_protections = null
# Quota for [shield]: Elastic IP address protections (L-0BACF966)
shield_elastic_ip_address_protections = null
# Quota for [shield]: Elastic Load Balancing load balancer protections
# (L-BBD47253)
shield_elastic_load_balancing_load_balancer_protections = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of AddProfilePermission requests (L-9A9396FB)
signer_rate_of_addprofilepermission_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of CancelSigningProfile requests (L-4E20C20E)
signer_rate_of_cancelsigningprofile_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of DescribeSigningJob requests (L-F86FBF89)
signer_rate_of_describesigningjob_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of GetRevocationStatus requests (L-7068EEE0)
signer_rate_of_getrevocationstatus_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of GetSigningPlatform requests (L-E9957E95)
signer_rate_of_getsigningplatform_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of GetSigningProfile requests (L-C2AF6AB8)
signer_rate_of_getsigningprofile_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of ListProfilePermissions requests (L-34D2D11C)
signer_rate_of_listprofilepermissions_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of ListSigningJobs requests (L-5DB503D1)
signer_rate_of_listsigningjobs_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of ListSigningPlatforms requests (L-E1BE245B)
signer_rate_of_listsigningplatforms_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of ListSigningProfiles requests (L-A99B6F73)
signer_rate_of_listsigningprofiles_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of ListTagsForResource requests (L-4F2A443B)
signer_rate_of_listtagsforresource_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of PutSigningProfile requests (L-FE97337F)
signer_rate_of_putsigningprofile_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of RemoveProfilePermission requests (L-FEE4A855)
signer_rate_of_removeprofilepermission_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of RevokeSignature requests (L-107F88F0)
signer_rate_of_revokesignature_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of RevokeSigningProfile requests (L-EBC45F16)
signer_rate_of_revokesigningprofile_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of SignPayload requests (L-C934DC82)
signer_rate_of_signpayload_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of StartSigningJob requests (L-6291E160)
signer_rate_of_startsigningjob_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of TagResource requests (L-7E38DDAF)
signer_rate_of_tagresource_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of UntagResource requests (L-47E1077B)
signer_rate_of_untagresource_requests = null
# Quota for [simspaceweaver]: Simulation count (L-7688C21B)
simspaceweaver_simulation_count = null
# Quota for [simspaceweaver]: Workers for a simulation (L-A8C6832C)
simspaceweaver_workers_for_a_simulation = null
# Quota for [sms]: Concurrent VM migrations (L-AFABDADD)
sms_concurrent_vm_migrations = null
# Quota for [sms]: Duration of service usage per VM in days (L-3290AB9E)
sms_duration_of_service_usage_per_vm_in_days = null
# Quota for [snowball]: Snowball Edge devices (L-B6883B9F)
snowball_snowball_edge_devices = null
# Quota for [snowball]: Snowcone devices (L-9F53AA61)
snowball_snowcone_devices = null
# Quota for [sns]: ConfirmSubscription Transactions per Second (L-FF07E5EA)
sns_confirmsubscription_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: CreatePlatformApplication Transactions per Second
# (L-4738DDCE)
sns_createplatformapplication_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: CreatePlatformEndpoint Transactions per Second (L-E1E48E53)
sns_createplatformendpoint_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: CreateTopic Transactions per Second (L-AB928142)
sns_createtopic_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: DeleteEndpoint Transactions per Second (L-2FE42A3E)
sns_deleteendpoint_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: DeletePlatformApplication Transactions per Second
# (L-9D5EC8F7)
sns_deleteplatformapplication_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: DeleteTopic Transactions per Second (L-B98ECD3E)
sns_deletetopic_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: Filter Policies per Account (L-4126E74A)
sns_filter_policies_per_account = null
# Quota for [sns]: Filter Policies per Topic (L-B96EDA7D)
sns_filter_policies_per_topic = null
# Quota for [sns]: GetEndpointAttributes Transactions per Second (L-038DA0E0)
sns_getendpointattributes_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: GetPlatformApplicationAttributes Transactions per Second
# (L-F35E8445)
sns_getplatformapplicationattributes_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: GetSubscriptionAttributes Transactions per Second
# (L-876E1222)
sns_getsubscriptionattributes_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: GetTopicAttributes Transactions per Second (L-820458B0)
sns_gettopicattributes_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: Messages Published per Second (L-F8E2BA85)
sns_messages_published_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: Pending Subscriptions per Account (L-1A43D3DB)
sns_pending_subscriptions_per_account = null
# Quota for [sns]: SetEndpointAttributes Transactions per Second (L-4EE37BC0)
sns_setendpointattributes_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: SetPlatformApplicationAttributes Transactions per Second
# (L-A228E0EB)
sns_setplatformapplicationattributes_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: SetSubscriptionAttributes Transactions per Second
# (L-B6107771)
sns_setsubscriptionattributes_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: SetTopicAttributes Transactions per Second (L-F514C636)
sns_settopicattributes_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: SMS Message Spending in USD (L-BCD4AAF3)
sns_sms_message_spending_in_usd = null
# Quota for [sns]: Topics per Account (L-61103206)
sns_topics_per_account = null
# Quota for [sqs]: Batched Message Throughput for FIFO Queues (L-9C1AB20F)
sqs_batched_message_throughput_for_fifo_queues = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Additional Automation executions that can be queued
# (L-67DAE0B3)
ssm_additional_automation_executions_that_can_be_queued = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Additional rate control automation executions that can be
# queued (L-CE4D78FF)
ssm_additional_rate_control_automation_executions_that_can_be_queued = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Concurrent State Manager associations per region
# (L-01B74EDA)
ssm_concurrent_state_manager_associations_per_region = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Concurrently executing Automations (L-09101E66)
ssm_concurrently_executing_automations = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Concurrently executing rate control automation (L-44746CFE)
ssm_concurrently_executing_rate_control_automation = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Concurrently running automations with blocking actions
# (L-9252FCD2)
ssm_concurrently_running_automations_with_blocking_actions = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: AcceptPage API throttle quota (L-D35B01ED)
ssm_contacts_acceptpage_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: All other operations API throttle quota
# (L-53EDA07E)
ssm_contacts_all_other_operations_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: Contact channels per stage (L-F338226A)
ssm_contacts_contact_channels_per_stage = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: Contacts per account (L-7DD2017D)
ssm_contacts_contacts_per_account = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: DescribeEngagement API throttle quota (L-0C2999E2)
ssm_contacts_describeengagement_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: DescribePage API throttle quota (L-977ABCD7)
ssm_contacts_describepage_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: GetContact API throttle quota (L-E86843F5)
ssm_contacts_getcontact_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: ListEngagements API throttle quota (L-8F6873DD)
ssm_contacts_listengagements_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: ListPageReceipts API throttle quota (L-E25E885A)
ssm_contacts_listpagereceipts_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: ListPagesByContact API throttle quota (L-05EEDCEB)
ssm_contacts_listpagesbycontact_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: ListPagesByEngagement API throttle quota
# (L-70D46058)
ssm_contacts_listpagesbyengagement_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: Non-mutating rotation-related API throttle quota
# (L-0ECD1CFA)
ssm_contacts_non_mutating_rotation_related_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: Non-mutating SSMContacts-related API throttle
# quota (L-DBEB7593)
ssm_contacts_non_mutating_ssmcontacts_related_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: Rotations per account (L-4EA3AB3A)
ssm_contacts_rotations_per_account = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: Stages per plan (L-5AE11799)
ssm_contacts_stages_per_plan = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: StartEngagement API throttle quota (L-254D300C)
ssm_contacts_startengagement_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: StopEngagement API throttle quota (L-F890E288)
ssm_contacts_stopengagement_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Custom inventory types (L-7FC1ECAB)
ssm_custom_inventory_types = null
# Quota for [ssm-guiconnect]: Concurrent Remote Desktop connections
# (L-64419857)
ssm_guiconnect_concurrent_remote_desktop_connections = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: All other operations requests per second
# (L-A175684D)
ssm_incidents_all_other_operations_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: CreateReplicationSet requests per second
# (L-A23D539A)
ssm_incidents_createreplicationset_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: CreateResponsePlan requests per second
# (L-8635B488)
ssm_incidents_createresponseplan_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: CreateTimelineEvent requests per second
# (L-BD3B3682)
ssm_incidents_createtimelineevent_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: DeleteIncidentRecord requests per second
# (L-AB732CD0)
ssm_incidents_deleteincidentrecord_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: DeleteReplicationSet requests per second
# (L-F7EACE1C)
ssm_incidents_deletereplicationset_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: DeleteResourcePolicy requests per second
# (L-E7843AED)
ssm_incidents_deleteresourcepolicy_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: DeleteResponsePlan requests per second
ssm_incidents_deleteresponseplan_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: DeleteTimelineEvent requests per second
# (L-81058D72)
ssm_incidents_deletetimelineevent_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: GetTimelineEvent requests per second (L-CA5201AF)
ssm_incidents_gettimelineevent_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: Incidents per response plan per month
# (L-65614EA3)
ssm_incidents_incidents_per_response_plan_per_month = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: ListTimelineEvent requests per second
# (L-51B6B2CA)
ssm_incidents_listtimelineevent_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: PutResourcePolicy requests per second
# (L-8BD82D65)
ssm_incidents_putresourcepolicy_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: Related items per incident (L-A2627BB9)
ssm_incidents_related_items_per_incident = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: StartIncident requests per second (L-5964C1A6)
ssm_incidents_startincident_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: TagResource requests per second (L-32C59404)
ssm_incidents_tagresource_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: Timeline events per incident (L-86E2D041)
ssm_incidents_timeline_events_per_incident = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: UntagResource requests per second (L-B94A3EEA)
ssm_incidents_untagresource_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: UpdateDeleteProtection requests per second
# (L-D9F668D1)
ssm_incidents_updatedeleteprotection_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: UpdateIncidentRecord requests per second
# (L-A7E87765)
ssm_incidents_updateincidentrecord_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: UpdateRelatedItems requests per second
# (L-02FD30E2)
ssm_incidents_updaterelateditems_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: UpdateReplicationSet requests per second
# (L-D6FEF05F)
ssm_incidents_updatereplicationset_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: UpdateResponsePlan requests per second
# (L-A320D7D7)
ssm_incidents_updateresponseplan_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: UpdateTimelineEvent requests per second
# (L-0476E0C6)
ssm_incidents_updatetimelineevent_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Inventory data size per request (L-C666B4B8)
ssm_inventory_data_size_per_request = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Inventory item data size per day (L-2E373755)
ssm_inventory_item_data_size_per_day = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Maintenance Window concurrent executions (L-26BF3FE6)
ssm_maintenance_window_concurrent_executions = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Maintenance Windows (L-7727CE5B)
ssm_maintenance_windows = null
# Quota for [ssm]: OpsItems per month (L-66C13439)
ssm_opsitems_per_month = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Patch baselines (L-218CDBD4)
ssm_patch_baselines = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Patch groups per patch baseline (L-F4012070)
ssm_patch_groups_per_patch_baseline = null
# Quota for [ssm-sap]: Components per SAP application (L-458E2EE3)
ssm_sap_components_per_sap_application = null
# Quota for [ssm-sap]: Databases per component (L-5B34AA09)
ssm_sap_databases_per_component = null
# Quota for [ssm-sap]: SAP applications per Region in account (L-C8103580)
ssm_sap_sap_applications_per_region_in_account = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Targets per Maintenance Window (L-B1A84B8B)
ssm_targets_per_maintenance_window = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Tasks per Maintenance Window (L-3D9CCA6E)
ssm_tasks_per_maintenance_window = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Total OpsItems (L-2D95D5B2)
ssm_total_opsitems = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# StartAutomationExecution API (L-99469188)
ssm_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_startautomationexecution_api = null
# Quota for [sso]: Number of permission sets allowed in IAM Identity Center
# (L-B44C7A29)
sso_number_of_permission_sets_allowed_in_iam_identity_center = null
# Quota for [sso]: Number of permission sets allowed per AWS account
# (L-89954265)
sso_number_of_permission_sets_allowed_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [sso]: Number of users supported in IAM Identity Center
# (L-3C8D41A0)
sso_number_of_users_supported_in_iam_identity_center = null
# Quota for [sso]: Total number of AWS accounts or applications that can be
# configured (L-0299121C)
sso_total_number_of_aws_accounts_or_applications_that_can_be_configured = null
# Quota for [states]: CreateActivity throttle token bucket size (L-D282C59F)
states_createactivity_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: CreateActivity throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-5D565FF6)
states_createactivity_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: CreateStateMachine throttle token bucket size
# (L-11731986)
states_createstatemachine_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: CreateStateMachine throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-E6D39AA7)
states_createstatemachine_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: DeleteActivity throttle token bucket size (L-809F4173)
states_deleteactivity_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: DeleteActivity throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-623044A2)
states_deleteactivity_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: DeleteStateMachine throttle token bucket size
# (L-FA23558C)
states_deletestatemachine_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: DeleteStateMachine throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-0169882E)
states_deletestatemachine_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: DescribeActivity throttle token bucket size (L-B581C5F3)
states_describeactivity_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: DescribeActivity throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-20F3BB5B)
states_describeactivity_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: DescribeExecution throttle token bucket size
# (L-A0B4DA4A)
states_describeexecution_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: DescribeExecution throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-4A5FADE3)
states_describeexecution_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: DescribeStateMachine throttle token bucket size
# (L-233C6A78)
states_describestatemachine_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: DescribeStateMachine throttle token refill rate per
# second (L-718BBE49)
states_describestatemachine_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: DescribeStateMachineForExecution throttle token bucket
# size (L-A3847D50)
states_describestatemachineforexecution_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: DescribeStateMachineForExecution throttle token refill
# rate per second (L-0DC55683)
states_describestatemachineforexecution_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: Execution history retention time (L-5AD63623)
states_execution_history_retention_time = null
# Quota for [states]: GetActivityTask throttle token bucket size (L-631A2A16)
states_getactivitytask_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: GetActivityTask throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-7DC9CADD)
states_getactivitytask_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: GetExecutionHistory throttle token bucket size
# (L-F9699A68)
states_getexecutionhistory_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: GetExecutionHistory throttle token refill rate per
# second (L-144D81B0)
states_getexecutionhistory_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: ListActivities throttle token bucket size (L-0EE9C880)
states_listactivities_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: ListActivities throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-818B33FC)
states_listactivities_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: ListExecutions throttle token bucket size (L-7A4BEE15)
states_listexecutions_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: ListExecutions throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-1342F2DA)
states_listexecutions_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: ListStateMachines throttle token bucket size
# (L-29AE5D31)
states_liststatemachines_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: ListStateMachines throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-9E82C0BD)
states_liststatemachines_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: ListTagsForResource throttle token bucket size
# (L-6F348EF6)
states_listtagsforresource_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: ListTagsForResource throttle token refill rate per
# second (L-81549E4C)
states_listtagsforresource_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: Open executions (L-B8A5B662)
states_open_executions = null
# Quota for [states]: Registered activities (L-A9562A73)
states_registered_activities = null
# Quota for [states]: Registered state machines (L-B66B0F91)
states_registered_state_machines = null
# Quota for [states]: SendTaskFailure throttle token bucket size (L-CDF2E38B)
states_sendtaskfailure_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: SendTaskFailure throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-91DFCA1B)
states_sendtaskfailure_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: SendTaskHeartbeat throttle token bucket size
# (L-2786AC1A)
states_sendtaskheartbeat_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: SendTaskHeartbeat throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-2225B7C3)
states_sendtaskheartbeat_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: SendTaskSuccess throttle token bucket size (L-630CF084)
states_sendtasksuccess_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: SendTaskSuccess throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-EACE83FA)
states_sendtasksuccess_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: StartExecution throttle token bucket size (L-CE9F8059)
states_startexecution_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: StartExecution throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-1B55A735)
states_startexecution_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: StartExpressExecution throttle token bucket size
# (L-CFF7B006)
states_startexpressexecution_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: StartExpressExecution throttle token refill rate per
# second (L-7B8A8E4B)
states_startexpressexecution_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: StateTransition throttle token bucket size (L-137B3F65)
states_statetransition_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: StateTransition throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-AD9B4E93)
states_statetransition_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: StopExecution throttle token bucket size (L-31300AD4)
states_stopexecution_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: StopExecution throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-898DDD72)
states_stopexecution_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: Synchronous Express Workflows concurrent executions
# (L-6C9C5312)
states_synchronous_express_workflows_concurrent_executions = null
# Quota for [states]: TagResource throttle token bucket size (L-F965A8DF)
states_tagresource_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: TagResource throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-C314E25C)
states_tagresource_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: UntagResource throttle token bucket size (L-2C798E2E)
states_untagresource_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: UntagResource throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-191B5A6B)
states_untagresource_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: UpdateStateMachine throttle token bucket size
# (L-25C72657)
states_updatestatemachine_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: UpdateStateMachine throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-7B25D42D)
states_updatestatemachine_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: CountClosedWorkflowExecutions throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-6B93B990)
swf_countclosedworkflowexecutions_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: CountClosedWorkflowExecutions throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-11BEBC6E)
swf_countclosedworkflowexecutions_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: CountOpenWorkflowExecutions throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-10FD2791)
swf_countopenworkflowexecutions_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: CountOpenWorkflowExecutions throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-613386B0)
swf_countopenworkflowexecutions_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: CountPendingActivityTasks throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-78ABDAF0)
swf_countpendingactivitytasks_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: CountPendingActivityTasks throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-B80CE8BF)
swf_countpendingactivitytasks_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: CountPendingDecisionTasks throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-C5FCA8F5)
swf_countpendingdecisiontasks_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: CountPendingDecisionTasks throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-7379A78A)
swf_countpendingdecisiontasks_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DeprecateActivityType throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-E75077A8)
swf_deprecateactivitytype_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DeprecateActivityType throttle refill limit in transactions
# per second (L-D4B08332)
swf_deprecateactivitytype_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DeprecateDomain throttle burst limit in transactions per
# second (L-22059A3A)
swf_deprecatedomain_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DeprecateDomain throttle refill limit in transactions per
# second (L-91FA29FA)
swf_deprecatedomain_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DeprecateWorkflowType throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-52452CEB)
swf_deprecateworkflowtype_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DeprecateWorkflowType throttle refill limit in transactions
# per second (L-7CE7ADCD)
swf_deprecateworkflowtype_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DescribeActivityType throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-DE1A2EBB)
swf_describeactivitytype_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DescribeActivityType throttle refill limit in transactions
# per second (L-C6E6D788)
swf_describeactivitytype_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DescribeDomain throttle burst limit in transactions per
# second (L-07B00041)
swf_describedomain_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DescribeDomain throttle refill limit in transactions per
# second (L-E2260636)
swf_describedomain_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DescribeWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-B6B07F5F)
swf_describeworkflowexecution_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DescribeWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-1EB8BFAC)
swf_describeworkflowexecution_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DescribeWorkflowType throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-67FCAFB0)
swf_describeworkflowtype_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DescribeWorkflowType throttle refill limit in transactions
# per second (L-D699363F)
swf_describeworkflowtype_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: GetWorkflowExecutionHistory throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-58183C51)
swf_getworkflowexecutionhistory_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: GetWorkflowExecutionHistory throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-B61DF1D5)
swf_getworkflowexecutionhistory_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListActivityTypes throttle burst limit in transactions per
# second (L-708CA9CD)
swf_listactivitytypes_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListActivityTypes throttle refill limit in transactions per
# second (L-8746B166)
swf_listactivitytypes_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListClosedWorkflowExecutions throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-82178AAF)
swf_listclosedworkflowexecutions_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListClosedWorkflowExecutions throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-1B6B2394)
swf_listclosedworkflowexecutions_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListDomains throttle burst limit in transactions per second
# (L-FFE46A4B)
swf_listdomains_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListDomains throttle refill limit in transactions per
# second (L-6E67C23B)
swf_listdomains_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListOpenWorkflowExecutions throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-7B042585)
swf_listopenworkflowexecutions_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListOpenWorkflowExecutions throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-54F7FCCE)
swf_listopenworkflowexecutions_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListTagsForResource throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-541D480C)
swf_listtagsforresource_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListTagsForResource throttle refill limit in transactions
# per second (L-664871FC)
swf_listtagsforresource_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListWorkflowTypes throttle burst limit in transactions per
# second (L-FBF3CE2F)
swf_listworkflowtypes_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListWorkflowTypes throttle refill limit in transactions per
# second (L-C0C38A8F)
swf_listworkflowtypes_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: Open workflow executions per domain (L-6FACB0D5)
swf_open_workflow_executions_per_domain = null
# Quota for [swf]: PollForActivityTask throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-F5350037)
swf_pollforactivitytask_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: PollForActivityTask throttle refill limit in transactions
# per second (L-EABBD6AB)
swf_pollforactivitytask_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: PollForDecisionTask throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-23ED90FD)
swf_pollfordecisiontask_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: PollForDecisionTask throttle refill limit in transactions
# per second (L-DFCD38D8)
swf_pollfordecisiontask_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RecordActivityTaskHeartbeat throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-CBE45CF4)
swf_recordactivitytaskheartbeat_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RecordActivityTaskHeartbeat throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-D441B742)
swf_recordactivitytaskheartbeat_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RegisterActivityType throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-85FB1745)
swf_registeractivitytype_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RegisterActivityType throttle refill limit in transactions
# per second (L-C943B086)
swf_registeractivitytype_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RegisterDomain throttle burst limit in transactions per
# second (L-9F857AB4)
swf_registerdomain_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RegisterDomain throttle refill limit in transactions per
# second (L-72A8322C)
swf_registerdomain_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: Registered domains (L-464CCB53)
swf_registered_domains = null
# Quota for [swf]: RegisterWorkflowType throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-11796F0D)
swf_registerworkflowtype_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RegisterWorkflowType throttle refill limit in transactions
# per second (L-E73B63BD)
swf_registerworkflowtype_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit
# in transactions per second (L-BC8E42D6)
swf_requestcancelexternalworkflowexecution_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecution throttle refill
# limit in transactions per second (L-967C6C00)
swf_requestcancelexternalworkflowexecution_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RequestCancelWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-3E87B554)
swf_requestcancelworkflowexecution_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RequestCancelWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-889726A2)
swf_requestcancelworkflowexecution_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RespondActivityTaskCanceled throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-158C01C8)
swf_respondactivitytaskcanceled_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RespondActivityTaskCanceled throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-E3E6B073)
swf_respondactivitytaskcanceled_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RespondActivityTaskCompleted throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-B1B7886E)
swf_respondactivitytaskcompleted_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RespondActivityTaskCompleted throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-C96251D8)
swf_respondactivitytaskcompleted_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RespondActivityTaskFailed throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-6ACC4529)
swf_respondactivitytaskfailed_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RespondActivityTaskFailed throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-9EB7B9D6)
swf_respondactivitytaskfailed_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RespondDecisionTaskCompleted throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-1188DD51)
swf_responddecisiontaskcompleted_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RespondDecisionTaskCompleted throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-10B07C15)
swf_responddecisiontaskcompleted_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ScheduleActivityTask throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-9889E41A)
swf_scheduleactivitytask_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ScheduleActivityTask throttle refill limit in transactions
# per second (L-90F927AE)
swf_scheduleactivitytask_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: SignalExternalWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-E74A6FC5)
swf_signalexternalworkflowexecution_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: SignalExternalWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-90E73253)
swf_signalexternalworkflowexecution_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: SignalWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-125E0653)
swf_signalworkflowexecution_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: SignalWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-F649FC18)
swf_signalworkflowexecution_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: StartChildWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-BEE48758)
swf_startchildworkflowexecution_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: StartChildWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-BE04F134)
swf_startchildworkflowexecution_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: StartTimer throttle burst limit in transactions per second
# (L-418A961F)
swf_starttimer_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: StartTimer throttle refill limit in transactions per second
# (L-A94186CB)
swf_starttimer_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: StartWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-0F51A38F)
swf_startworkflowexecution_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: StartWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-C2741471)
swf_startworkflowexecution_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: TagResource throttle burst limit in transactions per second
# (L-740FECBB)
swf_tagresource_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: TagResource throttle refill limit in transactions per
# second (L-CEE29E14)
swf_tagresource_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: TerminateWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-420027E2)
swf_terminateworkflowexecution_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: TerminateWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-28C5E3D9)
swf_terminateworkflowexecution_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: UndeprecateActivityType throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-542E1377)
swf_undeprecateactivitytype_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: UndeprecateActivityType throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-522BE746)
swf_undeprecateactivitytype_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: UndeprecateDomain throttle burst limit in transactions per
# second (L-B59DD71F)
swf_undeprecatedomain_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: UndeprecateDomain throttle refill limit in transactions per
# second (L-45E4DED8)
swf_undeprecatedomain_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: UndeprecateWorkflowType throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-3E1AC395)
swf_undeprecateworkflowtype_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: UndeprecateWorkflowType throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-23555C14)
swf_undeprecateworkflowtype_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: UntagResource throttle burst limit in transactions per
# second (L-778DA924)
swf_untagresource_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: UntagResource throttle refill limit in transactions per
# second (L-C0F4576E)
swf_untagresource_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: Workflow and activity types per domain (L-52C0BE72)
swf_workflow_and_activity_types_per_domain = null
# Quota for [swf]: Workflow execution idle time (L-1026A51B)
swf_workflow_execution_idle_time = null
# Quota for [swf]: Workflow retention time (L-DC76BFDB)
swf_workflow_retention_time = null
# Quota for [textract]: AnalyzeDocument throttle limit in transactions per
# second (L-B83AD6FF)
textract_analyzedocument_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: AnalyzeExpense throttle limit in transactions per
# second (L-80A81B07)
textract_analyzeexpense_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: AnalyzeID throttle limit in transactions per second
# (L-7C2E8C8C)
textract_analyzeid_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: Async DocumentAnalysis throttle limit for max number
# of concurrent jobs (L-5CF3B0DF)
textract_async_documentanalysis_throttle_limit_for_max_number_of_concurrent_jobs = null
# Quota for [textract]: Async DocumentTextDetection throttle limit for max
# number of concurrent jobs (L-5B33D1C3)
textract_async_documenttextdetection_throttle_limit_for_max_number_of_concurrent_jobs = null
# Quota for [textract]: Async ExpenseAnalysis throttle limit for max number of
# concurrent jobs (L-25F2C897)
textract_async_expenseanalysis_throttle_limit_for_max_number_of_concurrent_jobs = null
# Quota for [textract]: Async LendingAnalysis throttle limit for max number of
# concurrent jobs (L-CFEC0789)
textract_async_lendinganalysis_throttle_limit_for_max_number_of_concurrent_jobs = null
# Quota for [textract]: CreateAdapter throttle limit for max number of
# adapters per account (L-C9EC1D79)
textract_createadapter_throttle_limit_for_max_number_of_adapters_per_account = null
# Quota for [textract]: CreateAdapterVersion throttle limit for max number of
# in-progress adapter versions per account (L-E6985921)
textract_createadapterversion_throttle_limit_for_max_number_of_in_progress_adapter_versions_per_account = null
# Quota for [textract]: CreateAdapterVersion throttle limit for max number of
# new successful adapter versions per month (L-90151521)
textract_createadapterversion_throttle_limit_for_max_number_of_new_successful_adapter_versions_per_month = null
# Quota for [textract]: DetectDocumentText throttle limit in transactions per
# second (L-75788A8B)
textract_detectdocumenttext_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: GetDocumentAnalysis throttle limit in transactions per
# second (L-9ACAE5E4)
textract_getdocumentanalysis_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: GetDocumentTextDetection throttle limit in
# transactions per second (L-94C8FE3F)
textract_getdocumenttextdetection_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: GetExpenseAnalysis throttle limit in transactions per
# second (L-FA2C35B5)
textract_getexpenseanalysis_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: GetLendingAnalysis throttle limit in transactions per
# second (L-78993479)
textract_getlendinganalysis_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: GetLendingAnalysisSummary throttle limit in
# transactions per second (L-4CDADAE4)
textract_getlendinganalysissummary_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: StartDocumentAnalysis throttle limit in transactions
# per second (L-5E3A5D59)
textract_startdocumentanalysis_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: StartDocumentTextDetection throttle limit in
# transactions per second (L-AE9E2453)
textract_startdocumenttextdetection_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: StartExpenseAnalysis throttle limit in transactions
# per second (L-E31D91C2)
textract_startexpenseanalysis_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: StartLendingAnalysis throttle limit in transactions
# per second (L-FF9CE2BA)
textract_startlendinganalysis_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [tnb]: Concurrent ongoing network service operations (L-81A3E723)
tnb_concurrent_ongoing_network_service_operations = null
# Quota for [tnb]: Function packages (L-08069DBD)
tnb_function_packages = null
# Quota for [tnb]: Network packages (L-3328748B)
tnb_network_packages = null
# Quota for [tnb]: Network service instances (L-C92FB107)
tnb_network_service_instances = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Job queue bandwidth ratio (L-949A4206)
transcribe_job_queue_bandwidth_ratio = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Maximum number of categories for Call Analytics
# batch jobs (L-E3EBEDF2)
transcribe_maximum_number_of_categories_for_call_analytics_batch_jobs = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Maximum number of categories for Call Analytics
# batch jobs_L-E9626652 (L-E9626652)
transcribe_maximum_number_of_categories_for_call_analytics_batch_jobs_l_e9626652 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Maximum number of rules per category for Call
# Analytics batch jobs (L-C3ED0F9A)
transcribe_maximum_number_of_rules_per_category_for_call_analytics_batch_jobs = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Maximum number of rules per category for Call
# Analytics batch jobs_L-2E269322 (L-2E269322)
transcribe_maximum_number_of_rules_per_category_for_call_analytics_batch_jobs_l_2e269322 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Maximum number of targets allowed per category for
# Call Analytics batch jobs (L-3445E3CD)
transcribe_maximum_number_of_targets_allowed_per_category_for_call_analytics_batch_jobs = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Maximum number of targets allowed per category for
# Call Analytics batch jobs_L-3533BA28 (L-3533BA28)
transcribe_maximum_number_of_targets_allowed_per_category_for_call_analytics_batch_jobs_l_3533ba28 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of channels for channel identification
# (L-67DA1F8F)
transcribe_number_of_channels_for_channel_identification = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrent batch transcription jobs
# (L-6F7AB1C9)
transcribe_number_of_concurrent_batch_transcription_jobs = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrent Call Analytics batch jobs
# (L-0976024B)
transcribe_number_of_concurrent_call_analytics_batch_jobs = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrent Call Analytics batch
# jobs_L-48FC5F8A (L-48FC5F8A)
transcribe_number_of_concurrent_call_analytics_batch_jobs_l_48fc5f8a = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrent HTTP/2 streams for streaming
# transcription. (L-CDB96031)
transcribe_number_of_concurrent_http_2_streams_for_streaming_transcription_ = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrent medical batch transcription
# jobs (L-0183037A)
transcribe_number_of_concurrent_medical_batch_transcription_jobs = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrent medical batch transcription
# jobs_L-63F366BB (L-63F366BB)
transcribe_number_of_concurrent_medical_batch_transcription_jobs_l_63f366bb = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrent 'MedicalScribe' batch jobs
# (L-C8D4E7C4)
transcribe_number_of_concurrent_medicalscribe_batch_jobs = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrently training custom language
# models (L-E0D2ADDE)
transcribe_number_of_concurrently_training_custom_language_models = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of pending medical vocabularies (L-340B75E2)
transcribe_number_of_pending_medical_vocabularies = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of pending medical vocabularies_L-836A857F
# (L-836A857F)
transcribe_number_of_pending_medical_vocabularies_l_836a857f = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of pending vocabularies (L-A51A98B4)
transcribe_number_of_pending_vocabularies = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of StartMedicalStreamTranscription Websocket
# requests (L-0C60E99C)
transcribe_number_of_startmedicalstreamtranscription_websocket_requests = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of StartMedicalStreamTranscription Websocket
# requests_L-0FB6DE48 (L-0FB6DE48)
transcribe_number_of_startmedicalstreamtranscription_websocket_requests_l_0fb6de48 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of StartStreamTranscription Websocket
# requests (L-A9710EC8)
transcribe_number_of_startstreamtranscription_websocket_requests = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: The number of concurrent
# 'StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscription' HTTP/2 streaming requests.
# (L-72BA37C9)
transcribe_the_number_of_concurrent_startcallanalyticsstreamtranscription_http_2_streaming_requests_ = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: The number of concurrent
# 'StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscription' HTTP/2 streaming
# requests._L-128229BB (L-128229BB)
transcribe_the_number_of_concurrent_startcallanalyticsstreamtranscription_http_2_streaming_requests__l_128229bb = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Total number of custom language models per account
# (L-9190489D)
transcribe_total_number_of_custom_language_models_per_account = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Total number of medical vocabularies per account
# (L-8EF21937)
transcribe_total_number_of_medical_vocabularies_per_account = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Total number of medical vocabularies per
# account_L-79BBEFC1 (L-79BBEFC1)
transcribe_total_number_of_medical_vocabularies_per_account_l_79bbefc1 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Total number of vocabularies per account
# (L-3278D334)
transcribe_total_number_of_vocabularies_per_account = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, CreateCallAnalyticsCategory
# operation (L-B32D80CD)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_createcallanalyticscategory_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, CreateCallAnalyticsCategory
# operation_L-020BD1D2 (L-020BD1D2)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_createcallanalyticscategory_operation_l_020bd1d2 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, CreateVocabulary operation
# (L-23CCF526)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_createvocabulary_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteCallAnalyticsCategory
# operation (L-AEECB49A)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletecallanalyticscategory_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteCallAnalyticsCategory
# operation_L-40CC32CD (L-40CC32CD)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletecallanalyticscategory_operation_l_40cc32cd = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteCallAnalyticsJob
# operation (L-4FA92C98)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletecallanalyticsjob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteCallAnalyticsJob
# operation_L-E9D8884B (L-E9D8884B)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletecallanalyticsjob_operation_l_e9d8884b = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, 'DeleteMedicalScribeJob'
# operation (L-3C33F5F4)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletemedicalscribejob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# DeleteMedicalTranscriptionJob operation (L-29A2FDAD)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletemedicaltranscriptionjob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# DeleteMedicalTranscriptionJob operation_L-AAFCE0A3 (L-AAFCE0A3)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletemedicaltranscriptionjob_operation_l_aafce0a3 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteMedicalVocabulary
# operation (L-ED89E5C0)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletemedicalvocabulary_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteMedicalVocabulary
# operation_L-50B57C16 (L-50B57C16)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletemedicalvocabulary_operation_l_50b57c16 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteTranscriptionJob
# operation (L-CECDF303)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletetranscriptionjob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteVocabulary operation
# (L-F0847210)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletevocabulary_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetCallAnalyticsCategory
# operation (L-29C417EC)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_getcallanalyticscategory_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetCallAnalyticsCategory
# operation_L-A07285C7 (L-A07285C7)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_getcallanalyticscategory_operation_l_a07285c7 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetCallAnalyticsJob
# operation (L-0E6A6411)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_getcallanalyticsjob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetCallAnalyticsJob
# operation_L-2F86860B (L-2F86860B)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_getcallanalyticsjob_operation_l_2f86860b = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, 'GetMedicalScribeJob'
# operation (L-DD4D5E02)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_getmedicalscribejob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetMedicalTranscriptionJob
# operation (L-54F3FD91)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_getmedicaltranscriptionjob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetMedicalTranscriptionJob
# operation_L-A99534C1 (L-A99534C1)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_getmedicaltranscriptionjob_operation_l_a99534c1 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetMedicalVocabulary
# operation (L-467D3ED0)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_getmedicalvocabulary_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetMedicalVocabulary
# operation_L-16E31C23 (L-16E31C23)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_getmedicalvocabulary_operation_l_16e31c23 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetTranscriptionJob
# operation (L-79130216)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_gettranscriptionjob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetVocabulary operation
# (L-B8E3E4A0)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_getvocabulary_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListCallAnalyticsCategories
# operation (L-AED2C08C)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listcallanalyticscategories_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListCallAnalyticsCategories
# operation_L-B4737A9F (L-B4737A9F)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listcallanalyticscategories_operation_l_b4737a9f = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListCallAnalyticsJobs
# operation (L-8DB4434C)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listcallanalyticsjobs_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListCallAnalyticsJobs
# operation_L-93564E36 (L-93564E36)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listcallanalyticsjobs_operation_l_93564e36 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, 'ListMedicalScribeJobs'
# operation (L-BFDCFAB5)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listmedicalscribejobs_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# ListMedicalTranscriptionJobs operation (L-3FDF559D)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listmedicaltranscriptionjobs_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# ListMedicalTranscriptionJobs operation_L-2D4ED180 (L-2D4ED180)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listmedicaltranscriptionjobs_operation_l_2d4ed180 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListMedicalVocabularies
# operation (L-D2C499F9)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listmedicalvocabularies_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListMedicalVocabularies
# operation_L-580FD495 (L-580FD495)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listmedicalvocabularies_operation_l_580fd495 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListTranscriptionJobs
# operation (L-612AD79E)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listtranscriptionjobs_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListVocabularies operation
# (L-B46C0D84)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listvocabularies_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, StartCallAnalyticsJob
# operation (L-9D95450F)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startcallanalyticsjob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, StartCallAnalyticsJob
# operation_L-4B321684 (L-4B321684)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startcallanalyticsjob_operation_l_4b321684 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscription operation (L-033E2344)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startcallanalyticsstreamtranscription_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscription operation_L-EF81BED4 (L-EF81BED4)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startcallanalyticsstreamtranscription_operation_l_ef81bed4 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscription Websocket operation (L-E32052E9)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startcallanalyticsstreamtranscription_websocket_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscription Websocket operation_L-A0A9F543
# (L-A0A9F543)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startcallanalyticsstreamtranscription_websocket_operation_l_a0a9f543 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, 'StartMedicalScribeJob'
# operation (L-0806BF9E)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startmedicalscribejob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# StartMedicalStreamTranscription operation (L-899A1357)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startmedicalstreamtranscription_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# StartMedicalStreamTranscription operation_L-A3F1B3F5 (L-A3F1B3F5)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startmedicalstreamtranscription_operation_l_a3f1b3f5 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# StartMedicalTranscriptionJob operation (L-825D9BA6)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startmedicaltranscriptionjob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# StartMedicalTranscriptionJob operation_L-BF30671E (L-BF30671E)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startmedicaltranscriptionjob_operation_l_bf30671e = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, StartStreamTranscription
# operation (L-B8122269)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startstreamtranscription_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, StartTranscriptionJob
# operation (L-6F37B9E3)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_starttranscriptionjob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, UpdateCallAnalyticsCategory
# operation (L-F4971247)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_updatecallanalyticscategory_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, UpdateCallAnalyticsCategory
# operation_L-B24B8474 (L-B24B8474)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_updatecallanalyticscategory_operation_l_b24b8474 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, UpdateMedicalVocabulary
# operation (L-B69CB5AC)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_updatemedicalvocabulary_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, UpdateMedicalVocabulary
# operation_L-765784F2 (L-765784F2)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_updatemedicalvocabulary_operation_l_765784f2 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, UpdateVocabulary operation
# (L-C20201ED)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_updatevocabulary_operation = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Agreements per server (L-C08739CA)
transfer_agreements_per_server = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Certificates per account (L-C0FDC60E)
transfer_certificates_per_account = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Connectors per account (L-A6509B77)
transfer_connectors_per_account = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Maximum inbound AS2 message size (L-1B36ED13)
transfer_maximum_inbound_as2_message_size = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Maximum number of AD Groups for access (L-843894CE)
transfer_maximum_number_of_ad_groups_for_access = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Maximum outbound AS2 message size (L-9A414140)
transfer_maximum_outbound_as2_message_size = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Number of Service Managed users per server
# (L-101C3D29)
transfer_number_of_service_managed_users_per_server = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Profiles per account (L-858EB316)
transfer_profiles_per_account = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Rate of StartFileTransfer requests per connector
# (L-19FB5D1F)
transfer_rate_of_startfiletransfer_requests_per_connector = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Servers per account (L-6E386A05)
transfer_servers_per_account = null
# Quota for [transfer]: SSH keys per Service Managed user (L-90797EDA)
transfer_ssh_keys_per_service_managed_user = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Workflows per account (L-8A2575E3)
transfer_workflows_per_account = null
# Quota for [translate]: Concurrent batch translation jobs (L-10DB0BCF)
translate_concurrent_batch_translation_jobs = null
# Quota for [translate]: Custom terminology files (L-4011ABD8)
translate_custom_terminology_files = null
# Quota for [translate]: Parallel data resources (L-2B2DC880)
translate_parallel_data_resources = null
# Quota for [vendor-insights]: Daily snapshots per security profile
# (L-F1F2AAFB)
vendor_insights_daily_snapshots_per_security_profile = null
# Quota for [vendor-insights]: Data sources per account (L-A1493543)
vendor_insights_data_sources_per_account = null
# Quota for [vendor-insights]: Data sources per security profile (L-1922DB2F)
vendor_insights_data_sources_per_security_profile = null
# Quota for [vendor-insights]: Security profiles per account (L-5ED1D22F)
vendor_insights_security_profiles_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: BatchIsAuthorized requests per second per
# Region per account (L-9DB5CAA4)
verifiedpermissions_batchisauthorized_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: CreatePolicy requests per second per Region
# per account (L-9647C866)
verifiedpermissions_createpolicy_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: CreatePolicyTemplate requests per second
# per Region per account (L-8D5CB09F)
verifiedpermissions_createpolicytemplate_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: DeletePolicy requests per second per Region
# per account (L-F81CF58F)
verifiedpermissions_deletepolicy_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: DeletePolicyTemplate requests per second
# per Region per account (L-5CA93A13)
verifiedpermissions_deletepolicytemplate_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: GetPolicy requests per second per Region
# per account (L-C9736881)
verifiedpermissions_getpolicy_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: GetPolicyStore requests per second per
# Region per account (L-E1924570)
verifiedpermissions_getpolicystore_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: GetPolicyTemplate requests per second per
# Region per account (L-D82415D2)
verifiedpermissions_getpolicytemplate_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: GetSchema requests per second per Region
# per account (L-B49B9779)
verifiedpermissions_getschema_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: IsAuthorized requests per second per Region
# per account (L-771544C7)
verifiedpermissions_isauthorized_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: IsAuthorizedWithToken requests per second
# per Region per account (L-645D3857)
verifiedpermissions_isauthorizedwithtoken_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: ListPolicies requests per second per Region
# per account (L-4E0E8AFD)
verifiedpermissions_listpolicies_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: ListPolicyStores requests per second per
# Region per account (L-271BE7E8)
verifiedpermissions_listpolicystores_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: ListPolicyTemplates requests per second per
# Region per account (L-70239429)
verifiedpermissions_listpolicytemplates_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: Policy stores per Region per account
# (L-919F2C9C)
verifiedpermissions_policy_stores_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: Policy templates per policy store
# (L-97BDA0CF)
verifiedpermissions_policy_templates_per_policy_store = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: PutSchema requests per second per Region
# per account (L-886D79EB)
verifiedpermissions_putschema_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: UpdatePolicy requests per second per Region
# per account (L-2AFF096D)
verifiedpermissions_updatepolicy_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: UpdatePolicyTemplate requests per second
# per Region per account (L-DC54B663)
verifiedpermissions_updatepolicytemplate_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [vmimportexport]: Concurrent task limit for ImportImage,
# ImportSnapshot, and ExportImage (L-66ABAAD5)
vmimportexport_concurrent_task_limit_for_importimage_importsnapshot_and_exportimage = null
# Quota for [vmimportexport]: Concurrent task limit for ImportInstance,
# ImportVolume, and CreateInstanceExportTask (L-0994E50B)
vmimportexport_concurrent_task_limit_for_importinstance_importvolume_and_createinstanceexporttask = null
# Quota for [voiceid]: Active fraudster registration jobs per domain
# (L-38B73369)
voiceid_active_fraudster_registration_jobs_per_domain = null
# Quota for [voiceid]: Active speaker enrollment jobs per domain (L-55441DAB)
voiceid_active_speaker_enrollment_jobs_per_domain = null
# Quota for [voiceid]: Active streaming sessions per domain (L-F4849009)
voiceid_active_streaming_sessions_per_domain = null
# Quota for [voiceid]: Domains per region (L-CF9F1A9B)
voiceid_domains_per_region = null
# Quota for [voiceid]: Fraudster registration requests per fraudster
# registration job (L-429DC46D)
voiceid_fraudster_registration_requests_per_fraudster_registration_job = null
# Quota for [voiceid]: Fraudsters per watchlist (L-6DD2993B)
voiceid_fraudsters_per_watchlist = null
# Quota for [voiceid]: Speaker enrollment requests per speaker enrollment job
# (L-9EB99B73)
voiceid_speaker_enrollment_requests_per_speaker_enrollment_job = null
# Quota for [voiceid]: Speakers per domain (L-65FE7850)
voiceid_speakers_per_domain = null
# Quota for [voiceid]: Watchlists per domain (L-3790424B)
voiceid_watchlists_per_domain = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Active VPC peering connections per VPC (L-7E9ECCDB)
vpc_active_vpc_peering_connections_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Egress-only internet gateways per Region (L-45FE3B85)
vpc_egress_only_internet_gateways_per_region = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Elastic IP address quota per NAT gateway (L-5F53652F)
vpc_elastic_ip_address_quota_per_nat_gateway = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Gateway VPC endpoints per Region (L-1B52E74A)
vpc_gateway_vpc_endpoints_per_region = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Inbound or outbound rules per security group (L-0EA8095F)
vpc_inbound_or_outbound_rules_per_security_group = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Interface VPC endpoints per VPC (L-29B6F2EB)
vpc_interface_vpc_endpoints_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Internet gateways per Region (L-A4707A72)
vpc_internet_gateways_per_region = null
# Quota for [vpc]: IPv4 CIDR blocks per VPC (L-83CA0A9D)
vpc_ipv4_cidr_blocks_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [vpc]: IPv6 CIDR blocks per VPC (L-085A6257)
vpc_ipv6_cidr_blocks_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Listeners per service (L-D64E952E)
vpc_lattice_listeners_per_service = null
# Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Rules per listener (L-CF78395E)
vpc_lattice_rules_per_listener = null
# Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Service associations per service network
# (L-75D4A19E)
vpc_lattice_service_associations_per_service_network = null
# Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Service networks per region (L-9CAD07FB)
vpc_lattice_service_networks_per_region = null
# Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Services per region (L-620C821E)
vpc_lattice_services_per_region = null
# Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Target groups per region (L-BB11C6B9)
vpc_lattice_target_groups_per_region = null
# Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Target groups per service (L-3DEC3B9F)
vpc_lattice_target_groups_per_service = null
# Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Targets per target group (L-D71303F3)
vpc_lattice_targets_per_target_group = null
# Quota for [vpc-lattice]: VPC associations per service network (L-EF6E2D62)
vpc_lattice_vpc_associations_per_service_network = null
# Quota for [vpc]: NAT gateways per Availability Zone (L-FE5A380F)
vpc_nat_gateways_per_availability_zone = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Network ACLs per VPC (L-B4A6D682)
vpc_network_acls_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Network Address Usage (L-BB24F6E5)
vpc_network_address_usage = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Network interfaces per Region (L-DF5E4CA3)
vpc_network_interfaces_per_region = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Outstanding VPC peering connection requests (L-DC9F7029)
vpc_outstanding_vpc_peering_connection_requests = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Participant accounts per VPC (L-2C462E13)
vpc_participant_accounts_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Peered Network Address Usage (L-CD17FD4B)
vpc_peered_network_address_usage = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Private IP address quota per NAT gateway (L-DFA99DE7)
vpc_private_ip_address_quota_per_nat_gateway = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Route tables per VPC (L-589F43AA)
vpc_route_tables_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Routes per route table (L-93826ACB)
vpc_routes_per_route_table = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Rules per network ACL (L-2AEEBF1A)
vpc_rules_per_network_acl = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Security groups per network interface (L-2AFB9258)
vpc_security_groups_per_network_interface = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Subnets per VPC (L-407747CB)
vpc_subnets_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Subnets that can be shared with an account (L-44499CD2)
vpc_subnets_that_can_be_shared_with_an_account = null
# Quota for [vpc]: VPC security groups per Region (L-E79EC296)
vpc_vpc_security_groups_per_region = null
# Quota for [vpc]: VPCs per Region (L-F678F1CE)
vpc_vpcs_per_region = null
# Quota for [waf]: Rate-based rules (L-002637B8)
waf_rate_based_rules = null
# Quota for [waf-regional]: Rate-based rules (L-6DA23DDF)
waf_regional_rate_based_rules = null
# Quota for [waf-regional]: Rate of requests (L-28FAE46F)
waf_regional_rate_of_requests = null
# Quota for [waf-regional]: Rules (L-7BF8015E)
waf_regional_rules = null
# Quota for [waf-regional]: Web ACLs (L-55785BA2)
waf_regional_web_acls = null
# Quota for [waf]: Requests per second per distribution by WebACL (L-A696B8FB)
waf_requests_per_second_per_distribution_by_webacl = null
# Quota for [waf]: Rules (L-1A78A466)
waf_rules = null
# Quota for [waf]: Web ACLs (L-FECDE520)
waf_web_acls = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of custom request headers per web ACL or
# rule group for CloudFront (L-3A878263)
wafv2_maximum_number_of_custom_request_headers_per_web_acl_or_rule_group_for_cloudfront = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of custom request headers per web ACL or
# rule group for regional (L-2D9CB303)
wafv2_maximum_number_of_custom_request_headers_per_web_acl_or_rule_group_for_regional = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of custom response bodies per web ACL or
# rule group for CloudFront (L-F7AF7D03)
wafv2_maximum_number_of_custom_response_bodies_per_web_acl_or_rule_group_for_cloudfront = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of custom response bodies per web ACL or
# rule group for regional (L-71C2E81B)
wafv2_maximum_number_of_custom_response_bodies_per_web_acl_or_rule_group_for_regional = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of custom response headers per web ACL or
# rule group for CloudFront (L-C4A384E0)
wafv2_maximum_number_of_custom_response_headers_per_web_acl_or_rule_group_for_cloudfront = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of custom response headers per web ACL or
# rule group for regional (L-E4E414A8)
wafv2_maximum_number_of_custom_response_headers_per_web_acl_or_rule_group_for_regional = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of requests per second per web ACL for
# CloudFront (L-FE21FEF6)
wafv2_maximum_number_of_requests_per_second_per_web_acl_for_cloudfront = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of requests per second per web ACL for
# regional (L-A85235F6)
wafv2_maximum_number_of_requests_per_second_per_web_acl_for_regional = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum rule groups per account in WAF for CloudFront
# (L-9E2A3B2D)
wafv2_maximum_rule_groups_per_account_in_waf_for_cloudfront = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum rule groups per account in WAF for regional
# (L-C5BCD850)
wafv2_maximum_rule_groups_per_account_in_waf_for_regional = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum web ACLs per account in WAF for CloudFront
# (L-24189897)
wafv2_maximum_web_acls_per_account_in_waf_for_cloudfront = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum web ACLs per account in WAF for regional
# (L-2EC3DE7B)
wafv2_maximum_web_acls_per_account_in_waf_for_regional = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Number of CloudWatch Logs log streams per web ACL for
# CloudFront (L-7BED657D)
wafv2_number_of_cloudwatch_logs_log_streams_per_web_acl_for_cloudfront = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Number of CloudWatch Logs log streams per web ACL for
# regional (L-0C8E1D79)
wafv2_number_of_cloudwatch_logs_log_streams_per_web_acl_for_regional = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Number of token domains per web ACL for CloudFront
# (L-85B5BC49)
wafv2_number_of_token_domains_per_web_acl_for_cloudfront = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Number of token domains per web ACL for regional
# (L-11D00F38)
wafv2_number_of_token_domains_per_web_acl_for_regional = null
# Quota for [wam]: Application assignments per user (L-23A8EFD3)
wam_application_assignments_per_user = null
# Quota for [wam]: User/WorkSpace or group assignments per application
# (L-0EFAA13E)
wam_user_workspace_or_group_assignments_per_application = null
# Quota for [workspaces]: Graphics.g4dn WorkSpaces (L-BCACAEBC)
workspaces_graphics_g4dn_workspaces = null
# Quota for [workspaces]: GraphicsPro.g4dn WorkSpaces (L-BE9A8466)
workspaces_graphicspro_g4dn_workspaces = null
# Quota for [workspaces]: GraphicsPro WorkSpaces (L-254B485B)
workspaces_graphicspro_workspaces = null
# Quota for [workspaces]: Images (L-18CE281C)
workspaces_images = null
# Quota for [workspaces]: Standby WorkSpaces (L-9A67B5CB)
workspaces_standby_workspaces = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of BrowserSettings (L-36965BD1)
workspaces_web_number_of_browsersettings = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of Certificates per TrustStore
# (L-B30615E2)
workspaces_web_number_of_certificates_per_truststore = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of IdentityProviders per Portal
# (L-DFC864EF)
workspaces_web_number_of_identityproviders_per_portal = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of IpAccessSettings (L-78A0B046)
workspaces_web_number_of_ipaccesssettings = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of Maximum Concurrent Sessions per Portal
# (L-4120496C)
workspaces_web_number_of_maximum_concurrent_sessions_per_portal = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of NetworkSettings (L-787608AB)
workspaces_web_number_of_networksettings = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of TrustStores (L-3A76276F)
workspaces_web_number_of_truststores = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of UserAccessLoggingSettings (L-8BD59015)
workspaces_web_number_of_useraccessloggingsettings = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of UserSettings (L-3A62D5A9)
workspaces_web_number_of_usersettings = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of Web Portals (L-149BA3AD)
workspaces_web_number_of_web_portals = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of AssociateBrowserSettings requests
# (L-A3E92E82)
workspaces_web_rate_of_associatebrowsersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of AssociateIpAccessSettings requests
# (L-E1E0B653)
workspaces_web_rate_of_associateipaccesssettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of AssociateNetworkSettings requests
# (L-43C1B6E6)
workspaces_web_rate_of_associatenetworksettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of AssociateTrustStore requests
# (L-0BC76D3C)
workspaces_web_rate_of_associatetruststore_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of AssociateUserAccessLoggingSettings
# requests (L-6F4DA997)
workspaces_web_rate_of_associateuseraccessloggingsettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of AssociateUserSettings requests
# (L-ED7C8CD0)
workspaces_web_rate_of_associateusersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreateBrowserSettings requests
# (L-C8E73DC8)
workspaces_web_rate_of_createbrowsersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreateIdentityProvider requests
# (L-6E3C18D8)
workspaces_web_rate_of_createidentityprovider_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreateIpAccessSettings requests
# (L-14261565)
workspaces_web_rate_of_createipaccesssettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreateNetworkSettings requests
# (L-BB21B00F)
workspaces_web_rate_of_createnetworksettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreatePortal requests (L-D5EA059F)
workspaces_web_rate_of_createportal_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreateTrustStore requests (L-F31E6456)
workspaces_web_rate_of_createtruststore_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreateUserAccessLoggingSettings requests
# (L-57EB3A5C)
workspaces_web_rate_of_createuseraccessloggingsettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreateUserSettings requests (L-079D6D1A)
workspaces_web_rate_of_createusersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeleteBrowserSettings requests
# (L-362C3C84)
workspaces_web_rate_of_deletebrowsersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeleteIdentityProvider requests
# (L-5046A0A4)
workspaces_web_rate_of_deleteidentityprovider_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeleteIpAccessSettings requests
# (L-3B5144ED)
workspaces_web_rate_of_deleteipaccesssettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeleteNetworkSettings requests
# (L-184EBD82)
workspaces_web_rate_of_deletenetworksettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeletePortal requests (L-8BF44F8E)
workspaces_web_rate_of_deleteportal_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeleteTrustStore requests (L-438EBE87)
workspaces_web_rate_of_deletetruststore_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeleteUserAccessLoggingSettings requests
# (L-58202D8F)
workspaces_web_rate_of_deleteuseraccessloggingsettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeleteUserSettings requests (L-2C7C0AF1)
workspaces_web_rate_of_deleteusersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DisassociateBrowserSettings requests
# (L-1DB47EFF)
workspaces_web_rate_of_disassociatebrowsersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DisassociateIpAccessSettings requests
# (L-EC36A4C6)
workspaces_web_rate_of_disassociateipaccesssettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DisassociateNetworkSettings requests
# (L-77E95BD0)
workspaces_web_rate_of_disassociatenetworksettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DisassociateTrustStore requests
# (L-49DD0E62)
workspaces_web_rate_of_disassociatetruststore_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DisassociateUserAccessLoggingSettings
# requests (L-8E8025D8)
workspaces_web_rate_of_disassociateuseraccessloggingsettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DisassociateUserSettings requests
# (L-F64575FC)
workspaces_web_rate_of_disassociateusersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of GetBrowserSettings requests (L-00C34477)
workspaces_web_rate_of_getbrowsersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of GetIdentityProvider requests
# (L-D9ADFC33)
workspaces_web_rate_of_getidentityprovider_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of GetIpAccessSettings requests
# (L-A7E91E5C)
workspaces_web_rate_of_getipaccesssettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of GetNetworkSettings requests (L-E81A7683)
workspaces_web_rate_of_getnetworksettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of GetPortal requests (L-322B0066)
workspaces_web_rate_of_getportal_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of GetUserAccessLoggingSettings requests
# (L-E207534D)
workspaces_web_rate_of_getuseraccessloggingsettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of GetUserSettings requests (L-0F222D02)
workspaces_web_rate_of_getusersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListBrowserSettings requests
# (L-02CFB9A1)
workspaces_web_rate_of_listbrowsersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListIdentityProviders requests
# (L-91742F30)
workspaces_web_rate_of_listidentityproviders_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListIpAccessSettings requests
# (L-E91D6E7E)
workspaces_web_rate_of_listipaccesssettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListNetworkSettings requests
# (L-79EC01E1)
workspaces_web_rate_of_listnetworksettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListPortals requests (L-095DE697)
workspaces_web_rate_of_listportals_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListTagsForResource requests
# (L-1A51C3EA)
workspaces_web_rate_of_listtagsforresource_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListTrustStoreCertificates requests
# (L-AE820403)
workspaces_web_rate_of_listtruststorecertificates_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListTrustStores requests (L-75BD2FF5)
workspaces_web_rate_of_listtruststores_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListUserAccessLoggingSettings requests
# (L-DCB5C13E)
workspaces_web_rate_of_listuseraccessloggingsettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListUserSettings requests (L-90048709)
workspaces_web_rate_of_listusersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of TagResource requests (L-86380CED)
workspaces_web_rate_of_tagresource_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UntagResource requests (L-94E642D1)
workspaces_web_rate_of_untagresource_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdateBrowserSettings requests
# (L-48CA0EC9)
workspaces_web_rate_of_updatebrowsersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdateIdentityProvider requests
# (L-1E9BCE97)
workspaces_web_rate_of_updateidentityprovider_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdateIpAccessSettings requests
# (L-ED73BCDC)
workspaces_web_rate_of_updateipaccesssettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdateNetworkSettings requests
# (L-1F25669B)
workspaces_web_rate_of_updatenetworksettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdatePortal requests (L-885A84B6)
workspaces_web_rate_of_updateportal_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdateTrustStore requests (L-955BBE3B)
workspaces_web_rate_of_updatetruststore_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdateUserAccessLoggingSettings requests
# (L-6D75560B)
workspaces_web_rate_of_updateuseraccessloggingsettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdateUserSettings requests (L-133AFA92)
workspaces_web_rate_of_updateusersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces]: WorkSpaces (L-34278094)
workspaces_workspaces = null
# Quota for [xray]: Custom sampling rules per region (L-8C0C998A)
xray_custom_sampling_rules_per_region = null
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
terraform {
source = ""
inputs = {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Quota for [access-analyzer]: Access previews per analyzer per hour
# (L-8750DAE0)
access_analyzer_access_previews_per_analyzer_per_hour = null
# Quota for [access-analyzer]: Archive rules per analyzer (L-1E51937C)
access_analyzer_archive_rules_per_analyzer = null
# Quota for [access-analyzer]: Organization level analyzer (L-6F85FE0C)
access_analyzer_organization_level_analyzer = null
# Quota for [acm]: ACM certificates (L-F141DD1D)
acm_acm_certificates = null
# Quota for [acm]: ACM certificates created in last 365 days (L-DA1D8B98)
acm_acm_certificates_created_in_last_365_days = null
# Quota for [acm]: Domain names per ACM certificate (L-FB94F0B0)
acm_domain_names_per_acm_certificate = null
# Quota for [acm]: Imported certificates (L-D2CB7DE9)
acm_imported_certificates = null
# Quota for [acm]: Imported certificates in last 365 days (L-3808DC70)
acm_imported_certificates_in_last_365_days = null
# Quota for [acm-pca]: Number of private certificate authorities (CAs)
# (L-799883CD)
acm_pca_number_of_private_certificate_authorities_cas_ = null
# Quota for [acm-pca]: Number of private certificates per CA (L-F99AB81B)
acm_pca_number_of_private_certificates_per_ca = null
# Quota for [acm-pca]: Rate of GetCertificate requests (L-1725E639)
acm_pca_rate_of_getcertificate_requests = null
# Quota for [acm-pca]: Rate of IssueCertificate requests (L-CAFB4993)
acm_pca_rate_of_issuecertificate_requests = null
# Quota for [airflow]: Environments per account per Region (L-67D41C6B)
airflow_environments_per_account_per_region = null
# Quota for [airflow]: Workers per environment (L-78AC1883)
airflow_workers_per_environment = null
# Quota for [amplify]: Apps (L-1BED97F3)
amplify_apps = null
# Quota for [amplify]: Concurrent jobs (L-2A8ABB91)
amplify_concurrent_jobs = null
# Quota for [amplify]: Domains per app (L-AD277529)
amplify_domains_per_app = null
# Quota for [amplify]: Webhooks per app (L-4113FC04)
amplify_webhooks_per_app = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: API Stage throttles in a usage plan (L-A9DBC573)
apigateway_api_stage_throttles_in_a_usage_plan = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: Client certificates (L-824C9E42)
apigateway_client_certificates = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: Custom Domain Names (L-A93447B8)
apigateway_custom_domain_names = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: Maximum resource policy size in bytes (L-8B81B02C)
apigateway_maximum_resource_policy_size_in_bytes = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: Resources/Routes per REST/WebSocket API (L-01C8A9E0)
apigateway_resources_routes_per_rest_websocket_api = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: Routes per HTTP API (L-65B5C802)
apigateway_routes_per_http_api = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: Stages per API (L-379E48B0)
apigateway_stages_per_api = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: Subnets per VPC link(V2) (L-668C9B28)
apigateway_subnets_per_vpc_link_v2_ = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: Throttle rate (L-8A5B8E43)
apigateway_throttle_rate = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: Usage plans (L-E8693075)
apigateway_usage_plans = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: Usage plans per API key (L-985EB478)
apigateway_usage_plans_per_api_key = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: VPC links (L-A4C7274F)
apigateway_vpc_links = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: VPC links(V2) (L-608BDCD4)
apigateway_vpc_links_v2_ = null
# Quota for [apigateway]: WebSocket new connections rate (L-9ED1E49A)
apigateway_websocket_new_connections_rate = null
# Quota for [app-integrations]: Data integration associations per data
# integration (L-3DEFA101)
app_integrations_data_integration_associations_per_data_integration = null
# Quota for [app-integrations]: Data integrations per Region (L-013E1287)
app_integrations_data_integrations_per_region = null
# Quota for [app-integrations]: Event integration associations per event
# integration (L-C1BC25C8)
app_integrations_event_integration_associations_per_event_integration = null
# Quota for [app-integrations]: Event integrations per Region (L-152D3E9E)
app_integrations_event_integrations_per_region = null
# Quota for [appconfig]: Configuration size limit in AWS AppConfig hosted
# configuration store (L-48F9B951)
appconfig_configuration_size_limit_in_aws_appconfig_hosted_configuration_store = null
# Quota for [appconfig]: Deployment size limit (L-A5FC0339)
appconfig_deployment_size_limit = null
# Quota for [appconfig]: Maximum number of applications (L-EEB0151E)
appconfig_maximum_number_of_applications = null
# Quota for [appconfig]: Maximum number of configuration profiles per
# application (L-FA210A1F)
appconfig_maximum_number_of_configuration_profiles_per_application = null
# Quota for [appconfig]: Maximum number of deployment strategies (L-F59D302B)
appconfig_maximum_number_of_deployment_strategies = null
# Quota for [appconfig]: Maximum number of environments per application
# (L-A52E46BE)
appconfig_maximum_number_of_environments_per_application = null
# Quota for [appflow]: Concurrent flow runs (L-B2798F93)
appflow_concurrent_flow_runs = null
# Quota for [appflow]: Connector profiles (L-0F8AA170)
appflow_connector_profiles = null
# Quota for [appflow]: Monthly flow runs (L-B96D9407)
appflow_monthly_flow_runs = null
# Quota for [appflow]: Total flows (L-A847D5B6)
appflow_total_flows = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for Amazon ElastiCache
# (L-60E4E5E2)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_amazon_elasticache = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for Amazon Keyspaces
# (L-799ACCDF)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_amazon_keyspaces = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for Amazon MSK
# (L-1A11EB4B)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_amazon_msk = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for AppStream
# (L-8998F403)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_appstream = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for Comprehend
# (L-17D5F681)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_comprehend = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for custom resources
# (L-4A11ECEB)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_custom_resources = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for DynamoDB
# (L-A1D42901)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_dynamodb = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for EC2 (L-297D9EC9)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_ec2 = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for ECS (L-782A3EE2)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_ecs = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for EMR (L-D75CA9D2)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_emr = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for Lambda
# (L-A2AD6458)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_lambda = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for RDS (L-800F6F7B)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_rds = null
# Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for SageMaker
# (L-1AAF0700)
application_autoscaling_scalable_targets_for_sagemaker = null
# Quota for [appmesh]: Connected Envoy processes per virtual gateway
# (L-33E8F9C9)
appmesh_connected_envoy_processes_per_virtual_gateway = null
# Quota for [appmesh]: Connected Envoy processes per virtual node (L-606A910B)
appmesh_connected_envoy_processes_per_virtual_node = null
# Quota for [appmesh]: Gateway routes per virtual gateway (L-F6F26D09)
appmesh_gateway_routes_per_virtual_gateway = null
# Quota for [appmesh]: Meshes per account (L-AC861A39)
appmesh_meshes_per_account = null
# Quota for [appmesh]: Routes per virtual router (L-BB90B7FF)
appmesh_routes_per_virtual_router = null
# Quota for [appmesh]: Virtual gateways per mesh (L-87E74146)
appmesh_virtual_gateways_per_mesh = null
# Quota for [appmesh]: Virtual nodes per mesh (L-E043DFB4)
appmesh_virtual_nodes_per_mesh = null
# Quota for [appmesh]: Virtual routers per mesh (L-50F6C35A)
appmesh_virtual_routers_per_mesh = null
# Quota for [appmesh]: Virtual services per mesh (L-DA7495A7)
appmesh_virtual_services_per_mesh = null
# Quota for [apprunner]: Auto scaling configurations (L-1D8C5BDD)
apprunner_auto_scaling_configurations = null
# Quota for [apprunner]: Connections (L-1BDBAAB6)
apprunner_connections = null
# Quota for [apprunner]: Observability configurations (L-A0B46A0C)
apprunner_observability_configurations = null
# Quota for [apprunner]: Services (L-69F96A0C)
apprunner_services = null
# Quota for [apprunner]: VPC connectors (L-F7ADEB8C)
apprunner_vpc_connectors = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Active fleets (L-3FEADC0C)
appstream2_active_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: App block builders (L-D949908C)
appstream2_app_block_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized 2xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-22B15436)
appstream2_compute_optimized_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized 2xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-400A7BA5)
appstream2_compute_optimized_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized 4xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-2A70DFAA)
appstream2_compute_optimized_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized 4xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-C862459E)
appstream2_compute_optimized_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized 8xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-F15148F0)
appstream2_compute_optimized_8xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized 8xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-88E58796)
appstream2_compute_optimized_8xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized large streaming instances for
# fleets (L-63D777D1)
appstream2_compute_optimized_large_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized large streaming instances for
# image builders (L-6203AEB6)
appstream2_compute_optimized_large_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-7F9576D3)
appstream2_compute_optimized_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-A3782476)
appstream2_compute_optimized_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Concurrent image copies per destination Region
# (L-60244546)
appstream2_concurrent_image_copies_per_destination_region = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Concurrent image updates (L-9B6418E0)
appstream2_concurrent_image_updates = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Fleets (L-8A6F32DC)
appstream2_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design 2xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-BA00F320)
appstream2_graphics_design_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design 2xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-30CF85CE)
appstream2_graphics_design_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design 4xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-BDBE16B7)
appstream2_graphics_design_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design 4xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-32513EC9)
appstream2_graphics_design_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design large streaming instances for fleets
# (L-A9DBC136)
appstream2_graphics_design_large_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design large streaming instances for image
# builders (L-85C46326)
appstream2_graphics_design_large_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-A3275215)
appstream2_graphics_design_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-7D331840)
appstream2_graphics_design_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics desktop 2xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-7549EFF1)
appstream2_graphics_desktop_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics desktop 2xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-B3B2E1D8)
appstream2_graphics_desktop_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 12xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-64A79F98)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_12xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 12xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-5E39616B)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_12xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 16xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-503FABB4)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_16xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 16xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-F3D0F9E2)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_16xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 2xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-98A64E5D)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 2xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-537E304B)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 4xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-92328C81)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 4xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-15883678)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 8xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-CAB64ED6)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_8xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 8xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-3E935099)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_8xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-3D9782E8)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-E0AF1F7E)
appstream2_graphics_g4dn_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 12xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-4942E302)
appstream2_graphics_g5_12xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 12xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-D6D82AD0)
appstream2_graphics_g5_12xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 16xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-AAB87D99)
appstream2_graphics_g5_16xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 16xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-A23829AD)
appstream2_graphics_g5_16xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 24xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-4ED95C84)
appstream2_graphics_g5_24xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 24xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-2F62DC97)
appstream2_graphics_g5_24xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 2xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-880853F1)
appstream2_graphics_g5_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 2xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-DDA4AD40)
appstream2_graphics_g5_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 4xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-22A636D1)
appstream2_graphics_g5_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 4xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-ABD9CD0F)
appstream2_graphics_g5_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 8xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-756CAD5B)
appstream2_graphics_g5_8xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 8xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-5D6E72E6)
appstream2_graphics_g5_8xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-5FE41F5B)
appstream2_graphics_g5_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-5B2F0776)
appstream2_graphics_g5_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics pro 16xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-C5E17995)
appstream2_graphics_pro_16xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics pro 16xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-B4068835)
appstream2_graphics_pro_16xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics pro 4xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-70318001)
appstream2_graphics_pro_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics pro 4xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-B489BF44)
appstream2_graphics_pro_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics pro 8xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-6F6573C4)
appstream2_graphics_pro_8xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics pro 8xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-F53024C1)
appstream2_graphics_pro_8xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Image builders (L-DE32F884)
appstream2_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Image sharing limit (L-99A44980)
appstream2_image_sharing_limit = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max app block builders with Windows Server 2019
# platform and stream.standard.2xlarge instance type (L-FE087B3F)
appstream2_max_app_block_builders_with_windows_server_2019_platform_and_stream_standard_2xlarge_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max app block builders with Windows Server 2019
# platform and stream.standard.large instance type (L-234D5738)
appstream2_max_app_block_builders_with_windows_server_2019_platform_and_stream_standard_large_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max app block builders with Windows Server 2019
# platform and stream.standard.medium instance type (L-E98A2430)
appstream2_max_app_block_builders_with_windows_server_2019_platform_and_stream_standard_medium_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max app block builders with Windows Server 2019
# platform and stream.standard.small instance type (L-4015AFBC)
appstream2_max_app_block_builders_with_windows_server_2019_platform_and_stream_standard_small_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max app block builders with Windows Server 2019
# platform and stream.standard.xlarge instance type (L-E0AFD4FF)
appstream2_max_app_block_builders_with_windows_server_2019_platform_and_stream_standard_xlarge_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with
# Amazon Linux 2 platform and stream.standard.2xlarge instance type
# (L-9528F248)
appstream2_max_concurrent_sessions_for_elastic_fleets_with_amazon_linux_2_platform_and_stream_standard_2xlarge_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with
# Amazon Linux 2 platform and stream.standard.large instance type (L-27527629)
appstream2_max_concurrent_sessions_for_elastic_fleets_with_amazon_linux_2_platform_and_stream_standard_large_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with
# Amazon Linux 2 platform and stream.standard.medium instance type
# (L-BF099F8F)
appstream2_max_concurrent_sessions_for_elastic_fleets_with_amazon_linux_2_platform_and_stream_standard_medium_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with
# Amazon Linux 2 platform and stream.standard.small instance type (L-B2A2DC75)
appstream2_max_concurrent_sessions_for_elastic_fleets_with_amazon_linux_2_platform_and_stream_standard_small_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with
# Amazon Linux 2 platform and stream.standard.xlarge instance type
# (L-76EF9A4A)
appstream2_max_concurrent_sessions_for_elastic_fleets_with_amazon_linux_2_platform_and_stream_standard_xlarge_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with
# Windows Server 2019 platform and stream.standard.2xlarge instance type
# (L-AAFE9A06)
appstream2_max_concurrent_sessions_for_elastic_fleets_with_windows_server_2019_platform_and_stream_standard_2xlarge_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with
# Windows Server 2019 platform and stream.standard.large instance type
# (L-FC27F387)
appstream2_max_concurrent_sessions_for_elastic_fleets_with_windows_server_2019_platform_and_stream_standard_large_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with
# Windows Server 2019 platform and stream.standard.medium instance type
# (L-80C2425D)
appstream2_max_concurrent_sessions_for_elastic_fleets_with_windows_server_2019_platform_and_stream_standard_medium_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with
# Windows Server 2019 platform and stream.standard.small instance type
# (L-36A62DB5)
appstream2_max_concurrent_sessions_for_elastic_fleets_with_windows_server_2019_platform_and_stream_standard_small_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with
# Windows Server 2019 platform and stream.standard.xlarge instance type
# (L-BCE5E288)
appstream2_max_concurrent_sessions_for_elastic_fleets_with_windows_server_2019_platform_and_stream_standard_xlarge_instance_type = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized 2xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-B901F589)
appstream2_memory_optimized_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized 2xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-53789675)
appstream2_memory_optimized_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized 4xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-9BBA5ECA)
appstream2_memory_optimized_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized 4xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-D56E1EB1)
appstream2_memory_optimized_4xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized 8xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-1C87C4A5)
appstream2_memory_optimized_8xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized 8xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-0A26B79A)
appstream2_memory_optimized_8xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized large streaming instances for
# fleets (L-E200E807)
appstream2_memory_optimized_large_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized large streaming instances for image
# builders (L-7FFD9C23)
appstream2_memory_optimized_large_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-BAEB3705)
appstream2_memory_optimized_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-DE1021FB)
appstream2_memory_optimized_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 12xlarge streaming instances
# for fleets (L-C1822B2A)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_12xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 12xlarge streaming instances
# for image builders (L-5A477D03)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_12xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 2xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-93661678)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 2xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-C6026CF3)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 3xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-1883A661)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_3xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 3xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-5F444726)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_3xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 6xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-1DDAE257)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_6xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 6xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-0EF32B70)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_6xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d large streaming instances for
# fleets (L-19CE5BF0)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_large_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d large streaming instances for
# image builders (L-0E4BC645)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_large_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d xlarge streaming instances for
# fleets (L-5A310F0A)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d xlarge streaming instances for
# image builders (L-99B57C8C)
appstream2_memory_optimized_z1d_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Private images (L-E1182CCA)
appstream2_private_images = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Stacks (L-A8B8B901)
appstream2_stacks = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Standard 2xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-AD23D7D9)
appstream2_standard_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Standard 2xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-7FBFD97B)
appstream2_standard_2xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Standard large streaming instances for fleets
# (L-94844324)
appstream2_standard_large_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Standard large streaming instances for image
# builders (L-76C589E8)
appstream2_standard_large_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Standard medium streaming instances for fleets
# (L-59CF7EF6)
appstream2_standard_medium_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Standard medium streaming instances for image
# builders (L-B16A2AA7)
appstream2_standard_medium_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Standard small streaming instances for fleets
# (L-F302715A)
appstream2_standard_small_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Standard small streaming instances for image
# builders (L-94EC4C6F)
appstream2_standard_small_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Standard xlarge streaming instances for fleets
# (L-8BCFD092)
appstream2_standard_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_fleets = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Standard xlarge streaming instances for image
# builders (L-F8E20476)
appstream2_standard_xlarge_streaming_instances_for_image_builders = null
# Quota for [appstream2]: Users in the user pool (L-6A8C9986)
appstream2_users_in_the_user_pool = null
# Quota for [appsync]: APIs per region (L-4DFA3D2F)
appsync_apis_per_region = null
# Quota for [appsync]: Number of custom domain names (L-51A37BC6)
appsync_number_of_custom_domain_names = null
# Quota for [appsync]: Rate of request tokens (L-FC5E46D0)
appsync_rate_of_request_tokens = null
# Quota for [appsync]: Subscriptions per connection (L-AA33EB36)
appsync_subscriptions_per_connection = null
# Quota for [aps]: Active series per workspace (L-5A151448)
aps_active_series_per_workspace = null
# Quota for [aps]: Alert aggregation group size in alert manager definition
# file (L-BDF9895D)
aps_alert_aggregation_group_size_in_alert_manager_definition_file = null
# Quota for [aps]: Alerts in Alert Manager (L-E9CD1A4F)
aps_alerts_in_alert_manager = null
# Quota for [aps]: Ingestion burst size per workspace (L-0CBB39EF)
aps_ingestion_burst_size_per_workspace = null
# Quota for [aps]: Ingestion rate per workspace (L-F4BCE0BA)
aps_ingestion_rate_per_workspace = null
# Quota for [aps]: Inhibition rules in alert manager definition file
# (L-46D5E194)
aps_inhibition_rules_in_alert_manager_definition_file = null
# Quota for [aps]: Labels per metric series (L-CDA4AB0F)
aps_labels_per_metric_series = null
# Quota for [aps]: Nodes in alert manager routing tree (L-E3E60B3E)
aps_nodes_in_alert_manager_routing_tree = null
# Quota for [aps]: Number of API operations in transactions per second
# (L-8491EB93)
aps_number_of_api_operations_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [aps]: Retention time for ingested data in days (L-06C12D7C)
aps_retention_time_for_ingested_data_in_days = null
# Quota for [aps]: Rule evaluation interval (L-8DEDEE8E)
aps_rule_evaluation_interval = null
# Quota for [aps]: Rules per workspace (L-3D15CDB4)
aps_rules_per_workspace = null
# Quota for [aps]: Templates in alert manager definition file (L-0F151AA2)
aps_templates_in_alert_manager_definition_file = null
# Quota for [aps]: Workspaces per region per account (L-8873DB23)
aps_workspaces_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [athena]: Active DDL queries (L-3CE0BBA0)
athena_active_ddl_queries = null
# Quota for [athena]: Active DML queries (L-FC5F6546)
athena_active_dml_queries = null
# Quota for [athena]: DML query timeout (L-E80DC288)
athena_dml_query_timeout = null
# Quota for [auditmanager]: Custom controls (L-0255B75F)
auditmanager_custom_controls = null
# Quota for [auditmanager]: Custom frameworks (L-8935A6F1)
auditmanager_custom_frameworks = null
# Quota for [auditmanager]: Running assessments (L-92B50F18)
auditmanager_running_assessments = null
# Quota for [autoscaling]: Auto Scaling groups per region (L-CDE20ADC)
autoscaling_auto_scaling_groups_per_region = null
# Quota for [autoscaling]: Launch configurations per region (L-6B80B8FA)
autoscaling_launch_configurations_per_region = null
# Quota for [autoscaling-plans]: Scaling plans (L-BD401546)
autoscaling_plans_scaling_plans = null
# Quota for [AWSCloudMap]: DiscoverInstances operation per account burst rate
# (L-76CF203B)
awscloudmap_discoverinstances_operation_per_account_burst_rate = null
# Quota for [AWSCloudMap]: DiscoverInstances operation per account steady rate
# (L-514A639A)
awscloudmap_discoverinstances_operation_per_account_steady_rate = null
# Quota for [AWSCloudMap]: DiscoverInstancesRevision operation per account
# rate (L-0BA10AAE)
awscloudmap_discoverinstancesrevision_operation_per_account_rate = null
# Quota for [AWSCloudMap]: Instances per namespace (L-D95E8A57)
awscloudmap_instances_per_namespace = null
# Quota for [AWSCloudMap]: Namespaces per Region (L-0FE3F50E)
awscloudmap_namespaces_per_region = null
# Quota for [backup]: Backup plans per Region per account (L-BD69F607)
backup_backup_plans_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [backup]: Backup vaults per Region per account (L-7705D2CB)
backup_backup_vaults_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [backup]: Framework controls per Region per account (L-B4021FB0)
backup_framework_controls_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [backup]: Frameworks per Region per account (L-E43E0ED6)
backup_frameworks_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [backup]: Maximum backup nest level (L-C0A8C14B)
backup_maximum_backup_nest_level = null
# Quota for [backup]: Recovery points per backup vault (L-514878B6)
backup_recovery_points_per_backup_vault = null
# Quota for [backup]: Report plans per Region per account (L-C296F1F5)
backup_report_plans_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [backup]: Versions per backup plan (L-9122A82F)
backup_versions_per_backup_plan = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Custom models per account (L-CB5B847D)
bedrock_custom_models_per_account = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Anthropic Claude
# Instant V1 100K (L-4A6D2F15)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_anthropic_claude_instant_v1_100k = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Anthropic Claude
# V2.1 18K (L-7478F443)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_anthropic_claude_v2_1_18k = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Anthropic Claude
# V2.1 200K (L-A63633C5)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_anthropic_claude_v2_1_200k = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Anthropic Claude
# V2 100K (L-C4522D0D)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_anthropic_claude_v2_100k = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Anthropic Claude
# V2 18K (L-73573F44)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_anthropic_claude_v2_18k = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Cohere Command
# (L-5E29F315)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_cohere_command = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Cohere Command
# Light (L-01F37E14)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_cohere_command_light = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Meta Llama 2 13B
# (L-268D592E)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_meta_llama_2_13b = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Meta Llama 2 70B
# (L-2EBEF050)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_meta_llama_2_70b = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Meta Llama 2 Chat
# 13B (L-AC6F8476)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_meta_llama_2_chat_13b = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Meta Llama 2 Chat
# 70B (L-E953E4AB)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_meta_llama_2_chat_70b = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Stable Diffusion
# XL 1.0 (L-9149A536)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_stable_diffusion_xl_1_0 = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Titan Embeddings
# G1 - Text (L-F879F645)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_titan_embeddings_g1_text = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Titan Image
# Generator G1 (L-F424A1E3)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_titan_image_generator_g1 = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Titan Multimodal
# Embeddings G1 (L-32F732DE)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_titan_multimodal_embeddings_g1 = null
# Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Titan Text G1 -
# Express 8K (L-8129BF10)
bedrock_model_units_per_provisioned_model_for_titan_text_g1_express_8k = null
# Quota for [billingconductor]: Accounts per billing group (L-4008823B)
billingconductor_accounts_per_billing_group = null
# Quota for [billingconductor]: Associations per flat custom line item
# (L-3384ACF5)
billingconductor_associations_per_flat_custom_line_item = null
# Quota for [billingconductor]: Billing groups (L-10E5FE79)
billingconductor_billing_groups = null
# Quota for [billingconductor]: Custom line items (L-6A7F198B)
billingconductor_custom_line_items = null
# Quota for [billingconductor]: Custom line items with line item filters
# (L-E4FB5498)
billingconductor_custom_line_items_with_line_item_filters = null
# Quota for [billingconductor]: Pricing plans (L-F16D2B15)
billingconductor_pricing_plans = null
# Quota for [billingconductor]: Pricing plans per pricing rule (L-2DD50B87)
billingconductor_pricing_plans_per_pricing_rule = null
# Quota for [billingconductor]: Pricing rules (L-AA2FA005)
billingconductor_pricing_rules = null
# Quota for [billingconductor]: Pricing rules per pricing plan (L-65F90CBC)
billingconductor_pricing_rules_per_pricing_plan = null
# Quota for [billingconductor]: Resource values per percentage custom line
# item (L-B185E19E)
billingconductor_resource_values_per_percentage_custom_line_item = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum allowed compute instances for a job (L-5D1FC264)
braket_maximum_allowed_compute_instances_for_a_job = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c4.2xlarge for jobs
# (L-BDA9BB2A)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c4_2xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c4.4xlarge for jobs
# (L-96E0F810)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c4_4xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c4.8xlarge for jobs
# (L-196E4F38)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c4_8xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c4.xlarge for jobs
# (L-899E4166)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c4_xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5.18xlarge for jobs
# (L-D76EFBC9)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c5_18xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5.2xlarge for jobs
# (L-1DE68820)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c5_2xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5.4xlarge for jobs
# (L-0454F2B6)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c5_4xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5.9xlarge for jobs
# (L-6717BDE3)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c5_9xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5.xlarge for jobs
# (L-6976A449)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c5_xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5n.18xlarge for jobs
# (L-9E03561A)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c5n_18xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5n.2xlarge for jobs
# (L-8B0E23AD)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c5n_2xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5n.4xlarge for jobs
# (L-C32F31F5)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c5n_4xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5n.9xlarge for jobs
# (L-F39A58EA)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c5n_9xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5n.xlarge for jobs
# (L-5A303583)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_c5n_xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.g4dn.12xlarge for jobs
# (L-3A92FCE1)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.g4dn.16xlarge for jobs
# (L-D0B25526)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.g4dn.2xlarge for jobs
# (L-05622A08)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.g4dn.4xlarge for jobs
# (L-348592A9)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.g4dn.8xlarge for jobs
# (L-C3A58F27)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.g4dn.xlarge for jobs
# (L-A95AE26D)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_g4dn_xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m4.10xlarge for jobs
# (L-20DF4C21)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m4_10xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m4.16xlarge for jobs
# (L-15DC2286)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m4_16xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m4.2xlarge for jobs
# (L-35C855B5)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m4_2xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m4.4xlarge for jobs
# (L-E4856358)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m4_4xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m4.xlarge for jobs
# (L-A7DE49A7)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m4_xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m5.12xlarge for jobs
# (L-8EBDBB73)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m5_12xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m5.24xlarge for jobs
# (L-8F2E9AB0)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m5_24xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m5.2xlarge for jobs
# (L-B4BD4D05)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m5_2xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m5.4xlarge for jobs
# (L-935DC112)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m5_4xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m5.large for jobs
# (L-D01386EB)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m5_large_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m5.xlarge for jobs
# (L-CEDB9365)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_m5_xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.p2.16xlarge for jobs
# (L-8FFA00B6)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_p2_16xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.p2.8xlarge for jobs
# (L-135B0588)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_p2_8xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.p2.xlarge for jobs
# (L-2145059B)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_p2_xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.p3.16xlarge for jobs
# (L-949DCF20)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_p3_16xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.p3.2xlarge for jobs
# (L-BC259EA2)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_p3_2xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.p3.8xlarge for jobs
# (L-9716E5CC)
braket_maximum_number_of_instances_of_ml_p3_8xlarge_for_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Number of concurrent jobs (L-65BEB721)
braket_number_of_concurrent_jobs = null
# Quota for [braket]: Number of concurrent TN1 tasks (L-A41DADC7)
braket_number_of_concurrent_tn1_tasks = null
# Quota for [braket]: One-qubit gate limit for Aria (L-160EEC2D)
braket_one_qubit_gate_limit_for_aria = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of API requests (L-C9622EC0)
braket_rate_of_api_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of CancelJob requests (L-9F76E1C6)
braket_rate_of_canceljob_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of CancelQuantumTask requests (L-4ADC64FC)
braket_rate_of_cancelquantumtask_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of CreateJob requests (L-1E4A0B71)
braket_rate_of_createjob_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of CreateQuantumTask requests (L-7DF279A8)
braket_rate_of_createquantumtask_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of GetDevice requests (L-08E356CB)
braket_rate_of_getdevice_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of GetJob requests (L-C4A587F5)
braket_rate_of_getjob_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of GetQuantumTask requests (L-69571C39)
braket_rate_of_getquantumtask_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of SearchDevices requests (L-13BD7EBA)
braket_rate_of_searchdevices_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of SearchJobs requests (L-622972C3)
braket_rate_of_searchjobs_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Rate of SearchQuantumTasks requests (L-D6597555)
braket_rate_of_searchquantumtasks_requests = null
# Quota for [braket]: Two-qubit gate limit for Aria (L-39357A2D)
braket_two_qubit_gate_limit_for_aria = null
# Quota for [cases]: BatchGetField burst quota (L-D3F1EBFD)
cases_batchgetfield_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: BatchGetField rate quota (L-2A8092BB)
cases_batchgetfield_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: BatchPutFieldOptions burst quota (L-A298B896)
cases_batchputfieldoptions_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: BatchPutFieldOptions rate quota (L-F5011010)
cases_batchputfieldoptions_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: Case fields per layout (L-5B5E62BD)
cases_case_fields_per_layout = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateCase burst quota (L-085C6605)
cases_createcase_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateCase rate quota (L-8FEA710A)
cases_createcase_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateDomain burst quota (L-B4BF7E31)
cases_createdomain_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateDomain rate quota (L-9BEF063B)
cases_createdomain_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateField burst quota (L-F4DAA62B)
cases_createfield_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateField rate quota (L-497703F2)
cases_createfield_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateLayout burst quota (L-FF9E638C)
cases_createlayout_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateLayout rate quota (L-7736E0FB)
cases_createlayout_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateRelatedItem burst quota (L-5A125C02)
cases_createrelateditem_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateRelatedItem rate quota (L-1F185B9F)
cases_createrelateditem_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateTemplate burst quota (L-E77680D7)
cases_createtemplate_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: CreateTemplate rate quota (L-26EE2CFC)
cases_createtemplate_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: Domains (L-C2B81BC3)
cases_domains = null
# Quota for [cases]: Field options per field (L-E52A0E46)
cases_field_options_per_field = null
# Quota for [cases]: Fields per domain (L-C5B69356)
cases_fields_per_domain = null
# Quota for [cases]: GetCase burst quota (L-7D6B0EAF)
cases_getcase_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: GetCase rate quota (L-8B6DA341)
cases_getcase_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: GetCaseEventConfiguration burst quota (L-74EA148C)
cases_getcaseeventconfiguration_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: GetCaseEventConfiguration rate quota (L-D69B27B2)
cases_getcaseeventconfiguration_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: GetDomain burst quota (L-9B7552E3)
cases_getdomain_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: GetDomain rate quota (L-FD0EC666)
cases_getdomain_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: GetLayout burst quota (L-B3860F14)
cases_getlayout_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: GetLayout rate quota (L-E5EE4EDA)
cases_getlayout_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: GetTemplate burst quota (L-1320C83D)
cases_gettemplate_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: GetTemplate rate quota (L-8AA97C3E)
cases_gettemplate_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: Layouts per domain (L-D0ED993F)
cases_layouts_per_domain = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListCasesForContact burst quota (L-FF304B65)
cases_listcasesforcontact_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListCasesForContact rate quota (L-A246B577)
cases_listcasesforcontact_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListDomains burst quota (L-3255B73C)
cases_listdomains_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListDomains rate quota (L-97677C0C)
cases_listdomains_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListFieldOptions burst quota (L-85809F5E)
cases_listfieldoptions_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListFieldOptions rate quota (L-B7E2C410)
cases_listfieldoptions_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListFields burst quota (L-7CF7A4F0)
cases_listfields_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListFields rate quota (L-D750A577)
cases_listfields_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListLayouts burst quota (L-960AA7D7)
cases_listlayouts_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListLayouts rate quota (L-4B3D8F5F)
cases_listlayouts_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListTagsForResource burst quota (L-4CE16517)
cases_listtagsforresource_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListTagsForResource rate quota (L-F62E3726)
cases_listtagsforresource_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListTemplates burst quota (L-B3BCA676)
cases_listtemplates_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: ListTemplates rate quota (L-1F4F11B7)
cases_listtemplates_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: PutCaseEventConfiguration burst quota (L-D4F270D6)
cases_putcaseeventconfiguration_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: PutCaseEventConfiguration rate quota (L-5462CD7A)
cases_putcaseeventconfiguration_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: Related items per case (L-C1AF8D37)
cases_related_items_per_case = null
# Quota for [cases]: SearchCases burst quota (L-533535BF)
cases_searchcases_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: SearchCases rate quota (L-AA3996A0)
cases_searchcases_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: SearchRelatedItems burst quota (L-5E8805C5)
cases_searchrelateditems_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: SearchRelatedItems rate quota (L-3B58A5D3)
cases_searchrelateditems_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: TagResource burst quota (L-1ECD16ED)
cases_tagresource_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: TagResource rate quota (L-C0E6C678)
cases_tagresource_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: Templates per domain (L-0482161A)
cases_templates_per_domain = null
# Quota for [cases]: UntagResource burst quota (L-AE0F3125)
cases_untagresource_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: UntagResource rate quota (L-515ED5E2)
cases_untagresource_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: UpdateCase burst quota (L-1D2B06EC)
cases_updatecase_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: UpdateCase rate quota (L-6FE92BD9)
cases_updatecase_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: UpdateField burst quota (L-A96CA735)
cases_updatefield_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: UpdateField rate quota (L-CC009CC4)
cases_updatefield_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: UpdateLayout burst quota (L-6743683C)
cases_updatelayout_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: UpdateLayout rate quota (L-D69D3749)
cases_updatelayout_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: UpdateTemplate burst quota (L-2AD9F9AD)
cases_updatetemplate_burst_quota = null
# Quota for [cases]: UpdateTemplate rate quota (L-B5BE889D)
cases_updatetemplate_rate_quota = null
# Quota for [cassandra]: Account-level read throughput quota (Provisioned
# mode) (L-E7DB0CFF)
cassandra_account_level_read_throughput_quota_provisioned_mode_ = null
# Quota for [cassandra]: Account-level write throughput quota (Provisioned
# mode) (L-2C5B14BD)
cassandra_account_level_write_throughput_quota_provisioned_mode_ = null
# Quota for [cassandra]: Keyspaces per region (L-677FFD22)
cassandra_keyspaces_per_region = null
# Quota for [cassandra]: Max amount of data restored using Point-in-time
# Recovery (PITR) (L-4C49F3DB)
cassandra_max_amount_of_data_restored_using_point_in_time_recovery_pitr_ = null
# Quota for [cassandra]: Max concurrent table restores using Point-in-time
# Recovery (PITR) (L-F41E662B)
cassandra_max_concurrent_table_restores_using_point_in_time_recovery_pitr_ = null
# Quota for [cassandra]: Max subqueries per IN SELECT statement (L-2FC1B9A1)
cassandra_max_subqueries_per_in_select_statement = null
# Quota for [cassandra]: Table-level read throughput quota (L-17766544)
cassandra_table_level_read_throughput_quota = null
# Quota for [cassandra]: Table-level write throughput quota (L-3D8ED127)
cassandra_table_level_write_throughput_quota = null
# Quota for [cassandra]: Tables per region (L-BF48748A)
cassandra_tables_per_region = null
# Quota for [ce]: Number of active cost allocation tag keys (L-FE0E51D7)
ce_number_of_active_cost_allocation_tag_keys = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - API rate (L-CF24303F)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_call_analytics_api_rate = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Maximum configurations
# (L-668D1758)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_call_analytics_maximum_configurations = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Maximum pipelines
# (L-DA073F3A)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_call_analytics_maximum_pipelines = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Maximum voice analytics
# tasks (L-6B185CAC)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_call_analytics_maximum_voice_analytics_tasks = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Maximum voice profile
# domains (L-A60BCA6C)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_call_analytics_maximum_voice_profile_domains = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Speaker search API rate
# (L-BD254D8F)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_call_analytics_speaker_search_api_rate = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Voice profile API rate
# (L-6EAE6AA6)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_call_analytics_voice_profile_api_rate = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Voice profile domain
# API rate (L-C7906AAF)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_call_analytics_voice_profile_domain_api_rate = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Voice profiles per
# voice profile domain (L-1F05D3D7)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_call_analytics_voice_profiles_per_voice_profile_domain = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Voice tone analysis API
# rate (L-310C21A9)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_call_analytics_voice_tone_analysis_api_rate = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - AppInstance API requests per
# second (L-0A68E24C)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_appinstance_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - AppInstanceUser API requests
# per second (L-D99DAB65)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_appinstanceuser_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - Chime SDK Identity API
# requests per second (L-58DEE317)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_chime_sdk_identity_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - DescribeAppInstance API
# requests per second (L-3C5ED081)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_describeappinstance_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - DescribeAppInstanceUser API
# requests per second (L-13B02A3D)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_describeappinstanceuser_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - ListAppInstances API requests
# per second (L-1DB18BA9)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_listappinstances_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - ListAppInstanceUsers API
# requests per second (L-EA3B8D9B)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_listappinstanceusers_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - Maximum AppInstances per AWS
# Account (L-0222B40A)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_maximum_appinstances_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - Maximum AppInstanceUserAdmins
# per AppInstance (L-9A7ECB60)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_maximum_appinstanceuseradmins_per_appinstance = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - Maximum
# AppInstanceUserEndpoints per AppInstanceUser (L-39BCA56C)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_maximum_appinstanceuserendpoints_per_appinstanceuser = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - Maximum AppInstanceUsers per
# AppInstance (L-D54E9933)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_identity_maximum_appinstanceusers_per_appinstance = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK media pipeline - Amazon Kinesis Video
# Stream pool API rate (L-F4340C7E)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_media_pipeline_amazon_kinesis_video_stream_pool_api_rate = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK media pipeline - API rate (L-804108DA)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_media_pipeline_api_rate = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK media pipeline - Maximum Amazon Kinesis
# Video Stream pools (L-83E6B280)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_media_pipeline_maximum_amazon_kinesis_video_stream_pools = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK media pipeline - Maximum pipelines
# (L-7F583998)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_media_pipeline_maximum_pipelines = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK meetings - Concurrent meeting quota
# (L-9F286451)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_meetings_concurrent_meeting_quota = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK meetings - Concurrent video streams
# published per meeting (L-AC1D2091)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_meetings_concurrent_video_streams_published_per_meeting = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK meetings (legacy endpoint) - Concurrent
# meeting quota (L-A5C73716)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_meetings_legacy_endpoint_concurrent_meeting_quota = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK meetings (legacy endpoint) - Concurrent
# video streams published per meeting (L-4ED6EC7D)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_meetings_legacy_endpoint_concurrent_video_streams_published_per_meeting = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK meetings - Replica meetings per primary
# meeting (L-154D84D0)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_meetings_replica_meetings_per_primary_meeting = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - AppInstanceUser API requests
# per second (L-A92E8EF9)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_appinstanceuser_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Channel API requests per
# second (L-53F2D722)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_channel_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - ChannelMessage API requests
# per second (L-FE35185B)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_channelmessage_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - DescribeChannel API requests
# per second (L-06A9F29A)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_describechannel_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - GetChannelMessage API
# requests per second (L-BB2EEB39)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_getchannelmessage_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging -
# ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUser API requests per second
# (L-06F4BAB8)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_listchannelmembershipsforappinstanceuser_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - ListChannelMessages API
# requests per second (L-37E67822)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_listchannelmessages_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - ListChannels API requests
# per second (L-B17C47C8)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_listchannels_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging -
# ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUser API requests per second (L-E8D9FB57)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_listchannelsmoderatedbyappinstanceuser_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Listing channel memberships
# API requests per second (L-B5609908)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_listing_channel_memberships_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - ListSubChannels API requests
# per second (L-303077AC)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_listsubchannels_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum CHANNEL_DETAILS
# events for prefetch (L-E95601F2)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_channel_details_events_for_prefetch = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum ChannelFlows per
# AppInstance (L-D1550AB5)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_channelflows_per_appinstance = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum ChannelMemberships
# in CHANNEL_DETAILS events for prefetch (L-7CE8F2DD)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_channelmemberships_in_channel_details_events_for_prefetch = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum ChannelMemberships
# per Channel (L-9A2511FF)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_channelmemberships_per_channel = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum ChannelMemberships
# per SubChannel (L-FBA49761)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_channelmemberships_per_subchannel = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum ChannelMessages in
# CHANNEL_DETAILS events for prefetch (L-B2BA1F32)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_channelmessages_in_channel_details_events_for_prefetch = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum ChannelModerators
# per Channel (L-3E511C5B)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_channelmoderators_per_channel = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum ChannelProcessors
# per ChannelFlow (L-CA0C986A)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_channelprocessors_per_channelflow = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum Channels per
# AppInstance (L-0AC3ED57)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_channels_per_appinstance = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum concurrent active
# connections per AppInstanceUser (L-0EB74667)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_concurrent_active_connections_per_appinstanceuser = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum Elastic Channels per
# AppInstance (L-710A5D85)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_elastic_channels_per_appinstance = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum SubChannels per
# Elastic Channel (L-81922B66)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_maximum_subchannels_per_elastic_channel = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Requests per second of
# create or delete channel memberships, bans, and moderators for a specific
# channel (L-9B0D42EC)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_messaging_requests_per_second_of_create_or_delete_channel_memberships_bans_and_moderators_for_a_specific_channel = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - calls per
# second (CPS) (L-B6F2C623)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_sip_trunking_and_voice_calls_per_second_cps_ = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice -
# CreateSipMediaApplicationCall API rate limit (L-C115F428)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_sip_trunking_and_voice_createsipmediaapplicationcall_api_rate_limit = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - provisioned
# phone numbers (L-32405DBA)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_sip_trunking_and_voice_provisioned_phone_numbers = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - SIP media
# applications (L-9DD490AB)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_sip_trunking_and_voice_sip_media_applications = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - SIP media
# applications per SIP rule (L-8BA4EAA6)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_sip_trunking_and_voice_sip_media_applications_per_sip_rule = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice -
# UpdateSipMediaApplicationCall API rate limit (L-21762DC9)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_sip_trunking_and_voice_updatesipmediaapplicationcall_api_rate_limit = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - Voice Connector
# groups (L-D3615084)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_sip_trunking_and_voice_voice_connector_groups = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - Voice
# Connectors (L-8EE806B4)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_sip_trunking_and_voice_voice_connectors_ = null
# Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - Voice
# Connectors per Voice Connector group (L-FA2B043C)
chime_amazon_chime_sdk_sip_trunking_and_voice_voice_connectors_per_voice_connector_group = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Collaborations created per account (L-F60C2030)
cleanrooms_collaborations_created_per_account = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Members invited per collaboration (L-F7B26AF5)
cleanrooms_members_invited_per_collaboration = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Memberships per account (L-99A163CB)
cleanrooms_memberships_per_account = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of BatchGetSchema requests (L-FA0B0432)
cleanrooms_rate_of_batchgetschema_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of CreateCollaboration requests (L-71F0D659)
cleanrooms_rate_of_createcollaboration_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of CreateConfiguredTable requests (L-971686CB)
cleanrooms_rate_of_createconfiguredtable_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of CreateConfiguredTableAnalysisRule requests
# (L-AA1FCC92)
cleanrooms_rate_of_createconfiguredtableanalysisrule_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of CreateConfiguredTableAssociation requests
# (L-58076094)
cleanrooms_rate_of_createconfiguredtableassociation_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of CreateMembership requests (L-AA83E042)
cleanrooms_rate_of_createmembership_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of DeleteCollaboration requests (L-F0A87380)
cleanrooms_rate_of_deletecollaboration_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of DeleteConfiguredTable requests (L-C0D69AA0)
cleanrooms_rate_of_deleteconfiguredtable_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of DeleteConfiguredTableAnalysisRule requests
# (L-6FF866CD)
cleanrooms_rate_of_deleteconfiguredtableanalysisrule_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of DeleteConfiguredTableAssociation requests
# (L-88914C24)
cleanrooms_rate_of_deleteconfiguredtableassociation_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of DeleteMember requests (L-46ADBA29)
cleanrooms_rate_of_deletemember_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of DeleteMembership requests (L-80DB73D7)
cleanrooms_rate_of_deletemembership_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetCollaboration requests (L-EA789CE8)
cleanrooms_rate_of_getcollaboration_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetConfiguredTable requests (L-9FC85564)
cleanrooms_rate_of_getconfiguredtable_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetConfiguredTableAnalysisRule requests
# (L-0FB3F147)
cleanrooms_rate_of_getconfiguredtableanalysisrule_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetConfiguredTableAssociation requests
# (L-1BCDF035)
cleanrooms_rate_of_getconfiguredtableassociation_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetMembership requests (L-6EE33BE8)
cleanrooms_rate_of_getmembership_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetProtectedQuery requests (L-5B356E2B)
cleanrooms_rate_of_getprotectedquery_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetSchema requests (L-0A3E7551)
cleanrooms_rate_of_getschema_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetSchemaAnalysisRule requests (L-23D4B294)
cleanrooms_rate_of_getschemaanalysisrule_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of ListCollaborations requests (L-60C9F5C8)
cleanrooms_rate_of_listcollaborations_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of ListConfiguredTableAssociations requests
# (L-D90468BB)
cleanrooms_rate_of_listconfiguredtableassociations_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of ListConfiguredTables requests (L-4FA6F2CA)
cleanrooms_rate_of_listconfiguredtables_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of ListMembers requests (L-659B47CC)
cleanrooms_rate_of_listmembers_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of ListMemberships requests (L-8CF613B7)
cleanrooms_rate_of_listmemberships_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of ListProtectedQueries requests (L-2BCA0376)
cleanrooms_rate_of_listprotectedqueries_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of ListSchemas requests (L-8C954508)
cleanrooms_rate_of_listschemas_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of StartProtectedQuery requests (L-59F4710C)
cleanrooms_rate_of_startprotectedquery_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of UpdateCollaboration requests (L-DDC82272)
cleanrooms_rate_of_updatecollaboration_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of UpdateConfiguredTable requests (L-DF3C63EF)
cleanrooms_rate_of_updateconfiguredtable_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of UpdateConfiguredTableAnalysisRule requests
# (L-39FE5CA0)
cleanrooms_rate_of_updateconfiguredtableanalysisrule_requests = null
# Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of UpdateConfiguredTableAssociation requests
# (L-BC5338D1)
cleanrooms_rate_of_updateconfiguredtableassociation_requests = null
# Quota for [cloud9]: EC2 development environments for this account
# (L-8ECD6BDB)
cloud9_ec2_development_environments_for_this_account = null
# Quota for [cloud9]: EC2 development environments for this user (L-C1302C17)
cloud9_ec2_development_environments_for_this_user = null
# Quota for [cloud9]: SSH development environments for this account
# (L-A29EDECE)
cloud9_ssh_development_environments_for_this_account = null
# Quota for [cloud9]: SSH development environments for this user (L-5D26553C)
cloud9_ssh_development_environments_for_this_user = null
# Quota for [cloudformation]: Module limit per account (L-DCC58E6D)
cloudformation_module_limit_per_account = null
# Quota for [cloudformation]: Resource limit per account (L-9DE8E4FB)
cloudformation_resource_limit_per_account = null
# Quota for [cloudformation]: Stack count (L-0485CB21)
cloudformation_stack_count = null
# Quota for [cloudformation]: Stack instance operations per administrator
# account (L-6A4B2F69)
cloudformation_stack_instance_operations_per_administrator_account = null
# Quota for [cloudformation]: Stack instances per stack set (L-C8225BA5)
cloudformation_stack_instances_per_stack_set = null
# Quota for [cloudformation]: Stack sets per administrator account
# (L-EC62D81A)
cloudformation_stack_sets_per_administrator_account = null
# Quota for [cloudformation]: Version limit per module (L-7E146E2E)
cloudformation_version_limit_per_module = null
# Quota for [cloudformation]: Version limit per resource (L-EA1018E8)
cloudformation_version_limit_per_resource = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Alternate domain names (CNAMEs) per distribution
# (L-AAD4943E)
cloudfront_alternate_domain_names_cnames_per_distribution = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Cache behaviors per distribution (L-F432D044)
cloudfront_cache_behaviors_per_distribution = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: CloudFront Functions: Maximum number of
# distributions associated with a single function (L-435C8433)
cloudfront_cloudfront_functions_maximum_number_of_distributions_associated_with_a_single_function = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Concurrent executions (L-67B0F006)
cloudfront_concurrent_executions = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Cookies per cache policy (L-BEBABC60)
cloudfront_cookies_per_cache_policy = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Cookies per origin request policy (L-68CBA03E)
cloudfront_cookies_per_origin_request_policy = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Custom headers: maximum number of custom headers
# that you can configure CloudFront to add to origin requests (L-BE7788E4)
cloudfront_custom_headers_maximum_number_of_custom_headers_that_you_can_configure_cloudfront_to_add_to_origin_requests = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Data transfer rate per distribution (L-0F1E9017)
cloudfront_data_transfer_rate_per_distribution = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Distributions associated with a single key group
# (L-C19110C4)
cloudfront_distributions_associated_with_a_single_key_group = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Distributions per AWS account that you can create
# triggers for (L-D0C8D03A)
cloudfront_distributions_per_aws_account_that_you_can_create_triggers_for = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Headers per cache policy (L-4C99C1B4)
cloudfront_headers_per_cache_policy = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Headers per origin request policy (L-C646B44B)
cloudfront_headers_per_origin_request_policy = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Key groups associated with a single distribution
# (L-E7E9ACEB)
cloudfront_key_groups_associated_with_a_single_distribution = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Key groups per AWS account (L-D64DA6E2)
cloudfront_key_groups_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Origin access identities per account (L-08884E5C)
cloudfront_origin_access_identities_per_account = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Origin groups per distribution (L-1B2BD627)
cloudfront_origin_groups_per_distribution = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Origins per distribution (L-B4048FB4)
cloudfront_origins_per_distribution = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Public keys in a single key group (L-9EBD26CA)
cloudfront_public_keys_in_a_single_key_group = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Query strings per cache policy (L-50C9D326)
cloudfront_query_strings_per_cache_policy = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Query strings per origin request policy (L-E47A582D)
cloudfront_query_strings_per_origin_request_policy = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Request timeout (L-C65EE6F0)
cloudfront_request_timeout = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Requests per second (L-A3F2DA32)
cloudfront_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Requests per second per distribution (L-A2C80159)
cloudfront_requests_per_second_per_distribution = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Response timeout per origin (L-AECE9FA7)
cloudfront_response_timeout_per_origin = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: RTMP distributions per AWS account (L-7F663A86)
cloudfront_rtmp_distributions_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: SSL certificates per AWS account when serving HTTPS
# requests using dedicated IP addresses (L-DA9DCC93)
cloudfront_ssl_certificates_per_aws_account_when_serving_https_requests_using_dedicated_ip_addresses = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Triggers per distribution (L-C57D59CB)
cloudfront_triggers_per_distribution = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Web distributions per AWS account (L-24B04930)
cloudfront_web_distributions_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Whitelisted cookies per cache behavior (L-9D26CF6B)
cloudfront_whitelisted_cookies_per_cache_behavior = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Whitelisted headers per cache behavior (L-1685304C)
cloudfront_whitelisted_headers_per_cache_behavior = null
# Quota for [cloudfront]: Whitelisted query strings per cache behavior
# (L-779C7A0B)
cloudfront_whitelisted_query_strings_per_cache_behavior = null
# Quota for [cloudhsm]: Clusters per AWS Region and AWS account (L-4B16B391)
cloudhsm_clusters_per_aws_region_and_aws_account = null
# Quota for [cloudhsm]: HSMs per AWS Region and AWS account (L-95BA35D1)
cloudhsm_hsms_per_aws_region_and_aws_account = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: Asset file size (L-AA0DC56D)
codeartifact_asset_file_size = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: CopyPackageVersions requests per second
# (L-308A4050)
codeartifact_copypackageversions_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: Domains per AWS account (L-DD7208D3)
codeartifact_domains_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: GetAuthorizationToken requests per second
# (L-0B362111)
codeartifact_getauthorizationtoken_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: GetPackageVersionAsset requests per second
# (L-6C12FB34)
codeartifact_getpackageversionasset_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: ListPackages requests per second (L-6010CAF9)
codeartifact_listpackages_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: ListPackageVersionAssets requests per second
# (L-3072382D)
codeartifact_listpackageversionassets_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: ListPackageVersions requests per second
codeartifact_listpackageversions_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: PublishPackageVersion requests per second
# (L-3E27C79F)
codeartifact_publishpackageversion_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: Read requests per second from a single AWS account
# (L-F39CF68A)
codeartifact_read_requests_per_second_from_a_single_aws_account = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: Repositories per domain (L-86608C96)
codeartifact_repositories_per_domain = null
# Quota for [codeartifact]: Write requests per second from a single AWS
# account (L-A649E766)
codeartifact_write_requests_per_second_from_a_single_aws_account = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Build projects (L-ACCF6C0D)
codebuild_build_projects = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for ARM Lambda/10GB
# environment (L-36AF3CA5)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_arm_lambda_10gb_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for ARM Lambda/1GB
# environment (L-FD92223D)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_arm_lambda_1gb_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for ARM Lambda/2GB
# environment (L-DE99852F)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_arm_lambda_2gb_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for ARM Lambda/4GB
# environment (L-72045165)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_arm_lambda_4gb_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for ARM Lambda/8GB
# environment (L-546A802A)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_arm_lambda_8gb_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for ARM/Large environment
# (L-596BEAB4)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_arm_large_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for ARM/Small environment
# (L-5ED1D25B)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_arm_small_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux/2XLarge
# environment (L-0397D009)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_2xlarge_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux GPU Large
# environment (L-D906BEE7)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_gpu_large_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux GPU Small
# environment (L-F1FE1B52)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_gpu_small_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux Lambda/10GB
# environment (L-E692F494)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_lambda_10gb_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux Lambda/1GB
# environment (L-03FBB1ED)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_lambda_1gb_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux Lambda/2GB
# environment (L-1DFDD5F9)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_lambda_2gb_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux Lambda/4GB
# environment (L-39DB2B0B)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_lambda_4gb_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux Lambda/8GB
# environment (L-049948E0)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_lambda_8gb_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux/Large
# environment (L-4DDC4A99)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_large_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux/Medium
# environment (L-2DC20C30)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_medium_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux/Small
# environment (L-9D07B6EF)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_small_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux/XLarge
# environment (L-04E5CA62)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_linux_xlarge_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Windows/Large
# environment (L-4135EDF8)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_windows_large_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Windows/Medium
# environment (L-B4157408)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_windows_medium_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Windows Server
# 2019/Large environment (L-2C3490D7)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_windows_server_2019_large_environment = null
# Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Windows Server
# 2019/Medium environment (L-ECF1B2A0)
codebuild_concurrently_running_builds_for_windows_server_2019_medium_environment = null
# Quota for [codecommit]: Allowed repositories (L-81790602)
codecommit_allowed_repositories = null
# Quota for [codedeploy]: Applications associated per account per region
# (L-3F19B6A5)
codedeploy_applications_associated_per_account_per_region = null
# Quota for [codedeploy]: Associated alarms per deployment group (L-9F835576)
codedeploy_associated_alarms_per_deployment_group = null
# Quota for [codedeploy]: Auto Scaling groups in a deployment group
# (L-6DACB4EE)
codedeploy_auto_scaling_groups_in_a_deployment_group = null
# Quota for [codedeploy]: Concurrent deployments per account (L-AB125F0B)
codedeploy_concurrent_deployments_per_account = null
# Quota for [codedeploy]: Deployment groups associated with a single
# application (L-D9088B77)
codedeploy_deployment_groups_associated_with_a_single_application = null
# Quota for [codedeploy]: Event notification triggers in a deployment group
# (L-877B748B)
codedeploy_event_notification_triggers_in_a_deployment_group = null
# Quota for [codedeploy]: Instances count per deployment (L-6BCCFC85)
codedeploy_instances_count_per_deployment = null
# Quota for [codedeploy]: Number of instances used by concurrent deployments
# that are in progress per account (L-464411D9)
codedeploy_number_of_instances_used_by_concurrent_deployments_that_are_in_progress_per_account = null
# Quota for [codeguru-profiler]: Number of profiling groups per account and
# region. (L-DA8D4E8D)
codeguru_profiler_number_of_profiling_groups_per_account_and_region_ = null
# Quota for [codeguru-reviewer]: Allowed Code Reviews (L-F5129FC6)
codeguru_reviewer_allowed_code_reviews = null
# Quota for [codepipeline]: Action timeout (L-5AA45A27)
codepipeline_action_timeout = null
# Quota for [codepipeline]: Amazon S3 deployment action timeout (L-ABB870A7)
codepipeline_amazon_s3_deployment_action_timeout = null
# Quota for [codepipeline]: AWS CloudFormation action timeout (L-447DD651)
codepipeline_aws_cloudformation_action_timeout = null
# Quota for [codepipeline]: AWS CodeDeploy action timeout (L-CE1F2EE9)
codepipeline_aws_codedeploy_action_timeout = null
# Quota for [codepipeline]: AWS CodeDeploy ECS (Blue/Green) action timeout
# (L-87C878A5)
codepipeline_aws_codedeploy_ecs_blue_green_action_timeout = null
# Quota for [codepipeline]: AWS Lambda action timeout (L-912817AD)
codepipeline_aws_lambda_action_timeout = null
# Quota for [codepipeline]: Total custom actions (L-519D5A90)
codepipeline_total_custom_actions = null
# Quota for [codepipeline]: Total pipelines (L-78D200AD)
codepipeline_total_pipelines = null
# Quota for [codepipeline]: Total webhooks (L-FE939BB2)
codepipeline_total_webhooks = null
# Quota for [cognito-identity]: Identity pools per account (L-8692CE1C)
cognito_identity_identity_pools_per_account = null
# Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of GetCredentialsForIdentity requests
# (L-5AE9F13D)
cognito_identity_rate_of_getcredentialsforidentity_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of GetId requests (L-A38ADA84)
cognito_identity_rate_of_getid_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of GetOpenIdToken requests (L-E97D135E)
cognito_identity_rate_of_getopenidtoken_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity
# requests (L-0BF99E8D)
cognito_identity_rate_of_getopenidtokenfordeveloperidentity_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of ListIdentities requests (L-DBF99350)
cognito_identity_rate_of_listidentities_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of ListTagsForResource requests
# (L-50C9AAB8)
cognito_identity_rate_of_listtagsforresource_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of TagResource requests (L-DAF3EAFF)
cognito_identity_rate_of_tagresource_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of UntagResource requests (L-0D31D6D2)
cognito_identity_rate_of_untagresource_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-identity]: User pool providers per identity pool
# (L-14403AD5)
cognito_identity_user_pool_providers_per_identity_pool = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: Apps per user pool (L-5EAB0605)
cognito_idp_apps_per_user_pool = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: Identity providers per user pool (L-1B44D826)
cognito_idp_identity_providers_per_user_pool = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: Rate of UserAuthentication requests (L-026ADBA3)
cognito_idp_rate_of_userauthentication_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: Rate of UserCreation requests (L-5987B8A0)
cognito_idp_rate_of_usercreation_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: Rate of UserFederation requests (L-BB3E7CCF)
cognito_idp_rate_of_userfederation_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: Rate of UserRead requests (L-D6BD5178)
cognito_idp_rate_of_userread_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: Rate of UserResourceRead requests (L-55545DC8)
cognito_idp_rate_of_userresourceread_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: Rate of UserToken requests (L-F21F8BB4)
cognito_idp_rate_of_usertoken_requests = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: Resource servers per user pool (L-7CDAF993)
cognito_idp_resource_servers_per_user_pool = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: User import jobs per user pool (L-681BB884)
cognito_idp_user_import_jobs_per_user_pool = null
# Quota for [cognito-idp]: User pools per account (L-66E6DF30)
cognito_idp_user_pools_per_account = null
# Quota for [cognito-sync]: Dataset size (L-C5EE478A)
cognito_sync_dataset_size = null
# Quota for [cognito-sync]: Datasets per identity (L-2625A4A0)
cognito_sync_datasets_per_identity = null
# Quota for [cognito-sync]: Records per dataset (L-97A9518B)
cognito_sync_records_per_dataset = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: CreateFlywheel max active flywheels (L-AE5B911F)
comprehend_createflywheel_max_active_flywheels = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: CreateFlywheel max concurrent (L-8F55B05C)
comprehend_createflywheel_max_concurrent = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: Datasets max concurrent creates (L-0C094DCD)
comprehend_datasets_max_concurrent_creates = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: DetectDominantLanguage max active jobs (L-7AC96081)
comprehend_detectdominantlanguage_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: DetectEntities max active jobs (L-2B8ECCAB)
comprehend_detectentities_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: DetectEvents max active jobs (L-471B41D6)
comprehend_detectevents_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: DetectKeyPhrases max active jobs (L-BFFD1421)
comprehend_detectkeyphrases_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: DetectPiiEntities max active jobs (L-D88E2B98)
comprehend_detectpiientities_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: DetectSentiment max active jobs (L-32ABBB12)
comprehend_detectsentiment_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: DetectTargetedSentiment max active jobs (L-358FBC4F)
comprehend_detecttargetedsentiment_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: DocumentClassification max active jobs (L-E65FE76A)
comprehend_documentclassification_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: DocumentClassifier max active jobs (L-94042C4D)
comprehend_documentclassifier_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: Endpoints max active endpoints (L-55642075)
comprehend_endpoints_max_active_endpoints = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: Endpoints max inference units per account
# (L-2A73DEBC)
comprehend_endpoints_max_inference_units_per_account = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: Endpoints max inference units per endpoint
# (L-70EC2949)
comprehend_endpoints_max_inference_units_per_endpoint = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: EntityRecognizer max active jobs (L-4BDB4A9D)
comprehend_entityrecognizer_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: MaxTestDatasets per flywheel (L-1666A7DF)
comprehend_maxtestdatasets_per_flywheel = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: MaxTrainDatasets per flywheel (L-7CC66BB8)
comprehend_maxtraindatasets_per_flywheel = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: StartFlywheelIteration max concurrent flywheel
# iterations (L-C5F124CF)
comprehend_startflywheeliteration_max_concurrent_flywheel_iterations = null
# Quota for [comprehend]: TopicsDetection max active jobs (L-F2BED405)
comprehend_topicsdetection_max_active_jobs = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Characters per second (CPS) for the
# DetectEntities operation (L-0F270C16)
comprehendmedical_characters_per_second_cps_for_the_detectentities_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Characters per second (CPS) for the
# DetectEntities-v2 operation (L-DA25DEBE)
comprehendmedical_characters_per_second_cps_for_the_detectentities_v2_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Characters per second (CPS) for the DetectPHI
# operation (L-898A29B5)
comprehendmedical_characters_per_second_cps_for_the_detectphi_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Characters per second (CPS) for the
# InferICD10CM operation (L-2D8DD360)
comprehendmedical_characters_per_second_cps_for_the_infericd10cm_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Characters per second (CPS) for the
# InferRxNorm operation (L-EBC89551)
comprehendmedical_characters_per_second_cps_for_the_inferrxnorm_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Characters per second (CPS) for the
# InferSNOMEDCT operation (L-94FD3525)
comprehendmedical_characters_per_second_cps_for_the_infersnomedct_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# DescribeEntitiesDetectionV2Job operation (L-2E4FECDB)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_describeentitiesdetectionv2job_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# DescribeICD10CMInferenceJob operation (L-D3E9A826)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_describeicd10cminferencejob_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# DescribePHIDetectionJob operation (L-6D2451A2)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_describephidetectionjob_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# DescribeRxNormInferenceJob operation (L-9160F74C)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_describerxnorminferencejob_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# ListEntitiesDetectionV2Jobs operation (L-D2B25B86)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_listentitiesdetectionv2jobs_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# ListICD10CMInferenceJobs operation (L-697FACA2)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_listicd10cminferencejobs_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# ListPHIDetectionJobs operation (L-ECD06837)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_listphidetectionjobs_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# ListRxNormInferenceJobs operation (L-BC0855C2)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_listrxnorminferencejobs_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# StartEntitiesDetectionV2Job operation (L-CA412BC4)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_startentitiesdetectionv2job_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# StartICD10CMInferenceJob operation (L-A7A39B63)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_starticd10cminferencejob_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# StartPHIDetectionJob operation (L-63264B74)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_startphidetectionjob_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# StartRxNormInferenceJob operation (L-65E555CE)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_startrxnorminferencejob_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# StopEntitiesDetectionV2Job operation (L-5C7158CA)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_stopentitiesdetectionv2job_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# StopICD10CMInferenceJob operation (L-2FF7DD8B)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_stopicd10cminferencejob_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# StopPHIDetectionJob operation (L-A599138D)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_stopphidetectionjob_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# StopRxNormInferenceJob operation (L-6E23E26F)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_stoprxnorminferencejob_operation = null
# Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# StopSNOMEDCTInferenceJob operation (L-3645AB89)
comprehendmedical_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_stopsnomedctinferencejob_operation = null
# Quota for [config]: AWS Config Rules per region (L-0BE82991)
config_aws_config_rules_per_region = null
# Quota for [connect]: Amazon Connect instance count (L-AA17A6B9)
connect_amazon_connect_instance_count = null
# Quota for [connect]: Amazon Lex bots per instance (L-B93A6612)
connect_amazon_lex_bots_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Amazon Lex V2 bot aliases per instance (L-CCEA7427)
connect_amazon_lex_v2_bot_aliases_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: AWS Lambda functions per instance (L-E3D2F503)
connect_aws_lambda_functions_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect-campaigns]: Campaigns (L-7F7B4C39)
connect_campaigns_campaigns = null
# Quota for [connect]: Concurrent active calls per instance (L-12AB7C57)
connect_concurrent_active_calls_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Concurrent active chats per instance (L-D4BA6F6E)
connect_concurrent_active_chats_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Concurrent active tasks per instance (L-60553137)
connect_concurrent_active_tasks_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Concurrent campaign active calls per instance
# (L-E908C3A1)
connect_concurrent_campaign_active_calls_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Contact flows per instance (L-22922690)
connect_contact_flows_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Flow modules per instance (L-19755C7E)
connect_flow_modules_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Hours of operation per instance (L-20CD02F7)
connect_hours_of_operation_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Phone numbers per instance (L-8F812903)
connect_phone_numbers_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Predefined Attributes (L-3828FBF0)
connect_predefined_attributes = null
# Quota for [connect]: Proficiencies per agent (L-50375162)
connect_proficiencies_per_agent = null
# Quota for [connect]: Prompts per instance (L-0865B754)
connect_prompts_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Queues per instance (L-19A87C94)
connect_queues_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Queues per routing profile per instance (L-516BC0EB)
connect_queues_per_routing_profile_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Quick connects per instance (L-68BBE2E8)
connect_quick_connects_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateApprovedOrigin API requests
# (L-8787723E)
connect_rate_of_associateapprovedorigin_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateBot API requests (L-8C43A191)
connect_rate_of_associatebot_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateDefaultVocabulary API requests
# (L-731F613E)
connect_rate_of_associatedefaultvocabulary_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateInstanceStorageConfig API requests
# (L-B1987D6A)
connect_rate_of_associateinstancestorageconfig_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateLambdaFunction API requests
# (L-4AE2F6BF)
connect_rate_of_associatelambdafunction_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateLexBot API requests (L-45BAE507)
connect_rate_of_associatelexbot_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociatePhoneNumberContactFlow API requests
# (L-D2ECB451)
connect_rate_of_associatephonenumbercontactflow_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateQueueQuickConnects API requests
# (L-AFE616A6)
connect_rate_of_associatequeuequickconnects_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateRoutingProfileQueues API requests
# (L-01980B0F)
connect_rate_of_associateroutingprofilequeues_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateSecurityKey API requests (L-5B601B18)
connect_rate_of_associatesecuritykey_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateUserProficiencies API requests
# (L-2CCBA953)
connect_rate_of_associateuserproficiencies_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of BatchPutContact API requests (L-76F318C5)
connect_rate_of_batchputcontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ClaimPhoneNumber API requests (L-21385E28)
connect_rate_of_claimphonenumber_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateAgentStatus API requests (L-3118109A)
connect_rate_of_createagentstatus_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateContactFlow API requests (L-A218697D)
connect_rate_of_createcontactflow_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateContactFlowModule API requests
# (L-DA469EE8)
connect_rate_of_createcontactflowmodule_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateHoursOfOperation API requests
# (L-C32AFAAE)
connect_rate_of_createhoursofoperation_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateInstance API requests (L-2AADC77E)
connect_rate_of_createinstance_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateIntegrationAssociation API requests
# (L-1A44121A)
connect_rate_of_createintegrationassociation_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateParticipant API requests (L-8FE21897)
connect_rate_of_createparticipant_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreatePredefinedAttribute API requests
# (L-75490F5A)
connect_rate_of_createpredefinedattribute_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateQueue API requests (L-DF4FC88B)
connect_rate_of_createqueue_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateQuickConnect API requests (L-272F1E62)
connect_rate_of_createquickconnect_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateRoutingProfile API requests (L-8CE99751)
connect_rate_of_createroutingprofile_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateRule API requests (L-75EE66CE)
connect_rate_of_createrule_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateSecurityProfile API requests (L-159E202B)
connect_rate_of_createsecurityprofile_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateTaskTemplate API requests (L-185BE3DB)
connect_rate_of_createtasktemplate_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateTrafficDistributionGroup API requests
# (L-781E5E85)
connect_rate_of_createtrafficdistributiongroup_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateUseCase API requests (L-5755F8EC)
connect_rate_of_createusecase_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateUser API requests (L-CBDEE3E4)
connect_rate_of_createuser_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateUserHierarchyGroup API requests
# (L-E621D747)
connect_rate_of_createuserhierarchygroup_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateVocabulary API requests (L-1AB8E9D9)
connect_rate_of_createvocabulary_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteContactFlow API requests (L-BBBDDEDC)
connect_rate_of_deletecontactflow_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteContactFlowModule API requests
# (L-19D865C6)
connect_rate_of_deletecontactflowmodule_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteHoursOfOperation API requests
# (L-57EBCF95)
connect_rate_of_deletehoursofoperation_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteInstance API requests (L-B9220F3B)
connect_rate_of_deleteinstance_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteIntegrationAssociation API requests
# (L-9CF39F22)
connect_rate_of_deleteintegrationassociation_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeletePredefinedAttribute API requests
# (L-84CCC70A)
connect_rate_of_deletepredefinedattribute_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteQuickConnect API requests (L-EC633E57)
connect_rate_of_deletequickconnect_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteRule API requests (L-7AA5113F)
connect_rate_of_deleterule_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteSecurityProfile API requests (L-BD0B57EC)
connect_rate_of_deletesecurityprofile_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteTaskTemplate API requests (L-D7F21423)
connect_rate_of_deletetasktemplate_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteTrafficDistributionGroup API requests
# (L-4409B44A)
connect_rate_of_deletetrafficdistributiongroup_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteUseCase API requests (L-CDC861C1)
connect_rate_of_deleteusecase_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteUser API requests (L-30488271)
connect_rate_of_deleteuser_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteUserHierarchyGroup API requests
# (L-6751163B)
connect_rate_of_deleteuserhierarchygroup_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteVocabulary API requests (L-78A553AE)
connect_rate_of_deletevocabulary_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeAgentStatus API requests (L-08DF489D)
connect_rate_of_describeagentstatus_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeContact API requests (L-371095B8)
connect_rate_of_describecontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeContactFlow API requests (L-41C7214A)
connect_rate_of_describecontactflow_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeContactFlowModule API requests
# (L-56B34560)
connect_rate_of_describecontactflowmodule_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeHoursOfOperation API requests
# (L-F6EB2DE1)
connect_rate_of_describehoursofoperation_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeInstance API requests (L-D14CF86E)
connect_rate_of_describeinstance_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeInstanceAttribute API requests
# (L-2F996DE6)
connect_rate_of_describeinstanceattribute_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeInstanceStorageConfig API requests
# (L-57DF9146)
connect_rate_of_describeinstancestorageconfig_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribePhoneNumber API requests (L-34F440B5)
connect_rate_of_describephonenumber_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribePredefinedAttribute API requests
# (L-753B94AB)
connect_rate_of_describepredefinedattribute_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribePrompt API requests (L-3F6301E8)
connect_rate_of_describeprompt_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeQueue API requests (L-FAC57D08)
connect_rate_of_describequeue_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeQuickConnect API requests (L-2DE43297)
connect_rate_of_describequickconnect_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeRoutingProfile API requests
# (L-839A2EDC)
connect_rate_of_describeroutingprofile_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeRule API requests (L-40BDE29F)
connect_rate_of_describerule_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeSecurityProfile API requests
# (L-2AF5EEF5)
connect_rate_of_describesecurityprofile_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeTrafficDistributionGroup API requests
# (L-DD5F6903)
connect_rate_of_describetrafficdistributiongroup_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeUser API requests (L-EE6F0D82)
connect_rate_of_describeuser_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeUserHierarchyGroup API requests
# (L-50D07AB9)
connect_rate_of_describeuserhierarchygroup_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeUserHierarchyStructure API requests
# (L-5F32FD78)
connect_rate_of_describeuserhierarchystructure_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeVocabulary API requests (L-22F9A3D8)
connect_rate_of_describevocabulary_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateApprovedOrigin API requests
# (L-C595FFE9)
connect_rate_of_disassociateapprovedorigin_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateBot API requests (L-C06273D6)
connect_rate_of_disassociatebot_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateInstanceStorageConfig API requests
# (L-76EF4B62)
connect_rate_of_disassociateinstancestorageconfig_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateLambdaFunction API requests
# (L-C5C511CD)
connect_rate_of_disassociatelambdafunction_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateLexBot API requests (L-25E54F7C)
connect_rate_of_disassociatelexbot_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociatePhoneNumberContactFlow API requests
# (L-F7E8A253)
connect_rate_of_disassociatephonenumbercontactflow_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateQueueQuickConnects API requests
# (L-BC61DC58)
connect_rate_of_disassociatequeuequickconnects_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateRoutingProfileQueues API requests
# (L-83963769)
connect_rate_of_disassociateroutingprofilequeues_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateSecurityKey API requests
# (L-1F455046)
connect_rate_of_disassociatesecuritykey_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateUserProficiencies API requests
# (L-53E03705)
connect_rate_of_disassociateuserproficiencies_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of DismissUserContact API requests (L-2BDBF248)
connect_rate_of_dismissusercontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetContactAttributes API requests (L-5AF7EB96)
connect_rate_of_getcontactattributes_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetCurrentMetricData API requests (L-ED2B0490)
connect_rate_of_getcurrentmetricdata_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetCurrentUserData API requests (L-9E54B88B)
connect_rate_of_getcurrentuserdata_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetFederationToken API requests (L-9AA558F3)
connect_rate_of_getfederationtoken_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetMetricData API requests (L-52794498)
connect_rate_of_getmetricdata_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetMetricDataV2 API requests (L-2E719449)
connect_rate_of_getmetricdatav2_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetTaskTemplate API requests (L-87C02971)
connect_rate_of_gettasktemplate_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetTrafficDistribution API requests
# (L-379E909D)
connect_rate_of_gettrafficdistribution_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListAgentStatuses API requests (L-D6D4A2DA)
connect_rate_of_listagentstatuses_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListApprovedOrigins API requests (L-80A82D5F)
connect_rate_of_listapprovedorigins_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListBots API requests (L-6DF53542)
connect_rate_of_listbots_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListContactFlowModules API requests
# (L-89B2A386)
connect_rate_of_listcontactflowmodules_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListContactFlows API requests (L-4641705A)
connect_rate_of_listcontactflows_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListContactReferences API requests (L-6840C932)
connect_rate_of_listcontactreferences_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListDefaultVocabularies API requests
# (L-78937F3A)
connect_rate_of_listdefaultvocabularies_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListHoursOfOperations API requests (L-09AAE068)
connect_rate_of_listhoursofoperations_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListInstanceAttributes API requests
# (L-5CB19903)
connect_rate_of_listinstanceattributes_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListInstances API requests (L-98C95556)
connect_rate_of_listinstances_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListInstanceStorageConfigs API requests
# (L-8BFD043A)
connect_rate_of_listinstancestorageconfigs_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListIntegrationAssociations API requests
# (L-A6BE227D)
connect_rate_of_listintegrationassociations_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListLambdaFunctions API requests (L-D9BB0F83)
connect_rate_of_listlambdafunctions_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListLexBots API requests (L-467CADD3)
connect_rate_of_listlexbots_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListPhoneNumbers API requests (L-9959E55D)
connect_rate_of_listphonenumbers_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListPhoneNumbersV2 API requests (L-B07B2C56)
connect_rate_of_listphonenumbersv2_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListPredefinedAttributes API requests
# (L-BE2447CC)
connect_rate_of_listpredefinedattributes_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListPrompts API requests (L-A9886A7C)
connect_rate_of_listprompts_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListQueueQuickConnects API requests
# (L-6271E27A)
connect_rate_of_listqueuequickconnects_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListQueues API requests (L-C56E3A3C)
connect_rate_of_listqueues_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListQuickConnects API requests (L-44B5DA37)
connect_rate_of_listquickconnects_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListRoutingProfileQueues API requests
# (L-16BF00C7)
connect_rate_of_listroutingprofilequeues_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListRoutingProfiles API requests (L-30929A21)
connect_rate_of_listroutingprofiles_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListRules API requests (L-0711FF1F)
connect_rate_of_listrules_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListSecurityKeys API requests (L-DB5A7716)
connect_rate_of_listsecuritykeys_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListSecurityProfilePermissions API requests
# (L-12900DCA)
connect_rate_of_listsecurityprofilepermissions_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListSecurityProfiles API requests (L-A408782D)
connect_rate_of_listsecurityprofiles_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListTagsForResource API requests (L-601C68F6)
connect_rate_of_listtagsforresource_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListTaskTemplates API requests (L-0D791E12)
connect_rate_of_listtasktemplates_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListTrafficDistributionGroups API requests
# (L-FF4585DE)
connect_rate_of_listtrafficdistributiongroups_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListUseCases API requests (L-D04B6FBE)
connect_rate_of_listusecases_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListUserHierarchyGroups API requests
# (L-E6DB6D6D)
connect_rate_of_listuserhierarchygroups_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListUserProficiencies API requests (L-A59C54EE)
connect_rate_of_listuserproficiencies_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListUsers API requests (L-CCC38177)
connect_rate_of_listusers_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of MonitorContact API requests (L-230B11C5)
connect_rate_of_monitorcontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of PauseContact API requests (L-759067FC)
connect_rate_of_pausecontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of PutUserStatus API requests (L-50B4DE11)
connect_rate_of_putuserstatus_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ReleasePhoneNumber API requests (L-91A40F24)
connect_rate_of_releasephonenumber_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ReplicateInstance API requests (L-5AD48B1A)
connect_rate_of_replicateinstance_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ResumeContact API requests (L-1210FC76)
connect_rate_of_resumecontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of ResumeContactRecording API requests
# (L-7FA26DC8)
connect_rate_of_resumecontactrecording_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers API requests
# (L-AF3C38D5)
connect_rate_of_searchavailablephonenumbers_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchHoursOfOperations API requests
# (L-44BB2CC5)
connect_rate_of_searchhoursofoperations_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchPredefinedAttributes API requests
# (L-DB5F63B4)
connect_rate_of_searchpredefinedattributes_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchPrompts API requests (L-E2244126)
connect_rate_of_searchprompts_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchQueues API requests (L-8157C163)
connect_rate_of_searchqueues_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchQuickConnects API requests (L-6FB811CE)
connect_rate_of_searchquickconnects_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchResourceTags API requests (L-3F3E67D1)
connect_rate_of_searchresourcetags_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchRoutingProfiles API requests (L-9DAC7B1B)
connect_rate_of_searchroutingprofiles_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchSecurityProfiles API requests
# (L-3481440F)
connect_rate_of_searchsecurityprofiles_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchUsers API requests (L-E2C35CCE)
connect_rate_of_searchusers_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchVocabularies API requests (L-6C658B70)
connect_rate_of_searchvocabularies_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of StartChatContact API requests (L-AA48CD49)
connect_rate_of_startchatcontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of StartContactRecording API requests (L-3EEA2922)
connect_rate_of_startcontactrecording_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of StartContactStreaming API requests (L-93412F17)
connect_rate_of_startcontactstreaming_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of StartOutboundVoiceContact API requests
# (L-4E9BCC96)
connect_rate_of_startoutboundvoicecontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of StartTaskContact API requests (L-E704D621)
connect_rate_of_starttaskcontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of StartWebRTCContact API requests (L-5CFC10A5)
connect_rate_of_startwebrtccontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of StopContact API requests (L-650BD10F)
connect_rate_of_stopcontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of StopContactRecording API requests (L-C1DA0AD4)
connect_rate_of_stopcontactrecording_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of StopContactStreaming API requests (L-2FC23A76)
connect_rate_of_stopcontactstreaming_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of SuspendContactRecording API requests
# (L-22C4CED1)
connect_rate_of_suspendcontactrecording_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of TagContact API requests (L-AAE06E27)
connect_rate_of_tagcontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of TagResource API requests (L-EA358306)
connect_rate_of_tagresource_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of TransferContact API requests (L-43B4F8CE)
connect_rate_of_transfercontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UntagContact API requests (L-50C3EE60)
connect_rate_of_untagcontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UntagResource API requests (L-26D9F60B)
connect_rate_of_untagresource_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateAgentStatus API requests (L-2DB48531)
connect_rate_of_updateagentstatus_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContact API requests (L-40C15531)
connect_rate_of_updatecontact_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContactAttributes API requests
# (L-F001E5ED)
connect_rate_of_updatecontactattributes_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContactFlowContent API requests
# (L-4C062DDC)
connect_rate_of_updatecontactflowcontent_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContactFlowMetadata API requests
# (L-96329A5A)
connect_rate_of_updatecontactflowmetadata_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContactFlowModuleContent API requests
# (L-C260F37F)
connect_rate_of_updatecontactflowmodulecontent_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadata API requests
# (L-80204DDC)
connect_rate_of_updatecontactflowmodulemetadata_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContactFlowName API requests (L-3741AF59)
connect_rate_of_updatecontactflowname_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContactSchedule API requests (L-18108401)
connect_rate_of_updatecontactschedule_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateHoursOfOperation API requests
# (L-6E6B18DB)
connect_rate_of_updatehoursofoperation_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateInstanceAttribute API requests
# (L-40F4B10D)
connect_rate_of_updateinstanceattribute_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateInstanceStorageConfig API requests
# (L-AEE2C982)
connect_rate_of_updateinstancestorageconfig_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateParticipantRoleConfig API requests
# (L-37E92540)
connect_rate_of_updateparticipantroleconfig_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdatePhoneNumber API requests (L-B7E1268D)
connect_rate_of_updatephonenumber_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdatePredefinedAttribute API requests
# (L-FBA0478F)
connect_rate_of_updatepredefinedattribute_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateQueueHoursOfOperation API requests
# (L-1317E3B0)
connect_rate_of_updatequeuehoursofoperation_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateQueueMaxContacts API requests
# (L-4EA7C312)
connect_rate_of_updatequeuemaxcontacts_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateQueueName API requests (L-A250B0F6)
connect_rate_of_updatequeuename_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfig API requests
# (L-B1EC95D9)
connect_rate_of_updatequeueoutboundcallerconfig_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateQueueStatus API requests (L-5AB302E1)
connect_rate_of_updatequeuestatus_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateQuickConnectConfig API requests
# (L-B29D0CD1)
connect_rate_of_updatequickconnectconfig_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateQuickConnectName API requests
# (L-A84FDAD7)
connect_rate_of_updatequickconnectname_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrency API requests
# (L-E0E93115)
connect_rate_of_updateroutingprofileconcurrency_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueue API
# requests (L-C8237495)
connect_rate_of_updateroutingprofiledefaultoutboundqueue_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateRoutingProfileName API requests
# (L-4AAC8E79)
connect_rate_of_updateroutingprofilename_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateRoutingProfileQueues API requests
# (L-5E9E65F2)
connect_rate_of_updateroutingprofilequeues_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateRule API requests (L-AEFB3FB7)
connect_rate_of_updaterule_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateSecurityProfile API requests (L-17DC1373)
connect_rate_of_updatesecurityprofile_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateTaskTemplate API requests (L-000B6A1A)
connect_rate_of_updatetasktemplate_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateTrafficDistribution API requests
# (L-E230854C)
connect_rate_of_updatetrafficdistribution_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserHierarchy API requests (L-AEAF5C4B)
connect_rate_of_updateuserhierarchy_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserHierarchyGroupName API requests
# (L-020883A7)
connect_rate_of_updateuserhierarchygroupname_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserHierarchyStructure API requests
# (L-1775C3F8)
connect_rate_of_updateuserhierarchystructure_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserIdentityInfo API requests
# (L-66B5F86E)
connect_rate_of_updateuseridentityinfo_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserPhoneConfig API requests (L-5D8210C3)
connect_rate_of_updateuserphoneconfig_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserProficiencies API requests
# (L-5A3065E6)
connect_rate_of_updateuserproficiencies_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserRoutingProfile API requests
# (L-418ABD80)
connect_rate_of_updateuserroutingprofile_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserSecurityProfiles API requests
# (L-64B27051)
connect_rate_of_updateusersecurityprofiles_api_requests = null
# Quota for [connect]: Reports per instance (L-79564E52)
connect_reports_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Routing profiles per instance (L-D3E7BE26)
connect_routing_profiles_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Scheduled reports per instance (L-986AE5E3)
connect_scheduled_reports_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Security profiles per instance (L-F325A715)
connect_security_profiles_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: User hierarchy groups per instance (L-D68AAAE4)
connect_user_hierarchy_groups_per_instance = null
# Quota for [connect]: Users per instance (L-9A46857E)
connect_users_per_instance = null
# Quota for [crowdscale-usagelimitservice]: Monthly Usage (L-EC45676A)
crowdscale_usagelimitservice_monthly_usage = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Concurrent jobs per AWS account (L-935D4120)
databrew_concurrent_jobs_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Datasets per AWS account (L-940C8930)
databrew_datasets_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Jobs per AWS account (L-0D2C4DFC)
databrew_jobs_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Node capacity per AWS account (L-B06AE58E)
databrew_node_capacity_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Open projects per AWS account (L-5748848E)
databrew_open_projects_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Projects per AWS account (L-CE9E9D8D)
databrew_projects_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Recipes per AWS account (L-EE2782A4)
databrew_recipes_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Rules per ruleset (L-640ABD4F)
databrew_rules_per_ruleset = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Rulesets per AWS account (L-955A1FA6)
databrew_rulesets_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Rulesets per dataset (L-131D2768)
databrew_rulesets_per_dataset = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Schedules per AWS account (L-BF3E0A94)
databrew_schedules_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [databrew]: Versions per recipe (L-A386FCB8)
databrew_versions_per_recipe = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Amazon API Gateway API assets per revision
# (L-4F329808)
dataexchange_amazon_api_gateway_api_assets_per_revision = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Amazon Redshift datashare assets per revision
# (L-9961D71E)
dataexchange_amazon_redshift_datashare_assets_per_revision = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Amazon S3 data access assets per revision
# (L-60973A49)
dataexchange_amazon_s3_data_access_assets_per_revision = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Assets per revision (L-92FCD39C)
dataexchange_assets_per_revision = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Auto export event actions per data set
# (L-7053BE85)
dataexchange_auto_export_event_actions_per_data_set = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: AWS Lake Formation data permission assets per
# revision (L-D470FF0C)
dataexchange_aws_lake_formation_data_permission_assets_per_revision = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Bring-Your-Own-Subscription offers per account
# (L-40666FB8)
dataexchange_bring_your_own_subscription_offers_per_account = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Data dictionaries per product (L-74F9E0C2)
dataexchange_data_dictionaries_per_product = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Data dictionary file size in MB (L-6CFAE129)
dataexchange_data_dictionary_file_size_in_mb = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Data sets per account (L-52E2E63A)
dataexchange_data_sets_per_account = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Data sets per product (L-DE2ACC41)
dataexchange_data_sets_per_product = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Event actions per account (L-8EB7960E)
dataexchange_event_actions_per_account = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Pending data grants per consumer (L-1FA7039C)
dataexchange_pending_data_grants_per_consumer = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Private offers per account (L-CB9E1125)
dataexchange_private_offers_per_account = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Products per account (L-DFF93383)
dataexchange_products_per_account = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Products per data set (L-D05CF9CD)
dataexchange_products_per_data_set = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Revisions per Amazon API Gateway API data set
# (L-237CFF3D)
dataexchange_revisions_per_amazon_api_gateway_api_data_set = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Revisions per Amazon Redshift datashare data set
# (L-A8722A7A)
dataexchange_revisions_per_amazon_redshift_datashare_data_set = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Revisions per Amazon S3 data access data set
# (L-70B0F91E)
dataexchange_revisions_per_amazon_s3_data_access_data_set = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Revisions per AWS Lake Formation data permission
# data set (L-A15CB065)
dataexchange_revisions_per_aws_lake_formation_data_permission_data_set = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Revisions per data set (L-375806A0)
dataexchange_revisions_per_data_set = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Sample file size in MB (L-4621BEF4)
dataexchange_sample_file_size_in_mb = null
# Quota for [dataexchange]: Samples per product (L-D8673932)
dataexchange_samples_per_product = null
# Quota for [datapipeline]: Number of active instances per object (L-38666D85)
datapipeline_number_of_active_instances_per_object = null
# Quota for [datapipeline]: Number of objects per pipeline (L-68BE1CDF)
datapipeline_number_of_objects_per_pipeline = null
# Quota for [datapipeline]: Number of pipelines you can create (L-F826FAFA)
datapipeline_number_of_pipelines_you_can_create = null
# Quota for [datasync]: Files per task (L-DF42D66D)
datasync_files_per_task = null
# Quota for [datasync]: Tasks (L-74E04279)
datasync_tasks = null
# Quota for [datasync]: Throughput per task (L-1FEC79AD)
datasync_throughput_per_task = null
# Quota for [datazone]: Asset Types (L-9EF33583)
datazone_asset_types = null
# Quota for [datazone]: Assets (L-06335BC6)
datazone_assets = null
# Quota for [datazone]: Business Glossary Terms (L-DBBF7161)
datazone_business_glossary_terms = null
# Quota for [datazone]: Environments in a domain (L-EDF6298B)
datazone_environments_in_a_domain = null
# Quota for [datazone]: Glossaries (L-2C2845D2)
datazone_glossaries = null
# Quota for [dax]: Total number of nodes (L-AB139030)
dax_total_number_of_nodes = null
# Quota for [deepracer]: Cars (L-47A52EC0)
deepracer_cars = null
# Quota for [deepracer]: Evaluation jobs (L-E84DEF70)
deepracer_evaluation_jobs = null
# Quota for [deepracer]: Training jobs (L-B8B892E1)
deepracer_training_jobs = null
# Quota for [discovery]: Imported servers per account (L-E92F1B88)
discovery_imported_servers_per_account = null
# Quota for [dlm]: Policies per Region (L-5407D8DA)
dlm_policies_per_region = null
# Quota for [dlm]: Target accounts per sharing rule (L-DCA05F2F)
dlm_target_accounts_per_sharing_rule = null
# Quota for [dms]: Certificate count (L-FE918D88)
dms_certificate_count = null
# Quota for [dms]: Endpoint count (L-E17328E9)
dms_endpoint_count = null
# Quota for [dms]: Endpoints per instance (L-2146F1FD)
dms_endpoints_per_instance = null
# Quota for [dms]: Event subscriptions (L-D97343A2)
dms_event_subscriptions = null
# Quota for [dms]: Replication instances (L-C2341CDC)
dms_replication_instances = null
# Quota for [dms]: Serverless replications (L-E569F59D)
dms_serverless_replications = null
# Quota for [dms]: Subnet groups (L-27B24FAD)
dms_subnet_groups = null
# Quota for [dms]: Subnets per subnet group (L-4182EDE9)
dms_subnets_per_subnet_group = null
# Quota for [dms]: Task count (L-7FD3593B)
dms_task_count = null
# Quota for [dms]: Total storage (L-BBDCBDC8)
dms_total_storage = null
# Quota for [docdb]: Clusters (L-13F31459)
docdb_clusters = null
# Quota for [docdb-elastic]: Elastic clusters (L-B3699347)
docdb_elastic_elastic_clusters = null
# Quota for [docdb-elastic]: Elastic clusters vCPU limit (L-BA054AA8)
docdb_elastic_elastic_clusters_vcpu_limit = null
# Quota for [docdb-elastic]: Manual cluster snapshots (L-00CE4D32)
docdb_elastic_manual_cluster_snapshots = null
# Quota for [docdb]: Event subscriptions (L-F7FABF71)
docdb_event_subscriptions = null
# Quota for [docdb]: Instances (L-739A3A85)
docdb_instances = null
# Quota for [docdb]: Manual cluster snapshots (L-B2551F83)
docdb_manual_cluster_snapshots = null
# Quota for [docdb]: Read replicas per cluster (L-5BA57179)
docdb_read_replicas_per_cluster = null
# Quota for [docdb]: Subnet groups (L-02DEA053)
docdb_subnet_groups = null
# Quota for [drs]: Max number of source networks per AWS account (L-4B0323BD)
drs_max_number_of_source_networks_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [drs]: Max Total source servers Per AWS Account (L-E28BE5E0)
drs_max_total_source_servers_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [ds]: AD Connector directories (L-092080C3)
ds_ad_connector_directories = null
# Quota for [ds]: AWS Managed Microsoft AD directories (L-EF86B739)
ds_aws_managed_microsoft_ad_directories = null
# Quota for [ds]: AWS Managed Microsoft AD domain controllers (L-25146888)
ds_aws_managed_microsoft_ad_domain_controllers = null
# Quota for [ds]: Simple AD directories (L-5B5620DE)
ds_simple_ad_directories = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Account-level read throughput limit (Provisioned mode)
# (L-34F6A552)
dynamodb_account_level_read_throughput_limit_provisioned_mode_ = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Account-level write throughput limit (Provisioned
# mode) (L-34F8CCC8)
dynamodb_account_level_write_throughput_limit_provisioned_mode_ = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Concurrent control plane operations (L-1BB77E89)
dynamodb_concurrent_control_plane_operations = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Global Secondary Indexes per table (L-F7858A77)
dynamodb_global_secondary_indexes_per_table = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Maximum Incremental Export concurrent data size
# (L-2A593B99)
dynamodb_maximum_incremental_export_concurrent_data_size = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Maximum Incremental Export concurrent requests
# (L-D98E8184)
dynamodb_maximum_incremental_export_concurrent_requests = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Maximum number of tables (L-F98FE922)
dynamodb_maximum_number_of_tables = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Provisioned capacity decreases per day (L-F3CA5463)
dynamodb_provisioned_capacity_decreases_per_day = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Table-level read throughput limit (L-CF0CBE56)
dynamodb_table_level_read_throughput_limit = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Table-level write throughput limit (L-AB614373)
dynamodb_table_level_write_throughput_limit = null
# Quota for [dynamodb]: Write throughput limit for DynamoDB Streams
# (Provisioned mode) (L-923BEB7A)
dynamodb_write_throughput_limit_for_dynamodb_streams_provisioned_mode_ = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Archived snapshots per volume (L-E20676C1)
ebs_archived_snapshots_per_volume = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Fast snapshot restore (L-631ECBD3)
ebs_fast_snapshot_restore = null
# Quota for [ebs]: GetSnapshotBlock requests per account (L-C125AE42)
ebs_getsnapshotblock_requests_per_account = null
# Quota for [ebs]: In-progress snapshot archives per account (L-3A0E616D)
ebs_in_progress_snapshot_archives_per_account = null
# Quota for [ebs]: In-progress snapshot restores from archive per account
# (L-07399329)
ebs_in_progress_snapshot_restores_from_archive_per_account = null
# Quota for [ebs]: IOPS for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes (L-B3A130E6)
ebs_iops_for_provisioned_iops_ssd_io1_volumes = null
# Quota for [ebs]: IOPS for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io2) volumes (L-8D977E7E)
ebs_iops_for_provisioned_iops_ssd_io2_volumes = null
# Quota for [ebs]: IOPS modifications for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes
# (L-98A0B26D)
ebs_iops_modifications_for_provisioned_iops_ssd_io1_volumes = null
# Quota for [ebs]: IOPS modifications for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io2) volumes
# (L-35B31D98)
ebs_iops_modifications_for_provisioned_iops_ssd_io2_volumes = null
# Quota for [ebs]: PutSnapshotBlock requests per account (L-AFAE1BE8)
ebs_putsnapshotblock_requests_per_account = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Snapshots per Region (L-309BACF6)
ebs_snapshots_per_region = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage for Cold HDD (sc1) volumes, in TiB (L-17AF77E8)
ebs_storage_for_cold_hdd_sc1_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage for General Purpose SSD (gp2) volumes, in TiB
# (L-D18FCD1D)
ebs_storage_for_general_purpose_ssd_gp2_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage for General Purpose SSD (gp3) volumes, in TiB
# (L-7A658B76)
ebs_storage_for_general_purpose_ssd_gp3_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage for Magnetic (standard) volumes, in TiB
# (L-9CF3C2EB)
ebs_storage_for_magnetic_standard_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes, in TiB
# (L-FD252861)
ebs_storage_for_provisioned_iops_ssd_io1_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io2) volumes, in TiB
# (L-09BD8365)
ebs_storage_for_provisioned_iops_ssd_io2_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage for Throughput Optimized HDD (st1) volumes, in TiB
# (L-82ACEF56)
ebs_storage_for_throughput_optimized_hdd_st1_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage modifications for Cold HDD (sc1) volumes, in TiB
# (L-651D1834)
ebs_storage_modifications_for_cold_hdd_sc1_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage modifications for General Purpose SSD (gp2)
# volumes, in TiB (L-F06E64A8)
ebs_storage_modifications_for_general_purpose_ssd_gp2_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage modifications for General Purpose SSD (gp3)
# volumes, in TiB (L-59C8FC87)
ebs_storage_modifications_for_general_purpose_ssd_gp3_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage modifications for Magnetic (standard) volumes, in
# TiB (L-B9F7C487)
ebs_storage_modifications_for_magnetic_standard_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage modifications for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1)
# volumes, in TiB (L-5F80CA91)
ebs_storage_modifications_for_provisioned_iops_ssd_io1_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage modifications for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io2)
# volumes, in TiB (L-9A0E0F82)
ebs_storage_modifications_for_provisioned_iops_ssd_io2_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ebs]: Storage modifications for Throughput Optimized HDD (st1)
# volumes, in TiB (L-87C9DEA6)
ebs_storage_modifications_for_throughput_optimized_hdd_st1_volumes_in_tib = null
# Quota for [ec2]: All DL Spot Instance Requests (L-85EED4F7)
ec2_all_dl_spot_instance_requests = null
# Quota for [ec2]: All F Spot Instance Requests (L-88CF9481)
ec2_all_f_spot_instance_requests = null
# Quota for [ec2]: All G and VT Spot Instance Requests (L-3819A6DF)
ec2_all_g_and_vt_spot_instance_requests = null
# Quota for [ec2]: All Inf Spot Instance Requests (L-B5D1601B)
ec2_all_inf_spot_instance_requests = null
# Quota for [ec2]: All P4, P3 and P2 Spot Instance Requests (L-7212CCBC)
ec2_all_p4_p3_and_p2_spot_instance_requests = null
# Quota for [ec2]: All P5 Spot Instance Requests (L-C4BD4855)
ec2_all_p5_spot_instance_requests = null
# Quota for [ec2]: All Standard (A, C, D, H, I, M, R, T, Z) Spot Instance
# Requests (L-34B43A08)
ec2_all_standard_a_c_d_h_i_m_r_t_z_spot_instance_requests = null
# Quota for [ec2]: All Trn Spot Instance Requests (L-6B0D517C)
ec2_all_trn_spot_instance_requests = null
# Quota for [ec2]: All X Spot Instance Requests (L-E3A00192)
ec2_all_x_spot_instance_requests = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Amazon FPGA images (AFIs) (L-8FBBDF0C)
ec2_amazon_fpga_images_afis_ = null
# Quota for [ec2]: AMI sharing (L-70015FFA)
ec2_ami_sharing = null
# Quota for [ec2]: AMIs (L-B665C33B)
ec2_amis = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Attachments per transit gateway (L-E0233F82)
ec2_attachments_per_transit_gateway = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Authorization rules per Client VPN endpoint (L-9A1BC94B)
ec2_authorization_rules_per_client_vpn_endpoint = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Client VPN endpoints per Region (L-8EA77D34)
ec2_client_vpn_endpoints_per_region = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Concurrent client connections per Client VPN endpoint
# (L-C4B238BF)
ec2_concurrent_client_connections_per_client_vpn_endpoint = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Customer gateways per region (L-4FB7FF5D)
ec2_customer_gateways_per_region = null
# Quota for [ec2]: EC2-Classic Elastic IPs (L-CEED54BB)
ec2_ec2_classic_elastic_ips = null
# Quota for [ec2]: EC2-VPC Elastic IPs (L-0263D0A3)
ec2_ec2_vpc_elastic_ips = null
# Quota for [ec2-ipam]: CIDRs per IPAM pool (L-0BC051D6)
ec2_ipam_cidrs_per_ipam_pool = null
# Quota for [ec2-ipam]: IPAM pool depth (L-047C0565)
ec2_ipam_ipam_pool_depth = null
# Quota for [ec2-ipam]: Pools per IPAM scope (L-7319AFC3)
ec2_ipam_pools_per_ipam_scope = null
# Quota for [ec2-ipam]: Resource discovery associations per IPAM (L-037D1B6C)
ec2_ipam_resource_discovery_associations_per_ipam = null
# Quota for [ec2-ipam]: Scopes per IPAM (L-F493CFD2)
ec2_ipam_scopes_per_ipam = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Members per transit gateway multicast group (L-C768F2D6)
ec2_members_per_transit_gateway_multicast_group = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Multicast domain associations per VPC (L-9F8FA74B)
ec2_multicast_domain_associations_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Multicast domains per transit gateway (L-31775423)
ec2_multicast_domains_per_transit_gateway = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Multicast Network Interfaces per transit gateway
# (L-C673935A)
ec2_multicast_network_interfaces_per_transit_gateway = null
# Quota for [ec2]: New Reserved Instances per month (L-D0B7243C)
ec2_new_reserved_instances_per_month = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Number of Elastic Graphics accelerators (L-862D9275)
ec2_number_of_elastic_graphics_accelerators = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Peering attachments per transit gateway (L-A1B5A36F)
ec2_peering_attachments_per_transit_gateway = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Pending peering attachments per transit gateway
# (L-62499967)
ec2_pending_peering_attachments_per_transit_gateway = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Public AMIs (L-0E3CBAB9)
ec2_public_amis = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Route Tables per transit gateway (L-43872EB7)
ec2_route_tables_per_transit_gateway = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Routes per Client VPN endpoint (L-401D78F7)
ec2_routes_per_client_vpn_endpoint = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Routes per transit gateway (L-BCC1FB47)
ec2_routes_per_transit_gateway = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated a1 Hosts (L-949445B0)
ec2_running_dedicated_a1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c3 Hosts (L-8D142A2E)
ec2_running_dedicated_c3_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c4 Hosts (L-E4BF28E0)
ec2_running_dedicated_c4_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c5 Hosts (L-81657574)
ec2_running_dedicated_c5_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c5a Hosts (L-03F01FD8)
ec2_running_dedicated_c5a_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c5d Hosts (L-C93F66A2)
ec2_running_dedicated_c5d_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c5n Hosts (L-20F13EBD)
ec2_running_dedicated_c5n_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c6a Hosts (L-D75D2E84)
ec2_running_dedicated_c6a_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c6g Hosts (L-A749B537)
ec2_running_dedicated_c6g_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c6gd Hosts (L-545AED39)
ec2_running_dedicated_c6gd_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c6gn Hosts (L-5E3A299D)
ec2_running_dedicated_c6gn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c6i Hosts (L-5FA3355A)
ec2_running_dedicated_c6i_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c6id Hosts (L-1BBC5241)
ec2_running_dedicated_c6id_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c6in Hosts (L-6C2C40CC)
ec2_running_dedicated_c6in_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c7a Hosts (L-698B67E5)
ec2_running_dedicated_c7a_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c7g Hosts (L-13B8FCE8)
ec2_running_dedicated_c7g_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c7gd Hosts (L-EF58B059)
ec2_running_dedicated_c7gd_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c7gn Hosts (L-97677CE3)
ec2_running_dedicated_c7gn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c7i Hosts (L-587AA6E3)
ec2_running_dedicated_c7i_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated d2 Hosts (L-8B27377A)
ec2_running_dedicated_d2_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated dl1 Hosts (L-AD667A3D)
ec2_running_dedicated_dl1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated f1 Hosts (L-5C4CD236)
ec2_running_dedicated_f1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated g3 Hosts (L-DE82EABA)
ec2_running_dedicated_g3_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated g3s Hosts (L-9675FDCD)
ec2_running_dedicated_g3s_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated g4ad Hosts (L-FD8E9B9A)
ec2_running_dedicated_g4ad_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated g4dn Hosts (L-CAE24619)
ec2_running_dedicated_g4dn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated g5 Hosts (L-A6E7FE5E)
ec2_running_dedicated_g5_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated g5g Hosts (L-4714FFEA)
ec2_running_dedicated_g5g_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated h1 Hosts (L-84391ECC)
ec2_running_dedicated_h1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated i2 Hosts (L-6222C1B6)
ec2_running_dedicated_i2_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated i3 Hosts (L-8E60B0B1)
ec2_running_dedicated_i3_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated i3en Hosts (L-77EE2B11)
ec2_running_dedicated_i3en_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated i4g Hosts (L-F62CBADB)
ec2_running_dedicated_i4g_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated i4i Hosts (L-0300530D)
ec2_running_dedicated_i4i_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated im4gn Hosts (L-93155D6F)
ec2_running_dedicated_im4gn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated inf Hosts (L-5480EFD2)
ec2_running_dedicated_inf_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated inf2 Hosts (L-E5BCF7B5)
ec2_running_dedicated_inf2_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated is4gen Hosts (L-CB4F5825)
ec2_running_dedicated_is4gen_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m3 Hosts (L-3C82F907)
ec2_running_dedicated_m3_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m4 Hosts (L-EF30B25E)
ec2_running_dedicated_m4_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m5 Hosts (L-8B7BF662)
ec2_running_dedicated_m5_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m5a Hosts (L-B10F70D6)
ec2_running_dedicated_m5a_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m5ad Hosts (L-74F41837)
ec2_running_dedicated_m5ad_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m5d Hosts (L-8CCBD91B)
ec2_running_dedicated_m5d_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m5dn Hosts (L-DA07429F)
ec2_running_dedicated_m5dn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m5n Hosts (L-24D7D4AD)
ec2_running_dedicated_m5n_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m5zn Hosts (L-BD9BD803)
ec2_running_dedicated_m5zn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m6a Hosts (L-80F2B67F)
ec2_running_dedicated_m6a_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m6g Hosts (L-D50A37FA)
ec2_running_dedicated_m6g_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m6gd Hosts (L-84FB37AA)
ec2_running_dedicated_m6gd_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m6i Hosts (L-D269BEFD)
ec2_running_dedicated_m6i_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m6id Hosts (L-FDB0A352)
ec2_running_dedicated_m6id_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m6idn Hosts (L-9721EDD9)
ec2_running_dedicated_m6idn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m6in Hosts (L-D037CF10)
ec2_running_dedicated_m6in_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m7a Hosts (L-4740F819)
ec2_running_dedicated_m7a_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m7g Hosts (L-9126620E)
ec2_running_dedicated_m7g_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m7gd Hosts (L-F8516154)
ec2_running_dedicated_m7gd_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m7i Hosts (L-30E31217)
ec2_running_dedicated_m7i_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated mac1 Hosts (L-A8448DC5)
ec2_running_dedicated_mac1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated mac2 Hosts (L-5D8DADF5)
ec2_running_dedicated_mac2_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated mac2-m2 Hosts (L-B90B5B66)
ec2_running_dedicated_mac2_m2_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated mac2-m2pro Hosts (L-14F120D1)
ec2_running_dedicated_mac2_m2pro_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated p2 Hosts (L-2753CF59)
ec2_running_dedicated_p2_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated p3 Hosts (L-A0A19F79)
ec2_running_dedicated_p3_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated p3dn Hosts (L-B601B3B6)
ec2_running_dedicated_p3dn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated p4d Hosts (L-86A789C3)
ec2_running_dedicated_p4d_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated p5 Hosts (L-5136197D)
ec2_running_dedicated_p5_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r3 Hosts (L-B7208018)
ec2_running_dedicated_r3_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r4 Hosts (L-313524BA)
ec2_running_dedicated_r4_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r5 Hosts (L-EA4FD6CF)
ec2_running_dedicated_r5_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r5a Hosts (L-8FE30D52)
ec2_running_dedicated_r5a_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r5ad Hosts (L-EC7178B6)
ec2_running_dedicated_r5ad_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r5b Hosts (L-A2D59C67)
ec2_running_dedicated_r5b_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r5d Hosts (L-8814B54F)
ec2_running_dedicated_r5d_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r5dn Hosts (L-4AB14223)
ec2_running_dedicated_r5dn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r5n Hosts (L-52EF324A)
ec2_running_dedicated_r5n_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r6a Hosts (L-BC1589C5)
ec2_running_dedicated_r6a_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r6g Hosts (L-B6D6065D)
ec2_running_dedicated_r6g_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r6gd Hosts (L-EF284EFB)
ec2_running_dedicated_r6gd_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r6i Hosts (L-F13A970A)
ec2_running_dedicated_r6i_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r6id Hosts (L-B89271A9)
ec2_running_dedicated_r6id_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r6idn Hosts (L-C4EABC2C)
ec2_running_dedicated_r6idn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r6in Hosts (L-EA99608B)
ec2_running_dedicated_r6in_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r7a Hosts (L-4D15192B)
ec2_running_dedicated_r7a_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r7g Hosts (L-67B8B4C7)
ec2_running_dedicated_r7g_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r7gd Hosts (L-01137DCE)
ec2_running_dedicated_r7gd_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r7i Hosts (L-55E05032)
ec2_running_dedicated_r7i_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r7iz Hosts (L-BC9FCC71)
ec2_running_dedicated_r7iz_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated t3 Hosts (L-1586174D)
ec2_running_dedicated_t3_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated trn1 Hosts (L-5E4FB836)
ec2_running_dedicated_trn1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated trn1n Hosts (L-39926A58)
ec2_running_dedicated_trn1n_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated u-12tb1 Hosts (L-D6994875)
ec2_running_dedicated_u_12tb1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated u-18tb1 Hosts (L-5F7FD336)
ec2_running_dedicated_u_18tb1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated u-24tb1 Hosts (L-FACBE655)
ec2_running_dedicated_u_24tb1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated u-3tb1 Hosts (L-7F5506AB)
ec2_running_dedicated_u_3tb1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated u-6tb1 Hosts (L-89870E8E)
ec2_running_dedicated_u_6tb1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated u-9tb1 Hosts (L-98E1FFAC)
ec2_running_dedicated_u_9tb1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated vt1 Hosts (L-A68CFBF7)
ec2_running_dedicated_vt1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated x1 Hosts (L-DE3D9563)
ec2_running_dedicated_x1_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated x1e Hosts (L-DEF8E115)
ec2_running_dedicated_x1e_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated x2gd Hosts (L-5CC9EA82)
ec2_running_dedicated_x2gd_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated x2idn Hosts (L-A84ABF80)
ec2_running_dedicated_x2idn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated x2iedn Hosts (L-D0AA08B1)
ec2_running_dedicated_x2iedn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated x2iezn Hosts (L-888B4496)
ec2_running_dedicated_x2iezn_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated z1d Hosts (L-F035E935)
ec2_running_dedicated_z1d_hosts = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand DL instances (L-6E869C2A)
ec2_running_on_demand_dl_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand F instances (L-74FC7D96)
ec2_running_on_demand_f_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand G and VT instances (L-DB2E81BA)
ec2_running_on_demand_g_and_vt_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand High Memory instances (L-43DA4232)
ec2_running_on_demand_high_memory_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand HPC instances (L-F7808C92)
ec2_running_on_demand_hpc_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand Inf instances (L-1945791B)
ec2_running_on_demand_inf_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand P instances (L-417A185B)
ec2_running_on_demand_p_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand Standard (A, C, D, H, I, M, R, T, Z)
# instances (L-1216C47A)
ec2_running_on_demand_standard_a_c_d_h_i_m_r_t_z_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand Trn instances (L-2C3B7624)
ec2_running_on_demand_trn_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand X instances (L-7295265B)
ec2_running_on_demand_x_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Sources per transit gateway multicast group (L-4F2F99E3)
ec2_sources_per_transit_gateway_multicast_group = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Transit gateways per account (L-A2478D36)
ec2_transit_gateways_per_account = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Verified Access Endpoints (L-5D439CF7)
ec2_verified_access_endpoints = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Verified Access Groups (L-3829BC77)
ec2_verified_access_groups = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Verified Access Instances (L-17A8BD20)
ec2_verified_access_instances = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Verified Access Trust Providers (L-AF309E5E)
ec2_verified_access_trust_providers = null
# Quota for [ec2]: Virtual private gateways per region (L-7029FAB6)
ec2_virtual_private_gateways_per_region = null
# Quota for [ec2]: VPN connections per region (L-3E6EC3A3)
ec2_vpn_connections_per_region = null
# Quota for [ec2]: VPN connections per VGW (L-B91E5754)
ec2_vpn_connections_per_vgw = null
# Quota for [ec2fastlaunch]: Parallel instance launches (L-DC79B53E)
ec2fastlaunch_parallel_instance_launches = null
# Quota for [ecr]: Images per repository (L-03A36CE1)
ecr_images_per_repository = null
# Quota for [ecr-public]: Images per repository (L-F0CAD50B)
ecr_public_images_per_repository = null
# Quota for [ecr-public]: Rate of authenticated image pulls (L-33392ECC)
ecr_public_rate_of_authenticated_image_pulls = null
# Quota for [ecr-public]: Rate of BatchCheckLayerAvailability requests
# (L-A1FEAB1E)
ecr_public_rate_of_batchchecklayeravailability_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr-public]: Rate of CompleteLayerUpload requests (L-8FA37FDE)
ecr_public_rate_of_completelayerupload_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr-public]: Rate of GetAuthorizationToken requests (L-B5773E0E)
ecr_public_rate_of_getauthorizationtoken_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr-public]: Rate of InitiateLayerUpload requests (L-1EDF7132)
ecr_public_rate_of_initiatelayerupload_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr-public]: Rate of PutImage requests (L-EF0362CE)
ecr_public_rate_of_putimage_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr-public]: Rate of UploadLayerPart requests (L-B6387A7C)
ecr_public_rate_of_uploadlayerpart_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr-public]: Registered repositories (L-502CB705)
ecr_public_registered_repositories = null
# Quota for [ecr]: Rate of BatchCheckLayerAvailability requests (L-B9173138)
ecr_rate_of_batchchecklayeravailability_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr]: Rate of BatchGetImage requests (L-16E70933)
ecr_rate_of_batchgetimage_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr]: Rate of CompleteLayerUpload requests (L-44194860)
ecr_rate_of_completelayerupload_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr]: Rate of GetAuthorizationToken requests (L-55A41110)
ecr_rate_of_getauthorizationtoken_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr]: Rate of GetDownloadUrlForLayer requests (L-A60A366D)
ecr_rate_of_getdownloadurlforlayer_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr]: Rate of InitiateLayerUpload requests (L-95B28F8D)
ecr_rate_of_initiatelayerupload_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr]: Rate of PutImage requests (L-AD52DFB2)
ecr_rate_of_putimage_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr]: Rate of UploadLayerPart requests (L-A1670B10)
ecr_rate_of_uploadlayerpart_requests = null
# Quota for [ecr]: Registered repositories (L-CFEB8E8D)
ecr_registered_repositories = null
# Quota for [ecs]: Clusters per account (L-21C621EB)
ecs_clusters_per_account = null
# Quota for [ecs]: Services per cluster (L-9EF96962)
ecs_services_per_cluster = null
# Quota for [ecs]: Services per namespace (L-2D029656)
ecs_services_per_namespace = null
# Quota for [eks]: Clusters (L-1194D53C)
eks_clusters = null
# Quota for [eks]: EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscriptions (L-EA277FDC)
eks_eks_anywhere_enterprise_subscriptions = null
# Quota for [eks]: Fargate profiles per cluster (L-33415657)
eks_fargate_profiles_per_cluster = null
# Quota for [eks]: Label pairs per Fargate profile selector (L-23414FF3)
eks_label_pairs_per_fargate_profile_selector = null
# Quota for [eks]: Managed node groups per cluster (L-6D54EA21)
eks_managed_node_groups_per_cluster = null
# Quota for [eks]: Nodes per managed node group (L-BD136A63)
eks_nodes_per_managed_node_group = null
# Quota for [eks]: Registered clusters (L-FDFA5F81)
eks_registered_clusters = null
# Quota for [eks]: Selectors per Fargate profile (L-D78D8AF8)
eks_selectors_per_fargate_profile = null
# Quota for [elastic-inference]: Number of Elastic Inference accelerators
# (L-495D9A1B)
elastic_inference_number_of_elastic_inference_accelerators = null
# Quota for [elasticache]: Nodes per cluster (Memcached) (L-8C334AD1)
elasticache_nodes_per_cluster_memcached_ = null
# Quota for [elasticache]: Nodes per cluster per instance type (Redis cluster
# mode enabled) (L-AF354865)
elasticache_nodes_per_cluster_per_instance_type_redis_cluster_mode_enabled_ = null
# Quota for [elasticache]: Nodes per Region (L-DFE45DF3)
elasticache_nodes_per_region = null
# Quota for [elasticache]: Parameter groups per Region (L-3F15A733)
elasticache_parameter_groups_per_region = null
# Quota for [elasticache]: Security groups per Region (L-D2FEF667)
elasticache_security_groups_per_region = null
# Quota for [elasticache]: Subnet groups per Region (L-3E7F7726)
elasticache_subnet_groups_per_region = null
# Quota for [elasticache]: Subnets per subnet group (L-A87EE522)
elasticache_subnets_per_subnet_group = null
# Quota for [elasticbeanstalk]: Application versions (L-D64F1F14)
elasticbeanstalk_application_versions = null
# Quota for [elasticbeanstalk]: Applications (L-1CEABD17)
elasticbeanstalk_applications = null
# Quota for [elasticbeanstalk]: Configuration templates (L-9838E43F)
elasticbeanstalk_configuration_templates = null
# Quota for [elasticbeanstalk]: Custom platform versions (L-E593A077)
elasticbeanstalk_custom_platform_versions = null
# Quota for [elasticbeanstalk]: Environments (L-8EFC1C51)
elasticbeanstalk_environments = null
# Quota for [elasticfilesystem]: File systems per account (L-848C634D)
elasticfilesystem_file_systems_per_account = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Application Load Balancers per Region
# (L-53DA6B97)
elasticloadbalancing_application_load_balancers_per_region = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Certificates per Application Load Balancer
# (L-9365A611)
elasticloadbalancing_certificates_per_application_load_balancer = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Certificates per Network Load Balancer
# (L-52964454)
elasticloadbalancing_certificates_per_network_load_balancer = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Classic Load Balancers per Region
# (L-E9E9831D)
elasticloadbalancing_classic_load_balancers_per_region = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Listeners per Application Load Balancer
# (L-B6DF7632)
elasticloadbalancing_listeners_per_application_load_balancer = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Listeners per Classic Load Balancer
# (L-1A491844)
elasticloadbalancing_listeners_per_classic_load_balancer = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Network Load Balancer ENIs per VPC
# (L-23568085)
elasticloadbalancing_network_load_balancer_enis_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Network Load Balancers per Region
# (L-69A177A2)
elasticloadbalancing_network_load_balancers_per_region = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Registered Instances per Classic Load
# Balancer (L-CE3125E5)
elasticloadbalancing_registered_instances_per_classic_load_balancer = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Rules per Application Load Balancer
# (L-7EED9B64)
elasticloadbalancing_rules_per_application_load_balancer = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Target Groups per Region (L-B22855CB)
elasticloadbalancing_target_groups_per_region = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Targets per Application Load Balancer
# (L-7E6692B2)
elasticloadbalancing_targets_per_application_load_balancer = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Targets per Availability Zone per Network
# Load Balancer (L-B211E961)
elasticloadbalancing_targets_per_availability_zone_per_network_load_balancer = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Targets per Network Load Balancer
# (L-EEF1AD04)
elasticloadbalancing_targets_per_network_load_balancer = null
# Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Targets per Target Group per Region
# (L-A0D0B863)
elasticloadbalancing_targets_per_target_group_per_region = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of AddInstanceFleet calls
# (L-3AD9CD3B)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_addinstancefleet_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of AddInstanceGroups calls
# (L-0224B14B)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_addinstancegroups_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of AddJobFlowSteps calls
# (L-40A3F1BE)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_addjobflowsteps_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of AddTags calls
# (L-9CCE25C7)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_addtags_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of CancelSteps calls
# (L-A90C264E)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_cancelsteps_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of
# CreateSecurityConfiguration calls (L-16E4E927)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_createsecurityconfiguration_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of
# DeleteSecurityConfiguration calls (L-EB8F427D)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_deletesecurityconfiguration_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of DescribeCluster calls
# (L-D74118B4)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_describecluster_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of DescribeJobFlows calls
# (L-68268EEB)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_describejobflows_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of
# DescribeSecurityConfiguration calls (L-8029315A)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_describesecurityconfiguration_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of DescribeStep calls
# (L-72BCD5B1)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_describestep_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ListBootstrapActions
# calls (L-CCF40647)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_listbootstrapactions_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ListClusters calls
# (L-ECF78C67)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_listclusters_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ListInstanceFleets calls
# (L-C0B235E1)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_listinstancefleets_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ListInstanceGroups calls
# (L-84D58688)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_listinstancegroups_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ListInstances calls
# (L-76CEF085)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_listinstances_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of
# ListSecurityConfigurations calls (L-D145AF1C)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_listsecurityconfigurations_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ListSteps calls
# (L-8AF88BF0)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_liststeps_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ModifyCluster calls
# (L-73E44B2E)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_modifycluster_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ModifyInstanceFleet
# calls (L-9EFF5880)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_modifyinstancefleet_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ModifyInstanceGroups
# calls (L-87EDCC64)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_modifyinstancegroups_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of PutAutoScalingPolicy
# calls (L-985D82D4)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_putautoscalingpolicy_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of RemoveAutoScalingPolicy
# calls (L-F902E21E)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_removeautoscalingpolicy_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of RemoveTags calls
# (L-67E5FE4A)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_removetags_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of RunJobFlow calls
# (L-62231AC0)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_runjobflow_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of SetTerminationProtection
# calls (L-8027FD2D)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_setterminationprotection_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of SetVisibleToAllUsers
# calls (L-41EE964A)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_setvisibletoallusers_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of TerminateJobFlows calls
# (L-4D731391)
elasticmapreduce_replenishment_rate_of_terminatejobflows_calls = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of active clusters can be
# run at the same time (L-1EE7982C)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_active_clusters_can_be_run_at_the_same_time = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of active instances per
# instance group (L-77B909B1)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_active_instances_per_instance_group = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of AddInstanceFleet API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-0E64D90C)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_addinstancefleet_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of AddInstanceGroups API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-E5202B33)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_addinstancegroups_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of AddJobFlowSteps API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-7E42A979)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_addjobflowsteps_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of AddTags API requests
# that you can make per second. (L-9547F71F)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_addtags_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of API requests that you
# can make per second. (L-283CCA2A)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of CancelSteps API requests
# that you can make per second. (L-815103CB)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_cancelsteps_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of
# CreateSecurityConfiguration API requests that you can make per second.
# (L-49AA2AC0)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_createsecurityconfiguration_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of
# DeleteSecurityConfiguration API requests that you can make per second.
# (L-F0B1A0AC)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_deletesecurityconfiguration_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of DescribeCluster API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-81AF5123)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_describecluster_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of DescribeJobFlows API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-9F63B487)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_describejobflows_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of
# DescribeSecurityConfiguration API requests that you can make per second.
# (L-27AD4F43)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_describesecurityconfiguration_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of DescribeStep API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-B810434D)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_describestep_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ListBootstrapActions API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-BF4AD168)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_listbootstrapactions_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ListClusters API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-2C4B0A7F)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_listclusters_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ListInstanceFleets API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-85BA8360)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_listinstancefleets_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ListInstanceGroups API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-2266B3CF)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_listinstancegroups_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ListInstances API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-41AA02AE)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_listinstances_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of
# ListSecurityConfigurations API requests that you can make per second.
# (L-160E516B)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_listsecurityconfigurations_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ListSteps API requests
# that you can make per second. (L-7D1BF903)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_liststeps_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ModifyCluster API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-A552C9A0)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_modifycluster_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ModifyInstanceFleet API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-5E87FF33)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_modifyinstancefleet_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ModifyInstanceGroups API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-A3F85680)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_modifyinstancegroups_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of PutAutoScalingPolicy API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-888B48A6)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_putautoscalingpolicy_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of RemoveAutoScalingPolicy
# API requests that you can make per second. (L-361D364D)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_removeautoscalingpolicy_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of RemoveTags API requests
# that you can make per second. (L-C00B9F83)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_removetags_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of RunJobFlow API requests
# that you can make per second. (L-A21DE5E2)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_runjobflow_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of SetTerminationProtection
# API requests that you can make per second. (L-F06A869F)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_setterminationprotection_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of SetVisibileToAllUsers
# API requests that you can make per second. (L-2268EC50)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_setvisibiletoallusers_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of TerminateJobFlows API
# requests that you can make per second. (L-2625B75B)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_number_of_terminatejobflows_api_requests_that_you_can_make_per_second_ = null
# Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum rate at which your bucket
# replenishes for all EMR operations. (L-432FAB44)
elasticmapreduce_the_maximum_rate_at_which_your_bucket_replenishes_for_all_emr_operations_ = null
# Quota for [elastictranscoder]: Burst size of Create Job requests
# (L-25A79362)
elastictranscoder_burst_size_of_create_job_requests = null
# Quota for [elastictranscoder]: Burst size of Read Job requests (L-73E60F57)
elastictranscoder_burst_size_of_read_job_requests = null
# Quota for [elastictranscoder]: Concurrent jobs per pipeline (L-EAE6F7FC)
elastictranscoder_concurrent_jobs_per_pipeline = null
# Quota for [elastictranscoder]: Pipelines (L-B6FAEE7E)
elastictranscoder_pipelines = null
# Quota for [elastictranscoder]: Rate of Create Job requests (L-0BDCC49D)
elastictranscoder_rate_of_create_job_requests = null
# Quota for [elastictranscoder]: Rate of Read Job requests (L-301A2D88)
elastictranscoder_rate_of_read_job_requests = null
# Quota for [elastictranscoder]: User-defined presets (L-EAB82560)
elastictranscoder_user_defined_presets = null
# Quota for [emr-serverless]: Max concurrent vCPUs per account (L-D05C8A75)
emr_serverless_max_concurrent_vcpus_per_account = null
# Quota for [entityresolution]: ID Mapping Workflows (L-C5A3094C)
entityresolution_id_mapping_workflows = null
# Quota for [entityresolution]: Matching Workflows (L-60DAF647)
entityresolution_matching_workflows = null
# Quota for [entityresolution]: Rate of GetMatchId API Requests (L-1E6F8596)
entityresolution_rate_of_getmatchid_api_requests = null
# Quota for [entityresolution]: Schema Mappings (L-00E43259)
entityresolution_schema_mappings = null
# Quota for [es]: Domains per Region (L-076D529E)
es_domains_per_region = null
# Quota for [es]: Instances per domain (L-6408ABDE)
es_instances_per_domain = null
# Quota for [events]: Api destinations (L-FB1C3A6D)
events_api_destinations = null
# Quota for [events]: Connections (L-595D6D42)
events_connections = null
# Quota for [events]: Endpoints (L-EAC9A2AC)
events_endpoints = null
# Quota for [events]: Event bus policy size (L-FC354966)
events_event_bus_policy_size = null
# Quota for [events]: Event buses (L-658A4FD9)
events_event_buses = null
# Quota for [events]: Event pattern size (L-664C5505)
events_event_pattern_size = null
# Quota for [events]: Invocations throttle limit in transactions per second
# (L-5540C5E3)
events_invocations_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [events]: Number of rules (L-244521F2)
events_number_of_rules = null
# Quota for [events]: PutEvents throttle limit in transactions per second
# (L-9B653E91)
events_putevents_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [events]: Rate of invocations per API destination (L-755FD01C)
events_rate_of_invocations_per_api_destination = null
# Quota for [events]: Throttle limit in transactions per second (L-3C47459F)
events_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [evidently]: Features per project (L-E6200B63)
evidently_features_per_project = null
# Quota for [evidently]: Projects per AWS account (L-B63A538F)
evidently_projects_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [evidently]: Rate of BatchEvaluateFeature requests (L-ECD3E408)
evidently_rate_of_batchevaluatefeature_requests = null
# Quota for [evidently]: Rate of EvaluateFeature requests (L-4F58F1DC)
evidently_rate_of_evaluatefeature_requests = null
# Quota for [evidently]: Rate of PostProjectEvents requests (L-2992F357)
evidently_rate_of_postprojectevents_requests = null
# Quota for [evidently]: Running experiments per project (L-738C873C)
evidently_running_experiments_per_project = null
# Quota for [evidently]: Running launches per project (L-DA4D659A)
evidently_running_launches_per_project = null
# Quota for [evidently]: Total experiments per project (L-E477E349)
evidently_total_experiments_per_project = null
# Quota for [evidently]: Total launches per project (L-63083ACB)
evidently_total_launches_per_project = null
# Quota for [fargate]: Fargate On-Demand vCPU resource count (L-3032A538)
fargate_fargate_on_demand_vcpu_resource_count = null
# Quota for [fargate]: Fargate Spot vCPU resource count (L-36FBB829)
fargate_fargate_spot_vcpu_resource_count = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Attribute sets (L-ABE17502)
finspace_attribute_sets = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Concurrent changesets processing (L-9FC1D048)
finspace_concurrent_changesets_processing = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Concurrent data views processing (L-077DA164)
finspace_concurrent_data_views_processing = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Concurrent dataview version processing (L-8798EB61)
finspace_concurrent_dataview_version_processing = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Controlled vocabularies and categories (L-669A142A)
finspace_controlled_vocabularies_and_categories = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Data views per dataset (L-7682C473)
finspace_data_views_per_dataset = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Datasets (L-4BDBD2F7)
finspace_datasets = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Datasets per permission group (L-33511B45)
finspace_datasets_per_permission_group = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Environments (L-687E8054)
finspace_environments = null
# Quota for [finspace]: kx.s.16xlarge nodes (L-8995E194)
finspace_kx_s_16xlarge_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: kx.s.2xlarge nodes (L-3B1B408E)
finspace_kx_s_2xlarge_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: kx.s.32xlarge nodes (L-BA1748AE)
finspace_kx_s_32xlarge_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: kx.s.4xlarge nodes (L-6271C28F)
finspace_kx_s_4xlarge_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: kx.s.8xlarge nodes (L-79C359E7)
finspace_kx_s_8xlarge_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: kx.s.large nodes (L-816D4CEA)
finspace_kx_s_large_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: kx.s.xlarge nodes (L-8D2987C0)
finspace_kx_s_xlarge_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: scaling group nodes (L-B75F5AE2)
finspace_kx_sg_16xlarge_scaling_group_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: scaling group nodes (L-F9DDF688)
finspace_kx_sg_32xlarge_scaling_group_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: scaling group nodes (L-9EFEF0D8)
finspace_kx_sg_4xlarge_scaling_group_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: scaling group nodes (L-8116797B)
finspace_kx_sg_8xlarge_scaling_group_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: kx.sg1.16xlarge scaling group nodes (L-EE85DFB8)
finspace_kx_sg1_16xlarge_scaling_group_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: kx.sg1.24xlarge scaling group nodes (L-8C2FDE0C)
finspace_kx_sg1_24xlarge_scaling_group_nodes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb cluster users (L-A18C5C9A)
finspace_managed_kdb_cluster_users = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb clusters (L-403A8F92)
finspace_managed_kdb_clusters = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb concurrent changeset ingestions
# (L-05F8CB95)
finspace_managed_kdb_concurrent_changeset_ingestions = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb database cluster cache size (L-C8CECF7C)
finspace_managed_kdb_database_cluster_cache_size = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb databases (L-EB49E8B0)
finspace_managed_kdb_databases = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb dataviews (L-4F92BAA2)
finspace_managed_kdb_dataviews = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb multi-AZ clusters (L-7CF802FB)
finspace_managed_kdb_multi_az_clusters = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb savedown storage (L-9EDD8654)
finspace_managed_kdb_savedown_storage = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb scaling groups (L-8F9600BF)
finspace_managed_kdb_scaling_groups = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb single-AZ clusters (L-7E609E02)
finspace_managed_kdb_single_az_clusters = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb volume read mounts (L-CD999E75)
finspace_managed_kdb_volume_read_mounts = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb volume storage (L-2B5C0922)
finspace_managed_kdb_volume_storage = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb volume write mounts (L-0FC2034E)
finspace_managed_kdb_volume_write_mounts = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb volumes (L-9DDBB72F)
finspace_managed_kdb_volumes = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Permission groups (L-6B8BCEA6)
finspace_permission_groups = null
# Quota for [finspace]: Users (L-2AA8A0CC)
finspace_users = null
# Quota for [firehose]: Delivery streams (L-14BB0BE7)
firehose_delivery_streams = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target account configurations per experiment template
# (L-47D4AE5B)
fis_target_account_configurations_per_experiment_template = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Auto Scaling groups for
# aws:ec2:asg-insufficient-instance-capacity-error (L-97338E0D)
fis_target_auto_scaling_groups_for_aws_ec2_asg_insufficient_instance_capacity_error = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Buckets for aws:s3:bucket-pause-replication
# (L-4B06CB4E)
fis_target_buckets_for_aws_s3_bucket_pause_replication = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Clusters for aws:ecs:drain-container-instances
# (L-B2CDA938)
fis_target_clusters_for_aws_ecs_drain_container_instances = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Clusters for aws:rds:failover-db-cluster
# (L-7D222253)
fis_target_clusters_for_aws_rds_failover_db_cluster = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target DBInstances for aws:rds:reboot-db-instances
# (L-6CBFC7D2)
fis_target_dbinstances_for_aws_rds_reboot_db_instances = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Instances for aws:ec2:reboot-instances (L-9C6F1F94)
fis_target_instances_for_aws_ec2_reboot_instances = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Instances for aws:ec2:stop-instances (L-3F98B425)
fis_target_instances_for_aws_ec2_stop_instances = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Instances for aws:ec2:terminate-instances
# (L-EE64095D)
fis_target_instances_for_aws_ec2_terminate_instances = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Instances for aws:ssm:send-command (L-D0A62255)
fis_target_instances_for_aws_ssm_send_command = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Nodegroups for aws:eks:terminate-nodegroup-instances
# (L-CCA14F79)
fis_target_nodegroups_for_aws_eks_terminate_nodegroup_instances = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Pods for aws:eks:pod-cpu-stress (L-5A59540D)
fis_target_pods_for_aws_eks_pod_cpu_stress = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Pods for aws:eks:pod-delete (L-08B3DB00)
fis_target_pods_for_aws_eks_pod_delete = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Pods for aws:eks:pod-io-stress (L-397A8E65)
fis_target_pods_for_aws_eks_pod_io_stress = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Pods for aws:eks:pod-memory-stress (L-B8FF73F5)
fis_target_pods_for_aws_eks_pod_memory_stress = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Pods for aws:eks:pod-network-blackhole-port
# (L-52F95FBE)
fis_target_pods_for_aws_eks_pod_network_blackhole_port = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Pods for aws:eks:pod-network-latency (L-5AC5092A)
fis_target_pods_for_aws_eks_pod_network_latency = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Pods for aws:eks:pod-network-packet-loss
# (L-CFF34A14)
fis_target_pods_for_aws_eks_pod_network_packet_loss = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target ReplicationGroups for
# aws:elasticache:interrupt-cluster-az-power (L-B0012750)
fis_target_replicationgroups_for_aws_elasticache_interrupt_cluster_az_power = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target SpotInstances for
# aws:ec2:send-spot-instance-interruptions (L-F3F4B54A)
fis_target_spotinstances_for_aws_ec2_send_spot_instance_interruptions = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Subnets for aws:network:disrupt-connectivity
# (L-1F59732D)
fis_target_subnets_for_aws_network_disrupt_connectivity = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Subnets for
# aws:network:route-table-disrupt-cross-region-connectivity (L-100E963F)
fis_target_subnets_for_aws_network_route_table_disrupt_cross_region_connectivity = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Tasks for aws:ecs:stop-task (L-48D12416)
fis_target_tasks_for_aws_ecs_stop_task = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Tasks for aws:ecs:task-cpu-stress (L-C901BF0F)
fis_target_tasks_for_aws_ecs_task_cpu_stress = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Tasks for aws:ecs:task-io-stress (L-4939706C)
fis_target_tasks_for_aws_ecs_task_io_stress = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Tasks for aws:ecs:task-kill-process (L-0A7016E5)
fis_target_tasks_for_aws_ecs_task_kill_process = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Tasks for aws:ecs:task-network-blackhole-port
# (L-5035601B)
fis_target_tasks_for_aws_ecs_task_network_blackhole_port = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Tasks for aws:ecs:task-network-latency (L-B34128D0)
fis_target_tasks_for_aws_ecs_task_network_latency = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target Tasks for aws:ecs:task-network-packet-loss
# (L-52F5389C)
fis_target_tasks_for_aws_ecs_task_network_packet_loss = null
# Quota for [fis]: Target TransitGateways for
# aws:network:transit-gateway-disrupt-cross-region-connectivity (L-2CF2B517)
fis_target_transitgateways_for_aws_network_transit_gateway_disrupt_cross_region_connectivity = null
# Quota for [fms]: Amazon VPC instances in scope of a common security group
# policy (L-F0708C36)
fms_amazon_vpc_instances_in_scope_of_a_common_security_group_policy = null
# Quota for [fms]: Applications per application list (L-A423D1D9)
fms_applications_per_application_list = null
# Quota for [fms]: Audit security groups per security group content audit
# policy (L-5EE030D6)
fms_audit_security_groups_per_security_group_content_audit_policy = null
# Quota for [fms]: Custom managed application lists in any content audit
# security group policy setting (L-A2E8868B)
fms_custom_managed_application_lists_in_any_content_audit_security_group_policy_setting = null
# Quota for [fms]: Custom managed application lists per account (L-0E131699)
fms_custom_managed_application_lists_per_account = null
# Quota for [fms]: Custom managed protocol lists in any content audit security
# group policy setting (L-4F5BB25D)
fms_custom_managed_protocol_lists_in_any_content_audit_security_group_policy_setting = null
# Quota for [fms]: Custom managed protocol lists per account (L-C6CF2DBB)
fms_custom_managed_protocol_lists_per_account = null
# Quota for [fms]: Explicitly included or excluded accounts per policy per
# Region (L-0C779DC8)
fms_explicitly_included_or_excluded_accounts_per_policy_per_region = null
# Quota for [fms]: Firewall Manager policies per organization per Region
# (L-0B28E140)
fms_firewall_manager_policies_per_organization_per_region = null
# Quota for [fms]: Organizational units in scope per policy per Region
# (L-7D53B479)
fms_organizational_units_in_scope_per_policy_per_region = null
# Quota for [fms]: Primary security groups per common security group policy
# (L-2898441F)
fms_primary_security_groups_per_common_security_group_policy = null
# Quota for [fms]: Protocols per protocol list (L-1513E67B)
fms_protocols_per_protocol_list = null
# Quota for [fms]: Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall rule groups per DNS Firewall
# policy (L-5A240155)
fms_route_53_resolver_dns_firewall_rule_groups_per_dns_firewall_policy = null
# Quota for [fms]: Rule groups per AWS WAF policy (L-F8EEB3E5)
fms_rule_groups_per_aws_waf_policy = null
# Quota for [fms]: Tags to include or exclude resources per policy
# (L-CDB85E02)
fms_tags_to_include_or_exclude_resources_per_policy = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum cumulative size of all files in your Amazon S3
# bucket (L-690B4DB2)
forecast_maximum_cumulative_size_of_all_files_in_your_amazon_s3_bucket = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of dataset groups (L-5054D782)
forecast_maximum_number_of_dataset_groups = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of dataset import jobs (L-1306EC42)
forecast_maximum_number_of_dataset_import_jobs = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of datasets (L-D613D53B)
forecast_maximum_number_of_datasets = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of forecast export jobs (L-561FC25E)
forecast_maximum_number_of_forecast_export_jobs = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of forecasts (L-884F7F75)
forecast_maximum_number_of_forecasts = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of predictor backtest export jobs
# (L-E1AC300F)
forecast_maximum_number_of_predictor_backtest_export_jobs = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of predictors (L-9C589A93)
forecast_maximum_number_of_predictors = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of rows in a dataset (L-618F5043)
forecast_maximum_number_of_rows_in_a_dataset = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of time series per predictor
# (L-4A218FD9)
forecast_maximum_number_of_time_series_per_predictor = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreateDatasetImportJob tasks
# (L-407BD890)
forecast_maximum_parallel_running_createdatasetimportjob_tasks = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreateForecast tasks
# (L-10DDC31D)
forecast_maximum_parallel_running_createforecast_tasks = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreateForecastExportJob tasks
# (L-02D995E1)
forecast_maximum_parallel_running_createforecastexportjob_tasks = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreatePredictor tasks
# (L-3154C698)
forecast_maximum_parallel_running_createpredictor_tasks = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreatePredictor tasks using
# AutoML (L-BDD6E332)
forecast_maximum_parallel_running_createpredictor_tasks_using_automl = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running
# CreatePredictorBacktestExportJob tasks (L-C4147F5F)
forecast_maximum_parallel_running_createpredictorbacktestexportjob_tasks = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreateWhatIfAnalysis tasks
# (L-3DED4AA6)
forecast_maximum_parallel_running_createwhatifanalysis_tasks = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreateWhatIfForecast tasks
# (L-5EC8963B)
forecast_maximum_parallel_running_createwhatifforecast_tasks = null
# Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreateWhatIfForecastExport
# tasks (L-B50F9B6C)
forecast_maximum_parallel_running_createwhatifforecastexport_tasks = null
# Quota for [forecast]: The maximum number of What-if Analyses (L-235B11D6)
forecast_the_maximum_number_of_what_if_analyses = null
# Quota for [forecast]: The maximum number of What-if Forecast Exports
# (L-6AD28BD9)
forecast_the_maximum_number_of_what_if_forecast_exports = null
# Quota for [forecast]: The maximum number of What-if Forecasts (L-762142D9)
forecast_the_maximum_number_of_what_if_forecasts = null
# Quota for [frauddetector]: Rate of GetPrediction requests (L-7D855745)
frauddetector_rate_of_getprediction_requests = null
# Quota for [frauddetector]: Total concurrent Event Type statistics update
# operations (L-71AAD453)
frauddetector_total_concurrent_event_type_statistics_update_operations = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Lustre backups (L-CD5E0524)
fsx_lustre_backups = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Cache_1 caches (L-60836D3E)
fsx_lustre_cache_1_caches = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Cache_1 storage capacity (L-15D9FE87)
fsx_lustre_cache_1_storage_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Persistent_1 file systems (L-9AFA1F09)
fsx_lustre_persistent_1_file_systems = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Persistent_1 storage capacity (L-C8640C82)
fsx_lustre_persistent_1_storage_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Persistent_2 file systems (L-FD6F2F22)
fsx_lustre_persistent_2_file_systems = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Persistent_2 storage capacity (L-8F1B9C74)
fsx_lustre_persistent_2_storage_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Persistent HDD storage capacity (per file system)
# (L-736F3D6F)
fsx_lustre_persistent_hdd_storage_capacity_per_file_system_ = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Scratch file systems (L-C48231E5)
fsx_lustre_scratch_file_systems = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Scratch storage capacity (L-AD2FC696)
fsx_lustre_scratch_storage_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: ONTAP backups (L-C431DBA3)
fsx_ontap_backups = null
# Quota for [fsx]: ONTAP file systems (L-C28C1403)
fsx_ontap_file_systems = null
# Quota for [fsx]: ONTAP SSD IOPS (L-57578687)
fsx_ontap_ssd_iops = null
# Quota for [fsx]: ONTAP SSD storage capacity (L-E2C89679)
fsx_ontap_ssd_storage_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: ONTAP throughput capacity (L-C5F860DD)
fsx_ontap_throughput_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: OpenZFS backups (L-DD0F7417)
fsx_openzfs_backups = null
# Quota for [fsx]: OpenZFS disk IOPS (L-E24B4DE4)
fsx_openzfs_disk_iops = null
# Quota for [fsx]: OpenZFS file systems (L-59D0763F)
fsx_openzfs_file_systems = null
# Quota for [fsx]: OpenZFS SSD storage capacity (L-88479C21)
fsx_openzfs_ssd_storage_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: OpenZFS SSD storage capacity (per file system) (L-7D5FDD38)
fsx_openzfs_ssd_storage_capacity_per_file_system_ = null
# Quota for [fsx]: OpenZFS throughput capacity (L-4EDE4065)
fsx_openzfs_throughput_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Windows backups (L-E94C1C19)
fsx_windows_backups = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Windows file systems (L-5B89F9CE)
fsx_windows_file_systems = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Windows HDD storage capacity (L-84EAF187)
fsx_windows_hdd_storage_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Windows SSD storage capacity (L-E43BDB2E)
fsx_windows_ssd_storage_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Windows throughput capacity (L-FD89CA8A)
fsx_windows_throughput_capacity = null
# Quota for [fsx]: Windows total SSD IOPS (L-901C77F5)
fsx_windows_total_ssd_iops = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Aliases per region (L-AED4A06A)
gamelift_aliases_per_region = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Anywhere fleets per region (L-593688D9)
gamelift_anywhere_fleets_per_region = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Builds per region (L-90D24F1B)
gamelift_builds_per_region = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Compute per Anywhere fleet (L-0536A98D)
gamelift_compute_per_anywhere_fleet = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Custom locations per region (L-C6F4238C)
gamelift_custom_locations_per_region = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Game server groups per region (L-8D885299)
gamelift_game_server_groups_per_region = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Game servers per game server group (L-51AF299A)
gamelift_game_servers_per_game_server_group = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Game session queues per region (L-22451070)
gamelift_game_session_queues_per_region = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Locations in a fleet per region (L-55650DB7)
gamelift_locations_in_a_fleet_per_region = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Managed EC2 fleet EBS volume (L-BFEEB817)
gamelift_managed_ec2_fleet_ebs_volume = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Managed EC2 fleets per region (L-FDDD1260)
gamelift_managed_ec2_fleets_per_region = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Matchmaking configurations per region (L-73F6E300)
gamelift_matchmaking_configurations_per_region = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Matchmaking rule sets per region (L-8AE49BBD)
gamelift_matchmaking_rule_sets_per_region = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Maximum NewGameSessionsPerCreator per fleet
# configuration (L-3A43EF3C)
gamelift_maximum_newgamesessionspercreator_per_fleet_configuration = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Maximum PolicyPeriodInMinutes per fleet configuration
# (L-9F9DE0B2)
gamelift_maximum_policyperiodinminutes_per_fleet_configuration = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Player session timeout (L-24BE0A39)
gamelift_player_session_timeout = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Queue destinations per game session queue (L-BB62CF1D)
gamelift_queue_destinations_per_game_session_queue = null
# Quota for [gamelift]: Scripts per region (L-293B0017)
gamelift_scripts_per_region = null
# Quota for [geo]: Geofence Collection resources per account (L-93FB3073)
geo_geofence_collection_resources_per_account = null
# Quota for [geo]: Map resources per account (L-A94FDED2)
geo_map_resources_per_account = null
# Quota for [geo]: Place Index resources per account (L-AF0CC293)
geo_place_index_resources_per_account = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of AssociateTrackerConsumer API requests (L-664067C5)
geo_rate_of_associatetrackerconsumer_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistory API requests
# (L-CA16DE37)
geo_rate_of_batchdeletedevicepositionhistory_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of BatchDeleteGeofence API requests (L-93F5D44A)
geo_rate_of_batchdeletegeofence_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of BatchEvaluateGeofences API requests (L-9A0A3162)
geo_rate_of_batchevaluategeofences_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of BatchGetDevicePosition API requests (L-1D4EB556)
geo_rate_of_batchgetdeviceposition_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of BatchPutGeofence API requests (L-4D8FB6E2)
geo_rate_of_batchputgeofence_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of BatchUpdateDevicePosition API requests (L-16C77FC0)
geo_rate_of_batchupdatedeviceposition_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of CalculateRoute API requests (L-44B9F1A6)
geo_rate_of_calculateroute_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of CalculateRouteMatrix API requests (L-0E174A76)
geo_rate_of_calculateroutematrix_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of CreateGeofenceCollection API requests (L-DFE2C362)
geo_rate_of_creategeofencecollection_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of CreateKey API requests (L-0C20A2F2)
geo_rate_of_createkey_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of CreateMap API requests (L-8A769EC2)
geo_rate_of_createmap_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of CreatePlaceIndex API requests (L-0A4EAAD0)
geo_rate_of_createplaceindex_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of CreateRouteCalculator API requests (L-AF53BB1C)
geo_rate_of_createroutecalculator_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of CreateTracker API requests (L-0316544D)
geo_rate_of_createtracker_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DeleteGeofenceCollection API requests (L-779B9CA5)
geo_rate_of_deletegeofencecollection_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DeleteKey API requests (L-FF8C0CDC)
geo_rate_of_deletekey_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DeleteMap API requests (L-66B4C7B5)
geo_rate_of_deletemap_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DeletePlaceIndex API requests (L-D012773A)
geo_rate_of_deleteplaceindex_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DeleteRouteCalculator API requests (L-EF11EFBE)
geo_rate_of_deleteroutecalculator_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DeleteTracker API requests (L-24CBFF24)
geo_rate_of_deletetracker_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DescribeGeofenceCollection API requests
# (L-68C0FF09)
geo_rate_of_describegeofencecollection_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DescribeKey API requests (L-4B4C2391)
geo_rate_of_describekey_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DescribeMap API requests (L-3B6F7C26)
geo_rate_of_describemap_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DescribePlaceIndex API requests (L-772C0B77)
geo_rate_of_describeplaceindex_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DescribeRouteCalculator API requests (L-EA3098B7)
geo_rate_of_describeroutecalculator_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DescribeTracker API requests (L-4BA89359)
geo_rate_of_describetracker_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of DisassociateTrackerConsumer API requests
# (L-32299313)
geo_rate_of_disassociatetrackerconsumer_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetDevicePosition API requests (L-55FCDA52)
geo_rate_of_getdeviceposition_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetDevicePositionHistory API requests (L-9A60EA62)
geo_rate_of_getdevicepositionhistory_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetGeofence API requests (L-E2B35742)
geo_rate_of_getgeofence_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetMapGlyphs API requests (L-25528367)
geo_rate_of_getmapglyphs_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetMapSprites API requests (L-C2D15753)
geo_rate_of_getmapsprites_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetMapStyleDescriptor API requests (L-05EFD12D)
geo_rate_of_getmapstyledescriptor_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetMapTile API requests (L-7FB5719A)
geo_rate_of_getmaptile_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetPlace API requests (L-CF1B7B95)
geo_rate_of_getplace_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListDevicePositions API requests (L-B26E5E95)
geo_rate_of_listdevicepositions_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListGeofenceCollections API requests (L-42524A80)
geo_rate_of_listgeofencecollections_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListGeofences API requests (L-2A3A5399)
geo_rate_of_listgeofences_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListKeys API requests (L-BE8C4A7E)
geo_rate_of_listkeys_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListMaps API requests (L-004FBC04)
geo_rate_of_listmaps_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListPlaceIndexes API requests (L-E3E8B4BC)
geo_rate_of_listplaceindexes_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListRouteCalculators API requests (L-D3A51B68)
geo_rate_of_listroutecalculators_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListTagsForResource API requests (L-E976E608)
geo_rate_of_listtagsforresource_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListTrackerConsumers API requests (L-3B5E6DAC)
geo_rate_of_listtrackerconsumers_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListTrackers API requests (L-F0E58BD7)
geo_rate_of_listtrackers_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of PutGeofence API requests (L-8C4D918C)
geo_rate_of_putgeofence_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of SearchPlaceIndexForPosition API requests
# (L-201B3D58)
geo_rate_of_searchplaceindexforposition_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of SearchPlaceIndexForSuggestions API requests
# (L-EC3CCC13)
geo_rate_of_searchplaceindexforsuggestions_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of SearchPlaceIndexForText API requests (L-20F1367A)
geo_rate_of_searchplaceindexfortext_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of TagResource API requests (L-2CA6C84D)
geo_rate_of_tagresource_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of UntagResource API requests (L-C236DAD6)
geo_rate_of_untagresource_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of UpdateGeofenceCollection API requests (L-4D54A4EF)
geo_rate_of_updategeofencecollection_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of UpdateKey API requests (L-E31E6201)
geo_rate_of_updatekey_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of UpdateMap API requests (L-123EEE95)
geo_rate_of_updatemap_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of UpdatePlaceIndex API requests (L-AE2D8C2E)
geo_rate_of_updateplaceindex_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of UpdateRouteCalculator API requests (L-85DB3370)
geo_rate_of_updateroutecalculator_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Rate of UpdateTracker API requests (L-5C766737)
geo_rate_of_updatetracker_api_requests = null
# Quota for [geo]: Route Calculator resources per account (L-D4E15F64)
geo_route_calculator_resources_per_account = null
# Quota for [geo]: Tracker resources per account (L-8CDBA5E9)
geo_tracker_resources_per_account = null
# Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Cross-account attachments per AWS account
# (L-E201D224)
globalaccelerator_cross_account_attachments_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Custom routing accelerators per AWS account
# (L-BB449727)
globalaccelerator_custom_routing_accelerators_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Endpoints per endpoint group - EC2 instances
# (L-2151CAA1)
globalaccelerator_endpoints_per_endpoint_group_ec2_instances = null
# Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Endpoints per endpoint group - Elastic IP
# addresses (L-B7B05447)
globalaccelerator_endpoints_per_endpoint_group_elastic_ip_addresses = null
# Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Endpoints per endpoint group - Network Load
# Balancers (L-6975C1FD)
globalaccelerator_endpoints_per_endpoint_group_network_load_balancers = null
# Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Endpoints per endpoint group - VPC subnets
# (L-83098BD3)
globalaccelerator_endpoints_per_endpoint_group_vpc_subnets = null
# Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Listeners per accelerator (L-C6F903E5)
globalaccelerator_listeners_per_accelerator = null
# Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Port overrides per endpoint group
# (L-7B7A9DD5)
globalaccelerator_port_overrides_per_endpoint_group = null
# Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Principals per cross-account attachment
# (L-3D1423D2)
globalaccelerator_principals_per_cross_account_attachment = null
# Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Standard accelerators per AWS account
# (L-BE074EF3)
globalaccelerator_standard_accelerators_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Concurrent machine learning task runs per transform
# (L-E15CE20A)
glue_concurrent_machine_learning_task_runs_per_transform = null
# Quota for [glue]: Label file size (L-B78896B9)
glue_label_file_size = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max concurrent data quality ruleset evaluation runs per
# account (L-C3952F6C)
glue_max_concurrent_data_quality_ruleset_evaluation_runs_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max concurrent data quality ruleset recommendation runs
# per account (L-ACAC12B6)
glue_max_concurrent_data_quality_ruleset_recommendation_runs_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max concurrent job runs per account (L-5E4153CA)
glue_max_concurrent_job_runs_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max concurrent job runs per job (L-F574AED9)
glue_max_concurrent_job_runs_per_job = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max connection per account (L-4256D6D2)
glue_max_connection_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max data quality rulesets per account (L-87F5991C)
glue_max_data_quality_rulesets_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max databases per account (L-F953935E)
glue_max_databases_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max databases per catalog (L-A57B5BCE)
glue_max_databases_per_catalog = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max development endpoint per account (L-DBA56E2F)
glue_max_development_endpoint_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max DPUs per dev endpoint (L-76EC689B)
glue_max_dpus_per_dev_endpoint = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max functions per account (L-D987EC31)
glue_max_functions_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max functions per database (L-1DD415D5)
glue_max_functions_per_database = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max jobs per account (L-611FDDE4)
glue_max_jobs_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max jobs per trigger (L-EEC98450)
glue_max_jobs_per_trigger = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max partitions per account (L-FEBBFA7A)
glue_max_partitions_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max partitions per table (L-2C3F5401)
glue_max_partitions_per_table = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max security configurations per account (L-83192DBF)
glue_max_security_configurations_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max spare compute capacity consumed in data processing
# units (DPUs) per account. (L-096DBB95)
glue_max_spare_compute_capacity_consumed_in_data_processing_units_dpus_per_account_ = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max table versions per account (L-337244C9)
glue_max_table_versions_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max table versions per table (L-071ABE08)
glue_max_table_versions_per_table = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max tables per account (L-94D025B7)
glue_max_tables_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max tables per database (L-B8497671)
glue_max_tables_per_database = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max task DPUs per account (L-08F3B322)
glue_max_task_dpus_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Max triggers per account (L-F1653A6D)
glue_max_triggers_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Maximum number of in-flight completion requests allowed
# per account (L-958728D1)
glue_maximum_number_of_in_flight_completion_requests_allowed_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Number of column statistics tasks running concurrently per
# account (L-3890A802)
glue_number_of_column_statistics_tasks_running_concurrently_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Number of crawlers per account (L-11FA2C1A)
glue_number_of_crawlers_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Number of crawlers running concurrently per account
# (L-4071B0E3)
glue_number_of_crawlers_running_concurrently_per_account = null
# Quota for [glue]: Number of machine learning transforms (L-04CEE988)
glue_number_of_machine_learning_transforms = null
# Quota for [glue]: Number of Schema Registries. (L-64A88F0A)
glue_number_of_schema_registries_ = null
# Quota for [glue]: Number of Schema Versions. (L-AD871090)
glue_number_of_schema_versions_ = null
# Quota for [glue]: Number of workflows (L-7DD7C33A)
glue_number_of_workflows = null
# Quota for [glue]: Total concurrent machine learning task runs for transforms
# per account (L-83A59AA6)
glue_total_concurrent_machine_learning_task_runs_for_transforms_per_account = null
# Quota for [grafana]: Number of workspaces (L-2C2D5119)
grafana_number_of_workspaces = null
# Quota for [greengrass]: Components (L-4676BC3D)
greengrass_components = null
# Quota for [greengrass]: Versions per component (L-FC3754BD)
greengrass_versions_per_component = null
# Quota for [groundstation]: Config limit (L-5CCF0BC2)
groundstation_config_limit = null
# Quota for [groundstation]: Contact Lead Time Maximum (L-09DEC198)
groundstation_contact_lead_time_maximum = null
# Quota for [groundstation]: Dataflow endpoint group limit (L-D6A1915B)
groundstation_dataflow_endpoint_group_limit = null
# Quota for [groundstation]: Dataflow endpoints per group limit (L-98A63A85)
groundstation_dataflow_endpoints_per_group_limit = null
# Quota for [groundstation]: Enabled Ephemerides limit (L-BD84767C)
groundstation_enabled_ephemerides_limit = null
# Quota for [groundstation]: Ephemeris Validation limit (L-DE376FC5)
groundstation_ephemeris_validation_limit = null
# Quota for [groundstation]: Maximum Contact Duration (L-CCFDE387)
groundstation_maximum_contact_duration = null
# Quota for [groundstation]: Mission profile limit (L-5342B9BF)
groundstation_mission_profile_limit = null
# Quota for [groundstation]: Scheduled Contacts Limit (L-DF7B6DEC)
groundstation_scheduled_contacts_limit = null
# Quota for [groundstation]: Scheduled Minutes Limit (L-FED20749)
groundstation_scheduled_minutes_limit = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Number of data stores per account (L-3EA1D6C3)
healthlake_number_of_data_stores_per_account = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of Bundle requests per account (L-D0D9461D)
healthlake_rate_of_bundle_requests_per_account = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of Bundle requests per data store (L-51420D3D)
healthlake_rate_of_bundle_requests_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of DELETE requests per account (L-B24305BE)
healthlake_rate_of_delete_requests_per_account = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of DELETE requests per data store (L-C208C0FF)
healthlake_rate_of_delete_requests_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of GET requests per account (L-F39A95A1)
healthlake_rate_of_get_requests_per_account = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of GET requests per data store (L-863A7B88)
healthlake_rate_of_get_requests_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of POST requests per account (L-B94D535B)
healthlake_rate_of_post_requests_per_account = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of POST requests per data store (L-9EB60712)
healthlake_rate_of_post_requests_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of PUT requests per account (L-0BAE502B)
healthlake_rate_of_put_requests_per_account = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of PUT requests per data store (L-9375C7A1)
healthlake_rate_of_put_requests_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of search requests using GET per account
# (L-98AD4FBA)
healthlake_rate_of_search_requests_using_get_per_account = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of search requests using GET per data store
# (L-611058A1)
healthlake_rate_of_search_requests_using_get_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of search requests using POST per account
# (L-6FDC6068)
healthlake_rate_of_search_requests_using_post_per_account = null
# Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of search requests using POST per data store
# (L-7366BBDE)
healthlake_rate_of_search_requests_using_post_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [iam]: Customer managed policies per account (L-E95E4862)
iam_customer_managed_policies_per_account = null
# Quota for [iam]: Groups per account (L-F4A5425F)
iam_groups_per_account = null
# Quota for [iam]: Instance profiles per account (L-6E65F664)
iam_instance_profiles_per_account = null
# Quota for [iam]: Managed policies per role (L-0DA4ABF3)
iam_managed_policies_per_role = null
# Quota for [iam]: Managed policies per user (L-4019AD8B)
iam_managed_policies_per_user = null
# Quota for [iam]: Role trust policy length (L-C07B4B0D)
iam_role_trust_policy_length = null
# Quota for [iam]: Roles per account (L-FE177D64)
iam_roles_per_account = null
# Quota for [iam]: Server certificates per account (L-BF35879D)
iam_server_certificates_per_account = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Component parameter length (L-10D22E0D)
imagebuilder_component_parameter_length = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Component size (L-D5DC1FB3)
imagebuilder_component_size = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Components (L-9B183655)
imagebuilder_components = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Concurrent AMI copies per distribution
# configuration (L-69312229)
imagebuilder_concurrent_ami_copies_per_distribution_configuration = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Concurrent builds (L-BA4D191B)
imagebuilder_concurrent_builds = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Concurrent resource state update (L-5E848392)
imagebuilder_concurrent_resource_state_update = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Container recipes (L-28A502FD)
imagebuilder_container_recipes = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Distribution configurations (L-2BAA05D8)
imagebuilder_distribution_configurations = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Docker template size (L-84F5AB81)
imagebuilder_docker_template_size = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Image pipelines (L-7A0E01E3)
imagebuilder_image_pipelines = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Image recipes (L-1DF98342)
imagebuilder_image_recipes = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Image workflow parameter (L-A26B27A7)
imagebuilder_image_workflow_parameter = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Image workflow size (L-22EAF8F8)
imagebuilder_image_workflow_size = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Image workflows (L-0DF2752F)
imagebuilder_image_workflows = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Image workflows per image (L-31E5726E)
imagebuilder_image_workflows_per_image = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Infrastructure configurations (L-D9EF98D9)
imagebuilder_infrastructure_configurations = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Launch templates modified per distribution
# configuration (L-D5665818)
imagebuilder_launch_templates_modified_per_distribution_configuration = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Lifecycle policies (L-6105A4EE)
imagebuilder_lifecycle_policies = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Parameters per component (L-A58CFBED)
imagebuilder_parameters_per_component = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Parameters per image workflow (L-E49825CC)
imagebuilder_parameters_per_image_workflow = null
# Quota for [imagebuilder]: Steps per image workflow (L-D9E1BB3C)
imagebuilder_steps_per_image_workflow = null
# Quota for [inspector]: Assessment runs (L-12943E2F)
inspector_assessment_runs = null
# Quota for [inspector]: Assessment Targets (L-E1AFB5F4)
inspector_assessment_targets = null
# Quota for [inspector]: Assessment Templates (L-7A3AEC10)
inspector_assessment_templates = null
# Quota for [inspector]: Instances in running assessments (L-6750F872)
inspector_instances_in_running_assessments = null
# Quota for [iot]: Active continuous jobs (L-4E068A30)
iot_active_continuous_jobs = null
# Quota for [iot]: Active snapshot jobs (L-D80B05DB)
iot_active_snapshot_jobs = null
# Quota for [iot]: AssociateTargetsWithJob throttle limit (L-D7A534B0)
iot_associatetargetswithjob_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: CancelJob throttle limit (L-DEC656C5)
iot_canceljob_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: CancelJobExecution throttle limit (L-5D01DB62)
iot_canceljobexecution_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: CloseTunnel API throttle limit (L-4C86F053)
iot_closetunnel_api_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: Concurrent jobs (L-FBF5CD89)
iot_concurrent_jobs = null
# Quota for [iot]: CreateJobTemplate throttle limit (L-224318E9)
iot_createjobtemplate_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: CreateOTAUpdate API TPS (L-EFEC7F9B)
iot_createotaupdate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iot]: CreateStream API TPS (L-86E241A6)
iot_createstream_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iot]: Custom metrics (L-53A90E98)
iot_custom_metrics = null
# Quota for [iot]: DeleteJob throttle limit (L-46C255C8)
iot_deletejob_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: DeleteJobExecution throttle limit (L-4AB367B4)
iot_deletejobexecution_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: DeleteJobTemplate throttle limit (L-99780C4B)
iot_deletejobtemplate_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: DeleteOTAUpdate API TPS (L-FCC8A955)
iot_deleteotaupdate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iot]: DeleteStream API TPS (L-4BB13F2B)
iot_deletestream_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iot]: DescribeIndex rate (L-23B1CFB2)
iot_describeindex_rate = null
# Quota for [iot]: DescribeJob throttle limit (L-609D00CE)
iot_describejob_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: DescribeJobExecution throttle limit (L-B731A266)
iot_describejobexecution_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: DescribeJobTemplate throttle limit (L-D3020048)
iot_describejobtemplate_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: DescribeStream API TPS (L-F288A443)
iot_describestream_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iot]: DescribeTunnel API throttle limit (L-382CCFC0)
iot_describetunnel_api_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: Device metric minimum delay (L-7BF41710)
iot_device_metric_minimum_delay = null
# Quota for [iot]: Device metric peak reporting rate for an account
# (L-9AE67DFC)
iot_device_metric_peak_reporting_rate_for_an_account = null
# Quota for [iot]: GetCardinality rate (L-B359270D)
iot_getcardinality_rate = null
# Quota for [iot]: GetIndexingConfiguration rate (L-4F362163)
iot_getindexingconfiguration_rate = null
# Quota for [iot]: GetJobDocument throttle limit (L-86FC5D66)
iot_getjobdocument_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: GetOTAUpdate API TPS (L-74CF42C0)
iot_getotaupdate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iot]: GetPercentiles rate (L-4627F3A5)
iot_getpercentiles_rate = null
# Quota for [iot]: GetStatistics rate (L-090EA78D)
iot_getstatistics_rate = null
# Quota for [iot]: Job execution roll out rate (L-026DF298)
iot_job_execution_roll_out_rate = null
# Quota for [iot]: ListIndices rate (L-C0894219)
iot_listindices_rate = null
# Quota for [iot]: ListJobExecutionsForJob throttle limit (L-9CCB5F90)
iot_listjobexecutionsforjob_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: ListJobExecutionsForThing throttle limit (L-10F35433)
iot_listjobexecutionsforthing_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: ListJobs throttle limit (L-145FD0E6)
iot_listjobs_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: ListJobTemplates throttle limit (L-59178860)
iot_listjobtemplates_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: ListMetricValues API TPS (L-DC1637B1)
iot_listmetricvalues_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iot]: ListOTAUpdates API TPS (L-6A50FCE7)
iot_listotaupdates_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iot]: ListStreams API TPS (L-4026757A)
iot_liststreams_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iot]: ListTagsForResource API throttle limit (L-60A7ED34)
iot_listtagsforresource_api_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: ListTunnels API throttle limit (L-B7CAF86D)
iot_listtunnels_api_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum connection rate (L-00511A32)
iot_maximum_connection_rate = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum length of a custom field name (L-4832A12B)
iot_maximum_length_of_a_custom_field_name = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum length of a query (L-C3993A6F)
iot_maximum_length_of_a_query = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of custom fields in AWS thing groups index
# (L-8B2A08E6)
iot_maximum_number_of_custom_fields_in_aws_thing_groups_index = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of custom fields in AWS things index
# (L-AE68DCD9)
iot_maximum_number_of_custom_fields_in_aws_things_index = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of fleet metrics (L-A5B47E14)
iot_maximum_number_of_fleet_metrics = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of job templates (L-B2C87795)
iot_maximum_number_of_job_templates = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of names in the named shadow names filter
# (L-57F7D467)
iot_maximum_number_of_names_in_the_named_shadow_names_filter = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of query terms per dynamic group
# (L-90F8C878)
iot_maximum_number_of_query_terms_per_dynamic_group = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of query terms per fleet metric (L-F7BC9359)
iot_maximum_number_of_query_terms_per_fleet_metric = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of query terms per query (L-00E8EC16)
iot_maximum_number_of_query_terms_per_query = null
# Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of targets in the geo locations filter
# (L-7068DC7F)
iot_maximum_number_of_targets_in_the_geo_locations_filter = null
# Quota for [iot]: OpenTunnel API throttle limit (L-E72C1C85)
iot_opentunnel_api_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: S3 job document length (L-7C5B0274)
iot_s3_job_document_length = null
# Quota for [iot]: SearchIndex rate (L-908D0FBE)
iot_searchindex_rate = null
# Quota for [iot]: TagResource API throttle limit (L-5755407D)
iot_tagresource_api_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: UntagResource API trottle limit (L-BF877B05)
iot_untagresource_api_trottle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: UpdateIndexingConfiguration rate (L-632CA122)
iot_updateindexingconfiguration_rate = null
# Quota for [iot]: UpdateJob throttle limit (L-7365ADF8)
iot_updatejob_throttle_limit = null
# Quota for [iot]: UpdateStream API TPS (L-59F27FE9)
iot_updatestream_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Channels per account (L-321F3834)
iotanalytics_channels_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Data sets per account (L-4BFEAE82)
iotanalytics_data_sets_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Data stores per account (L-86CFEC61)
iotanalytics_data_stores_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Depth of Parquet SchemaDefinition column
# (L-B7F65767)
iotanalytics_depth_of_parquet_schemadefinition_column = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Minimum data set refresh interval (L-5CD4F96D)
iotanalytics_minimum_data_set_refresh_interval = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Number of Parquet SchemaDefinition columns
# (L-41F5CE82)
iotanalytics_number_of_parquet_schemadefinition_columns = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Number of partitions in a data store (L-BA86816F)
iotanalytics_number_of_partitions_in_a_data_store = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Number of StartPipelineReprocessing requests
# (L-EFB6780D)
iotanalytics_number_of_startpipelinereprocessing_requests = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Pipelines per account (L-0AED1111)
iotanalytics_pipelines_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Rate of BatchPutMessage messages (L-CFCA90F1)
iotanalytics_rate_of_batchputmessage_messages = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Rate of CreateDatasetContent requests (L-546EC585)
iotanalytics_rate_of_createdatasetcontent_requests = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Rate of RunPipelineActivity requests (L-C770541D)
iotanalytics_rate_of_runpipelineactivity_requests = null
# Quota for [iotanalytics]: Rate of SampleChannelData requests (L-C24E823A)
iotanalytics_rate_of_samplechanneldata_requests = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: AcceptCertificateTransfer API TPS (L-136C6B71)
iotcore_acceptcertificatetransfer_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: AddThingToBillingGroup API TPS (L-1F4BE39E)
iotcore_addthingtobillinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: AddThingToThingGroup API TPS (L-2904683A)
iotcore_addthingtothinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: AssumeRoleWithCertificate API TPS (L-DA868E55)
iotcore_assumerolewithcertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: AttachPolicy API TPS (L-CA7D4E3E)
iotcore_attachpolicy_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: AttachPrincipalPolicy API TPS (L-81689EEF)
iotcore_attachprincipalpolicy_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: AttachThingPrincipal API TPS (L-F64D1AA6)
iotcore_attachthingprincipal_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CancelCertificateTransfer API TPS (L-14E3C32E)
iotcore_cancelcertificatetransfer_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ClearDefaultAuthorizer API TPS (L-5BDDC7FE)
iotcore_cleardefaultauthorizer_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Configurable endpoints: maximum number of domain
# configurations per account (L-89635276)
iotcore_configurable_endpoints_maximum_number_of_domain_configurations_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Connect requests per second per account (L-AEA1E176)
iotcore_connect_requests_per_second_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CreateBillingGroup API TPS (L-F2D09BC8)
iotcore_createbillinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CreateCertificateFromCsr API TPS (L-01BCDDCA)
iotcore_createcertificatefromcsr_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CreateDynamicThingGroup API TPS (L-7E0F5745)
iotcore_createdynamicthinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CreateKeysAndCertificate API TPS (L-40B55430)
iotcore_createkeysandcertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CreatePolicy API TPS (L-1B2EEF52)
iotcore_createpolicy_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CreatePolicyVersion API TPS (L-BD4A365E)
iotcore_createpolicyversion_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CreateProvisioningClaim API TPS (L-33A2AE15)
iotcore_createprovisioningclaim_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CreateThing API TPS (L-64CBACAC)
iotcore_creatething_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CreateThingGroup API TPS (L-512F449C)
iotcore_createthinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: CreateThingType API TPS (L-8650816F)
iotcore_createthingtype_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteBillingGroup API TPS (L-6C20C764)
iotcore_deletebillinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteCACertificate API TPS (L-944099F0)
iotcore_deletecacertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteCertificate API TPS (L-EEB8F0B1)
iotcore_deletecertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteDynamicThingGroup API TPS (L-9DF61146)
iotcore_deletedynamicthinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeletePolicy API TPS (L-58129C66)
iotcore_deletepolicy_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeletePolicyVersion API TPS (L-2990EF9F)
iotcore_deletepolicyversion_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteProvisioningTemplate API TPS (L-066C37B5)
iotcore_deleteprovisioningtemplate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteRegistrationCode API TPS (L-D5D09DC2)
iotcore_deleteregistrationcode_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteThing API TPS (L-889800F7)
iotcore_deletething_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteThingGroup API TPS (L-FCAB1AF4)
iotcore_deletethinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteThingType API TPS (L-CFBDB489)
iotcore_deletethingtype_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DeprecateThingType API TPS (L-7F1DBFAE)
iotcore_deprecatethingtype_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeAuthorizer API TPS (L-19FEFCAA)
iotcore_describeauthorizer_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeBillingGroup API TPS (L-23DF46E7)
iotcore_describebillinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeCACertificate API TPS (L-E72BB356)
iotcore_describecacertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeCertificate API TPS (L-FC864907)
iotcore_describecertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeCertificateTag API TPS (L-7E496DB6)
iotcore_describecertificatetag_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeDefaultAuthorizer API TPS (L-A34ABBD3)
iotcore_describedefaultauthorizer_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeDomainConfiguration API TPS (L-7027E8DD)
iotcore_describedomainconfiguration_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeEventConfigurations API TPS (L-AC832B8A)
iotcore_describeeventconfigurations_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeProvisioningTemplate API TPS (L-261C415C)
iotcore_describeprovisioningtemplate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeProvisioningTemplateVersion API TPS
# (L-35130141)
iotcore_describeprovisioningtemplateversion_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeRoleAlias API TPS (L-82706932)
iotcore_describerolealias_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeThing API TPS (L-0EF0F5EE)
iotcore_describething_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeThingGroup API TPS (L-52E1E197)
iotcore_describethinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeThingRegistrationTask API TPS (L-4673EACA)
iotcore_describethingregistrationtask_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeThingType API TPS (L-DDCF8E97)
iotcore_describethingtype_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DetachPolicy API TPS (L-EC88D510)
iotcore_detachpolicy_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DetachPrincipalPolicy API TPS (L-A20A8794)
iotcore_detachprincipalpolicy_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: DetachThingPrincipal API TPS (L-B5EE4A16)
iotcore_detachthingprincipal_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Device Shadow API requests/second per account
# (L-6CC6395A)
iotcore_device_shadow_api_requests_second_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Fleet Provisioning CreateCertificateFromCsr MQTT API
# TPS (L-83161BB8)
iotcore_fleet_provisioning_createcertificatefromcsr_mqtt_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Fleet Provisioning CreateKeysAndCertificate MQTT API
iotcore_fleet_provisioning_createkeysandcertificate_mqtt_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Fleet Provisioning RegisterThing MQTT API TPS
# (L-B2BBBD8C)
iotcore_fleet_provisioning_registerthing_mqtt_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: GetPolicy API TPS (L-5CE9072D)
iotcore_getpolicy_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: GetPolicyVersion API TPS (L-1FE17093)
iotcore_getpolicyversion_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: GetRegistrationCode API TPS (L-83705EE2)
iotcore_getregistrationcode_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: GetRetainedMessage API TPS (L-1243AB32)
iotcore_getretainedmessage_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Inbound publish requests per second per account
# (L-4B33E451)
iotcore_inbound_publish_requests_per_second_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListAttachedPolicies API TPS (L-B2DA2A45)
iotcore_listattachedpolicies_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListAuthorizers API TPS (L-9BF00264)
iotcore_listauthorizers_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListBillingGroups API TPS (L-BB923BC2)
iotcore_listbillinggroups_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListCACertificates API TPS (L-15185D92)
iotcore_listcacertificates_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListCertificates API TPS (L-97DA2C60)
iotcore_listcertificates_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListCertificatesByCA API TPS (L-5A0AFD83)
iotcore_listcertificatesbyca_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListDomainConfigurations API TPS (L-4BDBE56D)
iotcore_listdomainconfigurations_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListOutgoingCertificates API TPS (L-56AB20B6)
iotcore_listoutgoingcertificates_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListPolicies API TPS (L-2B86A5A0)
iotcore_listpolicies_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListPolicyPrincipals API TPS (L-073010AA)
iotcore_listpolicyprincipals_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListPolicyVersions API TPS (L-E67DF416)
iotcore_listpolicyversions_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListPrincipalPolicies API TPS (L-129466FE)
iotcore_listprincipalpolicies_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListPrincipalThings API TPS (L-C481616A)
iotcore_listprincipalthings_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListProvisioningTemplates API TPS (L-53E8A280)
iotcore_listprovisioningtemplates_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListProvisioningTemplateVersions API TPS (L-80CBA176)
iotcore_listprovisioningtemplateversions_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListRetainedMessages API TPS (L-0AA974E3)
iotcore_listretainedmessages_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListRoleAliases API TPS (L-F22E433B)
iotcore_listrolealiases_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListTagsForResource API TPS (L-D127B7BE)
iotcore_listtagsforresource_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListTargetsForPolicy API TPS (L-D7C50543)
iotcore_listtargetsforpolicy_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingGroups API TPS (L-1E5260D6)
iotcore_listthinggroups_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingGroupsForThing API TPS (L-75F129AD)
iotcore_listthinggroupsforthing_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingPrincipals API TPS (L-FC3EF4D9)
iotcore_listthingprincipals_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingRegistrationTask API TPS (L-B2CCE1DE)
iotcore_listthingregistrationtask_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingRegistrationTaskReports API TPS (L-51D1E673)
iotcore_listthingregistrationtaskreports_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListThings API TPS (L-57AAC135)
iotcore_listthings_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingsInBillingGroup API TPS (L-E8797DCC)
iotcore_listthingsinbillinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingsInThingGroup API TPS (L-D33FD5F9)
iotcore_listthingsinthinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingTypes API TPS (L-F9EBF527)
iotcore_listthingtypes_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum concurrent client connections per account
# (L-75CAB723)
iotcore_maximum_concurrent_client_connections_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum MQTT5 Topic Alias value (L-C0EA6C17)
iotcore_maximum_mqtt5_topic_alias_value = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum number of device certificates that can be
# registered per second (L-3E927DFC)
iotcore_maximum_number_of_device_certificates_that_can_be_registered_per_second = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum number of domain configurations per account per
# region (L-B0F131C8)
iotcore_maximum_number_of_domain_configurations_per_account_per_region = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum number of retained messages per account
# (L-57BADEF0)
iotcore_maximum_number_of_retained_messages_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum number of rules per AWS account (L-954FA751)
iotcore_maximum_number_of_rules_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum number of thing attributes for a thing with a
# thing type (L-3964F400)
iotcore_maximum_number_of_thing_attributes_for_a_thing_with_a_thing_type = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum size of a JSON state document (L-A295A064)
iotcore_maximum_size_of_a_json_state_document = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Outbound publish requests per second per account
# (L-FE4EDCF9)
iotcore_outbound_publish_requests_per_second_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Persistent session expiry period (L-3BB6AFBC)
iotcore_persistent_session_expiry_period = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Queued messages per second per account (L-35DA9240)
iotcore_queued_messages_per_second_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: RegisterCACertificate API TPS (L-B3AC62F0)
iotcore_registercacertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: RegisterCertificate API TPS (L-8C0011A3)
iotcore_registercertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: RegisterCertificateWithoutCA API TPS (L-4671C7C8)
iotcore_registercertificatewithoutca_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: RegisterThing API TPS (L-C0B2EF8B)
iotcore_registerthing_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: RejectCertificateTransfer API TPS (L-E82C8FBF)
iotcore_rejectcertificatetransfer_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: RemoveThingFromBillingGroup API TPS (L-FAF5733F)
iotcore_removethingfrombillinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: RemoveThingFromThingGroup API TPS (L-2A81A394)
iotcore_removethingfromthinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Requests per second per thing (L-EFF4BE08)
iotcore_requests_per_second_per_thing = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Retained message inbound publish requests per second
# per account (L-BAFC6221)
iotcore_retained_message_inbound_publish_requests_per_second_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Rule evaluations per second per AWS account
# (L-5E9B88DA)
iotcore_rule_evaluations_per_second_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: SetDefaultAuthorizer API TPS (L-51C95546)
iotcore_setdefaultauthorizer_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: SetDefaultPolicyVersion API TPS (L-4F16A45D)
iotcore_setdefaultpolicyversion_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Size of thing attributes per thing (L-5104A2FD)
iotcore_size_of_thing_attributes_per_thing = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: StartThingRegistrationTask API TPS (L-7278F198)
iotcore_startthingregistrationtask_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: StopThingRegistrationTask API TPS (L-DADCC3DA)
iotcore_stopthingregistrationtask_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Subscriptions per account (L-52CBB99B)
iotcore_subscriptions_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: Subscriptions per second per account (L-589D5E1D)
iotcore_subscriptions_per_second_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: TagResource API TPS (L-06E76376)
iotcore_tagresource_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: TransferCertificate API TPS (L-9A4156D0)
iotcore_transfercertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UntagResource API TPS (L-8996ACA8)
iotcore_untagresource_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateAuthorizer API TPS (L-6355B513)
iotcore_updateauthorizer_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateBillingGroup API TPS (L-88CA286A)
iotcore_updatebillinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateCACertificate API TPS (L-A755E860)
iotcore_updatecacertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateCertificate API TPS (L-77B523DC)
iotcore_updatecertificate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateCertificateMode API TPS (L-06D0B96B)
iotcore_updatecertificatemode_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateCertificateTag API TPS (L-B9586B46)
iotcore_updatecertificatetag_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateDomainConfiguration API TPS (L-D624FA43)
iotcore_updatedomainconfiguration_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateDynamicThingGroup API TPS (L-E06BBD5F)
iotcore_updatedynamicthinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateEventConfigurations API TPS (L-9C512C33)
iotcore_updateeventconfigurations_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateProvisioningTemplate API TPS (L-1FD03A8A)
iotcore_updateprovisioningtemplate_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateRoleAlias API TPS (L-447FFBFB)
iotcore_updaterolealias_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateThing API TPS (L-211F680E)
iotcore_updatething_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateThingGroup API TPS (L-5D84F9FE)
iotcore_updatethinggroup_api_tps = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Detector model versions (L-1B3BA3EE)
iotevents_detector_model_versions = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Detector models (L-279A67DA)
iotevents_detector_models = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Detectors per detector model (L-3ED590C1)
iotevents_detectors_per_detector_model = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Inputs (L-C031B6B8)
iotevents_inputs = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum actions per alarm model (L-EB687A61)
iotevents_maximum_actions_per_alarm_model = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum actions per event (L-4E41133E)
iotevents_maximum_actions_per_event = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum alarm model versions per alarm model
# (L-2FA8EFB5)
iotevents_maximum_alarm_model_versions_per_alarm_model = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum alarm models per account (L-134442DD)
iotevents_maximum_alarm_models_per_account = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum alarms per alarm model (L-52F0DBB4)
iotevents_maximum_alarms_per_alarm_model = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum events per state (L-C0F716CA)
iotevents_maximum_events_per_state = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum number of alarm models per property in an AWS
# IoT SiteWise asset model (L-EBDD79FD)
iotevents_maximum_number_of_alarm_models_per_property_in_an_aws_iot_sitewise_asset_model = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum number of recipients per notification action
# in an alarm model (L-DE2C2CBE)
iotevents_maximum_number_of_recipients_per_notification_action_in_an_alarm_model = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum total messages evaluated per second
# (L-41C77D73)
iotevents_maximum_total_messages_evaluated_per_second = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum transition events per state (L-FCDB3431)
iotevents_maximum_transition_events_per_state = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Message size (L-1EE1AE32)
iotevents_message_size = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Minimum timer duration (L-D86BAB00)
iotevents_minimum_timer_duration = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Number of detector model analyses in RUNNING status
# (L-18935129)
iotevents_number_of_detector_model_analyses_in_running_status = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: State variables per detector model definition
# (L-46EA5101)
iotevents_state_variables_per_detector_model_definition = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: States per detector model (L-0B548925)
iotevents_states_per_detector_model = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Timers scheduled per detector (L-89B1F2C1)
iotevents_timers_scheduled_per_detector = null
# Quota for [iotevents]: Trigger expressions (L-BE1D061A)
iotevents_trigger_expressions = null
# Quota for [iotfleethub]: Number of applications per Region per AWS account
# (L-65C37C15)
iotfleethub_number_of_applications_per_region_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Number of campaigns for each account in an AWS
# Region (L-17D821A8)
iotfleetwise_number_of_campaigns_for_each_account_in_an_aws_region = null
# Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Number of decoder manifests for a model manifest
# for each account in an AWS Region. (L-9EE083E6)
iotfleetwise_number_of_decoder_manifests_for_a_model_manifest_for_each_account_in_an_aws_region_ = null
# Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Number of model manifests for each account in an
# AWS Region. (L-72103FA9)
iotfleetwise_number_of_model_manifests_for_each_account_in_an_aws_region_ = null
# Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Number of nodes in a signal catalog for each
# account in an AWS Region (L-FE285ED4)
iotfleetwise_number_of_nodes_in_a_signal_catalog_for_each_account_in_an_aws_region = null
# Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Number of signals in a campaign for each account
# in an AWS Region. (L-86E70888)
iotfleetwise_number_of_signals_in_a_campaign_for_each_account_in_an_aws_region_ = null
# Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Number of vehicles in a fleet for each account in
# an AWS Region. (L-85AC6579)
iotfleetwise_number_of_vehicles_in_a_fleet_for_each_account_in_an_aws_region_ = null
# Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Rate of API requests for each account in an AWS
# Region (L-6ED070A2)
iotfleetwise_rate_of_api_requests_for_each_account_in_an_aws_region = null
# Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Rate of ingesting messages for each account in an
# AWS Region. (L-B91464DC)
iotfleetwise_rate_of_ingesting_messages_for_each_account_in_an_aws_region_ = null
# Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Rate of ingesting messages for each vehicle in an
# AWS Region. (L-FDD53FA4)
iotfleetwise_rate_of_ingesting_messages_for_each_vehicle_in_an_aws_region_ = null
# Quota for [iotroborunner]: Destinations (L-E297453B)
iotroborunner_destinations = null
# Quota for [iotroborunner]: Sites (L-56B55996)
iotroborunner_sites = null
# Quota for [iotroborunner]: Worker fleets (L-B5779483)
iotroborunner_worker_fleets = null
# Quota for [iotroborunner]: Workers (L-9529A31E)
iotroborunner_workers = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Composite model depth (L-F8F8820C)
iotsitewise_composite_model_depth = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Depth of asset model hierarchy tree (L-4F226831)
iotsitewise_depth_of_asset_model_hierarchy_tree = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of asset models per hierarchy tree
# (L-61CA7915)
iotsitewise_number_of_asset_models_per_hierarchy_tree = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of asset models per Region per AWS account
# (L-21EF301F)
iotsitewise_number_of_asset_models_per_region_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of assets per asset model (L-A0C6AD02)
iotsitewise_number_of_assets_per_asset_model = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of child assets per parent asset
# (L-8603AA0E)
iotsitewise_number_of_child_assets_per_parent_asset = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of composite models per asset model
# (L-41A20986)
iotsitewise_number_of_composite_models_per_asset_model = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of dashboards per project (L-81C6A4F0)
iotsitewise_number_of_dashboards_per_project = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of days between the timestamp in the past
# and today (L-09CA1CF6)
iotsitewise_number_of_days_between_the_timestamp_in_the_past_and_today = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of gateways per Region per AWS account
# (L-179151C6)
iotsitewise_number_of_gateways_per_region_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of hierarchy definitions per asset model
# (L-558B5F90)
iotsitewise_number_of_hierarchy_definitions_per_asset_model = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of metrics per dashboard visualization
# (L-2C0E5B73)
iotsitewise_number_of_metrics_per_dashboard_visualization = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of parent asset models per child asset model
# (L-088AB397)
iotsitewise_number_of_parent_asset_models_per_child_asset_model = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of portals per Region per AWS account
# (L-A5652910)
iotsitewise_number_of_portals_per_region_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of projects per portal (L-116F669B)
iotsitewise_number_of_projects_per_portal = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of properties at root of each asset model of
# type ASSET_MODEL (L-6D30607C)
iotsitewise_number_of_properties_at_root_of_each_asset_model_of_type_asset_model = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of properties per asset model (L-22D944EE)
iotsitewise_number_of_properties_per_asset_model = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of properties per composite model
# (L-F22F6963)
iotsitewise_number_of_properties_per_composite_model = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of properties that directly depend on a
# single property (L-3D4720EF)
iotsitewise_number_of_properties_that_directly_depend_on_a_single_property = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of results per
# GetInterpolatedAssetPropertyValues request (L-DABC3942)
iotsitewise_number_of_results_per_getinterpolatedassetpropertyvalues_request = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of unique asset models that use the same
# component model (L-5436A081)
iotsitewise_number_of_unique_asset_models_that_use_the_same_component_model = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of unique measurements per parquet row group
# (L-77F9BBAB)
iotsitewise_number_of_unique_measurements_per_parquet_row_group = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of visualizations per dashboard (L-95E7BD97)
iotsitewise_number_of_visualizations_per_dashboard = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Rate of data points ingested (L-055D0253)
iotsitewise_rate_of_data_points_ingested = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Rate of datapoints retrieved from
# GetAssetPropertyValueHistory and BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistory
# (L-A6B45284)
iotsitewise_rate_of_datapoints_retrieved_from_getassetpropertyvaluehistory_and_batchgetassetpropertyvaluehistory = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Rate of GetInterpolatedAssetPropertyValues requests
# (L-27B1043C)
iotsitewise_rate_of_getinterpolatedassetpropertyvalues_requests = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for AssociateAssets (L-A6CC6143)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_associateassets = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for AssociateTimeSeriesToAssetProperty
# (L-FC916B9F)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_associatetimeseriestoassetproperty = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for BatchGetAssetPropertyAggregates
# (L-1F08A062)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_batchgetassetpropertyaggregates = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for BatchGetAssetPropertyValue
# (L-6A0446E9)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_batchgetassetpropertyvalue = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistory
# (L-6BA71B50)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_batchgetassetpropertyvaluehistory = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for BatchPutAssetPropertyValue
# (L-A52C4EC3)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_batchputassetpropertyvalue = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for CreateAsset (L-FAC80CD0)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_createasset = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for CreateAssetModel (L-76DAFFD4)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_createassetmodel = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for CreateAssetModelCompositeModel
# (L-6A07E983)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_createassetmodelcompositemodel = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DeleteAsset (L-1A4574EB)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_deleteasset = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DeleteAssetModel (L-E824E02D)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_deleteassetmodel = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DeleteAssetModelCompositeModel
# (L-C866EFAE)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_deleteassetmodelcompositemodel = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DeleteTimeSeries (L-0B4FE3AE)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_deletetimeseries = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeAction (L-8CACB17D)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_describeaction = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeAsset (L-EC3E9870)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_describeasset = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeAssetCompositeModel
# (L-C95674C2)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_describeassetcompositemodel = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeAssetModel (L-30ACF5DC)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_describeassetmodel = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeAssetModelCompositeModel
# (L-FF65FBE9)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_describeassetmodelcompositemodel = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeAssetProperty (L-FE40635A)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_describeassetproperty = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for
# DescribeDefaultEncryptionConfiguration (L-9AB54A74)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_describedefaultencryptionconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeLoggingOptions
# (L-71344A05)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_describeloggingoptions = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeStorageConfiguration
# (L-DFA2B5CE)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_describestorageconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeTimeSeries (L-99ECDFE8)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_describetimeseries = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DisassociateAssets (L-8833D569)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_disassociateassets = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for
# DisassociateTimeSeriesFromAssetProperty (L-AD488EF9)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_disassociatetimeseriesfromassetproperty = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ExecuteAction (L-74A3AF8B)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_executeaction = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for GetAssetPropertyAggregates
# (L-36098D32)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_getassetpropertyaggregates = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for GetAssetPropertyValue (L-CDF30604)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_getassetpropertyvalue = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for GetAssetPropertyValueHistory
# (L-D7745D01)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_getassetpropertyvaluehistory = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListActions (L-4F4858F1)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_listactions = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListAssetModelCompositeModels
# (L-1AC5759B)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_listassetmodelcompositemodels = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListAssetModels (L-2E6A6BE6)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_listassetmodels = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListAssetRelationships
# (L-D1C7039E)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_listassetrelationships = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListAssets (L-FD327B60)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_listassets = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListAssociatedAssets (L-DF999358)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_listassociatedassets = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListCompositionRelationships
# (L-0E1DA1E4)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_listcompositionrelationships = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListTagsForResource (L-C65D47B0)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_listtagsforresource = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListTimeSeries (L-EFD4443A)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_listtimeseries = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for PutDefaultEncryptionConfiguration
# (L-4C7927F2)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_putdefaultencryptionconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for PutLoggingOptions (L-A9C0553C)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_putloggingoptions = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for PutStorageConfiguration
# (L-1DAFF3FA)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_putstorageconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for TagResource (L-97DCC2B9)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_tagresource = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for UntagResource (L-11052945)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_untagresource = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for UpdateAsset (L-5ABA0B04)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_updateasset = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for UpdateAssetModel (L-A2DC172E)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_updateassetmodel = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for UpdateAssetModelCompositeModel
# (L-EF35D760)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_updateassetmodelcompositemodel = null
# Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for UpdateAssetProperty (L-0ED7CAC0)
iotsitewise_request_rate_for_updateassetproperty = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: Flow definition size (L-3B8999A1)
iotthingsgraph_flow_definition_size = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: Maximum number of flows triggered (L-B12EB258)
iotthingsgraph_maximum_number_of_flows_triggered = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: Maximum number of steps executed per deployment
# (L-D957C70D)
iotthingsgraph_maximum_number_of_steps_executed_per_deployment = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: Total deployment configurations in a namespace
# (L-4E1874BC)
iotthingsgraph_total_deployment_configurations_in_a_namespace = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: Total entities in a namespace (L-1241A2A2)
iotthingsgraph_total_entities_in_a_namespace = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: Total flow definitions in a namespace
# (L-F4F0FE93)
iotthingsgraph_total_flow_definitions_in_a_namespace = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for AssociateEntityToThing
# (L-B8ACA268)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_associateentitytothing = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for CreateDeploymentConfiguration
# (L-EB25BD02)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_createdeploymentconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for CreateFlowTemplate (L-563B2C2B)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_createflowtemplate = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for CreateSystemInstance (L-33DDBCD0)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_createsysteminstance = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for CreateSystemTemplate (L-1568A699)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_createsystemtemplate = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeleteDeploymentConfiguration
# (L-3197C8C1)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_deletedeploymentconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeleteFlowTemplate (L-C10D50DA)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_deleteflowtemplate = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeleteNamespace (L-6C64452B)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_deletenamespace = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeleteSystemInstance (L-2AA3EB03)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_deletesysteminstance = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeleteSystemTemplate (L-39620E3B)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_deletesystemtemplate = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeployConfigurationToTarget
# (L-833ED17B)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_deployconfigurationtotarget = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeploySystemInstance (L-A93CEC05)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_deploysysteminstance = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeprecateDeploymentConfiguration
# (L-D3A10EC3)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_deprecatedeploymentconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeprecateFlowTemplate (L-9150B976)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_deprecateflowtemplate = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeprecateSystemTemplate
# (L-7E34BF4F)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_deprecatesystemtemplate = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DescribeNamespace (L-E59F5B29)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_describenamespace = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DissociateEntityFromThing
# (L-F90E5D50)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_dissociateentityfromthing = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetDeploymentConfiguration
# (L-23793080)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_getdeploymentconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetEntities (L-FA04A690)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_getentities = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetFlowTemplate (L-2418C55F)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_getflowtemplate = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetFlowTemplateRevisions
# (L-14349E56)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_getflowtemplaterevisions = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetNamespaceDeletionStatus
# (L-74BF2A1A)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_getnamespacedeletionstatus = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetRecentUploads (L-93B499C4)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_getrecentuploads = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetSystemInstance (L-E286E5D0)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_getsysteminstance = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetSystemTemplate (L-AC9ABC2C)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_getsystemtemplate = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetSystemTemplateRevisions
# (L-183A0E79)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_getsystemtemplaterevisions = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetUploadStatus (L-5403F04A)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_getuploadstatus = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for ListFlowExecutionMessages
# (L-A026818C)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_listflowexecutionmessages = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for ListMappingPaths (L-9FF7971D)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_listmappingpaths = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for SearchDeploymentConfigurations
# (L-BDB80152)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_searchdeploymentconfigurations = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for SearchEntities (L-3AEFB560)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_searchentities = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for SearchFlowExecutions (L-19877104)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_searchflowexecutions = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for SearchFlowTemplates (L-E935AE5C)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_searchflowtemplates = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for SearchSystemInstance (L-A7E96D49)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_searchsysteminstance = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for SearchSystemTemplates (L-0B5ED49C)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_searchsystemtemplates = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for SearchThings (L-90007F3D)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_searchthings = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for UndeploySystemInstance
# (L-A6120C65)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_undeploysysteminstance = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for UpdateFlowTemplate (L-918B3687)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_updateflowtemplate = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for UpdateSystemTemplate (L-972FA3D1)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_updatesystemtemplate = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for UploadEntityDefinitions
# (L-A7AA5340)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_uploadentitydefinitions = null
# Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for ValidateEntityDefinitions
# (L-7CD26E32)
iotthingsgraph_tps_limit_for_validateentitydefinitions = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Component type composition tree depth (L-6B0BA854)
iottwinmaker_component_type_composition_tree_depth = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Component type composition tree size (L-62EFDD1A)
iottwinmaker_component_type_composition_tree_size = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Component types per workspace (L-E97A4C92)
iottwinmaker_component_types_per_workspace = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Components per entity (L-FE672086)
iottwinmaker_components_per_entity = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Depth of component type hierarchy (L-C511254B)
iottwinmaker_depth_of_component_type_hierarchy = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Depth of entity hierarchy (L-019A0AE4)
iottwinmaker_depth_of_entity_hierarchy = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Entities per workspace (L-ADB4D9B9)
iottwinmaker_entities_per_workspace = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Number of metadata transfer jobs in queue
# (L-F123ACD6)
iottwinmaker_number_of_metadata_transfer_jobs_in_queue = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Properties per component type or component
# (L-D8DF6F6C)
iottwinmaker_properties_per_component_type_or_component = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Scenes per workspace (L-8E0F7923)
iottwinmaker_scenes_per_workspace = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Size of the metadata transfer job import file
# (L-09F67DF4)
iottwinmaker_size_of_the_metadata_transfer_job_import_file = null
# Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Workspaces in this account in the current Region
# (L-3BCB51AD)
iottwinmaker_workspaces_in_this_account_in_the_current_region = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for AssociateAwsAccountWithPartnerAccount
# (L-13EE3A12)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_associateawsaccountwithpartneraccount = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for AssociateMulticastGroupWithFuotaTask
# (L-E91B60DF)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_associatemulticastgroupwithfuotatask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for AssociateWirelessDeviceWithFuotaTask
# (L-4AC6BBEA)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_associatewirelessdevicewithfuotatask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for
# AssociateWirelessDeviceWithMulticastGroup (L-92ECAB75)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_associatewirelessdevicewithmulticastgroup = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for AssociateWirelessDeviceWithThing
# (L-6407631C)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_associatewirelessdevicewiththing = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for AssociateWirelessGatewayWithThing
# (L-B29C7ECC)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_associatewirelessgatewaywiththing = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CancelMulticastGroupSession
# (L-72AB9EAE)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_cancelmulticastgroupsession = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateDestination (L-0641E5DC)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_createdestination = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateDeviceProfile (L-6829C2D4)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_createdeviceprofile = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateFuotaTask (L-E3C6A79E)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_createfuotatask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateMulticastGroup (L-D07E0E7A)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_createmulticastgroup = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateNetworkAnalyzerConfiguration
# (L-6796B05C)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_createnetworkanalyzerconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateServiceProfile (L-F8530DBD)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_createserviceprofile = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateWirelessDevice (L-3B5AF547)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_createwirelessdevice = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateWirelessGateway (L-C2F6FC68)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_createwirelessgateway = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteDestination (L-EB538AAC)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deletedestination = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteDeviceProfile (L-50B185BA)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deletedeviceprofile = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteFuotaTask (L-89C556FB)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deletefuotatask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteMulticastGroup (L-93C5A1DB)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deletemulticastgroup = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteNetworkAnalyzerConfiguration
# (L-4F7C7CD3)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deletenetworkanalyzerconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteQueuedMessages (L-B6937DF9)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deletequeuedmessages = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteServiceProfile (L-A25EC315)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deleteserviceprofile = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteWirelessDevice (L-A755236A)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deletewirelessdevice = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteWirelessDeviceImportTask
# (L-85E750DE)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deletewirelessdeviceimporttask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteWirelessGateway (L-6DEF44D2)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deletewirelessgateway = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeregisterWirelessDevice (L-D260A47D)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_deregisterwirelessdevice = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for
# DisassociateAwsAccountFromPartnerAccount (L-A432E505)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_disassociateawsaccountfrompartneraccount = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for
# DisassociateMulticastGroupFromFuotaTask (L-61A27891)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_disassociatemulticastgroupfromfuotatask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for
# DisassociateWirelessDeviceFromFuotaTask (L-0C83FCE2)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_disassociatewirelessdevicefromfuotatask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for
# DisassociateWirelessDeviceFromMulticastGroup (L-1DF3438B)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_disassociatewirelessdevicefrommulticastgroup = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DisassociateWirelessDeviceFromThing
# (L-4951240E)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_disassociatewirelessdevicefromthing = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DisassociateWirelessGatewayFromThing
# (L-33206197)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_disassociatewirelessgatewayfromthing = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetDestination (L-8E7EAF51)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getdestination = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetDeviceProfile (L-4FCAEFF0)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getdeviceprofile = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetEventConfigurationByResourceTypes
# (L-FAE31118)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_geteventconfigurationbyresourcetypes = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetFuotaTask (L-D33E220F)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getfuotatask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetLogLevelsByResourceTypes
# (L-C2175B1E)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getloglevelsbyresourcetypes = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetMulticastGroup (L-72A5D5E0)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getmulticastgroup = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetMulticastGroupSession (L-9C8C92B3)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getmulticastgroupsession = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetNetworkAnalyzerConfiguration
# (L-6AF47E8B)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getnetworkanalyzerconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetPartnerAccount (L-DEFAE009)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getpartneraccount = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetPosition (L-B8A41F6F)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getposition = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetPositionConfiguration (L-5FCBB48D)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getpositionconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetPositionEstimate (L-D6B79324)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getpositionestimate = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetResourceEventConfiguration
# (L-E4F0512E)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getresourceeventconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetResourceLogLevel (L-6175FC12)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getresourceloglevel = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetResourcePosition (L-F654617D)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getresourceposition = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetServiceProfile (L-905ED905)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getserviceprofile = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetWirelessDevice (L-2639F0B0)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getwirelessdevice = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetWirelessDeviceImportTask
# (L-16EAB1D1)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getwirelessdeviceimporttask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetWirelessGateway (L-42B55186)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_getwirelessgateway = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListDestinations (L-E54A2621)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listdestinations = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListDeviceProfiles (L-E6CBA335)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listdeviceprofiles = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for
# ListDevicesForWirelessDeviceImportTask (L-18A5F69F)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listdevicesforwirelessdeviceimporttask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListEventConfigurations (L-A2058506)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listeventconfigurations = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListFuotaTasks (L-0604C085)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listfuotatasks = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListMulticastGroups (L-4DEB3C3F)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listmulticastgroups = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListMulticastGroupsByFuotaTask
# (L-7CE08A6C)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listmulticastgroupsbyfuotatask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListNetworkAnalyzerConfigurations
# (L-0F5F17D1)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listnetworkanalyzerconfigurations = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListPartnerAccounts (L-FB636C37)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listpartneraccounts = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListPositionConfigurations
# (L-F4D43AC0)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listpositionconfigurations = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListQueuedMessages (L-D91B7067)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listqueuedmessages = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListServiceProfiles (L-647D6C46)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listserviceprofiles = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListTagsForResource (L-DEC8385B)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listtagsforresource = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListWirelessDeviceImportTasks
# (L-9704EC18)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listwirelessdeviceimporttasks = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListWirelessDevices (L-35D1818B)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listwirelessdevices = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListWirelessGateways (L-F881E3D9)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_listwirelessgateways = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for PutPositionConfiguration (L-A4CD53FD)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_putpositionconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for PutResourceLogLevel (L-12D6182B)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_putresourceloglevel = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ResetAllResourceLogLevels
# (L-96FA888E)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_resetallresourceloglevels = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ResetResourceLogLevel (L-9CF47CC5)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_resetresourceloglevel = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for SendDataToMulticastGroup (L-1346D5EC)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_senddatatomulticastgroup = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for SendDataToWirelessDevice (L-0E4BA92F)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_senddatatowirelessdevice = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for
# StartBulkAssociateWirelessDeviceWithMulticastGroup (L-F930F6AD)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_startbulkassociatewirelessdevicewithmulticastgroup = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for
# StartBulkDisassociateWirelessDeviceFromMulticastGroup (L-8DBB3861)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_startbulkdisassociatewirelessdevicefrommulticastgroup = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for StartFuotaTask (L-DB770805)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_startfuotatask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for StartMulticastGroupSession
# (L-6FC5E39D)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_startmulticastgroupsession = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for StartNetworkAnalyzerStream
# (L-9E25CA04)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_startnetworkanalyzerstream = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for StartSingleWirelessDeviceImportTask
# (L-7B8D0453)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_startsinglewirelessdeviceimporttask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for StartWirelessDeviceImportTask
# (L-9C8BB3C8)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_startwirelessdeviceimporttask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for TagResource (L-9D5A90BD)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_tagresource = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for TestWirelessDevice (L-FC84B266)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_testwirelessdevice = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UntagResource (L-DF869DBB)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_untagresource = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateDestination (L-AA413BB8)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updatedestination = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for
# UpdateEventConfigurationByResourceTypes (L-882084A6)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updateeventconfigurationbyresourcetypes = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateFuotaTask (L-5369BF7E)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updatefuotatask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateLogLevelsByResourceTypes
# (L-0D8E249D)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updateloglevelsbyresourcetypes = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateMulticastGroup (L-8E864D54)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updatemulticastgroup = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateNetworkAnalyzerConfiguration
# (L-8367137B)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updatenetworkanalyzerconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdatePartnerAccount (L-3AC27648)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updatepartneraccount = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdatePosition (L-C80BC655)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updateposition = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateResourceEventConfiguration
# (L-70D824D9)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updateresourceeventconfiguration = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateResourcePosition (L-E01F1EA2)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updateresourceposition = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateWirelessDevice (L-B4636E40)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updatewirelessdevice = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateWirelessDeviceImportTask
# (L-E8B6C4D2)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updatewirelessdeviceimporttask = null
# Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateWirelessGateway (L-A1F96616)
iotwireless_tps_limit_for_updatewirelessgateway = null
# Quota for [ivs]: Channels (L-C01DFF58)
ivs_channels = null
# Quota for [ivs]: Compositions (L-E945C199)
ivs_compositions = null
# Quota for [ivs]: Concurrent streams (L-FD1EB8A7)
ivs_concurrent_streams = null
# Quota for [ivs]: Concurrent views (L-77A18D5D)
ivs_concurrent_views = null
# Quota for [ivs]: Encoder configurations (L-F7C5B6C9)
ivs_encoder_configurations = null
# Quota for [ivs]: Recording configurations (L-90ABAB37)
ivs_recording_configurations = null
# Quota for [ivs]: Stages (L-47F0B706)
ivs_stages = null
# Quota for [ivs]: Storage configurations (L-BF843A02)
ivs_storage_configurations = null
# Quota for [ivschat]: Concurrent chat connections (L-2D7A45DA)
ivschat_concurrent_chat_connections = null
# Quota for [ivschat]: Logging Configurations (L-F87B0F22)
ivschat_logging_configurations = null
# Quota for [ivschat]: Rate of DeleteMessage requests (L-766F0845)
ivschat_rate_of_deletemessage_requests = null
# Quota for [ivschat]: Rate of DisconnectUser requests (L-0CF8D910)
ivschat_rate_of_disconnectuser_requests = null
# Quota for [ivschat]: Rate of SendMessage requests (L-B11841BF)
ivschat_rate_of_sendmessage_requests = null
# Quota for [ivschat]: Rooms (L-85B84D18)
ivschat_rooms = null
# Quota for [kafka]: Number of brokers per account (L-EDD31C36)
kafka_number_of_brokers_per_account = null
# Quota for [kafka]: Number of brokers per cluster (L-FAB9E493)
kafka_number_of_brokers_per_cluster = null
# Quota for [kafka]: Number of configurations per account (L-B2FDE22A)
kafka_number_of_configurations_per_account = null
# Quota for [kafka]: Number of replicators per account (L-8F940D28)
kafka_number_of_replicators_per_account = null
# Quota for [kafka]: Number of revisions per configuration (L-36D29E8C)
kafka_number_of_revisions_per_configuration = null
# Quota for [kafkaconnect]: Maximum connect workers (L-C78B0952)
kafkaconnect_maximum_connect_workers = null
# Quota for [kafkaconnect]: Maximum custom plugins (L-F71212B3)
kafkaconnect_maximum_custom_plugins = null
# Quota for [kafkaconnect]: Maximum worker configurations (L-5BED8C47)
kafkaconnect_maximum_worker_configurations = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Characters in query text (L-7107C1BC)
kendra_characters_in_query_text = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Collapsed results to expand (L-25C6FEE8)
kendra_collapsed_results_to_expand = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Data sources (enterprise edition) (L-91D7F3F0)
kendra_data_sources_enterprise_edition_ = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Developer edition indexes (L-51C776DF)
kendra_developer_edition_indexes = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Enterprise edition indexes (L-4704867A)
kendra_enterprise_edition_indexes = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Expanded results per collapsed result item (L-90A916B2)
kendra_expanded_results_per_collapsed_result_item = null
# Quota for [kendra]: FAQs (L-522F5A9C)
kendra_faqs = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Featured documents per featured results set (L-2BF8365C)
kendra_featured_documents_per_featured_results_set = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Featured results sets per index (L-22D37218)
kendra_featured_results_sets_per_index = null
# Quota for [kendra]: File size (L-C108EA1B)
kendra_file_size = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Ingestion attributes string list size (L-5D790B76)
kendra_ingestion_attributes_string_list_size = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Items in a query suggestions block list (L-DCB3B6C6)
kendra_items_in_a_query_suggestions_block_list = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Query attributes user group list size (L-78CBE960)
kendra_query_attributes_user_group_list_size = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Query capacity units (L-332A3A1A)
kendra_query_capacity_units = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Query suggestions block list file size (L-4FC16EE5)
kendra_query_suggestions_block_list_file_size = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Query suggestions max additional response attributes in
# API (L-31DA7514)
kendra_query_suggestions_max_additional_response_attributes_in_api = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Query suggestions max suggestable attributes in API
# (L-27DC8932)
kendra_query_suggestions_max_suggestable_attributes_in_api = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Query suggestions returned in API (L-4E1777B8)
kendra_query_suggestions_returned_in_api = null
# Quota for [kendra-ranking]: Rescore capacity units per account (L-B6E8F579)
kendra_ranking_rescore_capacity_units_per_account = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Sort configurations (L-543AB3EE)
kendra_sort_configurations = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Spell correction query suggestions (L-740FA277)
kendra_spell_correction_query_suggestions = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Storage capacity units (L-E8A56FA5)
kendra_storage_capacity_units = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Synonym rules per thesaurus (L-6BFC06E7)
kendra_synonym_rules_per_thesaurus = null
# Quota for [kendra]: Thesaurus file size (L-C0EA1398)
kendra_thesaurus_file_size = null
# Quota for [kinesis]: Shards per Region (L-0918CF54)
kinesis_shards_per_region = null
# Quota for [kinesisanalytics]: Apache Flink Kinesis Processing Units (KPUs)
# (L-3A88E041)
kinesisanalytics_apache_flink_kinesis_processing_units_kpus_ = null
# Quota for [kinesisanalytics]: Application count (L-3729A2EF)
kinesisanalytics_application_count = null
# Quota for [kinesisanalytics]: SQL Kinesis Processing Units (KPUs)
# (L-90BEDB9D)
kinesisanalytics_sql_kinesis_processing_units_kpus_ = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: ConnectAsViewer connections per signaling channel
# (L-8F974349)
kinesisvideo_connectasviewer_connections_per_signaling_channel = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: GetMedia bandwidth (L-BF0D282F)
kinesisvideo_getmedia_bandwidth = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: GetMedia concurrent connections per stream
# (L-B71B4FEE)
kinesisvideo_getmedia_concurrent_connections_per_stream = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: GetMediaForFragmentList bandwidth (L-2FC7D6B2)
kinesisvideo_getmediaforfragmentlist_bandwidth = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: Number of Media Storage Channels (L-B71421B8)
kinesisvideo_number_of_media_storage_channels = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: Number of signaling channels (L-B7F419CA)
kinesisvideo_number_of_signaling_channels = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: Number of video streams (L-F06528A6)
kinesisvideo_number_of_video_streams = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: PutMedia bandwidth (L-354AF9F0)
kinesisvideo_putmedia_bandwidth = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: PutMedia fragment duration (L-EDC0C00D)
kinesisvideo_putmedia_fragment_duration = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: Rate of CreateSignalingChannelAPI requests
# (L-32D5DC79)
kinesisvideo_rate_of_createsignalingchannelapi_requests = null
# Quota for [kinesisvideo]: Rate of CreateStreamAPI requests (L-08F65F09)
kinesisvideo_rate_of_createstreamapi_requests = null
# Quota for [kms]: Aliases per CMK (L-340F62FB)
kms_aliases_per_cmk = null
# Quota for [kms]: CancelKeyDeletion request rate (L-635264CC)
kms_cancelkeydeletion_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: ConnectCustomKeyStore request rate (L-705B9E79)
kms_connectcustomkeystore_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: CreateAlias request rate (L-F7504F73)
kms_createalias_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: CreateCustomKeyStore request rate (L-08932E37)
kms_createcustomkeystore_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: CreateGrant request rate (L-0428A42E)
kms_creategrant_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: CreateKey request rate (L-32B67F4A)
kms_createkey_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: Cryptographic operations (ECC) request rate (L-DC14942D)
kms_cryptographic_operations_ecc_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: Cryptographic operations (RSA) request rate (L-2AC98190)
kms_cryptographic_operations_rsa_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: Cryptographic operations (symmetric) request rate
# (L-6E3AF000)
kms_cryptographic_operations_symmetric_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: Custom Key Stores (L-F33DCFEB)
kms_custom_key_stores = null
# Quota for [kms]: Customer Master Keys (CMKs) (L-C2F1777E)
kms_customer_master_keys_cmks_ = null
# Quota for [kms]: DeleteAlias request rate (L-1F75ADD1)
kms_deletealias_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: DeleteCustomKeyStore request rate (L-E99520CB)
kms_deletecustomkeystore_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: DeleteImportedKeyMaterial request rate (L-1233BF9B)
kms_deleteimportedkeymaterial_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: DescribeCustomKeyStores request rate (L-E20AA94C)
kms_describecustomkeystores_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: DescribeKey request rate (L-FAE8F084)
kms_describekey_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: DisableKey request rate (L-6B8C93BD)
kms_disablekey_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: DisableKeyRotation request rate (L-CE1DB614)
kms_disablekeyrotation_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: DisconnectCustomKeyStore request rate (L-9F1FCF6D)
kms_disconnectcustomkeystore_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: EnableKey request rate (L-BD96F100)
kms_enablekey_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: EnableKeyRotation request rate (L-BE799B67)
kms_enablekeyrotation_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GenerateDataKeyPair (ECC_NIST_P256) request rate
# (L-D2EEB5E0)
kms_generatedatakeypair_ecc_nist_p256_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GenerateDataKeyPair (ECC_NIST_P384) request rate
# (L-16B46EF0)
kms_generatedatakeypair_ecc_nist_p384_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GenerateDataKeyPair (ECC_NIST_P521) request rate
# (L-1D966DA0)
kms_generatedatakeypair_ecc_nist_p521_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GenerateDataKeyPair (ECC_SECG_P256K1) request rate
# (L-3B372FA9)
kms_generatedatakeypair_ecc_secg_p256k1_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GenerateDataKeyPair (RSA_2048) request rate (L-77042783)
kms_generatedatakeypair_rsa_2048_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GenerateDataKeyPair (RSA_3072) request rate (L-AE57B391)
kms_generatedatakeypair_rsa_3072_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GenerateDataKeyPair (RSA_4096) request rate (L-FCE4492D)
kms_generatedatakeypair_rsa_4096_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GetKeyPolicy request rate (L-A2A30EC6)
kms_getkeypolicy_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GetKeyRotationStatus request rate (L-D7711EF4)
kms_getkeyrotationstatus_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GetParametersForImport request rate (L-515A0541)
kms_getparametersforimport_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: GetPublicKey request rate (L-E4FBCA5E)
kms_getpublickey_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: Grants per CMK (L-D594A657)
kms_grants_per_cmk = null
# Quota for [kms]: ImportKeyMaterial request rate (L-99631835)
kms_importkeymaterial_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: ListAliases request rate (L-BF3F8F1D)
kms_listaliases_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: ListGrants request rate (L-D39AB822)
kms_listgrants_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: ListKeyPolicies request rate (L-79E0D0AB)
kms_listkeypolicies_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: ListKeys request rate (L-8A08DAEA)
kms_listkeys_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: ListResourceTags request rate (L-FB6513A2)
kms_listresourcetags_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: ListRetirableGrants request rate (L-161E93A6)
kms_listretirablegrants_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: PutKeyPolicy request rate (L-9DDDE6CA)
kms_putkeypolicy_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: ReplicateKey request rate (L-E1C93865)
kms_replicatekey_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: RetireGrant request rate (L-74021A59)
kms_retiregrant_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: RevokeGrant request rate (L-F20EBCB7)
kms_revokegrant_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: ScheduleKeyDeletion request rate (L-88313D4A)
kms_schedulekeydeletion_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: TagResource request rate (L-7D6DE447)
kms_tagresource_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: UntagResource request rate (L-6375F442)
kms_untagresource_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: UpdateAlias request rate (L-DB3BF542)
kms_updatealias_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: UpdateCustomKeyStore request rate (L-275D92F3)
kms_updatecustomkeystore_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: UpdateKeyDescription request rate (L-A3828E1F)
kms_updatekeydescription_request_rate = null
# Quota for [kms]: UpdatePrimaryRegion request rate (L-F83AC7F7)
kms_updateprimaryregion_request_rate = null
# Quota for [lakeformation]: Length of a path that can be registered
# (L-3D55E97C)
lakeformation_length_of_a_path_that_can_be_registered = null
# Quota for [lakeformation]: Number of data lake administrators (L-3E3798DF)
lakeformation_number_of_data_lake_administrators = null
# Quota for [lakeformation]: Number of lf tag per account (L-F165AF61)
lakeformation_number_of_lf_tag_per_account = null
# Quota for [lakeformation]: Number of lf tag policy per principal per
# resource type (L-9F3EFFAB)
lakeformation_number_of_lf_tag_policy_per_principal_per_resource_type = null
# Quota for [lakeformation]: Number of registered paths (L-B0A837CA)
lakeformation_number_of_registered_paths = null
# Quota for [lakeformation]: Number of subfolders in an Amazon S3 path
# (L-1343AC0E)
lakeformation_number_of_subfolders_in_an_amazon_s3_path = null
# Quota for [lakeformation]: Number of tag values per lf tag (L-47097528)
lakeformation_number_of_tag_values_per_lf_tag = null
# Quota for [lambda]: Concurrent executions (L-B99A9384)
lambda_concurrent_executions = null
# Quota for [lambda]: Elastic network interfaces per VPC (L-9FEE3D26)
lambda_elastic_network_interfaces_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [lambda]: Function and layer storage (L-2ACBD22F)
lambda_function_and_layer_storage = null
# Quota for [launchwizard]: Active applications (L-3BF0F558)
launchwizard_active_applications = null
# Quota for [launchwizard]: Applications (L-A5A6CAB2)
launchwizard_applications = null
# Quota for [lex]: Bots per account (V2) (L-36FA8BD2)
lex_bots_per_account_v2_ = null
# Quota for [lex]: Sample utterances per intent (V2) (L-ED50DA7C)
lex_sample_utterances_per_intent_v2_ = null
# Quota for [lex]: Sample utterances per slot (V2) (L-77D6C60C)
lex_sample_utterances_per_slot_v2_ = null
# Quota for [license-manager]: License configuration associations per resource
# (L-0B08C8C5)
license_manager_license_configuration_associations_per_resource = null
# Quota for [license-manager]: License configurations (L-CDB75D7A)
license_manager_license_configurations = null
# Quota for [license-manager]: License conversion tasks per resource per day
# (L-6FD36464)
license_manager_license_conversion_tasks_per_resource_per_day = null
# Quota for [license-manager-user-subscriptions]: Instance associations per
# user (L-8BE7CFDB)
license_manager_user_subscriptions_instance_associations_per_user = null
# Quota for [license-manager-user-subscriptions]: User-based subscriptions for
# Office Professional Plus (L-792C9CCF)
license_manager_user_subscriptions_user_based_subscriptions_for_office_professional_plus = null
# Quota for [license-manager-user-subscriptions]: User-based subscriptions for
# Visual Studio Enterprise (L-79A245D6)
license_manager_user_subscriptions_user_based_subscriptions_for_visual_studio_enterprise = null
# Quota for [license-manager-user-subscriptions]: User-based subscriptions for
# Visual Studio Professional (L-FA5F53F9)
license_manager_user_subscriptions_user_based_subscriptions_for_visual_studio_professional = null
# Quota for [lightsail]: Instances (L-4259AF9B)
lightsail_instances = null
# Quota for [lightsail]: Static IP addresses (L-BBF0F260)
lightsail_static_ip_addresses = null
# Quota for [logs]: CreateLogGroup throttle limit in transactions per second
# (L-D2832119)
logs_createloggroup_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [logs]: CreateLogStream throttle limit in transactions per second
# (L-76507CEF)
logs_createlogstream_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [logs]: DeleteLogGroup throttle limit in transactions per second
# (L-07A912D5)
logs_deleteloggroup_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [logs]: DeleteLogStream throttle limit in transactions per second
# (L-C029A21C)
logs_deletelogstream_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [logs]: DescribeLogGroups throttle limit in transactions per
# second (L-4284EEDE)
logs_describeloggroups_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [logs]: DescribeLogStreams throttle limit in transactions per
# second (L-3F243AD0)
logs_describelogstreams_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [logs]: Log groups (L-C7B9AAAB)
logs_log_groups = null
# Quota for [logs]: PutLogEvents throttle limit in transactions per second
# (L-7E1FAE88)
logs_putlogevents_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Datasets (L-06FBA868)
lookoutequipment_datasets = null
# Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Label groups (L-1CCF155B)
lookoutequipment_label_groups = null
# Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Models (L-E03BD5FA)
lookoutequipment_models = null
# Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Number of import dataset jobs in progress
# (L-810626D7)
lookoutequipment_number_of_import_dataset_jobs_in_progress = null
# Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Number of import model jobs in progress
# (L-2B4BB827)
lookoutequipment_number_of_import_model_jobs_in_progress = null
# Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Number of labels per label group (L-1AF8D174)
lookoutequipment_number_of_labels_per_label_group = null
# Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Pending data ingestion jobs (L-B987A6C9)
lookoutequipment_pending_data_ingestion_jobs = null
# Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Pending models (L-B52F37B8)
lookoutequipment_pending_models = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Alerts (L-3AA7C566)
lookoutmetrics_alerts = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Detectors (L-5EB8352D)
lookoutmetrics_detectors = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Files per interval (10m) (L-0BC408F8)
lookoutmetrics_files_per_interval_10m_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Files per interval (1d) (L-46692FC3)
lookoutmetrics_files_per_interval_1d_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Files per interval (1h) (L-1FDF7B91)
lookoutmetrics_files_per_interval_1h_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Files per interval (5m) (L-7C0C1E87)
lookoutmetrics_files_per_interval_5m_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Records per interval (10m) (L-B7D162E6)
lookoutmetrics_records_per_interval_10m_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Records per interval (1d) (L-4CDD974B)
lookoutmetrics_records_per_interval_1d_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Records per interval (1h) (L-535C09C0)
lookoutmetrics_records_per_interval_1h_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Records per interval (5m) (L-943788CD)
lookoutmetrics_records_per_interval_5m_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (L-F75BB1C7)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ActivateAnomalyDetector)
# (L-7548F78A)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_activateanomalydetector_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (BackTestAnomalyDetector)
# (L-4B1617A5)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_backtestanomalydetector_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (CreateAlert) (L-F84BD970)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_createalert_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (CreateAnomalyDetector)
# (L-56F61C6F)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_createanomalydetector_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (CreateMetricSet) (L-42533647)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_createmetricset_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DeactivateAnomalyDetector)
# (L-5FD69032)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_deactivateanomalydetector_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DeleteAlert) (L-AA1B9C20)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_deletealert_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DeleteAnomalyDetector)
# (L-8C031EB7)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_deleteanomalydetector_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DescribeAlert) (L-F2FA38BF)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_describealert_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate
# (DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutions) (L-A384774A)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_describeanomalydetectionexecutions_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DescribeAnomalyDetector)
# (L-70CC6666)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_describeanomalydetector_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DescribeMetricSet) (L-020F22D6)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_describemetricset_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DetectMetricSetConfig)
# (L-3BA5225A)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_detectmetricsetconfig_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (GetAnomalyGroup) (L-D87ABA33)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_getanomalygroup_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (GetDataQualityMetrics)
# (L-1EFB34E0)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_getdataqualitymetrics_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (GetFeedback) (L-2AF7F498)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_getfeedback_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (GetSampleData) (L-0F70E4A0)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_getsampledata_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ListAlerts) (L-E7EB46AB)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_listalerts_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ListAnomalyDetectors)
# (L-5D0258C0)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_listanomalydetectors_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ListAnomalyGroupRelatedMetrics)
# (L-2CD2EB7E)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_listanomalygrouprelatedmetrics_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ListAnomalyGroupSummaries)
# (L-F256354A)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_listanomalygroupsummaries_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeries)
# (L-B10A1291)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_listanomalygrouptimeseries_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ListMetricSets) (L-E907B4C2)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_listmetricsets_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ListTagsForResource) (L-297200B6)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_listtagsforresource_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (PutFeedback) (L-17A5470E)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_putfeedback_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (TagResource) (L-E91D3491)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_tagresource_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (UntagResource) (L-C566AD88)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_untagresource_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (UpdateAnomalyDetector)
# (L-29051655)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_updateanomalydetector_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (UpdateMetricSet) (L-970F0018)
lookoutmetrics_throttle_rate_updatemetricset_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Time series per interval (1d) (L-989594D2)
lookoutmetrics_time_series_per_interval_1d_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Time series per interval (1h) (L-61F79416)
lookoutmetrics_time_series_per_interval_1h_ = null
# Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Value length (L-5F537F31)
lookoutmetrics_value_length = null
# Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of API requests per second,
# excluding DetectAnomalies (L-6C6DBBAE)
lookoutvision_maximum_number_of_api_requests_per_second_excluding_detectanomalies = null
# Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of concurrent model packaging jobs
# (L-A2F581AB)
lookoutvision_maximum_number_of_concurrent_model_packaging_jobs = null
# Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of concurrent training jobs
# (L-2489F742)
lookoutvision_maximum_number_of_concurrent_training_jobs = null
# Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of concurrent trial detection
# tasks (L-5863F741)
lookoutvision_maximum_number_of_concurrent_trial_detection_tasks = null
# Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of DetectAnomalies API requests
# per second (L-9A58AC7A)
lookoutvision_maximum_number_of_detectanomalies_api_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of inference units per started
# model (L-84E8C9F8)
lookoutvision_maximum_number_of_inference_units_per_started_model = null
# Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of models per project (L-1B1011CA)
lookoutvision_maximum_number_of_models_per_project = null
# Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of projects (L-64685F61)
lookoutvision_maximum_number_of_projects = null
# Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of running models (L-82DA2ABD)
lookoutvision_maximum_number_of_running_models = null
# Quota for [m2]: Max Applications Per AWS Account (L-00464274)
m2_max_applications_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [m2]: Max Environments Per AWS Account (L-6851C542)
m2_max_environments_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [m2]: Max Instances Per High Availability Environment (L-24ACBEAE)
m2_max_instances_per_high_availability_environment = null
# Quota for [m2]: Max number of EFS filesystems per environment (L-5D943D0B)
m2_max_number_of_efs_filesystems_per_environment = null
# Quota for [m2]: Max number of FSX filesystems per environment (L-C1C41257)
m2_max_number_of_fsx_filesystems_per_environment = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Batch prediction input records (L-8914BECD)
machinelearning_batch_prediction_input_records = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Batch prediction input size (L-C02552ED)
machinelearning_batch_prediction_input_size = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Classes for multiclass ML models (L-281104EC)
machinelearning_classes_for_multiclass_ml_models = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Observation size (L-22D3562F)
machinelearning_observation_size = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Rate of real-time prediction requests per
# endpoint (L-F1FD3E15)
machinelearning_rate_of_real_time_prediction_requests_per_endpoint = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Recipe complexity (L-54CEDABA)
machinelearning_recipe_complexity = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Simultaneous jobs (L-40E5546B)
machinelearning_simultaneous_jobs = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Total RAM for all real-time prediction
# endpoints (L-A3DD8EAF)
machinelearning_total_ram_for_all_real_time_prediction_endpoints = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Total rate of all real-time prediction requests
# (L-A7752C6C)
machinelearning_total_rate_of_all_real_time_prediction_requests = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Training data size (L-C435D6DC)
machinelearning_training_data_size = null
# Quota for [machinelearning]: Variables per data file (L-B08E80D3)
machinelearning_variables_per_data_file = null
# Quota for [macie2]: Sensitive data discovery per month per account
# (L-FEB8D34D)
macie2_sensitive_data_discovery_per_month_per_account = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain]: Number of Ethereum nodes an AWS account can
# have (L-56698730)
managedblockchain_number_of_ethereum_nodes_an_aws_account_can_have = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain]: Number of Hyperledger Fabric channels per
# Standard Edition network (L-67914D6A)
managedblockchain_number_of_hyperledger_fabric_channels_per_standard_edition_network = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain]: Number of Hyperledger Fabric channels per
# Starter Edition network (L-7DCD24B7)
managedblockchain_number_of_hyperledger_fabric_channels_per_starter_edition_network = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain]: Number of Standard Edition networks in which
# an AWS account can have a member (L-C71C12D1)
managedblockchain_number_of_standard_edition_networks_in_which_an_aws_account_can_have_a_member = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain]: Number of Starter Edition networks in which
# an AWS account can have a member (L-D3936217)
managedblockchain_number_of_starter_edition_networks_in_which_an_aws_account_can_have_a_member = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of BatchGetTokenBalance requests
# per second (L-D4959700)
managedblockchain_query_number_of_batchgettokenbalance_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of GetAssetContract requests per
# second (L-0084BF26)
managedblockchain_query_number_of_getassetcontract_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of GetTokenBalance requests per
# second (L-7555598E)
managedblockchain_query_number_of_gettokenbalance_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of GetTransaction requests per
# second (L-716ED4D5)
managedblockchain_query_number_of_gettransaction_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of ListAssetContracts requests
# per second (L-D1DC054C)
managedblockchain_query_number_of_listassetcontracts_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of ListTokenBalances requests
# per second (L-920F1669)
managedblockchain_query_number_of_listtokenbalances_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of ListTransactionEvents
# requests per second (L-55D6B880)
managedblockchain_query_number_of_listtransactionevents_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of ListTransactions requests per
# second (L-506D2B91)
managedblockchain_query_number_of_listtransactions_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [mediaconnect]: Flows (L-A99016A8)
mediaconnect_flows = null
# Quota for [mediaconvert]: Concurrent jobs per on-demand queue, peak
# (L-032C4FB4)
mediaconvert_concurrent_jobs_per_on_demand_queue_peak = null
# Quota for [mediaconvert]: Custom job templates (L-FFA964F8)
mediaconvert_custom_job_templates = null
# Quota for [mediaconvert]: Custom output presets (L-8CFEB230)
mediaconvert_custom_output_presets = null
# Quota for [mediaconvert]: Queues (on-demand) per Region, per account
# (L-2D376814)
mediaconvert_queues_on_demand_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [mediaconvert]: Queues (reserved) per Region, per account
# (L-1FF6FD60)
mediaconvert_queues_reserved_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [mediaconvert]: Request rate for API calls, per operation
# (L-6D7C345F)
mediaconvert_request_rate_for_api_calls_per_operation = null
# Quota for [mediaconvert]: Request rate for API calls per operation, in a
# burst (L-62A25D68)
mediaconvert_request_rate_for_api_calls_per_operation_in_a_burst = null
# Quota for [medialive]: CDI Channels (L-3FDA265B)
medialive_cdi_channels = null
# Quota for [medialive]: Channels (L-D1AFAF75)
medialive_channels = null
# Quota for [medialive]: Device Inputs (L-BDF24E14)
medialive_device_inputs = null
# Quota for [medialive]: HEVC Channels (L-05A796F2)
medialive_hevc_channels = null
# Quota for [medialive]: Input Security Groups (L-6A0116BB)
medialive_input_security_groups = null
# Quota for [medialive]: MediaLive DescribeThumbnails TPS (L-63879FB4)
medialive_medialive_describethumbnails_tps = null
# Quota for [medialive]: Multiplexes (L-8B49C5C1)
medialive_multiplexes = null
# Quota for [medialive]: Pull Inputs (L-4D7207DE)
medialive_pull_inputs = null
# Quota for [medialive]: Push Inputs (L-9E233AF7)
medialive_push_inputs = null
# Quota for [medialive]: Reservations (L-1F6E2FAF)
medialive_reservations = null
# Quota for [medialive]: UHD Channels (L-DDE858F0)
medialive_uhd_channels = null
# Quota for [medialive]: VPC Inputs (L-68E02936)
medialive_vpc_inputs = null
# Quota for [mediapackage]: Assets per packaging group (L-563EE697)
mediapackage_assets_per_packaging_group = null
# Quota for [mediapackage]: Channels (L-352B8598)
mediapackage_channels = null
# Quota for [mediapackage]: Concurrent harvest jobs (L-B1B90B42)
mediapackage_concurrent_harvest_jobs = null
# Quota for [mediapackage]: Endpoints per channel (L-7F7EDDDF)
mediapackage_endpoints_per_channel = null
# Quota for [mediapackage]: Live manifest length (L-F7CB14AC)
mediapackage_live_manifest_length = null
# Quota for [mediapackage]: Packaging configurations per packaging group
# (L-1E1258F1)
mediapackage_packaging_configurations_per_packaging_group = null
# Quota for [mediapackage]: Packaging groups (L-66FFDBE4)
mediapackage_packaging_groups = null
# Quota for [mediapackagev2]: Channel Groups (L-A7040149)
mediapackagev2_channel_groups = null
# Quota for [mediapackagev2]: Channels per channel group (L-55777135)
mediapackagev2_channels_per_channel_group = null
# Quota for [mediapackagev2]: Live manifest length (L-B20140A1)
mediapackagev2_live_manifest_length = null
# Quota for [mediapackagev2]: Origin endpoints per channel (L-305BEE26)
mediapackagev2_origin_endpoints_per_channel = null
# Quota for [mediastore]: Rate of DeleteObject API requests (L-2FCDD326)
mediastore_rate_of_deleteobject_api_requests = null
# Quota for [mediastore]: Rate of DescribeObject API requests (L-8038710B)
mediastore_rate_of_describeobject_api_requests = null
# Quota for [mediastore]: Rate of GetObject API requests for standard upload
# availability (L-DB1D877F)
mediastore_rate_of_getobject_api_requests_for_standard_upload_availability = null
# Quota for [mediastore]: Rate of GetObject API requests for streaming upload
# availability (L-FA6DBE33)
mediastore_rate_of_getobject_api_requests_for_streaming_upload_availability = null
# Quota for [mediastore]: Rate of ListItems API requests (L-97AEAA6B)
mediastore_rate_of_listitems_api_requests = null
# Quota for [mediastore]: Rate of PutObject API requests for chunked transfer
# encoding (also known as streaming upload availability) (L-CAF2EF73)
mediastore_rate_of_putobject_api_requests_for_chunked_transfer_encoding_also_known_as_streaming_upload_availability_ = null
# Quota for [mediastore]: Rate of PutObject API requests for standard upload
# availability (L-CA39FABB)
mediastore_rate_of_putobject_api_requests_for_standard_upload_availability = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: Ad Insertion Requests (L-32FBC51C)
mediatailor_ad_insertion_requests = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: Channel Manifest Requests (L-C13EFDBD)
mediatailor_channel_manifest_requests = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: Channel outputs (L-3BCD6A29)
mediatailor_channel_outputs = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: Channels per account (L-29DF1B92)
mediatailor_channels_per_account = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: Live Sources (L-7A79D9CE)
mediatailor_live_sources = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: Manifest Requests (L-B9D43015)
mediatailor_manifest_requests = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: Package configurations (L-0F7265C4)
mediatailor_package_configurations = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: Programs Per Channel (L-7946CFE6)
mediatailor_programs_per_channel = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: Segment Delivery Configurations Per Source
# (L-680CE323)
mediatailor_segment_delivery_configurations_per_source = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: Source Locations (L-2290981E)
mediatailor_source_locations = null
# Quota for [mediatailor]: VOD Sources (L-A32E8357)
mediatailor_vod_sources = null
# Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum concurrent CopyImageSet requests per
# data store (L-0D1B2633)
medical_imaging_maximum_concurrent_copyimageset_requests_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum concurrent DeleteImageSet requests per
# data store (L-2020885D)
medical_imaging_maximum_concurrent_deleteimageset_requests_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum concurrent import jobs per data store
# (L-23763099)
medical_imaging_maximum_concurrent_import_jobs_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum concurrent UpdateImageSetMetadata
# requests per data store (L-8588E9BF)
medical_imaging_maximum_concurrent_updateimagesetmetadata_requests_per_data_store = null
# Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum data stores (L-8829B870)
medical_imaging_maximum_data_stores = null
# Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum number of files in a DICOM import job
# (L-685AAB3A)
medical_imaging_maximum_number_of_files_in_a_dicom_import_job = null
# Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum number of ImageFrames allowed to be
# copied per CopyImageSet request (L-164416ED)
medical_imaging_maximum_number_of_imageframes_allowed_to_be_copied_per_copyimageset_request = null
# Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum payload size limit (in KB) accepted by
# UpdateImageSetMetadata (L-A880A4C2)
medical_imaging_maximum_payload_size_limit_in_kb_accepted_by_updateimagesetmetadata = null
# Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum size limit (in MB) on ImageSetMetadata
# per Import, Copy, and UpdateImageSet (L-AD2C6765)
medical_imaging_maximum_size_limit_in_mb_on_imagesetmetadata_per_import_copy_and_updateimageset = null
# Quota for [mgn]: Max Active Source Servers (L-9A599620)
mgn_max_active_source_servers = null
# Quota for [mgn]: Max Non-Archived Source Servers (L-50980698)
mgn_max_non_archived_source_servers = null
# Quota for [migrationhuborchestrator]: Maximum step groups per workflow
# (L-FD489B05)
migrationhuborchestrator_maximum_step_groups_per_workflow = null
# Quota for [migrationhuborchestrator]: Maximum steps per step group
# (L-71F71C2E)
migrationhuborchestrator_maximum_steps_per_step_group = null
# Quota for [migrationhuborchestrator]: Maximum workflows (L-9E55B371)
migrationhuborchestrator_maximum_workflows = null
# Quota for [migrationhubstrategy]: Active Assessment Maximum (L-A80C6746)
migrationhubstrategy_active_assessment_maximum = null
# Quota for [migrationhubstrategy]: Active Import Maximum (L-33C4B34A)
migrationhubstrategy_active_import_maximum = null
# Quota for [migrationhubstrategy]: Assessment Maximum (L-7571197D)
migrationhubstrategy_assessment_maximum = null
# Quota for [migrationhubstrategy]: Maximum Server per Assessment (L-649F667C)
migrationhubstrategy_maximum_server_per_assessment = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Canary limit (L-C1FE0F5C)
monitoring_canary_limit = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Number of Contributor Insights rules (L-DBD11BCC)
monitoring_number_of_contributor_insights_rules = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Number of SLOs per Region (L-E1914A5B)
monitoring_number_of_slos_per_region = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Number of SLOs per Service (L-BD55890A)
monitoring_number_of_slos_per_service = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of BatchGetServiceLevelIndicatorReport requests
# (L-811EA4AA)
monitoring_rate_of_batchgetservicelevelindicatorreport_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of BatchGetServiceLevelObjectiveBudgetReport
# requests (L-09F09515)
monitoring_rate_of_batchgetservicelevelobjectivebudgetreport_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of CreateServiceLevelObjective requests
# (L-06DDA3C7)
monitoring_rate_of_createservicelevelobjective_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of DeleteDashboards requests (L-E1508405)
monitoring_rate_of_deletedashboards_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of DeleteMetricStream requests (L-0F4E28CA)
monitoring_rate_of_deletemetricstream_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of DeleteServiceLevelObjective requests
# (L-BE391708)
monitoring_rate_of_deleteservicelevelobjective_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of DescribeAlarms requests (L-21CB40A4)
monitoring_rate_of_describealarms_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of EnableTopologyDiscovery requests
# (L-C344EF56)
monitoring_rate_of_enabletopologydiscovery_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetDashboard requests (L-E82C279D)
monitoring_rate_of_getdashboard_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetInsightRuleReport requests (L-1F0C4E0C)
monitoring_rate_of_getinsightrulereport_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetMetricData requests (L-5E141212)
monitoring_rate_of_getmetricdata_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetMetricStatistics requests (L-EE839489)
monitoring_rate_of_getmetricstatistics_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetMetricStream requests (L-59022E75)
monitoring_rate_of_getmetricstream_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetMetricWidgetImage requests (L-6FCAAA2E)
monitoring_rate_of_getmetricwidgetimage_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetService requests (L-C7E3E2C8)
monitoring_rate_of_getservice_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetServiceLevelObjective requests
# (L-2E33235C)
monitoring_rate_of_getservicelevelobjective_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetTopologyMap requests (L-EE74D0A5)
monitoring_rate_of_gettopologymap_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of ListDashboards requests (L-69C44FFD)
monitoring_rate_of_listdashboards_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of ListMetrics requests (L-05D334F0)
monitoring_rate_of_listmetrics_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of ListMetricStreams requests (L-A1710150)
monitoring_rate_of_listmetricstreams_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of ListServiceLevelObjectives requests
# (L-33D84392)
monitoring_rate_of_listservicelevelobjectives_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of ListServices requests (L-F2BBFC0F)
monitoring_rate_of_listservices_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of PutDashboard requests (L-6753900D)
monitoring_rate_of_putdashboard_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of PutMetricAlarm requests (L-0720E68F)
monitoring_rate_of_putmetricalarm_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of PutMetricData requests (L-8BC498D4)
monitoring_rate_of_putmetricdata_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of PutMetricStream requests (L-A6D89949)
monitoring_rate_of_putmetricstream_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of StartMetricStreams requests (L-787E531D)
monitoring_rate_of_startmetricstreams_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of StopMetricStreams requests (L-A64F5500)
monitoring_rate_of_stopmetricstreams_requests = null
# Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of UpdateServiceLevelObjective requests
# (L-223DF753)
monitoring_rate_of_updateservicelevelobjective_requests = null
# Quota for [monitron]: Asset classes per project (L-7771F483)
monitron_asset_classes_per_project = null
# Quota for [monitron]: Assets per site (L-25B02F46)
monitron_assets_per_site = null
# Quota for [monitron]: Gateways per site (L-6B3EE8A2)
monitron_gateways_per_site = null
# Quota for [monitron]: Positions per asset (L-E7428CE9)
monitron_positions_per_asset = null
# Quota for [monitron]: Positions per custom class (L-D3D5A0EF)
monitron_positions_per_custom_class = null
# Quota for [monitron]: Projects per account (L-2C0BD955)
monitron_projects_per_account = null
# Quota for [monitron]: Sites per project (L-7FA56BB1)
monitron_sites_per_project = null
# Quota for [monitron]: Users per site (L-42582A4B)
monitron_users_per_site = null
# Quota for [mq]: Number of brokers, per region (L-4D525FD5)
mq_number_of_brokers_per_region = null
# Quota for [mq]: Wire-level connections per larger broker (L-42B434B7)
mq_wire_level_connections_per_larger_broker = null
# Quota for [neptune]: Cluster endpoints per DB cluster (L-A425F59F)
neptune_cluster_endpoints_per_db_cluster = null
# Quota for [neptune]: Cross-region snapshot copy requests (L-BF10548E)
neptune_cross_region_snapshot_copy_requests = null
# Quota for [neptune]: DB cluster manuals snapshots (L-D6543DBD)
neptune_db_cluster_manuals_snapshots = null
# Quota for [neptune]: DB cluster parameter groups (L-5BB9A916)
neptune_db_cluster_parameter_groups = null
# Quota for [neptune]: DB cluster Roles (L-9AEE2A70)
neptune_db_cluster_roles = null
# Quota for [neptune]: DB clusters (L-6D17A5A2)
neptune_db_clusters = null
# Quota for [neptune]: DB instance parameter groups (L-584DADE7)
neptune_db_instance_parameter_groups = null
# Quota for [neptune]: DB instances (L-368A3E00)
neptune_db_instances = null
# Quota for [neptune]: DB subnet groups (L-483F7912)
neptune_db_subnet_groups = null
# Quota for [neptune]: Event subscriptions (L-463F8A01)
neptune_event_subscriptions = null
# Quota for [neptune-graph]: Maximum Graph snapshots (L-6CECD12A)
neptune_graph_maximum_graph_snapshots = null
# Quota for [neptune-graph]: Maximum Graphs (L-D31591F1)
neptune_graph_maximum_graphs = null
# Quota for [neptune-graph]: Maximum provisioned memory for each graph
# (L-145975CA)
neptune_graph_maximum_provisioned_memory_for_each_graph = null
# Quota for [neptune]: Reserved DB instances (L-22818E49)
neptune_reserved_db_instances = null
# Quota for [neptune]: Tags per resource (L-B3AC6773)
neptune_tags_per_resource = null
# Quota for [network-firewall]: Firewall policies (L-0814492B)
network_firewall_firewall_policies = null
# Quota for [network-firewall]: Firewalls (L-DE163D32)
network_firewall_firewalls = null
# Quota for [network-firewall]: Stateful rulegroups (L-2D7A0EE2)
network_firewall_stateful_rulegroups = null
# Quota for [network-firewall]: Stateless rulegroups (L-EAE8E19E)
network_firewall_stateless_rulegroups = null
# Quota for [network-firewall]: TLS configurations (L-801F8132)
network_firewall_tls_configurations = null
# Quota for [networkinsights]: Network Access Analyzer Access Scope Analyses
# (L-06B98CB1)
networkinsights_network_access_analyzer_access_scope_analyses = null
# Quota for [networkinsights]: Network Access Analyzer Access Scopes
# (L-72DF2E0E)
networkinsights_network_access_analyzer_access_scopes = null
# Quota for [networkinsights]: Network Access Analyzer Concurrent Access Scope
# Analyses (L-2AC9F231)
networkinsights_network_access_analyzer_concurrent_access_scope_analyses = null
# Quota for [networkinsights]: Reachability Analyzer Analyses (L-44B7545B)
networkinsights_reachability_analyzer_analyses = null
# Quota for [networkinsights]: Reachability Analyzer concurrent Analyses
# (L-B393345A)
networkinsights_reachability_analyzer_concurrent_analyses = null
# Quota for [networkinsights]: Reachability Analyzer Paths (L-51CB2D5B)
networkinsights_reachability_analyzer_paths = null
# Quota for [networkmanager]: Attachments per core network (L-6028ECFC)
networkmanager_attachments_per_core_network = null
# Quota for [networkmanager]: Connections per global network (L-D30F0A50)
networkmanager_connections_per_global_network = null
# Quota for [networkmanager]: Devices per global network (L-C3B5632D)
networkmanager_devices_per_global_network = null
# Quota for [networkmanager]: Global networks per account (L-2418390E)
networkmanager_global_networks_per_account = null
# Quota for [networkmanager]: Links per global network (L-6BD16053)
networkmanager_links_per_global_network = null
# Quota for [networkmanager]: Peerings per core network (L-C19D8424)
networkmanager_peerings_per_core_network = null
# Quota for [networkmanager]: Policy versions per core network (L-3DE56F60)
networkmanager_policy_versions_per_core_network = null
# Quota for [networkmanager]: Sites per global network (L-DFE018A3)
networkmanager_sites_per_global_network = null
# Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of monitors per account per AWS region
# (L-A4298AB9)
networkmonitor_number_of_monitors_per_account_per_aws_region = null
# Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of monitors per account per AWS
# region_L-15A52C9B (L-15A52C9B)
networkmonitor_number_of_monitors_per_account_per_aws_region_l_15a52c9b = null
# Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of monitors per account per AWS
# region_L-24751C61 (L-24751C61)
networkmonitor_number_of_monitors_per_account_per_aws_region_l_24751c61 = null
# Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of probes per monitor (L-DE3355AE)
networkmonitor_number_of_probes_per_monitor = null
# Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of probes per monitor_L-4C539B84
# (L-4C539B84)
networkmonitor_number_of_probes_per_monitor_l_4c539b84 = null
# Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of probes per monitor_L-F192A8D6
# (L-F192A8D6)
networkmonitor_number_of_probes_per_monitor_l_f192a8d6 = null
# Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of probes per subnet for each monitor
# (L-A8FA6DFE)
networkmonitor_number_of_probes_per_subnet_for_each_monitor = null
# Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of probes per subnet for each
# monitor_L-417BD1FB (L-417BD1FB)
networkmonitor_number_of_probes_per_subnet_for_each_monitor_l_417bd1fb = null
# Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of probes per subnet for each
# monitor_L-6A0F5BB1 (L-6A0F5BB1)
networkmonitor_number_of_probes_per_subnet_for_each_monitor_l_6a0f5bb1 = null
# Quota for [nimble]: Custom streaming images per studio (L-D5A30A08)
nimble_custom_streaming_images_per_studio = null
# Quota for [nimble]: G5 streaming sessions per studio (L-83B00607)
nimble_g5_streaming_sessions_per_studio = null
# Quota for [nimble]: Launch profiles per studio (L-84ECA733)
nimble_launch_profiles_per_studio = null
# Quota for [nimble]: Shared file system studio components per studio
# (L-1D1DDB85)
nimble_shared_file_system_studio_components_per_studio = null
# Quota for [nimble]: Streaming session backups per studio (L-43D04A58)
nimble_streaming_session_backups_per_studio = null
# Quota for [nimble]: Streaming sessions per studio (L-0FA462CE)
nimble_streaming_sessions_per_studio = null
# Quota for [nimble]: Studio components per studio (L-35089300)
nimble_studio_components_per_studio = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Activation Job Read Sets (L-18B646D8)
omics_maximum_activation_job_read_sets = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Activation Jobs (L-911E26A1)
omics_maximum_activation_jobs = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Active CPUs (L-7F5E4C03)
omics_maximum_active_cpus = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Active GPUs (L-AFB19B96)
omics_maximum_active_gpus = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Active Runs (L-A30FD31B)
omics_maximum_active_runs = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Annotation Stores (L-01A419C5)
omics_maximum_annotation_stores = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Concurrent Import Jobs (L-876AD0A2)
omics_maximum_concurrent_import_jobs = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Duration (L-7B9E5416)
omics_maximum_duration = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Export Job Read Sets (L-5BDDEC28)
omics_maximum_export_job_read_sets = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Export Jobs (L-473E274D)
omics_maximum_export_jobs = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Files per Annotation Import Job (L-66AC9E9E)
omics_maximum_files_per_annotation_import_job = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Files per Variant Import Job (L-22E12079)
omics_maximum_files_per_variant_import_job = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Import Job Read Sets (L-89F31D1A)
omics_maximum_import_job_read_sets = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Import Jobs (L-F57A8D18)
omics_maximum_import_jobs = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum number of shares per annotation store
# (L-E787EB79)
omics_maximum_number_of_shares_per_annotation_store = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum number of shares per annotation version
# (L-F77D4708)
omics_maximum_number_of_shares_per_annotation_version = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum number of shares per variant store (L-242998FB)
omics_maximum_number_of_shares_per_variant_store = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum ReadSets (L-BE766427)
omics_maximum_readsets = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum References (L-F34A3FC2)
omics_maximum_references = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Run Groups (L-176A1BA9)
omics_maximum_run_groups = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Run Tasks (L-25504C8C)
omics_maximum_run_tasks = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Runs (L-C9679DBC)
omics_maximum_runs = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum SequenceStores (L-BFFBB2FD)
omics_maximum_sequencestores = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Size in GB of each File in a Variant Import Job
# (L-13B00733)
omics_maximum_size_in_gb_of_each_file_in_a_variant_import_job = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Size in GB of each File in an Annotation Import
# Job (L-B94B38A2)
omics_maximum_size_in_gb_of_each_file_in_an_annotation_import_job = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Variant Stores (L-899DA104)
omics_maximum_variant_stores = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum versions per Annotation Store (L-186D3DEB)
omics_maximum_versions_per_annotation_store = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Workflow Storage Capacity (L-35CE76C9)
omics_maximum_workflow_storage_capacity = null
# Quota for [omics]: Maximum Workflows (L-7CAE62CF)
omics_maximum_workflows = null
# Quota for [opsworks]: Apps per stack (L-286E46E9)
opsworks_apps_per_stack = null
# Quota for [opsworks-cm]: Automated (scheduled) backup generations per server
# (L-51FB6CC0)
opsworks_cm_automated_scheduled_backup_generations_per_server = null
# Quota for [opsworks-cm]: Chef Automate or Puppet Enterprise servers
# (L-5F3A6D53)
opsworks_cm_chef_automate_or_puppet_enterprise_servers = null
# Quota for [opsworks-cm]: Manual backups per server (L-208BFD67)
opsworks_cm_manual_backups_per_server = null
# Quota for [opsworks]: Instances per stack (L-1C397901)
opsworks_instances_per_stack = null
# Quota for [opsworks]: Layers per stack (L-450F416F)
opsworks_layers_per_stack = null
# Quota for [opsworks]: Stacks (L-5DA32F30)
opsworks_stacks = null
# Quota for [organizations]: Default maximum number of accounts (L-29A0C5DF)
organizations_default_maximum_number_of_accounts = null
# Quota for [outposts]: Outpost sites (L-3D389D34)
outposts_outpost_sites = null
# Quota for [outposts]: Outposts per site (L-0B277C74)
outposts_outposts_per_site = null
# Quota for [payment-cryptography]: Aliases (L-10DEBB19)
payment_cryptography_aliases = null
# Quota for [payment-cryptography]: Combined rate of control plane requests
# (L-946BFBA8)
payment_cryptography_combined_rate_of_control_plane_requests = null
# Quota for [payment-cryptography]: Combined rate of data plane requests
# (asymmetric) (L-BBE04029)
payment_cryptography_combined_rate_of_data_plane_requests_asymmetric_ = null
# Quota for [payment-cryptography]: Combined rate of data plane requests
# (symmetric) (L-B90266F0)
payment_cryptography_combined_rate_of_data_plane_requests_symmetric_ = null
# Quota for [payment-cryptography]: Keys (L-23280857)
payment_cryptography_keys = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Number of connectors (L-351D0DCC)
pca_connector_ad_number_of_connectors = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Number of group access control entries per
# template (L-B2C010E5)
pca_connector_ad_number_of_group_access_control_entries_per_template = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Number of templates per connector (L-FB47817C)
pca_connector_ad_number_of_templates_per_connector = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of CreateConnector requests (L-7966F778)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_createconnector_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of CreateDirectoryRegistration requests
# (L-17569A85)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_createdirectoryregistration_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of CreateServicePrincipalName requests
# (L-6930FFF8)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_createserviceprincipalname_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of CreateTemplate requests (L-70E167AD)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_createtemplate_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of CreateTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry
# requests (L-21A25C3F)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_createtemplategroupaccesscontrolentry_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of DeleteConnector requests (L-01AB3861)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_deleteconnector_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of DeleteDirectoryRegistration requests
# (L-568BB718)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_deletedirectoryregistration_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of DeleteServicePrincipalName requests
# (L-8228CBB5)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_deleteserviceprincipalname_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of DeleteTemplate requests (L-1F0B4E70)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_deletetemplate_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of DeleteTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry
# requests (L-853BCABE)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_deletetemplategroupaccesscontrolentry_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of GetConnector requests (L-F6A7C5A2)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_getconnector_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of GetDirectoryRegistration requests
# (L-5CC72EAF)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_getdirectoryregistration_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of GetPolicies requests (L-0916B3E3)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_getpolicies_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of GetServicePrincipalName requests
# (L-F16E91B4)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_getserviceprincipalname_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of GetTemplate requests (L-046630BB)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_gettemplate_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of GetTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry
# requests (L-A40E38B0)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_gettemplategroupaccesscontrolentry_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of ListConnectors requests (L-49BEA97B)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_listconnectors_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of ListDirectoryRegistrations requests
# (L-71CF09F7)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_listdirectoryregistrations_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of ListServicePrincipalNames requests
# (L-8B0AFBB5)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_listserviceprincipalnames_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of ListTagsForResource requests
# (L-EE597D84)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_listtagsforresource_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of ListTemplateGroupAccessControlEntries
# requests (L-5512056E)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_listtemplategroupaccesscontrolentries_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of ListTemplates requests (L-7362C0AD)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_listtemplates_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of RequestSecurityToken requests
# (L-27D56743)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_requestsecuritytoken_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of TagResource requests (L-957664CC)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_tagresource_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of UntagResource requests (L-64E52FB9)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_untagresource_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of UpdateTemplate requests (L-431F19A0)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_updatetemplate_requests = null
# Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of UpdateTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry
# requests (L-657D5FD0)
pca_connector_ad_rate_of_updatetemplategroupaccesscontrolentry_requests = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Active campaigns per dataset group (L-052ECD67)
personalize_active_campaigns_per_dataset_group = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Active dataset groups (L-14011066)
personalize_active_dataset_groups = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Active filters per dataset group (L-B9CFBC8B)
personalize_active_filters_per_dataset_group = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Active solutions per dataset group (L-D9DD83B7)
personalize_active_solutions_per_dataset_group = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Amount of data per incremental import. (L-C5A4FD57)
personalize_amount_of_data_per_incremental_import_ = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Maximum number of action interactions per event
# type per user considered by a filter. (L-C71694DA)
personalize_maximum_number_of_action_interactions_per_event_type_per_user_considered_by_a_filter_ = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Maximum number of interactions per event type per
# user considered by a filter. (L-A8FE1453)
personalize_maximum_number_of_interactions_per_event_type_per_user_considered_by_a_filter_ = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Number of interactions for model training
# (L-A6A4AB70)
personalize_number_of_interactions_for_model_training = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Pending or In Progress batch inference jobs
# (L-69B72005)
personalize_pending_or_in_progress_batch_inference_jobs = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Pending or In Progress solution versions
# (L-9C16B368)
personalize_pending_or_in_progress_solution_versions = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Rate of PutActionInteractions requests per dataset
# group (L-F1119DA2)
personalize_rate_of_putactioninteractions_requests_per_dataset_group = null
# Quota for [personalize]: Rate of PutEvents requests per dataset group
# (L-8047B3A8)
personalize_rate_of_putevents_requests_per_dataset_group = null
# Quota for [pinpoint]: Active in-app campaigns per project (L-952D08C7)
pinpoint_active_in_app_campaigns_per_project = null
# Quota for [pinpoint]: Maximum number of push notifications that can be sent
# per second in a campaign (L-DE86E513)
pinpoint_maximum_number_of_push_notifications_that_can_be_sent_per_second_in_a_campaign = null
# Quota for [pinpoint]: Number of Amazon SNS topics for two-way SMS per
# account (L-6D703411)
pinpoint_number_of_amazon_sns_topics_for_two_way_sms_per_account = null
# Quota for [pinpoint]: Number of emails that can be sent each second (sending
# rate) (L-9AE43654)
pinpoint_number_of_emails_that_can_be_sent_each_second_sending_rate_ = null
# Quota for [pinpoint]: Number of emails that can be sent per 24-hour period
# (sending quota) (L-F179D122)
pinpoint_number_of_emails_that_can_be_sent_per_24_hour_period_sending_quota_ = null
# Quota for [pinpoint]: Number of SMS messages that can be sent each second
# (sending rate) (L-39643E10)
pinpoint_number_of_sms_messages_that_can_be_sent_each_second_sending_rate_ = null
# Quota for [pinpoint]: SMS spending threshold (L-A7D30E78)
pinpoint_sms_spending_threshold = null
# Quota for [polly]: Rate of GetSpeechSynthesisTask and
# ListSpeechSynthesisTasks requests (L-43330D37)
polly_rate_of_getspeechsynthesistask_and_listspeechsynthesistasks_requests = null
# Quota for [polly]: Rate of lexicon management requests (L-D93DD9F2)
polly_rate_of_lexicon_management_requests = null
# Quota for [polly]: Rate of StartSpeechSynthesisTask (long-form) requests
# (L-511CA548)
polly_rate_of_startspeechsynthesistask_long_form_requests = null
# Quota for [polly]: Rate of StartSpeechSynthesisTask (neural) requests
# (L-B9A743A4)
polly_rate_of_startspeechsynthesistask_neural_requests = null
# Quota for [polly]: Rate of StartSpeechSynthesisTask (standard) requests
# (L-18255867)
polly_rate_of_startspeechsynthesistask_standard_requests = null
# Quota for [polly]: Rate of SynthesizeSpeech (long-form) requests
# (L-C54DC08A)
polly_rate_of_synthesizespeech_long_form_requests = null
# Quota for [polly]: Rate of SynthesizeSpeech (neural) requests (L-A65CEC2D)
polly_rate_of_synthesizespeech_neural_requests = null
# Quota for [polly]: Rate of SynthesizeSpeech (standard) requests (L-9FB8AA30)
polly_rate_of_synthesizespeech_standard_requests = null
# Quota for [polly]: StartSpeechSynthesisTask billed characters count
# (L-79B4630F)
polly_startspeechsynthesistask_billed_characters_count = null
# Quota for [polly]: StartSpeechSynthesisTask total characters limit
# (L-77D5DB9E)
polly_startspeechsynthesistask_total_characters_limit = null
# Quota for [polly]: SynthesizeSpeech billed character count (L-17639580)
polly_synthesizespeech_billed_character_count = null
# Quota for [polly]: SynthesizeSpeech total character count (L-18474792)
polly_synthesizespeech_total_character_count = null
# Quota for [profile]: Amazon Connect Customer Profiles domain count
# (L-6603B252)
profile_amazon_connect_customer_profiles_domain_count = null
# Quota for [profile]: Keys per object type (L-A7ED412C)
profile_keys_per_object_type = null
# Quota for [profile]: Maximum expiration in days (L-3217D1F1)
profile_maximum_expiration_in_days = null
# Quota for [profile]: Maximum number of integrations (L-4A5ECB8E)
profile_maximum_number_of_integrations = null
# Quota for [profile]: Maximum size of all objects for a profile (L-63975AF3)
profile_maximum_size_of_all_objects_for_a_profile = null
# Quota for [profile]: Object types per domain (L-14092FF4)
profile_object_types_per_domain = null
# Quota for [profile]: Objects per profile (L-E17DC7C3)
profile_objects_per_profile = null
# Quota for [proton]: Components per account (L-8FBB60E3)
proton_components_per_account = null
# Quota for [proton]: Environment account connections per environment account
# (L-6CC8209C)
proton_environment_account_connections_per_environment_account = null
# Quota for [proton]: Environments per account (L-37A692EA)
proton_environments_per_account = null
# Quota for [proton]: Service instances per service (L-E8182F7E)
proton_service_instances_per_service = null
# Quota for [proton]: Services per account (L-1C8983C3)
proton_services_per_account = null
# Quota for [proton]: Template versions per template (L-A1B6A95A)
proton_template_versions_per_template = null
# Quota for [proton]: Templates per account (L-405DC02B)
proton_templates_per_account = null
# Quota for [qldb]: Ledgers (L-CD70CADB)
qldb_ledgers = null
# Quota for [qldb]: QLDB exports per ledger (L-22B6E165)
qldb_qldb_exports_per_ledger = null
# Quota for [qldb]: QLDB streams per ledger (L-91B08359)
qldb_qldb_streams_per_ledger = null
# Quota for [ram]: Number of custom permissions (L-9EBA15DD)
ram_number_of_custom_permissions = null
# Quota for [ram]: Number of custom permissions per resource type (L-2870BE9D)
ram_number_of_custom_permissions_per_resource_type = null
# Quota for [ram]: Number of pending invitations (L-238C96EE)
ram_number_of_pending_invitations = null
# Quota for [ram]: Number of principal associations (L-8491BF81)
ram_number_of_principal_associations = null
# Quota for [ram]: Number of principal associations per resource share
# (L-275DAC00)
ram_number_of_principal_associations_per_resource_share = null
# Quota for [ram]: Number of resource associations (L-4A6CEE66)
ram_number_of_resource_associations = null
# Quota for [ram]: Number of resource associations per resource share
# (L-1F7F8A25)
ram_number_of_resource_associations_per_resource_share = null
# Quota for [ram]: Number of resource shares (L-595828F9)
ram_number_of_resource_shares = null
# Quota for [rds]: Custom engine versions (L-A399AC0B)
rds_custom_engine_versions = null
# Quota for [rds]: DB clusters (L-952B80B8)
rds_db_clusters = null
# Quota for [rds]: DB instances (L-7B6409FD)
rds_db_instances = null
# Quota for [rds]: DB subnet groups (L-48C6BF61)
rds_db_subnet_groups = null
# Quota for [rds]: Event subscriptions (L-A59F4C87)
rds_event_subscriptions = null
# Quota for [rds]: IAM roles per DB cluster (L-E094F43D)
rds_iam_roles_per_db_cluster = null
# Quota for [rds]: IAM roles per DB instance (L-DD2301CA)
rds_iam_roles_per_db_instance = null
# Quota for [rds]: Manual DB cluster snapshots (L-9B510759)
rds_manual_db_cluster_snapshots = null
# Quota for [rds]: Manual DB instance snapshots (L-272F1212)
rds_manual_db_instance_snapshots = null
# Quota for [rds]: Option groups (L-9FA33840)
rds_option_groups = null
# Quota for [rds]: Parameter groups (L-DE55804A)
rds_parameter_groups = null
# Quota for [rds]: Proxies (L-D94C7EA3)
rds_proxies = null
# Quota for [rds]: Read replicas per primary (L-5BC124EF)
rds_read_replicas_per_primary = null
# Quota for [rds]: Reserved DB instances (L-78E853F4)
rds_reserved_db_instances = null
# Quota for [rds]: Security groups (L-732153D0)
rds_security_groups = null
# Quota for [rds]: Total storage for all DB instances (L-7ADDB58A)
rds_total_storage_for_all_db_instances = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Allowed row object size per ION or JSON file when
# using Amazon Athena (L-692E5BBE)
redshift_allowed_row_object_size_per_ion_or_json_file_when_using_amazon_athena = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Allowed string value size per ION or JSON file when
# using Amazon Athena (L-F9EB09F0)
redshift_allowed_string_value_size_per_ion_or_json_file_when_using_amazon_athena = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Allowed string value size per ION or JSON file when
# using AWS Glue Data Catalog (L-D236BDB3)
redshift_allowed_string_value_size_per_ion_or_json_file_when_using_aws_glue_data_catalog = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Column limit for external tables when using Amazon
# Athena or AWS Glue Data Catalog (L-14ABD327)
redshift_column_limit_for_external_tables_when_using_amazon_athena_or_aws_glue_data_catalog = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Column limit for external tables with pseudocolumns
# when using Amazon Athena (L-76971675)
redshift_column_limit_for_external_tables_with_pseudocolumns_when_using_amazon_athena = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Column limit for external tables with pseudocolumns
# when using AWS Glue Data Catalog (L-8AFA7F04)
redshift_column_limit_for_external_tables_with_pseudocolumns_when_using_aws_glue_data_catalog = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Databases in an account when using Amazon Athena
# (L-FACB0772)
redshift_databases_in_an_account_when_using_amazon_athena = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Databases in an account when using AWS Glue Data
# Catalog (L-8D8FD3F6)
redshift_databases_in_an_account_when_using_aws_glue_data_catalog = null
# Quota for [redshift]: DC2 nodes in a cluster (L-84537943)
redshift_dc2_nodes_in_a_cluster = null
# Quota for [redshift]: DS2 nodes in a cluster (L-C7372F73)
redshift_ds2_nodes_in_a_cluster = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Event subscriptions (L-2B30DCFE)
redshift_event_subscriptions = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Nodes (L-F9D462EE)
redshift_nodes = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Partitions in a table when using Amazon Athena
# (L-8150BB93)
redshift_partitions_in_a_table_when_using_amazon_athena = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Partitions in a table when using AWS Glue Data Catalog
# (L-CDB97050)
redshift_partitions_in_a_table_when_using_aws_glue_data_catalog = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Partitions in an account when using Amazon Athena
# (L-CAD8DD0E)
redshift_partitions_in_an_account_when_using_amazon_athena = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Partitions in an account when using AWS Glue Data
# Catalog (L-D4A471DC)
redshift_partitions_in_an_account_when_using_aws_glue_data_catalog = null
# Quota for [redshift]: RA3 nodes in a cluster (L-93AC8AE6)
redshift_ra3_nodes_in_a_cluster = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Reserved nodes (L-58C8C0E8)
redshift_reserved_nodes = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Security groups (L-890444C0)
redshift_security_groups = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Snapshots (L-2E428669)
redshift_snapshots = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Subnet groups (L-BE12F428)
redshift_subnet_groups = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Subnets in a subnet group (L-6C6B6042)
redshift_subnets_in_a_subnet_group = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Tables in a database when using Amazon Athena
# (L-CD9AE144)
redshift_tables_in_a_database_when_using_amazon_athena = null
# Quota for [redshift]: Tables in a database when using AWS Glue Data Catalog
# (L-A85DAB6E)
redshift_tables_in_a_database_when_using_aws_glue_data_catalog = null
# Quota for [refactor-spaces]: Applications (L-EACEDE8E)
refactor_spaces_applications = null
# Quota for [refactor-spaces]: Environments (L-DEF84811)
refactor_spaces_environments = null
# Quota for [refactor-spaces]: Routes (L-CE52EEA2)
refactor_spaces_routes = null
# Quota for [refactor-spaces]: Services (L-B19E8A2B)
refactor_spaces_services = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels models per project
# (L-9CF05323)
rekognition_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_models_per_project = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels projects per
# account (L-14D0BC19)
rekognition_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_projects_per_account = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Amazon Rekognition Streaming Video Events face
# search stream processors per account that can be processed concurrently
# (L-8D9029A2)
rekognition_amazon_rekognition_streaming_video_events_face_search_stream_processors_per_account_that_can_be_processed_concurrently = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Amazon Rekognition Streaming Video Events label
# detection stream processors per account that can be processed concurrently
# (L-0A2A7683)
rekognition_amazon_rekognition_streaming_video_events_label_detection_stream_processors_per_account_that_can_be_processed_concurrently = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Amazon Rekognition Streaming Video Events stream
# processors per account that can simultaneously exist (L-01C8D885)
rekognition_amazon_rekognition_streaming_video_events_stream_processors_per_account_that_can_simultaneously_exist = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Concurrent Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels model
# copy jobs per account (L-B3EE7891)
rekognition_concurrent_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_model_copy_jobs_per_account = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Concurrent Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels
# training jobs per account (L-F1558568)
rekognition_concurrent_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_training_jobs_per_account = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Concurrent Amazon Rekognition Face Liveness
# sessions per account (L-26415FBF)
rekognition_concurrent_amazon_rekognition_face_liveness_sessions_per_account = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Concurrent Amazon Rekognition Media Analysis jobs
# per account (L-22FA69BA)
rekognition_concurrent_amazon_rekognition_media_analysis_jobs_per_account = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Concurrent Amazon Rekognition Video stored video
# jobs per account (L-A6079699)
rekognition_concurrent_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_jobs_per_account = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Concurrently running Amazon Rekognition Custom
# Labels models per account (L-5E225387)
rekognition_concurrently_running_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_models_per_account = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Maximum inference units per running Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels model. (L-4FA65ECB)
rekognition_maximum_inference_units_per_running_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_model_ = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Maximum number of images per Amazon Rekognition
# Custom Labels classification test dataset (L-CCFEF1AD)
rekognition_maximum_number_of_images_per_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_classification_test_dataset = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Maximum number of images per Amazon Rekognition
# Custom Labels classification training dataset (L-96D6749B)
rekognition_maximum_number_of_images_per_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_classification_training_dataset = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Maximum number of ProjectPolicies per Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels Project (L-0B2CE4DD)
rekognition_maximum_number_of_projectpolicies_per_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_project = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for individual
# Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels data plane operation DetectCustomLabels
# (L-EA71C84A)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_individual_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_data_plane_operation_detectcustomlabels = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation CopyProjectVersion (L-C8E3347A)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_copyprojectversion = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation: CreateDataset (L-39854D9A)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_createdataset = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation CreateProject (L-AB95BCCD)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_createproject = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation CreateProjectVersion (L-03F18989)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_createprojectversion = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation: DeleteDataset (L-F72BEA0D)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_deletedataset = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation DeleteProject (L-BDE2ACBF)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_deleteproject = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation DeleteProjectPolicy (L-AA6AE486)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_deleteprojectpolicy = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation DeleteProjectVersion (L-D66335E5)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_deleteprojectversion = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation: DescribeDataset (L-EF2DFA3A)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_describedataset = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation DescribeProjects (L-06ACBDE8)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_describeprojects = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation DescribeProjectVersions (L-12019FB0)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_describeprojectversions = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation: DistributeDatasetEntries (L-AD2642BA)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_distributedatasetentries = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation: ListDatasetEntries (L-41805FEB)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_listdatasetentries = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation: ListDatasetLabels (L-108100B3)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_listdatasetlabels = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation ListProjectPolicies (L-5AA330BC)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_listprojectpolicies = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation PutProjectPolicy (L-A958BCFA)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_putprojectpolicy = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation StartProjectVersion (L-C46E6F2E)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_startprojectversion = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation StopProjectVersion (L-9802772B)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_stopprojectversion = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Custom Labels operation: UpdateDatasetEntries (L-513570CC)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_custom_labels_operation_updatedatasetentries = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Face Liveness operation CreateFaceLivenessSession (L-8E3BC2B4)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_face_liveness_operation_createfacelivenesssession = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Face Liveness operation GetFaceLivenessSessionResults
# (L-E574413B)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_face_liveness_operation_getfacelivenesssessionresults = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Face Liveness operation StartFaceLivenessSession (L-2FC24677)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_face_liveness_operation_startfacelivenesssession = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation CompareFaces (L-73A341CE)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_comparefaces = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation CreateCollection (L-CE977716)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_createcollection = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation DeleteCollection (L-5346A13A)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_deletecollection = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation DeleteFaces (L-220834FB)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_deletefaces = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation DescribeCollection (L-6FDFFAF5)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_describecollection = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation DetectFaces (L-A5121FD7)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_detectfaces = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation DetectLabels (L-E29B542B)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_detectlabels = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation DetectModerationLabels (L-7F4D1AC4)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_detectmoderationlabels = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation DetectText (L-87CF5BA6)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_detecttext = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation GetCelebrityInfo (L-973FFF99)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_getcelebrityinfo = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation IndexFaces (L-7C13EBAD)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_indexfaces = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation ListCollections (L-0366BB0F)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_listcollections = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation ListFaces (L-970B5808)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_listfaces = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation RecognizeCelebrities (L-5FF750C4)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_recognizecelebrities = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation SearchFaces (L-99829151)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_searchfaces = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image operation SearchFacesByImage (L-43CBEB68)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_operation_searchfacesbyimage = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Image personal protective equipment operation
# DetectProtectiveEquipment (L-6F294C5B)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_image_personal_protective_equipment_operation_detectprotectiveequipment = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: AssociateFaces (L-DBC0DD5B)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_associatefaces = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: CreateUser (L-9A87C986)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_createuser = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: DeleteUser (L-E112E6C6)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_deleteuser = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: DisassociateFaces (L-D56ABB32)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_disassociatefaces = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: GetMediaAnalysisJob (L-EEF61D56)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_getmediaanalysisjob = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: ListMediaAnalysisJobs (L-E0C6F70E)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_listmediaanalysisjobs = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: ListTagsForResource (L-711B1E8A)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_listtagsforresource = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: ListUsers (L-BF8F67AA)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_listusers = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: SearchUsers (L-532A3DAC)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_searchusers = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: SearchUsersByImage (L-D319BBAF)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_searchusersbyimage = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: StartMediaAnalysisJob (L-832B35BA)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_startmediaanalysisjob = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: TagResource (L-C141F2F9)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_tagresource = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition operation: UntagResource (L-BC04C31B)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_operation_untagresource = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Streaming Video Events operation CreateStreamProcessor
# (L-D6034D02)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_streaming_video_events_operation_createstreamprocessor = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Streaming Video Events operation DeleteStreamProcessor
# (L-66AB9558)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_streaming_video_events_operation_deletestreamprocessor = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Streaming Video Events operation DescribeStreamProcessor
# (L-82C6694D)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_streaming_video_events_operation_describestreamprocessor = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Streaming Video Events operation ListStreamProcessors
# (L-CF317234)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_streaming_video_events_operation_liststreamprocessors = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Streaming Video Events operation StartStreamProcessor
# (L-71793F35)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_streaming_video_events_operation_startstreamprocessor = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Streaming Video Events operation StopStreamProcessor
# (L-85890340)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_streaming_video_events_operation_stopstreamprocessor = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Streaming Video Events operation UpdateStreamProcessor
# (L-0FB781AE)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_streaming_video_events_operation_updatestreamprocessor = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetCelebrityRecognition
# (L-A144FAD3)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_get_operation_getcelebrityrecognition = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetContentModeration
# (L-A33540CC)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_get_operation_getcontentmoderation = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetFaceDetection (L-4E7ADAC1)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_get_operation_getfacedetection = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetFaceSearch (L-3B051C64)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_get_operation_getfacesearch = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetLabelDetection (L-5EAC8E57)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_get_operation_getlabeldetection = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetPersonTracking (L-71159A7C)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_get_operation_getpersontracking = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetSegmentDetection
# (L-F54C1CEA)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_get_operation_getsegmentdetection = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetTextDetection (L-5C10FBD9)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_get_operation_gettextdetection = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartCelebrityRecognition
# (L-08B7635A)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_start_operation_startcelebrityrecognition = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartContentModeration
# (L-E082B236)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_start_operation_startcontentmoderation = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartFaceDetection
# (L-AA48F869)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_start_operation_startfacedetection = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartFaceSearch (L-8CA99658)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_start_operation_startfacesearch = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartLabelDetection
# (L-FBD555BC)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_start_operation_startlabeldetection = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartPersonTracking
# (L-DFE4726A)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_start_operation_startpersontracking = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartSegmentDetection
# (L-55A22B20)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_start_operation_startsegmentdetection = null
# Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon
# Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartTextDetection
# (L-90C845BC)
rekognition_transactions_per_second_per_account_for_the_amazon_rekognition_video_stored_video_start_operation_starttextdetection = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of Application Components per application
# (L-0076B5C6)
resiliencehub_number_of_application_components_per_application = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of Application Components per resource
# (L-3DCDC079)
resiliencehub_number_of_application_components_per_resource = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of applications (L-CBE304D4)
resiliencehub_number_of_applications = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of assessments per application per month
# (L-BF1D24DC)
resiliencehub_number_of_assessments_per_application_per_month = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of AWS CloudFormation stacks to import
# (L-3D296B58)
resiliencehub_number_of_aws_cloudformation_stacks_to_import = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of EKS clusters to import (L-013E1BB6)
resiliencehub_number_of_eks_clusters_to_import = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of namespaces to import for an EKS cluster
# (L-6BE17D5B)
resiliencehub_number_of_namespaces_to_import_for_an_eks_cluster = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of recommendation templates per
# application per month (L-37EF5CB4)
resiliencehub_number_of_recommendation_templates_per_application_per_month = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of Resiliency Policies (L-F9AC239A)
resiliencehub_number_of_resiliency_policies = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of resources per application (L-5EC6916A)
resiliencehub_number_of_resources_per_application = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of Terraform state files to import
# (L-CEF638A1)
resiliencehub_number_of_terraform_state_files_to_import = null
# Quota for [resiliencehub]: Terraform state file maximum size (L-D41E7350)
resiliencehub_terraform_state_file_maximum_size = null
# Quota for [resource-explorer-2]: Aggregator Region search monthly quota
# (L-A28429E9)
resource_explorer_2_aggregator_region_search_monthly_quota = null
# Quota for [resource-explorer-2]: Non-aggregator Region search monthly quota
# (L-C5E31461)
resource_explorer_2_non_aggregator_region_search_monthly_quota = null
# Quota for [resource-explorer-2]: Search TPS quota (L-0C73063D)
resource_explorer_2_search_tps_quota = null
# Quota for [resource-groups]: Resource groups per account (L-2BAA18A0)
resource_groups_resource_groups_per_account = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Concurrent deployment jobs (L-15E423AD)
robomaker_concurrent_deployment_jobs = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Concurrent GPU simulation jobs (L-61591119)
robomaker_concurrent_gpu_simulation_jobs = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Concurrent simulation job batches (L-6CFB8C09)
robomaker_concurrent_simulation_job_batches = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Concurrent simulation jobs (L-FE0C173F)
robomaker_concurrent_simulation_jobs = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Concurrent World Export Jobs (L-B47404F4)
robomaker_concurrent_world_export_jobs = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Concurrent World Generation Jobs (L-7651BB34)
robomaker_concurrent_world_generation_jobs = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Fleets (L-19B1F5F2)
robomaker_fleets = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Robot applications (L-E5D0EA7D)
robomaker_robot_applications = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Robots (L-40FACCBF)
robomaker_robots = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Robots per fleet (L-275E9052)
robomaker_robots_per_fleet = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Simulation applications (L-D6554FB1)
robomaker_simulation_applications = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Simulation job requests per batch (L-949954FD)
robomaker_simulation_job_requests_per_batch = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Versions per robot application (L-AE5043DD)
robomaker_versions_per_robot_application = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: Versions per simulation application (L-4D288B5C)
robomaker_versions_per_simulation_application = null
# Quota for [robomaker]: World Templates Per Account (L-C2C8236B)
robomaker_world_templates_per_account = null
# Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Combined rate of CRL requests (L-0017E049)
rolesanywhere_combined_rate_of_crl_requests = null
# Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Combined rate of profile requests (L-F8680437)
rolesanywhere_combined_rate_of_profile_requests = null
# Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Combined rate of subject requests (L-1A26F220)
rolesanywhere_combined_rate_of_subject_requests = null
# Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Combined rate of tagging requests (L-BCE17F1C)
rolesanywhere_combined_rate_of_tagging_requests = null
# Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Combined rate of trust anchor requests
# (L-E7B077D9)
rolesanywhere_combined_rate_of_trust_anchor_requests = null
# Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Profiles (L-950ED79F)
rolesanywhere_profiles = null
# Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Rate of CreateSession requests (L-A9D9612A)
rolesanywhere_rate_of_createsession_requests = null
# Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Trust anchors (L-AB49EEA7)
rolesanywhere_trust_anchors = null
# Quota for [route53]: Amazon VPCs that you can associate with a private
# hosted zone (L-84B40094)
route53_amazon_vpcs_that_you_can_associate_with_a_private_hosted_zone = null
# Quota for [route53]: CIDR blocks per collection (L-945D15E5)
route53_cidr_blocks_per_collection = null
# Quota for [route53]: CIDR collections (L-AD61772F)
route53_cidr_collections = null
# Quota for [route53]: Domain count limit (L-F767CB15)
route53_domain_count_limit = null
# Quota for [route53]: Health checks (L-ACB674F3)
route53_health_checks = null
# Quota for [route53]: Hosted zones (L-4EA4796A)
route53_hosted_zones = null
# Quota for [route53]: Hosted zones that can use the same reusable delegation
# set (L-FF06D527)
route53_hosted_zones_that_can_use_the_same_reusable_delegation_set = null
# Quota for [route53]: Records per hosted zone (L-E209CC9F)
route53_records_per_hosted_zone = null
# Quota for [route53]: Reusable delegation sets (L-A72C7724)
route53_reusable_delegation_sets = null
# Quota for [route53]: Traffic flow policies (L-FC688E7C)
route53_traffic_flow_policies = null
# Quota for [route53]: Traffic flow policy records (L-628D5A56)
route53_traffic_flow_policy_records = null
# Quota for [route53resolver]: Associations between resolver rules and VPCs
# per AWS Region (L-94E19253)
route53resolver_associations_between_resolver_rules_and_vpcs_per_aws_region = null
# Quota for [route53resolver]: DNS Firewall rules groups per Region
# (L-02CC8B74)
route53resolver_dns_firewall_rules_groups_per_region = null
# Quota for [route53resolver]: Domain lists per account (L-9FA3C0A4)
route53resolver_domain_lists_per_account = null
# Quota for [route53resolver]: Domains in a file imported from S3 (L-1B2BDF0A)
route53resolver_domains_in_a_file_imported_from_s3 = null
# Quota for [route53resolver]: Domains per account (L-740A4B31)
route53resolver_domains_per_account = null
# Quota for [route53resolver]: IP addresses per resolver endpoint (L-D2FE9758)
route53resolver_ip_addresses_per_resolver_endpoint = null
# Quota for [route53resolver]: Maximum number of resolver endpoints per AWS
# Region (L-4A669CC0)
route53resolver_maximum_number_of_resolver_endpoints_per_aws_region = null
# Quota for [route53resolver]: Resolver rules per AWS Region (L-51D8A1FB)
route53resolver_resolver_rules_per_aws_region = null
# Quota for [route53resolver]: Rules in a DNS Firewall rule group (L-F763F4D9)
route53resolver_rules_in_a_dns_firewall_rule_group = null
# Quota for [rum]: RUM AppMonitors (L-3FB7EA17)
rum_rum_appmonitors = null
# Quota for [rum]: RUM Events per second per AWS Account (L-35851224)
rum_rum_events_per_second_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [s3]: Access Points (L-FAABEEBA)
s3_access_points = null
# Quota for [s3]: Directory buckets (L-775A314D)
s3_directory_buckets = null
# Quota for [s3]: General purpose buckets (L-DC2B2D3D)
s3_general_purpose_buckets = null
# Quota for [s3]: Replication Destinations (L-1A9B467F)
s3_replication_destinations = null
# Quota for [s3]: Replication transfer rate (L-349AD9CA)
s3_replication_transfer_rate = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Canvas Apps running on ml.m5.4xlarge instances
# (L-23A89612)
sagemaker_canvas_apps_running_on_ml_m5_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Canvas Apps running on system instances (L-65D1CFE4)
sagemaker_canvas_apps_running_on_system_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Longest run time for a training job (L-33A961FD)
sagemaker_longest_run_time_for_a_training_job = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number instances allowed per SageMaker
# HyperPod cluster (L-2CE978FC)
sagemaker_maximum_number_instances_allowed_per_sagemaker_hyperpod_cluster = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of A2I flow definitions (L-73C1B556)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_a2i_flow_definitions = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of A2I human task UIs (L-3036C9CA)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_a2i_human_task_uis = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of concurrent AutoML Jobs (L-CFC2D5B6)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_concurrent_automl_jobs = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of concurrent pipeline executions
# allowed per account (L-F88776CD)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_concurrent_pipeline_executions_allowed_per_account = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of concurrently running model card
# export jobs allowed per account. (L-860ED60D)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_concurrently_running_model_card_export_jobs_allowed_per_account_ = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of deployment plans that can be
# simultaneously created (L-A9A47E0F)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_deployment_plans_that_can_be_simultaneously_created = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of device-fleets (L-384D4DB3)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_device_fleets = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of devices (L-987E0769)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_devices = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of Ground Truth labeling jobs
# (L-150039CA)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_ground_truth_labeling_jobs = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of Ground Truth Streaming labeling
# jobs (L-C3E706F6)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_ground_truth_streaming_labeling_jobs = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of instances per endpoint (L-ED8DEE9B)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_instances_per_endpoint = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of instances per spot training job
# (L-DB62C864)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_instances_per_spot_training_job = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of instances per training job
# (L-622CFD70)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_instances_per_training_job = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of model card versions allowed per
# account. (L-EF24FBDB)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_model_card_versions_allowed_per_account_ = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of parallel compilation jobs
# (L-F0067944)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_parallel_compilation_jobs = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of parallel edge-deployments
# (L-9D69F80D)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_parallel_edge_deployments = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of parallel edge-packaging jobs
# (L-4C681076)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_parallel_edge_packaging_jobs = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of pipelines allowed per account
# (L-E8EADE50)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_pipelines_allowed_per_account = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of running Studio apps allowed per
# account (L-4E39DDC4)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_running_studio_apps_allowed_per_account = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of SageMaker Model Package allowed per
# account (L-9A82FBCA)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_sagemaker_model_package_allowed_per_account = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of SageMaker Model Package Groups
# allowed per account (L-BC8DC54C)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_sagemaker_model_package_groups_allowed_per_account = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of SageMakerImage images allowed per
# account (L-DDDC1D15)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_sagemakerimage_images_allowed_per_account = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of serverless endpoints (L-99AD19BF)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_serverless_endpoints = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of Studio spaces allowed per account
# (L-8E5333B4)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_studio_spaces_allowed_per_account = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of Studio user profiles allowed per
# account (L-AC46C40F)
sagemaker_maximum_number_of_studio_user_profiles_allowed_per_account = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum total concurrency that can be allocated
# across all serverless endpoints (L-96300102)
sagemaker_maximum_total_concurrency_that_can_be_allocated_across_all_serverless_endpoints = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-54106F23)
sagemaker_ml_c4_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-A028E7A2)
sagemaker_ml_c4_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-50AA109F)
sagemaker_ml_c4_2xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-978CD7EC)
sagemaker_ml_c4_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.2xlarge for training job usage (L-C5B4EE09)
sagemaker_ml_c4_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-72EF9D60)
sagemaker_ml_c4_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.2xlarge for transform job usage (L-589B0DBC)
sagemaker_ml_c4_2xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-605A110B)
sagemaker_ml_c4_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.4xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-27768634)
sagemaker_ml_c4_4xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.4xlarge for processing job usage (L-6F6C723E)
sagemaker_ml_c4_4xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.4xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-C087612A)
sagemaker_ml_c4_4xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.4xlarge for training job usage (L-505634D0)
sagemaker_ml_c4_4xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.4xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-FBB7E9CB)
sagemaker_ml_c4_4xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.4xlarge for transform job usage (L-90765203)
sagemaker_ml_c4_4xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DF052B7B)
sagemaker_ml_c4_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.8xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-D0B132AA)
sagemaker_ml_c4_8xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.8xlarge for processing job usage (L-58B96098)
sagemaker_ml_c4_8xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.8xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-C5B2C408)
sagemaker_ml_c4_8xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.8xlarge for training job usage (L-6BE85179)
sagemaker_ml_c4_8xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.8xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-8B308035)
sagemaker_ml_c4_8xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.8xlarge for transform job usage (L-334DC079)
sagemaker_ml_c4_8xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.large for endpoint usage (L-6DF60D19)
sagemaker_ml_c4_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-F8C60E1D)
sagemaker_ml_c4_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-786E9B47)
sagemaker_ml_c4_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.xlarge for processing job usage (L-2BAB231B)
sagemaker_ml_c4_xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-9BA5373F)
sagemaker_ml_c4_xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.xlarge for training job usage (L-85D4BAF3)
sagemaker_ml_c4_xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-1DA286AA)
sagemaker_ml_c4_xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.xlarge for transform job usage (L-E3C0D615)
sagemaker_ml_c4_xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.12xlarge for cluster usage (L-15BCD638)
sagemaker_ml_c5_12xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DD50A8E1)
sagemaker_ml_c5_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for cluster usage (L-819B4B27)
sagemaker_ml_c5_18xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for endpoint usage (L-409A03CD)
sagemaker_ml_c5_18xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-EF662387)
sagemaker_ml_c5_18xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for processing job usage (L-2D8CD70A)
sagemaker_ml_c5_18xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-239B242B)
sagemaker_ml_c5_18xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for training job usage (L-81482A8C)
sagemaker_ml_c5_18xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-C8044861)
sagemaker_ml_c5_18xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for transform job usage (L-B538D5DB)
sagemaker_ml_c5_18xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.24xlarge for cluster usage (L-40F00B06)
sagemaker_ml_c5_24xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B5714749)
sagemaker_ml_c5_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for cluster usage (L-539D704C)
sagemaker_ml_c5_2xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E091038E)
sagemaker_ml_c5_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-5F356922)
sagemaker_ml_c5_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-C1EBA9C5)
sagemaker_ml_c5_2xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-4581C083)
sagemaker_ml_c5_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for training job usage (L-49679826)
sagemaker_ml_c5_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-0D58D77C)
sagemaker_ml_c5_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for transform job usage (L-9215A13F)
sagemaker_ml_c5_2xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for cluster usage (L-3A6AD204)
sagemaker_ml_c5_4xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-FEF755D6)
sagemaker_ml_c5_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-96B75525)
sagemaker_ml_c5_4xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for processing job usage (L-EFB2F063)
sagemaker_ml_c5_4xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-36C5FA8E)
sagemaker_ml_c5_4xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for training job usage (L-E7898792)
sagemaker_ml_c5_4xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-7BDD9EA3)
sagemaker_ml_c5_4xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for transform job usage (L-98742DAD)
sagemaker_ml_c5_4xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for cluster usage (L-9AD1D725)
sagemaker_ml_c5_9xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C15ACFF4)
sagemaker_ml_c5_9xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-B5F303BE)
sagemaker_ml_c5_9xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for processing job usage (L-945D1F1D)
sagemaker_ml_c5_9xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-A2512F8F)
sagemaker_ml_c5_9xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for training job usage (L-2BE095E2)
sagemaker_ml_c5_9xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-ABFCF5A2)
sagemaker_ml_c5_9xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for transform job usage (L-2441079A)
sagemaker_ml_c5_9xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.large for cluster usage (L-B644CD97)
sagemaker_ml_c5_large_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.large for endpoint usage (L-4D27DFDD)
sagemaker_ml_c5_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for cluster usage (L-AD3B35FF)
sagemaker_ml_c5_xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E9EE5599)
sagemaker_ml_c5_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-39F5FD98)
sagemaker_ml_c5_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for processing job usage (L-486519E6)
sagemaker_ml_c5_xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-6FA0D387)
sagemaker_ml_c5_xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for training job usage (L-E2BB44FE)
sagemaker_ml_c5_xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-F978BE20)
sagemaker_ml_c5_xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for transform job usage (L-09C9B23C)
sagemaker_ml_c5_xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.18xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6A6E4B44)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_18xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.18xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-6C73443F)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_18xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-529E971B)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-FF78806F)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-A06D6E01)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.4xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-484388A9)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_4xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.9xlarge for endpoint usage (L-50755EC1)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_9xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.9xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-9944ECC4)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_9xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.large for endpoint usage (L-919688C1)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-F30D287E)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-4E9EE949)
sagemaker_ml_c5d_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.18xlarge for cluster usage (L-D8A40472)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_18xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.18xlarge for endpoint usage (L-14AB3D09)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_18xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.18xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-266C4F52)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_18xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.18xlarge for training job usage (L-A1E21094)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_18xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.18xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-566A905C)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_18xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.2xlarge for cluster usage (L-7064D1BA)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_2xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DDF361A9)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-C1E6B202)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.2xlarge for training job usage (L-D04B88E2)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-2952557B)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.4xlarge for cluster usage (L-DC93118C)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_4xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-2693C7B9)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.4xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-37059D02)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_4xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.4xlarge for training job usage (L-E215EF33)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_4xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.4xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-4A423436)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_4xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.9xlarge for cluster usage (L-1B687CD5)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_9xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.9xlarge for endpoint usage (L-124679C5)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_9xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.9xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-D144443B)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_9xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.9xlarge for training job usage (L-D0327E29)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_9xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.9xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-FDD19E2A)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_9xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.large for cluster usage (L-551F1065)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_large_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.large for endpoint usage (L-0F4F99A1)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B3A1B2F7)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-DD508305)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.xlarge for training job usage (L-04CD765C)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-8A72B806)
sagemaker_ml_c5n_xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6g.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-35E5433E)
sagemaker_ml_c6g_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6g.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-60986E7E)
sagemaker_ml_c6g_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6g.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B87A968D)
sagemaker_ml_c6g_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6g.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-4C2FABCC)
sagemaker_ml_c6g_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6g.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6D865216)
sagemaker_ml_c6g_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6g.large for endpoint usage (L-4E81EEAC)
sagemaker_ml_c6g_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6g.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-525AAB0A)
sagemaker_ml_c6g_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gd.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-CCE6D1FE)
sagemaker_ml_c6gd_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gd.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-018036DB)
sagemaker_ml_c6gd_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gd.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-FD9E9507)
sagemaker_ml_c6gd_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gd.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C4B5BAD2)
sagemaker_ml_c6gd_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gd.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-4027057F)
sagemaker_ml_c6gd_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gd.large for endpoint usage (L-C10DAD58)
sagemaker_ml_c6gd_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gd.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-EDFF07E7)
sagemaker_ml_c6gd_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gn.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-78B3DA25)
sagemaker_ml_c6gn_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gn.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E9BB87E2)
sagemaker_ml_c6gn_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gn.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-5F238DF4)
sagemaker_ml_c6gn_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gn.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DA37C575)
sagemaker_ml_c6gn_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gn.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DB5B82A8)
sagemaker_ml_c6gn_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gn.large for endpoint usage (L-941884ED)
sagemaker_ml_c6gn_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gn.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-754870FD)
sagemaker_ml_c6gn_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-2AD0234B)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.12xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-DD42D93D)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_12xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.12xlarge for training job usage (L-81AF96F3)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_12xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.12xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-51467CBD)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_12xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-FE72E327)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.16xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-0C0D9F82)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_16xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.16xlarge for training job usage (L-090C5671)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_16xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.16xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-5D454ED8)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_16xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-9A32E51C)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.24xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-1B7024B2)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_24xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.24xlarge for training job usage (L-DE22CE7F)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_24xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.24xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-CF4F44AD)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_24xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-4FDB33AC)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-8BB74069)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.2xlarge for training job usage (L-536D2DD2)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-C1971434)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.32xlarge for endpoint usage (L-769D172E)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_32xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.32xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-B9D177E1)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_32xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.32xlarge for training job usage (L-D8FA228C)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_32xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.32xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-7B64C2AB)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_32xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B5612E02)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.4xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-017831D5)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_4xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.4xlarge for training job usage (L-4A20E33E)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_4xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.4xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-2B1E88AF)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_4xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-18904FF8)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.8xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-6DA79B36)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_8xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.8xlarge for training job usage (L-845DE61C)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_8xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.8xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-F361CE98)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_8xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.large for endpoint usage (L-3C2EBC55)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-28FF72CA)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-6074B0D4)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.xlarge for training job usage (L-D526E050)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-75B2C685)
sagemaker_ml_c6i_xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7g.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-57850F1B)
sagemaker_ml_c7g_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7g.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-A7E8B111)
sagemaker_ml_c7g_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7g.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-85DBDADC)
sagemaker_ml_c7g_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7g.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-52FB7989)
sagemaker_ml_c7g_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7g.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-52008469)
sagemaker_ml_c7g_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7g.large for endpoint usage (L-3F48ACC6)
sagemaker_ml_c7g_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7g.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-4A5B28AA)
sagemaker_ml_c7g_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-D98C40FA)
sagemaker_ml_c7i_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-4B9D3092)
sagemaker_ml_c7i_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B78A48C6)
sagemaker_ml_c7i_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-41DD34AF)
sagemaker_ml_c7i_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.48xlarge for endpoint usage (L-176880B1)
sagemaker_ml_c7i_48xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-8C4E467D)
sagemaker_ml_c7i_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DD693DF2)
sagemaker_ml_c7i_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.large for endpoint usage (L-9FCA2A26)
sagemaker_ml_c7i_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-9A5FC4CF)
sagemaker_ml_c7i_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.eia1.large for endpoint usage (L-58672BCE)
sagemaker_ml_eia1_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.eia1.medium for endpoint usage (L-01E4E529)
sagemaker_ml_eia1_medium_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.eia1.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-8D013305)
sagemaker_ml_eia1_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.eia2.large for endpoint usage (L-9E017069)
sagemaker_ml_eia2_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.eia2.medium for endpoint usage (L-77C35A0F)
sagemaker_ml_eia2_medium_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.eia2.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-448C2416)
sagemaker_ml_eia2_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for cluster usage (L-ED8F1994)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-07BEB181)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-47461EBA)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for processing job usage
# (L-6C7C4F4E)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-199558F0)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for training job usage (L-7BD2C9FA)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-CB4A3655)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for transform job usage (L-BA5C7A54)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for cluster usage (L-B6A7569B)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-8679F6F3)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-64067773)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for processing job usage
# (L-47F095C9)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-AD4C1352)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for training job usage (L-57998C77)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-C960C80D)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for transform job usage (L-D79647DB)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for cluster usage (L-FDB7A21A)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-EA346344)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-1C2E1B03)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-41C11899)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-0496610F)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for training job usage (L-C2495BC4)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-C35F807B)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for transform job usage (L-180A6F2D)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for cluster usage (L-762E95F4)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-31522FA6)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-529379E4)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for processing job usage (L-B1C4D018)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-246C5638)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for training job usage (L-2908B1E9)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-3408A20D)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for transform job usage (L-EAB0CBAB)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for cluster usage (L-96866D65)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-7D28AD75)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-C2F8103D)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for processing job usage (L-9C72BEE2)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-15F329FB)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for training job usage (L-3118B7E1)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-769E114F)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for transform job usage (L-213CD3BC)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for cluster usage (L-31C211B7)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B67CFA0C)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-D8B97089)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for processing job usage (L-2F1EB012)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-944F78BB)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for training job usage (L-3F53BF0F)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-955074FD)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for transform job usage (L-4C5C5CA8)
sagemaker_ml_g4dn_xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.12xlarge for cluster usage (L-24E5A1B2)
sagemaker_ml_g5_12xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-65C4BD00)
sagemaker_ml_g5_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.12xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-EC374A06)
sagemaker_ml_g5_12xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.12xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-03E19172)
sagemaker_ml_g5_12xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.12xlarge for training job usage (L-C6383286)
sagemaker_ml_g5_12xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.12xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-29508C65)
sagemaker_ml_g5_12xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.16xlarge for cluster usage (L-86822EDB)
sagemaker_ml_g5_16xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-962705EA)
sagemaker_ml_g5_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.16xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-001EDCEF)
sagemaker_ml_g5_16xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.16xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-E3DCB664)
sagemaker_ml_g5_16xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.16xlarge for training job usage (L-9FAC65F7)
sagemaker_ml_g5_16xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.16xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-F6B8A3A3)
sagemaker_ml_g5_16xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.24xlarge for cluster usage (L-EED7F51C)
sagemaker_ml_g5_24xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6821867B)
sagemaker_ml_g5_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.24xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-4ACAC7A4)
sagemaker_ml_g5_24xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.24xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-8345B953)
sagemaker_ml_g5_24xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.24xlarge for training job usage (L-ED7BD217)
sagemaker_ml_g5_24xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.24xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-6F46EF71)
sagemaker_ml_g5_24xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.2xlarge for cluster usage (L-596C3331)
sagemaker_ml_g5_2xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-9614C779)
sagemaker_ml_g5_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-19973BE2)
sagemaker_ml_g5_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-CAEE7DB7)
sagemaker_ml_g5_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.2xlarge for training job usage (L-2D6DEB3C)
sagemaker_ml_g5_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-822C5A39)
sagemaker_ml_g5_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.48xlarge for cluster usage (L-D7D95295)
sagemaker_ml_g5_48xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.48xlarge for endpoint usage (L-0100B823)
sagemaker_ml_g5_48xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.48xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-D266139B)
sagemaker_ml_g5_48xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.48xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-C87FF004)
sagemaker_ml_g5_48xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.48xlarge for training job usage (L-6BC98A55)
sagemaker_ml_g5_48xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.48xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-7D217E5D)
sagemaker_ml_g5_48xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.4xlarge for cluster usage (L-8A6C3F0E)
sagemaker_ml_g5_4xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C1B9A48D)
sagemaker_ml_g5_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.4xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-127D4C65)
sagemaker_ml_g5_4xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.4xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-DB4D51CF)
sagemaker_ml_g5_4xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.4xlarge for training job usage (L-FE869B40)
sagemaker_ml_g5_4xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.4xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-88E48241)
sagemaker_ml_g5_4xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.8xlarge for cluster usage (L-1619F5B7)
sagemaker_ml_g5_8xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-065D610E)
sagemaker_ml_g5_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.8xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-5D8382CB)
sagemaker_ml_g5_8xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.8xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-DD18D5D6)
sagemaker_ml_g5_8xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.8xlarge for training job usage (L-43F5FC95)
sagemaker_ml_g5_8xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.8xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-40E8018C)
sagemaker_ml_g5_8xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.xlarge for cluster usage (L-4645950E)
sagemaker_ml_g5_xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-1928E07B)
sagemaker_ml_g5_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-E8917BB7)
sagemaker_ml_g5_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-DE07CBDF)
sagemaker_ml_g5_xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.xlarge for training job usage (L-B6D80D9C)
sagemaker_ml_g5_xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-8E6F4665)
sagemaker_ml_g5_xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-F971E784)
sagemaker_ml_inf1_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.24xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-2B2F8466)
sagemaker_ml_inf1_24xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-495AAEE0)
sagemaker_ml_inf1_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-23F5AC7E)
sagemaker_ml_inf1_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.6xlarge for endpoint usage (L-574C8A05)
sagemaker_ml_inf1_6xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.6xlarge for notebook instance usage
sagemaker_ml_inf1_6xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B2B3BA64)
sagemaker_ml_inf1_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-434233AD)
sagemaker_ml_inf1_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf2.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-9C39178F)
sagemaker_ml_inf2_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf2.48xlarge for endpoint usage (L-286C98BC)
sagemaker_ml_inf2_48xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf2.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-F761337C)
sagemaker_ml_inf2_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf2.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C8AB7CDA)
sagemaker_ml_inf2_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.10xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C4008A6B)
sagemaker_ml_m4_10xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.10xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-CEEF9A6E)
sagemaker_ml_m4_10xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.10xlarge for processing job usage (L-BB72E7FA)
sagemaker_ml_m4_10xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.10xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-C17B05C4)
sagemaker_ml_m4_10xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.10xlarge for training job usage (L-D35E48B2)
sagemaker_ml_m4_10xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.10xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-1BF9151C)
sagemaker_ml_m4_10xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.10xlarge for transform job usage (L-63443CBC)
sagemaker_ml_m4_10xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-BCA7D0DE)
sagemaker_ml_m4_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.16xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-85E60595)
sagemaker_ml_m4_16xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.16xlarge for processing job usage (L-ED93A43F)
sagemaker_ml_m4_16xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.16xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-A50827DD)
sagemaker_ml_m4_16xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.16xlarge for training job usage (L-D7CE983F)
sagemaker_ml_m4_16xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.16xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-F4F08D88)
sagemaker_ml_m4_16xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.16xlarge for transform job usage (L-7FEDBA4C)
sagemaker_ml_m4_16xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6198DF25)
sagemaker_ml_m4_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-CE6894AA)
sagemaker_ml_m4_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-0309C694)
sagemaker_ml_m4_2xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-FE159C34)
sagemaker_ml_m4_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.2xlarge for training job usage (L-D589112D)
sagemaker_ml_m4_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-E312D77E)
sagemaker_ml_m4_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.2xlarge for transform job usage (L-5B86ED31)
sagemaker_ml_m4_2xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-3727EAE2)
sagemaker_ml_m4_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.4xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-BE78F29C)
sagemaker_ml_m4_4xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.4xlarge for processing job usage (L-B3FC00CD)
sagemaker_ml_m4_4xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.4xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-D7D166A0)
sagemaker_ml_m4_4xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.4xlarge for training job usage (L-E60A61DF)
sagemaker_ml_m4_4xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.4xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-CF81ED81)
sagemaker_ml_m4_4xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.4xlarge for transform job usage (L-5F5255E9)
sagemaker_ml_m4_4xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-97CF11BE)
sagemaker_ml_m4_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-E1249695)
sagemaker_ml_m4_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.xlarge for processing job usage (L-F97C6864)
sagemaker_ml_m4_xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-2ECAA15F)
sagemaker_ml_m4_xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.xlarge for training job usage (L-A373146E)
sagemaker_ml_m4_xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.xlarge for training warm pool usage
sagemaker_ml_m4_xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.xlarge for transform job usage (L-DAB6AA41)
sagemaker_ml_m4_xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for cluster usage (L-E2A0AC0F)
sagemaker_ml_m5_12xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-A9F2A8B3)
sagemaker_ml_m5_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-9AD04286)
sagemaker_ml_m5_12xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for processing job usage (L-BC1C7D38)
sagemaker_ml_m5_12xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-29B03627)
sagemaker_ml_m5_12xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for training job usage (L-6F6C8949)
sagemaker_ml_m5_12xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-34594662)
sagemaker_ml_m5_12xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for transform job usage (L-76A7309C)
sagemaker_ml_m5_12xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.16xlarge for cluster usage (L-048C491E)
sagemaker_ml_m5_16xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-54462FCC)
sagemaker_ml_m5_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for cluster usage (L-B232DF69)
sagemaker_ml_m5_24xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-329751EB)
sagemaker_ml_m5_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-BD97DD7F)
sagemaker_ml_m5_24xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for processing job usage (L-E2E903C6)
sagemaker_ml_m5_24xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-D0EA3DC8)
sagemaker_ml_m5_24xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for training job usage (L-56C564CA)
sagemaker_ml_m5_24xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-B21D8B36)
sagemaker_ml_m5_24xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for transform job usage (L-5F2D4124)
sagemaker_ml_m5_24xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for cluster usage (L-60995545)
sagemaker_ml_m5_2xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C88C8F13)
sagemaker_ml_m5_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-95E39457)
sagemaker_ml_m5_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-1D84B9D2)
sagemaker_ml_m5_2xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-4A823FAB)
sagemaker_ml_m5_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for training job usage (L-AD0A282D)
sagemaker_ml_m5_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-1686EE8B)
sagemaker_ml_m5_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for transform job usage (L-F5689004)
sagemaker_ml_m5_2xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for cluster usage (L-24520F3F)
sagemaker_ml_m5_4xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E2649D46)
sagemaker_ml_m5_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-862C1E14)
sagemaker_ml_m5_4xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for processing job usage (L-379E85A3)
sagemaker_ml_m5_4xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-2A6ACFF7)
sagemaker_ml_m5_4xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for training job usage (L-AFB011B4)
sagemaker_ml_m5_4xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-03767DF9)
sagemaker_ml_m5_4xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for transform job usage (L-3E1C9273)
sagemaker_ml_m5_4xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.8xlarge for cluster usage (L-5C47EA70)
sagemaker_ml_m5_8xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-92566F3C)
sagemaker_ml_m5_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.large for cluster usage (L-E64F3C7F)
sagemaker_ml_m5_large_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.large for endpoint usage (L-614B09FD)
sagemaker_ml_m5_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.large for processing job usage (L-8541302D)
sagemaker_ml_m5_large_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.large for spot training job usage (L-29688C85)
sagemaker_ml_m5_large_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.large for training job usage (L-611FA074)
sagemaker_ml_m5_large_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.large for training warm pool usage (L-2DD73636)
sagemaker_ml_m5_large_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.large for transform job usage (L-236AE59F)
sagemaker_ml_m5_large_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for cluster usage (L-E9225B85)
sagemaker_ml_m5_xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-2F737F8D)
sagemaker_ml_m5_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-76AB2C05)
sagemaker_ml_m5_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for processing job usage (L-0307F515)
sagemaker_ml_m5_xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-4CEE6BA6)
sagemaker_ml_m5_xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for training job usage (L-CCE2AFA6)
sagemaker_ml_m5_xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-0BEF44E8)
sagemaker_ml_m5_xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for transform job usage (L-7939E4EC)
sagemaker_ml_m5_xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B7AC53F5)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.12xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-1DD0FB59)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_12xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-F6E740CB)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.16xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-26EB4EC7)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_16xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-24B12C23)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.24xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-956703D9)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_24xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-8F28AFFB)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-6829423A)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-2BF1C629)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.4xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-EDE09F63)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_4xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-A7702AF9)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.8xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-AEB45880)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_8xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.large for endpoint usage (L-98F45D48)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.large for notebook instance usage (L-195A207B)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_large_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-3E65B286)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-7AA0FEE8)
sagemaker_ml_m5d_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-5EF89E74)
sagemaker_ml_m5dn_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-D075BB65)
sagemaker_ml_m5dn_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-62190228)
sagemaker_ml_m5dn_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DCC57354)
sagemaker_ml_m5dn_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-EC92C7B3)
sagemaker_ml_m5dn_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-178948BA)
sagemaker_ml_m5dn_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.large for endpoint usage (L-7597F90B)
sagemaker_ml_m5dn_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-D16917AC)
sagemaker_ml_m5dn_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DEF2CD40)
sagemaker_ml_m5n_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-2B921E27)
sagemaker_ml_m5n_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-A2C9F8F4)
sagemaker_ml_m5n_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-F8B07B25)
sagemaker_ml_m5n_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-63D6BD37)
sagemaker_ml_m5n_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-1F61C5BC)
sagemaker_ml_m5n_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.large for endpoint usage (L-AD7FD6A6)
sagemaker_ml_m5n_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-943961F3)
sagemaker_ml_m5n_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6g.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-9D10CA98)
sagemaker_ml_m6g_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6g.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-AF1BC9E1)
sagemaker_ml_m6g_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6g.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-BCBC84AA)
sagemaker_ml_m6g_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6g.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-8EE25AE3)
sagemaker_ml_m6g_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6g.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DE9841A6)
sagemaker_ml_m6g_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6g.large for endpoint usage (L-C1E62DF0)
sagemaker_ml_m6g_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6g.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-2D2AAC6C)
sagemaker_ml_m6g_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6gd.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B25B9B93)
sagemaker_ml_m6gd_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6gd.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B46EE84C)
sagemaker_ml_m6gd_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6gd.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-AB53E0CA)
sagemaker_ml_m6gd_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6gd.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-CCA2CA42)
sagemaker_ml_m6gd_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6gd.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-95B12835)
sagemaker_ml_m6gd_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6gd.large for endpoint usage (L-1630284B)
sagemaker_ml_m6gd_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6gd.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-4F185009)
sagemaker_ml_m6gd_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.12xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-EF089D40)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_12xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.12xlarge for training job usage (L-8716E6AE)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_12xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.12xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-4FC79063)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_12xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.16xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-614CBE09)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_16xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.16xlarge for training job usage (L-7412F8CF)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_16xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.16xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-8C9D5748)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_16xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.24xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-24B0ADC0)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_24xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.24xlarge for training job usage (L-9778E614)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_24xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.24xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-2C080D31)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_24xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-39DC8B41)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.2xlarge for training job usage (L-AE3447AD)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-D1BB9472)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.32xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-843BE5AB)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_32xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.32xlarge for training job usage (L-6F01766F)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_32xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.32xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-699A2417)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_32xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.4xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-59C3957D)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_4xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.4xlarge for training job usage (L-AE93C70E)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_4xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.4xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-F1B1085A)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_4xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.8xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-7B628106)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_8xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.8xlarge for training job usage (L-964887D9)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_8xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.8xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-52A56414)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_8xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.large for spot training job usage (L-7E503C5F)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_large_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.large for training job usage (L-514B50A3)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_large_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.large for training warm pool usage
# (L-9D578B5E)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_large_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-3597CD5B)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.xlarge for training job usage (L-3A218EBD)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-CD3B6B80)
sagemaker_ml_m6i_xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-0AFA3D20)
sagemaker_ml_m7i_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6F258322)
sagemaker_ml_m7i_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C473817C)
sagemaker_ml_m7i_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6C9165E8)
sagemaker_ml_m7i_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.48xlarge for endpoint usage (L-452C73A2)
sagemaker_ml_m7i_48xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-80F387A8)
sagemaker_ml_m7i_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-AE505887)
sagemaker_ml_m7i_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.large for endpoint usage (L-3E715088)
sagemaker_ml_m7i_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E793924B)
sagemaker_ml_m7i_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B638D452)
sagemaker_ml_p2_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.16xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-39F2D553)
sagemaker_ml_p2_16xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.16xlarge for processing job usage (L-756F8AFB)
sagemaker_ml_p2_16xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.16xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-2E99C6D1)
sagemaker_ml_p2_16xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.16xlarge for training job usage (L-7FC32A75)
sagemaker_ml_p2_16xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.16xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-2D3D338A)
sagemaker_ml_p2_16xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.16xlarge for transform job usage (L-1F6E213E)
sagemaker_ml_p2_16xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-BD0BDFDA)
sagemaker_ml_p2_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.8xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-AC3A6D59)
sagemaker_ml_p2_8xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.8xlarge for processing job usage (L-CA14F686)
sagemaker_ml_p2_8xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.8xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-ACF1D2B2)
sagemaker_ml_p2_8xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.8xlarge for training job usage (L-33BA8B57)
sagemaker_ml_p2_8xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.8xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-59DEBE1F)
sagemaker_ml_p2_8xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.8xlarge for transform job usage (L-0C630A26)
sagemaker_ml_p2_8xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-FD469689)
sagemaker_ml_p2_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-BBB3C62F)
sagemaker_ml_p2_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.xlarge for processing job usage (L-61E3D6FC)
sagemaker_ml_p2_xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-21545BA5)
sagemaker_ml_p2_xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.xlarge for training job usage (L-5585E645)
sagemaker_ml_p2_xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-6C5BAAA9)
sagemaker_ml_p2_xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.xlarge for transform job usage (L-89843D09)
sagemaker_ml_p2_xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6A85BC13)
sagemaker_ml_p3_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.16xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-4689E606)
sagemaker_ml_p3_16xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.16xlarge for processing job usage (L-C5621FC4)
sagemaker_ml_p3_16xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.16xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-D58A90BB)
sagemaker_ml_p3_16xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.16xlarge for training job usage (L-A99E0304)
sagemaker_ml_p3_16xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.16xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-763CF8E3)
sagemaker_ml_p3_16xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.16xlarge for transform job usage (L-A0B4500D)
sagemaker_ml_p3_16xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-1623D0BE)
sagemaker_ml_p3_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-1F4A5AAB)
sagemaker_ml_p3_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-0323EDB4)
sagemaker_ml_p3_2xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-2D4C6493)
sagemaker_ml_p3_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.2xlarge for training job usage (L-D438008E)
sagemaker_ml_p3_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-E3709F6E)
sagemaker_ml_p3_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.2xlarge for transform job usage (L-45F58E7E)
sagemaker_ml_p3_2xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-CB985DC5)
sagemaker_ml_p3_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.8xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-619D6E43)
sagemaker_ml_p3_8xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.8xlarge for processing job usage (L-23EDF20C)
sagemaker_ml_p3_8xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.8xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-0201B959)
sagemaker_ml_p3_8xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.8xlarge for training job usage (L-558F1246)
sagemaker_ml_p3_8xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.8xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-5CA5BEE6)
sagemaker_ml_p3_8xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.8xlarge for transform job usage (L-F93088C1)
sagemaker_ml_p3_8xlarge_for_transform_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3dn.24xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-2E21A1FA)
sagemaker_ml_p3dn_24xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3dn.24xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-477D3300)
sagemaker_ml_p3dn_24xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3dn.24xlarge for training job usage (L-8DCA2E97)
sagemaker_ml_p3dn_24xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3dn.24xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-D27958C4)
sagemaker_ml_p3dn_24xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4d.24xlarge for cluster usage (L-47E0BC8F)
sagemaker_ml_p4d_24xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4d.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-09F79647)
sagemaker_ml_p4d_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4d.24xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-4089485C)
sagemaker_ml_p4d_24xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4d.24xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-09D56C4F)
sagemaker_ml_p4d_24xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4d.24xlarge for training job usage (L-09B4A649)
sagemaker_ml_p4d_24xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4d.24xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-A8827666)
sagemaker_ml_p4d_24xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4de.24xlarge for cluster usage (L-BEF3120E)
sagemaker_ml_p4de_24xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4de.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-456B4C5F)
sagemaker_ml_p4de_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4de.24xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-6B0B7E9C)
sagemaker_ml_p4de_24xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p5.48xlarge for cluster usage (L-8762A75F)
sagemaker_ml_p5_48xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p5.48xlarge for endpoint usage (L-16AF71F1)
sagemaker_ml_p5_48xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p5.48xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-82733FAD)
sagemaker_ml_p5_48xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p5.48xlarge for training job usage (L-82E1C851)
sagemaker_ml_p5_48xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p5.48xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-5D321F81)
sagemaker_ml_p5_48xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-23FF30BF)
sagemaker_ml_r5_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.12xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-5869E902)
sagemaker_ml_r5_12xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.12xlarge for processing job usage (L-20546400)
sagemaker_ml_r5_12xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DCB12F9E)
sagemaker_ml_r5_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.16xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-924D392D)
sagemaker_ml_r5_16xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.16xlarge for processing job usage (L-06A1E8BB)
sagemaker_ml_r5_16xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B03C553E)
sagemaker_ml_r5_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.24xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-D7FF3362)
sagemaker_ml_r5_24xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.24xlarge for processing job usage (L-A28AF48F)
sagemaker_ml_r5_24xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-AA5E2462)
sagemaker_ml_r5_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-8CB23490)
sagemaker_ml_r5_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-F0132B48)
sagemaker_ml_r5_2xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DD362E80)
sagemaker_ml_r5_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.4xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-B74ED3C1)
sagemaker_ml_r5_4xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.4xlarge for processing job usage (L-E4F6EF77)
sagemaker_ml_r5_4xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-7DD21282)
sagemaker_ml_r5_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.8xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-DAE78A2A)
sagemaker_ml_r5_8xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.8xlarge for processing job usage (L-154D0022)
sagemaker_ml_r5_8xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.large for endpoint usage (L-B156D5EC)
sagemaker_ml_r5_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.large for notebook instance usage (L-8BED04E5)
sagemaker_ml_r5_large_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.large for processing job usage (L-43562353)
sagemaker_ml_r5_large_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-BCA2C892)
sagemaker_ml_r5_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-85870296)
sagemaker_ml_r5_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.xlarge for processing job usage (L-B2D8E643)
sagemaker_ml_r5_xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-283CDA96)
sagemaker_ml_r5d_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-CC329F7E)
sagemaker_ml_r5d_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-D71E726A)
sagemaker_ml_r5d_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-A40ED4BA)
sagemaker_ml_r5d_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C4DFBAA1)
sagemaker_ml_r5d_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-17BBB387)
sagemaker_ml_r5d_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.large for endpoint usage (L-E0299BF7)
sagemaker_ml_r5d_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-37CA4776)
sagemaker_ml_r5d_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-599D6573)
sagemaker_ml_r5dn_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-1DA91421)
sagemaker_ml_r5dn_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-FF424265)
sagemaker_ml_r5dn_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DDD9E4D2)
sagemaker_ml_r5dn_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DDDCDBAA)
sagemaker_ml_r5dn_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E8AF0CC9)
sagemaker_ml_r5dn_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.large for endpoint usage (L-842D5E10)
sagemaker_ml_r5dn_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-48F0F627)
sagemaker_ml_r5dn_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-9F47FCE3)
sagemaker_ml_r5n_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C14C7B0C)
sagemaker_ml_r5n_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-944A1241)
sagemaker_ml_r5n_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-581DD22D)
sagemaker_ml_r5n_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-3070F0B4)
sagemaker_ml_r5n_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-54340DBD)
sagemaker_ml_r5n_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.large for endpoint usage (L-FE3BF22B)
sagemaker_ml_r5n_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-4DD84AF9)
sagemaker_ml_r5n_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6g.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DACE30FC)
sagemaker_ml_r6g_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6g.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-42EAE6FA)
sagemaker_ml_r6g_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6g.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-862299A2)
sagemaker_ml_r6g_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6g.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-713F6743)
sagemaker_ml_r6g_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6g.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-BB73F76A)
sagemaker_ml_r6g_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6g.large for endpoint usage (L-D7FE33BF)
sagemaker_ml_r6g_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6g.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B8A3B4CE)
sagemaker_ml_r6g_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6gd.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-177D4E91)
sagemaker_ml_r6gd_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6gd.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6995701D)
sagemaker_ml_r6gd_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6gd.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-93490D80)
sagemaker_ml_r6gd_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6gd.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-AE2F2D88)
sagemaker_ml_r6gd_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6gd.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-593EF138)
sagemaker_ml_r6gd_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6gd.large for endpoint usage (L-7432A529)
sagemaker_ml_r6gd_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6gd.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-660E0683)
sagemaker_ml_r6gd_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-F43F60C3)
sagemaker_ml_r7i_12xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E1AF5362)
sagemaker_ml_r7i_16xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-7E4516BC)
sagemaker_ml_r7i_24xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-FEEF2E8A)
sagemaker_ml_r7i_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.48xlarge for endpoint usage (L-BD94420E)
sagemaker_ml_r7i_48xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-7EB267B3)
sagemaker_ml_r7i_4xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-CC3E5CD9)
sagemaker_ml_r7i_8xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.large for endpoint usage (L-5B7CF402)
sagemaker_ml_r7i_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B7476528)
sagemaker_ml_r7i_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-20700136)
sagemaker_ml_t2_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-BE44390B)
sagemaker_ml_t2_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.large for endpoint usage (L-1410387A)
sagemaker_ml_t2_large_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.large for notebook instance usage (L-94C3A7A1)
sagemaker_ml_t2_large_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.medium for endpoint usage (L-29C181D7)
sagemaker_ml_t2_medium_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.medium for notebook instance usage (L-7B2FD69B)
sagemaker_ml_t2_medium_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B82FDF78)
sagemaker_ml_t2_xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-9EFE4FAD)
sagemaker_ml_t2_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.2xlarge for cluster usage (L-EC104295)
sagemaker_ml_t3_2xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.2xlarge for notebook instance usage
# (L-FB715320)
sagemaker_ml_t3_2xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-1E2072C0)
sagemaker_ml_t3_2xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.large for cluster usage (L-7B131A59)
sagemaker_ml_t3_large_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.large for notebook instance usage (L-8E454C05)
sagemaker_ml_t3_large_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.large for processing job usage (L-C076FA77)
sagemaker_ml_t3_large_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.medium for cluster usage (L-FD4AD312)
sagemaker_ml_t3_medium_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.medium for notebook instance usage (L-E17566B7)
sagemaker_ml_t3_medium_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.medium for processing job usage (L-0CE343FE)
sagemaker_ml_t3_medium_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.xlarge for cluster usage (L-E5A7A988)
sagemaker_ml_t3_xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-E5884D25)
sagemaker_ml_t3_xlarge_for_notebook_instance_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.xlarge for processing job usage (L-DABA7ED5)
sagemaker_ml_t3_xlarge_for_processing_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-5C911603)
sagemaker_ml_trn1_2xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.2xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-AA22B8B9)
sagemaker_ml_trn1_2xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.2xlarge for training job usage (L-74F2FC79)
sagemaker_ml_trn1_2xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.2xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-AA6A4B7A)
sagemaker_ml_trn1_2xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.32xlarge for cluster usage (L-6865522E)
sagemaker_ml_trn1_32xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.32xlarge for endpoint usage (L-EA9871A7)
sagemaker_ml_trn1_32xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.32xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-F594DE31)
sagemaker_ml_trn1_32xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.32xlarge for training job usage (L-79A1FE57)
sagemaker_ml_trn1_32xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.32xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-36F422F7)
sagemaker_ml_trn1_32xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1n.32xlarge for cluster usage (L-82D4B920)
sagemaker_ml_trn1n_32xlarge_for_cluster_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1n.32xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E3A0825E)
sagemaker_ml_trn1n_32xlarge_for_endpoint_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1n.32xlarge for spot training job usage
# (L-068DB6B3)
sagemaker_ml_trn1n_32xlarge_for_spot_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1n.32xlarge for training job usage (L-BFB9CF17)
sagemaker_ml_trn1n_32xlarge_for_training_job_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1n.32xlarge for training warm pool usage
# (L-9037D736)
sagemaker_ml_trn1n_32xlarge_for_training_warm_pool_usage = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Number of elastic inference accelerators across
# active endpoints (L-07D0651D)
sagemaker_number_of_elastic_inference_accelerators_across_active_endpoints = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Number of instances across active endpoints
# (L-7A3DF611)
sagemaker_number_of_instances_across_active_endpoints = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Number of instances across all processing jobs
# (L-F311B08F)
sagemaker_number_of_instances_across_all_processing_jobs = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Number of instances across all spot training jobs
# (L-93958082)
sagemaker_number_of_instances_across_all_spot_training_jobs = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Number of instances across all training jobs
# (L-00C91CB5)
sagemaker_number_of_instances_across_all_training_jobs = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Number of instances across all transform jobs
# (L-60D2A6F0)
sagemaker_number_of_instances_across_all_transform_jobs = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.12xlarge
# instance (L-21962CDA)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.18xlarge
# instance (L-21552510)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_18xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.24xlarge
# instance (L-1271DF32)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.2xlarge
# instance (L-8B9D0385)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.4xlarge
# instance (L-8733EEBD)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.9xlarge
# instance (L-D205D3F0)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_9xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.large instance
# (L-6958265E)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_large_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.xlarge instance
# (L-F3F4F82A)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.12xlarge
# instance (L-5392B59D)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.16xlarge
# instance (L-144A2794)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.2xlarge
# instance (L-7FD92B01)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.4xlarge
# instance (L-A7B1AACC)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.8xlarge
# instance (L-A9165189)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.xlarge
# instance (L-050981C0)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.12xlarge
# instance (L-4FC1E99C)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.16xlarge
# instance (L-7B7E548F)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.24xlarge
# instance (L-B7EB1FFD)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.2xlarge
# instance (L-09249843)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.4xlarge
# instance (L-30ABD943)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.8xlarge
# instance (L-2BEE7665)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.large instance
# (L-BDDC56AF)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_large_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.xlarge instance
# (L-8442D925)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.12xlarge
# instance (L-7F2FEE7C)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.16xlarge
# instance (L-8101A535)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.24xlarge
# instance (L-00DAC655)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.2xlarge
# instance (L-DCD9DBD1)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.4xlarge
# instance (L-53138E1F)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.8xlarge
# instance (L-2D4C4A2D)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.large instance
# (L-B6744048)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_large_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.xlarge
# instance (L-A3C7A675)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.p3.16xlarge
# instance (L-C5A57F3A)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_p3_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.p3.2xlarge
# instance (L-ADBE66E5)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_p3_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.p3.8xlarge
# instance (L-73887D5F)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_p3_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.p3dn.24xlarge
# instance (L-94B31A5D)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_p3dn_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.p4d.24xlarge
# instance (L-DCCEDB7D)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_p4d_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.12xlarge
# instance (L-1C84ABBF)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.16xlarge
# instance (L-2B2789AA)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.24xlarge
# instance (L-D2CAE1E9)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.2xlarge
# instance (L-751BCA3E)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.4xlarge
# instance (L-005C1A21)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.8xlarge
# instance (L-F49350C0)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.large instance
# (L-FEEC5811)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_large_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.xlarge instance
# (L-C720D775)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.t3.2xlarge
# instance (L-4755F613)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_t3_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.t3.large instance
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_t3_large_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.t3.medium instance
# (L-7A45086A)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_t3_medium_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.t3.micro instance
# (L-E127AD95)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_t3_micro_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.t3.small instance
# (L-E833CC8B)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_t3_small_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.t3.xlarge instance
# (L-D7932DDD)
sagemaker_rsessiongateway_apps_running_on_ml_t3_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RStudioServerPro Apps running on ml.c5.4xlarge
# instances (L-FEC35D99)
sagemaker_rstudioserverpro_apps_running_on_ml_c5_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RStudioServerPro Apps running on ml.c5.9xlarge
# instances (L-D9E59670)
sagemaker_rstudioserverpro_apps_running_on_ml_c5_9xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: RStudioServerPro Apps running on system instances
# (L-B89C4B79)
sagemaker_rstudioserverpro_apps_running_on_system_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: SageMaker Profiler Apps running on system instances
# (L-73BEF3A2)
sagemaker_sagemaker_profiler_apps_running_on_system_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Size of EBS volume for a training job instance
# (L-C5A266EB)
sagemaker_size_of_ebs_volume_for_a_training_job_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.12xlarge
# instances (L-0A241A0D)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_c5_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.18xlarge
# instances (L-52109CA8)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_c5_18xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.24xlarge
# instances (L-04F55E28)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_c5_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.2xlarge
# instances (L-D8CDAD21)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_c5_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.4xlarge
# instances (L-34757F79)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_c5_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.9xlarge
# instances (L-1B353A48)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_c5_9xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.large
# instances (L-C623FF97)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_c5_large_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.xlarge
# instances (L-20DF4E8E)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_c5_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g4dn.12xlarge
# instances (L-9694914A)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g4dn.16xlarge
# instances (L-0FEC7BB1)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g4dn.2xlarge
# instances (L-EE75DBCF)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g4dn.4xlarge
# instances (L-A63CA0EB)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g4dn.8xlarge
# instances (L-FE7F1F85)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g4dn.xlarge
# instances (L-98BFB21C)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.12xlarge
# instances (L-55671A7C)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g5_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.16xlarge
# instances (L-E3646D22)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g5_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.24xlarge
# instances (L-DA7C9B9C)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g5_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.2xlarge
# instances (L-DF589F40)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g5_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.48xlarge
# instances (L-AA7135D4)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g5_48xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.4xlarge
# instances (L-F8AE8304)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g5_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.8xlarge
# instances (L-12798BAE)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g5_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.xlarge
# instances (L-8C616CCB)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_g5_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.12xlarge
# instances (L-72C89816)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.16xlarge
# instances (L-9FB41A1C)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.24xlarge
# instances (L-26A7D02E)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.2xlarge
# instances (L-3D2A1F33)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.4xlarge
# instances (L-FDB47EBF)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.8xlarge
# instances (L-18C64902)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.large
# instances (L-A0B632ED)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5_large_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.xlarge
# instances (L-EEA21C8A)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.12xlarge
# instances (L-D1E4F16E)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.16xlarge
# instances (L-87958880)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.24xlarge
# instances (L-D7ED8DED)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.2xlarge
# instances (L-86177F8A)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.4xlarge
# instances (L-A4529C29)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.8xlarge
# instances (L-02134873)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.large
# instances (L-BA8ED5F7)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_large_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.xlarge
# instances (L-A31DE840)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.p3.16xlarge
# instances (L-09A41608)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_p3_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.p3.2xlarge
# instances (L-1356CD75)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_p3_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.p3.8xlarge
# instances (L-C4557679)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_p3_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.p3dn.24xlarge
# instances (L-6B83CDAF)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_p3dn_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.p4d.24xlarge
# instances (L-2557FB75)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_p4d_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.p4de.24xlarge
# instances (L-B9622553)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_p4de_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.12xlarge
# instances (L-90D2ED40)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_r5_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.16xlarge
# instances (L-17CC37BB)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_r5_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.24xlarge
# instances (L-90ED9514)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_r5_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.2xlarge
# instances (L-11D02DB4)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_r5_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.4xlarge
# instances (L-1EC048AB)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_r5_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.8xlarge
# instances (L-58132C71)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_r5_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.large
# instances (L-E8EAF30E)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_r5_large_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.xlarge
# instances (L-33471349)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_r5_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.t3.2xlarge
# instances (L-E5FD58AB)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_t3_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.t3.large
# instances (L-656A17FA)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_t3_large_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.t3.medium
# instances (L-FCEDEAC6)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_t3_medium_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.t3.xlarge
# instances (L-69AC3D57)
sagemaker_studio_codeeditor_apps_running_on_ml_t3_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio Jupyter Apps running on system instances
# (L-8276C21E)
sagemaker_studio_jupyter_apps_running_on_system_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.12xlarge
# instances (L-BF6C9DF0)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_c5_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.18xlarge
# instances (L-ABAC207F)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_c5_18xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.24xlarge
# instances (L-98B8C60B)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_c5_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.2xlarge
# instances (L-C1AE5754)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_c5_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.4xlarge
# instances (L-C0592240)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_c5_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.9xlarge
# instances (L-8DE26E59)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_c5_9xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.large
# instances (L-A6419EF6)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_c5_large_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.xlarge
# instances (L-BD09952F)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_c5_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g4dn.12xlarge
# instances (L-E3DFC4E9)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g4dn.16xlarge
# instances (L-5DB40C3B)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g4dn.2xlarge
# instances (L-138F29A9)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g4dn.4xlarge
# instances (L-0DB30DD8)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g4dn.8xlarge
# instances (L-F59A72DA)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g4dn.xlarge
# instances (L-39F81BFB)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.12xlarge
# instances (L-8D2ED7BF)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g5_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.16xlarge
# instances (L-1B49FD35)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g5_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.24xlarge
# instances (L-F087CCFC)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g5_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.2xlarge
# instances (L-F73C7DB9)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g5_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.48xlarge
# instances (L-83AB5D73)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g5_48xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.4xlarge
# instances (L-81940D85)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g5_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.8xlarge
# instances (L-19B6BAFC)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g5_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.xlarge
# instances (L-988CE6C5)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_g5_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.12xlarge
# instances (L-0E2A8BBF)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.16xlarge
# instances (L-53505EA6)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.24xlarge
# instances (L-823F5794)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.2xlarge
# instances (L-7C9662F1)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.4xlarge
# instances (L-2CA31BFA)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.8xlarge
# instances (L-D6EBD1A9)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.large
# instances (L-3BDCD216)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5_large_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.xlarge
# instances (L-77B8159A)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.12xlarge
# instances (L-EE718475)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.16xlarge
# instances (L-04421A63)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.24xlarge
# instances (L-EC686150)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.2xlarge
# instances (L-88244E2D)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.4xlarge
# instances (L-30B99A16)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.8xlarge
# instances (L-3EF45BE2)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.large
# instances (L-588F9D8D)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_large_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.xlarge
# instances (L-9CE6464D)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.p3.16xlarge
# instances (L-D531C9E1)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_p3_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.p3.2xlarge
# instances (L-199FCA12)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_p3_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.p3.8xlarge
# instances (L-D7D29FB6)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_p3_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.p3dn.24xlarge
# instances (L-CC49F990)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_p3dn_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.p4d.24xlarge
# instances (L-AD63F1D2)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_p4d_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.p4de.24xlarge
# instances (L-F6003AEB)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_p4de_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.12xlarge
# instances (L-7ACB52C8)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_r5_12xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.16xlarge
# instances (L-15ECE899)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_r5_16xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.24xlarge
# instances (L-E157C95B)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_r5_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.2xlarge
# instances (L-EF33F9B9)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_r5_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.4xlarge
# instances (L-391B02C7)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_r5_4xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.8xlarge
# instances (L-FF40225D)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_r5_8xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.large
# instances (L-FC2BE3FC)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_r5_large_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.xlarge
# instances (L-8A9BC23B)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_r5_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.t3.2xlarge
# instances (L-B039EA8F)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_t3_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.t3.large
# instances (L-2733D4D5)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_t3_large_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.t3.medium
# instances (L-71FAF417)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_t3_medium_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.t3.xlarge
# instances (L-61F9C762)
sagemaker_studio_jupyterlab_apps_running_on_ml_t3_xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.12xlarge
# instance (L-C47C8B74)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.18xlarge
# instance (L-A4519BF1)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_18xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.24xlarge
# instance (L-CBCD290E)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.2xlarge
# instance (L-A56EEC3D)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.4xlarge
# instance (L-6C5791AF)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.9xlarge
# instance (L-9F2E8F67)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_9xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.large
# instance (L-1476E09A)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_large_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.xlarge
# instance (L-F2F8BB60)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_c5_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.12xlarge
# instance (L-09D3DD58)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.16xlarge
# instance (L-D9B45548)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.2xlarge
# instance (L-E5775070)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.4xlarge
# instance (L-0E846ECD)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.8xlarge
# instance (L-D267F635)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.xlarge
# instance (L-F3C955A3)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g4dn_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.12xlarge
# instance (L-037F309A)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g5_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.16xlarge
# instance (L-E66E2C21)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g5_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.24xlarge
# instance (L-9D9F9978)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g5_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.2xlarge
# instance (L-4918D123)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g5_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.48xlarge
# instance (L-94E271A3)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g5_48xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.4xlarge
# instance (L-DCE2AE7E)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g5_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.8xlarge
# instance (L-76D497CD)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g5_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.xlarge
# instance (L-60470224)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_g5_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.12xlarge
# instance (L-9772863B)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.16xlarge
# instance (L-7E95878B)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.24xlarge
# instance (L-1DA9A185)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.2xlarge
# instance (L-D4D7435A)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.4xlarge
# instance (L-0132CA88)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.8xlarge
# instance (L-19734703)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.large
# instance (L-22BC3627)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_large_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.xlarge
# instance (L-CD017EBE)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.12xlarge
# instance (L-BCDEC7B7)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.16xlarge
# instance (L-4F2BEC71)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.24xlarge
# instance (L-F43A1825)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.2xlarge
# instance (L-4A8D754D)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.4xlarge
# instance (L-9F3B1F91)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.8xlarge
# instance (L-019DC79D)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.large
# instance (L-32F895F6)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_large_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.xlarge
# instance (L-669A1EF3)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_m5d_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.p3.16xlarge
# instance (L-0DADC663)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_p3_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.p3.2xlarge
# instance (L-9D41067A)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_p3_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.p3.8xlarge
# instance (L-D12B1AA4)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_p3_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.p3dn.24xlarge
# instance (L-1CF85412)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_p3dn_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.p4d.24xlarge
# instances (L-9760E62B)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_p4d_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.p4de.24xlarge
# instances (L-9C7D809E)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_p4de_24xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.12xlarge
# instance (L-EF2BF7DC)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_12xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.16xlarge
# instance (L-2524EF35)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_16xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.24xlarge
# instance (L-7FFAF4CB)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_24xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.2xlarge
# instance (L-1747114E)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.4xlarge
# instance (L-D5D3B1E5)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_4xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.8xlarge
# instance (L-8536F2DB)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_8xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.large
# instance (L-59F3BE31)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_large_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.xlarge
# instance (L-CC73B658)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_r5_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.t3.2xlarge
# instance (L-5AF0D27D)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_t3_2xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.t3.large
# instance (L-8BD17C20)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_t3_large_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.t3.medium
# instance (L-EAC6F82B)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_t3_medium_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.t3.xlarge
# instance (L-3A44AF4B)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_t3_xlarge_instance = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.trn1.2xlarge
# instances (L-97623E1D)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_trn1_2xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.trn1.32xlarge
# instances (L-433C561A)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_trn1_32xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on
# ml.trn1n.32xlarge instances (L-35BBB2E3)
sagemaker_studio_kernelgateway_apps_running_on_ml_trn1n_32xlarge_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: TensorBoard Apps running on system instances
# (L-6F947DE5)
sagemaker_tensorboard_apps_running_on_system_instances = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Total domains (L-B683BCB0)
sagemaker_total_domains = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Total EBS volume size in GB across all Studio Spaces
# (L-A37B67B0)
sagemaker_total_ebs_volume_size_in_gb_across_all_studio_spaces = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Total number of instances allowed across SageMaker
# HyperPod clusters (L-3308CCC7)
sagemaker_total_number_of_instances_allowed_across_sagemaker_hyperpod_clusters = null
# Quota for [sagemaker]: Total number of notebook instances (L-04CE2E67)
sagemaker_total_number_of_notebook_instances = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: CreateSchedule request rate (L-6F4B17DE)
scheduler_createschedule_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: CreateScheduleGroup request rate (L-21ED5C4A)
scheduler_createschedulegroup_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: DeleteSchedule request rate (L-53944E21)
scheduler_deleteschedule_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: DeleteScheduleGroup request rate (L-4F80D7BE)
scheduler_deleteschedulegroup_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: GetSchedule request rate (L-FB03E819)
scheduler_getschedule_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: GetScheduleGroup request rate (L-754C8BBA)
scheduler_getschedulegroup_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: Invocations throttle limit in transactions per second
# (L-F6D2596E)
scheduler_invocations_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: ListScheduleGroups request rate (L-03C881B9)
scheduler_listschedulegroups_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: ListSchedules request rate (L-66629D52)
scheduler_listschedules_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: ListTagsForResource request rate (L-1DC60392)
scheduler_listtagsforresource_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: Number of schedule groups (L-A632CD40)
scheduler_number_of_schedule_groups = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: Number of schedules (L-EE5D6FF0)
scheduler_number_of_schedules = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: TagResource request rate (L-E7A3E659)
scheduler_tagresource_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: UntagResource request rate (L-44A0C1A0)
scheduler_untagresource_request_rate = null
# Quota for [scheduler]: UpdateSchedule request rate (L-B7845AAE)
scheduler_updateschedule_request_rate = null
# Quota for [schemas]: DiscoveredSchemas (L-1738102F)
schemas_discoveredschemas = null
# Quota for [schemas]: Discoverers (L-037FC7C4)
schemas_discoverers = null
# Quota for [schemas]: Registries (L-85663EFB)
schemas_registries = null
# Quota for [schemas]: Schemas (L-EE9E5FA9)
schemas_schemas = null
# Quota for [schemas]: SchemaVersions (L-3C443A2A)
schemas_schemaversions = null
# Quota for [scn]: Active and pending invitations (L-1DE0B7F6)
scn_active_and_pending_invitations = null
# Quota for [scn]: Data requests (L-D6076B6C)
scn_data_requests = null
# Quota for [scn]: Insights watchlists per instance (L-24B8CC9C)
scn_insights_watchlists_per_instance = null
# Quota for [scn]: Insights watchlists per user (L-D7FA6849)
scn_insights_watchlists_per_user = null
# Quota for [sdb]: Attribute count per domain (L-E1EE132B)
sdb_attribute_count_per_domain = null
# Quota for [sdb]: Total Domains (L-7C4A3D89)
sdb_total_domains = null
# Quota for [serverlessrepo]: Public applications (L-38772E7B)
serverlessrepo_public_applications = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Applications per attribute group (L-223F4C54)
servicecatalog_applications_per_attribute_group = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Applications per region (L-7C3CEC2B)
servicecatalog_applications_per_region = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Attribute groups per application (L-C533FF9A)
servicecatalog_attribute_groups_per_application = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Attribute groups per region (L-1639038A)
servicecatalog_attribute_groups_per_region = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Portfolios per region (L-C6458716)
servicecatalog_portfolios_per_region = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Product versions per product (L-A5846085)
servicecatalog_product_versions_per_product = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Products per portfolio (L-AB79E48B)
servicecatalog_products_per_portfolio = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Products per region (L-764CF6A1)
servicecatalog_products_per_region = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Resources per application (L-360CDF2E)
servicecatalog_resources_per_application = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Users, groups, and roles per portfolio
# (L-E8959660)
servicecatalog_users_groups_and_roles_per_portfolio = null
# Quota for [servicecatalog]: Users, groups, and roles per product
# (L-3BC91705)
servicecatalog_users_groups_and_roles_per_product = null
# Quota for [ses]: Sending quota (L-804C8AE8)
ses_sending_quota = null
# Quota for [ses]: Sending rate (L-CDEF9B6B)
ses_sending_rate = null
# Quota for [shield]: Amazon Route 53 hosted zone protections (L-DC974CBB)
shield_amazon_route_53_hosted_zone_protections = null
# Quota for [shield]: AWS Global Accelerator accelerator protections
# (L-E3D64430)
shield_aws_global_accelerator_accelerator_protections = null
# Quota for [shield]: CloudFront distribution protections (L-DA881E16)
shield_cloudfront_distribution_protections = null
# Quota for [shield]: Elastic IP address protections (L-0BACF966)
shield_elastic_ip_address_protections = null
# Quota for [shield]: Elastic Load Balancing load balancer protections
# (L-BBD47253)
shield_elastic_load_balancing_load_balancer_protections = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of AddProfilePermission requests (L-9A9396FB)
signer_rate_of_addprofilepermission_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of CancelSigningProfile requests (L-4E20C20E)
signer_rate_of_cancelsigningprofile_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of DescribeSigningJob requests (L-F86FBF89)
signer_rate_of_describesigningjob_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of GetRevocationStatus requests (L-7068EEE0)
signer_rate_of_getrevocationstatus_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of GetSigningPlatform requests (L-E9957E95)
signer_rate_of_getsigningplatform_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of GetSigningProfile requests (L-C2AF6AB8)
signer_rate_of_getsigningprofile_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of ListProfilePermissions requests (L-34D2D11C)
signer_rate_of_listprofilepermissions_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of ListSigningJobs requests (L-5DB503D1)
signer_rate_of_listsigningjobs_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of ListSigningPlatforms requests (L-E1BE245B)
signer_rate_of_listsigningplatforms_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of ListSigningProfiles requests (L-A99B6F73)
signer_rate_of_listsigningprofiles_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of ListTagsForResource requests (L-4F2A443B)
signer_rate_of_listtagsforresource_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of PutSigningProfile requests (L-FE97337F)
signer_rate_of_putsigningprofile_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of RemoveProfilePermission requests (L-FEE4A855)
signer_rate_of_removeprofilepermission_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of RevokeSignature requests (L-107F88F0)
signer_rate_of_revokesignature_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of RevokeSigningProfile requests (L-EBC45F16)
signer_rate_of_revokesigningprofile_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of SignPayload requests (L-C934DC82)
signer_rate_of_signpayload_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of StartSigningJob requests (L-6291E160)
signer_rate_of_startsigningjob_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of TagResource requests (L-7E38DDAF)
signer_rate_of_tagresource_requests = null
# Quota for [signer]: Rate of UntagResource requests (L-47E1077B)
signer_rate_of_untagresource_requests = null
# Quota for [simspaceweaver]: Simulation count (L-7688C21B)
simspaceweaver_simulation_count = null
# Quota for [simspaceweaver]: Workers for a simulation (L-A8C6832C)
simspaceweaver_workers_for_a_simulation = null
# Quota for [sms]: Concurrent VM migrations (L-AFABDADD)
sms_concurrent_vm_migrations = null
# Quota for [sms]: Duration of service usage per VM in days (L-3290AB9E)
sms_duration_of_service_usage_per_vm_in_days = null
# Quota for [snowball]: Snowball Edge devices (L-B6883B9F)
snowball_snowball_edge_devices = null
# Quota for [snowball]: Snowcone devices (L-9F53AA61)
snowball_snowcone_devices = null
# Quota for [sns]: ConfirmSubscription Transactions per Second (L-FF07E5EA)
sns_confirmsubscription_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: CreatePlatformApplication Transactions per Second
# (L-4738DDCE)
sns_createplatformapplication_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: CreatePlatformEndpoint Transactions per Second (L-E1E48E53)
sns_createplatformendpoint_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: CreateTopic Transactions per Second (L-AB928142)
sns_createtopic_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: DeleteEndpoint Transactions per Second (L-2FE42A3E)
sns_deleteendpoint_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: DeletePlatformApplication Transactions per Second
# (L-9D5EC8F7)
sns_deleteplatformapplication_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: DeleteTopic Transactions per Second (L-B98ECD3E)
sns_deletetopic_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: Filter Policies per Account (L-4126E74A)
sns_filter_policies_per_account = null
# Quota for [sns]: Filter Policies per Topic (L-B96EDA7D)
sns_filter_policies_per_topic = null
# Quota for [sns]: GetEndpointAttributes Transactions per Second (L-038DA0E0)
sns_getendpointattributes_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: GetPlatformApplicationAttributes Transactions per Second
# (L-F35E8445)
sns_getplatformapplicationattributes_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: GetSubscriptionAttributes Transactions per Second
# (L-876E1222)
sns_getsubscriptionattributes_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: GetTopicAttributes Transactions per Second (L-820458B0)
sns_gettopicattributes_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: Messages Published per Second (L-F8E2BA85)
sns_messages_published_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: Pending Subscriptions per Account (L-1A43D3DB)
sns_pending_subscriptions_per_account = null
# Quota for [sns]: SetEndpointAttributes Transactions per Second (L-4EE37BC0)
sns_setendpointattributes_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: SetPlatformApplicationAttributes Transactions per Second
# (L-A228E0EB)
sns_setplatformapplicationattributes_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: SetSubscriptionAttributes Transactions per Second
# (L-B6107771)
sns_setsubscriptionattributes_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: SetTopicAttributes Transactions per Second (L-F514C636)
sns_settopicattributes_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [sns]: SMS Message Spending in USD (L-BCD4AAF3)
sns_sms_message_spending_in_usd = null
# Quota for [sns]: Topics per Account (L-61103206)
sns_topics_per_account = null
# Quota for [sqs]: Batched Message Throughput for FIFO Queues (L-9C1AB20F)
sqs_batched_message_throughput_for_fifo_queues = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Additional Automation executions that can be queued
# (L-67DAE0B3)
ssm_additional_automation_executions_that_can_be_queued = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Additional rate control automation executions that can be
# queued (L-CE4D78FF)
ssm_additional_rate_control_automation_executions_that_can_be_queued = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Concurrent State Manager associations per region
# (L-01B74EDA)
ssm_concurrent_state_manager_associations_per_region = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Concurrently executing Automations (L-09101E66)
ssm_concurrently_executing_automations = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Concurrently executing rate control automation (L-44746CFE)
ssm_concurrently_executing_rate_control_automation = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Concurrently running automations with blocking actions
# (L-9252FCD2)
ssm_concurrently_running_automations_with_blocking_actions = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: AcceptPage API throttle quota (L-D35B01ED)
ssm_contacts_acceptpage_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: All other operations API throttle quota
# (L-53EDA07E)
ssm_contacts_all_other_operations_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: Contact channels per stage (L-F338226A)
ssm_contacts_contact_channels_per_stage = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: Contacts per account (L-7DD2017D)
ssm_contacts_contacts_per_account = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: DescribeEngagement API throttle quota (L-0C2999E2)
ssm_contacts_describeengagement_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: DescribePage API throttle quota (L-977ABCD7)
ssm_contacts_describepage_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: GetContact API throttle quota (L-E86843F5)
ssm_contacts_getcontact_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: ListEngagements API throttle quota (L-8F6873DD)
ssm_contacts_listengagements_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: ListPageReceipts API throttle quota (L-E25E885A)
ssm_contacts_listpagereceipts_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: ListPagesByContact API throttle quota (L-05EEDCEB)
ssm_contacts_listpagesbycontact_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: ListPagesByEngagement API throttle quota
# (L-70D46058)
ssm_contacts_listpagesbyengagement_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: Non-mutating rotation-related API throttle quota
# (L-0ECD1CFA)
ssm_contacts_non_mutating_rotation_related_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: Non-mutating SSMContacts-related API throttle
# quota (L-DBEB7593)
ssm_contacts_non_mutating_ssmcontacts_related_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: Rotations per account (L-4EA3AB3A)
ssm_contacts_rotations_per_account = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: Stages per plan (L-5AE11799)
ssm_contacts_stages_per_plan = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: StartEngagement API throttle quota (L-254D300C)
ssm_contacts_startengagement_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm-contacts]: StopEngagement API throttle quota (L-F890E288)
ssm_contacts_stopengagement_api_throttle_quota = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Custom inventory types (L-7FC1ECAB)
ssm_custom_inventory_types = null
# Quota for [ssm-guiconnect]: Concurrent Remote Desktop connections
# (L-64419857)
ssm_guiconnect_concurrent_remote_desktop_connections = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: All other operations requests per second
# (L-A175684D)
ssm_incidents_all_other_operations_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: CreateReplicationSet requests per second
# (L-A23D539A)
ssm_incidents_createreplicationset_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: CreateResponsePlan requests per second
# (L-8635B488)
ssm_incidents_createresponseplan_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: CreateTimelineEvent requests per second
# (L-BD3B3682)
ssm_incidents_createtimelineevent_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: DeleteIncidentRecord requests per second
# (L-AB732CD0)
ssm_incidents_deleteincidentrecord_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: DeleteReplicationSet requests per second
# (L-F7EACE1C)
ssm_incidents_deletereplicationset_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: DeleteResourcePolicy requests per second
# (L-E7843AED)
ssm_incidents_deleteresourcepolicy_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: DeleteResponsePlan requests per second
ssm_incidents_deleteresponseplan_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: DeleteTimelineEvent requests per second
# (L-81058D72)
ssm_incidents_deletetimelineevent_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: GetTimelineEvent requests per second (L-CA5201AF)
ssm_incidents_gettimelineevent_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: Incidents per response plan per month
# (L-65614EA3)
ssm_incidents_incidents_per_response_plan_per_month = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: ListTimelineEvent requests per second
# (L-51B6B2CA)
ssm_incidents_listtimelineevent_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: PutResourcePolicy requests per second
# (L-8BD82D65)
ssm_incidents_putresourcepolicy_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: Related items per incident (L-A2627BB9)
ssm_incidents_related_items_per_incident = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: StartIncident requests per second (L-5964C1A6)
ssm_incidents_startincident_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: TagResource requests per second (L-32C59404)
ssm_incidents_tagresource_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: Timeline events per incident (L-86E2D041)
ssm_incidents_timeline_events_per_incident = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: UntagResource requests per second (L-B94A3EEA)
ssm_incidents_untagresource_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: UpdateDeleteProtection requests per second
# (L-D9F668D1)
ssm_incidents_updatedeleteprotection_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: UpdateIncidentRecord requests per second
# (L-A7E87765)
ssm_incidents_updateincidentrecord_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: UpdateRelatedItems requests per second
# (L-02FD30E2)
ssm_incidents_updaterelateditems_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: UpdateReplicationSet requests per second
# (L-D6FEF05F)
ssm_incidents_updatereplicationset_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: UpdateResponsePlan requests per second
# (L-A320D7D7)
ssm_incidents_updateresponseplan_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm-incidents]: UpdateTimelineEvent requests per second
# (L-0476E0C6)
ssm_incidents_updatetimelineevent_requests_per_second = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Inventory data size per request (L-C666B4B8)
ssm_inventory_data_size_per_request = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Inventory item data size per day (L-2E373755)
ssm_inventory_item_data_size_per_day = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Maintenance Window concurrent executions (L-26BF3FE6)
ssm_maintenance_window_concurrent_executions = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Maintenance Windows (L-7727CE5B)
ssm_maintenance_windows = null
# Quota for [ssm]: OpsItems per month (L-66C13439)
ssm_opsitems_per_month = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Patch baselines (L-218CDBD4)
ssm_patch_baselines = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Patch groups per patch baseline (L-F4012070)
ssm_patch_groups_per_patch_baseline = null
# Quota for [ssm-sap]: Components per SAP application (L-458E2EE3)
ssm_sap_components_per_sap_application = null
# Quota for [ssm-sap]: Databases per component (L-5B34AA09)
ssm_sap_databases_per_component = null
# Quota for [ssm-sap]: SAP applications per Region in account (L-C8103580)
ssm_sap_sap_applications_per_region_in_account = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Targets per Maintenance Window (L-B1A84B8B)
ssm_targets_per_maintenance_window = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Tasks per Maintenance Window (L-3D9CCA6E)
ssm_tasks_per_maintenance_window = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Total OpsItems (L-2D95D5B2)
ssm_total_opsitems = null
# Quota for [ssm]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the
# StartAutomationExecution API (L-99469188)
ssm_transactions_per_second_tps_for_the_startautomationexecution_api = null
# Quota for [sso]: Number of permission sets allowed in IAM Identity Center
# (L-B44C7A29)
sso_number_of_permission_sets_allowed_in_iam_identity_center = null
# Quota for [sso]: Number of permission sets allowed per AWS account
# (L-89954265)
sso_number_of_permission_sets_allowed_per_aws_account = null
# Quota for [sso]: Number of users supported in IAM Identity Center
# (L-3C8D41A0)
sso_number_of_users_supported_in_iam_identity_center = null
# Quota for [sso]: Total number of AWS accounts or applications that can be
# configured (L-0299121C)
sso_total_number_of_aws_accounts_or_applications_that_can_be_configured = null
# Quota for [states]: CreateActivity throttle token bucket size (L-D282C59F)
states_createactivity_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: CreateActivity throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-5D565FF6)
states_createactivity_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: CreateStateMachine throttle token bucket size
# (L-11731986)
states_createstatemachine_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: CreateStateMachine throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-E6D39AA7)
states_createstatemachine_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: DeleteActivity throttle token bucket size (L-809F4173)
states_deleteactivity_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: DeleteActivity throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-623044A2)
states_deleteactivity_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: DeleteStateMachine throttle token bucket size
# (L-FA23558C)
states_deletestatemachine_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: DeleteStateMachine throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-0169882E)
states_deletestatemachine_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: DescribeActivity throttle token bucket size (L-B581C5F3)
states_describeactivity_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: DescribeActivity throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-20F3BB5B)
states_describeactivity_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: DescribeExecution throttle token bucket size
# (L-A0B4DA4A)
states_describeexecution_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: DescribeExecution throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-4A5FADE3)
states_describeexecution_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: DescribeStateMachine throttle token bucket size
# (L-233C6A78)
states_describestatemachine_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: DescribeStateMachine throttle token refill rate per
# second (L-718BBE49)
states_describestatemachine_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: DescribeStateMachineForExecution throttle token bucket
# size (L-A3847D50)
states_describestatemachineforexecution_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: DescribeStateMachineForExecution throttle token refill
# rate per second (L-0DC55683)
states_describestatemachineforexecution_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: Execution history retention time (L-5AD63623)
states_execution_history_retention_time = null
# Quota for [states]: GetActivityTask throttle token bucket size (L-631A2A16)
states_getactivitytask_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: GetActivityTask throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-7DC9CADD)
states_getactivitytask_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: GetExecutionHistory throttle token bucket size
# (L-F9699A68)
states_getexecutionhistory_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: GetExecutionHistory throttle token refill rate per
# second (L-144D81B0)
states_getexecutionhistory_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: ListActivities throttle token bucket size (L-0EE9C880)
states_listactivities_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: ListActivities throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-818B33FC)
states_listactivities_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: ListExecutions throttle token bucket size (L-7A4BEE15)
states_listexecutions_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: ListExecutions throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-1342F2DA)
states_listexecutions_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: ListStateMachines throttle token bucket size
# (L-29AE5D31)
states_liststatemachines_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: ListStateMachines throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-9E82C0BD)
states_liststatemachines_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: ListTagsForResource throttle token bucket size
# (L-6F348EF6)
states_listtagsforresource_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: ListTagsForResource throttle token refill rate per
# second (L-81549E4C)
states_listtagsforresource_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: Open executions (L-B8A5B662)
states_open_executions = null
# Quota for [states]: Registered activities (L-A9562A73)
states_registered_activities = null
# Quota for [states]: Registered state machines (L-B66B0F91)
states_registered_state_machines = null
# Quota for [states]: SendTaskFailure throttle token bucket size (L-CDF2E38B)
states_sendtaskfailure_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: SendTaskFailure throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-91DFCA1B)
states_sendtaskfailure_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: SendTaskHeartbeat throttle token bucket size
# (L-2786AC1A)
states_sendtaskheartbeat_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: SendTaskHeartbeat throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-2225B7C3)
states_sendtaskheartbeat_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: SendTaskSuccess throttle token bucket size (L-630CF084)
states_sendtasksuccess_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: SendTaskSuccess throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-EACE83FA)
states_sendtasksuccess_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: StartExecution throttle token bucket size (L-CE9F8059)
states_startexecution_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: StartExecution throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-1B55A735)
states_startexecution_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: StartExpressExecution throttle token bucket size
# (L-CFF7B006)
states_startexpressexecution_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: StartExpressExecution throttle token refill rate per
# second (L-7B8A8E4B)
states_startexpressexecution_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: StateTransition throttle token bucket size (L-137B3F65)
states_statetransition_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: StateTransition throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-AD9B4E93)
states_statetransition_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: StopExecution throttle token bucket size (L-31300AD4)
states_stopexecution_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: StopExecution throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-898DDD72)
states_stopexecution_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: Synchronous Express Workflows concurrent executions
# (L-6C9C5312)
states_synchronous_express_workflows_concurrent_executions = null
# Quota for [states]: TagResource throttle token bucket size (L-F965A8DF)
states_tagresource_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: TagResource throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-C314E25C)
states_tagresource_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: UntagResource throttle token bucket size (L-2C798E2E)
states_untagresource_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: UntagResource throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-191B5A6B)
states_untagresource_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [states]: UpdateStateMachine throttle token bucket size
# (L-25C72657)
states_updatestatemachine_throttle_token_bucket_size = null
# Quota for [states]: UpdateStateMachine throttle token refill rate per second
# (L-7B25D42D)
states_updatestatemachine_throttle_token_refill_rate_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: CountClosedWorkflowExecutions throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-6B93B990)
swf_countclosedworkflowexecutions_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: CountClosedWorkflowExecutions throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-11BEBC6E)
swf_countclosedworkflowexecutions_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: CountOpenWorkflowExecutions throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-10FD2791)
swf_countopenworkflowexecutions_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: CountOpenWorkflowExecutions throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-613386B0)
swf_countopenworkflowexecutions_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: CountPendingActivityTasks throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-78ABDAF0)
swf_countpendingactivitytasks_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: CountPendingActivityTasks throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-B80CE8BF)
swf_countpendingactivitytasks_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: CountPendingDecisionTasks throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-C5FCA8F5)
swf_countpendingdecisiontasks_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: CountPendingDecisionTasks throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-7379A78A)
swf_countpendingdecisiontasks_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DeprecateActivityType throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-E75077A8)
swf_deprecateactivitytype_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DeprecateActivityType throttle refill limit in transactions
# per second (L-D4B08332)
swf_deprecateactivitytype_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DeprecateDomain throttle burst limit in transactions per
# second (L-22059A3A)
swf_deprecatedomain_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DeprecateDomain throttle refill limit in transactions per
# second (L-91FA29FA)
swf_deprecatedomain_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DeprecateWorkflowType throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-52452CEB)
swf_deprecateworkflowtype_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DeprecateWorkflowType throttle refill limit in transactions
# per second (L-7CE7ADCD)
swf_deprecateworkflowtype_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DescribeActivityType throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-DE1A2EBB)
swf_describeactivitytype_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DescribeActivityType throttle refill limit in transactions
# per second (L-C6E6D788)
swf_describeactivitytype_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DescribeDomain throttle burst limit in transactions per
# second (L-07B00041)
swf_describedomain_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DescribeDomain throttle refill limit in transactions per
# second (L-E2260636)
swf_describedomain_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DescribeWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-B6B07F5F)
swf_describeworkflowexecution_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DescribeWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-1EB8BFAC)
swf_describeworkflowexecution_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DescribeWorkflowType throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-67FCAFB0)
swf_describeworkflowtype_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: DescribeWorkflowType throttle refill limit in transactions
# per second (L-D699363F)
swf_describeworkflowtype_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: GetWorkflowExecutionHistory throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-58183C51)
swf_getworkflowexecutionhistory_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: GetWorkflowExecutionHistory throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-B61DF1D5)
swf_getworkflowexecutionhistory_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListActivityTypes throttle burst limit in transactions per
# second (L-708CA9CD)
swf_listactivitytypes_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListActivityTypes throttle refill limit in transactions per
# second (L-8746B166)
swf_listactivitytypes_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListClosedWorkflowExecutions throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-82178AAF)
swf_listclosedworkflowexecutions_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListClosedWorkflowExecutions throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-1B6B2394)
swf_listclosedworkflowexecutions_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListDomains throttle burst limit in transactions per second
# (L-FFE46A4B)
swf_listdomains_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListDomains throttle refill limit in transactions per
# second (L-6E67C23B)
swf_listdomains_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListOpenWorkflowExecutions throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-7B042585)
swf_listopenworkflowexecutions_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListOpenWorkflowExecutions throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-54F7FCCE)
swf_listopenworkflowexecutions_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListTagsForResource throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-541D480C)
swf_listtagsforresource_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListTagsForResource throttle refill limit in transactions
# per second (L-664871FC)
swf_listtagsforresource_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListWorkflowTypes throttle burst limit in transactions per
# second (L-FBF3CE2F)
swf_listworkflowtypes_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ListWorkflowTypes throttle refill limit in transactions per
# second (L-C0C38A8F)
swf_listworkflowtypes_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: Open workflow executions per domain (L-6FACB0D5)
swf_open_workflow_executions_per_domain = null
# Quota for [swf]: PollForActivityTask throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-F5350037)
swf_pollforactivitytask_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: PollForActivityTask throttle refill limit in transactions
# per second (L-EABBD6AB)
swf_pollforactivitytask_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: PollForDecisionTask throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-23ED90FD)
swf_pollfordecisiontask_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: PollForDecisionTask throttle refill limit in transactions
# per second (L-DFCD38D8)
swf_pollfordecisiontask_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RecordActivityTaskHeartbeat throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-CBE45CF4)
swf_recordactivitytaskheartbeat_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RecordActivityTaskHeartbeat throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-D441B742)
swf_recordactivitytaskheartbeat_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RegisterActivityType throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-85FB1745)
swf_registeractivitytype_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RegisterActivityType throttle refill limit in transactions
# per second (L-C943B086)
swf_registeractivitytype_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RegisterDomain throttle burst limit in transactions per
# second (L-9F857AB4)
swf_registerdomain_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RegisterDomain throttle refill limit in transactions per
# second (L-72A8322C)
swf_registerdomain_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: Registered domains (L-464CCB53)
swf_registered_domains = null
# Quota for [swf]: RegisterWorkflowType throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-11796F0D)
swf_registerworkflowtype_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RegisterWorkflowType throttle refill limit in transactions
# per second (L-E73B63BD)
swf_registerworkflowtype_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit
# in transactions per second (L-BC8E42D6)
swf_requestcancelexternalworkflowexecution_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecution throttle refill
# limit in transactions per second (L-967C6C00)
swf_requestcancelexternalworkflowexecution_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RequestCancelWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-3E87B554)
swf_requestcancelworkflowexecution_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RequestCancelWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-889726A2)
swf_requestcancelworkflowexecution_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RespondActivityTaskCanceled throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-158C01C8)
swf_respondactivitytaskcanceled_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RespondActivityTaskCanceled throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-E3E6B073)
swf_respondactivitytaskcanceled_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RespondActivityTaskCompleted throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-B1B7886E)
swf_respondactivitytaskcompleted_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RespondActivityTaskCompleted throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-C96251D8)
swf_respondactivitytaskcompleted_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RespondActivityTaskFailed throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-6ACC4529)
swf_respondactivitytaskfailed_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RespondActivityTaskFailed throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-9EB7B9D6)
swf_respondactivitytaskfailed_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RespondDecisionTaskCompleted throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-1188DD51)
swf_responddecisiontaskcompleted_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: RespondDecisionTaskCompleted throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-10B07C15)
swf_responddecisiontaskcompleted_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ScheduleActivityTask throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-9889E41A)
swf_scheduleactivitytask_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: ScheduleActivityTask throttle refill limit in transactions
# per second (L-90F927AE)
swf_scheduleactivitytask_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: SignalExternalWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-E74A6FC5)
swf_signalexternalworkflowexecution_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: SignalExternalWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-90E73253)
swf_signalexternalworkflowexecution_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: SignalWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-125E0653)
swf_signalworkflowexecution_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: SignalWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-F649FC18)
swf_signalworkflowexecution_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: StartChildWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-BEE48758)
swf_startchildworkflowexecution_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: StartChildWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-BE04F134)
swf_startchildworkflowexecution_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: StartTimer throttle burst limit in transactions per second
# (L-418A961F)
swf_starttimer_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: StartTimer throttle refill limit in transactions per second
# (L-A94186CB)
swf_starttimer_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: StartWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in transactions
# per second (L-0F51A38F)
swf_startworkflowexecution_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: StartWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-C2741471)
swf_startworkflowexecution_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: TagResource throttle burst limit in transactions per second
# (L-740FECBB)
swf_tagresource_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: TagResource throttle refill limit in transactions per
# second (L-CEE29E14)
swf_tagresource_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: TerminateWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-420027E2)
swf_terminateworkflowexecution_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: TerminateWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-28C5E3D9)
swf_terminateworkflowexecution_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: UndeprecateActivityType throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-542E1377)
swf_undeprecateactivitytype_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: UndeprecateActivityType throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-522BE746)
swf_undeprecateactivitytype_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: UndeprecateDomain throttle burst limit in transactions per
# second (L-B59DD71F)
swf_undeprecatedomain_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: UndeprecateDomain throttle refill limit in transactions per
# second (L-45E4DED8)
swf_undeprecatedomain_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: UndeprecateWorkflowType throttle burst limit in
# transactions per second (L-3E1AC395)
swf_undeprecateworkflowtype_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: UndeprecateWorkflowType throttle refill limit in
# transactions per second (L-23555C14)
swf_undeprecateworkflowtype_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: UntagResource throttle burst limit in transactions per
# second (L-778DA924)
swf_untagresource_throttle_burst_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: UntagResource throttle refill limit in transactions per
# second (L-C0F4576E)
swf_untagresource_throttle_refill_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [swf]: Workflow and activity types per domain (L-52C0BE72)
swf_workflow_and_activity_types_per_domain = null
# Quota for [swf]: Workflow execution idle time (L-1026A51B)
swf_workflow_execution_idle_time = null
# Quota for [swf]: Workflow retention time (L-DC76BFDB)
swf_workflow_retention_time = null
# Quota for [textract]: AnalyzeDocument throttle limit in transactions per
# second (L-B83AD6FF)
textract_analyzedocument_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: AnalyzeExpense throttle limit in transactions per
# second (L-80A81B07)
textract_analyzeexpense_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: AnalyzeID throttle limit in transactions per second
# (L-7C2E8C8C)
textract_analyzeid_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: Async DocumentAnalysis throttle limit for max number
# of concurrent jobs (L-5CF3B0DF)
textract_async_documentanalysis_throttle_limit_for_max_number_of_concurrent_jobs = null
# Quota for [textract]: Async DocumentTextDetection throttle limit for max
# number of concurrent jobs (L-5B33D1C3)
textract_async_documenttextdetection_throttle_limit_for_max_number_of_concurrent_jobs = null
# Quota for [textract]: Async ExpenseAnalysis throttle limit for max number of
# concurrent jobs (L-25F2C897)
textract_async_expenseanalysis_throttle_limit_for_max_number_of_concurrent_jobs = null
# Quota for [textract]: Async LendingAnalysis throttle limit for max number of
# concurrent jobs (L-CFEC0789)
textract_async_lendinganalysis_throttle_limit_for_max_number_of_concurrent_jobs = null
# Quota for [textract]: CreateAdapter throttle limit for max number of
# adapters per account (L-C9EC1D79)
textract_createadapter_throttle_limit_for_max_number_of_adapters_per_account = null
# Quota for [textract]: CreateAdapterVersion throttle limit for max number of
# in-progress adapter versions per account (L-E6985921)
textract_createadapterversion_throttle_limit_for_max_number_of_in_progress_adapter_versions_per_account = null
# Quota for [textract]: CreateAdapterVersion throttle limit for max number of
# new successful adapter versions per month (L-90151521)
textract_createadapterversion_throttle_limit_for_max_number_of_new_successful_adapter_versions_per_month = null
# Quota for [textract]: DetectDocumentText throttle limit in transactions per
# second (L-75788A8B)
textract_detectdocumenttext_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: GetDocumentAnalysis throttle limit in transactions per
# second (L-9ACAE5E4)
textract_getdocumentanalysis_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: GetDocumentTextDetection throttle limit in
# transactions per second (L-94C8FE3F)
textract_getdocumenttextdetection_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: GetExpenseAnalysis throttle limit in transactions per
# second (L-FA2C35B5)
textract_getexpenseanalysis_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: GetLendingAnalysis throttle limit in transactions per
# second (L-78993479)
textract_getlendinganalysis_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: GetLendingAnalysisSummary throttle limit in
# transactions per second (L-4CDADAE4)
textract_getlendinganalysissummary_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: StartDocumentAnalysis throttle limit in transactions
# per second (L-5E3A5D59)
textract_startdocumentanalysis_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: StartDocumentTextDetection throttle limit in
# transactions per second (L-AE9E2453)
textract_startdocumenttextdetection_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: StartExpenseAnalysis throttle limit in transactions
# per second (L-E31D91C2)
textract_startexpenseanalysis_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [textract]: StartLendingAnalysis throttle limit in transactions
# per second (L-FF9CE2BA)
textract_startlendinganalysis_throttle_limit_in_transactions_per_second = null
# Quota for [tnb]: Concurrent ongoing network service operations (L-81A3E723)
tnb_concurrent_ongoing_network_service_operations = null
# Quota for [tnb]: Function packages (L-08069DBD)
tnb_function_packages = null
# Quota for [tnb]: Network packages (L-3328748B)
tnb_network_packages = null
# Quota for [tnb]: Network service instances (L-C92FB107)
tnb_network_service_instances = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Job queue bandwidth ratio (L-949A4206)
transcribe_job_queue_bandwidth_ratio = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Maximum number of categories for Call Analytics
# batch jobs (L-E3EBEDF2)
transcribe_maximum_number_of_categories_for_call_analytics_batch_jobs = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Maximum number of categories for Call Analytics
# batch jobs_L-E9626652 (L-E9626652)
transcribe_maximum_number_of_categories_for_call_analytics_batch_jobs_l_e9626652 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Maximum number of rules per category for Call
# Analytics batch jobs (L-C3ED0F9A)
transcribe_maximum_number_of_rules_per_category_for_call_analytics_batch_jobs = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Maximum number of rules per category for Call
# Analytics batch jobs_L-2E269322 (L-2E269322)
transcribe_maximum_number_of_rules_per_category_for_call_analytics_batch_jobs_l_2e269322 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Maximum number of targets allowed per category for
# Call Analytics batch jobs (L-3445E3CD)
transcribe_maximum_number_of_targets_allowed_per_category_for_call_analytics_batch_jobs = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Maximum number of targets allowed per category for
# Call Analytics batch jobs_L-3533BA28 (L-3533BA28)
transcribe_maximum_number_of_targets_allowed_per_category_for_call_analytics_batch_jobs_l_3533ba28 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of channels for channel identification
# (L-67DA1F8F)
transcribe_number_of_channels_for_channel_identification = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrent batch transcription jobs
# (L-6F7AB1C9)
transcribe_number_of_concurrent_batch_transcription_jobs = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrent Call Analytics batch jobs
# (L-0976024B)
transcribe_number_of_concurrent_call_analytics_batch_jobs = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrent Call Analytics batch
# jobs_L-48FC5F8A (L-48FC5F8A)
transcribe_number_of_concurrent_call_analytics_batch_jobs_l_48fc5f8a = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrent HTTP/2 streams for streaming
# transcription. (L-CDB96031)
transcribe_number_of_concurrent_http_2_streams_for_streaming_transcription_ = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrent medical batch transcription
# jobs (L-0183037A)
transcribe_number_of_concurrent_medical_batch_transcription_jobs = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrent medical batch transcription
# jobs_L-63F366BB (L-63F366BB)
transcribe_number_of_concurrent_medical_batch_transcription_jobs_l_63f366bb = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrent 'MedicalScribe' batch jobs
# (L-C8D4E7C4)
transcribe_number_of_concurrent_medicalscribe_batch_jobs = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrently training custom language
# models (L-E0D2ADDE)
transcribe_number_of_concurrently_training_custom_language_models = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of pending medical vocabularies (L-340B75E2)
transcribe_number_of_pending_medical_vocabularies = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of pending medical vocabularies_L-836A857F
# (L-836A857F)
transcribe_number_of_pending_medical_vocabularies_l_836a857f = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of pending vocabularies (L-A51A98B4)
transcribe_number_of_pending_vocabularies = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of StartMedicalStreamTranscription Websocket
# requests (L-0C60E99C)
transcribe_number_of_startmedicalstreamtranscription_websocket_requests = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of StartMedicalStreamTranscription Websocket
# requests_L-0FB6DE48 (L-0FB6DE48)
transcribe_number_of_startmedicalstreamtranscription_websocket_requests_l_0fb6de48 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Number of StartStreamTranscription Websocket
# requests (L-A9710EC8)
transcribe_number_of_startstreamtranscription_websocket_requests = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: The number of concurrent
# 'StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscription' HTTP/2 streaming requests.
# (L-72BA37C9)
transcribe_the_number_of_concurrent_startcallanalyticsstreamtranscription_http_2_streaming_requests_ = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: The number of concurrent
# 'StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscription' HTTP/2 streaming
# requests._L-128229BB (L-128229BB)
transcribe_the_number_of_concurrent_startcallanalyticsstreamtranscription_http_2_streaming_requests__l_128229bb = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Total number of custom language models per account
# (L-9190489D)
transcribe_total_number_of_custom_language_models_per_account = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Total number of medical vocabularies per account
# (L-8EF21937)
transcribe_total_number_of_medical_vocabularies_per_account = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Total number of medical vocabularies per
# account_L-79BBEFC1 (L-79BBEFC1)
transcribe_total_number_of_medical_vocabularies_per_account_l_79bbefc1 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Total number of vocabularies per account
# (L-3278D334)
transcribe_total_number_of_vocabularies_per_account = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, CreateCallAnalyticsCategory
# operation (L-B32D80CD)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_createcallanalyticscategory_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, CreateCallAnalyticsCategory
# operation_L-020BD1D2 (L-020BD1D2)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_createcallanalyticscategory_operation_l_020bd1d2 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, CreateVocabulary operation
# (L-23CCF526)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_createvocabulary_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteCallAnalyticsCategory
# operation (L-AEECB49A)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletecallanalyticscategory_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteCallAnalyticsCategory
# operation_L-40CC32CD (L-40CC32CD)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletecallanalyticscategory_operation_l_40cc32cd = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteCallAnalyticsJob
# operation (L-4FA92C98)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletecallanalyticsjob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteCallAnalyticsJob
# operation_L-E9D8884B (L-E9D8884B)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletecallanalyticsjob_operation_l_e9d8884b = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, 'DeleteMedicalScribeJob'
# operation (L-3C33F5F4)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletemedicalscribejob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# DeleteMedicalTranscriptionJob operation (L-29A2FDAD)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletemedicaltranscriptionjob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# DeleteMedicalTranscriptionJob operation_L-AAFCE0A3 (L-AAFCE0A3)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletemedicaltranscriptionjob_operation_l_aafce0a3 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteMedicalVocabulary
# operation (L-ED89E5C0)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletemedicalvocabulary_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteMedicalVocabulary
# operation_L-50B57C16 (L-50B57C16)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletemedicalvocabulary_operation_l_50b57c16 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteTranscriptionJob
# operation (L-CECDF303)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletetranscriptionjob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteVocabulary operation
# (L-F0847210)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_deletevocabulary_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetCallAnalyticsCategory
# operation (L-29C417EC)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_getcallanalyticscategory_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetCallAnalyticsCategory
# operation_L-A07285C7 (L-A07285C7)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_getcallanalyticscategory_operation_l_a07285c7 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetCallAnalyticsJob
# operation (L-0E6A6411)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_getcallanalyticsjob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetCallAnalyticsJob
# operation_L-2F86860B (L-2F86860B)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_getcallanalyticsjob_operation_l_2f86860b = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, 'GetMedicalScribeJob'
# operation (L-DD4D5E02)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_getmedicalscribejob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetMedicalTranscriptionJob
# operation (L-54F3FD91)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_getmedicaltranscriptionjob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetMedicalTranscriptionJob
# operation_L-A99534C1 (L-A99534C1)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_getmedicaltranscriptionjob_operation_l_a99534c1 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetMedicalVocabulary
# operation (L-467D3ED0)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_getmedicalvocabulary_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetMedicalVocabulary
# operation_L-16E31C23 (L-16E31C23)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_getmedicalvocabulary_operation_l_16e31c23 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetTranscriptionJob
# operation (L-79130216)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_gettranscriptionjob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetVocabulary operation
# (L-B8E3E4A0)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_getvocabulary_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListCallAnalyticsCategories
# operation (L-AED2C08C)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listcallanalyticscategories_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListCallAnalyticsCategories
# operation_L-B4737A9F (L-B4737A9F)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listcallanalyticscategories_operation_l_b4737a9f = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListCallAnalyticsJobs
# operation (L-8DB4434C)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listcallanalyticsjobs_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListCallAnalyticsJobs
# operation_L-93564E36 (L-93564E36)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listcallanalyticsjobs_operation_l_93564e36 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, 'ListMedicalScribeJobs'
# operation (L-BFDCFAB5)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listmedicalscribejobs_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# ListMedicalTranscriptionJobs operation (L-3FDF559D)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listmedicaltranscriptionjobs_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# ListMedicalTranscriptionJobs operation_L-2D4ED180 (L-2D4ED180)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listmedicaltranscriptionjobs_operation_l_2d4ed180 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListMedicalVocabularies
# operation (L-D2C499F9)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listmedicalvocabularies_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListMedicalVocabularies
# operation_L-580FD495 (L-580FD495)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listmedicalvocabularies_operation_l_580fd495 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListTranscriptionJobs
# operation (L-612AD79E)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listtranscriptionjobs_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListVocabularies operation
# (L-B46C0D84)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_listvocabularies_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, StartCallAnalyticsJob
# operation (L-9D95450F)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startcallanalyticsjob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, StartCallAnalyticsJob
# operation_L-4B321684 (L-4B321684)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startcallanalyticsjob_operation_l_4b321684 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscription operation (L-033E2344)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startcallanalyticsstreamtranscription_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscription operation_L-EF81BED4 (L-EF81BED4)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startcallanalyticsstreamtranscription_operation_l_ef81bed4 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscription Websocket operation (L-E32052E9)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startcallanalyticsstreamtranscription_websocket_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscription Websocket operation_L-A0A9F543
# (L-A0A9F543)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startcallanalyticsstreamtranscription_websocket_operation_l_a0a9f543 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, 'StartMedicalScribeJob'
# operation (L-0806BF9E)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startmedicalscribejob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# StartMedicalStreamTranscription operation (L-899A1357)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startmedicalstreamtranscription_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# StartMedicalStreamTranscription operation_L-A3F1B3F5 (L-A3F1B3F5)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startmedicalstreamtranscription_operation_l_a3f1b3f5 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# StartMedicalTranscriptionJob operation (L-825D9BA6)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startmedicaltranscriptionjob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second,
# StartMedicalTranscriptionJob operation_L-BF30671E (L-BF30671E)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startmedicaltranscriptionjob_operation_l_bf30671e = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, StartStreamTranscription
# operation (L-B8122269)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_startstreamtranscription_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, StartTranscriptionJob
# operation (L-6F37B9E3)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_starttranscriptionjob_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, UpdateCallAnalyticsCategory
# operation (L-F4971247)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_updatecallanalyticscategory_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, UpdateCallAnalyticsCategory
# operation_L-B24B8474 (L-B24B8474)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_updatecallanalyticscategory_operation_l_b24b8474 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, UpdateMedicalVocabulary
# operation (L-B69CB5AC)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_updatemedicalvocabulary_operation = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, UpdateMedicalVocabulary
# operation_L-765784F2 (L-765784F2)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_updatemedicalvocabulary_operation_l_765784f2 = null
# Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, UpdateVocabulary operation
# (L-C20201ED)
transcribe_transactions_per_second_updatevocabulary_operation = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Agreements per server (L-C08739CA)
transfer_agreements_per_server = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Certificates per account (L-C0FDC60E)
transfer_certificates_per_account = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Connectors per account (L-A6509B77)
transfer_connectors_per_account = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Maximum inbound AS2 message size (L-1B36ED13)
transfer_maximum_inbound_as2_message_size = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Maximum number of AD Groups for access (L-843894CE)
transfer_maximum_number_of_ad_groups_for_access = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Maximum outbound AS2 message size (L-9A414140)
transfer_maximum_outbound_as2_message_size = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Number of Service Managed users per server
# (L-101C3D29)
transfer_number_of_service_managed_users_per_server = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Profiles per account (L-858EB316)
transfer_profiles_per_account = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Rate of StartFileTransfer requests per connector
# (L-19FB5D1F)
transfer_rate_of_startfiletransfer_requests_per_connector = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Servers per account (L-6E386A05)
transfer_servers_per_account = null
# Quota for [transfer]: SSH keys per Service Managed user (L-90797EDA)
transfer_ssh_keys_per_service_managed_user = null
# Quota for [transfer]: Workflows per account (L-8A2575E3)
transfer_workflows_per_account = null
# Quota for [translate]: Concurrent batch translation jobs (L-10DB0BCF)
translate_concurrent_batch_translation_jobs = null
# Quota for [translate]: Custom terminology files (L-4011ABD8)
translate_custom_terminology_files = null
# Quota for [translate]: Parallel data resources (L-2B2DC880)
translate_parallel_data_resources = null
# Quota for [vendor-insights]: Daily snapshots per security profile
# (L-F1F2AAFB)
vendor_insights_daily_snapshots_per_security_profile = null
# Quota for [vendor-insights]: Data sources per account (L-A1493543)
vendor_insights_data_sources_per_account = null
# Quota for [vendor-insights]: Data sources per security profile (L-1922DB2F)
vendor_insights_data_sources_per_security_profile = null
# Quota for [vendor-insights]: Security profiles per account (L-5ED1D22F)
vendor_insights_security_profiles_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: BatchIsAuthorized requests per second per
# Region per account (L-9DB5CAA4)
verifiedpermissions_batchisauthorized_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: CreatePolicy requests per second per Region
# per account (L-9647C866)
verifiedpermissions_createpolicy_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: CreatePolicyTemplate requests per second
# per Region per account (L-8D5CB09F)
verifiedpermissions_createpolicytemplate_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: DeletePolicy requests per second per Region
# per account (L-F81CF58F)
verifiedpermissions_deletepolicy_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: DeletePolicyTemplate requests per second
# per Region per account (L-5CA93A13)
verifiedpermissions_deletepolicytemplate_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: GetPolicy requests per second per Region
# per account (L-C9736881)
verifiedpermissions_getpolicy_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: GetPolicyStore requests per second per
# Region per account (L-E1924570)
verifiedpermissions_getpolicystore_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: GetPolicyTemplate requests per second per
# Region per account (L-D82415D2)
verifiedpermissions_getpolicytemplate_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: GetSchema requests per second per Region
# per account (L-B49B9779)
verifiedpermissions_getschema_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: IsAuthorized requests per second per Region
# per account (L-771544C7)
verifiedpermissions_isauthorized_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: IsAuthorizedWithToken requests per second
# per Region per account (L-645D3857)
verifiedpermissions_isauthorizedwithtoken_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: ListPolicies requests per second per Region
# per account (L-4E0E8AFD)
verifiedpermissions_listpolicies_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: ListPolicyStores requests per second per
# Region per account (L-271BE7E8)
verifiedpermissions_listpolicystores_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: ListPolicyTemplates requests per second per
# Region per account (L-70239429)
verifiedpermissions_listpolicytemplates_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: Policy stores per Region per account
# (L-919F2C9C)
verifiedpermissions_policy_stores_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: Policy templates per policy store
# (L-97BDA0CF)
verifiedpermissions_policy_templates_per_policy_store = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: PutSchema requests per second per Region
# per account (L-886D79EB)
verifiedpermissions_putschema_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: UpdatePolicy requests per second per Region
# per account (L-2AFF096D)
verifiedpermissions_updatepolicy_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: UpdatePolicyTemplate requests per second
# per Region per account (L-DC54B663)
verifiedpermissions_updatepolicytemplate_requests_per_second_per_region_per_account = null
# Quota for [vmimportexport]: Concurrent task limit for ImportImage,
# ImportSnapshot, and ExportImage (L-66ABAAD5)
vmimportexport_concurrent_task_limit_for_importimage_importsnapshot_and_exportimage = null
# Quota for [vmimportexport]: Concurrent task limit for ImportInstance,
# ImportVolume, and CreateInstanceExportTask (L-0994E50B)
vmimportexport_concurrent_task_limit_for_importinstance_importvolume_and_createinstanceexporttask = null
# Quota for [voiceid]: Active fraudster registration jobs per domain
# (L-38B73369)
voiceid_active_fraudster_registration_jobs_per_domain = null
# Quota for [voiceid]: Active speaker enrollment jobs per domain (L-55441DAB)
voiceid_active_speaker_enrollment_jobs_per_domain = null
# Quota for [voiceid]: Active streaming sessions per domain (L-F4849009)
voiceid_active_streaming_sessions_per_domain = null
# Quota for [voiceid]: Domains per region (L-CF9F1A9B)
voiceid_domains_per_region = null
# Quota for [voiceid]: Fraudster registration requests per fraudster
# registration job (L-429DC46D)
voiceid_fraudster_registration_requests_per_fraudster_registration_job = null
# Quota for [voiceid]: Fraudsters per watchlist (L-6DD2993B)
voiceid_fraudsters_per_watchlist = null
# Quota for [voiceid]: Speaker enrollment requests per speaker enrollment job
# (L-9EB99B73)
voiceid_speaker_enrollment_requests_per_speaker_enrollment_job = null
# Quota for [voiceid]: Speakers per domain (L-65FE7850)
voiceid_speakers_per_domain = null
# Quota for [voiceid]: Watchlists per domain (L-3790424B)
voiceid_watchlists_per_domain = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Active VPC peering connections per VPC (L-7E9ECCDB)
vpc_active_vpc_peering_connections_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Egress-only internet gateways per Region (L-45FE3B85)
vpc_egress_only_internet_gateways_per_region = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Elastic IP address quota per NAT gateway (L-5F53652F)
vpc_elastic_ip_address_quota_per_nat_gateway = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Gateway VPC endpoints per Region (L-1B52E74A)
vpc_gateway_vpc_endpoints_per_region = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Inbound or outbound rules per security group (L-0EA8095F)
vpc_inbound_or_outbound_rules_per_security_group = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Interface VPC endpoints per VPC (L-29B6F2EB)
vpc_interface_vpc_endpoints_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Internet gateways per Region (L-A4707A72)
vpc_internet_gateways_per_region = null
# Quota for [vpc]: IPv4 CIDR blocks per VPC (L-83CA0A9D)
vpc_ipv4_cidr_blocks_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [vpc]: IPv6 CIDR blocks per VPC (L-085A6257)
vpc_ipv6_cidr_blocks_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Listeners per service (L-D64E952E)
vpc_lattice_listeners_per_service = null
# Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Rules per listener (L-CF78395E)
vpc_lattice_rules_per_listener = null
# Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Service associations per service network
# (L-75D4A19E)
vpc_lattice_service_associations_per_service_network = null
# Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Service networks per region (L-9CAD07FB)
vpc_lattice_service_networks_per_region = null
# Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Services per region (L-620C821E)
vpc_lattice_services_per_region = null
# Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Target groups per region (L-BB11C6B9)
vpc_lattice_target_groups_per_region = null
# Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Target groups per service (L-3DEC3B9F)
vpc_lattice_target_groups_per_service = null
# Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Targets per target group (L-D71303F3)
vpc_lattice_targets_per_target_group = null
# Quota for [vpc-lattice]: VPC associations per service network (L-EF6E2D62)
vpc_lattice_vpc_associations_per_service_network = null
# Quota for [vpc]: NAT gateways per Availability Zone (L-FE5A380F)
vpc_nat_gateways_per_availability_zone = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Network ACLs per VPC (L-B4A6D682)
vpc_network_acls_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Network Address Usage (L-BB24F6E5)
vpc_network_address_usage = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Network interfaces per Region (L-DF5E4CA3)
vpc_network_interfaces_per_region = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Outstanding VPC peering connection requests (L-DC9F7029)
vpc_outstanding_vpc_peering_connection_requests = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Participant accounts per VPC (L-2C462E13)
vpc_participant_accounts_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Peered Network Address Usage (L-CD17FD4B)
vpc_peered_network_address_usage = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Private IP address quota per NAT gateway (L-DFA99DE7)
vpc_private_ip_address_quota_per_nat_gateway = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Route tables per VPC (L-589F43AA)
vpc_route_tables_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Routes per route table (L-93826ACB)
vpc_routes_per_route_table = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Rules per network ACL (L-2AEEBF1A)
vpc_rules_per_network_acl = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Security groups per network interface (L-2AFB9258)
vpc_security_groups_per_network_interface = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Subnets per VPC (L-407747CB)
vpc_subnets_per_vpc = null
# Quota for [vpc]: Subnets that can be shared with an account (L-44499CD2)
vpc_subnets_that_can_be_shared_with_an_account = null
# Quota for [vpc]: VPC security groups per Region (L-E79EC296)
vpc_vpc_security_groups_per_region = null
# Quota for [vpc]: VPCs per Region (L-F678F1CE)
vpc_vpcs_per_region = null
# Quota for [waf]: Rate-based rules (L-002637B8)
waf_rate_based_rules = null
# Quota for [waf-regional]: Rate-based rules (L-6DA23DDF)
waf_regional_rate_based_rules = null
# Quota for [waf-regional]: Rate of requests (L-28FAE46F)
waf_regional_rate_of_requests = null
# Quota for [waf-regional]: Rules (L-7BF8015E)
waf_regional_rules = null
# Quota for [waf-regional]: Web ACLs (L-55785BA2)
waf_regional_web_acls = null
# Quota for [waf]: Requests per second per distribution by WebACL (L-A696B8FB)
waf_requests_per_second_per_distribution_by_webacl = null
# Quota for [waf]: Rules (L-1A78A466)
waf_rules = null
# Quota for [waf]: Web ACLs (L-FECDE520)
waf_web_acls = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of custom request headers per web ACL or
# rule group for CloudFront (L-3A878263)
wafv2_maximum_number_of_custom_request_headers_per_web_acl_or_rule_group_for_cloudfront = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of custom request headers per web ACL or
# rule group for regional (L-2D9CB303)
wafv2_maximum_number_of_custom_request_headers_per_web_acl_or_rule_group_for_regional = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of custom response bodies per web ACL or
# rule group for CloudFront (L-F7AF7D03)
wafv2_maximum_number_of_custom_response_bodies_per_web_acl_or_rule_group_for_cloudfront = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of custom response bodies per web ACL or
# rule group for regional (L-71C2E81B)
wafv2_maximum_number_of_custom_response_bodies_per_web_acl_or_rule_group_for_regional = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of custom response headers per web ACL or
# rule group for CloudFront (L-C4A384E0)
wafv2_maximum_number_of_custom_response_headers_per_web_acl_or_rule_group_for_cloudfront = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of custom response headers per web ACL or
# rule group for regional (L-E4E414A8)
wafv2_maximum_number_of_custom_response_headers_per_web_acl_or_rule_group_for_regional = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of requests per second per web ACL for
# CloudFront (L-FE21FEF6)
wafv2_maximum_number_of_requests_per_second_per_web_acl_for_cloudfront = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of requests per second per web ACL for
# regional (L-A85235F6)
wafv2_maximum_number_of_requests_per_second_per_web_acl_for_regional = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum rule groups per account in WAF for CloudFront
# (L-9E2A3B2D)
wafv2_maximum_rule_groups_per_account_in_waf_for_cloudfront = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum rule groups per account in WAF for regional
# (L-C5BCD850)
wafv2_maximum_rule_groups_per_account_in_waf_for_regional = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum web ACLs per account in WAF for CloudFront
# (L-24189897)
wafv2_maximum_web_acls_per_account_in_waf_for_cloudfront = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum web ACLs per account in WAF for regional
# (L-2EC3DE7B)
wafv2_maximum_web_acls_per_account_in_waf_for_regional = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Number of CloudWatch Logs log streams per web ACL for
# CloudFront (L-7BED657D)
wafv2_number_of_cloudwatch_logs_log_streams_per_web_acl_for_cloudfront = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Number of CloudWatch Logs log streams per web ACL for
# regional (L-0C8E1D79)
wafv2_number_of_cloudwatch_logs_log_streams_per_web_acl_for_regional = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Number of token domains per web ACL for CloudFront
# (L-85B5BC49)
wafv2_number_of_token_domains_per_web_acl_for_cloudfront = null
# Quota for [wafv2]: Number of token domains per web ACL for regional
# (L-11D00F38)
wafv2_number_of_token_domains_per_web_acl_for_regional = null
# Quota for [wam]: Application assignments per user (L-23A8EFD3)
wam_application_assignments_per_user = null
# Quota for [wam]: User/WorkSpace or group assignments per application
# (L-0EFAA13E)
wam_user_workspace_or_group_assignments_per_application = null
# Quota for [workspaces]: Graphics.g4dn WorkSpaces (L-BCACAEBC)
workspaces_graphics_g4dn_workspaces = null
# Quota for [workspaces]: GraphicsPro.g4dn WorkSpaces (L-BE9A8466)
workspaces_graphicspro_g4dn_workspaces = null
# Quota for [workspaces]: GraphicsPro WorkSpaces (L-254B485B)
workspaces_graphicspro_workspaces = null
# Quota for [workspaces]: Images (L-18CE281C)
workspaces_images = null
# Quota for [workspaces]: Standby WorkSpaces (L-9A67B5CB)
workspaces_standby_workspaces = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of BrowserSettings (L-36965BD1)
workspaces_web_number_of_browsersettings = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of Certificates per TrustStore
# (L-B30615E2)
workspaces_web_number_of_certificates_per_truststore = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of IdentityProviders per Portal
# (L-DFC864EF)
workspaces_web_number_of_identityproviders_per_portal = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of IpAccessSettings (L-78A0B046)
workspaces_web_number_of_ipaccesssettings = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of Maximum Concurrent Sessions per Portal
# (L-4120496C)
workspaces_web_number_of_maximum_concurrent_sessions_per_portal = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of NetworkSettings (L-787608AB)
workspaces_web_number_of_networksettings = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of TrustStores (L-3A76276F)
workspaces_web_number_of_truststores = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of UserAccessLoggingSettings (L-8BD59015)
workspaces_web_number_of_useraccessloggingsettings = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of UserSettings (L-3A62D5A9)
workspaces_web_number_of_usersettings = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of Web Portals (L-149BA3AD)
workspaces_web_number_of_web_portals = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of AssociateBrowserSettings requests
# (L-A3E92E82)
workspaces_web_rate_of_associatebrowsersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of AssociateIpAccessSettings requests
# (L-E1E0B653)
workspaces_web_rate_of_associateipaccesssettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of AssociateNetworkSettings requests
# (L-43C1B6E6)
workspaces_web_rate_of_associatenetworksettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of AssociateTrustStore requests
# (L-0BC76D3C)
workspaces_web_rate_of_associatetruststore_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of AssociateUserAccessLoggingSettings
# requests (L-6F4DA997)
workspaces_web_rate_of_associateuseraccessloggingsettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of AssociateUserSettings requests
# (L-ED7C8CD0)
workspaces_web_rate_of_associateusersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreateBrowserSettings requests
# (L-C8E73DC8)
workspaces_web_rate_of_createbrowsersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreateIdentityProvider requests
# (L-6E3C18D8)
workspaces_web_rate_of_createidentityprovider_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreateIpAccessSettings requests
# (L-14261565)
workspaces_web_rate_of_createipaccesssettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreateNetworkSettings requests
# (L-BB21B00F)
workspaces_web_rate_of_createnetworksettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreatePortal requests (L-D5EA059F)
workspaces_web_rate_of_createportal_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreateTrustStore requests (L-F31E6456)
workspaces_web_rate_of_createtruststore_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreateUserAccessLoggingSettings requests
# (L-57EB3A5C)
workspaces_web_rate_of_createuseraccessloggingsettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreateUserSettings requests (L-079D6D1A)
workspaces_web_rate_of_createusersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeleteBrowserSettings requests
# (L-362C3C84)
workspaces_web_rate_of_deletebrowsersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeleteIdentityProvider requests
# (L-5046A0A4)
workspaces_web_rate_of_deleteidentityprovider_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeleteIpAccessSettings requests
# (L-3B5144ED)
workspaces_web_rate_of_deleteipaccesssettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeleteNetworkSettings requests
# (L-184EBD82)
workspaces_web_rate_of_deletenetworksettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeletePortal requests (L-8BF44F8E)
workspaces_web_rate_of_deleteportal_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeleteTrustStore requests (L-438EBE87)
workspaces_web_rate_of_deletetruststore_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeleteUserAccessLoggingSettings requests
# (L-58202D8F)
workspaces_web_rate_of_deleteuseraccessloggingsettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeleteUserSettings requests (L-2C7C0AF1)
workspaces_web_rate_of_deleteusersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DisassociateBrowserSettings requests
# (L-1DB47EFF)
workspaces_web_rate_of_disassociatebrowsersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DisassociateIpAccessSettings requests
# (L-EC36A4C6)
workspaces_web_rate_of_disassociateipaccesssettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DisassociateNetworkSettings requests
# (L-77E95BD0)
workspaces_web_rate_of_disassociatenetworksettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DisassociateTrustStore requests
# (L-49DD0E62)
workspaces_web_rate_of_disassociatetruststore_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DisassociateUserAccessLoggingSettings
# requests (L-8E8025D8)
workspaces_web_rate_of_disassociateuseraccessloggingsettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DisassociateUserSettings requests
# (L-F64575FC)
workspaces_web_rate_of_disassociateusersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of GetBrowserSettings requests (L-00C34477)
workspaces_web_rate_of_getbrowsersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of GetIdentityProvider requests
# (L-D9ADFC33)
workspaces_web_rate_of_getidentityprovider_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of GetIpAccessSettings requests
# (L-A7E91E5C)
workspaces_web_rate_of_getipaccesssettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of GetNetworkSettings requests (L-E81A7683)
workspaces_web_rate_of_getnetworksettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of GetPortal requests (L-322B0066)
workspaces_web_rate_of_getportal_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of GetUserAccessLoggingSettings requests
# (L-E207534D)
workspaces_web_rate_of_getuseraccessloggingsettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of GetUserSettings requests (L-0F222D02)
workspaces_web_rate_of_getusersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListBrowserSettings requests
# (L-02CFB9A1)
workspaces_web_rate_of_listbrowsersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListIdentityProviders requests
# (L-91742F30)
workspaces_web_rate_of_listidentityproviders_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListIpAccessSettings requests
# (L-E91D6E7E)
workspaces_web_rate_of_listipaccesssettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListNetworkSettings requests
# (L-79EC01E1)
workspaces_web_rate_of_listnetworksettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListPortals requests (L-095DE697)
workspaces_web_rate_of_listportals_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListTagsForResource requests
# (L-1A51C3EA)
workspaces_web_rate_of_listtagsforresource_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListTrustStoreCertificates requests
# (L-AE820403)
workspaces_web_rate_of_listtruststorecertificates_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListTrustStores requests (L-75BD2FF5)
workspaces_web_rate_of_listtruststores_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListUserAccessLoggingSettings requests
# (L-DCB5C13E)
workspaces_web_rate_of_listuseraccessloggingsettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListUserSettings requests (L-90048709)
workspaces_web_rate_of_listusersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of TagResource requests (L-86380CED)
workspaces_web_rate_of_tagresource_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UntagResource requests (L-94E642D1)
workspaces_web_rate_of_untagresource_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdateBrowserSettings requests
# (L-48CA0EC9)
workspaces_web_rate_of_updatebrowsersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdateIdentityProvider requests
# (L-1E9BCE97)
workspaces_web_rate_of_updateidentityprovider_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdateIpAccessSettings requests
# (L-ED73BCDC)
workspaces_web_rate_of_updateipaccesssettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdateNetworkSettings requests
# (L-1F25669B)
workspaces_web_rate_of_updatenetworksettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdatePortal requests (L-885A84B6)
workspaces_web_rate_of_updateportal_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdateTrustStore requests (L-955BBE3B)
workspaces_web_rate_of_updatetruststore_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdateUserAccessLoggingSettings requests
# (L-6D75560B)
workspaces_web_rate_of_updateuseraccessloggingsettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdateUserSettings requests (L-133AFA92)
workspaces_web_rate_of_updateusersettings_requests = null
# Quota for [workspaces]: WorkSpaces (L-34278094)
workspaces_workspaces = null
# Quota for [xray]: Custom sampling rules per region (L-8C0C998A)
xray_custom_sampling_rules_per_region = null
- Inputs
- Outputs
Quota for [access-analyzer]: Access previews per analyzer per hour (L-8750DAE0)
Quota for [access-analyzer]: Archive rules per analyzer (L-1E51937C)
Quota for [access-analyzer]: Organization level analyzer (L-6F85FE0C)
numberQuota for [acm]: ACM certificates (L-F141DD1D)
Quota for [acm]: ACM certificates created in last 365 days (L-DA1D8B98)
Quota for [acm]: Domain names per ACM certificate (L-FB94F0B0)
Quota for [acm]: Imported certificates (L-D2CB7DE9)
Quota for [acm]: Imported certificates in last 365 days (L-3808DC70)
Quota for [acm-pca]: Number of private certificate authorities (CAs) (L-799883CD)
Quota for [acm-pca]: Number of private certificates per CA (L-F99AB81B)
Quota for [acm-pca]: Rate of GetCertificate requests (L-1725E639)
Quota for [acm-pca]: Rate of IssueCertificate requests (L-CAFB4993)
Quota for [airflow]: Environments per account per Region (L-67D41C6B)
Quota for [airflow]: Workers per environment (L-78AC1883)
numberQuota for [amplify]: Apps (L-1BED97F3)
numberQuota for [amplify]: Concurrent jobs (L-2A8ABB91)
numberQuota for [amplify]: Domains per app (L-AD277529)
numberQuota for [amplify]: Webhooks per app (L-4113FC04)
Quota for [apigateway]: API Stage throttles in a usage plan (L-A9DBC573)
Quota for [apigateway]: Client certificates (L-824C9E42)
Quota for [apigateway]: Custom Domain Names (L-A93447B8)
Quota for [apigateway]: Maximum resource policy size in bytes (L-8B81B02C)
Quota for [apigateway]: Resources/Routes per REST/WebSocket API (L-01C8A9E0)
Quota for [apigateway]: Routes per HTTP API (L-65B5C802)
Quota for [apigateway]: Stages per API (L-379E48B0)
Quota for [apigateway]: Subnets per VPC link(V2) (L-668C9B28)
numberQuota for [apigateway]: Throttle rate (L-8A5B8E43)
numberQuota for [apigateway]: Usage plans (L-E8693075)
Quota for [apigateway]: Usage plans per API key (L-985EB478)
numberQuota for [apigateway]: VPC links (L-A4C7274F)
numberQuota for [apigateway]: VPC links(V2) (L-608BDCD4)
Quota for [apigateway]: WebSocket new connections rate (L-9ED1E49A)
Quota for [app-integrations]: Data integration associations per data integration (L-3DEFA101)
Quota for [app-integrations]: Data integrations per Region (L-013E1287)
Quota for [app-integrations]: Event integration associations per event integration (L-C1BC25C8)
Quota for [app-integrations]: Event integrations per Region (L-152D3E9E)
Quota for [appconfig]: Configuration size limit in AWS AppConfig hosted configuration store (L-48F9B951)
Quota for [appconfig]: Deployment size limit (L-A5FC0339)
Quota for [appconfig]: Maximum number of applications (L-EEB0151E)
Quota for [appconfig]: Maximum number of configuration profiles per application (L-FA210A1F)
Quota for [appconfig]: Maximum number of deployment strategies (L-F59D302B)
Quota for [appconfig]: Maximum number of environments per application (L-A52E46BE)
Quota for [appflow]: Concurrent flow runs (L-B2798F93)
Quota for [appflow]: Connector profiles (L-0F8AA170)
Quota for [appflow]: Monthly flow runs (L-B96D9407)
numberQuota for [appflow]: Total flows (L-A847D5B6)
Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for Amazon ElastiCache (L-60E4E5E2)
Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for Amazon Keyspaces (L-799ACCDF)
Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for Amazon MSK (L-1A11EB4B)
Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for AppStream (L-8998F403)
Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for Comprehend (L-17D5F681)
Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for custom resources (L-4A11ECEB)
Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for DynamoDB (L-A1D42901)
Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for EC2 (L-297D9EC9)
Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for ECS (L-782A3EE2)
Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for EMR (L-D75CA9D2)
Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for Lambda (L-A2AD6458)
Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for RDS (L-800F6F7B)
Quota for [application-autoscaling]: Scalable targets for SageMaker (L-1AAF0700)
Quota for [appmesh]: Connected Envoy processes per virtual gateway (L-33E8F9C9)
Quota for [appmesh]: Connected Envoy processes per virtual node (L-606A910B)
Quota for [appmesh]: Gateway routes per virtual gateway (L-F6F26D09)
Quota for [appmesh]: Meshes per account (L-AC861A39)
Quota for [appmesh]: Routes per virtual router (L-BB90B7FF)
Quota for [appmesh]: Virtual gateways per mesh (L-87E74146)
Quota for [appmesh]: Virtual nodes per mesh (L-E043DFB4)
Quota for [appmesh]: Virtual routers per mesh (L-50F6C35A)
Quota for [appmesh]: Virtual services per mesh (L-DA7495A7)
Quota for [apprunner]: Auto scaling configurations (L-1D8C5BDD)
numberQuota for [apprunner]: Connections (L-1BDBAAB6)
Quota for [apprunner]: Observability configurations (L-A0B46A0C)
numberQuota for [apprunner]: Services (L-69F96A0C)
numberQuota for [apprunner]: VPC connectors (L-F7ADEB8C)
numberQuota for [appstream2]: Active fleets (L-3FEADC0C)
Quota for [appstream2]: App block builders (L-D949908C)
Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized 2xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-22B15436)
Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized 2xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-400A7BA5)
Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized 4xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-2A70DFAA)
Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized 4xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-C862459E)
Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized 8xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-F15148F0)
Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized 8xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-88E58796)
Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized large streaming instances for fleets (L-63D777D1)
Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized large streaming instances for image builders (L-6203AEB6)
Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-7F9576D3)
Quota for [appstream2]: Compute-optimized xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-A3782476)
Quota for [appstream2]: Concurrent image copies per destination Region (L-60244546)
Quota for [appstream2]: Concurrent image updates (L-9B6418E0)
numberQuota for [appstream2]: Fleets (L-8A6F32DC)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design 2xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-BA00F320)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design 2xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-30CF85CE)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design 4xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-BDBE16B7)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design 4xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-32513EC9)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design large streaming instances for fleets (L-A9DBC136)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design large streaming instances for image builders (L-85C46326)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-A3275215)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics design xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-7D331840)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics desktop 2xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-7549EFF1)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics desktop 2xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-B3B2E1D8)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 12xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-64A79F98)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 12xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-5E39616B)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 16xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-503FABB4)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 16xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-F3D0F9E2)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 2xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-98A64E5D)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 2xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-537E304B)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 4xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-92328C81)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 4xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-15883678)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 8xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-CAB64ED6)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN 8xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-3E935099)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-3D9782E8)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G4DN xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-E0AF1F7E)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 12xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-4942E302)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 12xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-D6D82AD0)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 16xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-AAB87D99)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 16xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-A23829AD)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 24xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-4ED95C84)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 24xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-2F62DC97)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 2xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-880853F1)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 2xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-DDA4AD40)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 4xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-22A636D1)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 4xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-ABD9CD0F)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 8xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-756CAD5B)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 8xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-5D6E72E6)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-5FE41F5B)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics G5 xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-5B2F0776)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics pro 16xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-C5E17995)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics pro 16xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-B4068835)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics pro 4xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-70318001)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics pro 4xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-B489BF44)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics pro 8xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-6F6573C4)
Quota for [appstream2]: Graphics pro 8xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-F53024C1)
Quota for [appstream2]: Image builders (L-DE32F884)
Quota for [appstream2]: Image sharing limit (L-99A44980)
Quota for [appstream2]: Max app block builders with Windows Server 2019 platform and stream.standard.2xlarge instance type (L-FE087B3F)
Quota for [appstream2]: Max app block builders with Windows Server 2019 platform and stream.standard.large instance type (L-234D5738)
Quota for [appstream2]: Max app block builders with Windows Server 2019 platform and stream.standard.medium instance type (L-E98A2430)
Quota for [appstream2]: Max app block builders with Windows Server 2019 platform and stream.standard.small instance type (L-4015AFBC)
Quota for [appstream2]: Max app block builders with Windows Server 2019 platform and stream.standard.xlarge instance type (L-E0AFD4FF)
Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with Amazon Linux 2 platform and stream.standard.2xlarge instance type (L-9528F248)
Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with Amazon Linux 2 platform and stream.standard.large instance type (L-27527629)
Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with Amazon Linux 2 platform and stream.standard.medium instance type (L-BF099F8F)
Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with Amazon Linux 2 platform and stream.standard.small instance type (L-B2A2DC75)
Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with Amazon Linux 2 platform and stream.standard.xlarge instance type (L-76EF9A4A)
Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with Windows Server 2019 platform and stream.standard.2xlarge instance type (L-AAFE9A06)
Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with Windows Server 2019 platform and stream.standard.large instance type (L-FC27F387)
Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with Windows Server 2019 platform and stream.standard.medium instance type (L-80C2425D)
Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with Windows Server 2019 platform and stream.standard.small instance type (L-36A62DB5)
Quota for [appstream2]: Max concurrent sessions for Elastic fleets with Windows Server 2019 platform and stream.standard.xlarge instance type (L-BCE5E288)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized 2xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-B901F589)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized 2xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-53789675)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized 4xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-9BBA5ECA)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized 4xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-D56E1EB1)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized 8xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-1C87C4A5)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized 8xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-0A26B79A)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized large streaming instances for fleets (L-E200E807)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized large streaming instances for image builders (L-7FFD9C23)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-BAEB3705)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-DE1021FB)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 12xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-C1822B2A)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 12xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-5A477D03)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 2xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-93661678)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 2xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-C6026CF3)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 3xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-1883A661)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 3xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-5F444726)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 6xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-1DDAE257)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d 6xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-0EF32B70)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d large streaming instances for fleets (L-19CE5BF0)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d large streaming instances for image builders (L-0E4BC645)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-5A310F0A)
Quota for [appstream2]: Memory-optimized z1d xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-99B57C8C)
Quota for [appstream2]: Private images (L-E1182CCA)
numberQuota for [appstream2]: Stacks (L-A8B8B901)
Quota for [appstream2]: Standard 2xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-AD23D7D9)
Quota for [appstream2]: Standard 2xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-7FBFD97B)
Quota for [appstream2]: Standard large streaming instances for fleets (L-94844324)
Quota for [appstream2]: Standard large streaming instances for image builders (L-76C589E8)
Quota for [appstream2]: Standard medium streaming instances for fleets (L-59CF7EF6)
Quota for [appstream2]: Standard medium streaming instances for image builders (L-B16A2AA7)
Quota for [appstream2]: Standard small streaming instances for fleets (L-F302715A)
Quota for [appstream2]: Standard small streaming instances for image builders (L-94EC4C6F)
Quota for [appstream2]: Standard xlarge streaming instances for fleets (L-8BCFD092)
Quota for [appstream2]: Standard xlarge streaming instances for image builders (L-F8E20476)
Quota for [appstream2]: Users in the user pool (L-6A8C9986)
numberQuota for [appsync]: APIs per region (L-4DFA3D2F)
Quota for [appsync]: Number of custom domain names (L-51A37BC6)
Quota for [appsync]: Rate of request tokens (L-FC5E46D0)
Quota for [appsync]: Subscriptions per connection (L-AA33EB36)
Quota for [aps]: Active series per workspace (L-5A151448)
Quota for [aps]: Alert aggregation group size in alert manager definition file (L-BDF9895D)
Quota for [aps]: Alerts in Alert Manager (L-E9CD1A4F)
Quota for [aps]: Ingestion burst size per workspace (L-0CBB39EF)
Quota for [aps]: Ingestion rate per workspace (L-F4BCE0BA)
Quota for [aps]: Inhibition rules in alert manager definition file (L-46D5E194)
Quota for [aps]: Labels per metric series (L-CDA4AB0F)
Quota for [aps]: Nodes in alert manager routing tree (L-E3E60B3E)
Quota for [aps]: Number of API operations in transactions per second (L-8491EB93)
Quota for [aps]: Retention time for ingested data in days (L-06C12D7C)
Quota for [aps]: Rule evaluation interval (L-8DEDEE8E)
numberQuota for [aps]: Rules per workspace (L-3D15CDB4)
Quota for [aps]: Templates in alert manager definition file (L-0F151AA2)
Quota for [aps]: Workspaces per region per account (L-8873DB23)
Quota for [athena]: Active DDL queries (L-3CE0BBA0)
Quota for [athena]: Active DML queries (L-FC5F6546)
numberQuota for [athena]: DML query timeout (L-E80DC288)
Quota for [auditmanager]: Custom controls (L-0255B75F)
Quota for [auditmanager]: Custom frameworks (L-8935A6F1)
Quota for [auditmanager]: Running assessments (L-92B50F18)
Quota for [autoscaling]: Auto Scaling groups per region (L-CDE20ADC)
Quota for [autoscaling]: Launch configurations per region (L-6B80B8FA)
Quota for [autoscaling-plans]: Scaling plans (L-BD401546)
Quota for [AWSCloudMap]: DiscoverInstances operation per account burst rate (L-76CF203B)
Quota for [AWSCloudMap]: DiscoverInstances operation per account steady rate (L-514A639A)
Quota for [AWSCloudMap]: DiscoverInstancesRevision operation per account rate (L-0BA10AAE)
Quota for [AWSCloudMap]: Instances per namespace (L-D95E8A57)
Quota for [AWSCloudMap]: Namespaces per Region (L-0FE3F50E)
Quota for [backup]: Backup plans per Region per account (L-BD69F607)
Quota for [backup]: Backup vaults per Region per account (L-7705D2CB)
Quota for [backup]: Framework controls per Region per account (L-B4021FB0)
Quota for [backup]: Frameworks per Region per account (L-E43E0ED6)
Quota for [backup]: Maximum backup nest level (L-C0A8C14B)
Quota for [backup]: Recovery points per backup vault (L-514878B6)
Quota for [backup]: Report plans per Region per account (L-C296F1F5)
Quota for [backup]: Versions per backup plan (L-9122A82F)
Quota for [bedrock]: Custom models per account (L-CB5B847D)
Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Anthropic Claude Instant V1 100K (L-4A6D2F15)
Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Anthropic Claude V2.1 18K (L-7478F443)
Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Anthropic Claude V2.1 200K (L-A63633C5)
Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Anthropic Claude V2 100K (L-C4522D0D)
Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Anthropic Claude V2 18K (L-73573F44)
Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Cohere Command (L-5E29F315)
Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Cohere Command Light (L-01F37E14)
Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Meta Llama 2 13B (L-268D592E)
Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Meta Llama 2 70B (L-2EBEF050)
Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Meta Llama 2 Chat 13B (L-AC6F8476)
Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Meta Llama 2 Chat 70B (L-E953E4AB)
Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 (L-9149A536)
Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Titan Embeddings G1 - Text (L-F879F645)
Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Titan Image Generator G1 (L-F424A1E3)
Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Titan Multimodal Embeddings G1 (L-32F732DE)
Quota for [bedrock]: Model units per provisioned model for Titan Text G1 - Express 8K (L-8129BF10)
Quota for [billingconductor]: Accounts per billing group (L-4008823B)
Quota for [billingconductor]: Associations per flat custom line item (L-3384ACF5)
Quota for [billingconductor]: Billing groups (L-10E5FE79)
Quota for [billingconductor]: Custom line items (L-6A7F198B)
Quota for [billingconductor]: Custom line items with line item filters (L-E4FB5498)
Quota for [billingconductor]: Pricing plans (L-F16D2B15)
Quota for [billingconductor]: Pricing plans per pricing rule (L-2DD50B87)
Quota for [billingconductor]: Pricing rules (L-AA2FA005)
Quota for [billingconductor]: Pricing rules per pricing plan (L-65F90CBC)
Quota for [billingconductor]: Resource values per percentage custom line item (L-B185E19E)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum allowed compute instances for a job (L-5D1FC264)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c4.2xlarge for jobs (L-BDA9BB2A)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c4.4xlarge for jobs (L-96E0F810)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c4.8xlarge for jobs (L-196E4F38)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c4.xlarge for jobs (L-899E4166)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5.18xlarge for jobs (L-D76EFBC9)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5.2xlarge for jobs (L-1DE68820)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5.4xlarge for jobs (L-0454F2B6)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5.9xlarge for jobs (L-6717BDE3)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5.xlarge for jobs (L-6976A449)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5n.18xlarge for jobs (L-9E03561A)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5n.2xlarge for jobs (L-8B0E23AD)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5n.4xlarge for jobs (L-C32F31F5)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5n.9xlarge for jobs (L-F39A58EA)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.c5n.xlarge for jobs (L-5A303583)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.g4dn.12xlarge for jobs (L-3A92FCE1)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.g4dn.16xlarge for jobs (L-D0B25526)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.g4dn.2xlarge for jobs (L-05622A08)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.g4dn.4xlarge for jobs (L-348592A9)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.g4dn.8xlarge for jobs (L-C3A58F27)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.g4dn.xlarge for jobs (L-A95AE26D)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m4.10xlarge for jobs (L-20DF4C21)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m4.16xlarge for jobs (L-15DC2286)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m4.2xlarge for jobs (L-35C855B5)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m4.4xlarge for jobs (L-E4856358)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m4.xlarge for jobs (L-A7DE49A7)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m5.12xlarge for jobs (L-8EBDBB73)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m5.24xlarge for jobs (L-8F2E9AB0)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m5.2xlarge for jobs (L-B4BD4D05)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m5.4xlarge for jobs (L-935DC112)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m5.large for jobs (L-D01386EB)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.m5.xlarge for jobs (L-CEDB9365)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.p2.16xlarge for jobs (L-8FFA00B6)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.p2.8xlarge for jobs (L-135B0588)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.p2.xlarge for jobs (L-2145059B)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.p3.16xlarge for jobs (L-949DCF20)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.p3.2xlarge for jobs (L-BC259EA2)
Quota for [braket]: Maximum number of instances of ml.p3.8xlarge for jobs (L-9716E5CC)
Quota for [braket]: Number of concurrent jobs (L-65BEB721)
Quota for [braket]: Number of concurrent TN1 tasks (L-A41DADC7)
Quota for [braket]: One-qubit gate limit for Aria (L-160EEC2D)
Quota for [braket]: Rate of API requests (L-C9622EC0)
Quota for [braket]: Rate of CancelJob requests (L-9F76E1C6)
Quota for [braket]: Rate of CancelQuantumTask requests (L-4ADC64FC)
Quota for [braket]: Rate of CreateJob requests (L-1E4A0B71)
Quota for [braket]: Rate of CreateQuantumTask requests (L-7DF279A8)
Quota for [braket]: Rate of GetDevice requests (L-08E356CB)
Quota for [braket]: Rate of GetJob requests (L-C4A587F5)
Quota for [braket]: Rate of GetQuantumTask requests (L-69571C39)
Quota for [braket]: Rate of SearchDevices requests (L-13BD7EBA)
Quota for [braket]: Rate of SearchJobs requests (L-622972C3)
Quota for [braket]: Rate of SearchQuantumTasks requests (L-D6597555)
Quota for [braket]: Two-qubit gate limit for Aria (L-39357A2D)
Quota for [cases]: BatchGetField burst quota (L-D3F1EBFD)
Quota for [cases]: BatchGetField rate quota (L-2A8092BB)
Quota for [cases]: BatchPutFieldOptions burst quota (L-A298B896)
Quota for [cases]: BatchPutFieldOptions rate quota (L-F5011010)
Quota for [cases]: Case fields per layout (L-5B5E62BD)
Quota for [cases]: CreateCase burst quota (L-085C6605)
Quota for [cases]: CreateCase rate quota (L-8FEA710A)
Quota for [cases]: CreateDomain burst quota (L-B4BF7E31)
Quota for [cases]: CreateDomain rate quota (L-9BEF063B)
Quota for [cases]: CreateField burst quota (L-F4DAA62B)
Quota for [cases]: CreateField rate quota (L-497703F2)
Quota for [cases]: CreateLayout burst quota (L-FF9E638C)
Quota for [cases]: CreateLayout rate quota (L-7736E0FB)
Quota for [cases]: CreateRelatedItem burst quota (L-5A125C02)
Quota for [cases]: CreateRelatedItem rate quota (L-1F185B9F)
Quota for [cases]: CreateTemplate burst quota (L-E77680D7)
Quota for [cases]: CreateTemplate rate quota (L-26EE2CFC)
numberQuota for [cases]: Domains (L-C2B81BC3)
Quota for [cases]: Field options per field (L-E52A0E46)
numberQuota for [cases]: Fields per domain (L-C5B69356)
Quota for [cases]: GetCase burst quota (L-7D6B0EAF)
numberQuota for [cases]: GetCase rate quota (L-8B6DA341)
Quota for [cases]: GetCaseEventConfiguration burst quota (L-74EA148C)
Quota for [cases]: GetCaseEventConfiguration rate quota (L-D69B27B2)
Quota for [cases]: GetDomain burst quota (L-9B7552E3)
Quota for [cases]: GetDomain rate quota (L-FD0EC666)
Quota for [cases]: GetLayout burst quota (L-B3860F14)
Quota for [cases]: GetLayout rate quota (L-E5EE4EDA)
Quota for [cases]: GetTemplate burst quota (L-1320C83D)
Quota for [cases]: GetTemplate rate quota (L-8AA97C3E)
numberQuota for [cases]: Layouts per domain (L-D0ED993F)
Quota for [cases]: ListCasesForContact burst quota (L-FF304B65)
Quota for [cases]: ListCasesForContact rate quota (L-A246B577)
Quota for [cases]: ListDomains burst quota (L-3255B73C)
Quota for [cases]: ListDomains rate quota (L-97677C0C)
Quota for [cases]: ListFieldOptions burst quota (L-85809F5E)
Quota for [cases]: ListFieldOptions rate quota (L-B7E2C410)
Quota for [cases]: ListFields burst quota (L-7CF7A4F0)
Quota for [cases]: ListFields rate quota (L-D750A577)
Quota for [cases]: ListLayouts burst quota (L-960AA7D7)
Quota for [cases]: ListLayouts rate quota (L-4B3D8F5F)
Quota for [cases]: ListTagsForResource burst quota (L-4CE16517)
Quota for [cases]: ListTagsForResource rate quota (L-F62E3726)
Quota for [cases]: ListTemplates burst quota (L-B3BCA676)
Quota for [cases]: ListTemplates rate quota (L-1F4F11B7)
Quota for [cases]: PutCaseEventConfiguration burst quota (L-D4F270D6)
Quota for [cases]: PutCaseEventConfiguration rate quota (L-5462CD7A)
Quota for [cases]: Related items per case (L-C1AF8D37)
Quota for [cases]: SearchCases burst quota (L-533535BF)
Quota for [cases]: SearchCases rate quota (L-AA3996A0)
Quota for [cases]: SearchRelatedItems burst quota (L-5E8805C5)
Quota for [cases]: SearchRelatedItems rate quota (L-3B58A5D3)
Quota for [cases]: TagResource burst quota (L-1ECD16ED)
Quota for [cases]: TagResource rate quota (L-C0E6C678)
Quota for [cases]: Templates per domain (L-0482161A)
Quota for [cases]: UntagResource burst quota (L-AE0F3125)
Quota for [cases]: UntagResource rate quota (L-515ED5E2)
Quota for [cases]: UpdateCase burst quota (L-1D2B06EC)
Quota for [cases]: UpdateCase rate quota (L-6FE92BD9)
Quota for [cases]: UpdateField burst quota (L-A96CA735)
Quota for [cases]: UpdateField rate quota (L-CC009CC4)
Quota for [cases]: UpdateLayout burst quota (L-6743683C)
Quota for [cases]: UpdateLayout rate quota (L-D69D3749)
Quota for [cases]: UpdateTemplate burst quota (L-2AD9F9AD)
Quota for [cases]: UpdateTemplate rate quota (L-B5BE889D)
Quota for [cassandra]: Account-level read throughput quota (Provisioned mode) (L-E7DB0CFF)
Quota for [cassandra]: Account-level write throughput quota (Provisioned mode) (L-2C5B14BD)
Quota for [cassandra]: Keyspaces per region (L-677FFD22)
Quota for [cassandra]: Max amount of data restored using Point-in-time Recovery (PITR) (L-4C49F3DB)
Quota for [cassandra]: Max concurrent table restores using Point-in-time Recovery (PITR) (L-F41E662B)
Quota for [cassandra]: Max subqueries per IN SELECT statement (L-2FC1B9A1)
Quota for [cassandra]: Table-level read throughput quota (L-17766544)
Quota for [cassandra]: Table-level write throughput quota (L-3D8ED127)
Quota for [cassandra]: Tables per region (L-BF48748A)
Quota for [ce]: Number of active cost allocation tag keys (L-FE0E51D7)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - API rate (L-CF24303F)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Maximum configurations (L-668D1758)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Maximum pipelines (L-DA073F3A)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Maximum voice analytics tasks (L-6B185CAC)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Maximum voice profile domains (L-A60BCA6C)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Speaker search API rate (L-BD254D8F)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Voice profile API rate (L-6EAE6AA6)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Voice profile domain API rate (L-C7906AAF)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Voice profiles per voice profile domain (L-1F05D3D7)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK call analytics - Voice tone analysis API rate (L-310C21A9)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - AppInstance API requests per second (L-0A68E24C)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - AppInstanceUser API requests per second (L-D99DAB65)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - Chime SDK Identity API requests per second (L-58DEE317)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - DescribeAppInstance API requests per second (L-3C5ED081)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - DescribeAppInstanceUser API requests per second (L-13B02A3D)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - ListAppInstances API requests per second (L-1DB18BA9)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - ListAppInstanceUsers API requests per second (L-EA3B8D9B)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - Maximum AppInstances per AWS Account (L-0222B40A)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - Maximum AppInstanceUserAdmins per AppInstance (L-9A7ECB60)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - Maximum AppInstanceUserEndpoints per AppInstanceUser (L-39BCA56C)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Identity - Maximum AppInstanceUsers per AppInstance (L-D54E9933)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK media pipeline - Amazon Kinesis Video Stream pool API rate (L-F4340C7E)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK media pipeline - API rate (L-804108DA)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK media pipeline - Maximum Amazon Kinesis Video Stream pools (L-83E6B280)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK media pipeline - Maximum pipelines (L-7F583998)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK meetings - Concurrent meeting quota (L-9F286451)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK meetings - Concurrent video streams published per meeting (L-AC1D2091)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK meetings (legacy endpoint) - Concurrent meeting quota (L-A5C73716)
numberQuota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK meetings (legacy endpoint) - Concurrent video streams published per meeting (L-4ED6EC7D)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK meetings - Replica meetings per primary meeting (L-154D84D0)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - AppInstanceUser API requests per second (L-A92E8EF9)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Channel API requests per second (L-53F2D722)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - ChannelMessage API requests per second (L-FE35185B)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - DescribeChannel API requests per second (L-06A9F29A)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - GetChannelMessage API requests per second (L-BB2EEB39)
numberQuota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUser API requests per second (L-06F4BAB8)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - ListChannelMessages API requests per second (L-37E67822)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - ListChannels API requests per second (L-B17C47C8)
numberQuota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUser API requests per second (L-E8D9FB57)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Listing channel memberships API requests per second (L-B5609908)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - ListSubChannels API requests per second (L-303077AC)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum CHANNEL_DETAILS events for prefetch (L-E95601F2)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum ChannelFlows per AppInstance (L-D1550AB5)
numberQuota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum ChannelMemberships in CHANNEL_DETAILS events for prefetch (L-7CE8F2DD)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum ChannelMemberships per Channel (L-9A2511FF)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum ChannelMemberships per SubChannel (L-FBA49761)
numberQuota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum ChannelMessages in CHANNEL_DETAILS events for prefetch (L-B2BA1F32)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum ChannelModerators per Channel (L-3E511C5B)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum ChannelProcessors per ChannelFlow (L-CA0C986A)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum Channels per AppInstance (L-0AC3ED57)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum concurrent active connections per AppInstanceUser (L-0EB74667)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum Elastic Channels per AppInstance (L-710A5D85)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Maximum SubChannels per Elastic Channel (L-81922B66)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging - Requests per second of create or delete channel memberships, bans, and moderators for a specific channel (L-9B0D42EC)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - calls per second (CPS) (L-B6F2C623)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - CreateSipMediaApplicationCall API rate limit (L-C115F428)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - provisioned phone numbers (L-32405DBA)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - SIP media applications (L-9DD490AB)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - SIP media applications per SIP rule (L-8BA4EAA6)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - UpdateSipMediaApplicationCall API rate limit (L-21762DC9)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - Voice Connector groups (L-D3615084)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - Voice Connectors (L-8EE806B4)
Quota for [chime]: Amazon Chime SDK SIP trunking and voice - Voice Connectors per Voice Connector group (L-FA2B043C)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Collaborations created per account (L-F60C2030)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Members invited per collaboration (L-F7B26AF5)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Memberships per account (L-99A163CB)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of BatchGetSchema requests (L-FA0B0432)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of CreateCollaboration requests (L-71F0D659)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of CreateConfiguredTable requests (L-971686CB)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of CreateConfiguredTableAnalysisRule requests (L-AA1FCC92)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of CreateConfiguredTableAssociation requests (L-58076094)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of CreateMembership requests (L-AA83E042)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of DeleteCollaboration requests (L-F0A87380)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of DeleteConfiguredTable requests (L-C0D69AA0)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of DeleteConfiguredTableAnalysisRule requests (L-6FF866CD)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of DeleteConfiguredTableAssociation requests (L-88914C24)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of DeleteMember requests (L-46ADBA29)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of DeleteMembership requests (L-80DB73D7)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetCollaboration requests (L-EA789CE8)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetConfiguredTable requests (L-9FC85564)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetConfiguredTableAnalysisRule requests (L-0FB3F147)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetConfiguredTableAssociation requests (L-1BCDF035)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetMembership requests (L-6EE33BE8)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetProtectedQuery requests (L-5B356E2B)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetSchema requests (L-0A3E7551)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of GetSchemaAnalysisRule requests (L-23D4B294)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of ListCollaborations requests (L-60C9F5C8)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of ListConfiguredTableAssociations requests (L-D90468BB)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of ListConfiguredTables requests (L-4FA6F2CA)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of ListMembers requests (L-659B47CC)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of ListMemberships requests (L-8CF613B7)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of ListProtectedQueries requests (L-2BCA0376)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of ListSchemas requests (L-8C954508)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of StartProtectedQuery requests (L-59F4710C)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of UpdateCollaboration requests (L-DDC82272)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of UpdateConfiguredTable requests (L-DF3C63EF)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of UpdateConfiguredTableAnalysisRule requests (L-39FE5CA0)
Quota for [cleanrooms]: Rate of UpdateConfiguredTableAssociation requests (L-BC5338D1)
Quota for [cloud9]: EC2 development environments for this account (L-8ECD6BDB)
Quota for [cloud9]: EC2 development environments for this user (L-C1302C17)
Quota for [cloud9]: SSH development environments for this account (L-A29EDECE)
Quota for [cloud9]: SSH development environments for this user (L-5D26553C)
Quota for [cloudformation]: Module limit per account (L-DCC58E6D)
Quota for [cloudformation]: Resource limit per account (L-9DE8E4FB)
Quota for [cloudformation]: Stack count (L-0485CB21)
Quota for [cloudformation]: Stack instance operations per administrator account (L-6A4B2F69)
Quota for [cloudformation]: Stack instances per stack set (L-C8225BA5)
Quota for [cloudformation]: Stack sets per administrator account (L-EC62D81A)
Quota for [cloudformation]: Version limit per module (L-7E146E2E)
Quota for [cloudformation]: Version limit per resource (L-EA1018E8)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Alternate domain names (CNAMEs) per distribution (L-AAD4943E)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Cache behaviors per distribution (L-F432D044)
numberQuota for [cloudfront]: CloudFront Functions: Maximum number of distributions associated with a single function (L-435C8433)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Concurrent executions (L-67B0F006)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Cookies per cache policy (L-BEBABC60)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Cookies per origin request policy (L-68CBA03E)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Custom headers: maximum number of custom headers that you can configure CloudFront to add to origin requests (L-BE7788E4)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Data transfer rate per distribution (L-0F1E9017)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Distributions associated with a single key group (L-C19110C4)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Distributions per AWS account that you can create triggers for (L-D0C8D03A)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Headers per cache policy (L-4C99C1B4)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Headers per origin request policy (L-C646B44B)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Key groups associated with a single distribution (L-E7E9ACEB)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Key groups per AWS account (L-D64DA6E2)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Origin access identities per account (L-08884E5C)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Origin groups per distribution (L-1B2BD627)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Origins per distribution (L-B4048FB4)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Public keys in a single key group (L-9EBD26CA)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Query strings per cache policy (L-50C9D326)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Query strings per origin request policy (L-E47A582D)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Request timeout (L-C65EE6F0)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Requests per second (L-A3F2DA32)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Requests per second per distribution (L-A2C80159)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Response timeout per origin (L-AECE9FA7)
Quota for [cloudfront]: RTMP distributions per AWS account (L-7F663A86)
numberQuota for [cloudfront]: SSL certificates per AWS account when serving HTTPS requests using dedicated IP addresses (L-DA9DCC93)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Triggers per distribution (L-C57D59CB)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Web distributions per AWS account (L-24B04930)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Whitelisted cookies per cache behavior (L-9D26CF6B)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Whitelisted headers per cache behavior (L-1685304C)
Quota for [cloudfront]: Whitelisted query strings per cache behavior (L-779C7A0B)
Quota for [cloudhsm]: Clusters per AWS Region and AWS account (L-4B16B391)
Quota for [cloudhsm]: HSMs per AWS Region and AWS account (L-95BA35D1)
Quota for [codeartifact]: Asset file size (L-AA0DC56D)
Quota for [codeartifact]: CopyPackageVersions requests per second (L-308A4050)
Quota for [codeartifact]: Domains per AWS account (L-DD7208D3)
Quota for [codeartifact]: GetAuthorizationToken requests per second (L-0B362111)
Quota for [codeartifact]: GetPackageVersionAsset requests per second (L-6C12FB34)
Quota for [codeartifact]: ListPackages requests per second (L-6010CAF9)
Quota for [codeartifact]: ListPackageVersionAssets requests per second (L-3072382D)
Quota for [codeartifact]: ListPackageVersions requests per second (L-CBBCDF5C)
Quota for [codeartifact]: PublishPackageVersion requests per second (L-3E27C79F)
Quota for [codeartifact]: Read requests per second from a single AWS account (L-F39CF68A)
Quota for [codeartifact]: Repositories per domain (L-86608C96)
Quota for [codeartifact]: Write requests per second from a single AWS account (L-A649E766)
numberQuota for [codebuild]: Build projects (L-ACCF6C0D)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for ARM Lambda/10GB environment (L-36AF3CA5)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for ARM Lambda/1GB environment (L-FD92223D)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for ARM Lambda/2GB environment (L-DE99852F)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for ARM Lambda/4GB environment (L-72045165)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for ARM Lambda/8GB environment (L-546A802A)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for ARM/Large environment (L-596BEAB4)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for ARM/Small environment (L-5ED1D25B)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux/2XLarge environment (L-0397D009)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux GPU Large environment (L-D906BEE7)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux GPU Small environment (L-F1FE1B52)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux Lambda/10GB environment (L-E692F494)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux Lambda/1GB environment (L-03FBB1ED)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux Lambda/2GB environment (L-1DFDD5F9)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux Lambda/4GB environment (L-39DB2B0B)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux Lambda/8GB environment (L-049948E0)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux/Large environment (L-4DDC4A99)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux/Medium environment (L-2DC20C30)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux/Small environment (L-9D07B6EF)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Linux/XLarge environment (L-04E5CA62)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Windows/Large environment (L-4135EDF8)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Windows/Medium environment (L-B4157408)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Windows Server 2019/Large environment (L-2C3490D7)
Quota for [codebuild]: Concurrently running builds for Windows Server 2019/Medium environment (L-ECF1B2A0)
Quota for [codecommit]: Allowed repositories (L-81790602)
Quota for [codedeploy]: Applications associated per account per region (L-3F19B6A5)
Quota for [codedeploy]: Associated alarms per deployment group (L-9F835576)
Quota for [codedeploy]: Auto Scaling groups in a deployment group (L-6DACB4EE)
Quota for [codedeploy]: Concurrent deployments per account (L-AB125F0B)
Quota for [codedeploy]: Deployment groups associated with a single application (L-D9088B77)
Quota for [codedeploy]: Event notification triggers in a deployment group (L-877B748B)
Quota for [codedeploy]: Instances count per deployment (L-6BCCFC85)
numberQuota for [codedeploy]: Number of instances used by concurrent deployments that are in progress per account (L-464411D9)
Quota for [codeguru-profiler]: Number of profiling groups per account and region. (L-DA8D4E8D)
Quota for [codeguru-reviewer]: Allowed Code Reviews (L-F5129FC6)
Quota for [codepipeline]: Action timeout (L-5AA45A27)
Quota for [codepipeline]: Amazon S3 deployment action timeout (L-ABB870A7)
Quota for [codepipeline]: AWS CloudFormation action timeout (L-447DD651)
Quota for [codepipeline]: AWS CodeDeploy action timeout (L-CE1F2EE9)
Quota for [codepipeline]: AWS CodeDeploy ECS (Blue/Green) action timeout (L-87C878A5)
Quota for [codepipeline]: AWS Lambda action timeout (L-912817AD)
Quota for [codepipeline]: Total custom actions (L-519D5A90)
Quota for [codepipeline]: Total pipelines (L-78D200AD)
Quota for [codepipeline]: Total webhooks (L-FE939BB2)
Quota for [cognito-identity]: Identity pools per account (L-8692CE1C)
Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of GetCredentialsForIdentity requests (L-5AE9F13D)
Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of GetId requests (L-A38ADA84)
Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of GetOpenIdToken requests (L-E97D135E)
Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity requests (L-0BF99E8D)
Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of ListIdentities requests (L-DBF99350)
Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of ListTagsForResource requests (L-50C9AAB8)
Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of TagResource requests (L-DAF3EAFF)
Quota for [cognito-identity]: Rate of UntagResource requests (L-0D31D6D2)
Quota for [cognito-identity]: User pool providers per identity pool (L-14403AD5)
Quota for [cognito-idp]: Apps per user pool (L-5EAB0605)
Quota for [cognito-idp]: Identity providers per user pool (L-1B44D826)
Quota for [cognito-idp]: Rate of UserAuthentication requests (L-026ADBA3)
Quota for [cognito-idp]: Rate of UserCreation requests (L-5987B8A0)
Quota for [cognito-idp]: Rate of UserFederation requests (L-BB3E7CCF)
Quota for [cognito-idp]: Rate of UserRead requests (L-D6BD5178)
Quota for [cognito-idp]: Rate of UserResourceRead requests (L-55545DC8)
Quota for [cognito-idp]: Rate of UserToken requests (L-F21F8BB4)
Quota for [cognito-idp]: Resource servers per user pool (L-7CDAF993)
Quota for [cognito-idp]: User import jobs per user pool (L-681BB884)
Quota for [cognito-idp]: User pools per account (L-66E6DF30)
Quota for [cognito-sync]: Dataset size (L-C5EE478A)
Quota for [cognito-sync]: Datasets per identity (L-2625A4A0)
Quota for [cognito-sync]: Records per dataset (L-97A9518B)
Quota for [comprehend]: CreateFlywheel max active flywheels (L-AE5B911F)
Quota for [comprehend]: CreateFlywheel max concurrent (L-8F55B05C)
Quota for [comprehend]: Datasets max concurrent creates (L-0C094DCD)
Quota for [comprehend]: DetectDominantLanguage max active jobs (L-7AC96081)
Quota for [comprehend]: DetectEntities max active jobs (L-2B8ECCAB)
Quota for [comprehend]: DetectEvents max active jobs (L-471B41D6)
Quota for [comprehend]: DetectKeyPhrases max active jobs (L-BFFD1421)
Quota for [comprehend]: DetectPiiEntities max active jobs (L-D88E2B98)
Quota for [comprehend]: DetectSentiment max active jobs (L-32ABBB12)
Quota for [comprehend]: DetectTargetedSentiment max active jobs (L-358FBC4F)
Quota for [comprehend]: DocumentClassification max active jobs (L-E65FE76A)
Quota for [comprehend]: DocumentClassifier max active jobs (L-94042C4D)
Quota for [comprehend]: Endpoints max active endpoints (L-55642075)
Quota for [comprehend]: Endpoints max inference units per account (L-2A73DEBC)
Quota for [comprehend]: Endpoints max inference units per endpoint (L-70EC2949)
Quota for [comprehend]: EntityRecognizer max active jobs (L-4BDB4A9D)
Quota for [comprehend]: MaxTestDatasets per flywheel (L-1666A7DF)
Quota for [comprehend]: MaxTrainDatasets per flywheel (L-7CC66BB8)
Quota for [comprehend]: StartFlywheelIteration max concurrent flywheel iterations (L-C5F124CF)
Quota for [comprehend]: TopicsDetection max active jobs (L-F2BED405)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Characters per second (CPS) for the DetectEntities operation (L-0F270C16)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Characters per second (CPS) for the DetectEntities-v2 operation (L-DA25DEBE)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Characters per second (CPS) for the DetectPHI operation (L-898A29B5)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Characters per second (CPS) for the InferICD10CM operation (L-2D8DD360)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Characters per second (CPS) for the InferRxNorm operation (L-EBC89551)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Characters per second (CPS) for the InferSNOMEDCT operation (L-94FD3525)
numberQuota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the DescribeEntitiesDetectionV2Job operation (L-2E4FECDB)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the DescribeICD10CMInferenceJob operation (L-D3E9A826)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the DescribePHIDetectionJob operation (L-6D2451A2)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the DescribeRxNormInferenceJob operation (L-9160F74C)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the ListEntitiesDetectionV2Jobs operation (L-D2B25B86)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the ListICD10CMInferenceJobs operation (L-697FACA2)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the ListPHIDetectionJobs operation (L-ECD06837)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the ListRxNormInferenceJobs operation (L-BC0855C2)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the StartEntitiesDetectionV2Job operation (L-CA412BC4)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the StartICD10CMInferenceJob operation (L-A7A39B63)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the StartPHIDetectionJob operation (L-63264B74)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the StartRxNormInferenceJob operation (L-65E555CE)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the StopEntitiesDetectionV2Job operation (L-5C7158CA)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the StopICD10CMInferenceJob operation (L-2FF7DD8B)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the StopPHIDetectionJob operation (L-A599138D)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the StopRxNormInferenceJob operation (L-6E23E26F)
Quota for [comprehendmedical]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the StopSNOMEDCTInferenceJob operation (L-3645AB89)
Quota for [config]: AWS Config Rules per region (L-0BE82991)
Quota for [connect]: Amazon Connect instance count (L-AA17A6B9)
Quota for [connect]: Amazon Lex bots per instance (L-B93A6612)
Quota for [connect]: Amazon Lex V2 bot aliases per instance (L-CCEA7427)
Quota for [connect]: AWS Lambda functions per instance (L-E3D2F503)
Quota for [connect-campaigns]: Campaigns (L-7F7B4C39)
Quota for [connect]: Concurrent active calls per instance (L-12AB7C57)
Quota for [connect]: Concurrent active chats per instance (L-D4BA6F6E)
Quota for [connect]: Concurrent active tasks per instance (L-60553137)
Quota for [connect]: Concurrent campaign active calls per instance (L-E908C3A1)
Quota for [connect]: Contact flows per instance (L-22922690)
Quota for [connect]: Flow modules per instance (L-19755C7E)
Quota for [connect]: Hours of operation per instance (L-20CD02F7)
Quota for [connect]: Phone numbers per instance (L-8F812903)
Quota for [connect]: Predefined Attributes (L-3828FBF0)
Quota for [connect]: Proficiencies per agent (L-50375162)
Quota for [connect]: Prompts per instance (L-0865B754)
Quota for [connect]: Queues per instance (L-19A87C94)
Quota for [connect]: Queues per routing profile per instance (L-516BC0EB)
Quota for [connect]: Quick connects per instance (L-68BBE2E8)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateApprovedOrigin API requests (L-8787723E)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateBot API requests (L-8C43A191)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateDefaultVocabulary API requests (L-731F613E)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateInstanceStorageConfig API requests (L-B1987D6A)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateLambdaFunction API requests (L-4AE2F6BF)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateLexBot API requests (L-45BAE507)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociatePhoneNumberContactFlow API requests (L-D2ECB451)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateQueueQuickConnects API requests (L-AFE616A6)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateRoutingProfileQueues API requests (L-01980B0F)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateSecurityKey API requests (L-5B601B18)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of AssociateUserProficiencies API requests (L-2CCBA953)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of BatchPutContact API requests (L-76F318C5)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ClaimPhoneNumber API requests (L-21385E28)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateAgentStatus API requests (L-3118109A)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateContactFlow API requests (L-A218697D)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateContactFlowModule API requests (L-DA469EE8)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateHoursOfOperation API requests (L-C32AFAAE)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateInstance API requests (L-2AADC77E)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateIntegrationAssociation API requests (L-1A44121A)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateParticipant API requests (L-8FE21897)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreatePredefinedAttribute API requests (L-75490F5A)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateQueue API requests (L-DF4FC88B)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateQuickConnect API requests (L-272F1E62)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateRoutingProfile API requests (L-8CE99751)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateRule API requests (L-75EE66CE)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateSecurityProfile API requests (L-159E202B)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateTaskTemplate API requests (L-185BE3DB)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateTrafficDistributionGroup API requests (L-781E5E85)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateUseCase API requests (L-5755F8EC)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateUser API requests (L-CBDEE3E4)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateUserHierarchyGroup API requests (L-E621D747)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of CreateVocabulary API requests (L-1AB8E9D9)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteContactFlow API requests (L-BBBDDEDC)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteContactFlowModule API requests (L-19D865C6)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteHoursOfOperation API requests (L-57EBCF95)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteInstance API requests (L-B9220F3B)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteIntegrationAssociation API requests (L-9CF39F22)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeletePredefinedAttribute API requests (L-84CCC70A)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteQuickConnect API requests (L-EC633E57)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteRule API requests (L-7AA5113F)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteSecurityProfile API requests (L-BD0B57EC)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteTaskTemplate API requests (L-D7F21423)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteTrafficDistributionGroup API requests (L-4409B44A)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteUseCase API requests (L-CDC861C1)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteUser API requests (L-30488271)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteUserHierarchyGroup API requests (L-6751163B)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DeleteVocabulary API requests (L-78A553AE)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeAgentStatus API requests (L-08DF489D)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeContact API requests (L-371095B8)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeContactFlow API requests (L-41C7214A)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeContactFlowModule API requests (L-56B34560)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeHoursOfOperation API requests (L-F6EB2DE1)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeInstance API requests (L-D14CF86E)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeInstanceAttribute API requests (L-2F996DE6)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeInstanceStorageConfig API requests (L-57DF9146)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribePhoneNumber API requests (L-34F440B5)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribePredefinedAttribute API requests (L-753B94AB)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribePrompt API requests (L-3F6301E8)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeQueue API requests (L-FAC57D08)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeQuickConnect API requests (L-2DE43297)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeRoutingProfile API requests (L-839A2EDC)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeRule API requests (L-40BDE29F)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeSecurityProfile API requests (L-2AF5EEF5)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeTrafficDistributionGroup API requests (L-DD5F6903)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeUser API requests (L-EE6F0D82)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeUserHierarchyGroup API requests (L-50D07AB9)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeUserHierarchyStructure API requests (L-5F32FD78)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DescribeVocabulary API requests (L-22F9A3D8)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateApprovedOrigin API requests (L-C595FFE9)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateBot API requests (L-C06273D6)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateInstanceStorageConfig API requests (L-76EF4B62)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateLambdaFunction API requests (L-C5C511CD)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateLexBot API requests (L-25E54F7C)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociatePhoneNumberContactFlow API requests (L-F7E8A253)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateQueueQuickConnects API requests (L-BC61DC58)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateRoutingProfileQueues API requests (L-83963769)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateSecurityKey API requests (L-1F455046)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DisassociateUserProficiencies API requests (L-53E03705)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of DismissUserContact API requests (L-2BDBF248)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetContactAttributes API requests (L-5AF7EB96)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetCurrentMetricData API requests (L-ED2B0490)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetCurrentUserData API requests (L-9E54B88B)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetFederationToken API requests (L-9AA558F3)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetMetricData API requests (L-52794498)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetMetricDataV2 API requests (L-2E719449)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetTaskTemplate API requests (L-87C02971)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of GetTrafficDistribution API requests (L-379E909D)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListAgentStatuses API requests (L-D6D4A2DA)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListApprovedOrigins API requests (L-80A82D5F)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListBots API requests (L-6DF53542)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListContactFlowModules API requests (L-89B2A386)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListContactFlows API requests (L-4641705A)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListContactReferences API requests (L-6840C932)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListDefaultVocabularies API requests (L-78937F3A)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListHoursOfOperations API requests (L-09AAE068)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListInstanceAttributes API requests (L-5CB19903)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListInstances API requests (L-98C95556)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListInstanceStorageConfigs API requests (L-8BFD043A)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListIntegrationAssociations API requests (L-A6BE227D)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListLambdaFunctions API requests (L-D9BB0F83)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListLexBots API requests (L-467CADD3)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListPhoneNumbers API requests (L-9959E55D)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListPhoneNumbersV2 API requests (L-B07B2C56)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListPredefinedAttributes API requests (L-BE2447CC)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListPrompts API requests (L-A9886A7C)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListQueueQuickConnects API requests (L-6271E27A)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListQueues API requests (L-C56E3A3C)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListQuickConnects API requests (L-44B5DA37)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListRoutingProfileQueues API requests (L-16BF00C7)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListRoutingProfiles API requests (L-30929A21)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListRules API requests (L-0711FF1F)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListSecurityKeys API requests (L-DB5A7716)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListSecurityProfilePermissions API requests (L-12900DCA)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListSecurityProfiles API requests (L-A408782D)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListTagsForResource API requests (L-601C68F6)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListTaskTemplates API requests (L-0D791E12)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListTrafficDistributionGroups API requests (L-FF4585DE)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListUseCases API requests (L-D04B6FBE)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListUserHierarchyGroups API requests (L-E6DB6D6D)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListUserProficiencies API requests (L-A59C54EE)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ListUsers API requests (L-CCC38177)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of MonitorContact API requests (L-230B11C5)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of PauseContact API requests (L-759067FC)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of PutUserStatus API requests (L-50B4DE11)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ReleasePhoneNumber API requests (L-91A40F24)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ReplicateInstance API requests (L-5AD48B1A)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ResumeContact API requests (L-1210FC76)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of ResumeContactRecording API requests (L-7FA26DC8)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers API requests (L-AF3C38D5)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchHoursOfOperations API requests (L-44BB2CC5)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchPredefinedAttributes API requests (L-DB5F63B4)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchPrompts API requests (L-E2244126)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchQueues API requests (L-8157C163)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchQuickConnects API requests (L-6FB811CE)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchResourceTags API requests (L-3F3E67D1)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchRoutingProfiles API requests (L-9DAC7B1B)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchSecurityProfiles API requests (L-3481440F)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchUsers API requests (L-E2C35CCE)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of SearchVocabularies API requests (L-6C658B70)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of StartChatContact API requests (L-AA48CD49)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of StartContactRecording API requests (L-3EEA2922)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of StartContactStreaming API requests (L-93412F17)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of StartOutboundVoiceContact API requests (L-4E9BCC96)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of StartTaskContact API requests (L-E704D621)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of StartWebRTCContact API requests (L-5CFC10A5)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of StopContact API requests (L-650BD10F)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of StopContactRecording API requests (L-C1DA0AD4)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of StopContactStreaming API requests (L-2FC23A76)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of SuspendContactRecording API requests (L-22C4CED1)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of TagContact API requests (L-AAE06E27)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of TagResource API requests (L-EA358306)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of TransferContact API requests (L-43B4F8CE)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UntagContact API requests (L-50C3EE60)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UntagResource API requests (L-26D9F60B)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateAgentStatus API requests (L-2DB48531)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContact API requests (L-40C15531)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContactAttributes API requests (L-F001E5ED)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContactFlowContent API requests (L-4C062DDC)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContactFlowMetadata API requests (L-96329A5A)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContactFlowModuleContent API requests (L-C260F37F)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadata API requests (L-80204DDC)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContactFlowName API requests (L-3741AF59)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateContactSchedule API requests (L-18108401)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateHoursOfOperation API requests (L-6E6B18DB)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateInstanceAttribute API requests (L-40F4B10D)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateInstanceStorageConfig API requests (L-AEE2C982)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateParticipantRoleConfig API requests (L-37E92540)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdatePhoneNumber API requests (L-B7E1268D)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdatePredefinedAttribute API requests (L-FBA0478F)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateQueueHoursOfOperation API requests (L-1317E3B0)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateQueueMaxContacts API requests (L-4EA7C312)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateQueueName API requests (L-A250B0F6)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfig API requests (L-B1EC95D9)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateQueueStatus API requests (L-5AB302E1)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateQuickConnectConfig API requests (L-B29D0CD1)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateQuickConnectName API requests (L-A84FDAD7)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrency API requests (L-E0E93115)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueue API requests (L-C8237495)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateRoutingProfileName API requests (L-4AAC8E79)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateRoutingProfileQueues API requests (L-5E9E65F2)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateRule API requests (L-AEFB3FB7)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateSecurityProfile API requests (L-17DC1373)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateTaskTemplate API requests (L-000B6A1A)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateTrafficDistribution API requests (L-E230854C)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserHierarchy API requests (L-AEAF5C4B)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserHierarchyGroupName API requests (L-020883A7)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserHierarchyStructure API requests (L-1775C3F8)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserIdentityInfo API requests (L-66B5F86E)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserPhoneConfig API requests (L-5D8210C3)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserProficiencies API requests (L-5A3065E6)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserRoutingProfile API requests (L-418ABD80)
Quota for [connect]: Rate of UpdateUserSecurityProfiles API requests (L-64B27051)
Quota for [connect]: Reports per instance (L-79564E52)
Quota for [connect]: Routing profiles per instance (L-D3E7BE26)
Quota for [connect]: Scheduled reports per instance (L-986AE5E3)
Quota for [connect]: Security profiles per instance (L-F325A715)
Quota for [connect]: User hierarchy groups per instance (L-D68AAAE4)
Quota for [connect]: Users per instance (L-9A46857E)
Quota for [crowdscale-usagelimitservice]: Monthly Usage (L-EC45676A)
Quota for [databrew]: Concurrent jobs per AWS account (L-935D4120)
Quota for [databrew]: Datasets per AWS account (L-940C8930)
Quota for [databrew]: Jobs per AWS account (L-0D2C4DFC)
Quota for [databrew]: Node capacity per AWS account (L-B06AE58E)
Quota for [databrew]: Open projects per AWS account (L-5748848E)
Quota for [databrew]: Projects per AWS account (L-CE9E9D8D)
Quota for [databrew]: Recipes per AWS account (L-EE2782A4)
Quota for [databrew]: Rules per ruleset (L-640ABD4F)
Quota for [databrew]: Rulesets per AWS account (L-955A1FA6)
Quota for [databrew]: Rulesets per dataset (L-131D2768)
Quota for [databrew]: Schedules per AWS account (L-BF3E0A94)
Quota for [databrew]: Versions per recipe (L-A386FCB8)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Amazon API Gateway API assets per revision (L-4F329808)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Amazon Redshift datashare assets per revision (L-9961D71E)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Amazon S3 data access assets per revision (L-60973A49)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Assets per revision (L-92FCD39C)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Auto export event actions per data set (L-7053BE85)
Quota for [dataexchange]: AWS Lake Formation data permission assets per revision (L-D470FF0C)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Bring-Your-Own-Subscription offers per account (L-40666FB8)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Data dictionaries per product (L-74F9E0C2)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Data dictionary file size in MB (L-6CFAE129)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Data sets per account (L-52E2E63A)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Data sets per product (L-DE2ACC41)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Event actions per account (L-8EB7960E)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Pending data grants per consumer (L-1FA7039C)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Private offers per account (L-CB9E1125)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Products per account (L-DFF93383)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Products per data set (L-D05CF9CD)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Revisions per Amazon API Gateway API data set (L-237CFF3D)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Revisions per Amazon Redshift datashare data set (L-A8722A7A)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Revisions per Amazon S3 data access data set (L-70B0F91E)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Revisions per AWS Lake Formation data permission data set (L-A15CB065)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Revisions per data set (L-375806A0)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Sample file size in MB (L-4621BEF4)
Quota for [dataexchange]: Samples per product (L-D8673932)
Quota for [datapipeline]: Number of active instances per object (L-38666D85)
Quota for [datapipeline]: Number of objects per pipeline (L-68BE1CDF)
Quota for [datapipeline]: Number of pipelines you can create (L-F826FAFA)
numberQuota for [datasync]: Files per task (L-DF42D66D)
numberQuota for [datasync]: Tasks (L-74E04279)
Quota for [datasync]: Throughput per task (L-1FEC79AD)
numberQuota for [datazone]: Asset Types (L-9EF33583)
numberQuota for [datazone]: Assets (L-06335BC6)
Quota for [datazone]: Business Glossary Terms (L-DBBF7161)
Quota for [datazone]: Environments in a domain (L-EDF6298B)
numberQuota for [datazone]: Glossaries (L-2C2845D2)
Quota for [dax]: Total number of nodes (L-AB139030)
numberQuota for [deepracer]: Cars (L-47A52EC0)
Quota for [deepracer]: Evaluation jobs (L-E84DEF70)
numberQuota for [deepracer]: Training jobs (L-B8B892E1)
Quota for [discovery]: Imported servers per account (L-E92F1B88)
numberQuota for [dlm]: Policies per Region (L-5407D8DA)
Quota for [dlm]: Target accounts per sharing rule (L-DCA05F2F)
numberQuota for [dms]: Certificate count (L-FE918D88)
numberQuota for [dms]: Endpoint count (L-E17328E9)
Quota for [dms]: Endpoints per instance (L-2146F1FD)
numberQuota for [dms]: Event subscriptions (L-D97343A2)
Quota for [dms]: Replication instances (L-C2341CDC)
Quota for [dms]: Serverless replications (L-E569F59D)
numberQuota for [dms]: Subnet groups (L-27B24FAD)
Quota for [dms]: Subnets per subnet group (L-4182EDE9)
numberQuota for [dms]: Task count (L-7FD3593B)
numberQuota for [dms]: Total storage (L-BBDCBDC8)
numberQuota for [docdb]: Clusters (L-13F31459)
Quota for [docdb-elastic]: Elastic clusters (L-B3699347)
Quota for [docdb-elastic]: Elastic clusters vCPU limit (L-BA054AA8)
Quota for [docdb-elastic]: Manual cluster snapshots (L-00CE4D32)
Quota for [docdb]: Event subscriptions (L-F7FABF71)
numberQuota for [docdb]: Instances (L-739A3A85)
Quota for [docdb]: Manual cluster snapshots (L-B2551F83)
Quota for [docdb]: Read replicas per cluster (L-5BA57179)
numberQuota for [docdb]: Subnet groups (L-02DEA053)
Quota for [drs]: Max number of source networks per AWS account (L-4B0323BD)
Quota for [drs]: Max Total source servers Per AWS Account (L-E28BE5E0)
Quota for [ds]: AD Connector directories (L-092080C3)
Quota for [ds]: AWS Managed Microsoft AD directories (L-EF86B739)
Quota for [ds]: AWS Managed Microsoft AD domain controllers (L-25146888)
numberQuota for [ds]: Simple AD directories (L-5B5620DE)
Quota for [dynamodb]: Account-level read throughput limit (Provisioned mode) (L-34F6A552)
Quota for [dynamodb]: Account-level write throughput limit (Provisioned mode) (L-34F8CCC8)
Quota for [dynamodb]: Concurrent control plane operations (L-1BB77E89)
Quota for [dynamodb]: Global Secondary Indexes per table (L-F7858A77)
Quota for [dynamodb]: Maximum Incremental Export concurrent data size (L-2A593B99)
Quota for [dynamodb]: Maximum Incremental Export concurrent requests (L-D98E8184)
Quota for [dynamodb]: Maximum number of tables (L-F98FE922)
Quota for [dynamodb]: Provisioned capacity decreases per day (L-F3CA5463)
Quota for [dynamodb]: Table-level read throughput limit (L-CF0CBE56)
Quota for [dynamodb]: Table-level write throughput limit (L-AB614373)
Quota for [dynamodb]: Write throughput limit for DynamoDB Streams (Provisioned mode) (L-923BEB7A)
Quota for [ebs]: Archived snapshots per volume (L-E20676C1)
Quota for [ebs]: Fast snapshot restore (L-631ECBD3)
Quota for [ebs]: GetSnapshotBlock requests per account (L-C125AE42)
Quota for [ebs]: In-progress snapshot archives per account (L-3A0E616D)
Quota for [ebs]: In-progress snapshot restores from archive per account (L-07399329)
Quota for [ebs]: IOPS for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes (L-B3A130E6)
Quota for [ebs]: IOPS for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io2) volumes (L-8D977E7E)
Quota for [ebs]: IOPS modifications for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes (L-98A0B26D)
Quota for [ebs]: IOPS modifications for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io2) volumes (L-35B31D98)
Quota for [ebs]: PutSnapshotBlock requests per account (L-AFAE1BE8)
numberQuota for [ebs]: Snapshots per Region (L-309BACF6)
Quota for [ebs]: Storage for Cold HDD (sc1) volumes, in TiB (L-17AF77E8)
Quota for [ebs]: Storage for General Purpose SSD (gp2) volumes, in TiB (L-D18FCD1D)
Quota for [ebs]: Storage for General Purpose SSD (gp3) volumes, in TiB (L-7A658B76)
Quota for [ebs]: Storage for Magnetic (standard) volumes, in TiB (L-9CF3C2EB)
Quota for [ebs]: Storage for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes, in TiB (L-FD252861)
Quota for [ebs]: Storage for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io2) volumes, in TiB (L-09BD8365)
Quota for [ebs]: Storage for Throughput Optimized HDD (st1) volumes, in TiB (L-82ACEF56)
Quota for [ebs]: Storage modifications for Cold HDD (sc1) volumes, in TiB (L-651D1834)
Quota for [ebs]: Storage modifications for General Purpose SSD (gp2) volumes, in TiB (L-F06E64A8)
Quota for [ebs]: Storage modifications for General Purpose SSD (gp3) volumes, in TiB (L-59C8FC87)
Quota for [ebs]: Storage modifications for Magnetic (standard) volumes, in TiB (L-B9F7C487)
Quota for [ebs]: Storage modifications for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes, in TiB (L-5F80CA91)
Quota for [ebs]: Storage modifications for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io2) volumes, in TiB (L-9A0E0F82)
Quota for [ebs]: Storage modifications for Throughput Optimized HDD (st1) volumes, in TiB (L-87C9DEA6)
Quota for [ec2]: All DL Spot Instance Requests (L-85EED4F7)
Quota for [ec2]: All F Spot Instance Requests (L-88CF9481)
Quota for [ec2]: All G and VT Spot Instance Requests (L-3819A6DF)
Quota for [ec2]: All Inf Spot Instance Requests (L-B5D1601B)
Quota for [ec2]: All P4, P3 and P2 Spot Instance Requests (L-7212CCBC)
Quota for [ec2]: All P5 Spot Instance Requests (L-C4BD4855)
Quota for [ec2]: All Standard (A, C, D, H, I, M, R, T, Z) Spot Instance Requests (L-34B43A08)
Quota for [ec2]: All Trn Spot Instance Requests (L-6B0D517C)
Quota for [ec2]: All X Spot Instance Requests (L-E3A00192)
Quota for [ec2]: Amazon FPGA images (AFIs) (L-8FBBDF0C)
numberQuota for [ec2]: AMI sharing (L-70015FFA)
numberQuota for [ec2]: AMIs (L-B665C33B)
Quota for [ec2]: Attachments per transit gateway (L-E0233F82)
Quota for [ec2]: Authorization rules per Client VPN endpoint (L-9A1BC94B)
Quota for [ec2]: Client VPN endpoints per Region (L-8EA77D34)
Quota for [ec2]: Concurrent client connections per Client VPN endpoint (L-C4B238BF)
Quota for [ec2]: Customer gateways per region (L-4FB7FF5D)
Quota for [ec2]: EC2-Classic Elastic IPs (L-CEED54BB)
numberQuota for [ec2]: EC2-VPC Elastic IPs (L-0263D0A3)
Quota for [ec2-ipam]: CIDRs per IPAM pool (L-0BC051D6)
numberQuota for [ec2-ipam]: IPAM pool depth (L-047C0565)
Quota for [ec2-ipam]: Pools per IPAM scope (L-7319AFC3)
Quota for [ec2-ipam]: Resource discovery associations per IPAM (L-037D1B6C)
numberQuota for [ec2-ipam]: Scopes per IPAM (L-F493CFD2)
Quota for [ec2]: Members per transit gateway multicast group (L-C768F2D6)
Quota for [ec2]: Multicast domain associations per VPC (L-9F8FA74B)
Quota for [ec2]: Multicast domains per transit gateway (L-31775423)
Quota for [ec2]: Multicast Network Interfaces per transit gateway (L-C673935A)
Quota for [ec2]: New Reserved Instances per month (L-D0B7243C)
Quota for [ec2]: Number of Elastic Graphics accelerators (L-862D9275)
Quota for [ec2]: Peering attachments per transit gateway (L-A1B5A36F)
Quota for [ec2]: Pending peering attachments per transit gateway (L-62499967)
numberQuota for [ec2]: Public AMIs (L-0E3CBAB9)
Quota for [ec2]: Route Tables per transit gateway (L-43872EB7)
Quota for [ec2]: Routes per Client VPN endpoint (L-401D78F7)
Quota for [ec2]: Routes per transit gateway (L-BCC1FB47)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated a1 Hosts (L-949445B0)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c3 Hosts (L-8D142A2E)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c4 Hosts (L-E4BF28E0)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c5 Hosts (L-81657574)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c5a Hosts (L-03F01FD8)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c5d Hosts (L-C93F66A2)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c5n Hosts (L-20F13EBD)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c6a Hosts (L-D75D2E84)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c6g Hosts (L-A749B537)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c6gd Hosts (L-545AED39)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c6gn Hosts (L-5E3A299D)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c6i Hosts (L-5FA3355A)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c6id Hosts (L-1BBC5241)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c6in Hosts (L-6C2C40CC)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c7a Hosts (L-698B67E5)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c7g Hosts (L-13B8FCE8)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c7gd Hosts (L-EF58B059)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c7gn Hosts (L-97677CE3)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated c7i Hosts (L-587AA6E3)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated d2 Hosts (L-8B27377A)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated dl1 Hosts (L-AD667A3D)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated f1 Hosts (L-5C4CD236)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated g3 Hosts (L-DE82EABA)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated g3s Hosts (L-9675FDCD)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated g4ad Hosts (L-FD8E9B9A)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated g4dn Hosts (L-CAE24619)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated g5 Hosts (L-A6E7FE5E)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated g5g Hosts (L-4714FFEA)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated h1 Hosts (L-84391ECC)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated i2 Hosts (L-6222C1B6)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated i3 Hosts (L-8E60B0B1)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated i3en Hosts (L-77EE2B11)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated i4g Hosts (L-F62CBADB)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated i4i Hosts (L-0300530D)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated im4gn Hosts (L-93155D6F)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated inf Hosts (L-5480EFD2)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated inf2 Hosts (L-E5BCF7B5)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated is4gen Hosts (L-CB4F5825)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m3 Hosts (L-3C82F907)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m4 Hosts (L-EF30B25E)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m5 Hosts (L-8B7BF662)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m5a Hosts (L-B10F70D6)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m5ad Hosts (L-74F41837)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m5d Hosts (L-8CCBD91B)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m5dn Hosts (L-DA07429F)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m5n Hosts (L-24D7D4AD)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m5zn Hosts (L-BD9BD803)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m6a Hosts (L-80F2B67F)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m6g Hosts (L-D50A37FA)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m6gd Hosts (L-84FB37AA)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m6i Hosts (L-D269BEFD)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m6id Hosts (L-FDB0A352)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m6idn Hosts (L-9721EDD9)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m6in Hosts (L-D037CF10)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m7a Hosts (L-4740F819)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m7g Hosts (L-9126620E)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m7gd Hosts (L-F8516154)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated m7i Hosts (L-30E31217)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated mac1 Hosts (L-A8448DC5)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated mac2 Hosts (L-5D8DADF5)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated mac2-m2 Hosts (L-B90B5B66)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated mac2-m2pro Hosts (L-14F120D1)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated p2 Hosts (L-2753CF59)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated p3 Hosts (L-A0A19F79)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated p3dn Hosts (L-B601B3B6)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated p4d Hosts (L-86A789C3)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated p5 Hosts (L-5136197D)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r3 Hosts (L-B7208018)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r4 Hosts (L-313524BA)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r5 Hosts (L-EA4FD6CF)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r5a Hosts (L-8FE30D52)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r5ad Hosts (L-EC7178B6)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r5b Hosts (L-A2D59C67)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r5d Hosts (L-8814B54F)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r5dn Hosts (L-4AB14223)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r5n Hosts (L-52EF324A)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r6a Hosts (L-BC1589C5)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r6g Hosts (L-B6D6065D)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r6gd Hosts (L-EF284EFB)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r6i Hosts (L-F13A970A)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r6id Hosts (L-B89271A9)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r6idn Hosts (L-C4EABC2C)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r6in Hosts (L-EA99608B)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r7a Hosts (L-4D15192B)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r7g Hosts (L-67B8B4C7)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r7gd Hosts (L-01137DCE)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r7i Hosts (L-55E05032)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated r7iz Hosts (L-BC9FCC71)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated t3 Hosts (L-1586174D)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated trn1 Hosts (L-5E4FB836)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated trn1n Hosts (L-39926A58)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated u-12tb1 Hosts (L-D6994875)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated u-18tb1 Hosts (L-5F7FD336)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated u-24tb1 Hosts (L-FACBE655)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated u-3tb1 Hosts (L-7F5506AB)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated u-6tb1 Hosts (L-89870E8E)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated u-9tb1 Hosts (L-98E1FFAC)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated vt1 Hosts (L-A68CFBF7)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated x1 Hosts (L-DE3D9563)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated x1e Hosts (L-DEF8E115)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated x2gd Hosts (L-5CC9EA82)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated x2idn Hosts (L-A84ABF80)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated x2iedn Hosts (L-D0AA08B1)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated x2iezn Hosts (L-888B4496)
Quota for [ec2]: Running Dedicated z1d Hosts (L-F035E935)
Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand DL instances (L-6E869C2A)
Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand F instances (L-74FC7D96)
Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand G and VT instances (L-DB2E81BA)
Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand High Memory instances (L-43DA4232)
Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand HPC instances (L-F7808C92)
Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand Inf instances (L-1945791B)
Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand P instances (L-417A185B)
Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand Standard (A, C, D, H, I, M, R, T, Z) instances (L-1216C47A)
Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand Trn instances (L-2C3B7624)
Quota for [ec2]: Running On-Demand X instances (L-7295265B)
Quota for [ec2]: Sources per transit gateway multicast group (L-4F2F99E3)
Quota for [ec2]: Transit gateways per account (L-A2478D36)
Quota for [ec2]: Verified Access Endpoints (L-5D439CF7)
Quota for [ec2]: Verified Access Groups (L-3829BC77)
Quota for [ec2]: Verified Access Instances (L-17A8BD20)
Quota for [ec2]: Verified Access Trust Providers (L-AF309E5E)
Quota for [ec2]: Virtual private gateways per region (L-7029FAB6)
Quota for [ec2]: VPN connections per region (L-3E6EC3A3)
Quota for [ec2]: VPN connections per VGW (L-B91E5754)
Quota for [ec2fastlaunch]: Parallel instance launches (L-DC79B53E)
Quota for [ecr]: Images per repository (L-03A36CE1)
Quota for [ecr-public]: Images per repository (L-F0CAD50B)
Quota for [ecr-public]: Rate of authenticated image pulls (L-33392ECC)
Quota for [ecr-public]: Rate of BatchCheckLayerAvailability requests (L-A1FEAB1E)
Quota for [ecr-public]: Rate of CompleteLayerUpload requests (L-8FA37FDE)
Quota for [ecr-public]: Rate of GetAuthorizationToken requests (L-B5773E0E)
Quota for [ecr-public]: Rate of InitiateLayerUpload requests (L-1EDF7132)
Quota for [ecr-public]: Rate of PutImage requests (L-EF0362CE)
Quota for [ecr-public]: Rate of UploadLayerPart requests (L-B6387A7C)
Quota for [ecr-public]: Registered repositories (L-502CB705)
Quota for [ecr]: Rate of BatchCheckLayerAvailability requests (L-B9173138)
Quota for [ecr]: Rate of BatchGetImage requests (L-16E70933)
Quota for [ecr]: Rate of CompleteLayerUpload requests (L-44194860)
Quota for [ecr]: Rate of GetAuthorizationToken requests (L-55A41110)
Quota for [ecr]: Rate of GetDownloadUrlForLayer requests (L-A60A366D)
Quota for [ecr]: Rate of InitiateLayerUpload requests (L-95B28F8D)
Quota for [ecr]: Rate of PutImage requests (L-AD52DFB2)
Quota for [ecr]: Rate of UploadLayerPart requests (L-A1670B10)
Quota for [ecr]: Registered repositories (L-CFEB8E8D)
numberQuota for [ecs]: Clusters per account (L-21C621EB)
numberQuota for [ecs]: Services per cluster (L-9EF96962)
Quota for [ecs]: Services per namespace (L-2D029656)
numberQuota for [eks]: Clusters (L-1194D53C)
Quota for [eks]: EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscriptions (L-EA277FDC)
Quota for [eks]: Fargate profiles per cluster (L-33415657)
Quota for [eks]: Label pairs per Fargate profile selector (L-23414FF3)
Quota for [eks]: Managed node groups per cluster (L-6D54EA21)
Quota for [eks]: Nodes per managed node group (L-BD136A63)
numberQuota for [eks]: Registered clusters (L-FDFA5F81)
Quota for [eks]: Selectors per Fargate profile (L-D78D8AF8)
Quota for [elastic-inference]: Number of Elastic Inference accelerators (L-495D9A1B)
Quota for [elasticache]: Nodes per cluster (Memcached) (L-8C334AD1)
Quota for [elasticache]: Nodes per cluster per instance type (Redis cluster mode enabled) (L-AF354865)
Quota for [elasticache]: Nodes per Region (L-DFE45DF3)
Quota for [elasticache]: Parameter groups per Region (L-3F15A733)
Quota for [elasticache]: Security groups per Region (L-D2FEF667)
Quota for [elasticache]: Subnet groups per Region (L-3E7F7726)
Quota for [elasticache]: Subnets per subnet group (L-A87EE522)
Quota for [elasticbeanstalk]: Application versions (L-D64F1F14)
Quota for [elasticbeanstalk]: Applications (L-1CEABD17)
Quota for [elasticbeanstalk]: Configuration templates (L-9838E43F)
Quota for [elasticbeanstalk]: Custom platform versions (L-E593A077)
Quota for [elasticbeanstalk]: Environments (L-8EFC1C51)
Quota for [elasticfilesystem]: File systems per account (L-848C634D)
Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Application Load Balancers per Region (L-53DA6B97)
Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Certificates per Application Load Balancer (L-9365A611)
Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Certificates per Network Load Balancer (L-52964454)
Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Classic Load Balancers per Region (L-E9E9831D)
Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Listeners per Application Load Balancer (L-B6DF7632)
Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Listeners per Classic Load Balancer (L-1A491844)
Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Network Load Balancer ENIs per VPC (L-23568085)
Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Network Load Balancers per Region (L-69A177A2)
Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Registered Instances per Classic Load Balancer (L-CE3125E5)
Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Rules per Application Load Balancer (L-7EED9B64)
Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Target Groups per Region (L-B22855CB)
Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Targets per Application Load Balancer (L-7E6692B2)
Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Targets per Availability Zone per Network Load Balancer (L-B211E961)
Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Targets per Network Load Balancer (L-EEF1AD04)
Quota for [elasticloadbalancing]: Targets per Target Group per Region (L-A0D0B863)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of AddInstanceFleet calls (L-3AD9CD3B)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of AddInstanceGroups calls (L-0224B14B)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of AddJobFlowSteps calls (L-40A3F1BE)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of AddTags calls (L-9CCE25C7)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of CancelSteps calls (L-A90C264E)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of CreateSecurityConfiguration calls (L-16E4E927)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of DeleteSecurityConfiguration calls (L-EB8F427D)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of DescribeCluster calls (L-D74118B4)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of DescribeJobFlows calls (L-68268EEB)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of DescribeSecurityConfiguration calls (L-8029315A)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of DescribeStep calls (L-72BCD5B1)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ListBootstrapActions calls (L-CCF40647)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ListClusters calls (L-ECF78C67)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ListInstanceFleets calls (L-C0B235E1)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ListInstanceGroups calls (L-84D58688)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ListInstances calls (L-76CEF085)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ListSecurityConfigurations calls (L-D145AF1C)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ListSteps calls (L-8AF88BF0)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ModifyCluster calls (L-73E44B2E)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ModifyInstanceFleet calls (L-9EFF5880)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of ModifyInstanceGroups calls (L-87EDCC64)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of PutAutoScalingPolicy calls (L-985D82D4)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of RemoveAutoScalingPolicy calls (L-F902E21E)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of RemoveTags calls (L-67E5FE4A)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of RunJobFlow calls (L-62231AC0)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of SetTerminationProtection calls (L-8027FD2D)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of SetVisibleToAllUsers calls (L-41EE964A)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: Replenishment rate of TerminateJobFlows calls (L-4D731391)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of active clusters can be run at the same time (L-1EE7982C)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of active instances per instance group (L-77B909B1)
numberQuota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of AddInstanceFleet API requests that you can make per second. (L-0E64D90C)
numberQuota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of AddInstanceGroups API requests that you can make per second. (L-E5202B33)
numberQuota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of AddJobFlowSteps API requests that you can make per second. (L-7E42A979)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of AddTags API requests that you can make per second. (L-9547F71F)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of API requests that you can make per second. (L-283CCA2A)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of CancelSteps API requests that you can make per second. (L-815103CB)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of CreateSecurityConfiguration API requests that you can make per second. (L-49AA2AC0)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of DeleteSecurityConfiguration API requests that you can make per second. (L-F0B1A0AC)
numberQuota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of DescribeCluster API requests that you can make per second. (L-81AF5123)
numberQuota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of DescribeJobFlows API requests that you can make per second. (L-9F63B487)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of DescribeSecurityConfiguration API requests that you can make per second. (L-27AD4F43)
numberQuota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of DescribeStep API requests that you can make per second. (L-B810434D)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ListBootstrapActions API requests that you can make per second. (L-BF4AD168)
numberQuota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ListClusters API requests that you can make per second. (L-2C4B0A7F)
numberQuota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ListInstanceFleets API requests that you can make per second. (L-85BA8360)
numberQuota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ListInstanceGroups API requests that you can make per second. (L-2266B3CF)
numberQuota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ListInstances API requests that you can make per second. (L-41AA02AE)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ListSecurityConfigurations API requests that you can make per second. (L-160E516B)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ListSteps API requests that you can make per second. (L-7D1BF903)
numberQuota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ModifyCluster API requests that you can make per second. (L-A552C9A0)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ModifyInstanceFleet API requests that you can make per second. (L-5E87FF33)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of ModifyInstanceGroups API requests that you can make per second. (L-A3F85680)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of PutAutoScalingPolicy API requests that you can make per second. (L-888B48A6)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of RemoveAutoScalingPolicy API requests that you can make per second. (L-361D364D)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of RemoveTags API requests that you can make per second. (L-C00B9F83)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of RunJobFlow API requests that you can make per second. (L-A21DE5E2)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of SetTerminationProtection API requests that you can make per second. (L-F06A869F)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of SetVisibileToAllUsers API requests that you can make per second. (L-2268EC50)
numberQuota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum number of TerminateJobFlows API requests that you can make per second. (L-2625B75B)
Quota for [elasticmapreduce]: The maximum rate at which your bucket replenishes for all EMR operations. (L-432FAB44)
Quota for [elastictranscoder]: Burst size of Create Job requests (L-25A79362)
Quota for [elastictranscoder]: Burst size of Read Job requests (L-73E60F57)
Quota for [elastictranscoder]: Concurrent jobs per pipeline (L-EAE6F7FC)
Quota for [elastictranscoder]: Pipelines (L-B6FAEE7E)
Quota for [elastictranscoder]: Rate of Create Job requests (L-0BDCC49D)
Quota for [elastictranscoder]: Rate of Read Job requests (L-301A2D88)
Quota for [elastictranscoder]: User-defined presets (L-EAB82560)
Quota for [emr-serverless]: Max concurrent vCPUs per account (L-D05C8A75)
Quota for [entityresolution]: ID Mapping Workflows (L-C5A3094C)
Quota for [entityresolution]: Matching Workflows (L-60DAF647)
Quota for [entityresolution]: Rate of GetMatchId API Requests (L-1E6F8596)
Quota for [entityresolution]: Schema Mappings (L-00E43259)
numberQuota for [es]: Domains per Region (L-076D529E)
numberQuota for [es]: Instances per domain (L-6408ABDE)
numberQuota for [events]: Api destinations (L-FB1C3A6D)
numberQuota for [events]: Connections (L-595D6D42)
numberQuota for [events]: Endpoints (L-EAC9A2AC)
Quota for [events]: Event bus policy size (L-FC354966)
numberQuota for [events]: Event buses (L-658A4FD9)
Quota for [events]: Event pattern size (L-664C5505)
Quota for [events]: Invocations throttle limit in transactions per second (L-5540C5E3)
numberQuota for [events]: Number of rules (L-244521F2)
Quota for [events]: PutEvents throttle limit in transactions per second (L-9B653E91)
Quota for [events]: Rate of invocations per API destination (L-755FD01C)
Quota for [events]: Throttle limit in transactions per second (L-3C47459F)
Quota for [evidently]: Features per project (L-E6200B63)
Quota for [evidently]: Projects per AWS account (L-B63A538F)
Quota for [evidently]: Rate of BatchEvaluateFeature requests (L-ECD3E408)
Quota for [evidently]: Rate of EvaluateFeature requests (L-4F58F1DC)
Quota for [evidently]: Rate of PostProjectEvents requests (L-2992F357)
Quota for [evidently]: Running experiments per project (L-738C873C)
Quota for [evidently]: Running launches per project (L-DA4D659A)
Quota for [evidently]: Total experiments per project (L-E477E349)
Quota for [evidently]: Total launches per project (L-63083ACB)
Quota for [fargate]: Fargate On-Demand vCPU resource count (L-3032A538)
Quota for [fargate]: Fargate Spot vCPU resource count (L-36FBB829)
numberQuota for [finspace]: Attribute sets (L-ABE17502)
Quota for [finspace]: Concurrent changesets processing (L-9FC1D048)
Quota for [finspace]: Concurrent data views processing (L-077DA164)
Quota for [finspace]: Concurrent dataview version processing (L-8798EB61)
Quota for [finspace]: Controlled vocabularies and categories (L-669A142A)
Quota for [finspace]: Data views per dataset (L-7682C473)
numberQuota for [finspace]: Datasets (L-4BDBD2F7)
Quota for [finspace]: Datasets per permission group (L-33511B45)
numberQuota for [finspace]: Environments (L-687E8054)
Quota for [finspace]: kx.s.16xlarge nodes (L-8995E194)
Quota for [finspace]: kx.s.2xlarge nodes (L-3B1B408E)
Quota for [finspace]: kx.s.32xlarge nodes (L-BA1748AE)
Quota for [finspace]: kx.s.4xlarge nodes (L-6271C28F)
Quota for [finspace]: kx.s.8xlarge nodes (L-79C359E7)
Quota for [finspace]: kx.s.large nodes (L-816D4CEA)
Quota for [finspace]: kx.s.xlarge nodes (L-8D2987C0)
Quota for [finspace]: scaling group nodes (L-B75F5AE2)
Quota for [finspace]: scaling group nodes (L-F9DDF688)
Quota for [finspace]: scaling group nodes (L-9EFEF0D8)
Quota for [finspace]: scaling group nodes (L-8116797B)
Quota for [finspace]: kx.sg1.16xlarge scaling group nodes (L-EE85DFB8)
Quota for [finspace]: kx.sg1.24xlarge scaling group nodes (L-8C2FDE0C)
Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb cluster users (L-A18C5C9A)
Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb clusters (L-403A8F92)
Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb concurrent changeset ingestions (L-05F8CB95)
Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb database cluster cache size (L-C8CECF7C)
Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb databases (L-EB49E8B0)
Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb dataviews (L-4F92BAA2)
Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb multi-AZ clusters (L-7CF802FB)
Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb savedown storage (L-9EDD8654)
Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb scaling groups (L-8F9600BF)
Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb single-AZ clusters (L-7E609E02)
Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb volume read mounts (L-CD999E75)
Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb volume storage (L-2B5C0922)
Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb volume write mounts (L-0FC2034E)
Quota for [finspace]: Managed kdb volumes (L-9DDBB72F)
Quota for [finspace]: Permission groups (L-6B8BCEA6)
numberQuota for [finspace]: Users (L-2AA8A0CC)
Quota for [firehose]: Delivery streams (L-14BB0BE7)
Quota for [fis]: Target account configurations per experiment template (L-47D4AE5B)
Quota for [fis]: Target Auto Scaling groups for aws:ec2:asg-insufficient-instance-capacity-error (L-97338E0D)
Quota for [fis]: Target Buckets for aws:s3:bucket-pause-replication (L-4B06CB4E)
Quota for [fis]: Target Clusters for aws:ecs:drain-container-instances (L-B2CDA938)
Quota for [fis]: Target Clusters for aws:rds:failover-db-cluster (L-7D222253)
Quota for [fis]: Target DBInstances for aws:rds:reboot-db-instances (L-6CBFC7D2)
Quota for [fis]: Target Instances for aws:ec2:reboot-instances (L-9C6F1F94)
Quota for [fis]: Target Instances for aws:ec2:stop-instances (L-3F98B425)
Quota for [fis]: Target Instances for aws:ec2:terminate-instances (L-EE64095D)
Quota for [fis]: Target Instances for aws:ssm:send-command (L-D0A62255)
Quota for [fis]: Target Nodegroups for aws:eks:terminate-nodegroup-instances (L-CCA14F79)
Quota for [fis]: Target Pods for aws:eks:pod-cpu-stress (L-5A59540D)
Quota for [fis]: Target Pods for aws:eks:pod-delete (L-08B3DB00)
Quota for [fis]: Target Pods for aws:eks:pod-io-stress (L-397A8E65)
Quota for [fis]: Target Pods for aws:eks:pod-memory-stress (L-B8FF73F5)
Quota for [fis]: Target Pods for aws:eks:pod-network-blackhole-port (L-52F95FBE)
Quota for [fis]: Target Pods for aws:eks:pod-network-latency (L-5AC5092A)
Quota for [fis]: Target Pods for aws:eks:pod-network-packet-loss (L-CFF34A14)
Quota for [fis]: Target ReplicationGroups for aws:elasticache:interrupt-cluster-az-power (L-B0012750)
Quota for [fis]: Target SpotInstances for aws:ec2:send-spot-instance-interruptions (L-F3F4B54A)
Quota for [fis]: Target Subnets for aws:network:disrupt-connectivity (L-1F59732D)
Quota for [fis]: Target Subnets for aws:network:route-table-disrupt-cross-region-connectivity (L-100E963F)
Quota for [fis]: Target Tasks for aws:ecs:stop-task (L-48D12416)
Quota for [fis]: Target Tasks for aws:ecs:task-cpu-stress (L-C901BF0F)
Quota for [fis]: Target Tasks for aws:ecs:task-io-stress (L-4939706C)
Quota for [fis]: Target Tasks for aws:ecs:task-kill-process (L-0A7016E5)
Quota for [fis]: Target Tasks for aws:ecs:task-network-blackhole-port (L-5035601B)
Quota for [fis]: Target Tasks for aws:ecs:task-network-latency (L-B34128D0)
Quota for [fis]: Target Tasks for aws:ecs:task-network-packet-loss (L-52F5389C)
Quota for [fis]: Target TransitGateways for aws:network:transit-gateway-disrupt-cross-region-connectivity (L-2CF2B517)
Quota for [fms]: Amazon VPC instances in scope of a common security group policy (L-F0708C36)
Quota for [fms]: Applications per application list (L-A423D1D9)
Quota for [fms]: Audit security groups per security group content audit policy (L-5EE030D6)
Quota for [fms]: Custom managed application lists in any content audit security group policy setting (L-A2E8868B)
Quota for [fms]: Custom managed application lists per account (L-0E131699)
Quota for [fms]: Custom managed protocol lists in any content audit security group policy setting (L-4F5BB25D)
Quota for [fms]: Custom managed protocol lists per account (L-C6CF2DBB)
Quota for [fms]: Explicitly included or excluded accounts per policy per Region (L-0C779DC8)
Quota for [fms]: Firewall Manager policies per organization per Region (L-0B28E140)
Quota for [fms]: Organizational units in scope per policy per Region (L-7D53B479)
Quota for [fms]: Primary security groups per common security group policy (L-2898441F)
Quota for [fms]: Protocols per protocol list (L-1513E67B)
Quota for [fms]: Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall rule groups per DNS Firewall policy (L-5A240155)
Quota for [fms]: Rule groups per AWS WAF policy (L-F8EEB3E5)
Quota for [fms]: Tags to include or exclude resources per policy (L-CDB85E02)
Quota for [forecast]: Maximum cumulative size of all files in your Amazon S3 bucket (L-690B4DB2)
Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of dataset groups (L-5054D782)
Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of dataset import jobs (L-1306EC42)
Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of datasets (L-D613D53B)
Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of forecast export jobs (L-561FC25E)
Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of forecasts (L-884F7F75)
Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of predictor backtest export jobs (L-E1AC300F)
Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of predictors (L-9C589A93)
Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of rows in a dataset (L-618F5043)
Quota for [forecast]: Maximum number of time series per predictor (L-4A218FD9)
Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreateDatasetImportJob tasks (L-407BD890)
Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreateForecast tasks (L-10DDC31D)
Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreateForecastExportJob tasks (L-02D995E1)
Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreatePredictor tasks (L-3154C698)
Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreatePredictor tasks using AutoML (L-BDD6E332)
Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreatePredictorBacktestExportJob tasks (L-C4147F5F)
Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreateWhatIfAnalysis tasks (L-3DED4AA6)
Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreateWhatIfForecast tasks (L-5EC8963B)
Quota for [forecast]: Maximum parallel running CreateWhatIfForecastExport tasks (L-B50F9B6C)
Quota for [forecast]: The maximum number of What-if Analyses (L-235B11D6)
Quota for [forecast]: The maximum number of What-if Forecast Exports (L-6AD28BD9)
Quota for [forecast]: The maximum number of What-if Forecasts (L-762142D9)
Quota for [frauddetector]: Rate of GetPrediction requests (L-7D855745)
Quota for [frauddetector]: Total concurrent Event Type statistics update operations (L-71AAD453)
numberQuota for [fsx]: Lustre backups (L-CD5E0524)
Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Cache_1 caches (L-60836D3E)
Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Cache_1 storage capacity (L-15D9FE87)
Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Persistent_1 file systems (L-9AFA1F09)
Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Persistent_1 storage capacity (L-C8640C82)
Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Persistent_2 file systems (L-FD6F2F22)
Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Persistent_2 storage capacity (L-8F1B9C74)
Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Persistent HDD storage capacity (per file system) (L-736F3D6F)
Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Scratch file systems (L-C48231E5)
Quota for [fsx]: Lustre Scratch storage capacity (L-AD2FC696)
numberQuota for [fsx]: ONTAP backups (L-C431DBA3)
numberQuota for [fsx]: ONTAP file systems (L-C28C1403)
numberQuota for [fsx]: ONTAP SSD IOPS (L-57578687)
Quota for [fsx]: ONTAP SSD storage capacity (L-E2C89679)
Quota for [fsx]: ONTAP throughput capacity (L-C5F860DD)
numberQuota for [fsx]: OpenZFS backups (L-DD0F7417)
numberQuota for [fsx]: OpenZFS disk IOPS (L-E24B4DE4)
numberQuota for [fsx]: OpenZFS file systems (L-59D0763F)
Quota for [fsx]: OpenZFS SSD storage capacity (L-88479C21)
Quota for [fsx]: OpenZFS SSD storage capacity (per file system) (L-7D5FDD38)
Quota for [fsx]: OpenZFS throughput capacity (L-4EDE4065)
numberQuota for [fsx]: Windows backups (L-E94C1C19)
numberQuota for [fsx]: Windows file systems (L-5B89F9CE)
Quota for [fsx]: Windows HDD storage capacity (L-84EAF187)
Quota for [fsx]: Windows SSD storage capacity (L-E43BDB2E)
Quota for [fsx]: Windows throughput capacity (L-FD89CA8A)
Quota for [fsx]: Windows total SSD IOPS (L-901C77F5)
Quota for [gamelift]: Aliases per region (L-AED4A06A)
Quota for [gamelift]: Anywhere fleets per region (L-593688D9)
Quota for [gamelift]: Builds per region (L-90D24F1B)
Quota for [gamelift]: Compute per Anywhere fleet (L-0536A98D)
Quota for [gamelift]: Custom locations per region (L-C6F4238C)
Quota for [gamelift]: Game server groups per region (L-8D885299)
Quota for [gamelift]: Game servers per game server group (L-51AF299A)
Quota for [gamelift]: Game session queues per region (L-22451070)
Quota for [gamelift]: Locations in a fleet per region (L-55650DB7)
Quota for [gamelift]: Managed EC2 fleet EBS volume (L-BFEEB817)
Quota for [gamelift]: Managed EC2 fleets per region (L-FDDD1260)
Quota for [gamelift]: Matchmaking configurations per region (L-73F6E300)
Quota for [gamelift]: Matchmaking rule sets per region (L-8AE49BBD)
Quota for [gamelift]: Maximum NewGameSessionsPerCreator per fleet configuration (L-3A43EF3C)
Quota for [gamelift]: Maximum PolicyPeriodInMinutes per fleet configuration (L-9F9DE0B2)
Quota for [gamelift]: Player session timeout (L-24BE0A39)
Quota for [gamelift]: Queue destinations per game session queue (L-BB62CF1D)
Quota for [gamelift]: Scripts per region (L-293B0017)
Quota for [geo]: Geofence Collection resources per account (L-93FB3073)
Quota for [geo]: Map resources per account (L-A94FDED2)
Quota for [geo]: Place Index resources per account (L-AF0CC293)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of AssociateTrackerConsumer API requests (L-664067C5)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistory API requests (L-CA16DE37)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of BatchDeleteGeofence API requests (L-93F5D44A)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of BatchEvaluateGeofences API requests (L-9A0A3162)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of BatchGetDevicePosition API requests (L-1D4EB556)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of BatchPutGeofence API requests (L-4D8FB6E2)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of BatchUpdateDevicePosition API requests (L-16C77FC0)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of CalculateRoute API requests (L-44B9F1A6)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of CalculateRouteMatrix API requests (L-0E174A76)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of CreateGeofenceCollection API requests (L-DFE2C362)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of CreateKey API requests (L-0C20A2F2)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of CreateMap API requests (L-8A769EC2)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of CreatePlaceIndex API requests (L-0A4EAAD0)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of CreateRouteCalculator API requests (L-AF53BB1C)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of CreateTracker API requests (L-0316544D)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of DeleteGeofenceCollection API requests (L-779B9CA5)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of DeleteKey API requests (L-FF8C0CDC)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of DeleteMap API requests (L-66B4C7B5)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of DeletePlaceIndex API requests (L-D012773A)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of DeleteRouteCalculator API requests (L-EF11EFBE)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of DeleteTracker API requests (L-24CBFF24)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of DescribeGeofenceCollection API requests (L-68C0FF09)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of DescribeKey API requests (L-4B4C2391)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of DescribeMap API requests (L-3B6F7C26)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of DescribePlaceIndex API requests (L-772C0B77)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of DescribeRouteCalculator API requests (L-EA3098B7)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of DescribeTracker API requests (L-4BA89359)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of DisassociateTrackerConsumer API requests (L-32299313)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetDevicePosition API requests (L-55FCDA52)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetDevicePositionHistory API requests (L-9A60EA62)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetGeofence API requests (L-E2B35742)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetMapGlyphs API requests (L-25528367)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetMapSprites API requests (L-C2D15753)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetMapStyleDescriptor API requests (L-05EFD12D)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetMapTile API requests (L-7FB5719A)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of GetPlace API requests (L-CF1B7B95)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListDevicePositions API requests (L-B26E5E95)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListGeofenceCollections API requests (L-42524A80)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListGeofences API requests (L-2A3A5399)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListKeys API requests (L-BE8C4A7E)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListMaps API requests (L-004FBC04)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListPlaceIndexes API requests (L-E3E8B4BC)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListRouteCalculators API requests (L-D3A51B68)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListTagsForResource API requests (L-E976E608)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListTrackerConsumers API requests (L-3B5E6DAC)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of ListTrackers API requests (L-F0E58BD7)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of PutGeofence API requests (L-8C4D918C)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of SearchPlaceIndexForPosition API requests (L-201B3D58)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of SearchPlaceIndexForSuggestions API requests (L-EC3CCC13)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of SearchPlaceIndexForText API requests (L-20F1367A)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of TagResource API requests (L-2CA6C84D)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of UntagResource API requests (L-C236DAD6)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of UpdateGeofenceCollection API requests (L-4D54A4EF)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of UpdateKey API requests (L-E31E6201)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of UpdateMap API requests (L-123EEE95)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of UpdatePlaceIndex API requests (L-AE2D8C2E)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of UpdateRouteCalculator API requests (L-85DB3370)
Quota for [geo]: Rate of UpdateTracker API requests (L-5C766737)
Quota for [geo]: Route Calculator resources per account (L-D4E15F64)
Quota for [geo]: Tracker resources per account (L-8CDBA5E9)
Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Cross-account attachments per AWS account (L-E201D224)
Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Custom routing accelerators per AWS account (L-BB449727)
Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Endpoints per endpoint group - EC2 instances (L-2151CAA1)
Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Endpoints per endpoint group - Elastic IP addresses (L-B7B05447)
Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Endpoints per endpoint group - Network Load Balancers (L-6975C1FD)
Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Endpoints per endpoint group - VPC subnets (L-83098BD3)
Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Listeners per accelerator (L-C6F903E5)
Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Port overrides per endpoint group (L-7B7A9DD5)
Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Principals per cross-account attachment (L-3D1423D2)
Quota for [globalaccelerator]: Standard accelerators per AWS account (L-BE074EF3)
Quota for [glue]: Concurrent machine learning task runs per transform (L-E15CE20A)
numberQuota for [glue]: Label file size (L-B78896B9)
Quota for [glue]: Max concurrent data quality ruleset evaluation runs per account (L-C3952F6C)
Quota for [glue]: Max concurrent data quality ruleset recommendation runs per account (L-ACAC12B6)
Quota for [glue]: Max concurrent job runs per account (L-5E4153CA)
Quota for [glue]: Max concurrent job runs per job (L-F574AED9)
Quota for [glue]: Max connection per account (L-4256D6D2)
Quota for [glue]: Max data quality rulesets per account (L-87F5991C)
Quota for [glue]: Max databases per account (L-F953935E)
Quota for [glue]: Max databases per catalog (L-A57B5BCE)
Quota for [glue]: Max development endpoint per account (L-DBA56E2F)
Quota for [glue]: Max DPUs per dev endpoint (L-76EC689B)
Quota for [glue]: Max functions per account (L-D987EC31)
Quota for [glue]: Max functions per database (L-1DD415D5)
Quota for [glue]: Max jobs per account (L-611FDDE4)
Quota for [glue]: Max jobs per trigger (L-EEC98450)
Quota for [glue]: Max partitions per account (L-FEBBFA7A)
Quota for [glue]: Max partitions per table (L-2C3F5401)
Quota for [glue]: Max security configurations per account (L-83192DBF)
Quota for [glue]: Max spare compute capacity consumed in data processing units (DPUs) per account. (L-096DBB95)
Quota for [glue]: Max table versions per account (L-337244C9)
Quota for [glue]: Max table versions per table (L-071ABE08)
Quota for [glue]: Max tables per account (L-94D025B7)
Quota for [glue]: Max tables per database (L-B8497671)
Quota for [glue]: Max task DPUs per account (L-08F3B322)
Quota for [glue]: Max triggers per account (L-F1653A6D)
Quota for [glue]: Maximum number of in-flight completion requests allowed per account (L-958728D1)
Quota for [glue]: Number of column statistics tasks running concurrently per account (L-3890A802)
Quota for [glue]: Number of crawlers per account (L-11FA2C1A)
Quota for [glue]: Number of crawlers running concurrently per account (L-4071B0E3)
Quota for [glue]: Number of machine learning transforms (L-04CEE988)
Quota for [glue]: Number of Schema Registries. (L-64A88F0A)
Quota for [glue]: Number of Schema Versions. (L-AD871090)
numberQuota for [glue]: Number of workflows (L-7DD7C33A)
Quota for [glue]: Total concurrent machine learning task runs for transforms per account (L-83A59AA6)
Quota for [grafana]: Number of workspaces (L-2C2D5119)
numberQuota for [greengrass]: Components (L-4676BC3D)
Quota for [greengrass]: Versions per component (L-FC3754BD)
Quota for [groundstation]: Config limit (L-5CCF0BC2)
Quota for [groundstation]: Contact Lead Time Maximum (L-09DEC198)
Quota for [groundstation]: Dataflow endpoint group limit (L-D6A1915B)
Quota for [groundstation]: Dataflow endpoints per group limit (L-98A63A85)
Quota for [groundstation]: Enabled Ephemerides limit (L-BD84767C)
Quota for [groundstation]: Ephemeris Validation limit (L-DE376FC5)
Quota for [groundstation]: Maximum Contact Duration (L-CCFDE387)
Quota for [groundstation]: Mission profile limit (L-5342B9BF)
Quota for [groundstation]: Scheduled Contacts Limit (L-DF7B6DEC)
Quota for [groundstation]: Scheduled Minutes Limit (L-FED20749)
Quota for [healthlake]: Number of data stores per account (L-3EA1D6C3)
Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of Bundle requests per account (L-D0D9461D)
Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of Bundle requests per data store (L-51420D3D)
Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of DELETE requests per account (L-B24305BE)
Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of DELETE requests per data store (L-C208C0FF)
Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of GET requests per account (L-F39A95A1)
Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of GET requests per data store (L-863A7B88)
Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of POST requests per account (L-B94D535B)
Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of POST requests per data store (L-9EB60712)
Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of PUT requests per account (L-0BAE502B)
Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of PUT requests per data store (L-9375C7A1)
Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of search requests using GET per account (L-98AD4FBA)
Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of search requests using GET per data store (L-611058A1)
Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of search requests using POST per account (L-6FDC6068)
Quota for [healthlake]: Rate of search requests using POST per data store (L-7366BBDE)
Quota for [iam]: Customer managed policies per account (L-E95E4862)
numberQuota for [iam]: Groups per account (L-F4A5425F)
Quota for [iam]: Instance profiles per account (L-6E65F664)
Quota for [iam]: Managed policies per role (L-0DA4ABF3)
Quota for [iam]: Managed policies per user (L-4019AD8B)
Quota for [iam]: Role trust policy length (L-C07B4B0D)
numberQuota for [iam]: Roles per account (L-FE177D64)
Quota for [iam]: Server certificates per account (L-BF35879D)
Quota for [imagebuilder]: Component parameter length (L-10D22E0D)
Quota for [imagebuilder]: Component size (L-D5DC1FB3)
numberQuota for [imagebuilder]: Components (L-9B183655)
Quota for [imagebuilder]: Concurrent AMI copies per distribution configuration (L-69312229)
Quota for [imagebuilder]: Concurrent builds (L-BA4D191B)
Quota for [imagebuilder]: Concurrent resource state update (L-5E848392)
Quota for [imagebuilder]: Container recipes (L-28A502FD)
Quota for [imagebuilder]: Distribution configurations (L-2BAA05D8)
Quota for [imagebuilder]: Docker template size (L-84F5AB81)
Quota for [imagebuilder]: Image pipelines (L-7A0E01E3)
Quota for [imagebuilder]: Image recipes (L-1DF98342)
Quota for [imagebuilder]: Image workflow parameter (L-A26B27A7)
Quota for [imagebuilder]: Image workflow size (L-22EAF8F8)
Quota for [imagebuilder]: Image workflows (L-0DF2752F)
Quota for [imagebuilder]: Image workflows per image (L-31E5726E)
Quota for [imagebuilder]: Infrastructure configurations (L-D9EF98D9)
Quota for [imagebuilder]: Launch templates modified per distribution configuration (L-D5665818)
Quota for [imagebuilder]: Lifecycle policies (L-6105A4EE)
Quota for [imagebuilder]: Parameters per component (L-A58CFBED)
Quota for [imagebuilder]: Parameters per image workflow (L-E49825CC)
Quota for [imagebuilder]: Steps per image workflow (L-D9E1BB3C)
Quota for [inspector]: Assessment runs (L-12943E2F)
Quota for [inspector]: Assessment Targets (L-E1AFB5F4)
Quota for [inspector]: Assessment Templates (L-7A3AEC10)
Quota for [inspector]: Instances in running assessments (L-6750F872)
Quota for [iot]: Active continuous jobs (L-4E068A30)
numberQuota for [iot]: Active snapshot jobs (L-D80B05DB)
Quota for [iot]: AssociateTargetsWithJob throttle limit (L-D7A534B0)
Quota for [iot]: CancelJob throttle limit (L-DEC656C5)
Quota for [iot]: CancelJobExecution throttle limit (L-5D01DB62)
Quota for [iot]: CloseTunnel API throttle limit (L-4C86F053)
numberQuota for [iot]: Concurrent jobs (L-FBF5CD89)
Quota for [iot]: CreateJobTemplate throttle limit (L-224318E9)
Quota for [iot]: CreateOTAUpdate API TPS (L-EFEC7F9B)
numberQuota for [iot]: CreateStream API TPS (L-86E241A6)
numberQuota for [iot]: Custom metrics (L-53A90E98)
Quota for [iot]: DeleteJob throttle limit (L-46C255C8)
Quota for [iot]: DeleteJobExecution throttle limit (L-4AB367B4)
Quota for [iot]: DeleteJobTemplate throttle limit (L-99780C4B)
Quota for [iot]: DeleteOTAUpdate API TPS (L-FCC8A955)
numberQuota for [iot]: DeleteStream API TPS (L-4BB13F2B)
numberQuota for [iot]: DescribeIndex rate (L-23B1CFB2)
Quota for [iot]: DescribeJob throttle limit (L-609D00CE)
Quota for [iot]: DescribeJobExecution throttle limit (L-B731A266)
Quota for [iot]: DescribeJobTemplate throttle limit (L-D3020048)
Quota for [iot]: DescribeStream API TPS (L-F288A443)
Quota for [iot]: DescribeTunnel API throttle limit (L-382CCFC0)
Quota for [iot]: Device metric minimum delay (L-7BF41710)
Quota for [iot]: Device metric peak reporting rate for an account (L-9AE67DFC)
numberQuota for [iot]: GetCardinality rate (L-B359270D)
Quota for [iot]: GetIndexingConfiguration rate (L-4F362163)
Quota for [iot]: GetJobDocument throttle limit (L-86FC5D66)
numberQuota for [iot]: GetOTAUpdate API TPS (L-74CF42C0)
numberQuota for [iot]: GetPercentiles rate (L-4627F3A5)
numberQuota for [iot]: GetStatistics rate (L-090EA78D)
Quota for [iot]: Job execution roll out rate (L-026DF298)
numberQuota for [iot]: ListIndices rate (L-C0894219)
Quota for [iot]: ListJobExecutionsForJob throttle limit (L-9CCB5F90)
Quota for [iot]: ListJobExecutionsForThing throttle limit (L-10F35433)
Quota for [iot]: ListJobs throttle limit (L-145FD0E6)
Quota for [iot]: ListJobTemplates throttle limit (L-59178860)
Quota for [iot]: ListMetricValues API TPS (L-DC1637B1)
Quota for [iot]: ListOTAUpdates API TPS (L-6A50FCE7)
numberQuota for [iot]: ListStreams API TPS (L-4026757A)
Quota for [iot]: ListTagsForResource API throttle limit (L-60A7ED34)
Quota for [iot]: ListTunnels API throttle limit (L-B7CAF86D)
Quota for [iot]: Maximum connection rate (L-00511A32)
Quota for [iot]: Maximum length of a custom field name (L-4832A12B)
Quota for [iot]: Maximum length of a query (L-C3993A6F)
Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of custom fields in AWS thing groups index (L-8B2A08E6)
Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of custom fields in AWS things index (L-AE68DCD9)
Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of fleet metrics (L-A5B47E14)
Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of job templates (L-B2C87795)
Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of names in the named shadow names filter (L-57F7D467)
Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of query terms per dynamic group (L-90F8C878)
Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of query terms per fleet metric (L-F7BC9359)
Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of query terms per query (L-00E8EC16)
Quota for [iot]: Maximum number of targets in the geo locations filter (L-7068DC7F)
Quota for [iot]: OpenTunnel API throttle limit (L-E72C1C85)
Quota for [iot]: S3 job document length (L-7C5B0274)
numberQuota for [iot]: SearchIndex rate (L-908D0FBE)
Quota for [iot]: TagResource API throttle limit (L-5755407D)
Quota for [iot]: UntagResource API trottle limit (L-BF877B05)
Quota for [iot]: UpdateIndexingConfiguration rate (L-632CA122)
Quota for [iot]: UpdateJob throttle limit (L-7365ADF8)
numberQuota for [iot]: UpdateStream API TPS (L-59F27FE9)
Quota for [iotanalytics]: Channels per account (L-321F3834)
Quota for [iotanalytics]: Data sets per account (L-4BFEAE82)
Quota for [iotanalytics]: Data stores per account (L-86CFEC61)
Quota for [iotanalytics]: Depth of Parquet SchemaDefinition column (L-B7F65767)
Quota for [iotanalytics]: Minimum data set refresh interval (L-5CD4F96D)
Quota for [iotanalytics]: Number of Parquet SchemaDefinition columns (L-41F5CE82)
Quota for [iotanalytics]: Number of partitions in a data store (L-BA86816F)
Quota for [iotanalytics]: Number of StartPipelineReprocessing requests (L-EFB6780D)
Quota for [iotanalytics]: Pipelines per account (L-0AED1111)
Quota for [iotanalytics]: Rate of BatchPutMessage messages (L-CFCA90F1)
Quota for [iotanalytics]: Rate of CreateDatasetContent requests (L-546EC585)
Quota for [iotanalytics]: Rate of RunPipelineActivity requests (L-C770541D)
Quota for [iotanalytics]: Rate of SampleChannelData requests (L-C24E823A)
Quota for [iotcore]: AcceptCertificateTransfer API TPS (L-136C6B71)
Quota for [iotcore]: AddThingToBillingGroup API TPS (L-1F4BE39E)
Quota for [iotcore]: AddThingToThingGroup API TPS (L-2904683A)
Quota for [iotcore]: AssumeRoleWithCertificate API TPS (L-DA868E55)
Quota for [iotcore]: AttachPolicy API TPS (L-CA7D4E3E)
Quota for [iotcore]: AttachPrincipalPolicy API TPS (L-81689EEF)
Quota for [iotcore]: AttachThingPrincipal API TPS (L-F64D1AA6)
Quota for [iotcore]: CancelCertificateTransfer API TPS (L-14E3C32E)
Quota for [iotcore]: ClearDefaultAuthorizer API TPS (L-5BDDC7FE)
Quota for [iotcore]: Configurable endpoints: maximum number of domain configurations per account (L-89635276)
Quota for [iotcore]: Connect requests per second per account (L-AEA1E176)
Quota for [iotcore]: CreateBillingGroup API TPS (L-F2D09BC8)
Quota for [iotcore]: CreateCertificateFromCsr API TPS (L-01BCDDCA)
Quota for [iotcore]: CreateDynamicThingGroup API TPS (L-7E0F5745)
Quota for [iotcore]: CreateKeysAndCertificate API TPS (L-40B55430)
Quota for [iotcore]: CreatePolicy API TPS (L-1B2EEF52)
Quota for [iotcore]: CreatePolicyVersion API TPS (L-BD4A365E)
Quota for [iotcore]: CreateProvisioningClaim API TPS (L-33A2AE15)
Quota for [iotcore]: CreateThing API TPS (L-64CBACAC)
Quota for [iotcore]: CreateThingGroup API TPS (L-512F449C)
Quota for [iotcore]: CreateThingType API TPS (L-8650816F)
Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteBillingGroup API TPS (L-6C20C764)
Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteCACertificate API TPS (L-944099F0)
Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteCertificate API TPS (L-EEB8F0B1)
Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteDynamicThingGroup API TPS (L-9DF61146)
Quota for [iotcore]: DeletePolicy API TPS (L-58129C66)
Quota for [iotcore]: DeletePolicyVersion API TPS (L-2990EF9F)
Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteProvisioningTemplate API TPS (L-066C37B5)
Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteRegistrationCode API TPS (L-D5D09DC2)
Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteThing API TPS (L-889800F7)
Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteThingGroup API TPS (L-FCAB1AF4)
Quota for [iotcore]: DeleteThingType API TPS (L-CFBDB489)
Quota for [iotcore]: DeprecateThingType API TPS (L-7F1DBFAE)
Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeAuthorizer API TPS (L-19FEFCAA)
Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeBillingGroup API TPS (L-23DF46E7)
Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeCACertificate API TPS (L-E72BB356)
Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeCertificate API TPS (L-FC864907)
Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeCertificateTag API TPS (L-7E496DB6)
Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeDefaultAuthorizer API TPS (L-A34ABBD3)
Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeDomainConfiguration API TPS (L-7027E8DD)
Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeEventConfigurations API TPS (L-AC832B8A)
Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeProvisioningTemplate API TPS (L-261C415C)
Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeProvisioningTemplateVersion API TPS (L-35130141)
Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeRoleAlias API TPS (L-82706932)
Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeThing API TPS (L-0EF0F5EE)
Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeThingGroup API TPS (L-52E1E197)
Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeThingRegistrationTask API TPS (L-4673EACA)
Quota for [iotcore]: DescribeThingType API TPS (L-DDCF8E97)
Quota for [iotcore]: DetachPolicy API TPS (L-EC88D510)
Quota for [iotcore]: DetachPrincipalPolicy API TPS (L-A20A8794)
Quota for [iotcore]: DetachThingPrincipal API TPS (L-B5EE4A16)
Quota for [iotcore]: Device Shadow API requests/second per account (L-6CC6395A)
Quota for [iotcore]: Fleet Provisioning CreateCertificateFromCsr MQTT API TPS (L-83161BB8)
Quota for [iotcore]: Fleet Provisioning CreateKeysAndCertificate MQTT API TPS (L-CAFFCA46)
Quota for [iotcore]: Fleet Provisioning RegisterThing MQTT API TPS (L-B2BBBD8C)
Quota for [iotcore]: GetPolicy API TPS (L-5CE9072D)
Quota for [iotcore]: GetPolicyVersion API TPS (L-1FE17093)
Quota for [iotcore]: GetRegistrationCode API TPS (L-83705EE2)
Quota for [iotcore]: GetRetainedMessage API TPS (L-1243AB32)
Quota for [iotcore]: Inbound publish requests per second per account (L-4B33E451)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListAttachedPolicies API TPS (L-B2DA2A45)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListAuthorizers API TPS (L-9BF00264)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListBillingGroups API TPS (L-BB923BC2)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListCACertificates API TPS (L-15185D92)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListCertificates API TPS (L-97DA2C60)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListCertificatesByCA API TPS (L-5A0AFD83)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListDomainConfigurations API TPS (L-4BDBE56D)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListOutgoingCertificates API TPS (L-56AB20B6)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListPolicies API TPS (L-2B86A5A0)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListPolicyPrincipals API TPS (L-073010AA)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListPolicyVersions API TPS (L-E67DF416)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListPrincipalPolicies API TPS (L-129466FE)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListPrincipalThings API TPS (L-C481616A)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListProvisioningTemplates API TPS (L-53E8A280)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListProvisioningTemplateVersions API TPS (L-80CBA176)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListRetainedMessages API TPS (L-0AA974E3)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListRoleAliases API TPS (L-F22E433B)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListTagsForResource API TPS (L-D127B7BE)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListTargetsForPolicy API TPS (L-D7C50543)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingGroups API TPS (L-1E5260D6)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingGroupsForThing API TPS (L-75F129AD)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingPrincipals API TPS (L-FC3EF4D9)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingRegistrationTask API TPS (L-B2CCE1DE)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingRegistrationTaskReports API TPS (L-51D1E673)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListThings API TPS (L-57AAC135)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingsInBillingGroup API TPS (L-E8797DCC)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingsInThingGroup API TPS (L-D33FD5F9)
Quota for [iotcore]: ListThingTypes API TPS (L-F9EBF527)
Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum concurrent client connections per account (L-75CAB723)
Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum MQTT5 Topic Alias value (L-C0EA6C17)
Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum number of device certificates that can be registered per second (L-3E927DFC)
Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum number of domain configurations per account per region (L-B0F131C8)
Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum number of retained messages per account (L-57BADEF0)
Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum number of rules per AWS account (L-954FA751)
Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum number of thing attributes for a thing with a thing type (L-3964F400)
Quota for [iotcore]: Maximum size of a JSON state document (L-A295A064)
Quota for [iotcore]: Outbound publish requests per second per account (L-FE4EDCF9)
Quota for [iotcore]: Persistent session expiry period (L-3BB6AFBC)
Quota for [iotcore]: Queued messages per second per account (L-35DA9240)
Quota for [iotcore]: RegisterCACertificate API TPS (L-B3AC62F0)
Quota for [iotcore]: RegisterCertificate API TPS (L-8C0011A3)
Quota for [iotcore]: RegisterCertificateWithoutCA API TPS (L-4671C7C8)
Quota for [iotcore]: RegisterThing API TPS (L-C0B2EF8B)
Quota for [iotcore]: RejectCertificateTransfer API TPS (L-E82C8FBF)
Quota for [iotcore]: RemoveThingFromBillingGroup API TPS (L-FAF5733F)
Quota for [iotcore]: RemoveThingFromThingGroup API TPS (L-2A81A394)
Quota for [iotcore]: Requests per second per thing (L-EFF4BE08)
Quota for [iotcore]: Retained message inbound publish requests per second per account (L-BAFC6221)
Quota for [iotcore]: Rule evaluations per second per AWS account (L-5E9B88DA)
Quota for [iotcore]: SetDefaultAuthorizer API TPS (L-51C95546)
Quota for [iotcore]: SetDefaultPolicyVersion API TPS (L-4F16A45D)
Quota for [iotcore]: Size of thing attributes per thing (L-5104A2FD)
Quota for [iotcore]: StartThingRegistrationTask API TPS (L-7278F198)
Quota for [iotcore]: StopThingRegistrationTask API TPS (L-DADCC3DA)
Quota for [iotcore]: Subscriptions per account (L-52CBB99B)
Quota for [iotcore]: Subscriptions per second per account (L-589D5E1D)
Quota for [iotcore]: TagResource API TPS (L-06E76376)
Quota for [iotcore]: TransferCertificate API TPS (L-9A4156D0)
Quota for [iotcore]: UntagResource API TPS (L-8996ACA8)
Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateAuthorizer API TPS (L-6355B513)
Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateBillingGroup API TPS (L-88CA286A)
Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateCACertificate API TPS (L-A755E860)
Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateCertificate API TPS (L-77B523DC)
Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateCertificateMode API TPS (L-06D0B96B)
Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateCertificateTag API TPS (L-B9586B46)
Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateDomainConfiguration API TPS (L-D624FA43)
Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateDynamicThingGroup API TPS (L-E06BBD5F)
Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateEventConfigurations API TPS (L-9C512C33)
Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateProvisioningTemplate API TPS (L-1FD03A8A)
Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateRoleAlias API TPS (L-447FFBFB)
Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateThing API TPS (L-211F680E)
Quota for [iotcore]: UpdateThingGroup API TPS (L-5D84F9FE)
Quota for [iotevents]: Detector model versions (L-1B3BA3EE)
Quota for [iotevents]: Detector models (L-279A67DA)
Quota for [iotevents]: Detectors per detector model (L-3ED590C1)
numberQuota for [iotevents]: Inputs (L-C031B6B8)
Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum actions per alarm model (L-EB687A61)
Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum actions per event (L-4E41133E)
Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum alarm model versions per alarm model (L-2FA8EFB5)
Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum alarm models per account (L-134442DD)
Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum alarms per alarm model (L-52F0DBB4)
Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum events per state (L-C0F716CA)
Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum number of alarm models per property in an AWS IoT SiteWise asset model (L-EBDD79FD)
Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum number of recipients per notification action in an alarm model (L-DE2C2CBE)
Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum total messages evaluated per second (L-41C77D73)
Quota for [iotevents]: Maximum transition events per state (L-FCDB3431)
numberQuota for [iotevents]: Message size (L-1EE1AE32)
Quota for [iotevents]: Minimum timer duration (L-D86BAB00)
Quota for [iotevents]: Number of detector model analyses in RUNNING status (L-18935129)
Quota for [iotevents]: State variables per detector model definition (L-46EA5101)
Quota for [iotevents]: States per detector model (L-0B548925)
Quota for [iotevents]: Timers scheduled per detector (L-89B1F2C1)
Quota for [iotevents]: Trigger expressions (L-BE1D061A)
Quota for [iotfleethub]: Number of applications per Region per AWS account (L-65C37C15)
Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Number of campaigns for each account in an AWS Region (L-17D821A8)
numberQuota for [iotfleetwise]: Number of decoder manifests for a model manifest for each account in an AWS Region. (L-9EE083E6)
Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Number of model manifests for each account in an AWS Region. (L-72103FA9)
Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Number of nodes in a signal catalog for each account in an AWS Region (L-FE285ED4)
Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Number of signals in a campaign for each account in an AWS Region. (L-86E70888)
Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Number of vehicles in a fleet for each account in an AWS Region. (L-85AC6579)
Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Rate of API requests for each account in an AWS Region (L-6ED070A2)
Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Rate of ingesting messages for each account in an AWS Region. (L-B91464DC)
Quota for [iotfleetwise]: Rate of ingesting messages for each vehicle in an AWS Region. (L-FDD53FA4)
Quota for [iotroborunner]: Destinations (L-E297453B)
numberQuota for [iotroborunner]: Sites (L-56B55996)
Quota for [iotroborunner]: Worker fleets (L-B5779483)
numberQuota for [iotroborunner]: Workers (L-9529A31E)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Composite model depth (L-F8F8820C)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Depth of asset model hierarchy tree (L-4F226831)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of asset models per hierarchy tree (L-61CA7915)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of asset models per Region per AWS account (L-21EF301F)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of assets per asset model (L-A0C6AD02)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of child assets per parent asset (L-8603AA0E)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of composite models per asset model (L-41A20986)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of dashboards per project (L-81C6A4F0)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of days between the timestamp in the past and today (L-09CA1CF6)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of gateways per Region per AWS account (L-179151C6)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of hierarchy definitions per asset model (L-558B5F90)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of metrics per dashboard visualization (L-2C0E5B73)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of parent asset models per child asset model (L-088AB397)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of portals per Region per AWS account (L-A5652910)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of projects per portal (L-116F669B)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of properties at root of each asset model of type ASSET_MODEL (L-6D30607C)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of properties per asset model (L-22D944EE)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of properties per composite model (L-F22F6963)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of properties that directly depend on a single property (L-3D4720EF)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of results per GetInterpolatedAssetPropertyValues request (L-DABC3942)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of unique asset models that use the same component model (L-5436A081)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of unique measurements per parquet row group (L-77F9BBAB)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Number of visualizations per dashboard (L-95E7BD97)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Rate of data points ingested (L-055D0253)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Rate of datapoints retrieved from GetAssetPropertyValueHistory and BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistory (L-A6B45284)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Rate of GetInterpolatedAssetPropertyValues requests (L-27B1043C)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for AssociateAssets (L-A6CC6143)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for AssociateTimeSeriesToAssetProperty (L-FC916B9F)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for BatchGetAssetPropertyAggregates (L-1F08A062)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for BatchGetAssetPropertyValue (L-6A0446E9)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistory (L-6BA71B50)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for BatchPutAssetPropertyValue (L-A52C4EC3)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for CreateAsset (L-FAC80CD0)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for CreateAssetModel (L-76DAFFD4)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for CreateAssetModelCompositeModel (L-6A07E983)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DeleteAsset (L-1A4574EB)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DeleteAssetModel (L-E824E02D)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DeleteAssetModelCompositeModel (L-C866EFAE)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DeleteTimeSeries (L-0B4FE3AE)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeAction (L-8CACB17D)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeAsset (L-EC3E9870)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeAssetCompositeModel (L-C95674C2)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeAssetModel (L-30ACF5DC)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeAssetModelCompositeModel (L-FF65FBE9)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeAssetProperty (L-FE40635A)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeDefaultEncryptionConfiguration (L-9AB54A74)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeLoggingOptions (L-71344A05)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeStorageConfiguration (L-DFA2B5CE)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DescribeTimeSeries (L-99ECDFE8)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DisassociateAssets (L-8833D569)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for DisassociateTimeSeriesFromAssetProperty (L-AD488EF9)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ExecuteAction (L-74A3AF8B)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for GetAssetPropertyAggregates (L-36098D32)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for GetAssetPropertyValue (L-CDF30604)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for GetAssetPropertyValueHistory (L-D7745D01)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListActions (L-4F4858F1)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListAssetModelCompositeModels (L-1AC5759B)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListAssetModels (L-2E6A6BE6)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListAssetRelationships (L-D1C7039E)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListAssets (L-FD327B60)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListAssociatedAssets (L-DF999358)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListCompositionRelationships (L-0E1DA1E4)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListTagsForResource (L-C65D47B0)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for ListTimeSeries (L-EFD4443A)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for PutDefaultEncryptionConfiguration (L-4C7927F2)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for PutLoggingOptions (L-A9C0553C)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for PutStorageConfiguration (L-1DAFF3FA)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for TagResource (L-97DCC2B9)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for UntagResource (L-11052945)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for UpdateAsset (L-5ABA0B04)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for UpdateAssetModel (L-A2DC172E)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for UpdateAssetModelCompositeModel (L-EF35D760)
Quota for [iotsitewise]: Request rate for UpdateAssetProperty (L-0ED7CAC0)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: Flow definition size (L-3B8999A1)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: Maximum number of flows triggered (L-B12EB258)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: Maximum number of steps executed per deployment (L-D957C70D)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: Total deployment configurations in a namespace (L-4E1874BC)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: Total entities in a namespace (L-1241A2A2)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: Total flow definitions in a namespace (L-F4F0FE93)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for AssociateEntityToThing (L-B8ACA268)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for CreateDeploymentConfiguration (L-EB25BD02)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for CreateFlowTemplate (L-563B2C2B)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for CreateSystemInstance (L-33DDBCD0)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for CreateSystemTemplate (L-1568A699)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeleteDeploymentConfiguration (L-3197C8C1)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeleteFlowTemplate (L-C10D50DA)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeleteNamespace (L-6C64452B)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeleteSystemInstance (L-2AA3EB03)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeleteSystemTemplate (L-39620E3B)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeployConfigurationToTarget (L-833ED17B)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeploySystemInstance (L-A93CEC05)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeprecateDeploymentConfiguration (L-D3A10EC3)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeprecateFlowTemplate (L-9150B976)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DeprecateSystemTemplate (L-7E34BF4F)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DescribeNamespace (L-E59F5B29)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for DissociateEntityFromThing (L-F90E5D50)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetDeploymentConfiguration (L-23793080)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetEntities (L-FA04A690)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetFlowTemplate (L-2418C55F)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetFlowTemplateRevisions (L-14349E56)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetNamespaceDeletionStatus (L-74BF2A1A)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetRecentUploads (L-93B499C4)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetSystemInstance (L-E286E5D0)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetSystemTemplate (L-AC9ABC2C)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetSystemTemplateRevisions (L-183A0E79)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for GetUploadStatus (L-5403F04A)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for ListFlowExecutionMessages (L-A026818C)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for ListMappingPaths (L-9FF7971D)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for SearchDeploymentConfigurations (L-BDB80152)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for SearchEntities (L-3AEFB560)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for SearchFlowExecutions (L-19877104)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for SearchFlowTemplates (L-E935AE5C)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for SearchSystemInstance (L-A7E96D49)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for SearchSystemTemplates (L-0B5ED49C)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for SearchThings (L-90007F3D)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for UndeploySystemInstance (L-A6120C65)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for UpdateFlowTemplate (L-918B3687)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for UpdateSystemTemplate (L-972FA3D1)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for UploadEntityDefinitions (L-A7AA5340)
Quota for [iotthingsgraph]: TPS limit for ValidateEntityDefinitions (L-7CD26E32)
Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Component type composition tree depth (L-6B0BA854)
Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Component type composition tree size (L-62EFDD1A)
Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Component types per workspace (L-E97A4C92)
Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Components per entity (L-FE672086)
Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Depth of component type hierarchy (L-C511254B)
Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Depth of entity hierarchy (L-019A0AE4)
Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Entities per workspace (L-ADB4D9B9)
Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Number of metadata transfer jobs in queue (L-F123ACD6)
Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Properties per component type or component (L-D8DF6F6C)
Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Scenes per workspace (L-8E0F7923)
Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Size of the metadata transfer job import file (L-09F67DF4)
Quota for [iottwinmaker]: Workspaces in this account in the current Region (L-3BCB51AD)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for AssociateAwsAccountWithPartnerAccount (L-13EE3A12)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for AssociateMulticastGroupWithFuotaTask (L-E91B60DF)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for AssociateWirelessDeviceWithFuotaTask (L-4AC6BBEA)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for AssociateWirelessDeviceWithMulticastGroup (L-92ECAB75)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for AssociateWirelessDeviceWithThing (L-6407631C)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for AssociateWirelessGatewayWithThing (L-B29C7ECC)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CancelMulticastGroupSession (L-72AB9EAE)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateDestination (L-0641E5DC)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateDeviceProfile (L-6829C2D4)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateFuotaTask (L-E3C6A79E)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateMulticastGroup (L-D07E0E7A)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateNetworkAnalyzerConfiguration (L-6796B05C)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateServiceProfile (L-F8530DBD)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateWirelessDevice (L-3B5AF547)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for CreateWirelessGateway (L-C2F6FC68)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteDestination (L-EB538AAC)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteDeviceProfile (L-50B185BA)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteFuotaTask (L-89C556FB)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteMulticastGroup (L-93C5A1DB)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteNetworkAnalyzerConfiguration (L-4F7C7CD3)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteQueuedMessages (L-B6937DF9)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteServiceProfile (L-A25EC315)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteWirelessDevice (L-A755236A)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteWirelessDeviceImportTask (L-85E750DE)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeleteWirelessGateway (L-6DEF44D2)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DeregisterWirelessDevice (L-D260A47D)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DisassociateAwsAccountFromPartnerAccount (L-A432E505)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DisassociateMulticastGroupFromFuotaTask (L-61A27891)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DisassociateWirelessDeviceFromFuotaTask (L-0C83FCE2)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DisassociateWirelessDeviceFromMulticastGroup (L-1DF3438B)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DisassociateWirelessDeviceFromThing (L-4951240E)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for DisassociateWirelessGatewayFromThing (L-33206197)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetDestination (L-8E7EAF51)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetDeviceProfile (L-4FCAEFF0)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetEventConfigurationByResourceTypes (L-FAE31118)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetFuotaTask (L-D33E220F)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetLogLevelsByResourceTypes (L-C2175B1E)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetMulticastGroup (L-72A5D5E0)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetMulticastGroupSession (L-9C8C92B3)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetNetworkAnalyzerConfiguration (L-6AF47E8B)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetPartnerAccount (L-DEFAE009)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetPosition (L-B8A41F6F)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetPositionConfiguration (L-5FCBB48D)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetPositionEstimate (L-D6B79324)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetResourceEventConfiguration (L-E4F0512E)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetResourceLogLevel (L-6175FC12)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetResourcePosition (L-F654617D)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetServiceProfile (L-905ED905)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetWirelessDevice (L-2639F0B0)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetWirelessDeviceImportTask (L-16EAB1D1)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for GetWirelessGateway (L-42B55186)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListDestinations (L-E54A2621)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListDeviceProfiles (L-E6CBA335)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListDevicesForWirelessDeviceImportTask (L-18A5F69F)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListEventConfigurations (L-A2058506)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListFuotaTasks (L-0604C085)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListMulticastGroups (L-4DEB3C3F)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListMulticastGroupsByFuotaTask (L-7CE08A6C)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListNetworkAnalyzerConfigurations (L-0F5F17D1)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListPartnerAccounts (L-FB636C37)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListPositionConfigurations (L-F4D43AC0)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListQueuedMessages (L-D91B7067)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListServiceProfiles (L-647D6C46)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListTagsForResource (L-DEC8385B)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListWirelessDeviceImportTasks (L-9704EC18)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListWirelessDevices (L-35D1818B)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ListWirelessGateways (L-F881E3D9)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for PutPositionConfiguration (L-A4CD53FD)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for PutResourceLogLevel (L-12D6182B)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ResetAllResourceLogLevels (L-96FA888E)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for ResetResourceLogLevel (L-9CF47CC5)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for SendDataToMulticastGroup (L-1346D5EC)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for SendDataToWirelessDevice (L-0E4BA92F)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for StartBulkAssociateWirelessDeviceWithMulticastGroup (L-F930F6AD)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for StartBulkDisassociateWirelessDeviceFromMulticastGroup (L-8DBB3861)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for StartFuotaTask (L-DB770805)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for StartMulticastGroupSession (L-6FC5E39D)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for StartNetworkAnalyzerStream (L-9E25CA04)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for StartSingleWirelessDeviceImportTask (L-7B8D0453)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for StartWirelessDeviceImportTask (L-9C8BB3C8)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for TagResource (L-9D5A90BD)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for TestWirelessDevice (L-FC84B266)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UntagResource (L-DF869DBB)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateDestination (L-AA413BB8)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateEventConfigurationByResourceTypes (L-882084A6)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateFuotaTask (L-5369BF7E)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateLogLevelsByResourceTypes (L-0D8E249D)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateMulticastGroup (L-8E864D54)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateNetworkAnalyzerConfiguration (L-8367137B)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdatePartnerAccount (L-3AC27648)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdatePosition (L-C80BC655)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateResourceEventConfiguration (L-70D824D9)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateResourcePosition (L-E01F1EA2)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateWirelessDevice (L-B4636E40)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateWirelessDeviceImportTask (L-E8B6C4D2)
Quota for [iotwireless]: TPS limit for UpdateWirelessGateway (L-A1F96616)
numberQuota for [ivs]: Channels (L-C01DFF58)
numberQuota for [ivs]: Compositions (L-E945C199)
numberQuota for [ivs]: Concurrent streams (L-FD1EB8A7)
numberQuota for [ivs]: Concurrent views (L-77A18D5D)
Quota for [ivs]: Encoder configurations (L-F7C5B6C9)
Quota for [ivs]: Recording configurations (L-90ABAB37)
numberQuota for [ivs]: Stages (L-47F0B706)
Quota for [ivs]: Storage configurations (L-BF843A02)
Quota for [ivschat]: Concurrent chat connections (L-2D7A45DA)
Quota for [ivschat]: Logging Configurations (L-F87B0F22)
Quota for [ivschat]: Rate of DeleteMessage requests (L-766F0845)
Quota for [ivschat]: Rate of DisconnectUser requests (L-0CF8D910)
Quota for [ivschat]: Rate of SendMessage requests (L-B11841BF)
numberQuota for [ivschat]: Rooms (L-85B84D18)
Quota for [kafka]: Number of brokers per account (L-EDD31C36)
Quota for [kafka]: Number of brokers per cluster (L-FAB9E493)
Quota for [kafka]: Number of configurations per account (L-B2FDE22A)
Quota for [kafka]: Number of replicators per account (L-8F940D28)
Quota for [kafka]: Number of revisions per configuration (L-36D29E8C)
Quota for [kafkaconnect]: Maximum connect workers (L-C78B0952)
Quota for [kafkaconnect]: Maximum custom plugins (L-F71212B3)
Quota for [kafkaconnect]: Maximum worker configurations (L-5BED8C47)
Quota for [kendra]: Characters in query text (L-7107C1BC)
Quota for [kendra]: Collapsed results to expand (L-25C6FEE8)
Quota for [kendra]: Data sources (enterprise edition) (L-91D7F3F0)
Quota for [kendra]: Developer edition indexes (L-51C776DF)
Quota for [kendra]: Enterprise edition indexes (L-4704867A)
Quota for [kendra]: Expanded results per collapsed result item (L-90A916B2)
numberQuota for [kendra]: FAQs (L-522F5A9C)
Quota for [kendra]: Featured documents per featured results set (L-2BF8365C)
Quota for [kendra]: Featured results sets per index (L-22D37218)
numberQuota for [kendra]: File size (L-C108EA1B)
Quota for [kendra]: Ingestion attributes string list size (L-5D790B76)
Quota for [kendra]: Items in a query suggestions block list (L-DCB3B6C6)
Quota for [kendra]: Query attributes user group list size (L-78CBE960)
Quota for [kendra]: Query capacity units (L-332A3A1A)
Quota for [kendra]: Query suggestions block list file size (L-4FC16EE5)
Quota for [kendra]: Query suggestions max additional response attributes in API (L-31DA7514)
Quota for [kendra]: Query suggestions max suggestable attributes in API (L-27DC8932)
Quota for [kendra]: Query suggestions returned in API (L-4E1777B8)
Quota for [kendra-ranking]: Rescore capacity units per account (L-B6E8F579)
Quota for [kendra]: Sort configurations (L-543AB3EE)
Quota for [kendra]: Spell correction query suggestions (L-740FA277)
Quota for [kendra]: Storage capacity units (L-E8A56FA5)
Quota for [kendra]: Synonym rules per thesaurus (L-6BFC06E7)
Quota for [kendra]: Thesaurus file size (L-C0EA1398)
Quota for [kinesis]: Shards per Region (L-0918CF54)
Quota for [kinesisanalytics]: Apache Flink Kinesis Processing Units (KPUs) (L-3A88E041)
Quota for [kinesisanalytics]: Application count (L-3729A2EF)
Quota for [kinesisanalytics]: SQL Kinesis Processing Units (KPUs) (L-90BEDB9D)
Quota for [kinesisvideo]: ConnectAsViewer connections per signaling channel (L-8F974349)
Quota for [kinesisvideo]: GetMedia bandwidth (L-BF0D282F)
Quota for [kinesisvideo]: GetMedia concurrent connections per stream (L-B71B4FEE)
Quota for [kinesisvideo]: GetMediaForFragmentList bandwidth (L-2FC7D6B2)
Quota for [kinesisvideo]: Number of Media Storage Channels (L-B71421B8)
Quota for [kinesisvideo]: Number of signaling channels (L-B7F419CA)
Quota for [kinesisvideo]: Number of video streams (L-F06528A6)
Quota for [kinesisvideo]: PutMedia bandwidth (L-354AF9F0)
Quota for [kinesisvideo]: PutMedia fragment duration (L-EDC0C00D)
Quota for [kinesisvideo]: Rate of CreateSignalingChannelAPI requests (L-32D5DC79)
Quota for [kinesisvideo]: Rate of CreateStreamAPI requests (L-08F65F09)
numberQuota for [kms]: Aliases per CMK (L-340F62FB)
Quota for [kms]: CancelKeyDeletion request rate (L-635264CC)
Quota for [kms]: ConnectCustomKeyStore request rate (L-705B9E79)
Quota for [kms]: CreateAlias request rate (L-F7504F73)
Quota for [kms]: CreateCustomKeyStore request rate (L-08932E37)
Quota for [kms]: CreateGrant request rate (L-0428A42E)
Quota for [kms]: CreateKey request rate (L-32B67F4A)
Quota for [kms]: Cryptographic operations (ECC) request rate (L-DC14942D)
Quota for [kms]: Cryptographic operations (RSA) request rate (L-2AC98190)
Quota for [kms]: Cryptographic operations (symmetric) request rate (L-6E3AF000)
numberQuota for [kms]: Custom Key Stores (L-F33DCFEB)
Quota for [kms]: Customer Master Keys (CMKs) (L-C2F1777E)
Quota for [kms]: DeleteAlias request rate (L-1F75ADD1)
Quota for [kms]: DeleteCustomKeyStore request rate (L-E99520CB)
Quota for [kms]: DeleteImportedKeyMaterial request rate (L-1233BF9B)
Quota for [kms]: DescribeCustomKeyStores request rate (L-E20AA94C)
Quota for [kms]: DescribeKey request rate (L-FAE8F084)
Quota for [kms]: DisableKey request rate (L-6B8C93BD)
Quota for [kms]: DisableKeyRotation request rate (L-CE1DB614)
Quota for [kms]: DisconnectCustomKeyStore request rate (L-9F1FCF6D)
Quota for [kms]: EnableKey request rate (L-BD96F100)
Quota for [kms]: EnableKeyRotation request rate (L-BE799B67)
Quota for [kms]: GenerateDataKeyPair (ECC_NIST_P256) request rate (L-D2EEB5E0)
Quota for [kms]: GenerateDataKeyPair (ECC_NIST_P384) request rate (L-16B46EF0)
Quota for [kms]: GenerateDataKeyPair (ECC_NIST_P521) request rate (L-1D966DA0)
Quota for [kms]: GenerateDataKeyPair (ECC_SECG_P256K1) request rate (L-3B372FA9)
Quota for [kms]: GenerateDataKeyPair (RSA_2048) request rate (L-77042783)
Quota for [kms]: GenerateDataKeyPair (RSA_3072) request rate (L-AE57B391)
Quota for [kms]: GenerateDataKeyPair (RSA_4096) request rate (L-FCE4492D)
Quota for [kms]: GetKeyPolicy request rate (L-A2A30EC6)
Quota for [kms]: GetKeyRotationStatus request rate (L-D7711EF4)
Quota for [kms]: GetParametersForImport request rate (L-515A0541)
Quota for [kms]: GetPublicKey request rate (L-E4FBCA5E)
numberQuota for [kms]: Grants per CMK (L-D594A657)
Quota for [kms]: ImportKeyMaterial request rate (L-99631835)
Quota for [kms]: ListAliases request rate (L-BF3F8F1D)
Quota for [kms]: ListGrants request rate (L-D39AB822)
Quota for [kms]: ListKeyPolicies request rate (L-79E0D0AB)
Quota for [kms]: ListKeys request rate (L-8A08DAEA)
Quota for [kms]: ListResourceTags request rate (L-FB6513A2)
Quota for [kms]: ListRetirableGrants request rate (L-161E93A6)
Quota for [kms]: PutKeyPolicy request rate (L-9DDDE6CA)
Quota for [kms]: ReplicateKey request rate (L-E1C93865)
Quota for [kms]: RetireGrant request rate (L-74021A59)
Quota for [kms]: RevokeGrant request rate (L-F20EBCB7)
Quota for [kms]: ScheduleKeyDeletion request rate (L-88313D4A)
Quota for [kms]: TagResource request rate (L-7D6DE447)
Quota for [kms]: UntagResource request rate (L-6375F442)
Quota for [kms]: UpdateAlias request rate (L-DB3BF542)
Quota for [kms]: UpdateCustomKeyStore request rate (L-275D92F3)
Quota for [kms]: UpdateKeyDescription request rate (L-A3828E1F)
Quota for [kms]: UpdatePrimaryRegion request rate (L-F83AC7F7)
Quota for [lakeformation]: Length of a path that can be registered (L-3D55E97C)
Quota for [lakeformation]: Number of data lake administrators (L-3E3798DF)
Quota for [lakeformation]: Number of lf tag per account (L-F165AF61)
Quota for [lakeformation]: Number of lf tag policy per principal per resource type (L-9F3EFFAB)
Quota for [lakeformation]: Number of registered paths (L-B0A837CA)
Quota for [lakeformation]: Number of subfolders in an Amazon S3 path (L-1343AC0E)
Quota for [lakeformation]: Number of tag values per lf tag (L-47097528)
Quota for [lambda]: Concurrent executions (L-B99A9384)
Quota for [lambda]: Elastic network interfaces per VPC (L-9FEE3D26)
Quota for [lambda]: Function and layer storage (L-2ACBD22F)
Quota for [launchwizard]: Active applications (L-3BF0F558)
Quota for [launchwizard]: Applications (L-A5A6CAB2)
numberQuota for [lex]: Bots per account (V2) (L-36FA8BD2)
Quota for [lex]: Sample utterances per intent (V2) (L-ED50DA7C)
Quota for [lex]: Sample utterances per slot (V2) (L-77D6C60C)
Quota for [license-manager]: License configuration associations per resource (L-0B08C8C5)
Quota for [license-manager]: License configurations (L-CDB75D7A)
Quota for [license-manager]: License conversion tasks per resource per day (L-6FD36464)
Quota for [license-manager-user-subscriptions]: Instance associations per user (L-8BE7CFDB)
Quota for [license-manager-user-subscriptions]: User-based subscriptions for Office Professional Plus (L-792C9CCF)
Quota for [license-manager-user-subscriptions]: User-based subscriptions for Visual Studio Enterprise (L-79A245D6)
Quota for [license-manager-user-subscriptions]: User-based subscriptions for Visual Studio Professional (L-FA5F53F9)
numberQuota for [lightsail]: Instances (L-4259AF9B)
Quota for [lightsail]: Static IP addresses (L-BBF0F260)
Quota for [logs]: CreateLogGroup throttle limit in transactions per second (L-D2832119)
Quota for [logs]: CreateLogStream throttle limit in transactions per second (L-76507CEF)
Quota for [logs]: DeleteLogGroup throttle limit in transactions per second (L-07A912D5)
Quota for [logs]: DeleteLogStream throttle limit in transactions per second (L-C029A21C)
Quota for [logs]: DescribeLogGroups throttle limit in transactions per second (L-4284EEDE)
Quota for [logs]: DescribeLogStreams throttle limit in transactions per second (L-3F243AD0)
numberQuota for [logs]: Log groups (L-C7B9AAAB)
Quota for [logs]: PutLogEvents throttle limit in transactions per second (L-7E1FAE88)
Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Datasets (L-06FBA868)
Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Label groups (L-1CCF155B)
numberQuota for [lookoutequipment]: Models (L-E03BD5FA)
Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Number of import dataset jobs in progress (L-810626D7)
Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Number of import model jobs in progress (L-2B4BB827)
Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Number of labels per label group (L-1AF8D174)
Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Pending data ingestion jobs (L-B987A6C9)
Quota for [lookoutequipment]: Pending models (L-B52F37B8)
numberQuota for [lookoutmetrics]: Alerts (L-3AA7C566)
numberQuota for [lookoutmetrics]: Detectors (L-5EB8352D)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Files per interval (10m) (L-0BC408F8)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Files per interval (1d) (L-46692FC3)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Files per interval (1h) (L-1FDF7B91)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Files per interval (5m) (L-7C0C1E87)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Records per interval (10m) (L-B7D162E6)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Records per interval (1d) (L-4CDD974B)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Records per interval (1h) (L-535C09C0)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Records per interval (5m) (L-943788CD)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (L-F75BB1C7)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ActivateAnomalyDetector) (L-7548F78A)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (BackTestAnomalyDetector) (L-4B1617A5)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (CreateAlert) (L-F84BD970)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (CreateAnomalyDetector) (L-56F61C6F)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (CreateMetricSet) (L-42533647)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DeactivateAnomalyDetector) (L-5FD69032)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DeleteAlert) (L-AA1B9C20)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DeleteAnomalyDetector) (L-8C031EB7)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DescribeAlert) (L-F2FA38BF)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutions) (L-A384774A)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DescribeAnomalyDetector) (L-70CC6666)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DescribeMetricSet) (L-020F22D6)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (DetectMetricSetConfig) (L-3BA5225A)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (GetAnomalyGroup) (L-D87ABA33)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (GetDataQualityMetrics) (L-1EFB34E0)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (GetFeedback) (L-2AF7F498)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (GetSampleData) (L-0F70E4A0)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ListAlerts) (L-E7EB46AB)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ListAnomalyDetectors) (L-5D0258C0)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ListAnomalyGroupRelatedMetrics) (L-2CD2EB7E)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ListAnomalyGroupSummaries) (L-F256354A)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeries) (L-B10A1291)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ListMetricSets) (L-E907B4C2)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (ListTagsForResource) (L-297200B6)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (PutFeedback) (L-17A5470E)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (TagResource) (L-E91D3491)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (UntagResource) (L-C566AD88)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (UpdateAnomalyDetector) (L-29051655)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Throttle rate (UpdateMetricSet) (L-970F0018)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Time series per interval (1d) (L-989594D2)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Time series per interval (1h) (L-61F79416)
Quota for [lookoutmetrics]: Value length (L-5F537F31)
Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of API requests per second, excluding DetectAnomalies (L-6C6DBBAE)
Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of concurrent model packaging jobs (L-A2F581AB)
Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of concurrent training jobs (L-2489F742)
Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of concurrent trial detection tasks (L-5863F741)
Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of DetectAnomalies API requests per second (L-9A58AC7A)
Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of inference units per started model (L-84E8C9F8)
Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of models per project (L-1B1011CA)
Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of projects (L-64685F61)
Quota for [lookoutvision]: Maximum number of running models (L-82DA2ABD)
Quota for [m2]: Max Applications Per AWS Account (L-00464274)
Quota for [m2]: Max Environments Per AWS Account (L-6851C542)
Quota for [m2]: Max Instances Per High Availability Environment (L-24ACBEAE)
Quota for [m2]: Max number of EFS filesystems per environment (L-5D943D0B)
Quota for [m2]: Max number of FSX filesystems per environment (L-C1C41257)
Quota for [machinelearning]: Batch prediction input records (L-8914BECD)
Quota for [machinelearning]: Batch prediction input size (L-C02552ED)
Quota for [machinelearning]: Classes for multiclass ML models (L-281104EC)
Quota for [machinelearning]: Observation size (L-22D3562F)
Quota for [machinelearning]: Rate of real-time prediction requests per endpoint (L-F1FD3E15)
Quota for [machinelearning]: Recipe complexity (L-54CEDABA)
Quota for [machinelearning]: Simultaneous jobs (L-40E5546B)
Quota for [machinelearning]: Total RAM for all real-time prediction endpoints (L-A3DD8EAF)
Quota for [machinelearning]: Total rate of all real-time prediction requests (L-A7752C6C)
Quota for [machinelearning]: Training data size (L-C435D6DC)
Quota for [machinelearning]: Variables per data file (L-B08E80D3)
Quota for [macie2]: Sensitive data discovery per month per account (L-FEB8D34D)
Quota for [managedblockchain]: Number of Ethereum nodes an AWS account can have (L-56698730)
Quota for [managedblockchain]: Number of Hyperledger Fabric channels per Standard Edition network (L-67914D6A)
Quota for [managedblockchain]: Number of Hyperledger Fabric channels per Starter Edition network (L-7DCD24B7)
numberQuota for [managedblockchain]: Number of Standard Edition networks in which an AWS account can have a member (L-C71C12D1)
numberQuota for [managedblockchain]: Number of Starter Edition networks in which an AWS account can have a member (L-D3936217)
Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of BatchGetTokenBalance requests per second (L-D4959700)
Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of GetAssetContract requests per second (L-0084BF26)
Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of GetTokenBalance requests per second (L-7555598E)
Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of GetTransaction requests per second (L-716ED4D5)
Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of ListAssetContracts requests per second (L-D1DC054C)
Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of ListTokenBalances requests per second (L-920F1669)
Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of ListTransactionEvents requests per second (L-55D6B880)
Quota for [managedblockchain-query]: Number of ListTransactions requests per second (L-506D2B91)
numberQuota for [mediaconnect]: Flows (L-A99016A8)
Quota for [mediaconvert]: Concurrent jobs per on-demand queue, peak (L-032C4FB4)
Quota for [mediaconvert]: Custom job templates (L-FFA964F8)
Quota for [mediaconvert]: Custom output presets (L-8CFEB230)
Quota for [mediaconvert]: Queues (on-demand) per Region, per account (L-2D376814)
Quota for [mediaconvert]: Queues (reserved) per Region, per account (L-1FF6FD60)
Quota for [mediaconvert]: Request rate for API calls, per operation (L-6D7C345F)
Quota for [mediaconvert]: Request rate for API calls per operation, in a burst (L-62A25D68)
numberQuota for [medialive]: CDI Channels (L-3FDA265B)
numberQuota for [medialive]: Channels (L-D1AFAF75)
numberQuota for [medialive]: Device Inputs (L-BDF24E14)
numberQuota for [medialive]: HEVC Channels (L-05A796F2)
Quota for [medialive]: Input Security Groups (L-6A0116BB)
Quota for [medialive]: MediaLive DescribeThumbnails TPS (L-63879FB4)
numberQuota for [medialive]: Multiplexes (L-8B49C5C1)
numberQuota for [medialive]: Pull Inputs (L-4D7207DE)
numberQuota for [medialive]: Push Inputs (L-9E233AF7)
numberQuota for [medialive]: Reservations (L-1F6E2FAF)
numberQuota for [medialive]: UHD Channels (L-DDE858F0)
numberQuota for [medialive]: VPC Inputs (L-68E02936)
Quota for [mediapackage]: Assets per packaging group (L-563EE697)
numberQuota for [mediapackage]: Channels (L-352B8598)
Quota for [mediapackage]: Concurrent harvest jobs (L-B1B90B42)
Quota for [mediapackage]: Endpoints per channel (L-7F7EDDDF)
Quota for [mediapackage]: Live manifest length (L-F7CB14AC)
Quota for [mediapackage]: Packaging configurations per packaging group (L-1E1258F1)
Quota for [mediapackage]: Packaging groups (L-66FFDBE4)
Quota for [mediapackagev2]: Channel Groups (L-A7040149)
Quota for [mediapackagev2]: Channels per channel group (L-55777135)
Quota for [mediapackagev2]: Live manifest length (L-B20140A1)
Quota for [mediapackagev2]: Origin endpoints per channel (L-305BEE26)
Quota for [mediastore]: Rate of DeleteObject API requests (L-2FCDD326)
Quota for [mediastore]: Rate of DescribeObject API requests (L-8038710B)
Quota for [mediastore]: Rate of GetObject API requests for standard upload availability (L-DB1D877F)
Quota for [mediastore]: Rate of GetObject API requests for streaming upload availability (L-FA6DBE33)
Quota for [mediastore]: Rate of ListItems API requests (L-97AEAA6B)
Quota for [mediastore]: Rate of PutObject API requests for chunked transfer encoding (also known as streaming upload availability) (L-CAF2EF73)
Quota for [mediastore]: Rate of PutObject API requests for standard upload availability (L-CA39FABB)
Quota for [mediatailor]: Ad Insertion Requests (L-32FBC51C)
Quota for [mediatailor]: Channel Manifest Requests (L-C13EFDBD)
Quota for [mediatailor]: Channel outputs (L-3BCD6A29)
Quota for [mediatailor]: Channels per account (L-29DF1B92)
numberQuota for [mediatailor]: Live Sources (L-7A79D9CE)
Quota for [mediatailor]: Manifest Requests (L-B9D43015)
Quota for [mediatailor]: Package configurations (L-0F7265C4)
Quota for [mediatailor]: Programs Per Channel (L-7946CFE6)
Quota for [mediatailor]: Segment Delivery Configurations Per Source (L-680CE323)
Quota for [mediatailor]: Source Locations (L-2290981E)
numberQuota for [mediatailor]: VOD Sources (L-A32E8357)
Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum concurrent CopyImageSet requests per data store (L-0D1B2633)
Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum concurrent DeleteImageSet requests per data store (L-2020885D)
Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum concurrent import jobs per data store (L-23763099)
Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum concurrent UpdateImageSetMetadata requests per data store (L-8588E9BF)
Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum data stores (L-8829B870)
Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum number of files in a DICOM import job (L-685AAB3A)
Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum number of ImageFrames allowed to be copied per CopyImageSet request (L-164416ED)
Quota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum payload size limit (in KB) accepted by UpdateImageSetMetadata (L-A880A4C2)
numberQuota for [medical-imaging]: Maximum size limit (in MB) on ImageSetMetadata per Import, Copy, and UpdateImageSet (L-AD2C6765)
Quota for [mgn]: Max Active Source Servers (L-9A599620)
Quota for [mgn]: Max Non-Archived Source Servers (L-50980698)
Quota for [migrationhuborchestrator]: Maximum step groups per workflow (L-FD489B05)
Quota for [migrationhuborchestrator]: Maximum steps per step group (L-71F71C2E)
Quota for [migrationhuborchestrator]: Maximum workflows (L-9E55B371)
Quota for [migrationhubstrategy]: Active Assessment Maximum (L-A80C6746)
Quota for [migrationhubstrategy]: Active Import Maximum (L-33C4B34A)
Quota for [migrationhubstrategy]: Assessment Maximum (L-7571197D)
Quota for [migrationhubstrategy]: Maximum Server per Assessment (L-649F667C)
numberQuota for [monitoring]: Canary limit (L-C1FE0F5C)
Quota for [monitoring]: Number of Contributor Insights rules (L-DBD11BCC)
Quota for [monitoring]: Number of SLOs per Region (L-E1914A5B)
Quota for [monitoring]: Number of SLOs per Service (L-BD55890A)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of BatchGetServiceLevelIndicatorReport requests (L-811EA4AA)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of BatchGetServiceLevelObjectiveBudgetReport requests (L-09F09515)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of CreateServiceLevelObjective requests (L-06DDA3C7)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of DeleteDashboards requests (L-E1508405)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of DeleteMetricStream requests (L-0F4E28CA)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of DeleteServiceLevelObjective requests (L-BE391708)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of DescribeAlarms requests (L-21CB40A4)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of EnableTopologyDiscovery requests (L-C344EF56)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetDashboard requests (L-E82C279D)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetInsightRuleReport requests (L-1F0C4E0C)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetMetricData requests (L-5E141212)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetMetricStatistics requests (L-EE839489)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetMetricStream requests (L-59022E75)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetMetricWidgetImage requests (L-6FCAAA2E)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetService requests (L-C7E3E2C8)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetServiceLevelObjective requests (L-2E33235C)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of GetTopologyMap requests (L-EE74D0A5)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of ListDashboards requests (L-69C44FFD)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of ListMetrics requests (L-05D334F0)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of ListMetricStreams requests (L-A1710150)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of ListServiceLevelObjectives requests (L-33D84392)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of ListServices requests (L-F2BBFC0F)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of PutDashboard requests (L-6753900D)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of PutMetricAlarm requests (L-0720E68F)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of PutMetricData requests (L-8BC498D4)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of PutMetricStream requests (L-A6D89949)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of StartMetricStreams requests (L-787E531D)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of StopMetricStreams requests (L-A64F5500)
Quota for [monitoring]: Rate of UpdateServiceLevelObjective requests (L-223DF753)
Quota for [monitron]: Asset classes per project (L-7771F483)
numberQuota for [monitron]: Assets per site (L-25B02F46)
Quota for [monitron]: Gateways per site (L-6B3EE8A2)
Quota for [monitron]: Positions per asset (L-E7428CE9)
Quota for [monitron]: Positions per custom class (L-D3D5A0EF)
Quota for [monitron]: Projects per account (L-2C0BD955)
Quota for [monitron]: Sites per project (L-7FA56BB1)
numberQuota for [monitron]: Users per site (L-42582A4B)
Quota for [mq]: Number of brokers, per region (L-4D525FD5)
Quota for [mq]: Wire-level connections per larger broker (L-42B434B7)
Quota for [neptune]: Cluster endpoints per DB cluster (L-A425F59F)
Quota for [neptune]: Cross-region snapshot copy requests (L-BF10548E)
Quota for [neptune]: DB cluster manuals snapshots (L-D6543DBD)
Quota for [neptune]: DB cluster parameter groups (L-5BB9A916)
numberQuota for [neptune]: DB cluster Roles (L-9AEE2A70)
numberQuota for [neptune]: DB clusters (L-6D17A5A2)
Quota for [neptune]: DB instance parameter groups (L-584DADE7)
numberQuota for [neptune]: DB instances (L-368A3E00)
numberQuota for [neptune]: DB subnet groups (L-483F7912)
Quota for [neptune]: Event subscriptions (L-463F8A01)
Quota for [neptune-graph]: Maximum Graph snapshots (L-6CECD12A)
Quota for [neptune-graph]: Maximum Graphs (L-D31591F1)
Quota for [neptune-graph]: Maximum provisioned memory for each graph (L-145975CA)
Quota for [neptune]: Reserved DB instances (L-22818E49)
Quota for [neptune]: Tags per resource (L-B3AC6773)
Quota for [network-firewall]: Firewall policies (L-0814492B)
Quota for [network-firewall]: Firewalls (L-DE163D32)
Quota for [network-firewall]: Stateful rulegroups (L-2D7A0EE2)
Quota for [network-firewall]: Stateless rulegroups (L-EAE8E19E)
Quota for [network-firewall]: TLS configurations (L-801F8132)
Quota for [networkinsights]: Network Access Analyzer Access Scope Analyses (L-06B98CB1)
Quota for [networkinsights]: Network Access Analyzer Access Scopes (L-72DF2E0E)
Quota for [networkinsights]: Network Access Analyzer Concurrent Access Scope Analyses (L-2AC9F231)
Quota for [networkinsights]: Reachability Analyzer Analyses (L-44B7545B)
Quota for [networkinsights]: Reachability Analyzer concurrent Analyses (L-B393345A)
Quota for [networkinsights]: Reachability Analyzer Paths (L-51CB2D5B)
Quota for [networkmanager]: Attachments per core network (L-6028ECFC)
Quota for [networkmanager]: Connections per global network (L-D30F0A50)
Quota for [networkmanager]: Devices per global network (L-C3B5632D)
Quota for [networkmanager]: Global networks per account (L-2418390E)
Quota for [networkmanager]: Links per global network (L-6BD16053)
Quota for [networkmanager]: Peerings per core network (L-C19D8424)
Quota for [networkmanager]: Policy versions per core network (L-3DE56F60)
Quota for [networkmanager]: Sites per global network (L-DFE018A3)
Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of monitors per account per AWS region (L-A4298AB9)
Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of monitors per account per AWS region_L-15A52C9B (L-15A52C9B)
Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of monitors per account per AWS region_L-24751C61 (L-24751C61)
Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of probes per monitor (L-DE3355AE)
Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of probes per monitor_L-4C539B84 (L-4C539B84)
Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of probes per monitor_L-F192A8D6 (L-F192A8D6)
Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of probes per subnet for each monitor (L-A8FA6DFE)
Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of probes per subnet for each monitor_L-417BD1FB (L-417BD1FB)
Quota for [networkmonitor]: Number of probes per subnet for each monitor_L-6A0F5BB1 (L-6A0F5BB1)
Quota for [nimble]: Custom streaming images per studio (L-D5A30A08)
Quota for [nimble]: G5 streaming sessions per studio (L-83B00607)
Quota for [nimble]: Launch profiles per studio (L-84ECA733)
Quota for [nimble]: Shared file system studio components per studio (L-1D1DDB85)
Quota for [nimble]: Streaming session backups per studio (L-43D04A58)
Quota for [nimble]: Streaming sessions per studio (L-0FA462CE)
Quota for [nimble]: Studio components per studio (L-35089300)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum Activation Job Read Sets (L-18B646D8)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum Activation Jobs (L-911E26A1)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum Active CPUs (L-7F5E4C03)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum Active GPUs (L-AFB19B96)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum Active Runs (L-A30FD31B)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum Annotation Stores (L-01A419C5)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum Concurrent Import Jobs (L-876AD0A2)
numberQuota for [omics]: Maximum Duration (L-7B9E5416)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum Export Job Read Sets (L-5BDDEC28)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum Export Jobs (L-473E274D)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum Files per Annotation Import Job (L-66AC9E9E)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum Files per Variant Import Job (L-22E12079)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum Import Job Read Sets (L-89F31D1A)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum Import Jobs (L-F57A8D18)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum number of shares per annotation store (L-E787EB79)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum number of shares per annotation version (L-F77D4708)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum number of shares per variant store (L-242998FB)
numberQuota for [omics]: Maximum ReadSets (L-BE766427)
numberQuota for [omics]: Maximum References (L-F34A3FC2)
numberQuota for [omics]: Maximum Run Groups (L-176A1BA9)
numberQuota for [omics]: Maximum Run Tasks (L-25504C8C)
numberQuota for [omics]: Maximum Runs (L-C9679DBC)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum SequenceStores (L-BFFBB2FD)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum Size in GB of each File in a Variant Import Job (L-13B00733)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum Size in GB of each File in an Annotation Import Job (L-B94B38A2)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum Variant Stores (L-899DA104)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum versions per Annotation Store (L-186D3DEB)
Quota for [omics]: Maximum Workflow Storage Capacity (L-35CE76C9)
numberQuota for [omics]: Maximum Workflows (L-7CAE62CF)
numberQuota for [opsworks]: Apps per stack (L-286E46E9)
Quota for [opsworks-cm]: Automated (scheduled) backup generations per server (L-51FB6CC0)
Quota for [opsworks-cm]: Chef Automate or Puppet Enterprise servers (L-5F3A6D53)
Quota for [opsworks-cm]: Manual backups per server (L-208BFD67)
Quota for [opsworks]: Instances per stack (L-1C397901)
Quota for [opsworks]: Layers per stack (L-450F416F)
numberQuota for [opsworks]: Stacks (L-5DA32F30)
Quota for [organizations]: Default maximum number of accounts (L-29A0C5DF)
numberQuota for [outposts]: Outpost sites (L-3D389D34)
Quota for [outposts]: Outposts per site (L-0B277C74)
Quota for [payment-cryptography]: Aliases (L-10DEBB19)
Quota for [payment-cryptography]: Combined rate of control plane requests (L-946BFBA8)
Quota for [payment-cryptography]: Combined rate of data plane requests (asymmetric) (L-BBE04029)
Quota for [payment-cryptography]: Combined rate of data plane requests (symmetric) (L-B90266F0)
Quota for [payment-cryptography]: Keys (L-23280857)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Number of connectors (L-351D0DCC)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Number of group access control entries per template (L-B2C010E5)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Number of templates per connector (L-FB47817C)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of CreateConnector requests (L-7966F778)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of CreateDirectoryRegistration requests (L-17569A85)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of CreateServicePrincipalName requests (L-6930FFF8)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of CreateTemplate requests (L-70E167AD)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of CreateTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry requests (L-21A25C3F)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of DeleteConnector requests (L-01AB3861)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of DeleteDirectoryRegistration requests (L-568BB718)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of DeleteServicePrincipalName requests (L-8228CBB5)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of DeleteTemplate requests (L-1F0B4E70)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of DeleteTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry requests (L-853BCABE)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of GetConnector requests (L-F6A7C5A2)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of GetDirectoryRegistration requests (L-5CC72EAF)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of GetPolicies requests (L-0916B3E3)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of GetServicePrincipalName requests (L-F16E91B4)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of GetTemplate requests (L-046630BB)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of GetTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry requests (L-A40E38B0)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of ListConnectors requests (L-49BEA97B)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of ListDirectoryRegistrations requests (L-71CF09F7)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of ListServicePrincipalNames requests (L-8B0AFBB5)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of ListTagsForResource requests (L-EE597D84)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of ListTemplateGroupAccessControlEntries requests (L-5512056E)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of ListTemplates requests (L-7362C0AD)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of RequestSecurityToken requests (L-27D56743)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of TagResource requests (L-957664CC)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of UntagResource requests (L-64E52FB9)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of UpdateTemplate requests (L-431F19A0)
Quota for [pca-connector-ad]: Rate of UpdateTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry requests (L-657D5FD0)
Quota for [personalize]: Active campaigns per dataset group (L-052ECD67)
Quota for [personalize]: Active dataset groups (L-14011066)
Quota for [personalize]: Active filters per dataset group (L-B9CFBC8B)
Quota for [personalize]: Active solutions per dataset group (L-D9DD83B7)
Quota for [personalize]: Amount of data per incremental import. (L-C5A4FD57)
numberQuota for [personalize]: Maximum number of action interactions per event type per user considered by a filter. (L-C71694DA)
Quota for [personalize]: Maximum number of interactions per event type per user considered by a filter. (L-A8FE1453)
Quota for [personalize]: Number of interactions for model training (L-A6A4AB70)
Quota for [personalize]: Pending or In Progress batch inference jobs (L-69B72005)
Quota for [personalize]: Pending or In Progress solution versions (L-9C16B368)
Quota for [personalize]: Rate of PutActionInteractions requests per dataset group (L-F1119DA2)
Quota for [personalize]: Rate of PutEvents requests per dataset group (L-8047B3A8)
Quota for [pinpoint]: Active in-app campaigns per project (L-952D08C7)
Quota for [pinpoint]: Maximum number of push notifications that can be sent per second in a campaign (L-DE86E513)
Quota for [pinpoint]: Number of Amazon SNS topics for two-way SMS per account (L-6D703411)
Quota for [pinpoint]: Number of emails that can be sent each second (sending rate) (L-9AE43654)
Quota for [pinpoint]: Number of emails that can be sent per 24-hour period (sending quota) (L-F179D122)
Quota for [pinpoint]: Number of SMS messages that can be sent each second (sending rate) (L-39643E10)
Quota for [pinpoint]: SMS spending threshold (L-A7D30E78)
Quota for [polly]: Rate of GetSpeechSynthesisTask and ListSpeechSynthesisTasks requests (L-43330D37)
Quota for [polly]: Rate of lexicon management requests (L-D93DD9F2)
Quota for [polly]: Rate of StartSpeechSynthesisTask (long-form) requests (L-511CA548)
Quota for [polly]: Rate of StartSpeechSynthesisTask (neural) requests (L-B9A743A4)
Quota for [polly]: Rate of StartSpeechSynthesisTask (standard) requests (L-18255867)
Quota for [polly]: Rate of SynthesizeSpeech (long-form) requests (L-C54DC08A)
Quota for [polly]: Rate of SynthesizeSpeech (neural) requests (L-A65CEC2D)
Quota for [polly]: Rate of SynthesizeSpeech (standard) requests (L-9FB8AA30)
Quota for [polly]: StartSpeechSynthesisTask billed characters count (L-79B4630F)
Quota for [polly]: StartSpeechSynthesisTask total characters limit (L-77D5DB9E)
Quota for [polly]: SynthesizeSpeech billed character count (L-17639580)
Quota for [polly]: SynthesizeSpeech total character count (L-18474792)
Quota for [profile]: Amazon Connect Customer Profiles domain count (L-6603B252)
Quota for [profile]: Keys per object type (L-A7ED412C)
Quota for [profile]: Maximum expiration in days (L-3217D1F1)
Quota for [profile]: Maximum number of integrations (L-4A5ECB8E)
Quota for [profile]: Maximum size of all objects for a profile (L-63975AF3)
Quota for [profile]: Object types per domain (L-14092FF4)
Quota for [profile]: Objects per profile (L-E17DC7C3)
Quota for [proton]: Components per account (L-8FBB60E3)
Quota for [proton]: Environment account connections per environment account (L-6CC8209C)
Quota for [proton]: Environments per account (L-37A692EA)
Quota for [proton]: Service instances per service (L-E8182F7E)
Quota for [proton]: Services per account (L-1C8983C3)
Quota for [proton]: Template versions per template (L-A1B6A95A)
Quota for [proton]: Templates per account (L-405DC02B)
numberQuota for [qldb]: Ledgers (L-CD70CADB)
Quota for [qldb]: QLDB exports per ledger (L-22B6E165)
Quota for [qldb]: QLDB streams per ledger (L-91B08359)
Quota for [ram]: Number of custom permissions (L-9EBA15DD)
Quota for [ram]: Number of custom permissions per resource type (L-2870BE9D)
Quota for [ram]: Number of pending invitations (L-238C96EE)
Quota for [ram]: Number of principal associations (L-8491BF81)
Quota for [ram]: Number of principal associations per resource share (L-275DAC00)
Quota for [ram]: Number of resource associations (L-4A6CEE66)
Quota for [ram]: Number of resource associations per resource share (L-1F7F8A25)
Quota for [ram]: Number of resource shares (L-595828F9)
Quota for [rds]: Custom engine versions (L-A399AC0B)
numberQuota for [rds]: DB clusters (L-952B80B8)
numberQuota for [rds]: DB instances (L-7B6409FD)
numberQuota for [rds]: DB subnet groups (L-48C6BF61)
numberQuota for [rds]: Event subscriptions (L-A59F4C87)
Quota for [rds]: IAM roles per DB cluster (L-E094F43D)
Quota for [rds]: IAM roles per DB instance (L-DD2301CA)
Quota for [rds]: Manual DB cluster snapshots (L-9B510759)
Quota for [rds]: Manual DB instance snapshots (L-272F1212)
numberQuota for [rds]: Option groups (L-9FA33840)
numberQuota for [rds]: Parameter groups (L-DE55804A)
numberQuota for [rds]: Proxies (L-D94C7EA3)
Quota for [rds]: Read replicas per primary (L-5BC124EF)
Quota for [rds]: Reserved DB instances (L-78E853F4)
numberQuota for [rds]: Security groups (L-732153D0)
Quota for [rds]: Total storage for all DB instances (L-7ADDB58A)
Quota for [redshift]: Allowed row object size per ION or JSON file when using Amazon Athena (L-692E5BBE)
Quota for [redshift]: Allowed string value size per ION or JSON file when using Amazon Athena (L-F9EB09F0)
Quota for [redshift]: Allowed string value size per ION or JSON file when using AWS Glue Data Catalog (L-D236BDB3)
Quota for [redshift]: Column limit for external tables when using Amazon Athena or AWS Glue Data Catalog (L-14ABD327)
Quota for [redshift]: Column limit for external tables with pseudocolumns when using Amazon Athena (L-76971675)
Quota for [redshift]: Column limit for external tables with pseudocolumns when using AWS Glue Data Catalog (L-8AFA7F04)
Quota for [redshift]: Databases in an account when using Amazon Athena (L-FACB0772)
Quota for [redshift]: Databases in an account when using AWS Glue Data Catalog (L-8D8FD3F6)
Quota for [redshift]: DC2 nodes in a cluster (L-84537943)
Quota for [redshift]: DS2 nodes in a cluster (L-C7372F73)
Quota for [redshift]: Event subscriptions (L-2B30DCFE)
numberQuota for [redshift]: Nodes (L-F9D462EE)
Quota for [redshift]: Partitions in a table when using Amazon Athena (L-8150BB93)
Quota for [redshift]: Partitions in a table when using AWS Glue Data Catalog (L-CDB97050)
Quota for [redshift]: Partitions in an account when using Amazon Athena (L-CAD8DD0E)
Quota for [redshift]: Partitions in an account when using AWS Glue Data Catalog (L-D4A471DC)
Quota for [redshift]: RA3 nodes in a cluster (L-93AC8AE6)
numberQuota for [redshift]: Reserved nodes (L-58C8C0E8)
numberQuota for [redshift]: Security groups (L-890444C0)
numberQuota for [redshift]: Snapshots (L-2E428669)
numberQuota for [redshift]: Subnet groups (L-BE12F428)
Quota for [redshift]: Subnets in a subnet group (L-6C6B6042)
Quota for [redshift]: Tables in a database when using Amazon Athena (L-CD9AE144)
Quota for [redshift]: Tables in a database when using AWS Glue Data Catalog (L-A85DAB6E)
Quota for [refactor-spaces]: Applications (L-EACEDE8E)
Quota for [refactor-spaces]: Environments (L-DEF84811)
numberQuota for [refactor-spaces]: Routes (L-CE52EEA2)
numberQuota for [refactor-spaces]: Services (L-B19E8A2B)
Quota for [rekognition]: Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels models per project (L-9CF05323)
Quota for [rekognition]: Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels projects per account (L-14D0BC19)
Quota for [rekognition]: Amazon Rekognition Streaming Video Events face search stream processors per account that can be processed concurrently (L-8D9029A2)
Quota for [rekognition]: Amazon Rekognition Streaming Video Events label detection stream processors per account that can be processed concurrently (L-0A2A7683)
Quota for [rekognition]: Amazon Rekognition Streaming Video Events stream processors per account that can simultaneously exist (L-01C8D885)
Quota for [rekognition]: Concurrent Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels model copy jobs per account (L-B3EE7891)
Quota for [rekognition]: Concurrent Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels training jobs per account (L-F1558568)
Quota for [rekognition]: Concurrent Amazon Rekognition Face Liveness sessions per account (L-26415FBF)
Quota for [rekognition]: Concurrent Amazon Rekognition Media Analysis jobs per account (L-22FA69BA)
Quota for [rekognition]: Concurrent Amazon Rekognition Video stored video jobs per account (L-A6079699)
Quota for [rekognition]: Concurrently running Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels models per account (L-5E225387)
Quota for [rekognition]: Maximum inference units per running Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels model. (L-4FA65ECB)
Quota for [rekognition]: Maximum number of images per Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels classification test dataset (L-CCFEF1AD)
Quota for [rekognition]: Maximum number of images per Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels classification training dataset (L-96D6749B)
Quota for [rekognition]: Maximum number of ProjectPolicies per Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels Project (L-0B2CE4DD)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for individual Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels data plane operation DetectCustomLabels (L-EA71C84A)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels operation CopyProjectVersion (L-C8E3347A)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels operation: CreateDataset (L-39854D9A)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels operation CreateProject (L-AB95BCCD)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels operation CreateProjectVersion (L-03F18989)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels operation: DeleteDataset (L-F72BEA0D)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels operation DeleteProject (L-BDE2ACBF)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels operation DeleteProjectPolicy (L-AA6AE486)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels operation DeleteProjectVersion (L-D66335E5)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels operation: DescribeDataset (L-EF2DFA3A)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels operation DescribeProjects (L-06ACBDE8)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels operation DescribeProjectVersions (L-12019FB0)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels operation: DistributeDatasetEntries (L-AD2642BA)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels operation: ListDatasetEntries (L-41805FEB)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels operation: ListDatasetLabels (L-108100B3)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels operation ListProjectPolicies (L-5AA330BC)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels operation PutProjectPolicy (L-A958BCFA)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels operation StartProjectVersion (L-C46E6F2E)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels operation StopProjectVersion (L-9802772B)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels operation: UpdateDatasetEntries (L-513570CC)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Face Liveness operation CreateFaceLivenessSession (L-8E3BC2B4)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Face Liveness operation GetFaceLivenessSessionResults (L-E574413B)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Face Liveness operation StartFaceLivenessSession (L-2FC24677)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Image operation CompareFaces (L-73A341CE)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Image operation CreateCollection (L-CE977716)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Image operation DeleteCollection (L-5346A13A)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Image operation DeleteFaces (L-220834FB)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Image operation DescribeCollection (L-6FDFFAF5)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Image operation DetectFaces (L-A5121FD7)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Image operation DetectLabels (L-E29B542B)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Image operation DetectModerationLabels (L-7F4D1AC4)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Image operation DetectText (L-87CF5BA6)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Image operation GetCelebrityInfo (L-973FFF99)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Image operation IndexFaces (L-7C13EBAD)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Image operation ListCollections (L-0366BB0F)
numberQuota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Image operation ListFaces (L-970B5808)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Image operation RecognizeCelebrities (L-5FF750C4)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Image operation SearchFaces (L-99829151)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Image operation SearchFacesByImage (L-43CBEB68)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Image personal protective equipment operation DetectProtectiveEquipment (L-6F294C5B)
numberQuota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition operation: AssociateFaces (L-DBC0DD5B)
numberQuota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition operation: CreateUser (L-9A87C986)
numberQuota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition operation: DeleteUser (L-E112E6C6)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition operation: DisassociateFaces (L-D56ABB32)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition operation: GetMediaAnalysisJob (L-EEF61D56)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition operation: ListMediaAnalysisJobs (L-E0C6F70E)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition operation: ListTagsForResource (L-711B1E8A)
numberQuota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition operation: ListUsers (L-BF8F67AA)
numberQuota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition operation: SearchUsers (L-532A3DAC)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition operation: SearchUsersByImage (L-D319BBAF)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition operation: StartMediaAnalysisJob (L-832B35BA)
numberQuota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition operation: TagResource (L-C141F2F9)
numberQuota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition operation: UntagResource (L-BC04C31B)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Streaming Video Events operation CreateStreamProcessor (L-D6034D02)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Streaming Video Events operation DeleteStreamProcessor (L-66AB9558)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Streaming Video Events operation DescribeStreamProcessor (L-82C6694D)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Streaming Video Events operation ListStreamProcessors (L-CF317234)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Streaming Video Events operation StartStreamProcessor (L-71793F35)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Streaming Video Events operation StopStreamProcessor (L-85890340)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Streaming Video Events operation UpdateStreamProcessor (L-0FB781AE)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetCelebrityRecognition (L-A144FAD3)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetContentModeration (L-A33540CC)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetFaceDetection (L-4E7ADAC1)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetFaceSearch (L-3B051C64)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetLabelDetection (L-5EAC8E57)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetPersonTracking (L-71159A7C)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetSegmentDetection (L-F54C1CEA)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Video stored video get operation GetTextDetection (L-5C10FBD9)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartCelebrityRecognition (L-08B7635A)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartContentModeration (L-E082B236)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartFaceDetection (L-AA48F869)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartFaceSearch (L-8CA99658)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartLabelDetection (L-FBD555BC)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartPersonTracking (L-DFE4726A)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartSegmentDetection (L-55A22B20)
Quota for [rekognition]: Transactions per second per account for the Amazon Rekognition Video stored video start operation StartTextDetection (L-90C845BC)
Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of Application Components per application (L-0076B5C6)
Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of Application Components per resource (L-3DCDC079)
Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of applications (L-CBE304D4)
Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of assessments per application per month (L-BF1D24DC)
Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of AWS CloudFormation stacks to import (L-3D296B58)
Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of EKS clusters to import (L-013E1BB6)
Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of namespaces to import for an EKS cluster (L-6BE17D5B)
Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of recommendation templates per application per month (L-37EF5CB4)
Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of Resiliency Policies (L-F9AC239A)
Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of resources per application (L-5EC6916A)
Quota for [resiliencehub]: Number of Terraform state files to import (L-CEF638A1)
Quota for [resiliencehub]: Terraform state file maximum size (L-D41E7350)
Quota for [resource-explorer-2]: Aggregator Region search monthly quota (L-A28429E9)
Quota for [resource-explorer-2]: Non-aggregator Region search monthly quota (L-C5E31461)
Quota for [resource-explorer-2]: Search TPS quota (L-0C73063D)
Quota for [resource-groups]: Resource groups per account (L-2BAA18A0)
Quota for [robomaker]: Concurrent deployment jobs (L-15E423AD)
Quota for [robomaker]: Concurrent GPU simulation jobs (L-61591119)
Quota for [robomaker]: Concurrent simulation job batches (L-6CFB8C09)
Quota for [robomaker]: Concurrent simulation jobs (L-FE0C173F)
Quota for [robomaker]: Concurrent World Export Jobs (L-B47404F4)
Quota for [robomaker]: Concurrent World Generation Jobs (L-7651BB34)
numberQuota for [robomaker]: Fleets (L-19B1F5F2)
Quota for [robomaker]: Robot applications (L-E5D0EA7D)
numberQuota for [robomaker]: Robots (L-40FACCBF)
Quota for [robomaker]: Robots per fleet (L-275E9052)
Quota for [robomaker]: Simulation applications (L-D6554FB1)
Quota for [robomaker]: Simulation job requests per batch (L-949954FD)
Quota for [robomaker]: Versions per robot application (L-AE5043DD)
Quota for [robomaker]: Versions per simulation application (L-4D288B5C)
Quota for [robomaker]: World Templates Per Account (L-C2C8236B)
Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Combined rate of CRL requests (L-0017E049)
Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Combined rate of profile requests (L-F8680437)
Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Combined rate of subject requests (L-1A26F220)
Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Combined rate of tagging requests (L-BCE17F1C)
Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Combined rate of trust anchor requests (L-E7B077D9)
numberQuota for [rolesanywhere]: Profiles (L-950ED79F)
Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Rate of CreateSession requests (L-A9D9612A)
Quota for [rolesanywhere]: Trust anchors (L-AB49EEA7)
Quota for [route53]: Amazon VPCs that you can associate with a private hosted zone (L-84B40094)
Quota for [route53]: CIDR blocks per collection (L-945D15E5)
numberQuota for [route53]: CIDR collections (L-AD61772F)
Quota for [route53]: Domain count limit (L-F767CB15)
numberQuota for [route53]: Health checks (L-ACB674F3)
numberQuota for [route53]: Hosted zones (L-4EA4796A)
Quota for [route53]: Hosted zones that can use the same reusable delegation set (L-FF06D527)
Quota for [route53]: Records per hosted zone (L-E209CC9F)
Quota for [route53]: Reusable delegation sets (L-A72C7724)
Quota for [route53]: Traffic flow policies (L-FC688E7C)
Quota for [route53]: Traffic flow policy records (L-628D5A56)
Quota for [route53resolver]: Associations between resolver rules and VPCs per AWS Region (L-94E19253)
Quota for [route53resolver]: DNS Firewall rules groups per Region (L-02CC8B74)
Quota for [route53resolver]: Domain lists per account (L-9FA3C0A4)
Quota for [route53resolver]: Domains in a file imported from S3 (L-1B2BDF0A)
Quota for [route53resolver]: Domains per account (L-740A4B31)
Quota for [route53resolver]: IP addresses per resolver endpoint (L-D2FE9758)
Quota for [route53resolver]: Maximum number of resolver endpoints per AWS Region (L-4A669CC0)
Quota for [route53resolver]: Resolver rules per AWS Region (L-51D8A1FB)
Quota for [route53resolver]: Rules in a DNS Firewall rule group (L-F763F4D9)
numberQuota for [rum]: RUM AppMonitors (L-3FB7EA17)
Quota for [rum]: RUM Events per second per AWS Account (L-35851224)
numberQuota for [s3]: Access Points (L-FAABEEBA)
numberQuota for [s3]: Directory buckets (L-775A314D)
Quota for [s3]: General purpose buckets (L-DC2B2D3D)
Quota for [s3]: Replication Destinations (L-1A9B467F)
Quota for [s3]: Replication transfer rate (L-349AD9CA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Canvas Apps running on ml.m5.4xlarge instances (L-23A89612)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Canvas Apps running on system instances (L-65D1CFE4)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Longest run time for a training job (L-33A961FD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number instances allowed per SageMaker HyperPod cluster (L-2CE978FC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of A2I flow definitions (L-73C1B556)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of A2I human task UIs (L-3036C9CA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of concurrent AutoML Jobs (L-CFC2D5B6)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of concurrent pipeline executions allowed per account (L-F88776CD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of concurrently running model card export jobs allowed per account. (L-860ED60D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of deployment plans that can be simultaneously created (L-A9A47E0F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of device-fleets (L-384D4DB3)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of devices (L-987E0769)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of Ground Truth labeling jobs (L-150039CA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of Ground Truth Streaming labeling jobs (L-C3E706F6)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of instances per endpoint (L-ED8DEE9B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of instances per spot training job (L-DB62C864)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of instances per training job (L-622CFD70)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of model card versions allowed per account. (L-EF24FBDB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of parallel compilation jobs (L-F0067944)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of parallel edge-deployments (L-9D69F80D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of parallel edge-packaging jobs (L-4C681076)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of pipelines allowed per account (L-E8EADE50)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of running Studio apps allowed per account (L-4E39DDC4)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of SageMaker Model Package allowed per account (L-9A82FBCA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of SageMaker Model Package Groups allowed per account (L-BC8DC54C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of SageMakerImage images allowed per account (L-DDDC1D15)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of serverless endpoints (L-99AD19BF)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of Studio spaces allowed per account (L-8E5333B4)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum number of Studio user profiles allowed per account (L-AC46C40F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Maximum total concurrency that can be allocated across all serverless endpoints (L-96300102)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-54106F23)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.2xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-A028E7A2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-50AA109F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.2xlarge for spot training job usage (L-978CD7EC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.2xlarge for training job usage (L-C5B4EE09)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.2xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-72EF9D60)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.2xlarge for transform job usage (L-589B0DBC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-605A110B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.4xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-27768634)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.4xlarge for processing job usage (L-6F6C723E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.4xlarge for spot training job usage (L-C087612A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.4xlarge for training job usage (L-505634D0)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.4xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-FBB7E9CB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.4xlarge for transform job usage (L-90765203)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DF052B7B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.8xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-D0B132AA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.8xlarge for processing job usage (L-58B96098)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.8xlarge for spot training job usage (L-C5B2C408)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.8xlarge for training job usage (L-6BE85179)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.8xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-8B308035)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.8xlarge for transform job usage (L-334DC079)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.large for endpoint usage (L-6DF60D19)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-F8C60E1D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-786E9B47)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.xlarge for processing job usage (L-2BAB231B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-9BA5373F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.xlarge for training job usage (L-85D4BAF3)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-1DA286AA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c4.xlarge for transform job usage (L-E3C0D615)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.12xlarge for cluster usage (L-15BCD638)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DD50A8E1)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for cluster usage (L-819B4B27)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for endpoint usage (L-409A03CD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-EF662387)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for processing job usage (L-2D8CD70A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for spot training job usage (L-239B242B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for training job usage (L-81482A8C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-C8044861)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.18xlarge for transform job usage (L-B538D5DB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.24xlarge for cluster usage (L-40F00B06)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B5714749)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for cluster usage (L-539D704C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E091038E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-5F356922)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-C1EBA9C5)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for spot training job usage (L-4581C083)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for training job usage (L-49679826)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-0D58D77C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.2xlarge for transform job usage (L-9215A13F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for cluster usage (L-3A6AD204)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-FEF755D6)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-96B75525)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for processing job usage (L-EFB2F063)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for spot training job usage (L-36C5FA8E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for training job usage (L-E7898792)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-7BDD9EA3)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.4xlarge for transform job usage (L-98742DAD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for cluster usage (L-9AD1D725)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C15ACFF4)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-B5F303BE)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for processing job usage (L-945D1F1D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for spot training job usage (L-A2512F8F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for training job usage (L-2BE095E2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-ABFCF5A2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.9xlarge for transform job usage (L-2441079A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.large for cluster usage (L-B644CD97)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.large for endpoint usage (L-4D27DFDD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for cluster usage (L-AD3B35FF)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E9EE5599)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-39F5FD98)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for processing job usage (L-486519E6)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-6FA0D387)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for training job usage (L-E2BB44FE)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-F978BE20)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5.xlarge for transform job usage (L-09C9B23C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.18xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6A6E4B44)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.18xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-6C73443F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-529E971B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.2xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-FF78806F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-A06D6E01)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.4xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-484388A9)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.9xlarge for endpoint usage (L-50755EC1)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.9xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-9944ECC4)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.large for endpoint usage (L-919688C1)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-F30D287E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5d.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-4E9EE949)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.18xlarge for cluster usage (L-D8A40472)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.18xlarge for endpoint usage (L-14AB3D09)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.18xlarge for spot training job usage (L-266C4F52)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.18xlarge for training job usage (L-A1E21094)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.18xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-566A905C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.2xlarge for cluster usage (L-7064D1BA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DDF361A9)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.2xlarge for spot training job usage (L-C1E6B202)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.2xlarge for training job usage (L-D04B88E2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.2xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-2952557B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.4xlarge for cluster usage (L-DC93118C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-2693C7B9)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.4xlarge for spot training job usage (L-37059D02)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.4xlarge for training job usage (L-E215EF33)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.4xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-4A423436)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.9xlarge for cluster usage (L-1B687CD5)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.9xlarge for endpoint usage (L-124679C5)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.9xlarge for spot training job usage (L-D144443B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.9xlarge for training job usage (L-D0327E29)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.9xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-FDD19E2A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.large for cluster usage (L-551F1065)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.large for endpoint usage (L-0F4F99A1)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B3A1B2F7)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-DD508305)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.xlarge for training job usage (L-04CD765C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c5n.xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-8A72B806)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6g.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-35E5433E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6g.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-60986E7E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6g.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B87A968D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6g.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-4C2FABCC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6g.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6D865216)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6g.large for endpoint usage (L-4E81EEAC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6g.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-525AAB0A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gd.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-CCE6D1FE)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gd.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-018036DB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gd.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-FD9E9507)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gd.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C4B5BAD2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gd.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-4027057F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gd.large for endpoint usage (L-C10DAD58)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gd.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-EDFF07E7)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gn.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-78B3DA25)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gn.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E9BB87E2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gn.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-5F238DF4)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gn.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DA37C575)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gn.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DB5B82A8)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gn.large for endpoint usage (L-941884ED)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6gn.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-754870FD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-2AD0234B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.12xlarge for spot training job usage (L-DD42D93D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.12xlarge for training job usage (L-81AF96F3)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.12xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-51467CBD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-FE72E327)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.16xlarge for spot training job usage (L-0C0D9F82)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.16xlarge for training job usage (L-090C5671)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.16xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-5D454ED8)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-9A32E51C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.24xlarge for spot training job usage (L-1B7024B2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.24xlarge for training job usage (L-DE22CE7F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.24xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-CF4F44AD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-4FDB33AC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.2xlarge for spot training job usage (L-8BB74069)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.2xlarge for training job usage (L-536D2DD2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.2xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-C1971434)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.32xlarge for endpoint usage (L-769D172E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.32xlarge for spot training job usage (L-B9D177E1)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.32xlarge for training job usage (L-D8FA228C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.32xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-7B64C2AB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B5612E02)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.4xlarge for spot training job usage (L-017831D5)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.4xlarge for training job usage (L-4A20E33E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.4xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-2B1E88AF)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-18904FF8)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.8xlarge for spot training job usage (L-6DA79B36)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.8xlarge for training job usage (L-845DE61C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.8xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-F361CE98)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.large for endpoint usage (L-3C2EBC55)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-28FF72CA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-6074B0D4)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.xlarge for training job usage (L-D526E050)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c6i.xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-75B2C685)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7g.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-57850F1B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7g.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-A7E8B111)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7g.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-85DBDADC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7g.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-52FB7989)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7g.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-52008469)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7g.large for endpoint usage (L-3F48ACC6)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7g.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-4A5B28AA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-D98C40FA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-4B9D3092)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B78A48C6)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-41DD34AF)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.48xlarge for endpoint usage (L-176880B1)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-8C4E467D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DD693DF2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.large for endpoint usage (L-9FCA2A26)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.c7i.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-9A5FC4CF)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.eia1.large for endpoint usage (L-58672BCE)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.eia1.medium for endpoint usage (L-01E4E529)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.eia1.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-8D013305)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.eia2.large for endpoint usage (L-9E017069)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.eia2.medium for endpoint usage (L-77C35A0F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.eia2.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-448C2416)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for cluster usage (L-ED8F1994)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-07BEB181)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-47461EBA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for processing job usage (L-6C7C4F4E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for spot training job usage (L-199558F0)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for training job usage (L-7BD2C9FA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-CB4A3655)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.12xlarge for transform job usage (L-BA5C7A54)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for cluster usage (L-B6A7569B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-8679F6F3)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-64067773)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for processing job usage (L-47F095C9)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for spot training job usage (L-AD4C1352)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for training job usage (L-57998C77)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-C960C80D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.16xlarge for transform job usage (L-D79647DB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for cluster usage (L-FDB7A21A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-EA346344)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-1C2E1B03)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-41C11899)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for spot training job usage (L-0496610F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for training job usage (L-C2495BC4)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-C35F807B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.2xlarge for transform job usage (L-180A6F2D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for cluster usage (L-762E95F4)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-31522FA6)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-529379E4)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for processing job usage (L-B1C4D018)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for spot training job usage (L-246C5638)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for training job usage (L-2908B1E9)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-3408A20D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.4xlarge for transform job usage (L-EAB0CBAB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for cluster usage (L-96866D65)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-7D28AD75)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-C2F8103D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for processing job usage (L-9C72BEE2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for spot training job usage (L-15F329FB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for training job usage (L-3118B7E1)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-769E114F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.8xlarge for transform job usage (L-213CD3BC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for cluster usage (L-31C211B7)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B67CFA0C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-D8B97089)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for processing job usage (L-2F1EB012)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-944F78BB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for training job usage (L-3F53BF0F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-955074FD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g4dn.xlarge for transform job usage (L-4C5C5CA8)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.12xlarge for cluster usage (L-24E5A1B2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-65C4BD00)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.12xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-EC374A06)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.12xlarge for spot training job usage (L-03E19172)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.12xlarge for training job usage (L-C6383286)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.12xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-29508C65)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.16xlarge for cluster usage (L-86822EDB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-962705EA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.16xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-001EDCEF)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.16xlarge for spot training job usage (L-E3DCB664)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.16xlarge for training job usage (L-9FAC65F7)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.16xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-F6B8A3A3)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.24xlarge for cluster usage (L-EED7F51C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6821867B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.24xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-4ACAC7A4)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.24xlarge for spot training job usage (L-8345B953)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.24xlarge for training job usage (L-ED7BD217)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.24xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-6F46EF71)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.2xlarge for cluster usage (L-596C3331)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-9614C779)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.2xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-19973BE2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.2xlarge for spot training job usage (L-CAEE7DB7)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.2xlarge for training job usage (L-2D6DEB3C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.2xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-822C5A39)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.48xlarge for cluster usage (L-D7D95295)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.48xlarge for endpoint usage (L-0100B823)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.48xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-D266139B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.48xlarge for spot training job usage (L-C87FF004)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.48xlarge for training job usage (L-6BC98A55)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.48xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-7D217E5D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.4xlarge for cluster usage (L-8A6C3F0E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C1B9A48D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.4xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-127D4C65)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.4xlarge for spot training job usage (L-DB4D51CF)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.4xlarge for training job usage (L-FE869B40)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.4xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-88E48241)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.8xlarge for cluster usage (L-1619F5B7)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-065D610E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.8xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-5D8382CB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.8xlarge for spot training job usage (L-DD18D5D6)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.8xlarge for training job usage (L-43F5FC95)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.8xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-40E8018C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.xlarge for cluster usage (L-4645950E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-1928E07B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-E8917BB7)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-DE07CBDF)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.xlarge for training job usage (L-B6D80D9C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.g5.xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-8E6F4665)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-F971E784)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.24xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-2B2F8466)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-495AAEE0)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.2xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-23F5AC7E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.6xlarge for endpoint usage (L-574C8A05)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.6xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-FF2BFCDC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B2B3BA64)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf1.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-434233AD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf2.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-9C39178F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf2.48xlarge for endpoint usage (L-286C98BC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf2.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-F761337C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.inf2.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C8AB7CDA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.10xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C4008A6B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.10xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-CEEF9A6E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.10xlarge for processing job usage (L-BB72E7FA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.10xlarge for spot training job usage (L-C17B05C4)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.10xlarge for training job usage (L-D35E48B2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.10xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-1BF9151C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.10xlarge for transform job usage (L-63443CBC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-BCA7D0DE)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.16xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-85E60595)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.16xlarge for processing job usage (L-ED93A43F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.16xlarge for spot training job usage (L-A50827DD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.16xlarge for training job usage (L-D7CE983F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.16xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-F4F08D88)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.16xlarge for transform job usage (L-7FEDBA4C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6198DF25)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.2xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-CE6894AA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-0309C694)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.2xlarge for spot training job usage (L-FE159C34)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.2xlarge for training job usage (L-D589112D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.2xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-E312D77E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.2xlarge for transform job usage (L-5B86ED31)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-3727EAE2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.4xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-BE78F29C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.4xlarge for processing job usage (L-B3FC00CD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.4xlarge for spot training job usage (L-D7D166A0)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.4xlarge for training job usage (L-E60A61DF)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.4xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-CF81ED81)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.4xlarge for transform job usage (L-5F5255E9)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-97CF11BE)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-E1249695)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.xlarge for processing job usage (L-F97C6864)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-2ECAA15F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.xlarge for training job usage (L-A373146E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-AFEEB9EB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m4.xlarge for transform job usage (L-DAB6AA41)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for cluster usage (L-E2A0AC0F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-A9F2A8B3)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-9AD04286)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for processing job usage (L-BC1C7D38)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for spot training job usage (L-29B03627)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for training job usage (L-6F6C8949)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-34594662)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.12xlarge for transform job usage (L-76A7309C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.16xlarge for cluster usage (L-048C491E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-54462FCC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for cluster usage (L-B232DF69)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-329751EB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-BD97DD7F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for processing job usage (L-E2E903C6)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for spot training job usage (L-D0EA3DC8)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for training job usage (L-56C564CA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-B21D8B36)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.24xlarge for transform job usage (L-5F2D4124)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for cluster usage (L-60995545)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C88C8F13)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-95E39457)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-1D84B9D2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for spot training job usage (L-4A823FAB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for training job usage (L-AD0A282D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-1686EE8B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.2xlarge for transform job usage (L-F5689004)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for cluster usage (L-24520F3F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E2649D46)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-862C1E14)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for processing job usage (L-379E85A3)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for spot training job usage (L-2A6ACFF7)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for training job usage (L-AFB011B4)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-03767DF9)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.4xlarge for transform job usage (L-3E1C9273)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.8xlarge for cluster usage (L-5C47EA70)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-92566F3C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.large for cluster usage (L-E64F3C7F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.large for endpoint usage (L-614B09FD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.large for processing job usage (L-8541302D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.large for spot training job usage (L-29688C85)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.large for training job usage (L-611FA074)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.large for training warm pool usage (L-2DD73636)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.large for transform job usage (L-236AE59F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for cluster usage (L-E9225B85)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-2F737F8D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-76AB2C05)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for processing job usage (L-0307F515)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-4CEE6BA6)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for training job usage (L-CCE2AFA6)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-0BEF44E8)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5.xlarge for transform job usage (L-7939E4EC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B7AC53F5)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.12xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-1DD0FB59)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-F6E740CB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.16xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-26EB4EC7)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-24B12C23)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.24xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-956703D9)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-8F28AFFB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.2xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-6829423A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-2BF1C629)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.4xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-EDE09F63)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-A7702AF9)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.8xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-AEB45880)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.large for endpoint usage (L-98F45D48)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.large for notebook instance usage (L-195A207B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-3E65B286)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5d.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-7AA0FEE8)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-5EF89E74)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-D075BB65)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-62190228)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DCC57354)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-EC92C7B3)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-178948BA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.large for endpoint usage (L-7597F90B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5dn.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-D16917AC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DEF2CD40)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-2B921E27)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-A2C9F8F4)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-F8B07B25)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-63D6BD37)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-1F61C5BC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.large for endpoint usage (L-AD7FD6A6)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m5n.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-943961F3)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6g.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-9D10CA98)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6g.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-AF1BC9E1)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6g.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-BCBC84AA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6g.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-8EE25AE3)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6g.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DE9841A6)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6g.large for endpoint usage (L-C1E62DF0)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6g.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-2D2AAC6C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6gd.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B25B9B93)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6gd.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B46EE84C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6gd.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-AB53E0CA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6gd.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-CCA2CA42)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6gd.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-95B12835)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6gd.large for endpoint usage (L-1630284B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6gd.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-4F185009)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.12xlarge for spot training job usage (L-EF089D40)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.12xlarge for training job usage (L-8716E6AE)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.12xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-4FC79063)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.16xlarge for spot training job usage (L-614CBE09)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.16xlarge for training job usage (L-7412F8CF)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.16xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-8C9D5748)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.24xlarge for spot training job usage (L-24B0ADC0)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.24xlarge for training job usage (L-9778E614)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.24xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-2C080D31)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.2xlarge for spot training job usage (L-39DC8B41)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.2xlarge for training job usage (L-AE3447AD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.2xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-D1BB9472)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.32xlarge for spot training job usage (L-843BE5AB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.32xlarge for training job usage (L-6F01766F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.32xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-699A2417)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.4xlarge for spot training job usage (L-59C3957D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.4xlarge for training job usage (L-AE93C70E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.4xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-F1B1085A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.8xlarge for spot training job usage (L-7B628106)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.8xlarge for training job usage (L-964887D9)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.8xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-52A56414)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.large for spot training job usage (L-7E503C5F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.large for training job usage (L-514B50A3)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.large for training warm pool usage (L-9D578B5E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-3597CD5B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.xlarge for training job usage (L-3A218EBD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m6i.xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-CD3B6B80)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-0AFA3D20)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6F258322)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C473817C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6C9165E8)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.48xlarge for endpoint usage (L-452C73A2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-80F387A8)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-AE505887)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.large for endpoint usage (L-3E715088)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.m7i.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E793924B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B638D452)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.16xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-39F2D553)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.16xlarge for processing job usage (L-756F8AFB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.16xlarge for spot training job usage (L-2E99C6D1)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.16xlarge for training job usage (L-7FC32A75)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.16xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-2D3D338A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.16xlarge for transform job usage (L-1F6E213E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-BD0BDFDA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.8xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-AC3A6D59)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.8xlarge for processing job usage (L-CA14F686)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.8xlarge for spot training job usage (L-ACF1D2B2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.8xlarge for training job usage (L-33BA8B57)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.8xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-59DEBE1F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.8xlarge for transform job usage (L-0C630A26)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-FD469689)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-BBB3C62F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.xlarge for processing job usage (L-61E3D6FC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.xlarge for spot training job usage (L-21545BA5)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.xlarge for training job usage (L-5585E645)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-6C5BAAA9)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p2.xlarge for transform job usage (L-89843D09)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6A85BC13)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.16xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-4689E606)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.16xlarge for processing job usage (L-C5621FC4)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.16xlarge for spot training job usage (L-D58A90BB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.16xlarge for training job usage (L-A99E0304)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.16xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-763CF8E3)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.16xlarge for transform job usage (L-A0B4500D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-1623D0BE)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.2xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-1F4A5AAB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-0323EDB4)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.2xlarge for spot training job usage (L-2D4C6493)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.2xlarge for training job usage (L-D438008E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.2xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-E3709F6E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.2xlarge for transform job usage (L-45F58E7E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-CB985DC5)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.8xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-619D6E43)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.8xlarge for processing job usage (L-23EDF20C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.8xlarge for spot training job usage (L-0201B959)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.8xlarge for training job usage (L-558F1246)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.8xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-5CA5BEE6)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3.8xlarge for transform job usage (L-F93088C1)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3dn.24xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-2E21A1FA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3dn.24xlarge for spot training job usage (L-477D3300)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3dn.24xlarge for training job usage (L-8DCA2E97)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p3dn.24xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-D27958C4)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4d.24xlarge for cluster usage (L-47E0BC8F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4d.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-09F79647)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4d.24xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-4089485C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4d.24xlarge for spot training job usage (L-09D56C4F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4d.24xlarge for training job usage (L-09B4A649)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4d.24xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-A8827666)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4de.24xlarge for cluster usage (L-BEF3120E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4de.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-456B4C5F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p4de.24xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-6B0B7E9C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p5.48xlarge for cluster usage (L-8762A75F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p5.48xlarge for endpoint usage (L-16AF71F1)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p5.48xlarge for spot training job usage (L-82733FAD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p5.48xlarge for training job usage (L-82E1C851)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.p5.48xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-5D321F81)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-23FF30BF)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.12xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-5869E902)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.12xlarge for processing job usage (L-20546400)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DCB12F9E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.16xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-924D392D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.16xlarge for processing job usage (L-06A1E8BB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B03C553E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.24xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-D7FF3362)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.24xlarge for processing job usage (L-A28AF48F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-AA5E2462)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.2xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-8CB23490)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-F0132B48)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DD362E80)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.4xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-B74ED3C1)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.4xlarge for processing job usage (L-E4F6EF77)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-7DD21282)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.8xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-DAE78A2A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.8xlarge for processing job usage (L-154D0022)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.large for endpoint usage (L-B156D5EC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.large for notebook instance usage (L-8BED04E5)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.large for processing job usage (L-43562353)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-BCA2C892)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-85870296)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5.xlarge for processing job usage (L-B2D8E643)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-283CDA96)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-CC329F7E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-D71E726A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-A40ED4BA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C4DFBAA1)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-17BBB387)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.large for endpoint usage (L-E0299BF7)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5d.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-37CA4776)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-599D6573)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-1DA91421)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-FF424265)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DDD9E4D2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DDDCDBAA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E8AF0CC9)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.large for endpoint usage (L-842D5E10)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5dn.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-48F0F627)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-9F47FCE3)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-C14C7B0C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-944A1241)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-581DD22D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-3070F0B4)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-54340DBD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.large for endpoint usage (L-FE3BF22B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r5n.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-4DD84AF9)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6g.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-DACE30FC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6g.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-42EAE6FA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6g.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-862299A2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6g.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-713F6743)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6g.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-BB73F76A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6g.large for endpoint usage (L-D7FE33BF)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6g.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B8A3B4CE)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6gd.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-177D4E91)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6gd.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-6995701D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6gd.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-93490D80)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6gd.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-AE2F2D88)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6gd.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-593EF138)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6gd.large for endpoint usage (L-7432A529)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r6gd.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-660E0683)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.12xlarge for endpoint usage (L-F43F60C3)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.16xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E1AF5362)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.24xlarge for endpoint usage (L-7E4516BC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-FEEF2E8A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.48xlarge for endpoint usage (L-BD94420E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.4xlarge for endpoint usage (L-7EB267B3)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.8xlarge for endpoint usage (L-CC3E5CD9)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.large for endpoint usage (L-5B7CF402)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.r7i.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B7476528)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-20700136)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.2xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-BE44390B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.large for endpoint usage (L-1410387A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.large for notebook instance usage (L-94C3A7A1)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.medium for endpoint usage (L-29C181D7)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.medium for notebook instance usage (L-7B2FD69B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.xlarge for endpoint usage (L-B82FDF78)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t2.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-9EFE4FAD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.2xlarge for cluster usage (L-EC104295)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.2xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-FB715320)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.2xlarge for processing job usage (L-1E2072C0)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.large for cluster usage (L-7B131A59)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.large for notebook instance usage (L-8E454C05)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.large for processing job usage (L-C076FA77)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.medium for cluster usage (L-FD4AD312)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.medium for notebook instance usage (L-E17566B7)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.medium for processing job usage (L-0CE343FE)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.xlarge for cluster usage (L-E5A7A988)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.xlarge for notebook instance usage (L-E5884D25)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.t3.xlarge for processing job usage (L-DABA7ED5)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.2xlarge for endpoint usage (L-5C911603)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.2xlarge for spot training job usage (L-AA22B8B9)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.2xlarge for training job usage (L-74F2FC79)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.2xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-AA6A4B7A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.32xlarge for cluster usage (L-6865522E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.32xlarge for endpoint usage (L-EA9871A7)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.32xlarge for spot training job usage (L-F594DE31)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.32xlarge for training job usage (L-79A1FE57)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1.32xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-36F422F7)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1n.32xlarge for cluster usage (L-82D4B920)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1n.32xlarge for endpoint usage (L-E3A0825E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1n.32xlarge for spot training job usage (L-068DB6B3)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1n.32xlarge for training job usage (L-BFB9CF17)
Quota for [sagemaker]: ml.trn1n.32xlarge for training warm pool usage (L-9037D736)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Number of elastic inference accelerators across active endpoints (L-07D0651D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Number of instances across active endpoints (L-7A3DF611)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Number of instances across all processing jobs (L-F311B08F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Number of instances across all spot training jobs (L-93958082)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Number of instances across all training jobs (L-00C91CB5)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Number of instances across all transform jobs (L-60D2A6F0)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.12xlarge instance (L-21962CDA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.18xlarge instance (L-21552510)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.24xlarge instance (L-1271DF32)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.2xlarge instance (L-8B9D0385)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.4xlarge instance (L-8733EEBD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.9xlarge instance (L-D205D3F0)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.large instance (L-6958265E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.c5.xlarge instance (L-F3F4F82A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.12xlarge instance (L-5392B59D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.16xlarge instance (L-144A2794)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.2xlarge instance (L-7FD92B01)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.4xlarge instance (L-A7B1AACC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.8xlarge instance (L-A9165189)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.xlarge instance (L-050981C0)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.12xlarge instance (L-4FC1E99C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.16xlarge instance (L-7B7E548F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.24xlarge instance (L-B7EB1FFD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.2xlarge instance (L-09249843)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.4xlarge instance (L-30ABD943)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.8xlarge instance (L-2BEE7665)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.large instance (L-BDDC56AF)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5.xlarge instance (L-8442D925)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.12xlarge instance (L-7F2FEE7C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.16xlarge instance (L-8101A535)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.24xlarge instance (L-00DAC655)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.2xlarge instance (L-DCD9DBD1)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.4xlarge instance (L-53138E1F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.8xlarge instance (L-2D4C4A2D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.large instance (L-B6744048)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.xlarge instance (L-A3C7A675)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.p3.16xlarge instance (L-C5A57F3A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.p3.2xlarge instance (L-ADBE66E5)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.p3.8xlarge instance (L-73887D5F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.p3dn.24xlarge instance (L-94B31A5D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.p4d.24xlarge instance (L-DCCEDB7D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.12xlarge instance (L-1C84ABBF)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.16xlarge instance (L-2B2789AA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.24xlarge instance (L-D2CAE1E9)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.2xlarge instance (L-751BCA3E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.4xlarge instance (L-005C1A21)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.8xlarge instance (L-F49350C0)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.large instance (L-FEEC5811)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.r5.xlarge instance (L-C720D775)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.t3.2xlarge instance (L-4755F613)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.t3.large instance (L-0FCBFBBD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.t3.medium instance (L-7A45086A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.t3.micro instance (L-E127AD95)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.t3.small instance (L-E833CC8B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RSessionGateway Apps running on ml.t3.xlarge instance (L-D7932DDD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RStudioServerPro Apps running on ml.c5.4xlarge instances (L-FEC35D99)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RStudioServerPro Apps running on ml.c5.9xlarge instances (L-D9E59670)
Quota for [sagemaker]: RStudioServerPro Apps running on system instances (L-B89C4B79)
Quota for [sagemaker]: SageMaker Profiler Apps running on system instances (L-73BEF3A2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Size of EBS volume for a training job instance (L-C5A266EB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.12xlarge instances (L-0A241A0D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.18xlarge instances (L-52109CA8)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.24xlarge instances (L-04F55E28)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.2xlarge instances (L-D8CDAD21)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.4xlarge instances (L-34757F79)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.9xlarge instances (L-1B353A48)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.large instances (L-C623FF97)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.c5.xlarge instances (L-20DF4E8E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g4dn.12xlarge instances (L-9694914A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g4dn.16xlarge instances (L-0FEC7BB1)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g4dn.2xlarge instances (L-EE75DBCF)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g4dn.4xlarge instances (L-A63CA0EB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g4dn.8xlarge instances (L-FE7F1F85)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g4dn.xlarge instances (L-98BFB21C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.12xlarge instances (L-55671A7C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.16xlarge instances (L-E3646D22)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.24xlarge instances (L-DA7C9B9C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.2xlarge instances (L-DF589F40)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.48xlarge instances (L-AA7135D4)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.4xlarge instances (L-F8AE8304)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.8xlarge instances (L-12798BAE)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.g5.xlarge instances (L-8C616CCB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.12xlarge instances (L-72C89816)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.16xlarge instances (L-9FB41A1C)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.24xlarge instances (L-26A7D02E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.2xlarge instances (L-3D2A1F33)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.4xlarge instances (L-FDB47EBF)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.8xlarge instances (L-18C64902)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.large instances (L-A0B632ED)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5.xlarge instances (L-EEA21C8A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.12xlarge instances (L-D1E4F16E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.16xlarge instances (L-87958880)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.24xlarge instances (L-D7ED8DED)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.2xlarge instances (L-86177F8A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.4xlarge instances (L-A4529C29)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.8xlarge instances (L-02134873)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.large instances (L-BA8ED5F7)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.m5d.xlarge instances (L-A31DE840)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.p3.16xlarge instances (L-09A41608)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.p3.2xlarge instances (L-1356CD75)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.p3.8xlarge instances (L-C4557679)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.p3dn.24xlarge instances (L-6B83CDAF)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.p4d.24xlarge instances (L-2557FB75)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.p4de.24xlarge instances (L-B9622553)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.12xlarge instances (L-90D2ED40)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.16xlarge instances (L-17CC37BB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.24xlarge instances (L-90ED9514)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.2xlarge instances (L-11D02DB4)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.4xlarge instances (L-1EC048AB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.8xlarge instances (L-58132C71)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.large instances (L-E8EAF30E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.r5.xlarge instances (L-33471349)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.t3.2xlarge instances (L-E5FD58AB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.t3.large instances (L-656A17FA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.t3.medium instances (L-FCEDEAC6)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio CodeEditor Apps running on ml.t3.xlarge instances (L-69AC3D57)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio Jupyter Apps running on system instances (L-8276C21E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.12xlarge instances (L-BF6C9DF0)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.18xlarge instances (L-ABAC207F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.24xlarge instances (L-98B8C60B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.2xlarge instances (L-C1AE5754)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.4xlarge instances (L-C0592240)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.9xlarge instances (L-8DE26E59)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.large instances (L-A6419EF6)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.c5.xlarge instances (L-BD09952F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g4dn.12xlarge instances (L-E3DFC4E9)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g4dn.16xlarge instances (L-5DB40C3B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g4dn.2xlarge instances (L-138F29A9)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g4dn.4xlarge instances (L-0DB30DD8)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g4dn.8xlarge instances (L-F59A72DA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g4dn.xlarge instances (L-39F81BFB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.12xlarge instances (L-8D2ED7BF)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.16xlarge instances (L-1B49FD35)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.24xlarge instances (L-F087CCFC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.2xlarge instances (L-F73C7DB9)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.48xlarge instances (L-83AB5D73)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.4xlarge instances (L-81940D85)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.8xlarge instances (L-19B6BAFC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.g5.xlarge instances (L-988CE6C5)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.12xlarge instances (L-0E2A8BBF)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.16xlarge instances (L-53505EA6)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.24xlarge instances (L-823F5794)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.2xlarge instances (L-7C9662F1)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.4xlarge instances (L-2CA31BFA)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.8xlarge instances (L-D6EBD1A9)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.large instances (L-3BDCD216)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5.xlarge instances (L-77B8159A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.12xlarge instances (L-EE718475)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.16xlarge instances (L-04421A63)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.24xlarge instances (L-EC686150)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.2xlarge instances (L-88244E2D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.4xlarge instances (L-30B99A16)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.8xlarge instances (L-3EF45BE2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.large instances (L-588F9D8D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.m5d.xlarge instances (L-9CE6464D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.p3.16xlarge instances (L-D531C9E1)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.p3.2xlarge instances (L-199FCA12)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.p3.8xlarge instances (L-D7D29FB6)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.p3dn.24xlarge instances (L-CC49F990)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.p4d.24xlarge instances (L-AD63F1D2)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.p4de.24xlarge instances (L-F6003AEB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.12xlarge instances (L-7ACB52C8)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.16xlarge instances (L-15ECE899)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.24xlarge instances (L-E157C95B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.2xlarge instances (L-EF33F9B9)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.4xlarge instances (L-391B02C7)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.8xlarge instances (L-FF40225D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.large instances (L-FC2BE3FC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.r5.xlarge instances (L-8A9BC23B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.t3.2xlarge instances (L-B039EA8F)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.t3.large instances (L-2733D4D5)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.t3.medium instances (L-71FAF417)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio JupyterLab Apps running on ml.t3.xlarge instances (L-61F9C762)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.12xlarge instance (L-C47C8B74)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.18xlarge instance (L-A4519BF1)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.24xlarge instance (L-CBCD290E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.2xlarge instance (L-A56EEC3D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.4xlarge instance (L-6C5791AF)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.9xlarge instance (L-9F2E8F67)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.large instance (L-1476E09A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.c5.xlarge instance (L-F2F8BB60)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.12xlarge instance (L-09D3DD58)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.16xlarge instance (L-D9B45548)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.2xlarge instance (L-E5775070)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.4xlarge instance (L-0E846ECD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.8xlarge instance (L-D267F635)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g4dn.xlarge instance (L-F3C955A3)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.12xlarge instance (L-037F309A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.16xlarge instance (L-E66E2C21)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.24xlarge instance (L-9D9F9978)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.2xlarge instance (L-4918D123)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.48xlarge instance (L-94E271A3)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.4xlarge instance (L-DCE2AE7E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.8xlarge instance (L-76D497CD)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.xlarge instance (L-60470224)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.12xlarge instance (L-9772863B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.16xlarge instance (L-7E95878B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.24xlarge instance (L-1DA9A185)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.2xlarge instance (L-D4D7435A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.4xlarge instance (L-0132CA88)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.8xlarge instance (L-19734703)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.large instance (L-22BC3627)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.xlarge instance (L-CD017EBE)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.12xlarge instance (L-BCDEC7B7)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.16xlarge instance (L-4F2BEC71)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.24xlarge instance (L-F43A1825)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.2xlarge instance (L-4A8D754D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.4xlarge instance (L-9F3B1F91)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.8xlarge instance (L-019DC79D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.large instance (L-32F895F6)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5d.xlarge instance (L-669A1EF3)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.p3.16xlarge instance (L-0DADC663)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.p3.2xlarge instance (L-9D41067A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.p3.8xlarge instance (L-D12B1AA4)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.p3dn.24xlarge instance (L-1CF85412)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.p4d.24xlarge instances (L-9760E62B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.p4de.24xlarge instances (L-9C7D809E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.12xlarge instance (L-EF2BF7DC)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.16xlarge instance (L-2524EF35)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.24xlarge instance (L-7FFAF4CB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.2xlarge instance (L-1747114E)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.4xlarge instance (L-D5D3B1E5)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.8xlarge instance (L-8536F2DB)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.large instance (L-59F3BE31)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.r5.xlarge instance (L-CC73B658)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.t3.2xlarge instance (L-5AF0D27D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.t3.large instance (L-8BD17C20)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.t3.medium instance (L-EAC6F82B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.t3.xlarge instance (L-3A44AF4B)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.trn1.2xlarge instances (L-97623E1D)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.trn1.32xlarge instances (L-433C561A)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.trn1n.32xlarge instances (L-35BBB2E3)
Quota for [sagemaker]: TensorBoard Apps running on system instances (L-6F947DE5)
numberQuota for [sagemaker]: Total domains (L-B683BCB0)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Total EBS volume size in GB across all Studio Spaces (L-A37B67B0)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Total number of instances allowed across SageMaker HyperPod clusters (L-3308CCC7)
Quota for [sagemaker]: Total number of notebook instances (L-04CE2E67)
Quota for [scheduler]: CreateSchedule request rate (L-6F4B17DE)
Quota for [scheduler]: CreateScheduleGroup request rate (L-21ED5C4A)
Quota for [scheduler]: DeleteSchedule request rate (L-53944E21)
Quota for [scheduler]: DeleteScheduleGroup request rate (L-4F80D7BE)
Quota for [scheduler]: GetSchedule request rate (L-FB03E819)
Quota for [scheduler]: GetScheduleGroup request rate (L-754C8BBA)
Quota for [scheduler]: Invocations throttle limit in transactions per second (L-F6D2596E)
Quota for [scheduler]: ListScheduleGroups request rate (L-03C881B9)
Quota for [scheduler]: ListSchedules request rate (L-66629D52)
Quota for [scheduler]: ListTagsForResource request rate (L-1DC60392)
Quota for [scheduler]: Number of schedule groups (L-A632CD40)
Quota for [scheduler]: Number of schedules (L-EE5D6FF0)
Quota for [scheduler]: TagResource request rate (L-E7A3E659)
Quota for [scheduler]: UntagResource request rate (L-44A0C1A0)
Quota for [scheduler]: UpdateSchedule request rate (L-B7845AAE)
Quota for [schemas]: DiscoveredSchemas (L-1738102F)
numberQuota for [schemas]: Discoverers (L-037FC7C4)
numberQuota for [schemas]: Registries (L-85663EFB)
numberQuota for [schemas]: Schemas (L-EE9E5FA9)
numberQuota for [schemas]: SchemaVersions (L-3C443A2A)
Quota for [scn]: Active and pending invitations (L-1DE0B7F6)
numberQuota for [scn]: Data requests (L-D6076B6C)
Quota for [scn]: Insights watchlists per instance (L-24B8CC9C)
Quota for [scn]: Insights watchlists per user (L-D7FA6849)
Quota for [sdb]: Attribute count per domain (L-E1EE132B)
numberQuota for [sdb]: Total Domains (L-7C4A3D89)
Quota for [serverlessrepo]: Public applications (L-38772E7B)
Quota for [servicecatalog]: Applications per attribute group (L-223F4C54)
Quota for [servicecatalog]: Applications per region (L-7C3CEC2B)
Quota for [servicecatalog]: Attribute groups per application (L-C533FF9A)
Quota for [servicecatalog]: Attribute groups per region (L-1639038A)
Quota for [servicecatalog]: Portfolios per region (L-C6458716)
Quota for [servicecatalog]: Product versions per product (L-A5846085)
Quota for [servicecatalog]: Products per portfolio (L-AB79E48B)
Quota for [servicecatalog]: Products per region (L-764CF6A1)
Quota for [servicecatalog]: Resources per application (L-360CDF2E)
Quota for [servicecatalog]: Users, groups, and roles per portfolio (L-E8959660)
Quota for [servicecatalog]: Users, groups, and roles per product (L-3BC91705)
numberQuota for [ses]: Sending quota (L-804C8AE8)
numberQuota for [ses]: Sending rate (L-CDEF9B6B)
Quota for [shield]: Amazon Route 53 hosted zone protections (L-DC974CBB)
Quota for [shield]: AWS Global Accelerator accelerator protections (L-E3D64430)
Quota for [shield]: CloudFront distribution protections (L-DA881E16)
Quota for [shield]: Elastic IP address protections (L-0BACF966)
Quota for [shield]: Elastic Load Balancing load balancer protections (L-BBD47253)
Quota for [signer]: Rate of AddProfilePermission requests (L-9A9396FB)
Quota for [signer]: Rate of CancelSigningProfile requests (L-4E20C20E)
Quota for [signer]: Rate of DescribeSigningJob requests (L-F86FBF89)
Quota for [signer]: Rate of GetRevocationStatus requests (L-7068EEE0)
Quota for [signer]: Rate of GetSigningPlatform requests (L-E9957E95)
Quota for [signer]: Rate of GetSigningProfile requests (L-C2AF6AB8)
Quota for [signer]: Rate of ListProfilePermissions requests (L-34D2D11C)
Quota for [signer]: Rate of ListSigningJobs requests (L-5DB503D1)
Quota for [signer]: Rate of ListSigningPlatforms requests (L-E1BE245B)
Quota for [signer]: Rate of ListSigningProfiles requests (L-A99B6F73)
Quota for [signer]: Rate of ListTagsForResource requests (L-4F2A443B)
Quota for [signer]: Rate of PutSigningProfile requests (L-FE97337F)
Quota for [signer]: Rate of RemoveProfilePermission requests (L-FEE4A855)
Quota for [signer]: Rate of RevokeSignature requests (L-107F88F0)
Quota for [signer]: Rate of RevokeSigningProfile requests (L-EBC45F16)
Quota for [signer]: Rate of SignPayload requests (L-C934DC82)
Quota for [signer]: Rate of StartSigningJob requests (L-6291E160)
Quota for [signer]: Rate of TagResource requests (L-7E38DDAF)
Quota for [signer]: Rate of UntagResource requests (L-47E1077B)
Quota for [simspaceweaver]: Simulation count (L-7688C21B)
Quota for [simspaceweaver]: Workers for a simulation (L-A8C6832C)
Quota for [sms]: Concurrent VM migrations (L-AFABDADD)
Quota for [sms]: Duration of service usage per VM in days (L-3290AB9E)
Quota for [snowball]: Snowball Edge devices (L-B6883B9F)
Quota for [snowball]: Snowcone devices (L-9F53AA61)
Quota for [sns]: ConfirmSubscription Transactions per Second (L-FF07E5EA)
Quota for [sns]: CreatePlatformApplication Transactions per Second (L-4738DDCE)
Quota for [sns]: CreatePlatformEndpoint Transactions per Second (L-E1E48E53)
Quota for [sns]: CreateTopic Transactions per Second (L-AB928142)
Quota for [sns]: DeleteEndpoint Transactions per Second (L-2FE42A3E)
Quota for [sns]: DeletePlatformApplication Transactions per Second (L-9D5EC8F7)
Quota for [sns]: DeleteTopic Transactions per Second (L-B98ECD3E)
Quota for [sns]: Filter Policies per Account (L-4126E74A)
Quota for [sns]: Filter Policies per Topic (L-B96EDA7D)
Quota for [sns]: GetEndpointAttributes Transactions per Second (L-038DA0E0)
Quota for [sns]: GetPlatformApplicationAttributes Transactions per Second (L-F35E8445)
Quota for [sns]: GetSubscriptionAttributes Transactions per Second (L-876E1222)
Quota for [sns]: GetTopicAttributes Transactions per Second (L-820458B0)
Quota for [sns]: Messages Published per Second (L-F8E2BA85)
Quota for [sns]: Pending Subscriptions per Account (L-1A43D3DB)
Quota for [sns]: SetEndpointAttributes Transactions per Second (L-4EE37BC0)
Quota for [sns]: SetPlatformApplicationAttributes Transactions per Second (L-A228E0EB)
Quota for [sns]: SetSubscriptionAttributes Transactions per Second (L-B6107771)
Quota for [sns]: SetTopicAttributes Transactions per Second (L-F514C636)
Quota for [sns]: SMS Message Spending in USD (L-BCD4AAF3)
numberQuota for [sns]: Topics per Account (L-61103206)
Quota for [sqs]: Batched Message Throughput for FIFO Queues (L-9C1AB20F)
Quota for [ssm]: Additional Automation executions that can be queued (L-67DAE0B3)
Quota for [ssm]: Additional rate control automation executions that can be queued (L-CE4D78FF)
Quota for [ssm]: Concurrent State Manager associations per region (L-01B74EDA)
Quota for [ssm]: Concurrently executing Automations (L-09101E66)
Quota for [ssm]: Concurrently executing rate control automation (L-44746CFE)
Quota for [ssm]: Concurrently running automations with blocking actions (L-9252FCD2)
Quota for [ssm-contacts]: AcceptPage API throttle quota (L-D35B01ED)
Quota for [ssm-contacts]: All other operations API throttle quota (L-53EDA07E)
Quota for [ssm-contacts]: Contact channels per stage (L-F338226A)
Quota for [ssm-contacts]: Contacts per account (L-7DD2017D)
Quota for [ssm-contacts]: DescribeEngagement API throttle quota (L-0C2999E2)
Quota for [ssm-contacts]: DescribePage API throttle quota (L-977ABCD7)
Quota for [ssm-contacts]: GetContact API throttle quota (L-E86843F5)
Quota for [ssm-contacts]: ListEngagements API throttle quota (L-8F6873DD)
Quota for [ssm-contacts]: ListPageReceipts API throttle quota (L-E25E885A)
Quota for [ssm-contacts]: ListPagesByContact API throttle quota (L-05EEDCEB)
Quota for [ssm-contacts]: ListPagesByEngagement API throttle quota (L-70D46058)
Quota for [ssm-contacts]: Non-mutating rotation-related API throttle quota (L-0ECD1CFA)
Quota for [ssm-contacts]: Non-mutating SSMContacts-related API throttle quota (L-DBEB7593)
Quota for [ssm-contacts]: Rotations per account (L-4EA3AB3A)
Quota for [ssm-contacts]: Stages per plan (L-5AE11799)
Quota for [ssm-contacts]: StartEngagement API throttle quota (L-254D300C)
Quota for [ssm-contacts]: StopEngagement API throttle quota (L-F890E288)
Quota for [ssm]: Custom inventory types (L-7FC1ECAB)
Quota for [ssm-guiconnect]: Concurrent Remote Desktop connections (L-64419857)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: All other operations requests per second (L-A175684D)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: CreateReplicationSet requests per second (L-A23D539A)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: CreateResponsePlan requests per second (L-8635B488)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: CreateTimelineEvent requests per second (L-BD3B3682)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: DeleteIncidentRecord requests per second (L-AB732CD0)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: DeleteReplicationSet requests per second (L-F7EACE1C)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: DeleteResourcePolicy requests per second (L-E7843AED)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: DeleteResponsePlan requests per second (L-B9CCDEDA)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: DeleteTimelineEvent requests per second (L-81058D72)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: GetTimelineEvent requests per second (L-CA5201AF)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: Incidents per response plan per month (L-65614EA3)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: ListTimelineEvent requests per second (L-51B6B2CA)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: PutResourcePolicy requests per second (L-8BD82D65)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: Related items per incident (L-A2627BB9)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: StartIncident requests per second (L-5964C1A6)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: TagResource requests per second (L-32C59404)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: Timeline events per incident (L-86E2D041)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: UntagResource requests per second (L-B94A3EEA)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: UpdateDeleteProtection requests per second (L-D9F668D1)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: UpdateIncidentRecord requests per second (L-A7E87765)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: UpdateRelatedItems requests per second (L-02FD30E2)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: UpdateReplicationSet requests per second (L-D6FEF05F)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: UpdateResponsePlan requests per second (L-A320D7D7)
Quota for [ssm-incidents]: UpdateTimelineEvent requests per second (L-0476E0C6)
Quota for [ssm]: Inventory data size per request (L-C666B4B8)
Quota for [ssm]: Inventory item data size per day (L-2E373755)
Quota for [ssm]: Maintenance Window concurrent executions (L-26BF3FE6)
numberQuota for [ssm]: Maintenance Windows (L-7727CE5B)
numberQuota for [ssm]: OpsItems per month (L-66C13439)
numberQuota for [ssm]: Patch baselines (L-218CDBD4)
Quota for [ssm]: Patch groups per patch baseline (L-F4012070)
Quota for [ssm-sap]: Components per SAP application (L-458E2EE3)
Quota for [ssm-sap]: Databases per component (L-5B34AA09)
Quota for [ssm-sap]: SAP applications per Region in account (L-C8103580)
Quota for [ssm]: Targets per Maintenance Window (L-B1A84B8B)
Quota for [ssm]: Tasks per Maintenance Window (L-3D9CCA6E)
numberQuota for [ssm]: Total OpsItems (L-2D95D5B2)
Quota for [ssm]: Transactions per second (TPS) for the StartAutomationExecution API (L-99469188)
Quota for [sso]: Number of permission sets allowed in IAM Identity Center (L-B44C7A29)
Quota for [sso]: Number of permission sets allowed per AWS account (L-89954265)
Quota for [sso]: Number of users supported in IAM Identity Center (L-3C8D41A0)
Quota for [sso]: Total number of AWS accounts or applications that can be configured (L-0299121C)
Quota for [states]: CreateActivity throttle token bucket size (L-D282C59F)
Quota for [states]: CreateActivity throttle token refill rate per second (L-5D565FF6)
Quota for [states]: CreateStateMachine throttle token bucket size (L-11731986)
Quota for [states]: CreateStateMachine throttle token refill rate per second (L-E6D39AA7)
Quota for [states]: DeleteActivity throttle token bucket size (L-809F4173)
Quota for [states]: DeleteActivity throttle token refill rate per second (L-623044A2)
Quota for [states]: DeleteStateMachine throttle token bucket size (L-FA23558C)
Quota for [states]: DeleteStateMachine throttle token refill rate per second (L-0169882E)
Quota for [states]: DescribeActivity throttle token bucket size (L-B581C5F3)
Quota for [states]: DescribeActivity throttle token refill rate per second (L-20F3BB5B)
Quota for [states]: DescribeExecution throttle token bucket size (L-A0B4DA4A)
Quota for [states]: DescribeExecution throttle token refill rate per second (L-4A5FADE3)
Quota for [states]: DescribeStateMachine throttle token bucket size (L-233C6A78)
Quota for [states]: DescribeStateMachine throttle token refill rate per second (L-718BBE49)
Quota for [states]: DescribeStateMachineForExecution throttle token bucket size (L-A3847D50)
Quota for [states]: DescribeStateMachineForExecution throttle token refill rate per second (L-0DC55683)
Quota for [states]: Execution history retention time (L-5AD63623)
Quota for [states]: GetActivityTask throttle token bucket size (L-631A2A16)
Quota for [states]: GetActivityTask throttle token refill rate per second (L-7DC9CADD)
Quota for [states]: GetExecutionHistory throttle token bucket size (L-F9699A68)
Quota for [states]: GetExecutionHistory throttle token refill rate per second (L-144D81B0)
Quota for [states]: ListActivities throttle token bucket size (L-0EE9C880)
Quota for [states]: ListActivities throttle token refill rate per second (L-818B33FC)
Quota for [states]: ListExecutions throttle token bucket size (L-7A4BEE15)
Quota for [states]: ListExecutions throttle token refill rate per second (L-1342F2DA)
Quota for [states]: ListStateMachines throttle token bucket size (L-29AE5D31)
Quota for [states]: ListStateMachines throttle token refill rate per second (L-9E82C0BD)
Quota for [states]: ListTagsForResource throttle token bucket size (L-6F348EF6)
Quota for [states]: ListTagsForResource throttle token refill rate per second (L-81549E4C)
numberQuota for [states]: Open executions (L-B8A5B662)
Quota for [states]: Registered activities (L-A9562A73)
Quota for [states]: Registered state machines (L-B66B0F91)
Quota for [states]: SendTaskFailure throttle token bucket size (L-CDF2E38B)
Quota for [states]: SendTaskFailure throttle token refill rate per second (L-91DFCA1B)
Quota for [states]: SendTaskHeartbeat throttle token bucket size (L-2786AC1A)
Quota for [states]: SendTaskHeartbeat throttle token refill rate per second (L-2225B7C3)
Quota for [states]: SendTaskSuccess throttle token bucket size (L-630CF084)
Quota for [states]: SendTaskSuccess throttle token refill rate per second (L-EACE83FA)
Quota for [states]: StartExecution throttle token bucket size (L-CE9F8059)
Quota for [states]: StartExecution throttle token refill rate per second (L-1B55A735)
Quota for [states]: StartExpressExecution throttle token bucket size (L-CFF7B006)
Quota for [states]: StartExpressExecution throttle token refill rate per second (L-7B8A8E4B)
Quota for [states]: StateTransition throttle token bucket size (L-137B3F65)
Quota for [states]: StateTransition throttle token refill rate per second (L-AD9B4E93)
Quota for [states]: StopExecution throttle token bucket size (L-31300AD4)
Quota for [states]: StopExecution throttle token refill rate per second (L-898DDD72)
Quota for [states]: Synchronous Express Workflows concurrent executions (L-6C9C5312)
Quota for [states]: TagResource throttle token bucket size (L-F965A8DF)
Quota for [states]: TagResource throttle token refill rate per second (L-C314E25C)
Quota for [states]: UntagResource throttle token bucket size (L-2C798E2E)
Quota for [states]: UntagResource throttle token refill rate per second (L-191B5A6B)
Quota for [states]: UpdateStateMachine throttle token bucket size (L-25C72657)
Quota for [states]: UpdateStateMachine throttle token refill rate per second (L-7B25D42D)
Quota for [swf]: CountClosedWorkflowExecutions throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-6B93B990)
Quota for [swf]: CountClosedWorkflowExecutions throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-11BEBC6E)
Quota for [swf]: CountOpenWorkflowExecutions throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-10FD2791)
Quota for [swf]: CountOpenWorkflowExecutions throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-613386B0)
Quota for [swf]: CountPendingActivityTasks throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-78ABDAF0)
Quota for [swf]: CountPendingActivityTasks throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-B80CE8BF)
Quota for [swf]: CountPendingDecisionTasks throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-C5FCA8F5)
Quota for [swf]: CountPendingDecisionTasks throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-7379A78A)
Quota for [swf]: DeprecateActivityType throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-E75077A8)
Quota for [swf]: DeprecateActivityType throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-D4B08332)
Quota for [swf]: DeprecateDomain throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-22059A3A)
Quota for [swf]: DeprecateDomain throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-91FA29FA)
Quota for [swf]: DeprecateWorkflowType throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-52452CEB)
Quota for [swf]: DeprecateWorkflowType throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-7CE7ADCD)
Quota for [swf]: DescribeActivityType throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-DE1A2EBB)
Quota for [swf]: DescribeActivityType throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-C6E6D788)
Quota for [swf]: DescribeDomain throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-07B00041)
Quota for [swf]: DescribeDomain throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-E2260636)
Quota for [swf]: DescribeWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-B6B07F5F)
Quota for [swf]: DescribeWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-1EB8BFAC)
Quota for [swf]: DescribeWorkflowType throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-67FCAFB0)
Quota for [swf]: DescribeWorkflowType throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-D699363F)
Quota for [swf]: GetWorkflowExecutionHistory throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-58183C51)
Quota for [swf]: GetWorkflowExecutionHistory throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-B61DF1D5)
Quota for [swf]: ListActivityTypes throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-708CA9CD)
Quota for [swf]: ListActivityTypes throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-8746B166)
Quota for [swf]: ListClosedWorkflowExecutions throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-82178AAF)
Quota for [swf]: ListClosedWorkflowExecutions throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-1B6B2394)
Quota for [swf]: ListDomains throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-FFE46A4B)
Quota for [swf]: ListDomains throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-6E67C23B)
Quota for [swf]: ListOpenWorkflowExecutions throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-7B042585)
Quota for [swf]: ListOpenWorkflowExecutions throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-54F7FCCE)
Quota for [swf]: ListTagsForResource throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-541D480C)
Quota for [swf]: ListTagsForResource throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-664871FC)
Quota for [swf]: ListWorkflowTypes throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-FBF3CE2F)
Quota for [swf]: ListWorkflowTypes throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-C0C38A8F)
Quota for [swf]: Open workflow executions per domain (L-6FACB0D5)
Quota for [swf]: PollForActivityTask throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-F5350037)
Quota for [swf]: PollForActivityTask throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-EABBD6AB)
Quota for [swf]: PollForDecisionTask throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-23ED90FD)
Quota for [swf]: PollForDecisionTask throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-DFCD38D8)
Quota for [swf]: RecordActivityTaskHeartbeat throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-CBE45CF4)
Quota for [swf]: RecordActivityTaskHeartbeat throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-D441B742)
Quota for [swf]: RegisterActivityType throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-85FB1745)
Quota for [swf]: RegisterActivityType throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-C943B086)
Quota for [swf]: RegisterDomain throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-9F857AB4)
Quota for [swf]: RegisterDomain throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-72A8322C)
numberQuota for [swf]: Registered domains (L-464CCB53)
Quota for [swf]: RegisterWorkflowType throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-11796F0D)
Quota for [swf]: RegisterWorkflowType throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-E73B63BD)
Quota for [swf]: RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-BC8E42D6)
Quota for [swf]: RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-967C6C00)
Quota for [swf]: RequestCancelWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-3E87B554)
Quota for [swf]: RequestCancelWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-889726A2)
Quota for [swf]: RespondActivityTaskCanceled throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-158C01C8)
Quota for [swf]: RespondActivityTaskCanceled throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-E3E6B073)
Quota for [swf]: RespondActivityTaskCompleted throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-B1B7886E)
Quota for [swf]: RespondActivityTaskCompleted throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-C96251D8)
Quota for [swf]: RespondActivityTaskFailed throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-6ACC4529)
Quota for [swf]: RespondActivityTaskFailed throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-9EB7B9D6)
Quota for [swf]: RespondDecisionTaskCompleted throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-1188DD51)
Quota for [swf]: RespondDecisionTaskCompleted throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-10B07C15)
Quota for [swf]: ScheduleActivityTask throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-9889E41A)
Quota for [swf]: ScheduleActivityTask throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-90F927AE)
Quota for [swf]: SignalExternalWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-E74A6FC5)
Quota for [swf]: SignalExternalWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-90E73253)
Quota for [swf]: SignalWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-125E0653)
Quota for [swf]: SignalWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-F649FC18)
Quota for [swf]: StartChildWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-BEE48758)
Quota for [swf]: StartChildWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-BE04F134)
Quota for [swf]: StartTimer throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-418A961F)
Quota for [swf]: StartTimer throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-A94186CB)
Quota for [swf]: StartWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-0F51A38F)
Quota for [swf]: StartWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-C2741471)
Quota for [swf]: TagResource throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-740FECBB)
Quota for [swf]: TagResource throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-CEE29E14)
Quota for [swf]: TerminateWorkflowExecution throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-420027E2)
Quota for [swf]: TerminateWorkflowExecution throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-28C5E3D9)
Quota for [swf]: UndeprecateActivityType throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-542E1377)
Quota for [swf]: UndeprecateActivityType throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-522BE746)
Quota for [swf]: UndeprecateDomain throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-B59DD71F)
Quota for [swf]: UndeprecateDomain throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-45E4DED8)
Quota for [swf]: UndeprecateWorkflowType throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-3E1AC395)
Quota for [swf]: UndeprecateWorkflowType throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-23555C14)
Quota for [swf]: UntagResource throttle burst limit in transactions per second (L-778DA924)
Quota for [swf]: UntagResource throttle refill limit in transactions per second (L-C0F4576E)
Quota for [swf]: Workflow and activity types per domain (L-52C0BE72)
Quota for [swf]: Workflow execution idle time (L-1026A51B)
Quota for [swf]: Workflow retention time (L-DC76BFDB)
Quota for [textract]: AnalyzeDocument throttle limit in transactions per second (L-B83AD6FF)
Quota for [textract]: AnalyzeExpense throttle limit in transactions per second (L-80A81B07)
Quota for [textract]: AnalyzeID throttle limit in transactions per second (L-7C2E8C8C)
Quota for [textract]: Async DocumentAnalysis throttle limit for max number of concurrent jobs (L-5CF3B0DF)
Quota for [textract]: Async DocumentTextDetection throttle limit for max number of concurrent jobs (L-5B33D1C3)
Quota for [textract]: Async ExpenseAnalysis throttle limit for max number of concurrent jobs (L-25F2C897)
Quota for [textract]: Async LendingAnalysis throttle limit for max number of concurrent jobs (L-CFEC0789)
Quota for [textract]: CreateAdapter throttle limit for max number of adapters per account (L-C9EC1D79)
Quota for [textract]: CreateAdapterVersion throttle limit for max number of in-progress adapter versions per account (L-E6985921)
Quota for [textract]: CreateAdapterVersion throttle limit for max number of new successful adapter versions per month (L-90151521)
Quota for [textract]: DetectDocumentText throttle limit in transactions per second (L-75788A8B)
Quota for [textract]: GetDocumentAnalysis throttle limit in transactions per second (L-9ACAE5E4)
Quota for [textract]: GetDocumentTextDetection throttle limit in transactions per second (L-94C8FE3F)
Quota for [textract]: GetExpenseAnalysis throttle limit in transactions per second (L-FA2C35B5)
Quota for [textract]: GetLendingAnalysis throttle limit in transactions per second (L-78993479)
Quota for [textract]: GetLendingAnalysisSummary throttle limit in transactions per second (L-4CDADAE4)
Quota for [textract]: StartDocumentAnalysis throttle limit in transactions per second (L-5E3A5D59)
Quota for [textract]: StartDocumentTextDetection throttle limit in transactions per second (L-AE9E2453)
Quota for [textract]: StartExpenseAnalysis throttle limit in transactions per second (L-E31D91C2)
Quota for [textract]: StartLendingAnalysis throttle limit in transactions per second (L-FF9CE2BA)
Quota for [tnb]: Concurrent ongoing network service operations (L-81A3E723)
numberQuota for [tnb]: Function packages (L-08069DBD)
numberQuota for [tnb]: Network packages (L-3328748B)
Quota for [tnb]: Network service instances (L-C92FB107)
Quota for [transcribe]: Job queue bandwidth ratio (L-949A4206)
Quota for [transcribe]: Maximum number of categories for Call Analytics batch jobs (L-E3EBEDF2)
Quota for [transcribe]: Maximum number of categories for Call Analytics batch jobs_L-E9626652 (L-E9626652)
Quota for [transcribe]: Maximum number of rules per category for Call Analytics batch jobs (L-C3ED0F9A)
Quota for [transcribe]: Maximum number of rules per category for Call Analytics batch jobs_L-2E269322 (L-2E269322)
Quota for [transcribe]: Maximum number of targets allowed per category for Call Analytics batch jobs (L-3445E3CD)
numberQuota for [transcribe]: Maximum number of targets allowed per category for Call Analytics batch jobs_L-3533BA28 (L-3533BA28)
Quota for [transcribe]: Number of channels for channel identification (L-67DA1F8F)
Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrent batch transcription jobs (L-6F7AB1C9)
Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrent Call Analytics batch jobs (L-0976024B)
Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrent Call Analytics batch jobs_L-48FC5F8A (L-48FC5F8A)
Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrent HTTP/2 streams for streaming transcription. (L-CDB96031)
Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrent medical batch transcription jobs (L-0183037A)
Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrent medical batch transcription jobs_L-63F366BB (L-63F366BB)
Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrent 'MedicalScribe' batch jobs (L-C8D4E7C4)
Quota for [transcribe]: Number of concurrently training custom language models (L-E0D2ADDE)
Quota for [transcribe]: Number of pending medical vocabularies (L-340B75E2)
Quota for [transcribe]: Number of pending medical vocabularies_L-836A857F (L-836A857F)
Quota for [transcribe]: Number of pending vocabularies (L-A51A98B4)
Quota for [transcribe]: Number of StartMedicalStreamTranscription Websocket requests (L-0C60E99C)
Quota for [transcribe]: Number of StartMedicalStreamTranscription Websocket requests_L-0FB6DE48 (L-0FB6DE48)
Quota for [transcribe]: Number of StartStreamTranscription Websocket requests (L-A9710EC8)
numberQuota for [transcribe]: The number of concurrent 'StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscription' HTTP/2 streaming requests. (L-72BA37C9)
Quota for [transcribe]: The number of concurrent 'StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscription' HTTP/2 streaming requests._L-128229BB (L-128229BB)
Quota for [transcribe]: Total number of custom language models per account (L-9190489D)
Quota for [transcribe]: Total number of medical vocabularies per account (L-8EF21937)
Quota for [transcribe]: Total number of medical vocabularies per account_L-79BBEFC1 (L-79BBEFC1)
Quota for [transcribe]: Total number of vocabularies per account (L-3278D334)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, CreateCallAnalyticsCategory operation (L-B32D80CD)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, CreateCallAnalyticsCategory operation_L-020BD1D2 (L-020BD1D2)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, CreateVocabulary operation (L-23CCF526)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteCallAnalyticsCategory operation (L-AEECB49A)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteCallAnalyticsCategory operation_L-40CC32CD (L-40CC32CD)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteCallAnalyticsJob operation (L-4FA92C98)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteCallAnalyticsJob operation_L-E9D8884B (L-E9D8884B)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, 'DeleteMedicalScribeJob' operation (L-3C33F5F4)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteMedicalTranscriptionJob operation (L-29A2FDAD)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteMedicalTranscriptionJob operation_L-AAFCE0A3 (L-AAFCE0A3)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteMedicalVocabulary operation (L-ED89E5C0)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteMedicalVocabulary operation_L-50B57C16 (L-50B57C16)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteTranscriptionJob operation (L-CECDF303)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, DeleteVocabulary operation (L-F0847210)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetCallAnalyticsCategory operation (L-29C417EC)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetCallAnalyticsCategory operation_L-A07285C7 (L-A07285C7)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetCallAnalyticsJob operation (L-0E6A6411)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetCallAnalyticsJob operation_L-2F86860B (L-2F86860B)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, 'GetMedicalScribeJob' operation (L-DD4D5E02)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetMedicalTranscriptionJob operation (L-54F3FD91)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetMedicalTranscriptionJob operation_L-A99534C1 (L-A99534C1)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetMedicalVocabulary operation (L-467D3ED0)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetMedicalVocabulary operation_L-16E31C23 (L-16E31C23)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetTranscriptionJob operation (L-79130216)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, GetVocabulary operation (L-B8E3E4A0)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListCallAnalyticsCategories operation (L-AED2C08C)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListCallAnalyticsCategories operation_L-B4737A9F (L-B4737A9F)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListCallAnalyticsJobs operation (L-8DB4434C)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListCallAnalyticsJobs operation_L-93564E36 (L-93564E36)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, 'ListMedicalScribeJobs' operation (L-BFDCFAB5)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListMedicalTranscriptionJobs operation (L-3FDF559D)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListMedicalTranscriptionJobs operation_L-2D4ED180 (L-2D4ED180)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListMedicalVocabularies operation (L-D2C499F9)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListMedicalVocabularies operation_L-580FD495 (L-580FD495)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListTranscriptionJobs operation (L-612AD79E)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, ListVocabularies operation (L-B46C0D84)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, StartCallAnalyticsJob operation (L-9D95450F)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, StartCallAnalyticsJob operation_L-4B321684 (L-4B321684)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscription operation (L-033E2344)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscription operation_L-EF81BED4 (L-EF81BED4)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscription Websocket operation (L-E32052E9)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscription Websocket operation_L-A0A9F543 (L-A0A9F543)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, 'StartMedicalScribeJob' operation (L-0806BF9E)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, StartMedicalStreamTranscription operation (L-899A1357)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, StartMedicalStreamTranscription operation_L-A3F1B3F5 (L-A3F1B3F5)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, StartMedicalTranscriptionJob operation (L-825D9BA6)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, StartMedicalTranscriptionJob operation_L-BF30671E (L-BF30671E)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, StartStreamTranscription operation (L-B8122269)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, StartTranscriptionJob operation (L-6F37B9E3)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, UpdateCallAnalyticsCategory operation (L-F4971247)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, UpdateCallAnalyticsCategory operation_L-B24B8474 (L-B24B8474)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, UpdateMedicalVocabulary operation (L-B69CB5AC)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, UpdateMedicalVocabulary operation_L-765784F2 (L-765784F2)
Quota for [transcribe]: Transactions per second, UpdateVocabulary operation (L-C20201ED)
Quota for [transfer]: Agreements per server (L-C08739CA)
Quota for [transfer]: Certificates per account (L-C0FDC60E)
Quota for [transfer]: Connectors per account (L-A6509B77)
Quota for [transfer]: Maximum inbound AS2 message size (L-1B36ED13)
Quota for [transfer]: Maximum number of AD Groups for access (L-843894CE)
Quota for [transfer]: Maximum outbound AS2 message size (L-9A414140)
Quota for [transfer]: Number of Service Managed users per server (L-101C3D29)
Quota for [transfer]: Profiles per account (L-858EB316)
Quota for [transfer]: Rate of StartFileTransfer requests per connector (L-19FB5D1F)
Quota for [transfer]: Servers per account (L-6E386A05)
Quota for [transfer]: SSH keys per Service Managed user (L-90797EDA)
Quota for [transfer]: Workflows per account (L-8A2575E3)
Quota for [translate]: Concurrent batch translation jobs (L-10DB0BCF)
Quota for [translate]: Custom terminology files (L-4011ABD8)
Quota for [translate]: Parallel data resources (L-2B2DC880)
Quota for [vendor-insights]: Daily snapshots per security profile (L-F1F2AAFB)
Quota for [vendor-insights]: Data sources per account (L-A1493543)
Quota for [vendor-insights]: Data sources per security profile (L-1922DB2F)
Quota for [vendor-insights]: Security profiles per account (L-5ED1D22F)
Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: BatchIsAuthorized requests per second per Region per account (L-9DB5CAA4)
Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: CreatePolicy requests per second per Region per account (L-9647C866)
Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: CreatePolicyTemplate requests per second per Region per account (L-8D5CB09F)
Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: DeletePolicy requests per second per Region per account (L-F81CF58F)
Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: DeletePolicyTemplate requests per second per Region per account (L-5CA93A13)
Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: GetPolicy requests per second per Region per account (L-C9736881)
Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: GetPolicyStore requests per second per Region per account (L-E1924570)
Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: GetPolicyTemplate requests per second per Region per account (L-D82415D2)
Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: GetSchema requests per second per Region per account (L-B49B9779)
Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: IsAuthorized requests per second per Region per account (L-771544C7)
Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: IsAuthorizedWithToken requests per second per Region per account (L-645D3857)
Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: ListPolicies requests per second per Region per account (L-4E0E8AFD)
Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: ListPolicyStores requests per second per Region per account (L-271BE7E8)
Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: ListPolicyTemplates requests per second per Region per account (L-70239429)
Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: Policy stores per Region per account (L-919F2C9C)
Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: Policy templates per policy store (L-97BDA0CF)
Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: PutSchema requests per second per Region per account (L-886D79EB)
Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: UpdatePolicy requests per second per Region per account (L-2AFF096D)
Quota for [verifiedpermissions]: UpdatePolicyTemplate requests per second per Region per account (L-DC54B663)
Quota for [vmimportexport]: Concurrent task limit for ImportImage, ImportSnapshot, and ExportImage (L-66ABAAD5)
numberQuota for [vmimportexport]: Concurrent task limit for ImportInstance, ImportVolume, and CreateInstanceExportTask (L-0994E50B)
Quota for [voiceid]: Active fraudster registration jobs per domain (L-38B73369)
Quota for [voiceid]: Active speaker enrollment jobs per domain (L-55441DAB)
Quota for [voiceid]: Active streaming sessions per domain (L-F4849009)
Quota for [voiceid]: Domains per region (L-CF9F1A9B)
Quota for [voiceid]: Fraudster registration requests per fraudster registration job (L-429DC46D)
Quota for [voiceid]: Fraudsters per watchlist (L-6DD2993B)
Quota for [voiceid]: Speaker enrollment requests per speaker enrollment job (L-9EB99B73)
Quota for [voiceid]: Speakers per domain (L-65FE7850)
Quota for [voiceid]: Watchlists per domain (L-3790424B)
Quota for [vpc]: Active VPC peering connections per VPC (L-7E9ECCDB)
Quota for [vpc]: Egress-only internet gateways per Region (L-45FE3B85)
Quota for [vpc]: Elastic IP address quota per NAT gateway (L-5F53652F)
Quota for [vpc]: Gateway VPC endpoints per Region (L-1B52E74A)
Quota for [vpc]: Inbound or outbound rules per security group (L-0EA8095F)
Quota for [vpc]: Interface VPC endpoints per VPC (L-29B6F2EB)
Quota for [vpc]: Internet gateways per Region (L-A4707A72)
Quota for [vpc]: IPv4 CIDR blocks per VPC (L-83CA0A9D)
Quota for [vpc]: IPv6 CIDR blocks per VPC (L-085A6257)
Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Listeners per service (L-D64E952E)
Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Rules per listener (L-CF78395E)
Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Service associations per service network (L-75D4A19E)
Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Service networks per region (L-9CAD07FB)
Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Services per region (L-620C821E)
Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Target groups per region (L-BB11C6B9)
Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Target groups per service (L-3DEC3B9F)
Quota for [vpc-lattice]: Targets per target group (L-D71303F3)
Quota for [vpc-lattice]: VPC associations per service network (L-EF6E2D62)
Quota for [vpc]: NAT gateways per Availability Zone (L-FE5A380F)
numberQuota for [vpc]: Network ACLs per VPC (L-B4A6D682)
Quota for [vpc]: Network Address Usage (L-BB24F6E5)
Quota for [vpc]: Network interfaces per Region (L-DF5E4CA3)
Quota for [vpc]: Outstanding VPC peering connection requests (L-DC9F7029)
Quota for [vpc]: Participant accounts per VPC (L-2C462E13)
Quota for [vpc]: Peered Network Address Usage (L-CD17FD4B)
Quota for [vpc]: Private IP address quota per NAT gateway (L-DFA99DE7)
numberQuota for [vpc]: Route tables per VPC (L-589F43AA)
Quota for [vpc]: Routes per route table (L-93826ACB)
Quota for [vpc]: Rules per network ACL (L-2AEEBF1A)
Quota for [vpc]: Security groups per network interface (L-2AFB9258)
numberQuota for [vpc]: Subnets per VPC (L-407747CB)
Quota for [vpc]: Subnets that can be shared with an account (L-44499CD2)
Quota for [vpc]: VPC security groups per Region (L-E79EC296)
numberQuota for [vpc]: VPCs per Region (L-F678F1CE)
numberQuota for [waf]: Rate-based rules (L-002637B8)
Quota for [waf-regional]: Rate-based rules (L-6DA23DDF)
Quota for [waf-regional]: Rate of requests (L-28FAE46F)
numberQuota for [waf-regional]: Rules (L-7BF8015E)
numberQuota for [waf-regional]: Web ACLs (L-55785BA2)
Quota for [waf]: Requests per second per distribution by WebACL (L-A696B8FB)
numberQuota for [waf]: Rules (L-1A78A466)
numberQuota for [waf]: Web ACLs (L-FECDE520)
Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of custom request headers per web ACL or rule group for CloudFront (L-3A878263)
Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of custom request headers per web ACL or rule group for regional (L-2D9CB303)
Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of custom response bodies per web ACL or rule group for CloudFront (L-F7AF7D03)
Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of custom response bodies per web ACL or rule group for regional (L-71C2E81B)
Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of custom response headers per web ACL or rule group for CloudFront (L-C4A384E0)
Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of custom response headers per web ACL or rule group for regional (L-E4E414A8)
Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of requests per second per web ACL for CloudFront (L-FE21FEF6)
Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum number of requests per second per web ACL for regional (L-A85235F6)
Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum rule groups per account in WAF for CloudFront (L-9E2A3B2D)
Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum rule groups per account in WAF for regional (L-C5BCD850)
Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum web ACLs per account in WAF for CloudFront (L-24189897)
Quota for [wafv2]: Maximum web ACLs per account in WAF for regional (L-2EC3DE7B)
Quota for [wafv2]: Number of CloudWatch Logs log streams per web ACL for CloudFront (L-7BED657D)
Quota for [wafv2]: Number of CloudWatch Logs log streams per web ACL for regional (L-0C8E1D79)
Quota for [wafv2]: Number of token domains per web ACL for CloudFront (L-85B5BC49)
Quota for [wafv2]: Number of token domains per web ACL for regional (L-11D00F38)
Quota for [wam]: Application assignments per user (L-23A8EFD3)
Quota for [wam]: User/WorkSpace or group assignments per application (L-0EFAA13E)
Quota for [workspaces]: Graphics.g4dn WorkSpaces (L-BCACAEBC)
Quota for [workspaces]: GraphicsPro.g4dn WorkSpaces (L-BE9A8466)
Quota for [workspaces]: GraphicsPro WorkSpaces (L-254B485B)
numberQuota for [workspaces]: Images (L-18CE281C)
Quota for [workspaces]: Standby WorkSpaces (L-9A67B5CB)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of BrowserSettings (L-36965BD1)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of Certificates per TrustStore (L-B30615E2)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of IdentityProviders per Portal (L-DFC864EF)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of IpAccessSettings (L-78A0B046)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of Maximum Concurrent Sessions per Portal (L-4120496C)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of NetworkSettings (L-787608AB)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of TrustStores (L-3A76276F)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of UserAccessLoggingSettings (L-8BD59015)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of UserSettings (L-3A62D5A9)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Number of Web Portals (L-149BA3AD)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of AssociateBrowserSettings requests (L-A3E92E82)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of AssociateIpAccessSettings requests (L-E1E0B653)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of AssociateNetworkSettings requests (L-43C1B6E6)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of AssociateTrustStore requests (L-0BC76D3C)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of AssociateUserAccessLoggingSettings requests (L-6F4DA997)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of AssociateUserSettings requests (L-ED7C8CD0)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreateBrowserSettings requests (L-C8E73DC8)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreateIdentityProvider requests (L-6E3C18D8)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreateIpAccessSettings requests (L-14261565)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreateNetworkSettings requests (L-BB21B00F)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreatePortal requests (L-D5EA059F)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreateTrustStore requests (L-F31E6456)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreateUserAccessLoggingSettings requests (L-57EB3A5C)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of CreateUserSettings requests (L-079D6D1A)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeleteBrowserSettings requests (L-362C3C84)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeleteIdentityProvider requests (L-5046A0A4)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeleteIpAccessSettings requests (L-3B5144ED)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeleteNetworkSettings requests (L-184EBD82)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeletePortal requests (L-8BF44F8E)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeleteTrustStore requests (L-438EBE87)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeleteUserAccessLoggingSettings requests (L-58202D8F)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DeleteUserSettings requests (L-2C7C0AF1)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DisassociateBrowserSettings requests (L-1DB47EFF)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DisassociateIpAccessSettings requests (L-EC36A4C6)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DisassociateNetworkSettings requests (L-77E95BD0)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DisassociateTrustStore requests (L-49DD0E62)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DisassociateUserAccessLoggingSettings requests (L-8E8025D8)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of DisassociateUserSettings requests (L-F64575FC)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of GetBrowserSettings requests (L-00C34477)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of GetIdentityProvider requests (L-D9ADFC33)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of GetIpAccessSettings requests (L-A7E91E5C)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of GetNetworkSettings requests (L-E81A7683)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of GetPortal requests (L-322B0066)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of GetUserAccessLoggingSettings requests (L-E207534D)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of GetUserSettings requests (L-0F222D02)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListBrowserSettings requests (L-02CFB9A1)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListIdentityProviders requests (L-91742F30)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListIpAccessSettings requests (L-E91D6E7E)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListNetworkSettings requests (L-79EC01E1)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListPortals requests (L-095DE697)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListTagsForResource requests (L-1A51C3EA)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListTrustStoreCertificates requests (L-AE820403)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListTrustStores requests (L-75BD2FF5)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListUserAccessLoggingSettings requests (L-DCB5C13E)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of ListUserSettings requests (L-90048709)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of TagResource requests (L-86380CED)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UntagResource requests (L-94E642D1)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdateBrowserSettings requests (L-48CA0EC9)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdateIdentityProvider requests (L-1E9BCE97)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdateIpAccessSettings requests (L-ED73BCDC)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdateNetworkSettings requests (L-1F25669B)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdatePortal requests (L-885A84B6)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdateTrustStore requests (L-955BBE3B)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdateUserAccessLoggingSettings requests (L-6D75560B)
Quota for [workspaces-web]: Rate of UpdateUserSettings requests (L-133AFA92)
numberQuota for [workspaces]: WorkSpaces (L-34278094)
Quota for [xray]: Custom sampling rules per region (L-8C0C998A)